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APOSTILLE, ‘(Convention de La Haye du octobre 1961) Coury: United States of America “This pubic document hasbeen signed by. STANLEY J CHMIELEWSK cing in the capcy of OEFUTY PROTHONGTARY OF THE COURT OF ComMON PLAS bears the seal/stamp COUR OF COMMON PEAS PILADELPIA COUNTY, COMMCRVEALTH OF EANSYLVANA erties at Marburg, Pensa 5 The ath day ofa, 2000 yy Pedro A Cords, Secretary of the Camanweath of Pennsvana i: 200913826 Seat 10, Signature Rear G Coos | Pedro A. Cortés COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA DEPARTMENT OF STATE ‘No: 200826478 OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF THE COMMONWEALTH August 18, 2008 [STANLEY J CHMIELEWSK om i, tune of exeuten ofthe atached cette, the ty appointed DEPUTY PROTHONGTARY ‘OFTHE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS in and forthe County of PHILADELPHIA, m the Commonwealth of Penyvani, toa 2 "ow a reso han 8 Common sea, ana Sch omer hes Owe pe Oey OF te i i i fs: i 1, DO FURTHER CERTIFY, That Iver beleve the seal impressed upon the attached carticate genuine. [DUTESTIMONY WHEREOE, 1 have hereunto set my and and caused the seal of my Oreste ated, the dy and yor above wrten Voiee (Co Co, ‘Seardary OF The Comment MOORISH AMERICAN INDIGENOUS REPUBLIC NORTHAMERICA CENTRAL AMERICA” SOUTH AMERICA ‘AFFIDAVIT SLEGAL NOTICE* “AFFIRMATION OF FACT* ‘TAX EXEMPT STATUS* (Name: _Neb Aakhu EL Bey RE; RECORDING AND DOCUMENTATION Location: (OF EXISTING SUPREME LAW AND ‘TAX EXEMPT STATUS: Province/State: DIRECTOR OF INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE, HOLTVILLE, Zip Exempt: NEW YORK 0501 ‘TAX EXEMPT AND “STATE” ASSIGNED SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER: No._177-56-0237 VEE 127, UCC L103, vec. L308 LS.LA.M.*I Self Law Am Master” NATIONALITY: MOORISH AMERICAN, THE DE JURE Status: Aboriginal INDIGENOUS NATIONAL and NATURAL CITIZEN Indigenous Frechold By inheritance ‘AA 222141 Dept. of Justice A-L TAM, _Neb Aah ELBey AFFIRM, DECLARE AND SAYS; I AM MOORISH AMERICAN, INDIGENOUS FREE CONTINENTAL UNITED STATES NATURAL CITIZEN, POSSESSING FREEHOLD OR INHERITANCE STATUS. 1. PURSUANTTO: ‘THE FREE MOORISH GREAT SEAL ZODIAC CONSTITUTION ARTICLE THREE (3) AND THE DRED SCOTT DECISION OF 1857, A MOORISH AMERICAN CANNOT BE LEGALLY TAXED, RECORDED WITH THE UNITED STATES JUSTICE DEPARTMENT-TRUTH A-i 2, PURSUANT TO: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA REPUBLIC CONSTITUTION ARTICLE ONE (1) SECTION TWO) PARAGRAPH THREE (3), ARTICLE SIX (6) “TREATIES. ‘Moors: The Aboriginal an Indigenous Pope ofthe Continental United Sales: Noth, Sth Cental “Moraes (Ameria) incladig the dang Ian Decent Nemo: MAND. 3. PURSUANT TO: THE SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, THE CORPORATION EXISE TAX ACT OF 1909 ~ ADIUDICATED IN J FLINT V. STONE STACY CO. 107 (1911). 31s. CT. WHEREFORE, I SEEK THE RECORDING OF THE PRE-EXISTING SUPREME LAW. TAX EXEMPT STATUS, RELATIVE TO MOORISH NATIONALS, IN ACCORD WITH ‘THE SOVEREIGN LAW OF THE LAND, AND TO MAKE CURATIVE NOTATION OF MY NATURAL RIGHTS NOTED AND OR UN-NOTED - DROIT! 1AM, UCC 1207, UCC EI UCE. 1208 RESERVING ALL OTHER RIGHTS AND IMMUNITIES, SPECIFIED AND UNSPECIFIED, In the Court of Common Pleas of Philadelphia County No. 96 - 20505 Commonwealth cseray evs poor ov crt ct Cm ne ct tc near Ren of Pennsylvania ‘eighteens Cau ae oe tps ouny of Pine . cicogumet & Now Fist he Dae Pranctry ing principal. Witness my NOTARAL SEAL LANES EDWAFO Wr ‘My commision expires, fi 3 snd Indigenous Pope ofthe Continental United Sine: Noth, South Centra Al ‘Moroes (Ameria nding the dining an Document Number: M-IND-001 Poet COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA = DEPARTMENT OF STATE No: zousz0sra OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF THE COMMONWEALTH ‘August 19,2008 PENNSYLVANIA, SS: 1, Pedro A Cats, Secretary othe Commonvweath of Pensa, 0 HEREBY CERTIFY, That & appears by the econ oft fc ta STANLEY J CHMIELEWSKI ‘aw ie, and was atthe ine of execution ofthe attached cotiate, the duly appointed DEPUTY PROTHONOTARY "COMMON PLEAS inane for the County of PHILADELPFA, the Comonwenh of Pennsyien, 5x wii o'a cout of nw and record aig a coneon sea, and 88 such offer Ras the lea cstoy of the ‘record ad the ofa! seal three: 1,0 FURTHER CERTIFY, Tet very balove the sal inpressed upon the attached cericat seine NV TESTIMONY WHEREOF,_ Ihave hereunto sty apd andeaused the sal of my Off tobe afd, the day ad year above wrt Ni (a, Tearetany OF Te Commonweal NORTH AMERICA CENTRAL AMERICA’ SOUT THE MOORISH AMERICAN INDIGENOUS Re: AFFIDAVIT LAWFUL NOTICE* LEGAL NOTICE “AT LAW" “TAX IMMUNE STATUS OF THE INDIGENOUS MOORS* UEC 1-207, UCC. 1-103, U.CC 1-308 TAm,_Neb Aakbu Ei Bey ‘Status: Indigenous Frochold by Inheritance State assigned ID. No__177-56-4237 AAD2I41 Lec Tam, UCC. M05 UCC. 1308 Dept of Justice: A~ 1 Indigenous Natural Peoples of Noth AI Moroc (American) — Droit. Lawful Notice ofthe Indigenous Moorish National) TAX IMMUNE STATUS, sit Pertains to all Federal, State, City, Municipal, County, Local RealEstate and Seles Taxes ofthe Union States Rights Society, U.S, of Ain accord with all relative Sapreme ‘Constitution Law, Treaty(s) and/or Statues) at large. {Neb Aakbu EI Bey , being INDIGENOUS and NATURAL - ABORIGINAL by BIRTH sand INHERITANCE ~ a Free MOORISH National- do hereby exercise my Sovereign ‘Natural Right and poser of immunity against Taxation bythe self governed Union States ‘Rights Republic, U.S. of A. which has no jurisdiction over the recognized Indigenous Free and Soversizn Moors: bearer() ofthe name(s) BEY and EL, pursuant to and substantiated by, though not limited toz 1, MOORISH ZODIAC CONSTITUTION: Article Two (2), Para, one (1), Article ‘Three G) Para. One (1), Article Four (4), Para. Two (2) and Article Six(), Para two). 2. UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE - Moorish Credentials, with ‘Zodiac Constitution, CLASSIFIED ~ Truth A~ 1 Foreign Relations and (5) (Liberty Clause) and Amendment Nine ~ (Reservation ofthe Rights ofthe People). In the Court of Common Pleas of Philadelphia County No. 96 - 20503 Commonwealth JOSE VERS. nancy fhe Cart Conran Pa of si ounty, whch ia Cov of ca of Pennsyivania {ert ab dh snatny Sa hs es Rowan as ‘County of Phildalphi, eo, te ning Carte 8 Ponty

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