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TT Sa resrcope 01238020 — ] FORM TP 2019025 JANUARY 2m19 CARIBBEAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL CARIBBEAN SECONDARY EDUCATION CERTIFICATE* EXAMINATION PHYSICS Paper 02 ~ General Proficiency 2D howrs 40 mains READ THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY, 1, ‘This paper consists of SLX questions in TWO sections, Answer ALL questions, Write your answers in the spaces provided in this booklet. 3. De NOP write inthe mangios. 4. Where appropriate, ALL WORKING MUS BE SHOWN in this booklet, 5. Youmay usea silent, nan-progrumanatble calculator to answer questo, but you should ste that the use of an inappropeiate oumber of figures in answers will be penabized 4. yes meed to rewrite any answer and shere is nat enough space to dr s0-an the original page, you must axe the extra lined page(s} provided at the back af this booklet Remember in draw a line through your original answer. 7 Ifyou use the extea page(s) you MUST write the question number clenely ka the box provided at the top af the extra page(s) and, where relevant, include the question part beside the amwer. DO NOT TURN THIS PAGE UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO D080. TH as Fen So Sige "Tarcede Area Lites | RES | 4s SECTION A Answer ALL questions. 5 4. A.gtoup of students investigated the relationship between the eleetrie pawer produced and the flow rate of water, which is chanselled throagh a turbine, ‘Table 1 shows the recorded results of electric pawer (PYW and the flow rate (FWem's ‘TABLE 1: RESULTS. Hlectrie Power, PW | Flow Rute,Fiem's' | (Flaw Ratey', Fem" sy) an 0,00, 00 Bo 0 BS 034 3s 0.39 $10 nas 40 bas 70 a9 (5) Caleulate the CUBE of the flow rate resdings, PY rounded to two decimal places, to ‘complete Table 1 (6) Gm page S, plot a graph of electric pawer, PW, vermus (Flow Rate)’, FiKem! | 1238020 ANUARY 2019 Sequential Bar Code GOON TO THE NEXT (6 maurks) (7 marks) Figure 1. Graph of P against F GOON TO THE NEXT PAGE | ‘012302 MANUARY 2019 r fe) Caleulate the gradient of the grup. (marks) (4) Use the grapih to estimate the electric power produced ifthe flow rate, F, is 0.22 em! = fe) Use your result from Part () to calculate the electrical energy, in joules, produced in 3004. Gmarks) GO ON TO-THE NEXT PAGE (123802NANUARY 2019 ea ce Sequential Bar Code _/ ote 7 (6) Todetermine the fw rate, the students used 2 stopwatch and measuring cylinder, Stale ‘TWO precautions which the students may have taken +0 ensure that the Frw rate was aaceurately determined. (g) Slate the major energy conversion taking place in the turbine. 012380200 ANUARY 2019 GOON TO THE NEXT PAGE Sequersial Bar Code =| r * 7 2% fa) State the factor on which EACH of the following characteristies of saund depends i) Pitch 6) Lowdess eee EEE art) A-sound wave completes three cycles in 4 ms, Calculate its frequency. (4 marks) GOON TO-THE NEXT PAGE 12380200 ANUARY 2019 Ta re [EE Scquential Bar Code ol r oo 7] fe) Figure 2 shows the side AH of a rectangular ylass black and CD whieh is the noamal at the pice 0 Ate prenaoe to D Pigure 2. Glass black, 4G) Om Figure 2, draw the path taken by a cy of light which meets the glass-air boundary of the point Oat an angle of incidence equal ts the exitical angle. Label the incident ray, the critical angle and dhe refructed ay (pails taken by the sy), {3 marks) (i) The glass block has a refractive index af 1.5, Determine the value of the eritical angle af the glass, 4-marks) GOON TO THENENT PAGE 12380200 ANUARY 2019 me Tareas Aaa" Sequel a Coe _| r “ 7 Gil) The my of light now meets the glass—sir boundary ot the paine © at an angle ef incidence greater than the ertical angle. Cn Figure 3, draw a diagram to show the: new pati taken hy the my of light Figure Glass black, marks) ‘Total 15 marks GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE OLMELANUARY 2019 rea L" ae | r “ 7 3. (a) )_—_State che law af conservation af enexpy. — EEE SS es (ii) A goaliseper drops a football of mass 1.43 kg vertically downwards from rest st twheight of 1-5 m. ‘Calculate the velocity of the ball as it makes comtact with the ground. (Assume air resistance or wind is present.) [Accelemtion due ta gravity, g =10 ms") 4 marksy tb) G)— Define the term ‘force’. (1 mark) GOON TO THE NEXT PAGE 1238020 ANUABY 2019 evade Aa Sequential Bar Code _| r 7 (li) Many types of forces are applied in vnrious situations ‘Complete ‘Table hy inserting the appropriate types of forces and examples. TABLE t: TYPES OF FORCES AND EXAMPLES OF WHERE THE FORCES ARE EXPERIENCED Type of Farce Example of Whexe the Pore: ls Experemeed ‘Asatelite falling in the earth's timoxphere ‘Nuclear | When o rubbed com picks up a small piece of paper Magnetic (4 marks) GOON To THE NEXT PAGE ‘12302 0UANUARY 2019 me" Tarende Area EE Sequel ar Code =<} r alte 7] (©) A-clase of Physics students conducted a Scheol-Hased Assessment on the relationship. between force (F) and extension (e) for a mubber band ‘One ofthe graups produced the following graph from the resalts i) (iin HN fem Figure 4, Graph of Force (F) against extension (e) State the mathematical relationship between force and extension in the segment GOON TO THE NEXT PAGE O123842ANUABY 2019 aT Sequential Bax Cade r zs 7 SECTION Answer ALL questions, 4 (a) )—_Exploin what is meant hy the term ‘the specific latent hest of vaporizatian of water’, (3 marks) (i) Calculate the heat eneryy required 10 convest 8 ky of water at 100*C to steam at 100°C (Specific Intent heat of vaporization of water / 1, ~2 340 000 Jk") «3 marks) tb) Define the pressare law, marks) GOON TO-THE NEXT PAGE 1238020 ANUABY 2019 ea Ee Sequential Bar Code _| r “ 7 4G) The intial pressure ofa sample wf gusis 3 Pa, the final pressure is # Pa, while its volame remains unchanged If the initial temnperacare of the gas was 27 =C. calculate the final temperature of ‘the gas, {6 marks) ‘Total 18 marks GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, N123B20UANUARY 2019 oy Sequential Bar Care _l r a 1 5. House wiring circuits contwin flises and earth wites. Appliances are connected to these circuits in parallel, » @ GOON TO THE NEXT PAGE (1238020UANUABY 2019 "arcade Nrea"™™ i Sequential ar Code _| r “ 7 Ji pada 10 ao||-|| {_—_}—— iw in wi 2 LI shyt Cut nya Use the circuit diagram in Figure $ tw determine seman Sequential Bar Code _ ola. (ii) the TOTAL cusvent in the eireuit (2 marks) (lif) Which fase, a 2A fuse, a 3A fuse or a 4A fuse, is the mast suitable 00 ese in the circuit shown in Figure 5? pave 019 (0 mark ‘Total 18 marks GOON TO THE NEXT PAGE me" Harcads Mea Sequential Bar Code | r “ 219 5 (a) Complete Table Sbelow to show the properties ofthe THREE rypesf radicactive emissions, TABLE 3: PROPERTIES OF RADIOACTIVE EMISSIONS Type of Radloative Emission Charge Vontalng Abiaty Gammalt (hb) Complete the following muclear equations. w iy 12380205 ANUARY 2009 (marks) (4marksy GOON TO THE NEXT PAGE Tr Treads Aaa Sequertial Bar Cade | -20- 5 (©) Amdicactive sample had an initial count of 1000 as measured oa a Geiger-Mllller counier, ‘After 15 hours, the count mate was 250, Caloulate the half-life of the sample. END OP TEST sSmarks) ‘Votal 18 marks IP YOU FINISH BEFORE TIME IS CALLED, CHECK YOUR WORK ON THIS TEST. mr Tareods Area Sequerstial Bar Code 012380200 ANUARY ai T SQ. rest cone 01238032] FORM TP 2019026 JANUARY 2010 CARIBBEAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL CARIBBEAN SECONDARY EDUCATION CERTIFICATE® EXAMINATION PHYSICS Paper 032 — General Prafciency Alternative 10 SBA P Rowes 10 minutes READ THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY, 1 This paper consists of THREE questions. Answer ALL. questions 2 Nhhite your niswers im the spaces provided im this hooked 3. Do.NCFT wre in the margins 4 Where appropriate, ALL WORKING MUST HE S310WN in this booklet: $-Youmay use a silent, non-pragrammahle calculuterto answer questions, hut you should note that the nse of an inappropriate number of figures in answers will be penalized 6 f-you need to rewrite any answer and there is:not enough space to da so on the ariginal page, ysru rust use the extra Lined payetsy provided ut he back of thls hooklei, Remember to draw a line throwgh sour arfglaal answers. 7. Ayn use the exira page(s) you MUST write the questing number elearty in the box proved! ai the top of the extra puge(s} and. whese relevant, include the question part beside the answer. DO NOP TURN THIS PAGE UNTIL VOU ARE TOLD To DO So, Capyiigh ©2018 Caniiiean Examinations Cowal ‘All rights reserved. "*" arcade Area *” [ibiniansncaraein ee _| r “ 1 Amswer ALL questions In chis experiment you are required to investigate the relationship between the length, nd the period, T, of a pendskum ‘You are provided with the appararas shown in Figure t below, The pendulum is .7$ en imlengeh, — Resort stant sitriag- Ba Figure 1 Stmpte pendulem Step Start the pendulum escillating with a stall ange of swing in oae plane. Step 2. Using the countdown method, or etherwise, recor the time, , far 20 oscillations, Step 3: Adjust the length, af the pendulum for values ia Table 1 and sepeat Step 3. fa) Record the times far 20 aaclllations, 4, bn Tube | below 2 marks) ed 030 03s psa oe as tb) Calculate the Period, T, and Peniad?, 1, and recowd the results tn'Table 1 (2 marks) fe) Qn pages, plote graph of T against. (8 marks) GOON TO-THE NEXT PAGE O1238032/ANUARY 2019 Ee Sequoia ar Code _| Figure 2. Graph af T* against / (GOON TO THE NEXT PAGE (1238032JANUARY 2019 L _ r “ 7 (4) Calculate the gradient, §, of the geaph, (Smarkey fe} Stile the relatianship between T# and 4” (0) State TWO precautives: that should be taken in this experiment. GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE (O1238032ANUARY 2019 L Sequential Bar Cece | r 2 1 ~] A group of fifth form students was piven a School-Based Assessment ts investigate the relationship: between vollaye, V, and eurrest t ob fo w ight bul. ‘Draw creuit dingrarn efthe apparanas which would be wsed hy the students 0 determine the resistance of the light bulb. The cisuitsiagram MUST inchade the follewing components de supply Switch Variable resistor Volumeser Ammeter “Ligh bulls (6 marks) ‘Outline the procedure which the stadeets would use to investigate the relanionship between ‘voltage, V, and current, J, fora light bulb, ~"G mimrks) GOON 10 THE NEXT PAGE 12380324ANUARY 2009 L ra 4 r 7 1 fe) A graph of voluge, V/V, against curreng, 1, is shown in Figure 3. w BRREE EERE ES ale 20 a oe a0 one om Piqure 3. Graph of valtage, ViV, agalast current, UA GOON TO THE NEXT PAGE | 1238032 ANLARY 2009 L r * 7 ‘Complete Table 2 below by inserting the following: ¢ ‘The wollage value and current value fr BACH of the six plodtod peinis (i) The calculated tesistance value for EACH af the six plotted points TABLE 2 VOLTAGE AND CURRENT ‘Voltage, VV Curren, UA Resistance, eC (marks) (iii) Determine the average resistance af the light ballin the circuit. (2marks) GOON TO THE NENT PAGE (12380S2UANUARY 2019 L Sequential Bar Code 3] r = 10 5 (d)— "The peesent light bulb is replaced with a resistor ef resistance 3.962, The circuit is clase andthe voltage is 1,9 ¥. Calculate the current passing darowgh this new resistor. V1 2390S2UANUARY 2019 L (2 maria) ‘Total 17 marks. GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE “rr areade Area” Sequential Bar Code | Ps r “ q {A student is provided with three unlabelled sadioactive searces: an alpha particle emities, a beta. particle emitter ond a gamma ray emitter Design an experiment which will help the stadent to identify EACH radioactive source hazed on its penetrating properties. Your answer should include the folowing: (@ marks) (b) Method te way GOON TO THE NEXT PAGE 1238032. ANUARY 2009 L eee ti Cae _| L “12. 7] fd) Expected reslts END OF TEST IF YOU FINISH BEFORE TIME IS CALLED, CHECK YOUR WORK ON THIS TEST. DIZSRORDIANUARY 2019 Sequel Har Code _| TT Sa vesr cove 01238020 | FORM TP 2019100 ava CARIBBEAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL CARIBBEAN SECONDARY EDUCATION CERTIFICATE® EXAMINATION PHYSICS: Paper (2 ~ General Proficiency 2okowes 4 memes READ THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY. 1, "This paper consists oP SIX questi sin TWO sections. Answer ALLL gaestions » ‘Write yosar anawess in the spaces pre ided in this hooklet 3, De NOT write in the margins Where appropriate, ALL WORKING MUST BE SHOWN in this baoklet. You may use silent, man-progaummable calculator to answer questions, bus yan) should nate that the use of an inappropeiace number of figures ip answers will be penalized 4 Ifyou need tw rewrite omy answer and there ts mot enough space to do 50 om the vesiginal page, yuu must use the extra lined page(s) provided at the back of this booklet Kemember tn draw line through your arigénal answer. 7. Af you use the exten page(s} you MUST write the queséian mumber clearly in the box provided af the inp ofthe extra page(s) and, where relevant, include the questing part beside the answer. DO NOT TURN T PAGE UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO BO So. Dennen Ge aen Bieldesiona pee ru" Warcode Arca™™ _vovsteninixatirans eee | r * q Amnwer ALL questions, 1 a) Pigute t ix diagram ofa transformer, Name the parts labelled X, ¥ and 2. Primary call Figure 1, Transtormer GOON TO THE NEXT PAGE (L230 WMINCSEC 2019 L Sequel Bar Cade _| 5 ‘The transformer shown in Figure 1 was tested an ihe valves for the primary volta and the secondary voltage, V_, were obixined. The data is shown in ‘Table { below. ABLE 1: VALUES POR PRIMARY AND SECONDARY VOLTAGE, Primary Voltage, ¥j'v | Sccosdary Veblage, V./¥ 1s TT a0) 26 30 as 6a) = 7s e aa 7 ss) tb) Using the grid on page 7, plot a graph of W, against V,. (e) Determine the gradient, 5, of the graph. (4 marks) GOON TO THE NEXT PAGE O1ZIRIZOMCSEC 2019, fi faa oa | 7 7 fd) Use the gradient, 8, to ealeulate fi) the mamber af urns im ibe secondary coil, M, given that the mumber of taras in the primary coil, N= 84 (4marks) ‘the current in the secondary ccil the curent in the primary coil = 1.8.A (3-marks) she power cuiput, P_, of the transformer, given that the voliage in the secondary coil, V, = 48 ¥ (3 marks) ‘Total 28 marks GOON TO THE NEXT PAGE (123802 0MICSEC 2019 L lane J r “ 7 2 (Complete Table 2 by inseming the appropriate physical quancities and derived St units TABLE 2: PHYSICAL QUANTITIES AND UNITS ‘Physleal Quantity Derived $1 Units Notume fi} < ‘emt N iv Pressure eo mark (>) The concrete block shown in Figure 3 was made with cement sm Tm 140 cm Figure 3. Concrete block (i) Calculate the density af the eancrese black, given that its mass is 20 160 kg, marks) GOON TO THE NEXT PAGE 1 238020/MICSEC 2018 L oeen J (iy) Define the terms ‘pressure’, (marke) (iil) Given that g = 10N keg’, calculate the pressure exerted an the floor by the base ofthe conorete black (4 marks) ‘Votal 15 marks GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE O12IMEUMCSEC 2019 L Geeaniae cae _| r “t 4 3) @__ Define the term “heat capacity (Gi) Define the teens ‘specific latent heat of vaparization’. 8 marks} (b) A substance which has a freezing point of 80°C was cooled from 40 °C to a taal sobid at its freezing point ‘Sketch a yraph oa Figure 4 to represent the sialement abave, Tempereture"C ‘Times Figured, Cooling curve 2 marks) GOON TO-THE NEXT PAGE ‘O1238N20/MUACSEC 2019 L Seana ae | r “. 7 (ch A-siudent combucte! an experiment in which 1.5 kg of water at 30°C was converted steam at 108%: Assuming na heat is Jost to the surraundings, calculate the amount of energy nceded to Gh beat he water from 30°C we 100°C (4marks) Kel) convert the water at 10°C! iw steam at 100°C: (3.marks) Gli) beat the wager froma 30°C to seam at 100°C. (2 mak) Specific heat capacity of water, c, = 4200 J kg" Kt) ‘Specific Intent heat of vaporization of water, |,.=23* 10*#K"s ‘Total 18 marks GOON TO THE NEXT PAGE 1238020MJICSEC 2019 werareade Area L Sequential Bar Cade _| r “ 7 SECTION B Answer ALL questions. 4 Gh) G) State THREE features of an image produced ina plane mirror. Feature 1 G marks) ii) -Exploin why the word S300 Jis painted in this manner atthe front af'same emergency wehicles. > GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01238020 MNESEC 201% L Sequect Tar Code | r 1) 1) 218. 7] Figure $ shows an incomplete ray diagram. Figure S. Incomplete yy dlagram 2) Complete the ray dingram ta show the path of the emerging my after i passes ‘through the lens marks) ‘On the dingram, label the focal Jeagit, £ 1 mark As object Al was placed 15 om in front of a comverging lens of fieal length 3 cm, Calculate the Gh image distance (marks) GOON TO THE NENT Pa‘ 123M20MCSEC 201% ks mr" Tarcods Area Soqusnfil Bar Cae _| -18- Gi) mungnification of the image formed, L23802UMIESEC 2019 L @marks) ‘Total 18 marks GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE mr Taroade Area Scquential Bar Code | r ” 7 $ fa) Asemicenductoe diode is used in a half-wave vevification, Using the axes om Figure 4, ‘sketch the JF graph for the vemicondustor diode val wre Figure 6, IV graph for a semiconductor dade 2 marks 46) Complete the truth table shown in Table 3 fur a NAND gate TABLE 3: NAND GATE Input Ourput © 4 marks) GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE OL23SO MCSE 2018 L am con | r " q (e) Figure 7-shows tues resisioes in series oPvabes 20, $22 and 10GL 7a 7a {“wa (Figure 7. Resistors in series (Calculate the equivalem resistance of the resistors shown in Figure 7 2 marks GOON To THENEXT PAGE O123820MINESEC 2019 L Paired | r ~ q G2) ‘The resistoenare placed in parallel ax shown in Figure 4 Plgare & Realstors in aloulate the equivalent resistance of the resistors in Figure 8 (4 marks) (ai) The esisors in Figure #-weee connected in acireuitiwa 6 V power supply. Cakulate the total curtent flewing through the cirewit. {S-marks) ‘Vota 18 marks GO ON To THE NEXT PAGE 1 238020/ MCSE 2018 L qeerneae J r = q & (3) —_Lithium Tie an isotope of lithium, ‘The mace mummber is T and the atoenic munsber ie 3. (Use de information given sbave to determine ibe number of ators and neutrons [Preseed ivan ata of Wich 7 Tm ia were fete oh tert Nowra icin ears ae ie erate 2 marks (@) Draw cleumy labeled diagram of the structure of te lithium —7 stars, ‘4 marks} fb) tn four days, the activity af 2 sample of lithium decreases to ane.sixteenth ofits original actevity (ine the tern ‘ball-ie' marks) GOON TO-THE NEXT PAGE, 1238H20MNESEC 2019 L Sequetal Bar Coc _| Be ii) Caleulate the half-life of lithiaen (3 marks) (ch Caleulate the energy given off in a nuclear reaction if the change in mass is 02014 u fu 166" 10" kg, © 3.0% 10% ms 4) END OF TEST. (marks) ‘Total 18 marks IF VOU FINISH BEFORE TIME If CALLED, CHECK YOUR WORK ON THIS TEST. mr" arcads Aree Sequential Bar Cade O123aDONMICSEC 2019 Z| [= o. susr cope 01238032 — | FORM TP 2019101 MAY UNE 2009 CARIBBEAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL CARIBBEAN SECONDARY EDUCATION CERTIFICATE" EXAMINATION PHYSICS Paper 032 ~ General Proficiency Aliernaitve tw SBA 2 hawes 10 lates READ THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY. 1. ‘This paper consists of THREE questions. Answer ALL questions 2. Write your answers in the spaces: provided in this boxiklet, 3. Bo MOT write inthe margins 4. Where appropriate, ALL WORKING MUSE BE SHOWN in this booklet $, Youmay mie asilent,non.peogenmmatie calculator tp answer questions, but vou should oote that the use ef an inappropetate number of figures in auswers will be penalized 6. Mf yoonead iw rewrite uny answer und there is not enough space to do sw wa the onginal page, you must use the extra lined page(s) provided ar the hack of this booklet Remember tw draw a line through your original answer. 7. tfyou use the extea page(s} you MUST write the question mumber clearly ln bos provided a the inp of the exéra page(s) and, where relevant, Include the question part beside the unewer. BO NOT TORN THIS PAGE NTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO. Copyright © 2018 Carikbean Examinatians Council ‘Allcighis reserved me Tarcade A L. orssmmacsno aie Caen | os. 7] Ansmer ALL questions. Use the apparatus listed helow to investigate the relationship between carrent (I) and potential difference (Vp for an unknown device labelled APPARATUS AND MATERIALS atch box with proving leads belle © and 6, DC pawer apply Conesctng wir: ‘Arum (0-1.A] Nolimeier [0-5 ¥] Rhcostat Switch Figere 1. Clreult dlagram PROCEDURE Step 1: Setup the circuit ax shown in Figure | with the shasta ct a maximum resistance. Stop 2: Record the ammeter, and volknetar, readings in Table 1 om page 2. Stop 3: Use the rheortat to wary the reistance to obtnin TWO) more reading. {Do NOT exceed |] Step 4: Reverse the connections to X und REPEAT Step 3 for THREE additional readings. GOON TO THE NEXT PAGE UZNBOS2IMCSEC 2019 L Soyo Cate a Figure 2, Graph of current, UA against potential difference, ViV GOON 10 THE NEXT PAGE ear | 12382 MICSEC 2019 L; (a) Complete Table 1 below TABLE 1: AMMETER AND VOLIMETER READINGS ‘Current, VA Potential Difference, V/V mares) fb} Ou the grid om page 6, plot a graph af cament, 5 potential difference, Vi¥, ¢Smarks) fo) Use the graph to determine the gradient, 3. (Smarksy GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE O123RMS2/MIACSEC 2019 L Dion ae | r 5 (d)— Use the gradient, G. obtained in {c) to determine the resistance af the unknown device, X inohms. (©) Explain whether or not the device X is abmic, (2 marks) O1238032/MNESEC 2019 L GOON TO-THE NEXT PAG mr Harcade Area Sequential Bar Coe r “m 4 2 Iman experiment to investigate the refraction of bight though a glass black, a student sets up the following arrangement as shawn in Figure 8 (a) Draw the path taken by the ray of Light through an emerging fon the glass block. Bay Opisest pas Figure 3. Glass block (mara) (8) Agmphofthe student's results is shown om page 11. Use the graph eo complete Tuble 2 below, TABLE 2: RESULTS | Simi, 1 ony 2 oas a as > 7 1 s ast 6 ase (marks) GO-ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 1238032 HCSEC 2019 mr" arcade Area"? L Sequential Bar Coole _l oa ae tnt, Figure 4. Graph Sia, against Sia, ‘GOON TO THE NEXT PAGE O1238032/MUCSEC 2018 L za r ve 1 fe) Calculate the gradient, n, of the graph. (4 marks) (4) Whar physical quantity does the gradient, n, represent? (mark fe) The gradient is related ta the speed of light, c,, im air and the speed of light, e,, inthe glass such that a ~ ec, Calculate the value af e,, given that e,~ 3 10% ms (2 marks) (8) State ONE necessary precaution that the student should have taken while eosducting the (mark) ‘Total 19 marks GOON TO THE NEXT PAGE ‘O1238032MNCSEC 2018 L Sequential Tar Cae _| r 2 <1 7] “Pressure af a paisd ina. liquid varies with depth, Plan and design an experiment to investigate the statement above. Your answer should inclade the Folkswing: () Apparatus GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE O1238082MINCSEC 2019 & oa a (3 marks) ‘Total 10 marks END OF TEST IP YOU FINISH BEFORE TIME 18 CALLED, CHECK YOUR WORK ON THIS TEST. O12SROEDMUNCSEE 3019 ea Sequential Bar Code _| im 6 vesrconr 01238020 — | FORM TP 2020025 JANUARY 320 CARIBBEAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL ‘CARIBBEAN SECONDARY EDUCATION CERTIFICATE® EXAMINATION PHYSICS Paper 02 — General Proficiency Phones 40 mites READ THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY. 1. This paper conséns oF SIX questions im TWO sections, Answer ALL questions, ‘Write your answers in the spaces provided in this bociklet 3, Bo NOE write in the marpics, 4. Where appropriste, ALL WORKING MUST BE SHOWN in this booktet. 5, You may wie a silent, noo-progmmunable calculatar to answer questions, but yous shuld nate that the use of an inappropriate mamber of figures in answers will be penalized 6, Myounesd:w rewrite any answer and there is not enaugh space to-do 0-00 the original page, you must ase the extra lined page(s) provided af the back af dhs booklet Remember in draw a Une through your ariginal answer. 4, Lfyou use tire extra page(s} you Mt the box provided at the top of the ext the question part beside the amswe T write the question mumber clewrly in pagols}and, where relevant, inchutle DO NOT TURN THIS PAGE TIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO30, ‘Copyright © 20t9 Caribbean Examinations Counet Allrights reserved [__ mesiaaniesec 200 Soquential Har Cade | r “ q SECTION A Answer ALL questions, 1 Asprinter of mass $$ kg was munning a 100m race. Her velocity was measures at different intervals efi 1104s period. The nesuhs are recorded in Table 1 TABLE 1; RESULTS Velocity, rime | aco | aay 278 | ats | tao | 100 ‘Time, ts ao foe | ao | ie | ao | to (a) @_—_Define the nema *vetocity’ Complete the fallowing statement Ascelerntion ix defined us the nate of change 6F aero ree ee mark) tb) Using the grid provided om page §, pluta graph of velocity, wine against time, 1's. ‘(Bamarks) GOON TO THE NEXT PAGE g12a80DOU/CSEC 2030 real E Sequential Bar Cade _l Figure 1. Graph of velocity, wm", against time, 2% GOON 10 THE NEXT PAGE =] O1238NIMNCSEC 2020 ae (0) Determine the shape uf the graph over the frst 7.0/5 af the race (marks) (4) @_—_ State the payssical quantity relating to the motion af the spricger which the skope ‘ofthe graph represents, (ii) ‘Describe the sprimier's motion from 8 s to 14s pone GO ON TO THE NEXT PAA Sequential Bar Code | r fe) Calculate the resubiant force acting om the sprinter after 7.05 (3 marks} (8) Using the graph drawn am age S, determine how far from the finish line the sprinter wold be after 11.05. ($ marks} ‘Total 25 marks GOON TO THE NEXT PAGE 1238020CSEC 2020 rea Sequential Bar Code =] r 2% (a) Define EACH of the following terms: (i) Specific heat capacity Gi) Spectic Lent heat of fusion af ice GOON TO THE NEXT PAGE saeneaats TE L” ae | r * q (hb) A block af ize, which has a mass of 2.5 ky and a temperature of 10%, is placed in a Specific heat capacity of water = 42% 10 Jk! AC) Specific heat eupacity afice = 24 x 10" Dk! CY" Specific latent heat of fusion of ice = 3.3 10") ky" Caloulate the heat energy required tw change the temperature of the ice at —14 °C to ice at oc (marks) (i) the heat energy required to convert all the ice at °C ta water at 0°. (2 marks) GOON TO THE NEXT PAGE Sequel Har Code =| r “a =| (6) The water inthe container is now beated to 2 temperature of 40°C by an elecirical heater, in eam seconds (i) Calculate the power output of the heater, (marks) G2) State ONE assamption which mast be taken into aceaunt in (e) (2) even 1a mE NEST PACE O1SeOWCSEC 2020 —"F"Tarcade Area Le" nan | r “ q 3. Ga) Define the term "linear momenium’ (ie) State the $I unit for Einear momentum. (6) State the law of conservation of Hinear momentum (ie) State TWO real-life examgiles that demonstrate the law of eanservation of linea ‘monesaura GOON TO THE NEXT PAGE olzyen2m4/eseC 2020 Tare Squall Code | r “ 7 {) Trolley A.und'Trolley B collided hexd.on. ‘Trolbey A of mass 72.0}kg-was moving twwurels the west at 5 S0'ms" Trolley Bofmass 694 kg was moving towards the east a4 Stim“ Calculate 4G) the indtial momentum af Trolley & (2 marks) (2) the initia! momentum of Trolley (2 marks) (2) Assuming the trolleys lacked during the collision and that they moved off together in oe direction, determine the speed and the direction af the joined trolleys immedintely after the collision. (4 maria) ‘Total 15 marks GOON TO THE NEXT PAGE O12 MAOUNCSEC 2020 7" Tarcade Area Ce Scqusnial Bar Code _| r om 7 SECTION B Amswer ALLL questions. 4 tay With the ‘of a labelled diagram, state the TWb laws of refraction. GOON TO-THE NEXT PAGE O123802NNeSBC 2000 Sequential Bar Code _| r “ 7 ‘When a diver under the sea shines a beam of light towards the surface of the wager, the light does ne pass through the water-air besandary inka the air abave but reflects into the sea, Statethe same of the phenamenon which occurs and brielly explain why iteccurs GOON TO THE NENT PAGE [meen [eerie] am r “8 7 eb) Another diver chines a beam of lighr imo the water to see some fishes ag shown i 3 ‘Figure 2 Diagram shawing refragtion ‘Given that the indes of retraction fox the water is 1.23 and the angle of incidence, (~ 66", ‘calculate the angle of retraction, r (Simarks) GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE a12RUWESEE: 2000) raced Sequel Bar Code _| r “ 7 {e)— Amobject # em in height, is placed 10 cm in font a converging lens with a focal length, fof Gem. Calculate 48) the image distance, v. (4 marks) (ii) the linear magnification, (2marks) ‘Total £5 marks GOON TO-THE NEXT PAGE SEC 2020 re Sequential Bar Code _| ewe 217s 5 (a) Complete Table ? hy inserting the missing logic gates, symbols and functions. TABLE2: LOGIC GATES, SYMBOLS AND FUNCTIONS Lagle Gate ‘Symbat Fungtlan Chases logic 0 to logis 1 N123802NNESEC a030 AND “ > AND Produces allagic 1 only Ps (6 marks) GOON TO THE NEXT PAGE arenas ATE Sequential Bar Code _| r oH 7 (b) (i) With the aid of a citeuit dingram, describe how an alternating currest a.c.)-can be half-wave rectified to produce a direct current acrass a resistor (Load) (Smarkey il) Skesch the voltage-time graph to show the expected output across the load in thy ti. ‘Valtage(¥) Figure 3. Volinge-time graph te show the expected output across the load (1 mark) GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE GI2EMWVESEC 2020 7" Harbus Rea ee Sequential Bar Code _lI r vw 7 fe) Beuw a voliage-time geuph showing on ae, sours with a frequency of S Hix and peak wolinge of 12 V- ‘Votexge 041 Figure 4, Valtaye-time graph showing an ae, source (marks) ‘Total 18 marks GOON TO-THE NENT PAGE OLAasHRNUESEE 2030 nares Soquential Har Cade = r “8 7 & (a) Three emissions, a, fy, from a sadionerive source are subjected 1 a uniform magnetic, field perpendicsilar t0 their path, as shown in Figure 5. (0) Draw the three rays to represent the path of EACH of the three emissions, 9, By, ‘on Figure 5, as they pass through the magnetic field, Figure 5. Radbaactive saurce i wniform magnetic Held (Gmarksy (li) The magnetic fleld is replaced by an clectric field ox shown in Figure 6. Draw the three rays to represent the path of EACH of the three emissions, a, By. 0m Figure 6, a5 they pass through the electric tield, Del? ar Figure 6 Radioactive source in an electric fleld (marks) GOON TO THE NEXT PAGE O13S2WNOSEC 2020 ne" arcade Area" LE Sequential Bar Code _| (b © me 7] Am unstable isetope of lend, “, Ps, undergees exactly two sequential beta partick: decays followed by an alpha particle decay to become stable lend, =P. ‘With reference to the information in Table 3, write the nuclenr equations that will result in the formation of stable lend, “Fb fram ‘1 Po ‘TABLE 3; ELEMENTS AND ATOMIC NUMBERS Element ‘Atoms Number Bi RE Po a First beta decay eqpantion nee ee ee Second heta decay equation. Alpha deeny oquation —.... - - - ‘i marks) Calculate the energy given off in a nuclear reaction if the change in mass is (5008 u (U= 1.66 10" kgye = 3 10" mat mars) ‘Total 18 marks END OF TEST IF VOU FINISH BEFORE TIME IS CALLED, CHECK YOUR WORK ON THIS TEST. L eS al OLBsHAMeSBE 2020 Sequential Bar Code T Sh rest cove 01238032 | FORM TP 2020026 JANUARY 2020 CARIBBEAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL CARIBBEAN SECONDARY EDUCATION CERTIFICATE® EXAMINATION PHYSICS READ THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCT |ONS CAREFULLY. 1 “This paper consists of THREE questions, Auwer ALL questions. Weite your answers in the spices provided in this hooked 3. Bo NOMT write in the margins. 4. Where appropiate, ALL WORKING MUST BE SHOWN in this booklet 3. You may use silent, non-prograsumable ealculaiog to answer questions, but yest should noe thatthe use of an inappropriate mumber of figures im answers will he penalized 6 you need to rewrite any answer and there ix nat enough space to alo 80 an the original page; you must use the extra Lined page(s) provided at the back of this hociclet, Remember to draw a line thraugh your wrtginal answer. 7 Myoause the ectea page(s} yaw MUST wrlte the question mamber clearly In the box provided at the twp af the extra page(s) aud, where relevant, debi the question part beside the answer. DO NOT TURN THIS PAGE UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TU BO 80, Capyrigit © 2019 Caribbean Examinatices Council All rights reserved. L 12380520/C8EC 2020 Sequential Bar Code _| a1zaEEZUCsBe 2020 L 5 Answer ALL questions. ‘You are required to determine the focal length, f. af a converging lens by investigating how the image distance, v, varies with the object distance, u. Use the apparatus leried below. A PARATUS AND MATERIALS 12.V tight bulb source Converging lens Lens bolder Mecre rule Screen Object “Metre rule Figure 1, Set up of apparatas PROCEDURE Setup the apparatus as shown in Figure 1. Place the converging lens so that its cesrre is 20.0 ex from the illuminated object, that is, = 200 em Start the scaeen close to the lens, thea move it away from the lens until a sharply focused ‘image of the object is seen on the screen, Measure the image distanee, (cm), from the centre af the lens tothe sereea, 0 1 decimal place. ‘Record the value of ein Table 1 om page 6. ‘Repeat Steps 2 ta 5, using the semaining values of «from Table 1 ta determine the corresponding values of v. races Ane Sequential Bax Cade r fa) Complete Table 1. TABLE I: IMAGE DISTANCE AND OWJECT DISTANCE ‘Object Distance | Image Distance wim wiem 200 ona ua {4 marks) fb) Using the grid provided am page 7, plat a graph of image distance, wem, against abject distance, wiew, Draw the best smooth curve thigh the paints (7 marks} © @ (uy Mark on your graph the points (0.0, 0.0)-and (604, 60.09, Drww the straight line ‘ip join the poits. (2 marks) Read off the x value of the paint where the straight fine cuts the curve, Record this value as (mark) Sse Lise the value of Sin (¢} (Hi) wo calculate the Focal length of the lens, f: given that 5 3 {2 marks) GOON TO THE NEXT PAGE a1z38032eSBC 2020 L Sequential Dar Code J Figure? Gruph of image distance, wem, versus object distance, w'cm GOON TO THE NENT PAGE M12380324/C3EC 2020 L zs td) te) aE 7] Identify TWO sources af error which could affect the accuracy af the values obtained for the image distanee, v. (2 marks) Choose any corresponding values of object distance, u, and image distance, v, from Table O12a8082:VCSEC 2020 L 1 in (a) and use these values to ealeulate the Focal length, Qlse the equation f= 3 marks) ‘Fotal 21 marks GOON TO-THE NEXT PAGE "e"Harcede Anca ™™ Sequential Bar Code ea] r * 7 2 The apparatus in Pigare 3-was used to investigade the relationship betwees pressure and voluine foe w fixed mass of ws. Figure 3. Apparatus to investigate the relationship between pressure und volume far a fixed mass of us (a) Outline the procedure used my obtain the results, GOON TOTHE NEXT PAGE O1238N820CREC 2000 ""Tarcode Area Ls Sequential Bar Code _| r “w 7 fb) Figure d shows a grapi af the results obtained in the experiment. e 1 © 3 4 3 © Laws v Figure 4. Graph of pressure, PikPa, versus Vvatame, 10 art GOON TO-THE NEXT PAGE sN1238UE2NESEC 3030 L r Me 5 (Using the graph om page 10, complete Tuble 2 which shows results ebtained in the experiment ro} TABLE 2: RESULTS OBTAINED IN EXPERIMENT Volume (1) Pressure (kPa) WVolume (am 6a 10" 1s S08 10" a0 20s Ue 0s 104 300 ‘Caleulate the slope, $, of the graph u1238082NCSEC 2020 L (marks) GOON TO-THE NEXT PAGE Sequential Rar Code | r “ 1 fd) How do the results wesify Boyle's law’? fe) State TWO precautions that should be taken in the experiment. GOON TO THE NEXT PAGE W1238032uCSEC 2020 L: Sequential Dar Code ol r “». 7 Ina class discussion on thermal conductivity, astudent hypathesizes that lead isa better conductor ofheat than aluminium. Design an experiment using the equipment available ina typical Physies Laboratory 10 test the student's hypathesis, ‘Your answer should inclade the following: e fa) Apparatus tb) Method GOON TO THE NEXT PAGE O123803240C9EC 2030 [ie deal Coe ea] =the 7] (e) ONE safety precaution which should be taken td mark) (4) Amexplanation of the expected results of the experiment and the conclusian which could bbe reached to accept or reject ie student's hypathesis END OF'TEST iF YOU FINISH BEFORE TIME IS CALLED, CHECK YOUR WORK ON THIS TEST. o1z380324CSBC 2000 Sequential Bar Code _|

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