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BE N N E T T, C OL E M A N & C O. LT D. | E S TA BLI S H E D 183 8 | T IM E S OF IN DI A .


Happy world

➤ How you can join the

➤ Enjoy the slow ➤ How sustainability
Rewilding Revolution build-up: Books and in sports can be a
TODAY’S ➤ Good ‘green’ news from movies that bring you real game changer for
Newspaper in

EDITION around the world closer to nature the environment

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PLUS: A sitewide celebation of World
CLICK HERE: PAGE 1 AND 2 Environment Day continues with more
green ideas, reads, tips, and tricks
Pics: Istock

“EACH MONSOON, I TRY AND PLANT We celebrate your little acts of green, listen to your ideas,
We are cutting down trees for road widening, building
Yes, we are all... understand how every little bit counts and find out how we
can all be part of #generationrestoration


projects even after knowing about its adverse conse-
quences. Not only do trees give us oxygen, these ‘green
gold’ give us shade, reduce soil erosion, they are home to
a variety of insects, birds and animals too. A ‘green deed’
that I have personally adopted in a humble attempt to
help the environment is that every monsoon, I try and plant
as many saplings or flowering plants that I can. In mid- “Sad child? Nature. with the looming climate change
August, I, with my family, will plant them in our lawn. I then Cranky child? Nature. crisis. A reason why, schools are
make it a point to take care of them in the free time I have Bored child? Nature. emphasising on environment ed-
in between online classes. You’re welcome!” — ucation to groom children to
NIHARIKA BAKSHI, class VI, Penny Whitehouse think “nature first”. Be it the
Wynberg Allen School, Mussoorie healthy practice of reducing plas-
or Penny Whitehouse, tic use, or talking about waste
“There is no end to man’s greed” and this is what is being wit-
nessed when it comes to environmental issues. Despite impacts
in the form of global warming, climate change, and pollution,
F the founder of ‘Mother management, initiating rainwa-
Natured’, a website de- ter harvesting projects or
voted to helping busy
mothers get their kids
outside, being out
and connected
with nature is a
simple acts of planting
trees, children to-
day know that eco
consciousness is
not a mere buzzword
mankind is still in the comfort zone. The result is
groundwork is zero and paper plans are floating. one-size-fits- but a way of life. We cele-
Failure to act despite identifying the problem is all solution to brate the World Environ-
our biggest problem. The government efforts cure what ails a ment Day by getting children to
will collapse, till every individual takes charge of the planet. child. In fact, be- tell us what they think is going
Reduce, Reuse & Recycle is the key to make a big change. ing in the out- wrong, their solutions and how
SUMEDHA MEHTA, class IX, Zebar School doors is the first they think one can do their bit.
for Children, Ahmedabad step to creating an After all an ancient proverb goes:
environmentally “We do not inherit the earth from
conscious child – a our ancestors, we borrow it from
“NEED FOR STRICTER need of the hour our children.”
WHAT: World Environment Day Environment Day will kick off the UN
Increased plastic usage, skyrocketing electricity WHEN: Every year on June 5
HISTORY: World Environment Day
Decade on Ecosystem Restoration, a
global mission to revive billions of
consumption, deforestation for building new
started in 1974 to engage hectares, from forests to farmlands, GO A LONG WAY”
apartments to accommodate the growing popula-
governments, businesses and from the top of mountains to the Humans impact the physical environment in many ways: overpopula-
tion, the release of oil and dyes into the water by citizens to address depth of the sea. Everybody living on tion, pollution, burning fossil fuels, and deforestation. Changes like
industrial units, and not to forget fast fashion, are pressing this planet, in this moment in time these have triggered climate change, soil erosion, poor air quality, and
some of the activities which have a detrimental impact on environmental issues can be a part of
undrinkable water. Little ‘green deeds’ can go a long way towards pro-
environment. The burning issue is, however, the burning of fossil THEME: This World #GenerationRestoration
tection of the environment. I personally have inculcated this habit of
fuels that continues, even after ample awareness campaigns.
This points out the need for stricter enforcement of environ-
“ONE SMALL STEP CAN planting saplings to mark occasions like my
mental protection laws. LEAD TO BIG CHANGE” “DISCARD E-WASTE “INTROSPECT” birthday, parents’ anniversaries and taking care of those plants.
SHIVIKA DIXIT, class VII, Cambridge School World School, Jaipur
SAI KRISHNA PRIYA R, class X, GTAVM, Chennai I have implemented a few RESPONSIBLY” Environmental harm is a
changes in my life to save our
Humans’ unquenchable problem that is not new to
planet. I take vegetable and fruit
demand for electronic us, but even with increased “STOP TURNING ON THE
“COMPOSTING AND REUSING peels from my kitchen and use
devices is creating the awareness we don’t hold our- LIGHTS UNNECESSARILY”
WATER IS MUST” them as manure for my garden. I
world’s fastest-growing waste selves accountable. Simply saying that a
avoid using plastic bags for One green-deed that I do that seems ineffectu-
We took up composting as we stream. Just after one use these problem exists is not enough, we need to
shopping. I always carry a cloth al yet can be earthshaking when done as a
felt that an abundance of food products are dumped into landfills harming introspect and analyse our actions and mod-
bag with me. If the shopkeeper routine is that I don’t turn on the lights. Why do
scraps, which are perfectly the environment. My family, hence, keeps a ify our habits accordingly. There a few green
gives me plastic bags I avoid them and also we need lights? To brighten up your space. If your
suited for nourishing plants, check on the electronic products brought deeds that I have picked up over the years
insist they not use plastic bags. I hope one house was built facing the sun and windows were placed right,
were going to waste. Staying home. Also enough thought is given before including the necessity of composting and
small step by every individual will make our you would never need lights! Sunlight would suffice right from
at home has also made us discarding any e-product whether it is sim- using rainwater efficiently. Being an avid
planet a better home for the future. the morning till around 5/6 (depends on location’s latitude)
aware of the volume of water ple batteries or an old washing machine. reader, I decided to switch from normal
K P HARVISH, class VIII, Shree thus we would be in need of light for 4-5 hours in the dusk. I
that goes down the drain What can be repaired and reused is donated paperbacks to e-books and digital media.
Niketan Patasala, Chennai also post certain stickers/logos/posters near all the switch-
unnoticed. So we began to to a family in need and what can be recycled SAMYUKTAA SIVAKUMAR, class XII,
is sent for e-waste management. Ryan International School, Kandivali boxes of my home as a reminder. If everyone does this, imag-
reuse kitchen waste water to
water plants. Solar power was another important invest- “DO YOUR BIT” SAHIL VARSHNEY, class X, Cambridge ine the energy that can be saved.
THANUJA J, class X, The Bridgewoods
ment made towards making our home green. Today only 30% of the planet’s land
Court World School, Jaipur “WE MUST SPREAD Public School, Coimbatore
AMRUTHA VARSHINI THOTA, class XII, FIITJEE, remains covered by forests and 12 CLIMATE AWARENESS”
Hyderabad million hectares of farmland every “WE MUST SWITCH TO The lack of proper “SEGREGATE WASTE”
year, gets seriously degraded. Little REUSABLE ENERGY” education and
It is high time we act on proper waste
drops gather to make an ocean. awareness among
Carbon overloading is the biggest
“STOP WATER WASTAGE” So, I do my little bit as a good citizen
contributor to air pollution and
people regarding
segregation. Paper, plastic, e-waste,
of the world. I turn off the tap while now masks, etc., are all chucked into
climate change is
The biggest issue with the current climate crisis is negli- brushing my teeth. We use LED lights to environmental disruption. the same bin. The country generates
something that
gence and willful ignorance of the masses to the oncoming reduce 278 kilos of carbon dioxide. Up till Switching to renewable clean 1.5 million metric ton of waste a day.
we are doing
water crisis. Even after immeasurable scientific studies, now, I have planted a tree on every birth- energy is the need of the hour. There are companies ready to pick up
wrong with the
many still refute its existence, and others do day and maintain my garden with a lot of Our family recycles and reuses our segregated waste, it is just a mat-
not give it the seriousness it needs. This love and care. plastic and glass jars as contain- ter of us acting upon it.
Among the many
World Environment Day, I am focusing on PRASHANSHA BHARADWAJ, ers to store pickles, nuts etc. I TRISHA BOORUGU, class XI, DPS
issues of the
reducing water wastage in my home. This class VIII, Cambridge School World print as minimally as possibly to save paper, Nacharam, Hyderabad
world, climate change belongs to the top
includes being aware of how water is being School, Jaipur and use reusable bags while shopping.
tier and is not something to take at one’s
used, and supporting industries, which
School, Sector 17, Faridabad
leisure. Small actions like sharing a “WE BICYCLE OR WALK
conscientiously use less water to
make their products.
“ARE WE DOING ENOUGH?” thought-provoking message regarding the WHEREVER POSSIBLE”
environment on social media could make at
AYUSH NIMAK, class XII, The Dying sea turtles. Smoke-infested skies. Hotter temperatures. Yet, these topics are least a few people change their perspec- Deforestation is the biggest cause of environmental dam-
Kalyani School, Pune very rarely discussed, if at all. Why? Well, most people are simply insouciant. They tives and everyday habits. Change is not age with species-rich forests being burnt/destroyed
would rather know about where a celebrity is going for a holiday, rather than immediate. Collectively, we can create mindlessly. We bicycle or walk, avoiding cars wherever
knowing about the slow death of Mother Earth. If we just walk or cycle instead of positive change. possible to lower the amount of greenhouse gases
“TRY COMPOSTING” taking a cab or switch to cloth-bags (I do these already), then we could radically D PURNIMA, class X, SBOA released through driving. This has also helped to save
reduce pollution, something that could become the difference between life Matriculation Hr. Sec. money and improve our family’s fitness.
I love nature and the environ- and death. School, Coimbatore NAOMI DEWICKA, class XII, DPS R K
ment and make conscious MAITREYEE GANGAL, class IX, Vidya Valley, Pune Puram, Delhi
efforts to live in tune with it.
and encourage my family and
friends to use them. I upcycle
PLASTIC-FREE LIFESTYLE” Humans are responsible for many dreadful deeds, NATURE FOR GRANTED”
old clothes into cloth bags. I am in the process of starting a sustainable, plas- but deforestation is one of the major concerns
We fail to value the abundance of Mother Nature
We keep off single-use plas- tic-free lifestyle. Well, it is difficult to maintain we have right now. I had participated in a compe-
and take it for granted. By our acts, we are pollut-
tic. I have an organic garden that and it starts from cultivating little things. tition, where my team and I made ‘compost plant
ing nature. Well, I make sure that my entire family
where I grow flowering For instance, I have stopped buying plastic cut- balls’. The only requirement for these seed balls
uses a cloth bag whenever we are out for gro-
plants, vegetables and trees. lery and bottles, shop products like biodegradable to work was to place them inside the soil and
ceries. A green deed that we strictly follow is that
I dispose of waste effectively sanitary napkins and whenever I go for shopping I water them regularly. And we all distributed them
we avoid the usage of plastic in any form – just our
by composting it and using it as manure for my plants. I make carry jute bags. It is convenient to use recycled products. in our neighbourhood. I understood then that the change we are bringing
small contribution to make a bigger impact.
organic pesticides too. My entire family sticks to using only paper bags and avoids using plastic. doesn’t need to be small or big; the thing that matters is that we con-
VIHAAN GOYAL, class V, Jayshree
SHIVENDU J, class VIII, Kendriya Vidyalaya SAP, DEBANJANA TALUKDAR, class XI, Sophia School, tribute towards a greener and brighter future.
Periwal Global School, Jaipur
Thiruvananthapuram Visakhapatnam SOMYAA SINGH, Class X, St Kabir Public
School, Chandigarh
02 “At first I thought I was fighting to save rubber trees, then I thought
I was fighting to save the Amazon rainforest. Now I realise I am
fighting for humanity.” — Chico Mendes


Join the Rewilding Generation

 SUGi Forest Makers and Ocean
Gardeners use your funds to restore GREEN POCKETS
biodiversity and regenerate ecosys-
tems. Choose a monthly subscription or
a one time donation to invest in nature
and build biodiversity. Track the jour-
ney of regrowth with regular reports,
dynamic multimedia stories, and inter-
active experiences. Other than several
international projects -- growing cli-
mate resistant corals in the Bahamas,
protecting and restoring an Atlantic for-
est, a learning centre for future genera-
tions in Githima, Kenya — SUGI forest
makers are working on reviving a
10,000-tree multi-layered, native forest
planted on rural commons land in
Village Satoli, Uttarakhand, North India
and reviving India’s lost desert forest in
Maruvan, Rajasthan.
 Rewilding India offers a variety of
ways to engage and get involved in
activities. Their projects include
Mangrove and forest restoration, sup-
porting tiger widows, rural develop-
ment and ecotourism in the
Sundarbans and forest restoration, tree
HALL OF restore these lost species by rebuilding planting, environmental education,
YOUNG WARRIOR Fame lost habitats, by population rural development and eco-

he return of the world’s fastest enhancement and by tourism.
In 2020, 14-year-old Ridhima Pandey reintroduction of key native species. Best finding ever: Coffee
land animal will be India’s first
international big cat reintroduc- was among the four Indians who fea-
waste is great for
tion project. More than 70
years after the last chee-
tured in BBC’s list of 100 inspir-
ing and influential women
2 Allow nature to heal itself:
Nature knows best when it
comes to surviving harsh
Keep calm and Cicada on
The world is currently abuzz with the news of growing forests
tahs were hunted to local extinc- trillions of cicadas (belonging to a sub In March, the ‘British Ecological Society’
tion in India, eight are to be relo-
from around the world. conditions. All we need to
do is create the right specie Brood X) all set to emerge reported an unexpected finding of a
cated from Namibia and South Her journey in climate following a 17-year underground study: Spreading coffee pulp, a
conditions. We can
Africa to a national park in the change began when make sure of this by hibernation period in east coast waste product from coffee pro-
north of the country. This act she witnessed the removing dykes and and Midwest parts of United duction, over degraded lands
can be called Rewilding. dams to free up States. The red-eyed Cicadas helps them recover quickly.
As cities swell and the pres-
2013 Uttarakhand are the loudest insects on the
rivers to provide According to the report, the
sures placed upon the environ- floods, which caused planet. While there are over study’s researchers (from ETH-
more water,
ment only increase, reintroducing over 5,000 deaths and reducing 190 known varieties of cicadas Zurich and the University of
biodiversity wherever possible has damaged more than 4,000 vil- intensive in North America and 3,390 of Hawaii) spread 30 truck loads of
become a hot topic. A solution rising in them around the world, most coffee pulp on a 35X40m area of
popularity is ‘rewilding’, which, at its core, lages. In 2017, the then 9-year- species come out every year. degraded land in Costa Rica. In only
is a collaborative effort to renew the old climate activist filed a However, it is only in the United States, two years, the area treated with coffee
earth’s bonds with Mother Nature. petition against the Government of where there are a group of Cicadas, called peri- pulp had not only turned into a small forest, but
Nature knows best when it comes to odical broods, that stay underground for either it was rich in nutrients including carbon, nitro-
India over its inaction to mitigate cli-
survival and self-governance. Through 13 years or 17 years. They’re coming out to gen and phosphorus. This has turned out to be
rewilding, wildlife’s natural rhythms create mate action, through her legal mate, spawn the next gener- great news for degraded agricultural lands that
wilder, more biodiverse habitats. guardians. In 2019, she along with 15 ation and die off, all with- have poor soil quality!
other child petitioners, filed a lawsuit in a matter of weeks.
Despite weather calami-
NOT THE SAME AS against five countries at the UN.
ties, pollution, climate DiCaprio goes Rewild
change and the gradual Actor and environmental
PLANTING MORE TREES action of renewing forest cover.” This can
destruction of Earth’s activist Leonardo DiCaprio
The definition of reforestation is “the be done by planting seeds by hand, or by was recently in the news
ecosystem, the story of
the natural distribution of seeds when a having announced a
HALL OF patch of land is left to go wild. So, when Cicadas going about
pledge of $43 million to
ANTI-POLLUTION their life cycle in the

Fame it involves the growth of new trees,
rewilding can be a type of reforestation.
spirit of business as usual go toward ecological
restoration efforts on the
is being celebrated everywhere as
Licypriya Kangujam is one of To fully rebuild our wildlife’s natural Galápagos Islands, accord-
a symbol of hope, and nature’s
habitats, it is crucial that we pursue ing to ‘The Guardian’. The
India’s youngest child ability to restore itself. Did you
both manual tree-planting and move is part of DiCaprio’s
know these red eyed bugs benefit
environmental activists rewilding. We need to plant
the natural world hugely? They ongoing initiatives to promote cli-
to have addressed trees in places where refor- mate action and conservation efforts. According
prune mature trees, aerate the
estation isn’t likely to happen to reports, DiCaprio announced the launch of
world leaders at the on its own, but we need to let
soil, and once they die, their bod-
ies serve as an important source Re:wild, an environmental organisation that
United Nations Climate natural regeneration take its seeks to protect wildlife and restore biodiversi-
of nitrogen for growing trees
Change Conference 2019 course, too.
resulting in an excellent growth. ty, which he founded along with a group of con-
(COP25) in Madrid, Spain They’re also edible! servation scientists.
asking them to take immediate BASIC PRINCIPLES
climate action. In India, she has been
1 To bring back wildlife: The
wildlife species has slowly declined
Reddit investors rise Ecosia is planting a tree on
campaigning for climate action 2018,
to pass new laws to curb India’s high
over the past few decades. Even areas up to protect gorillas this planetTheevery second
lean green internet search
densely populated with wildlife, known as A while ago a
pollution levels, and to make climate- biological hotspots, are losing their group of investors machine Ecosia has planted
change literacy mandatory in schools. species richness. Some of those species on a subreddit called almost 126 million trees by now
have gone extinct. Rewilding aims to WallStreetBets made at a current rate of one tree per
news when they bought second. The search engine
a stunning 35,000-acre ranch where small volumes of shares in lured 15 million users away
REWILDING EXAMPLES jaguars roam free. the failing retailer GameStop from tech giants such as
Saving whales in the en masse. This resulted in the Google and Bing as it uses
management company’s share price which advertising revenues from
southern oceans Bison, the Netherlands of wildlife raised value for themselves online searches to plant trees.
Whales’ movements push phytoplankton HALL OF
— which absorbs carbon — back up
and Romania populations and by and then deliberately with- According to a ‘Business

toward the water’s surface, where it can

In May, Dutch and Romanian European
bison reintroduction programmes were
reintroducing species that
have disappeared as a result of PASSING OF Fame held it from professional
investors who had hoped to
Insider’ report in April 2021,
Ecosia made 2.25 million euros.
continue to survive and reproduce. At Ecosia is also on a mission to
their usual historic populations, whales
declared successful after several years human actions. A LEGEND benefit from its failures. Now
restore devastated forests and
of conservation efforts. Now, national many of those small investors
were probably responsible for sequester-
ing tens of millions of tons of carbon
from the atmosphere every year. So the
parks in both places are reaping great
environmental benefits from the bisons’
3 Restore ecosystems: Rewilding is
necessary to protect our
ecosystems. We not only have to
The recently deceased
Sunderlal Bahuguna
are using their gains for ani-
mal conservation by donating hundreds
woodlands across the world.

grazing, with a consequent flourishing of was a beacon of of thousands of dollars. They have been TREE PROTECTOR
management of whaling, and whale con-
servation by groups like the International
flora and fauna.
protect them but also restore
them to their original form. Self- the Indian environ- particularly generous with gorillas. After
a redditor posted his certificate for
Fame Popular known as ‘Hargila Baido’,
Whaling Commission is, in this sense, a sustaining ecosystems are more mental movement . adopting one of its gorillas, Rwanda’s Dr Purnima Devi Barman is the founder of a
form of rewilding. Giant tortoise, resilient towards climate change. A home-grown envi- Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund received group called “Hargila army” which
Galápagos Islands
A jaguar reserve in Mexico
The Northern Jaguar Project works to
Hunters and invasive species decimated
the Galápagos giant tortoise from the
4 Creating marine protection: So
that sea and ocean life can flourish.
ronmentalist who
steered a spontaneous
over 3,500 adoptions worth
$350,000. That’s not all. Gorillas
have also been adopted at the
provides a voice to rural women as
protector of the tree. A conserva-
restore habitats for jaguars and other
threatened species in the area. An esti-
16th century onwards. The Española
species was one of the worst affected.
5 Reconnecting rivers with floodplains:
To slow the flow, easing flooding and
creating habitats for fish and other
‘Chipko Movement’ of the 1970s into a
strong people’s movement and saved
Democratic Republic of the
Congo’s Virunga national park
tion biologist with the NGO,
Aaranyak, in Assam, she has been
mated 80-120 jaguars inhabit their Conservationists were able to round up the forests of the great Himalayas and many more such. Besides
aquatic and wetland wildlife. the recipient of the Nari Shakti
Northern Jaguar Reserve in northeastern the remaining 14, however. The tortoises gorillas, elephants, sea turtles
and the forest-based livelihoods of Purashkar by the President of India
Sonora, which was established in 2003. In
2008, the reserve raised funds to pur-
chase more land and the reserve is now
were then reintroduced. In 2010, it was
estimated that more than 1500 speci-
mens were extant.
6 Connecting up habitats: Creating
wildlife bridges so that it can move and
disperse naturally, helping them adapt to
its indigenous communities was a liv-
ing image of unfettered dedication.
and pangolins have been the
other beneficiaries. which is the highest civilian award for
Indian women.
climate change and build resilience.

Recently, I saw plastic The biggest problem that the environment faces Environmental pollution is A congenial environment nurtures life on planet As Greta Thunberg has said, People are not taking this
waste piled up at Fort Kochi due to human fallacy is overuse of resources. one of the biggest threats Earth. The most disgraceful thing we humans only apocalyptic catastro- climate change seriously,
beach. Nature took revenge Everyone wants more than what they to our planet. Pollution have done to our environment phes at our doorsteps will and that is the core of all
and gave it back to us have, what they need; and we end not only affects the flora is pollution. Deteriorating make mankind realise the negligence. Around 2 years
through cyclone Tauktae. up wasting more than what we and fauna but humans as air quality and ever gravity of their situation. ago, we stopped using plas-
Humans cut down trees to use. This wastage is not only well. However, by adopt- reducing potable water Unfortunately, by then, it tic and polythene bags. We
make furniture, papers, harmful to our surroundings, but ing eco-friendly habits are major threats, will be too late. It is a tradi- use cloth/paper bags and old
space for buildings, metro etc. This leads to also a slap in the face of all those like planting trees and besides the polluted tion in our family to only buy goods like clothes newspapers instead of garbage bags. I’ve also
deforestation. Trees give us oxygen, water, less privileged. If we elimi- not wasting paper one can significantly reduce water bodies that are and backpacks from local, sustainable business- pledged to not litter outside and only use dust-
shade, and fruits. Big factories release nate wastage of resources, pollution. Since class V, I have refrained myself killing life and vegetation. es who not only use eco-friendly practices but bins. We upcycle almost every unwanted object
harmful gases like carbon dioxide. We we can reduce all forms of (and my family) from burning crackers and The need is also to understand also donate to environmental organisations. I and old clothes to decrease our waste produc-
burn a lot of plastic waste. Single use sta- pollution. ensure that the household waste is segregated that small changes in our lifestyle can make a support Clan Earth that plants five trees for each tion. We also use water cautiously.
tionery results in heaps of plastic waste. BHAVYA GOYAL, class into wet and dry waste. big difference. eco-friendly backpack. TWISHA KARRA, class X, Fr Agnel
NEHA VIVEK, class II, The Choice XII, Modern Academy, HARSHITA SINHA, class XII, G D Goenka HRIDYANSH SHARMA, class IX, Maharaja MANEEZA KHAN, class XI, The Heritage Multipurpose School and Jr College,
School, Ernakulam Lucknow Public School, Lucknow Sawai Man Singh Vidyalaya, Jaipur School, Kolkata Ambarnath West, Mumbai
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens
can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”
Margaret Mead 03

that we can learn from. Here are some

book and movie recommendations that
literally take your emotion on a “slow

burn”. Now, hear me out, the literal def-
inition of “slow burn” is rage devel-
oping slowly and over time, in art
though it’s a bit different. A slow burn
book or movie is one, where the author
or the director takes her/his time to
make us feel the tension; the build-up
is slow. Be it horror, fantasy, romance,
these works of art take their time with
the story at hand… You won’t be able
to rush through these – it’s not meant
to have a fast pace or evoke a nervous
anxiety. Instead, such works build deep
Nature doesn’t give instant returns. A lesson we have forgotten of late. On connections between its characters,
feature rich, languid writing and make
World Environment Day, June 5, we select a few books and films that go for unforgettable storytelling.
Here are a few of such books and
beyond instant satisfaction – these works of art will make you appreciate movies you can enjoy this weekend,
keeping in mind that like Nature, we
the benefits of slow-build up stories that remain with you for a while need to restore the quality of perse-
verance within ourselves.

Haimanti Mukherjee@ even our emotions. Hun- & gry? Zomato. Bored? What-
Nitya.Shukla@ sApp, Angry? Facebook outburst. Mood for sar-
his June 5, casm? Twitter.

T on World
E nv i ro n -
ment Day,
the UN is
launching the ‘Decade on
Ecosystem Restoration’. It’s going
to be some time before we enjoy
Unfortunately, as much
as gadgets have made us be-
lieve in the impossible, we
simply cannot

Half of the problem the

through most things in life.

world is facing these days

its benefits. But the process is is because of our unnatu-
starting. ral expectations to see re-
Living in lockdown for sults immediately. But noth-
more than a year, we have al- ing comes easy in real life,
ready understood that pa- and nothing leaves just be-
tience and perseverance can cause we want it to. Every-
see us through some very thing — even Covid-19 —
bad times. These qualities will take its own natural
are inherent in Nature. time, some scientific nudg-
But we have forgotten it ing, before it goes away. We
because the last century’s need to understand that to
rapid technological restore, to bring balance, to
progress has made us all mend, is a slow process.
want finger-tip- solu- Both literature and
tions to everything – films have enough examples

Where the River Runs Gold charmed by the bright city lights. The Grapes of Hiroshima Mon Jaws
Sita Brahmachari
In this book, the author, a prolific children’s The Hungry Tide Amitav Ghosh Wrath STUDENT’S PICK Amour That haunting music is as
unforgettable as Steven
Trauma cannot be shaken
writer, weaves in the theme of climate A story of romance John Steinbeck DOCUMENTARIES Spielberg’s direction. When a
from the romance of this
change and its impact, without making it and a clash of cultures Referred to frequently as The Nature of Nature young woman is killed by a
Alain Resnais film. A
seem overtly preachy or that takes place in one of the greatest works I saw an amazing documentary, shark while swimming, police
French actress
didactic. Instead, she between deadly in eco-fiction, ‘The Grapes ‘Nature of Nature’ on the National chief Martin Brody (Roy
(Emmanuelle Riva) visits
takes the time to show us attacks by tigers, croc- of Wrath’ chronicled man- Geographic Channel. It documents Scheider) wants to close the
Hiroshima to make an anti-war film and has
how her two characters, odile-infested waters, made climate disaster. the lives of all types of sea crea- beaches, but mayor Larry
an affair with a Japanese man (Eiji Okada).
Shifa and Themba, con- tidal floods, and politi- John Steinback’s writing is tures in an interesting way. It opened Vaughn (Murray Hamilton) overrules him,
The two recall their past lives and past loves
nect while working on a cal unrest. Set in urgent yet unhurried, and- fearing that the loss of tourist revenue will
up my mind to the diversity of the under- during their short time together, and the
farm to pollinate crops Sundarbans, the isolat- bursting with timeless cripple the town. Ichthyologist Matt Hooper
water world and has inspired me to continue effect is devastating.
after all the bees have ed chain of islands in prose like: “A large drop of sun lingered on (Richard Dreyfuss) and ship captain Quint
exploring. Now I want to learn to dive and see
died. You see their the Bay of Bengal come the horizon and then dripped over and was
those creatures in real life. The Way We Were (Robert Shaw) offer to help Brody capture the
friendship happen alive in the author’s gone, and the sky was brilliant over the spot This Sydney Pollack film killer beast, and the trio engage in an epic
where it had gone, and a torn cloud, like a NANDINI SINGLA, class V, Sri Venkateshwar
organically as if it was descriptions of the beautiful mangrove explores the love story of battle of man vs nature.
bloody rag, hung over the spot of its going. International School, Delhi
taking place in your forests, tidal waters, and lunar rainbows. It’s Katie Morosky (Barbra
neighbourhood. a story that does not try to rush itself or And dusk crept over the sky from the eastern Streisand), a politically
Blade Runner 2049
horizon, and darkness crept over the land 2040 First and foremost watch
According to interviews, Sita escalate unnatural progress. active Jew, who meets
from the east.” Concerned about his young daughter’s future, the prequel, either after or
Brahmachari was inspired by Greek mytholo- Hubbell Gardiner (Robert
filmmaker Damon Gameau travels the world in before watching this film.
gy and the Meteore Mountain (meaning Life of Pi search of new approaches and solutions that
Redford), a carefree guy. But
Another Denis Villeneuve
Earth and sky) that create a haunting narra- Yann Martel The Overstory soon Katie’s strong convictions and Hubbell’s
classic, this film is a sequel
tive that’ll stay with you for a long time. Yann Martel’s epic can tackle climate change. He easy lifestyle begin to hamper their
Richard Powers meets with innovators and to the outstanding sci-fi film
novel fired the world’s relationship.
This Pulitzer Prize-win- ‘Blade Runner’ (1982),
The Secret Garden imagination about the change-makers in many fields
secret life of oceans
ning novel is about
to draw on their expertise. Sixteen Candles starring Harrison Ford,
Frances Hodgson Burnett humans who are In this John Hughes classic directed by Ridley Scott. In
and its creatures. friends with trees.
While the ultimate solution is
Long before eco-fiction came to be as a ’80s film, angst-ridden the sequel, Officer K (Ryan Gosling), a new
Whether you read the Initially presented as a to plant as many trees as possi-
genre or studies proved the healing power of Samantha (Molly blade runner for the Los Angeles Police
nature, Frances Hodgens Burnett’s ‘The book or watch the film, seemingly disconnect- ble, I would recommend everyone to Department, unearths a long-buried secret
Ringwald) faces her 16th
Secret Garden’ had taught us to slow the story starts on a ed series of nine human watch this to get an idea of what lies in store that has the potential to plunge what’s left of
birthday with typical
down, and take a rocky, fast-paced note lives and their ‘trees’, for us if we don’t make a change today. society into chaos.
adolescent dread. She is
walk. Like any good where we see Pi take the author develops ABHINAV GUPTA, VII B, Cambridge Court terrified that her
children’s classic, the off on a long journey and it’s all very exciting. each of individual story fully, all of which World School, Jaipur birthday will be overshadowed by her
Rear Window
story progressed at But then Martel, changes the pace, and comes to a brilliant fruition when all the This Alfred Hitchcock
sister’s upcoming wedding. Samantha pines
the pace of its protag- slows the story down when the ocean liner characters come together to address the BOOKS classic tells the story of a
for an older boy, Jake (Michael Schoeffling),
onists, who were chil- carrying Pi and his family sinks, and he is left destruction of forests. This Book Is Not Rubbish: 50 Ways to Ditch recuperating news
even as she keeps off rebuffing the
dren. Burnett didn’t alone on a rowboat with a tiger named Plastic, Reduce Trash, and Save the World! photographer, Jeff (James
affections of nerdy Ted (Anthony Michael
Richard Parker. Martel describes the won- Stewart), who believes he
rush or escalate things
drous variety of the Pacific Ocean at an
The Word for Isabel Thomas Hall), the only boy in the school, who seems
has witnessed a murder.
to show the reader how It has 50 ways to save the planet. And to take an interest in her.
being in nature trans- unhurried pace where adrift and lonely, a World Is Forest
human and a tiger take a long time to over- Ursula Le Guin
most of them are very doable. In
Arrival A Quiet Place
formed a sullen Mary to fact, I got the idea that one Directed by John
a happy girl, and a come their biological barriers to reach a A work of science In this Denis Villeneuve
transcendent understanding. We bet you shouldn’t use balloons for birthday Krasinski, who also
bedridden Collin to realise that he could feel fiction in which, masterpiece, Amy
shed a tear or two while reading it. parties from the book and I fol- plays the male lead in
the earth moving beneath his feet. There is Ursula Le Guin who Adams plays a linguistics
lowed it for my last birthday. This this film, the story
plenty of languid writing that helps you is one of the biggest professor, Louise Banks,
way, I minimised waste from my birth- revolves around a
understand that humans and nature can Wishtree influences in the
day. The book is quite helpful for those look-
who leads an elite team
father (Krasinski) and a
share the best relationship, if we only let genre, builds a deeply of investigators when
Katherine Applegate ing for practical ways to save the planet. I gigantic spaceships touch
mother (Emily Blunt),
each other be. haunting story of an
When was the last time you passed by a tree, have read it many times and still find it inspir- who struggle to survive
interstellar logging down in 12 locations
and remembered to feel its thick bark, mar- ing. I also like the illustrations which makes it and raise their children
colony. Although a novella, Gain uses an around the world. As
The Inheritance _ vel at its leaves or take a moment to appreci-
intriguing set up and takes time in getting to interesting to read. nations teeter on the verge of global war,
in a post-apocalyptic
ate the respite it gave you from the sun? world inhabited by blind
of Loss Reading this middle-grade novel about the
the story’s resolution which is colonialism, TAHIRA SUSAN KOSHY, class III, Shiv Nadar Banks and her crew must race against time
monsters with an acute
extractivism, and environmental despoliation School, Faridabad to find a way to communicate with the
Kiran Desai healing, giving power of trees may inspire
extraterrestrial visitors.
sense of hearing.
are endemic to humankind.
Even the fastest readers you to hug one. The book is about an old oak
would find themselves tree called Red that The Ends of the World: Volcanic Apocalypses,
The Conversation The Bridges of Madison County
slowing down to read watches over his Migrations Lethal Oceans, and Our Quest to understand In this Clint
Surveillance expert Harry Caul
this incredible novel that ‘neighbourhood’, Earth’s Past Mass Extinctions Peter Brannen Eastwood-directed
Charlotte McConaghy (Gene Hackman) is hired by a
takes place simultane- and the many ani- The author takes us on a mind-blowing histor- epic love story, set in
The Australian young- mysterious client's brusque
ously in two locations. mals that live in his ical journey through the planet’s 1965, Francesca
adult writer’s debut into aide (Harrison Ford) to tail a
In an isolated house at the lush branches. Red is five mass extinctions, while Johnson (Meryl
the world of literary fic- young couple, Mark (Frederic
foothills of Mount Kanchenjunga in the also known as the also speculating what’s in Streep), who lives
tion is a slow, visceral Forrest) and Ann (Cindy
Himalayas, an embittered judge finds himself Wishtree where story for Earth’s future. with her husband
story that opens with the Williams) in this Francis Ford
saddled with the responsibility of his each year people and two children on
lines “The animals are Reading about Earth’s history Coppola masterpiece.
orphaned granddaughter Sai, who shows up tie their wishes their Iowa farm,
dying. Soon we will be and its many ends has been Tracking the pair through San
on his doorstep. The judge’s cook watches written on strips of meets National
alone here.” The protago- certainly more fun than living Francisco’s Union Square, Caul and his
over Sai, but he constantly worries about his cloth. So when a Geographic
nist of the story leaves her through what seems to be a apocalypse associate Stan (John Cazale) manage to
son Biju, who is an illegal immigrant in New new family moves photojournalist,
life to go on a mission to that we are currently in the midst of. This record a cryptic conversation between them.
York (US). A poignant story about joy and in and they aren’t exactly welcomed Robert Kincaid (Eastwood). He’s in
follow the last Arctic terns in what might be book is amazing! Tormented by memories of a previous case
despair, Desai constantly compares life amid with open arms, Red decides to intervene. A Madison County to photograph its historic
their final migration to Antarctica. Migrations MANINI SHAH, class IX, Udgam School For that ended badly, Caul becomes obsessed
nature in small town and villages, which may beautiful story of nature and friendship for covered bridges. With Francesca’s family
is an ode to a disappearing world and yet Children, Ahmedabad with the resulting tape, trying to determine if
sometimes seem ‘less’ to those who are kids and adults. away for a short trip, the couple have an
one that offers hope. the couple are in danger.
intense, four-day love affair.

I always try to save electricity. I plant trees in We don’t look at the larger One common mistake we The biggest problem according to me is pollu- Improper and negligent The biggest problem is
my surroundings. I always give away extra impact our actions have are making is not paying tion. The quality of air we breathe in is degrad- management of waste is our that people tend to
food to street animals and avoid wastage of on the environment. Like attention to the toxicity ing day by day. I believe in the saying ‘Be the biggest environment hazard. ignore their deeds. They
any food. As far as possible, I try to use public during the lockdown, we are adding to the envi- change you want to see in the world’, so I We cannot eliminate genera- think it won’t make a
transport or go walking. While everyone has been order- ronment through our started from my house. At home, they tion of waste, but we can difference if one person
shopping, I always prefer ing online. While we may actions. We all throw used call me the ‘Water Inspector’ since I control its disposal. I active- avoids the rules. I feel
reusable bags. Whenever I be avoiding crowding, up batteries in trash bins. keep a check on how much water is ly took part in my school’s every person in this
get the opportunity, I try what we are forgetting is that these products This is very harmful for our soil as each bat- utilised in different activities by all social initiative where we ran a collection drive world is literate enough
to make natural organic come in plastic packaging. Most great environ- tery contains hazardous toxins. We must dis- the members. I keep reminding for recycling paper. Since then, I have carried to know what deforesta-
manure from kitchen waste. mentalists have said constantly that plastic is card them responsibly. Stop buying single- my family about reusing as much forward the school legacy and have personally tion or pollution do. They choose to ignore it.
This is my set of contributions either a boon, or a bane, depending on its used batteries and opt for rechargeable bat- water as we can so that we don’t collected over 100 kg of paper sent for recycling. Pay attention to your everyday actions.
and I have been sticking to these for the past usage. That’s why I always send all the packag- teries instead. They can be used more than waste precious resources. I also save water and plant a tree every “Never doubt that one person can make a
three years.. ing material for recycling. 1000 times and recycled at no cost. DHWANI GULATI, class VII, three months. difference,” said Ingrid Newkirk.
CHAARVEE BEVARA, class X, Atkinson SANATH KOTHARI, class VII, St ISHAAN JAIN, class VII, The Oxford Sacred Heart Senior RAJAT JAIN, class XI, Delhi Public SAMIKSHA DEY, class X, GIIS,
Senior Secondary School, Vijayawada Joseph’s Boys High School, Bengaluru Senior Secondary School, Bengaluru Secondary School, Chandigarh School, Rohini, Delhi Ahmedabad
04 “If you fail to prepare, you’re prepared to fail.”
Mark Spitz, former Olympic swimmer SIMPLY SPORTS SATURDAY, JUNE 5, 2021

A WIN-WIN FOR THE Sports personalities

as green crusaders
Ian Thorpe | swimmer

When sporting events, and sportspersons support a green cause,
it can be a real game changer for the environment. Sustainability in The five-time Olympic gold medalist is a
sports as a movement started some years back with various sporting budding conservationist. He is a TV host
and producer for two new environmental
associations ushering in green initiatives. On the occasion of World shows on an Australian network. The shows
Environment Day, we check out some green arenas... deal with issues such as recycling, carbon
footprints, environment-friendly cars,
renewable energy and water usage.

GREEN Serena Williams | tennis player

HOTSPOTS One of the greatest tennis players of all
time, Serena Williams is a proponent of a
plant-based diet. She is investing in
sustainable start-ups that want to reduce
over-consumption of meat. Her clothing
line, Serena, is based on vegan,
pollution-free products made in the US.

Lewis Hamilton | F1 racer

This six-times Formula One world
champion’s growing concerns over the
environment have seen him sell his private
plane and introduce a complete ban on
plastics in his daily life. He advocates a
plant-based diet and outside the track,
he uses electric cars whenever possible.

Nico Rosberg | F1 racer

The former Formula 1 world champion is
M Chinnaswamy Stadium, Benguluru solar-powered cricket stadium in the world. It is equipped along the boundary. The stadium currently claims to dedicated to sustainability projects.
Leading the way in the brigade for eco-friendly cricket with various eco-friendly features, ranging from a cut down 600 tonnes of carbon emissions. To top it all,
He launched the Greentech Festival to
stadiums is our very own M Chinnaswamy Stadium rainwater harvesting plant, a sewage treatment plant the associations earn a revenue of Rs 80 lakh by selling
owned by the Karnataka State Cricket Association in that draws water from the sewers in Cubbon Park to excess power to the Bangalore Electricity Supply Com- promote sustainable initiatives in the
Bengaluru. Inspired by Germany’s Freiburg Football recycle it, and lastly, a biogas plant. The floodlights are pany. The power generated through solar panels can areas of lifestyle, mobility, food and
Stadium, the Bengaluru ground is the first fully equipped with LED lights replacing the halogen lamps light up 200 houses throughout the year.
energy. These include drone taxis, a
Formula E race and smart city initiatives.

GOLF FOOTBALL Morro da Mineira, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Mary Kom | boxer
Mission Hills Haikou, China Morro da Mineira, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
The world’s largest golf resort is built in China and comes Now, if you are somewhat of a couch potato, this
with a huge responsibility towards sustainability. The Mis- might not be your thing. Inaugurated by Pele, locat- The Olympic champion is a complete
sion Hills Haikou has implemented various sustainable meas- ed in the most famous city of Brazil, Morro da Mineira animal lover at heart. She supports PETA
ures that vows to promote low-carbon emissions, ecology and is popularly known as the world’s first-ever people-
to make sure no animal is harmed.
environmental protection. The resort features the use of so- powered football pitch. Giving meaning to the popu-
lar-paneled golf carts, artificial lakes that collects rainwater lar saying: “what goes around comes back around”, She has been reaching out to various
for irrigation, waste management plants to name a few. the pitch is installed with over 200 underground ki- state governments to ask for topics on
netic tiles that covert players’ movements into en-
compassionate treatment of animals to be
ergy to power up the lights around the ground. It is
Mission Hills Haikou, China not rocket science, the concept is simple: the more included in the school curriculum.
rigorous the footwork, the better the floodlights work.
Costing a whopping $100,000 for the tiles, the pitch
serves over 200,000 residents in nearby favelas.
wintry nights? They have got you covered, quite Kelly Slater | surfer
The New Lawn Stadium, Gloucestershire, England literally. Fabric insulation and condensing boilers
When you say organic, you think of fruits and provide better thermal retention and efficiency.
vegetables. The New Lawn Football Stadium in This eight-time world champion aids the
Nailsworth, Gloucestershire, is the world’s first with Amsterdam Arena, Amsterdam, The Netherlands coral cause with his Kelly Slater Invitational
an organic pitch. Known as one of the most Home to Ajax Amsterdam, the biggest stadium in
competition. The competition helps raise
environmentally-sustainable stadiums in the world, Holland is not just a stadium but also its net climate
it ticks all the boxes in the eco-friendly department. neutral. This energy zen has 4200 solar panels fitted funds for Reef Check, an organisation
Established in 2011, it successfully installed 180 on the roof and a rainwater harvesting plant. The working to protect and rehabilitate coral
solar panels that generate 25 per cent of the arena is cooled down using cold water from a lake
reefs. His surf clothing line, Outerknown,
electricity required to run it. The pitch collects nearby. The stadium also has wind turbines and is
rainwater for recycling. The club uses a solar-pow- the world’s first to feature 100 per cent renewable uses a sustainable supply chain.
ered ‘MowBot’, a self-sufficient robotic lawnmower seating. Forget plastic and wood, the futuristic seaters
to cuts grass. Local farmers use the grass cuttings as are made from sugarcane. Now, isn’t that sweet?
manure. Lastly, the stadium is also the first to have a
meat-free sustainable menu. Emirates Stadium, Highbury, England
The Emirates Stadium in Highbury, London, does
Princes Park, Dartford, England not promise high-tech designs or practise to reduce Tokyo’s 2021 green Olympics
Al Hamra Golf Club Not only is Dartford FC’s football game on point, but the impact on the planet. Instead it offers the old

Al Hamra is the first plastic-free golf club in the Middle their environmental game is on point too. Princes school method of recycling facilities all around the oing by its theme, ‘Be better, together’, Tokyo Olympics
East. The course has completely banned the use of Park is a culmination of many phenomenal things ground. Other than that, the stadium is also installed is aiming to be the lowest-emission Games ever, and it
plastic items in the course. They have introduced a high- eco-friendly. To begin with – a sedum roof blanket with eco-friendly LED lights, waterless toilets, a does not just stop with the venue, it goes beyond to where
quality water filtration plant that provides you with clean which provides a natural air filtration system, cardboard crusher machine etc. The club claims to the athletes will sleep. Yes, you read that right. The athletes will
drinkable water. With this, Al Hamra sets a new solar panels to help generate electricity for the recycle more than 10 tonnes of cardboard and glass sleep on recyclable cardboard beds that are designed to hold up
eco-friendly standard and pledges to conserve the envi- community areas and a rainwater recycling system in a month. The overall energy output by the club is to 200 kgs of
ronment for a better future. to keep the water flowing. Wondering about the cold believed to be reduced by 20 per cent this year. weight. Mattress-
es used on the
Sentosa Golf Club, Singapore cardboard beds
Sentosa Golf Club (SGC) initiatives feature recycling of are also made to
rainwater, use of bio-friendly products around the course
and lithium-ion buggies that reduce their carbon footprint.
TENNIS Grandstand Stadium and Louis Arm-
strong Stadium, US
be fully recyclable.
The event’s
SGC conducts exchange sessions with local golf clubs to share The Louis Armstrong Stadium is the first medals too are
their experience elevate Singapore’s golf industry towards naturally ventilated stadium with a re- made from recy-
a sustainable environment. tractable roof. During reconstruction, over cled precious met-
95 per cent of demolished original Armstrong als. The athletes’
Osprey Point at Kiawah Island Resort, US Stadium was recycled to build the current village will be
Osprey Point underwent a full-blown makeover in 2014 structure. Other key features include the use built from locally-
and now uses Paspalum, a low-maintenance turf grass, of low-emitting paints and finishes to reduce sourced wood and
that reduces water consumption for cultivation. Added to emission of pollutants. Stadium authorities the event vehicles
that, this type of grass uses natural groundwater to grow, aim to encourage fans to take local transit to are set to be pow-
eliminating the use of added chemical products to make help reduce the carbon footprint. Grandstand ered by hydrogen fuel cells. Organisers hope the event will emit
the grass thrive. All courses in Kiawah Island Resort take Stadium holds similar features and is one of not more than 2.93 million tonnes of CO2, beating the 2012
environmental protection seriously. the world’s most eco-friendly stadiums. London Games, which claimed to be the greenest ever and
generated 3.3 million tonnes of CO2 emissions.

We are exposed to high Thousands of people at the stadium support and Watching a match at a Bring your own food and water, in reusable Choose the most viable type A clean and green
noise levels at sporting cheer for their favourite teams, or stadium is a long-drawn containers. That is one way to ensure you don’t of public transportation avail- environment is something
events, with everyone players. But afterwards, the affair. Like at the movies, leave behind empty packets, able to get to the stadium. which we all desire. While
cheering, shouting and posters and placards they leave eating and drinking while used water bottles, tissues For Chennaiites, the Chepauk attending a match in a
blowing instruments. These behind lead to a huge mess. So the game is on is a given. and so on. One should station’s exit directly leads to stadium, I would always carry
levels most often exceed make sure you don’t leave them Carry your own water be conscious of one’s the entrance of the cricket a biodegradable bag with me
permissible limits. They not behind. Carry them back bottle and cutlery. That actions and work stadium. It runs on which can be used to carry
only cause noise pollution, but can also lead to with you and dispose way you avoid buying towards reducing the electricity, has a great frequency and you will beat the litter back. That way we do not overload the
high decibel-induced hearing impairments. them appropriately. plastic ones, and littering the stadium. It might carbon footprint. We can the traffic and reach on time. If this isn’t possible bins at the stadium. It also reduces the workload
Therefore, we should discourage people from seem like a lot in the beginning but this simple also politely help/advise in your city, then make sure you carpool with your of the people cleaning the stadium. It also helps
carrying shrill whistles, vuvuzelas and other practice is bound to take us a long way in others not to litter the place, friends or family. As we know, no one goes to the inculcate a healthy and responsible attitude in us
noisy instruments to sporting events. keeping our environment clear the future. as a responsible citizen. stadium alone. and all those peole who would witness us.
class X, Convent
Bhavan Vidyalaya, Chandigarh Dehradun P Obul Reddy Public School, HYD School, Mumbai LMOIS, Chennai English Medium School, Kolkata

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