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Quiz on COVID- 19 pandemic werrains 1620 @ This quiz tests awareness about COVID-19 pandemic, clinical symptoms, therapies, and available vaccines Email address * Name * Ms, Salma Begum Institution Name * RBVRR Women's College Designation * Are you a life science student * OU Yes @ No State * Telangana Y_ 1. The genome of COVID-19 is * © 2) Single stranded RNA © }) Double stranded RNA © ©) Single stranded DNA © 4) Double stranded DNA Y 2.Inthe RT PCR test for COVID-19, the RT stands for * © Random Transcription © »)Reverse Transcription © ©) Recurrent Transcription © 4) Remanent Transcription WW WW Y 3. The coronavirus type, or clade, is a cluster of SARS-CoV-2 viruses that 1/1 share evolutionary similarities and are grouped together based on characteristic mutations or similarities in parts of their genomes. The most dominant coronavirus clade in India is the * a) A3i b) Aza v ©) A2b OO0@0O d) ze x 4, The strain of COVID-19 B.1:1.7 with a large number of mutations spread 0/1 very fast in this country. Name the country * © aindia O »)China © 4) United Kingdom © 4)united states x Correct answer © ©) United kingdom 8. Which of the following is a major cause of death among patients with 1/1 COVID-19 * ©@ a. Acute respiratory distress syndrome v © b- hepatic encephalopathy © Renal failure © 4.Brain hemiation X__6 Which of the following statement is/are correct about Favipiravir? * 0/1 © a Favipiravir is an antiviral COVID-19 drug, © b. Glenmark Pharmaceuticals under the brand name Fabi Flu. x oO ¢. It is India's first COVID-19 drug launched. CO 4.Allthe above are correct. Correct answer @ 4.Allthe above are correct. Y 7.Cells which provide long term immunity for COVID-19 patients * WW O a.Beell © »b.d-cell © c Tell v © 4. Endothelial Cells VY 8.Corona virus belongs to the family of * a © @.Nidovirus v © adenovirus © Herpes virus TY a Y 9. Corona virus entry into host cell is mediated by * m © a spike protein CO b- fusion with membrane @ c.Botha&b v © 4.None of the above XX 10. The structure of corona virus consists of * ot © shaped glycoprotein spikes protrude through a lipid bilayer © ». Anicosahedral structure with an envelope @ c.Bothaab x © 4. None of these Correct answer © a club shaped glycoprotein spikes protrude through a lipid bilayer Y_ 11.Corona virus is a zoonotic virus. What does it means? * W © a. They are confined to animals © b-They cause pandemic © «© They emerge from animals and spread in humans. v TX on AM neon ek Y 12, Current science suggest corona virus lives the shortest time on which 1/1 surface * CO a:stainless steel O plastic ©@ © cardboard v © 4.None of the above 18. The virus that causes COVID-19 was believed to have originated in 1/1 which species * © acat v O bPig O «Bird O 4Horse Y 14. Covaxine is * "WW @ @ anattenuated vaccine v © ».DNA vaccine © .RNAvaccine © 4. None of the above Y 15. The cell surface receptor for COVID-19 virus * " a.ACE-2 receptor v b. VEGF RI ¢. Endothelin receptor O00 @ d. Laminin receptor 16. The first vaccine approved for use in the world was * W © a.sinopharm © .covshield O c.covaxine © 4-pfizer vaccine v Y_17.Name a clinical trial in which blood is transfused from recovered " COVID-19 patients to a corona virus patient who is in critical condition? * @ a.Plasma Therapy v © b.Remdesivir O &.Hydroxychloroquine © 4. None of the above 18. Which of the following statement is NOT true about the important 1/1 properties of Corona virus? * © a.non-enveloped RNA virus v CO b- enveloped RNA virus © .World- wide pandemic © 4.Can spread from person to person 19. To contract the Corona virus, you first have to come into contact with 1/1 it through * © a. Aninfected person's respiratory secretions like a cough or sneeze. © b. Physical contact with an infected person. © Physically touching a surface thatthe virus ison and then touching your mouth or nose before washing your hands. © 4. Allof the above v X 20. Pfizer vaccine is * ot © RNAvaccine © DwAvaccine x © inactivated vaccine © None of the above Correct answer © RNA vaccine This content is neither created nor endorsed by Google, ~ Teams of Sewice - Privacy Policy, Google Forms

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