Epicor ERP Advanced Business Process Management Course

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Epicor ERP

Advanced Business Process

Management Course
This document is for informational purposes only and is subject to change without notice. This document and its
contents, including the viewpoints, dates and functional content expressed herein are believed to be accurate as of its
date of publication. However, Epicor Software Corporation makes no guarantee, representations or warranties with
regard to the enclosed information and specifically disclaims any applicable implied warranties, such as fitness for a
particular purpose, merchantability, satisfactory quality or reasonable skill and care. As each user of Epicor software is
likely to be unique in their requirements in the use of such software and their business processes, users of this document
are always advised to discuss the content of this document with their Epicor account manager. All information contained
herein is subject to change without notice and changes to this document since printing and other important information
about the software product are made or published in release notes, and you are urged to obtain the current release
notes for the software product. We welcome user comments and reserve the right to revise this publication and/or
make improvements or changes to the products or programs described in this publication at any time, without notice.
The usage of any Epicor software shall be pursuant to an Epicor end user license agreement and the performance of
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Epicor cannot guarantee that the software will be compliant and up to date with such changes. All statements of
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to in the relevant statement, i.e., where any Epicor software is stated to be compatible with one product and also
stated to be compatible with another product, it should not be interpreted that such Epicor software is compatible
with both of the products running at the same time on the same platform or environment. Additionally platform or
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Revision: December 01, 2015 5:03 p.m.
Total pages: 72
Advanced Business Process Management Course Contents

Advanced Business Process Management Course................................................................6
Before You Begin....................................................................................................................7
Environment Setup..........................................................................................................................................7
Workshop Constraints..............................................................................................................................8
BPM and Service Oriented Architecture..............................................................................10
How BPM Works...................................................................................................................11
Standard Execution Flow................................................................................................................................11
Using Business Process Management.............................................................................................................12
Programming Actions....................................................................................................................................13
Custom Action.......................................................................................................................................14
Use BPM to Send Email........................................................................................................15
Synchronous vs Asynchronous Execution........................................................................................................15
Design Email Template...................................................................................................................................15
Execution Rule...............................................................................................................................................16
Workshop - Send an Email.............................................................................................................................16
Add a Post-Processing Directive..............................................................................................................16
Use Send Email Action............................................................................................................................17
Test the BPM..........................................................................................................................................18
Change the Action.................................................................................................................................18
Test the BPM..........................................................................................................................................19
Disable Directive.....................................................................................................................................19
Default Data To Updatable BAQ Records...........................................................................21
Workshop - Populate Data in Updatable Dashboard.......................................................................................21
Download Dashboard Definition.............................................................................................................21
Import Dashboard Definition...................................................................................................................22
Publish Dashboard Data..........................................................................................................................23
Get the Updatable BAQ Methods...........................................................................................................24
New Post-Processing Directive.................................................................................................................24
Build BPM Workflow...............................................................................................................................25
Test Directive..........................................................................................................................................27
Disable Directive.....................................................................................................................................28
Set Text Properties...............................................................................................................29
Workshop - Set Text Properties......................................................................................................................29
Create New Method Directive.................................................................................................................29
Build BPM Workflow...............................................................................................................................30
Test the Directive....................................................................................................................................31
Disable the Directive...............................................................................................................................31
BPM Data Form Designer.....................................................................................................32

Epicor ERP | 10.1 3

Contents Advanced Business Process Management Course

Workshop - Create a Form for User Input.......................................................................................................32

Create a BPM Data Form........................................................................................................................32
Locate the GetNewUserFile Method........................................................................................................33
Add a Pre-Processing Directive................................................................................................................34
Add a Post-Processing Directive..............................................................................................................35
Show Informational Message..................................................................................................................35
Enable and Save the Directive.................................................................................................................36
Test the Method Directive.......................................................................................................................37
Add an Action........................................................................................................................................37
Save the Directive...................................................................................................................................38
Test the Method Directive.......................................................................................................................38
Disable Directives....................................................................................................................................39
Data Directives......................................................................................................................40
Workshop - Prevent Entering Same Information Using BPM Code..................................................................40
Locate the OrderHed Table.....................................................................................................................40
Add In-Transaction Directive...................................................................................................................41
Test Data Directive..................................................................................................................................42
Disable Directive.....................................................................................................................................43
Business Object Method Call...............................................................................................44
Workshop - Use Fill Table By Query and Invoke BO Method............................................................................44
Create New Method Directive.................................................................................................................44
Create Workflow Skeleton......................................................................................................................45
Configure Condition...............................................................................................................................46
Configure Invoke BO Method Action......................................................................................................46
Design BPM Query..................................................................................................................................48
Select Target Table.................................................................................................................................50
Configure Table Mappings......................................................................................................................50
Modify Customer Record........................................................................................................................52
Test the Directive....................................................................................................................................52
Disable Directives....................................................................................................................................53
Update Table By Query..................................................................................................................................53
Using External Methods.......................................................................................................54
Workshop - Create External Method..............................................................................................................54
Access Method Arguments.....................................................................................................................54
Use Programming Interface Generator Form...........................................................................................56
Define External Method Logic.................................................................................................................56
Call External Method..............................................................................................................................59
Test the Method.....................................................................................................................................61
Disable Directive.....................................................................................................................................63
Manage Method Directives..................................................................................................64
Workshop - Export Directives.........................................................................................................................65
Workshop - Import Directives.........................................................................................................................65
Debugging Using Visual Studio...........................................................................................67

4 Epicor ERP | 10.1

Advanced Business Process Management Course Contents

Debug BPM Directive.....................................................................................................................................67


Epicor ERP | 10.1 5

Advanced Business Process Management Course Advanced Business Process Management Course

Advanced Business Process Management Course

This course focuses on advanced techniques users can leverage within Business Process Management (BPM).
Epicor BPM identifies and improves processes to make customers business more efficient, more disciplined, and
better able to adapt to change. BPM technology enables organizations to automate and streamline business
processes for continuous improvement.
The BPM functionality is available on nearly every business process in the system and it activates using the Epicor
Server. Whether the transaction originates from the Epicor Client or Epicor Web Services, the BPM results are
the same. For this reason, Business Process Management is often the best toolset for system modifications. For
example, making a field mandatory is easier to set up and maintain through a BPM method than a client
The course first describes benefits using Business Process Management in a Service Oriented Architecture
environment, followed by the general overview of BPM functionality. The course then follows by step-by-step
case studies. Each case study explores a different aspect of the BPM functionality you can make use of in a real
life environment.
Upon successful completion of this course, you will be able to:
• Understand benefits of a Service-Oriented Architecture.
• Get to know main principles of using BPM.
• Create an email template and use BPM to send notifications.
• Use the directive to default data in a newly added records.
• Control text properties using the C# programming.
• Create BPM forms invoked by method directives.
• Use Data Directives to initiate actions when updates to specific tables occur.
• Use the Invoke BO Method action to call Business Object (BO) methods from within a directive.
• Learn how to create and call Custom External Methods.
• Manage method directives.

6 Epicor ERP | 10.1

Advanced Business Process Management Course Before You Begin

Before You Begin

Read this topic for information you should know in order to successfully complete this course.


Specific audiences will benefit from this course.

• System Administrator
• IT/Technical Staff


To complete the workshops in this course, the necessary modules must be licensed and operating in your training
environment. For more information on the modules available, contact your Epicor Customer Account Manager.
It is also important you understand the prerequisite knowledge contained in other valuable courses.
• Database Concepts Course - This course reviews the table and field name identification process using Field
Help, Customization Tools, and the Data Dictionary Viewer functionality. It also describes table linking
procedures and requirements as well as join type definitions and specifications.
• Introduction to the Dashboard Course - This course provides an introduction to the dashboard - a
personalized information and a command center.
• Business Process Management Course - This course focuses on the Business Process Management (BPM).
Using the BPM functionality, you can modify the flow of business processes through the Epicor ERP application.
This allows individual companies to tailor the business flow to their specific requirements.

Environment Setup

The environment setup steps and potential workshop constraints must be reviewed in order to successfully
complete the workshops in this course.
Your Epicor training environment, in which the Epicor demonstration database is found, enables you to experience
Epicor functionality in action but does not affect data in your live, production environment.
The following steps must be taken to successfully complete the workshops in this course.

1. Verify the following or ask your system administrator to verify for you:
• Your Epicor training icon (or web address if you are using Epicor Web Access) points to your
Epicor training environment with the Epicor demonstration database installed. Do not complete
the course workshops in your live, production environment.
Note It is recommended that multiple Epicor demonstration databases are installed. Contact
Support or Systems Consulting for billable assistance.

Epicor ERP | 10.1 7

Before You Begin Advanced Business Process Management Course

• The Epicor demonstration database is at the same service pack and patch as the Epicor
application. Epicor's education team updates the Epicor demonstration database for each service pack
and patch. If your system administrator upgrades your Epicor application to a new service pack or patch,
he or she must also download the corresponding Epicor demonstration database from EPICweb > Support
> Epicor > Downloads and install it. If this is not performed, unexpected results can occur when completing
the course workshops.
• Your system administrator restored (refreshed) the Epicor demonstration database prior to
starting this course. The Epicor demonstration database comes standard with parts, customers, sales
orders, and so on, already defined. If the Epicor demonstration database is shared with multiple users
(that is, the database is located on a server and users access the same data, much like your live, production
environment) and is not periodically refreshed, unexpected results can occur. For example, if a course
workshop requires you to ship a sales order that came standard in the Epicor demonstration database,
but a different user already completed this workshop and the Epicor demonstration database was not
restored (refreshed), then you will not be able to ship the sales order. Epicor's education team has written
the course workshops to minimize situations like this from occurring, but Epicor cannot prevent users
from manipulating the data in your installation of the Epicor demonstration database.

2. Log in to the training environment using the credentials manager/manager. If you are logged in to your
training environment as a different user, from the Options menu, select Change User.

3. From the Main menu, select the company Epicor Education (EPIC06).

4. From the Main menu, select the Main site.

Cloud Specific Information

Note If your Epicor installation is not an on-premise (hosted within your organization) installation, then
note the following about using the Epicor-hosted education database. All logins referenced in the course
(such as manager, or epicor) should be changed to be the <site ID>_<abbreviationOfCompanyID>-. For
example, if your site ID is 98315 and you are logging into the Education company EPIC06, then wherever
you are instructed to use the login manager, instead use 98315_E6-manager. The password is the same
as the login name.

Note To refresh your Epicor training database, send a request that includes your site ID to
DL-SaaSSupport@epicor.com. Refreshing your training database may take up to 72 hours after the
request is received.

Workshop Constraints

For this course to work the best within this training environment, be sure to accurately follow all the steps included
in each workshop. After you have successfully completed a BPM workshop, be sure you either disable or delete
the BPM method. Disabling or removing BPM methods ensures the default training environment is always available.
Note Restoring (refreshing) the demonstration database does not automatically remove existing BPM
directives. All BPM directives must be manually removed or disabled.

• Workshop - Use BPM to Send Email

To complete this workshop, on the Company Maintenance > Email and Reporting sheet, you must enter
your network's Server Mail Transport Protocol (SMTP) Server and the SMTP Port number.
This information varies from company to company. Contact your IT Specialist to obtain this information before
you begin this course. You may note this information here.
SMTP Email Server: __________________________________

8 Epicor ERP | 10.1

Advanced Business Process Management Course Before You Begin

SMTP Port: _____________________

• Workshop - Create External Method
To complete this workshop, Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2010 or later must be installed and operational in your

Epicor ERP | 10.1 9

BPM and Service Oriented Architecture Advanced Business Process Management Course

BPM and Service Oriented Architecture

A service-oriented approach ensures the reduction of complexities in terms of how business systems are built
and operated. In an SOA, business logic is software processes broken down into a series of loosely coupled
granular "business services" which are then made available and discoverable on a network.
Each service provides functionality you can adapt to the needs of the enterprise, but also hides the underlying
implementation details. By exposing business processes, SOA provides the ability to streamline those same
processes, which in turn promotes agile change management. In a SOA, because business processes are broken
down into smaller functions you can easily access and manipulate, it becomes that much easier to have your
business system represent your business rules.
Epicor True SOA™ considers both server business logic and client business logic as "business services".

Most business processes, no matter how much they lend themselves to automation, need to pause and proceed
after some condition is met or a user intervenes. One of the benefits of BPM is its integration with various
applications to provide a lean, inclusive business process. For example, in conjunction with Epicor Service Connect,
BPM provides real-time, event-driven workflow orchestrations, process automation, and application integration
without the need for programming. BPM delivers a flexible tool in support of continuous performance initiatives
like Lean and Six Sigma, by making software more agile to build custom business rules and then manage those
rules at a business level.
The main reason you should use BPM in a SOA environment is that you can customize your business processes
without modifying source code. Instead of customizing the system to match your business requirements, you
configure the system to match them.

10 Epicor ERP | 10.1

Advanced Business Process Management Course How BPM Works

How BPM Works

This topic lists the key features of Business Process Management.

The key features of Business Process Management include the following:
• Designed to explicitly understand and manage business processes within the Epicor application.
• Embedded directly in the application.
• BPM workflow utilizes interconnected workflow items, representing the flow of BPM execution.
• Each BPM item is represented by an icon in the diagram.
• Contains advanced BPM features like .NET scripting and calls to Epicor Service Connect.
• Maintains full audit tracking of all interactions.
• BPM reacts to Events, interprets Conditions assigned to events and takes Actions based on conditions.

Standard Execution Flow

This topic outlines the standard communication model between client and server, without a BPM intervention.

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How BPM Works Advanced Business Process Management Course

The standard client-server data exchange process includes the following:

• A user performs an action in a program.
• The program calls a business object method to carry out the action.
• The Epicor program's code performs its function and related database transactions run.
• Data is returned to the program according to the actions run by the Epicor program.

Using Business Process Management

BPM directives work by intercepting calls to the application server logic. They are embedded into server logic and
get invoked by method calls. You can validate, manipulate, or create workflows based on the data passed through
the application. Because BPM methods are server side customizations, you can change business logic without
modifying the source code.

The key elements of using BPM directives within the application include the following:
• A user performs an action in a program.
• The program calls a business object method to carry out the action.
• Before the business object executes its program code, Pre-Processing directives are executed.

12 Epicor ERP | 10.1

Advanced Business Process Management Course How BPM Works

Note If at least one non-empty Base Processing directive is in effect, the Base Processing directive will
run instead of the Epicor program code.

Important Epicor strongly recommends you do not create Base Processing directives. If you change a
base method incorrectly, you can harm the normal function of the application. This option is mainly
included for partners, consultants, and power users who need to directly modify the method for major
business modifications. Work with an Epicor consultant before you create a base processing method

• After the Pre-Processing directive, the Epicor program code performs its function, or Base directives are
• When data transaction is about to be applied to the database, In-Transaction directives are executed.
• After the Epicor program code or Base directive is run, Post-Processing directives are executed.
• Standard data directives are executed with accumulated transaction database changes passed to them.
• Data is returned to the program according to the actions run by the directives and Epicor program.

Programming Actions

Program actions are actions defined in a programming language such as C# or Visual Basic .NET.
Actions play the role of event handlers which extend or replace the functionality of server-side Epicor application
business logic. A call to a business object's (BO) method triggers the execution of an action attached to that
Thus, the action is a procedure which can be executed at the following times:
• Before a method call.
• In place of the standard method.
• After a method call.
The following steps are required to define a program action:

1. Create an action template.

2. Develop action logic by editing the template in a development environment.

3. Deploy the action the application server.

4. Attach the action to a BO method.

BPM assists you in all of the above steps. However when you develop action logic (step 2), you should perform
most of this step in a development environment that can debug the code. BPM does not provide step by step
debugging or compiling functionality. Instead, you use BPM to attach conditions and actions to a BO method,
and these conditions and actions launch the code.
Important Epicor reserves the right to change the programming action API in future releases which may
require some effort to convert actions to comply with subsequent versions of BPM. This particularly applies
to the signatures of BO methods and the semantics of their parameters.

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How BPM Works Advanced Business Process Management Course

Custom Action

Several workshops that follow utilize examples based on C# syntax created using the Execute Custom Code
workflow item.
Use this program to attach a C# procedure to a method directive.

Learning Channel: Show Informational Alert (video)

Learning Channel: CODE FOR: Show Informational Alert (job aid)

14 Epicor ERP | 10.1

Advanced Business Process Management Course Use BPM to Send Email

Use BPM to Send Email

You can use Business Process Management to send an email based on a business process.
Example You would like to assign specific values to suppliers. When a user creates or updates a supplier
record but does not assign a supplier group to it, you want the Epicor application to automatically assign
the ISO 9000 Certified supplier group to the record.
Then you can use BPM to generate an email informing the recipient the default supplier group was assigned
to the supplier record.

To create a directive to send an email, use the Send Email BPM workflow action and specify the following
Send email asynchronously based on the designed template with
Note Since the email is sent after the record successfully updates, sending an email is typically a post
process on an Update method.

Synchronous vs Asynchronous Execution

You can send an email either synchronously or asynchronously. This indicates how the Epicor application handles
email generated by this action.
Available options:
• Synchronously - The email is sent when the action executes.
• Asynchronously - Asynchronous execution means the action is processed automatically by the BPM system
tasks running behind the scenes. The system task runner performs calls to the server every 20 seconds and
processes all asynchronous actions in the queue. Users cannot configure this system task.

Design Email Template

When you select the designed item, the Design Email Template program launches to define the email. Use
this program to build an email message that generates when BPM executes this action.
The template looks similar to any type of email with From, To, Re, and so on. Many of the fields in the template
can contain values from the record or database.
You can also insert field and table variables into these email messages. You do this by designing a Simple Query
that pulls in these values from fields. You use the Design Simple Query program to leverage this functionality.
Launch this program by right-clicking the Text field and selecting either the Field Query or the Table Query
If Field Query is designated, you can select one field from any table in the current method's parameters. When
the application executes the directive action, a comma separated list of values from the query displays in the
message body.
If Table Query is designated, you can select more than one field from any table in the current method's
parameters. The application inserts table formatted values for each row query returns, including a header row.

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Use BPM to Send Email Advanced Business Process Management Course

Execution Rule

Click the with rule link to launch the Execution Rule program.
If the data transaction supports multiple dirty rows (rows that contain unsaved data), you can use this program
to select how the action performs. This variable is not visible if the method data transaction does not support
multiple dirty row updates.

Workshop - Send an Email

In this workshop, create a method directive to send an email when customer information changes. For example,
you can send a customer an email to verify changes to their address information or notify a sales representative
a customer has been approved.
Important Before you run this workshop, ensure that the SMTP Server that distributes email throughout
your company is defined in Company Maintenance. Much like a post office receives your mail and then
delivers it to various locations; the SMTP Server also receives your company’s email and then distributes it
through your company’s email application – for example, Microsoft® Outlook®.
If necessary, contact your system administrator for help.

Key concepts:
• Use the Post-Processing BPM workflow action to automatically send email when the master record changes.
• Build an email message.
• Insert a field variable into the email message.

Add a Post-Processing Directive

Navigate to Method Directives.
Menu Path: System Management > Business Process Management > Method Directives Maintenance
Important This program is not available in Epicor Web Access.

1. Click the Method Code button.

The Method Search window displays.

2. In the Search by Business Object section, verify Product is selected.

By selecting this option, Business Objects belonging to the application part of the system become available
for selection.

3. In the Business Object field, select Customer.

4. In the Where Method Name Starts At field, enter U.

5. Select the Update method.

The Erp.Customer.Update displays in the Method Code.

16 Epicor ERP | 10.1

Advanced Business Process Management Course Use BPM to Send Email

6. From the New menu, select New Post-Processing.

7. In the Directive Name field, enter XXX Send Email (where XXX are your initials).

8. In the Group field, enter XXX (where XXX are your initials).

9. Click Save.

Use Send Email Action

1. Click Design to launch the BPM Workflow Designer.

The available BPM workflow items display on the left portion of the screen.

2. In the workflow items tollbar, click the Send Email icon and drag it to the workflow pane of the Designer,
below the Start item.

3. Hover your mouse over the Start item.

The small black triangles surrounding the item represent the available connectors.

4. Click your mouse, select any of the Start connector symbols, drag the line and point it to any of the Send
Email element entry points.
The connection between the two elements is now established.

5. In the Actions pane found at the lower portion of the screen, view the Action statement:
send email asynchronously based on the designed template

6. Click the word asynchronously to set the synchronous execution.

For the purposes of this workshop, you want BPM to fire the email immediately when the action executes.

7. Click designed.
The Design Email Template program displays.

8. In the Name field, enter Send Customer Email.

9. In the From field, enter bpm@epicor.com.

Note In this example, you specified the From address directly in the bpm directive, however, entering
the address in this field is not mandatory. When you leave the From field empty, the BPM directive
first takes the current user's Email address defined in User Account Security Maintenance. If the user's
email address is not specified, the one specified in Company Maintenance is used.

10. In the To field, enter your email address.

11. In the Subject field, enter Customer Information was Updated.

12. In the message text box, enter Customer:.

13. Right-click after Customer: and select Field Query....

The Select Table Field(s) window displays.

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Use BPM to Send Email Advanced Business Process Management Course

14. In the Name field, enter CustomerID.

15. In the Table field, accept ttCustomer (dsCustomer).

This field displays the default temporary tables included in the current method parameters (arguments) along
with their real names.

16. For the Filter, select the Unchanged records.

Note Row Mod is not available in the post-process. Post processing directives cannot monitor whether
the record was added, updated, or deleted, only that the record is being passed back to the database

17. In the Fields list, search for and select the CustID check box.

18. Click OK.

19. In the Design Email Template, click OK.

20. Click Validate and verify BPM reports no errors.

21. Click Save and Exit.

22. Select the Enabled check box.

23. Click Save.

24. Minimize Method Directives.

Test the BPM

Navigate to Customer Maintenance.
Menu Path: Sales Management > Order Management > Setup > Customer

1. Navigate to the Customer sheet.

2. In the Customer field, enter Addison and press Tab.

3. In the Address field, change the number of the street address.

4. Click Save.

5. Check your email for the message.

6. Minimize Customer Maintenance.

You can now modify the directive to send an automatic email message to a customer to verify their record is

Change the Action

Change the action on the email directive to automatically notify the customer.
Maximize Method Directives.

18 Epicor ERP | 10.1

Advanced Business Process Management Course Use BPM to Send Email

1. Click Design to launch the BPM Workflow Designer.

2. In the BPM workflow, click the Send Email item.

3. Within the Action statement, click Send Customer Email.

4. In the Design E-mail Template window, clear the To value.

5. Right-click in the To field and select Field Query....

6. In the Name field, enter CustomerEmail.

7. In the Table field, accept ttCustomer (ds.Customer).

8. For the Filter, select Unchanged records.

9. From the Fields list, search for and select the EmailAddress check box.

10. Click OK.

11. In the line 2 of the email text, add the following additional message to the text: Your customer information
has been updated.

12. Click OK.

13. Click Validate to verify the BPM reports no errors.

14. Click Save and Exit to return to the Method Directives.

15. Click Save.

16. Minimize the Method Directives window.

Test the BPM

Maximize to Customer Maintenance.

1. Verify the record for Addison is in focus.

2. On the Customer > Detail sheet, in the Email field, enter your email address.

3. Click Save.
The message is sent by BPM.

4. Check your email for the message.

5. Exit Customer Maintenance.

Disable Directive

1. Maximize the Method Directives window.

2. In the tree view, select the Post-Processing directive XXX Send Email.

Epicor ERP | 10.1 19

Use BPM to Send Email Advanced Business Process Management Course

3. In the Post-Processing > Detail sheet, clear the Enabled check box.

4. Click Save and exit Method Directives.

20 Epicor ERP | 10.1

Advanced Business Process Management Course Default Data To Updatable BAQ Records

Default Data To Updatable BAQ Records

Updatable BAQ directives initiate BPM actions based on method calls launched from an updatable BAQ. An
updatable BAQ is a customized query tool that displays on smart client dashboards and mobile device dashboards
through which users can update and add data; like a business object, BAQ methods are required so the database
can be updated. An updatable BAQ directive can be run before, after, or in place of the BAQ method call.
When you create an updatable BAQ, the application writes a base processing directive for the update method.
The directive uses the BPM code to update the database according to the settings defined in the Business Activity
Query Designer. You can edit this code to customize the update process, or you can add pre-processing, base
processing, and post-processing directives to the methods associated with the BAQ.
Each updatable BAQ has the following methods:
• GetList – Retrieves the data specified by the query.
• GetNew – Creates an empty row where a new record can be entered and submitted to the database.
• RunCustomAction – Runs a custom BPM action you define through both the BAQ and BPM functionality.
• Update – Performs database updates, refreshing the data to include changed and added rows.
• FieldUpdate - This method occurs after the user's change to a field is committed. You can use this method
to perform additional processing against the changed row. For example, when you enter a part number, you
want the part description field to populate automatically.
• FieldValidate - This method occurs before the proposed change to a field is committed. You can use this
method to validate proposed changes. For example, you can prevent users from entering an incorrect value
in a certain field such as non-existent state.

Workshop - Populate Data in Updatable Dashboard

In this workshop, use the directive to populate the contact’s address information with the customer’s address
information when the user creates a new contact within the Customer Contact Update dashboard.
Key concepts:
• Publish columns from a custom dashboard BPM directive will monitor.
• Add a directive to the updatable BAQ.

Download Dashboard Definition

This workshop utilizes an updatable BAQ (EPIC06-UpdateCustContacts), which already exists in the Epicor
Demonstration Database and a dashboard named Customer Contact Update. Creating a dashboard is outside
the scope of this course, so you will first download the existing dashboard definition and import it into the Epicor
Tip For more information on how to create dashboards, review the Introduction to the Dashboard and
Advanced Dashboards courses.

Important This task assumes you are working with the embedded version of this course, launched from
the Epicor ERP application.

1. Click the Dashboard Definiton link below the steps.

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Default Data To Updatable BAQ Records Advanced Business Process Management Course

2. Save the CustomerContactUpdate.zip file to your local machine, for example, to your Desktop.

3. Extract the zipped file.

Verify the CustomerContactUpdate.dbd dashboard definition extracts to your local.

Import Dashboard Definition

Navigate to the Dashboard.
Menu Path: Executive Analysis > Business Activity Management > General Operations > Dashboard
Important This program is not available in Epicor Web Access.

1. Verify the Developer mode is on.

If not, from the Tools menu, select Developer.

2. From the File menu, select Import Dashboard Definition.

3. Navigate to the Desktop and select CustomerContactUpdate.dbd.

4. Click Open.
The Customer Contact Dashboard Update dashboard displays.
Note If the dashboard you import already exists in your shared environment, you will be asked to
rename the dashboard definition. In the dialog, enter the Definition ID of your choice.

5. On the Import BAQ Options dialog, enter the following information:

a. For the zCustomer01 query, select the Do Not Import check box. This is a system query already delivered
in the Education database.

b. For the EPIC06-UpdCustContacts query, clear the Replace existing check box and enter the New
For example, enter XXX_UpdCustContacts, where XXX are your initials.

c. For the zSalesOrderStatus query, select the Do Not Import check box. This again is one of the system
queries found in the Education database.

The import dialog may look similar to the following:

22 Epicor ERP | 10.1

Advanced Business Process Management Course Default Data To Updatable BAQ Records

6. Click OK to start the import.

7. In the dashboard, click the Customer Contact Update sheet.

8. Click Refresh and verify the dashboard displays the list of customers and corresponding customer contacts.

9. Click Save.

Publish Dashboard Data

The first part of the process publishes the customer address information from the Customer Contact Update

1. In the Dashboard Tree View, select the zCustomer01:Customer Tracker Query query.

2. From the Edit menu, select Properties.

The Dashboard Query Properties window displays.

3. Navigate to the Publish sheet.

4. In the Publish Columns list, accept the columns that have already been published out of the query and
select the check boxes next to the following column names:

Column Name

5. In the Call Context Subscriber grid, click New.

6. From the Publish Column, select Customer_Address1.

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Default Data To Updatable BAQ Records Advanced Business Process Management Course

7. In the BPMDataColumn, select Character01.

8. Repeat steps 5 - 7 to enter the following values:

Call Context Subscriber BPMDataColumn

Customer_City Character02
Customer_State Character03
Customer_Country Character04

9. In the Dashboard Query Properties window, click OK.

10. Click Save.

11. Minimize the dashboard.

Get the Updatable BAQ Methods

The next step is to locate the GetNew method generated by the updatable BAQ.
Navigate to Updatable BAQ Method Directives.
Menu Path: System Management > Business Process Management > Updatable BAQ Directives Maintenance
Important This program is not available in Epicor Web Access.

1. Click the BAQ ID button.

The Updatable BAQ Search window displays.

2. Search for the updatable BAQ you imported.

Tip To narrow down the search results, in the BAQ ID Starting At field, enter your initials you used
as a prefix of the recently imported uBAQ.

3. From the list, select the Ice.EPIC06/XXX_UpdCustContacts.GetNew method.

4. Click OK to load the GetNew method.

New Post-Processing Directive

Add a directive to the updatable BAQ. In this example, the directive will default a new contact’s address information
when the user creates a new contact using the Update Customer Contact dashboard. The directive uses the
information published from the dashboard to set the values in newly added contact records.

1. Click New and select New Post-Processing.

2. In the Directive Name field, enter XXX-Auto Populate Contact Address (where XXX are your initials).

3. Click Design to launch the BPM Workflow Designer.

Example The following image displays the BPM workflow you will build throughout this workshop.
You may use it for a reference as you go through the steps that follow.

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Advanced Business Process Management Course Default Data To Updatable BAQ Records

Build BPM Workflow

Use BPM Workflow Designer to build the workflow using the Set Field workflow actions. You want the workflow
to run each time the GetNew method is called; this directive will not use any condition statements.

1. In the workflow items tollbar, click the Set Field icon and drag it to the workflow pane of the Designer,
below the Start item.

2. Click your mouse, select any of the Start connector symbols, drag the line and point it to any of the Set
Field 0 element entry points.

3. Click the Set Field 0 element.

4. In the Actions pane found at the lower portion of the screen, view the Action statement:
set the specified field of the changed row to the specified expression

5. Click the first specified link.

The Select Table Field(s) window displays.

6. In the Table field, verify ttResults (result.Results) defaults in.

7. In the Fields grid, select the check box next to CustCnt_Address1.

8. Click OK to return to the BPM Workflow Designer.

The User Text now states:
set the ttResults.CustCnt_Address1 field of the changed row to the specifie
d expression

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Default Data To Updatable BAQ Records Advanced Business Process Management Course

9. Click the drop-down next to the the changed row link.

10. From the list, select the added row.

The User Text now states:
set the ttResults.CustCnt_Address1 field of the added row to the specified

11. Click the specified link.

The Specify C# expression window displays.

12. In the Available variables Tree View, expand the Call Context > callContextBpmData node.

13. Double-click Character01.

The Editor pane displays callContextBpmData.Character01.

14. Click the Check Syntax button to validate the expression. Use this feature to verify the expression is available
for use within the directive.

15. To the Syntax is OK message, click OK.

16. Click OK to return to the BPM Workflow Designer.

The User Text now states:
set the ttResults.CustCnt_Address1 field of the added row to the callContex
tBpmData… expression
As a result, the action will set the Address field of a new row to the value published from the dashboard to
the Character01 field, which is the customer’s street address.
Note Each expression is automatically validated after you press the OK button. If BPM encounters a
validation error, a warning message is presented to the user. If the user decides to accept a wrongly
configured expression, the corresponding action or condition is marked as invalid.

17. Click Validate and verify the BPM reports no errors.

18. Add another three Set Field actions and connect them in the order they follow.
You may use the image displayed in the previous task for the reference.

19. Use steps 4 - 15 to set up each Set Field Action in order to populate the remaining fields published from
the dashboard.
Use the following table to set the action variables:

Item specified the changed row specified

Set Field 1 ttResults.CustCnt_City the added row callContextBpmData.Character02
Set Field 2 ttResults.CustCnt_State the added row callContextBpmData.Character03
Set Field 3 ttResults.CustCnt_Country the added row callContextBpmData.Character04

20. Once complete, click Save and Exit to return to Updatable BAQ Method Directives.

21. Select the Enabled check box.

26 Epicor ERP | 10.1

Advanced Business Process Management Course Default Data To Updatable BAQ Records

22. Click Save.

23. Minimize Updatable BAQ Method Directives.

Test Directive

1. Maximize the Customer Contact Update dashboard.

2. From the Tools menu, select Deploy Dashboard.

3. Click the Test Application button.

The dashboard displays.

4. Click Refresh to retrieve the customer data.

5. In the Customer Tracker Query grid, select the customer record for Addison.

6. In the Customer Contacts grid, click on any row.

The New button on the Standard toolbar becomes available.

7. Click New.
A new row is added to the Customer Contacts grid.

8. In the grid, scroll to the right and verify the address information from the customer record is added to the
contact’s address fields.

9. In the Name field, enter your name.

10. Click Save.

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Default Data To Updatable BAQ Records Advanced Business Process Management Course

The new customer contact is created.

11. Exit the testing dashboard.

12. Exit the Deploy Dashboard window.

13. Exit the Dashboard program.

Disable Directive

1. Maximize Updatable BAQ Method Directives.

2. Verify the record in focus is XXX-Auto Populate Contact Address (where XXX are your initials).

3. Clear the Enabled check box.

The method directive is now disabled.

4. Click Save.

5. Exit Updatable BAQ Method Directives.

28 Epicor ERP | 10.1

Advanced Business Process Management Course Set Text Properties

Set Text Properties

You can use a BPM to control the properties of text users enter in Epicor forms.

Workshop - Set Text Properties

In this workshop, set a master table code to always be in capital letters.

Note The example that follows uses the ShipVia Maintenance program, but the concept can be applied
to any master table.

Key concepts:
• Use method directive to build a workflow utilizing the Execute Custom Code action.
• Use C# code to set text properties.

Create New Method Directive

Navigate to Method Directives.
Menu Path: System Management > Business Process Management > Method Directives Maintenance
Important This program is not available in Epicor Web Access.

1. Click the Method Code button.

The Method Search window displays.

2. In the Search by Business Object section, verify Product is selected.

3. In the Business Object field, select ShipVia.

4. In the Where Method Name Starts At field, enter U.

5. Click Search.

6. In the Search Results grid, select ShipVia Update method.

7. Click OK.

8. Verify the Method Code field displays Erp.ShipVia.Update business method.

9. Click New and select New Pre-Processing.

The Pre-Processing > Detail sheet displays.

10. In the Directive Name field, enter XXX - Set Code Case to CAPS (where XXX are your initials).

11. In the Group field, enter XXX (where XXX are your initials).

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Set Text Properties Advanced Business Process Management Course

12. Click Save.

Build BPM Workflow

Note You do not need to create a condition statement for this directive. When you do not define a
condition, the directive just executes each time its method is called – in this case, the ShipVia.Update
method. This causes the custom C# code to run automatically with the method.

1. Click Design to launch the BPM Workflow Designer.

2. In the workflow items tollbar, click the Execute Custom Code icon and drag it to the workflow pane of
the Designer, below the Start item.

3. Click your mouse, select any of the Start connector symbols, drag the line and point it to any of the Execute
Custom Code element entry points.
The connection between the two elements is now established.

4. Click the Execute Custom Code workflow item.

5. In the Actions pane found at the lower portion of the screen, view the Action statement:
Synchronously execute custom code ...

6. Click the code link.

The Enter Custom Code window displays.

7. Verify the Code sheet is selected.

8. Enter the below code snippet:

/* Set CAPS */
foreach (var ttShipVia_iterator in (from ttShipVia_Row in ttShipVia
where string.Compare(ttShipVia_Row.RowM
od, "A", true) == 0
select ttShipVia_Row))
var ttShipVia_xRow = ttShipVia_iterator;
ttShipVia_xRow.ShipViaCode = ttShipVia_xRow.ShipViaCode.ToUpper();

Important When you copy and paste the above code from the pdf version of this course, you may
need to adjust it to make sure logical statements are kept together on their respective line.

9. Click the Validate button to check the syntax.

10. In the Enter Custom Code window, click OK.

11. In the Actions pane, verify the Action field displays the following:
synchronously execute custom /* Set CAPS */...

12. Click the Validate button and verify BPM reports no errors.

13. Click Save and Exit to return to the Method Directives window.

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Advanced Business Process Management Course Set Text Properties

14. Select the Enabled check box to activate the directive.

15. Click Save.

16. Minimize Method Directives.

Test the Directive

Navigate to Ship Via Maintenance.
Menu Path: Sales Management > Order Management > Setup > Ship Via

1. Click New.

2. In the Code field, enter xxx in lowercase letters (where xxx are your initials).

3. In the Description field, enter BPM Test - Set CAPS.

4. Click Save.
The BPM is fired and changes the ShipVia Code to upper case.

5. Exit Ship Via Maintenance.

Disable the Directive

1. Maximize Method Directives.

2. Verify the record in focus is XXX - Set Code Case to CAPS (where XXX are your initials) defined for the
business method ShipVia.Update.

3. Clear the Enabled check box.

The method directive is now disabled.

4. Click Save.

5. Exit Method Directives.

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BPM Data Form Designer Advanced Business Process Management Course

BPM Data Form Designer

Use BPM Data Form Designer to create forms invoked by BPM method directives.
The range of forms created using the BPM Data Form Designer can vary from a simple dialog with two buttons
(for example, Abort and Continue) to a dynamically generated form. The form can include a set of data entry
fields and allow entry of auxiliary data BPM uses to assign to data fields in the main dataset.
BPM data forms are intended to capture data or button actions to control a flow of BPM processing. You can
use this function to conditionally present a form (for example, only for a specific customer) to capture the specific
data required against a transaction for that customer.
Example You can design a form, which is invoked when some user action results in a negative inventory
balance. In this case, when the user tries to save the changes, the BPM data form displays and states "This
action will result in negative inventory balance". The user has two buttons either to continue or abort the

You can call the BPM data form from a BPM method through the specified BPM directive. To call the BPM data
form from a specified method, use the workflow item Call BPM Data Form.

Workshop - Create a Form for User Input

In this task, create a BPM data input form to demonstrate how to enter consistent User IDs when setting up a
new user. This concept can be applied to a number of master table entry programs. To do this, you need to plan
what information is required to create a consistent ID, create the input form, create the BPM to call this input
form, and pull the user entered data to automatically create the new ID.
Key concepts:
• Create a BPM Data Input Form to prompt the user for information.
• Use BPM data in formulas within a directive.
• Understand how the GetNew method operates.

Create a BPM Data Form

Navigate to BPM Data Form Designer.
Menu Path: System Management > Business Process Management > BPM Data Form Designer
Important This program is not available in Epicor Web Access.

1. From the New menu, select New Form.

2. Enter the following information:

Field Data
FormID XXXUserPromt (where XXX are your initials)
Form Title User Prompt
Form Text Enter User Information

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Advanced Business Process Management Course BPM Data Form Designer

3. Navigate to the Fields sheet.

4. From the New menu, select New Field.

5. Enter or select the following information:

Field Data
Field BPMData.ShortChar01
Field Label First Name
Field Format x(20)
Mandatory Select this check box.

6. Click Save.

7. From the New menu, select New Field.

8. Enter or select the following information:

Field Data
Field BPMData.ShortChar02
Field Label Last Name
Field Format x(25)
Mandatory Select this check box.

9. Click Save.

10. From the Actions menu, select Test BPM Data Form.

11. Enter your first and last name and click OK.
The testing form disappears.

12. Exit BPM Data Form Designer.

Locate the GetNewUserFile Method

Navigate to Method Directives.
Menu Path: System Management > Business Process Management > Method Directives Maintenance
Important This program is not available in Epicor Web Access.

1. Click the Method Code button.

2. In the Search by Business Object section, select System.

3. In the Business Object field, select UserFile.

4. Click Search.

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BPM Data Form Designer Advanced Business Process Management Course

5. Select GetNewUserFile and click OK.

Verify the Method Code field displays Ice.UserFile.GetNewUserFile.

Add a Pre-Processing Directive

1. From the New menu, select New Pre-Processing.

The Pre-Processing > Detail sheet displays.

2. In the Directive Name field, enter XXX-Load BPM Form (where XXX are your initials).

3. In the Group field, enter XXX (where XXX are your initials).

4. Click Design to launch the BPM Workflow Designer.

5. In the workflow items tollbar, click the Call BPM Data Form icon and drag it to the workflow pane of the
Designer, below the Start item.

6. Click your mouse, select any of the Start connector symbols, drag the line and point it to any of the Call
BPM Data Form element entry points.
The connection between the two elements is now established.

7. Click the Call BPM Data Form workflow item.

8. In the Actions pane found at the lower portion of the screen, view the Action statement:
Call the named BPM Data Form using no customization always

9. Click named.
The Select BPM Data Form window displays.

10. Select XXXUserPrompt (where XXX are your initials).

11. Click OK.

Now add another action that passes the information to the post-processing directive.

12. In the workflow items tollbar, click the Enable Post Directive icon and drag it to the workflow pane of
the Designer, below the Call BPM Data Form item.

13. Click your mouse, select any of the Call BPM Data Form outbound connector symbols, drag the line and
point it to any of the Enable Post Directive element entry points.

14. Click Validate and verify the BPM reports no errors.

15. Click Save and Exit to return to Method Directives.

16. Select the Enabled check box.

17. Click Save.

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Advanced Business Process Management Course BPM Data Form Designer

Add a Post-Processing Directive

1. From the New menu, select New Post-Processing.

The Post-Processing > Detail sheet displays.

2. In the Directive Name field, enter XXX-Set User Data (where XXX are your initials).

3. In the Group field, enter XXX (where XXX are your initials).

4. Click Save.

5. Click Design to launch the BPM Workflow Designer.

6. In the workflow items tollbar, click the Condition icon and drag it to the workflow pane of the Designer,
below the Start item.

7. Connect Start to Condition.

8. Click the Condition workflow item.

9. In the Condition pane click the New icon.

10. Form the list of conditions, select the following statement:

This directive has been enabled from the specified directive

11. Click specified.

The Select a primary directive to depend on window displays.

12. Verify the Pre: radio button (Pre processing directive) is selected.

13. In the Directive field, select XXX-Load BPM Form (where XXX are your initials).

14. Click OK.

15. Remain in BPM Workflow Designer.

Show Informational Message

While you develop your BPM project, a good practice is to display the method and inputs in a message window
to confirm the BPM method activates and the input values are available when you expect them.
Important Because more than one table is available in this dataset, you must be careful to select the
correct table and field name.

1. In the workflow items tollbar, click the Show Message icon and drag it to the workflow pane of the
Designer, below the Condition item.

2. Click the Condition's True exit outbound connector (found on the left) and connect it to any of the Show
Message entry points.
This way, the BPM routes the workflow to the Show Message item when the condition statement resolves
to True.

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BPM Data Form Designer Advanced Business Process Management Course

3. Click the Show Message item.

4. In the Actions pane, the following statement displays:

Show informational message based on the designed template

5. Click designed to launch the Design Informational Message Template window.

6. In the Name field, enter XXX-BPM Form (where XXX are your initials).

7. In line 1 of the Text field, enter UserFile:GetNewUserFile - PostMsg1 (Method:Directive Type).

This way you can indicate this message was fired from the post-processing directive developed for the
UserFile business object and its GetNewUserFile method.

8. In line 2 of the Text field, enter ttUserFile.RowMod = and then click the Insert button.

9. Select Field Query.

10. In the Name field, enter RowMod =.

11. In the Table field, verify ttUserFile (ds.UserFile) displays.

12. Select the Added records and Updated Records check boxes.

13. Search for and select the check box next to RowMod.

14. Click OK.

15. In line 3 of the Text field, enter First Name = and then click the Insert button.

16. Select Call Context > callContextBpmData > ShortChar01.

Tip Scroll down to locate the ShortChar01 field.

17. In line 4 of the Text field, enter Last Name = and then click the Insert button.

18. Select Call Context > callContextBpmData > ShortChar02.

Once complete, the text should display as follows:
UserFile:GetNewUserFile - PostMsg1 (Method:Directive Type)
ttUserFile.RowMod =<RowMod =/>
First Name = <callContextBpmData.ShortChar01/>
Last Name = <callContextBpmData.ShortChar02/>

19. In the Design Informational Message Template window, click OK.

20. Click Validate and verify BPM reports no errors.

21. Click Save and Exit to return to the Method Directives.

Enable and Save the Directive

1. Select the Enabled check box on the Post-Processing directive.

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Advanced Business Process Management Course BPM Data Form Designer

The directive is now active.

2. Click Save.

3. Minimize Method Directives.

Test the Method Directive

Navigate to User Account Maintenance.
Menu Path: System Setup > Security Maintenance > User Account Security Maintenance
Important This program is not available in Epicor Web Access.

1. From the New menu, select New User.

Notice the new BPM form displays.

2. Enter your first and last name.

3. Click OK.
The PostMsg1 displays.
Your new BPM Form is working.

4. Click OK.

5. Click Delete to remove new user created.

6. Minimize User Account Maintenance.

Add an Action
Add another action that takes the field values from the BPM form and populates the fields in User Maintenance.
You need to set the data in the temp table (tt) so entered data defaults into the form.
Maximize Method Directives.

1. Verify the Post-Processing > Detail sheet is in focus.

2. Click Design to launch the BPM Workflow Designer.

3. In the workflow items tollbar, click the Execute Custom Code icon and drag it to the workflow pane of
the Designer, below the Show Message item.

4. Connect Show Message and Execute Custom Code workflow items.

5. Click the Execute Custom Code workflow item.

6. In the Actions pane found at the lower portion of the screen, view the Action statement:
Synchronously execute custom code ...

7. Click the code link.

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BPM Data Form Designer Advanced Business Process Management Course

The Custom Code Action window displays.

8. Verify the Code sheet is selected.

9. Enter the code below:

/* Set UserID and Name */
/* This takes the BPM data and creates the UserID and Name Fields */
foreach (var ttUserFile_iterator in (from ttUserFile_Row in ttUserFile
where string.Compare(ttUserFile_Row.RowMod, "a", true) == 0
select ttUserFile_Row))
var ttUserFile_xRow = ttUserFile_iterator;
ttUserFile_xRow.UserID =((string)this.callContextBpmData["ShortCha
r01"]).Substring(0, 1) + (string)this.callContextBpmData["ShortChar02"];
ttUserFile_xRow.Name = ((string)this.callContextBpmData["ShortChar
01"]) + " " + (string)this.callContextBpmData["ShortChar02"];
/* Now clear the BPM Data */
callContextBpmData["ShortChar01"] = "";
callContextBpmData["ShortChar02"] = "";
This code uses the first letter of the first name and the last name, both recorded in the BPM call context
data, to construct the User ID. In the Name field, the code places the first and last name with a space between
Important When you copy and paste the above code from the pdf version of this course, you may
need to adjust it to make sure logical statements are kept together on their respective line.

10. In the Custom Code Action window, click OK.

11. In the Actions pane, verify the Action field displays the following:
synchronously execute custom /* Set User ID and Name */... record nothing
Tip If you want to set one field to the exact contents of the BPM data, use the Set Field workflow
item. However in this example, you want to combine the first and last name information. Because
this requires some programming using specific syntax, the Execute Custom Code item is used.

12. Click the Validate button and verify BPM reports no errors.

13. Click Save and Exit to return to the Method Directives window.

Save the Directive

1. Verify the Enabled check box is selected.

2. Click Save.

3. Minimize Method Directives.

Test the Method Directive

Maximize User Account Maintenance.

1. From the New menu, select New User.

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Advanced Business Process Management Course BPM Data Form Designer

Notice your BPM Form displays.

2. Enter or verify your first and last name.

3. Click OK.
The PostMsg1 displays.
Your new BPM Form is working.
Tip After you make sure the BPM method is working in the production environment, you can delete
the informational message action from the method.

4. Click OK to close the message box.

Notice your BPM populates the UserID and Name fields.

5. Click Delete to remove the newly created user record.

6. Exit User Account Maintenance.

Disable Directives
Maximize Method Directives.

1. Clear the Enabled check box on the Post-Processing directive.

2. Clear the Enabled check box on the Pre-Processing directive.

3. Click Save.

4. Exit Method Directives.

Epicor ERP | 10.1 39

Data Directives Advanced Business Process Management Course

Data Directives

Data directives initiate BPM actions based on updates to a specified table. A data directive can be run during the
data transaction, which can affect the information entered within the database, or it can be run after the data
transaction is placed within the table.
Two types of data directives include:
• In-Transaction - Affects data while it is being saved to the database. This directive type can only process one
row at a time; it cannot process multiple dirty rows. In-Transaction data directive executes within a transaction,
in the body of the trigger procedure.
• Standard - Does not affect data in the database. A Standard directive executes after a data transaction is
saved to the database. This directive type processes multiple dirty rows modified in the database. It runs after
base methods and method directives. Standard data directives are intended for audit purposes, for example
they can write some information to the application log.

Learning Channel: Populate Data Using In-Transaction Data Directive (video)

Learning Channel: CODE FOR: Populate Data Using In-Transaction Data Directive (job aid)

Workshop - Prevent Entering Same Information Using BPM Code

In this workshop, prevent users from using the same PO number more than once per customer in Sales Order
Entry. Apply the in-transaction data directive on the OrderHed table and use an C# code to enforce that a PO
number is used only once per customer.
Key concepts:
• Use a data directive to monitor a field value.
• Throw an exception using the C# code.

Locate the OrderHed Table

Navigate to Data Directives.
Menu Path: System Management > Business Process Management > Data Directives Maintenance
Important This program is not available in Epicor Web Access.

1. Click the Table button.

The Table Search window displays.

2. Verify Search by Table option is selected.

3. In the Table Name Starting At field, enter Order.

4. Click Search.

5. Select OrderHed and click OK.

40 Epicor ERP | 10.1

Advanced Business Process Management Course Data Directives

Add In-Transaction Directive

1. Click New and select New In-Transaction Directive.

2. In the Directive Name field, enter XXX-PO used once per customer (where XXX are your initials).

3. In the Group field, enter XXX (where XXX are your initials).

4. Click Design to launch the BPM Workflow Designer.

5. In the workflow items tollbar, click the Execute Custom Code icon and drag it to the workflow pane of
the Designer, below the Start item.

6. Click your mouse, select any of the Start connector symbols, drag the line and point it to any of the Execute
Custom Code element entry points.
The connection between the two elements is now established.

7. Click the Execute Custom Code workflow item.

8. In the Actions pane found at the lower portion of the screen, view the Action statement:
Synchronously execute custom code ...

9. Click the code link.

The Enter Custom Code window displays.

10. Verify the Code sheet is selected.

11. Enter the code below:

//*Prevent Using Same POs per Customer*/
var DuplicatedPOForCustomer =
.Where(ttOrderHed_Row =>
(string.Equals(ttOrderHed_Row.RowMod, IceRow.ROWSTATE_ADDED, StringC
omparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ||
string.Equals(ttOrderHed_Row.RowMod, IceRow.ROWSTATE_UPDATED, Strin
gComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) &&
.Select(ttOrderHed_Row =>
OrderHed_Row =>
string.Compare(OrderHed_Row.Company, ttOrderHed_Row.Compan
y, true) == 0 &&
OrderHed_Row.CustNum == ttOrderHed_Row.CustNum &&
OrderHed_Row.OrderNum != ttOrderHed_Row.OrderNum &&
string.Compare(OrderHed_Row.PONum, ttOrderHed_Row.PONum, t
rue) == 0
.FirstOrDefault(conflictingOrder => conflictingOrder != null);
if (DuplicatedPOForCustomer != null)
throw new Ice.BLException(
string.Format("{0} is using the same PO Number. \rUnable to use the same
PO number for multiple Orders for a customer.",

Epicor ERP | 10.1 41

Data Directives Advanced Business Process Management Course

Important When you copy and paste the above code from the pdf version of this course, you may
need to adjust it to make sure logical statements are kept together on their respective line.

Tip You may refer to the below image to view how the above C# code should be properly placed
within the complier.

12. In the Enter Custom Code window, click OK.

13. In the Actions pane, verify the Action field displays the following:
synchronously execute custom /*Prevent Using Same POs per Customer*/... rec
ord nothing

14. Click the Validate button and verify BPM reports no errors.

15. Click Save and Exit to return to the Method Directives window.

16. Select the Enabled check box to activate the directive.

17. Click Save.

18. Minimize Method Directives.

Test Data Directive

Navigate to Sales Order Entry.
Menu Path: Sales Management > Order Management > General Operations > Order Entry

1. Click New.

42 Epicor ERP | 10.1

Advanced Business Process Management Course Data Directives

2. In the Customer field, enter Dalton and press Tab.

3. In the PO field, enter a number of your choice.

4. Write down the PO number you have entered _______ .

5. Click Save.

6. Write down the Sales Order number created _______ .

7. Click the Clear button.

8. Click the New button again.

9. In the Customer field, enter Dalton and press Tab.

10. In the PO field, enter the number you used in step 3.

11. Click Save.

The Error message displays, informing you that another Sales Order for this customer is using the same PO

12. To the Error message, click OK.

13. Click the Clear button.

14. To the confirmation message, click Yes.

Now, you will create another Sales Order using the same PO number for a different customer. The expected
behaviour is that you will be able to create the new record.

15. Click the New button again.

16. In the Customer field, enter Barriston and press Tab.

17. In the PO field, enter the number you used in step 3.

18. Click Save.

The new record saves successfully, as the BPM only prevents users from using the same PO number more
than once per specific customer.

19. Exit Sales Order Entry.

Disable Directive

1. Maximize Data Directives.

2. Verify the record in focus is XXX-PO used once per customer (where XXX are your initials.

3. Clear the Enabled check box.

4. Click Save.

5. Exit Data Directives.

Epicor ERP | 10.1 43

Business Object Method Call Advanced Business Process Management Course

Business Object Method Call

You can use the Invoke BO Method action to call Business Object (BO) methods from within a directive.
This action eliminates the need to perform call to different BO methods using custom code, as this approach
requires knowledge of C# programming language.
In order to prepare or receive data from the BO method call, you typically use directive level variables and table
actions - Fill Table By Query and Update Table by Query. You can use directive level variables to supply data into
external method parameters, reference them across available conditions and actions, pass and receive data from
BO call actions or to hold intermediate results during directive execution. Note that usage of directive level variables
is limited to the directive where they were defined. Intermediate data they hold can not be passed between
multiple directives.
The table actions introduced in this course section are used to add (Fill table by Query) or update data (Update
Table by Query) within an in-memory table. In-memory table can be either a temporary table (ttTable) passed as
an argument to the Business Object method, or, it can be a directive-level variable of Tableset type.

Workshop - Use Fill Table By Query and Invoke BO Method

In this workshop, assume that on a customer record, a value in the City field has been modified. You want to
alert the sales department within your company that any open orders for that customer should be updated to
reflect this change. To log the information, use one of the delivered user-defined tables UD01.
Key concepts:
• Create a directive level variable
• Create a BPM Query referencing both in-memory (records being updated) and standard database tables
(existing records)
• Prepare data for the Business Object method call

Create New Method Directive

Navigate to Method Directives.
Menu Path: System Management > Business Process Management > Method Directives Maintenance
Important This program is not available in Epicor Web Access.

1. Click the Method Code button.

The Method Search window displays.

2. In the Search by Business Object section, verify Product is selected.

3. In the Business Object field, select Customer.

4. In the Where Method Name Starts At field, enter U.

5. Click Search.

44 Epicor ERP | 10.1

Advanced Business Process Management Course Business Object Method Call

6. In the Search Results grid, select the Update method and click OK.

7. Verify the Method Code field displays Erp.Customer.Update business method.

8. Click New and select New Pre-Processing.

The Pre-Processing > Detail sheet displays.

9. In the Directive Name field, enter XXX - CustomerAlert (where XXX are your initials).

10. In the Group field, enter XXX (where XXX are your initials).

11. Click Save.

Create Workflow Skeleton

First, design the skeleton of the workflow used in this workshop.

1. On the Pre-Processing > Detail sheet, click Design to launch the BPM Workflow Designer.

2. Place the following workflow items on the designer canvas:

• Condition
• Fill Table By Query
• Invoke BO Method.

3. Create the following connections:

a. Connect Start to Condition.

b. Connect the Condition's True outbound exit to the Fill Table By Query action.

c. Connect the Fill Table By Query action to the Invoke BO Method action.

4. Verify the workflow looks similar to the following:

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Business Object Method Call Advanced Business Process Management Course

Configure Condition
Configure the condition to fire the directive when a city is changed on a customer master record.

1. In the designer canvas, click the Condition item to select it.

2. In the Condition pane at the bottom, click the Add Line icon.

3. From the list of available conditions, select the following condition:

The specified field has been changed from any to another

4. Click specified.

5. Verify the Table field displays ttCustomer (ds.Customer).

6. Search for the City field and select it.

7. Click OK to exit the Select Table Field(s) window.

The condition is now prepared.

Configure Invoke BO Method Action

Before you configure Fill By Query Table action to prepare data for the BO method call, you can configure the
Invoke BO Method to specify which method you want to call. Since you want to store data in a directive-level
variable, you create it while you configure parameters of this method call. This way, you make sure the variable
type you create corresponds to the type of method parameter it will be assigned to.

1. In the designer canvas, click the Invoke BO Method action to select it.

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Advanced Business Process Management Course Business Object Method Call

2. In the Actions pane found at the lower portion of the screen, view the Action statement:
Invoke specified BO method with specified parameters

3. Click the first specified link.

4. Since user-defined tables belong to framework part of the application, on the Choose BO Method window,
select System.

5. From the drop-down list, select UD01.

6. Search for and select the UpdateExt method.

7. Click the second specified link to configure what data will be passed as parameters to this method.

8. Notice the first parameter of this method named ds (dataset). This parameter uses the INPUT-OUTPUT
direction, which indicates the method receives data from this parameter and potentially returns the updated
data into the variable of the same type.
Note If you know the type of required variable in advance, you can use the Variables tab within the
Designer to create it. In this example, use another way of creating a directive level variable directly
from within the action where it will be used.

9. For the ds parameter, click the Binding drop-down list and select create new variable.

10. In the Create new variable window, notice the required variable Type defaults in.
In this case, the required type is Ice.Tablesets.UpdExtUD01Tableset.

11. For the Name, enter UD01LogRecords and click OK.

Important Usage of directive level variables is limited to the directive where they were defined. Any
intermediate data they will hold can not be passed between multiple directives.

12. Now specify the two INPUT parameters which pass data into the method. These are required parameters
that must be supplied.

13. For the continueProcessingOnError parameter, invoke the Binding drop-down list. Notice the two available
• create new variable - as discussed in previous steps, you would use this option to create a new variable.
In this case, the simple (scalar) variable of the boolean type would be created.
• expr: specified expression - use this option to launch the Specify C# expression window to compose
an expression assigned to this parameter.

14. In this example, create an expression for the continueProcessingOnError parameter.

a. From the Binding drop-down list, select expr: specified expression.

b. Click specified expression.

c. In the Specify C# expression window, in the Editor pane, enter false.

d. Click OK.

This expression ensures the processing will not continue if an error occurs.

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Business Object Method Call Advanced Business Process Management Course

15. Now create an expression for the rollbackParentOnChild parameter.

a. From the Binding drop-down list, select expr: specified expression.

b. Click specified expression.

c. In the Specify C# expression window, in the Editor pane, enter true.

d. Click OK.

This expression ensures consistency of data when it is processed.

16. Now specify the two OUTPUT parameters which return data from the method call.
Note The Business Object method does not require any data from the parameters of this direction.
You can either assign these method parameters to variables of the same type, or, you can select the
[ignore] binding if you do not need to assign any value.

17. In this example, for both the errorsOccured and <return value> parameters, select [ignore].

18. In the Setup Method Parameters window, click OK.

19. In BPM Workflow Designer, click the Variables tab at the bottom. Verify the newly created variable is
Note You can use this tab to create new variables, view existing ones, rename them, change their
types and to delete them.

The Invoke BO Method action is now configured.

Design BPM Query

In this task, begin to configure the Fill Table By Query action. This action is used to add data into a target in-memory
table. In-memory table can be either a temporary table (ttTable) passed as an argument to the Business Object
method, or, it can be a directive-level variable of the Tableset type.
First, you must design a BPM query. When you construct the query, you can reference both in-memory tables,
such as ttCustomer and standard database tables such as ERP.Customer. To complete the query, you must
explicitly set which columns you want to display in the result set.

1. In the designer canvas, click the Fill Table By Query action to select it.

2. In the Actions pane found at the lower portion of the screen, view the Action statement:
Use the designed query to insert data into the specified table with specified

3. Click designed to launch the Compose Query window.

4. For the Query Name, enter CustomerOrders.

5. Place the following tables on the designer canvas:

• ttCustomer - this table will supply the modified value of the customer city record.
• ERP.Customer - this table will provide the original value of the customer city record.
• ERP.OrderHed - this table will provide the list of open orders for the customer that should be updated.

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Advanced Business Process Management Course Business Object Method Call

6. Notice ERP.Customer and ERP.OrderHed tables are automatically linked. Since this relation is not required
for the purposes of this query, select the link between the tables and delete it.

7. Create relation between the ttCustomer and ERP.Customer tables.

a. Click the Add Connection button and link both tables.

b. On the Table Relations sheet, click the Add Row icon (twice).

c. Create the following relations:

ttCustomer field Customer field

Company Company
CustNum CustNum

8. Create relation between the ttCustomer and ERP.OrderHed tables.

a. Click the Add Connection button and link both tables.

b. On the Table Relations sheet, click the Add Row icon (twice).

c. Create the following relations:

ttCustomer field OrderHed field

Company Company
CustNum CustNum

9. Now apply criteria on the OrderHed table to only retrieve open orders.

a. Click the ERP.OrderHed table on the canvas.

b. On the Table Criteria sheet, click Add Row.

c. In the Field column, select OpenOrder.

d. In the Operation column, accept the default value equals (=).

e. In the Filter value column, select specified constant.

f. Click specified to launch the Specify Value window.

g. Enter true and click OK.

10. Now select the fields to display in the result set.

a. Select the Display Fields sheet.

b. Select the following fields:

Field What Data It Provides

ttCustomer_Company intermediate table - the customer record being updated
ttCustomer_CustID intermediate table - the customer record being updated

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Field What Data It Provides

ttCustomer_City intermediate table - the customer record being updated
Customer_City database table - the original value of the customer city record
OrderHed_OrderNum database table - the list of open orders for that customer

11. In the Compose Query window, click OK.

Select Target Table

Now select the target in-memory table where data from the BPM Query will be inserted. In this example, you
select the directive level variable of the TableSet type you created for this directive.

1. In the Action phrase, click specified.

The Select Table window displays.

2. From the Table drop-down list, scroll down and select UD01LogRecords.UD01.
This indicates you are inserting records into the UD01 table of the UD01LogRecords directive level variable.

3. Click OK.

Configure Table Mappings

To complete the action, configure how records are be mapped to the in-memory table. The number of records
added to the selected table is equal to the number of records returned from the BPM Query.

1. In the Action phrase, click the specified mapping link.

The Setup Table Mapping window displays, presenting all fields available within the UD01LogRecords.UD01

2. For the Company column, from the Binding drop-down list, select field: ttCustomer_Company.

3. For the Key1 column, from the Binding drop-down list, select field: ttCustomer_CustID.

4. For the Key2 column, build an expression that stamps the current time.

a. From the Binding drop-down list, select expr: specified expression.

b. Click the specified expression link to launch the Specify C# expression window.

c. From the Functions list, expand the Date branch and double-click Now.
This adds the following function to the Editor:

d. Since the Key2 column expects the string type of data, you must convert the datetime format to string.
To do so, place the cursor right after the brackets.

e. From the Functions list, expand the Conversion branch and double-click x.ToString().
Verify the expression now reads:

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Advanced Business Process Management Course Business Object Method Call

5. For the Key3 column, build an expression to ensure a unique key is created for each sales order that needs
to be updated. To accomplish this task, create a unique GUID for each row.

a. From the Binding drop-down list, select expr: specified expression.

b. Click the specified expression link to launch the Specify C# expression window.

c. In the Editor pane, type the below expression:


6. For the Key4 column, build the expression that marks all records created by this directive in the UD01 table.
This approach helps you to identify the source of data updates, if needed.

a. From the Binding drop-down list, select expr: specified expression.

b. Click the specified expression link to launch the Specify C# expression window.

c. In the Editor pane, type the below expression:


7. For the Character01 column, build an expression that alerts the users to update the affected sales orders.

a. From the Binding drop-down list, select expr: specified expression.

b. Click the specified expression link to launch the Specify C# expression window.

c. In the Editor pane, enter the below expression:

"Attention: Reroute order#{0} from {1} to {2} for customer {3}",
Note Note that in this message, parameters inside the brackets are substituted with data returned
by the BPM Query. In the Specify C# expression window, notice the Query row branch is found
at the bottom of the Available variables pane. It displays the list of columns you selected for display
when you designed the BPM Query. This way, you can use the rows returned by the query to make
up the expression.

8. For the RowMod column found at the bottom of the Columns list, build an expression that marks all records
as added to the table.

a. From the Binding drop-down list, select expr: specified expression.

b. Click the specified expression link to launch the Specify C# expression window.

c. In the Editor pane, type the below expression:


9. In the Setup Table Mapping window, click OK.

10. Click Validate and verify the directive reports no errors.

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Business Object Method Call Advanced Business Process Management Course

11. Click Save and Exit and Enable the directive.

12. Click Save and minimize Method Directives.

Modify Customer Record

Navigate to Customer Maintenance.
Menu Path: Sales Management > Order Management > Setup > Customer

1. Retrieve the record for customer Addison.

2. In the City field, delete the existing record and enter Green Bay.

3. Click Save to trigger the BPM directive.

4. Minimize Customer Maintenance.

Test the Directive

1. Verify the records were updated into the UD01 table. You may use either of the following ways:

a. Use Microsoft® SQL Server® Management Studio to run the query against the Ice.UD01 table.
The syntax may look as follows:
select * from Ice.UD01

b. Directly withing the Epicor ERP application, construct a Business Activity Query against the Ice.UD01

2. Verify the results look similar to the following:

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The data written in the user-defined table using the BPM directive would now be ready for further processing.

Disable Directives

1. Maximize Method Directives.

2. Clear the Enabled check box for both XXX - CustomerAlert and XXX - UD01Update directives you
recently created.

3. Save the directives and exit the Method Directives program.

Update Table By Query

Use this action to update data within an in-memory table. In-memory table can be either a temporary table
(ttTable) passed as an argument to the Business Object method, or, it can be a directive-level variable of Tableset

Learning Channel: Update Table using BPM Query Data (video)

Epicor ERP | 10.1 53

Using External Methods Advanced Business Process Management Course

Using External Methods

You can create custom external methods using the C# or Visual Basic .NET programming languages. Through
this feature, you can implement complex external methods that extend or replace the functionality on server-side
application business logic.
You can create external methods for method, data, and updatable BAQ directives. These custom BPM external
methods are public, typically static methods that accept the same parameters as the method you are extending.
Because of this, custom external methods are directly integrated with the Epicor application.
Important This functionality is only available if your user account has BPM Advanced User permissions.

You begin by creating a custom action within the BPM module. You do this by generating a class within a method
that has a suitable signature. You then open the generated class within a .NET environment where you enter the
code for the custom external method. Lastly, you deploy the custom external method to the application. You
can then use the custom external method with either a method directive or an updatable BAQ directive.
Through this feature set, you can also create Service Connect workflows for method, data, and updatable BAQ
directives. By creating these workflows, you can set up directives that move data out of the Epicor application.
This integrates the data generated by this directive with the Service Connect application. Once this data is available
in Service Connect, you can then link it to another Epicor application or a third-party application for display and
This part of the course describes how you use the BPM tools to create and enter custom code. However, specific
details about the C# or Visual Basic .NET languages are beyond the scope of this course. For more information,
refer to the various reference guides and training manuals available for the programming languages or contact
your Epicor Account Manager.

Workshop - Create External Method

In this workshop, learn how to build an external method, deploy it to the server and call it from within the BPM
Important To successfully complete this workshop, Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2010 or later must be
installed and operational in your environment.

Access Method Arguments

The Method Arguments window displays the arguments contained in the current method or updatable BAQ;
use this program to review what you need to know before you build your external method. You can also use
this program to launch the Programming Interface Generator Form; you use this window to generate a class
within a method that has a signature which matches the signature of the business object for which you are
creating the external method. You launch the Method Arguments window from either Method Directives
Maintenance or Updatable BAQ Directives Maintenance.
Navigate to Method Directives.
Menu Path: System Management > Business Process Management > Method Directives Maintenance
Important This program is not available in Epicor Web Access.

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Advanced Business Process Management Course Using External Methods

1. Click the Method Code button to find and select the method that you need.
Example The example used in this workshop uses the Erp.ABCCode.Get List method.

2. Click the Advanced... button.

Note To access this feature, you can also click the Actions menu and select the Advanced option.

3. The Method Arguments window displays. The signature for the current method displays within the grid.
Use this grid to examine the building blocks for the current method; this information is useful as you program
your action. Notice you cannot edit any of these fields.

4. The Order field displays the sequence of the method arguments. This indicates which argument runs before
the next argument, displaying the logic sequence of the selected method.

5. The Direction field indicates how the data flows through the argument. In this example, the direction is
• INPUT - Indicates the arguments that pass data into the database.
• OUTPUT - Indicates the arguments that push the data back to the client for display.
• RETVAL - Defines the argument that determines the return value exposed from the BO method. In this
example, the BO method outputs the result into a complex parameter of TableSet type.

6. Notice the BpmArgumentName field displays the name of the argument.

7. The Type field displays the .NET classification for each argument. This example displays the System.String,
System.Int32, System.Boolean, and Erp.Tablesets.ABCCodeListTableset types.

8. Remain in the Method Arguments window.

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Using External Methods Advanced Business Process Management Course

Use Programming Interface Generator Form

Use the Programming Interface Generator Form to create a custom external method for the selected business
object method, data table, or updatable BAQ.
If you are creating an external method for an updatable BAQ or method directive, you launch the Programming
Interface Generator Form from the Method Arguments window. If you are creating an external method for a
data directive, you launch this window in Data Directives Maintenance by selecting a table and then clicking the
Create Programming Interface... button.

1. Click the Create Programming Interfaces... button to launch the Programming Interface Generator
You use this window to create a template for a custom external method using one the following action
component types:
• .Net Assembly [C#] – Select this option to create a template C# class with a single empty function. This
function matches the signature of the method you are customizing. You then write the custom code in
this function statement, build the C# assembly, and deploy it to the server. You can then select this
custom external method on a directive.
• .Net Assembly [VB.NET] – Select this option to create a template VB.NET class with a single empty
function. This function matches the signature of the method you are customizing. You then write the
custom code in this function statement, build the VB.NET assembly, and deploy it to the server. You can
then select this custom external method on a directive.
• Epicor Service Connect Workflows – Use this option to create the schemas required for an Epicor
Service Connect workflow. Through this Epicor application, you create integrated platforms for secure
data workflows between the Epicor application and third party applications.

2. In this example, verify the .Net Assembly [C#] radio button is selected.

3. Notice the C# code shell for the custom action is generated on the .NET Action Template - C# sheet.

4. Click Save.

5. The .Net destination folder window displays.

6. Navigate to the folder where you create your external assemblies.

7. Click Save.
Your .cs file is now saved to this file location. You can now use this file to create your custom external
method. To do this, launch Visual Studio and create a C# project. You then include this file in this project
and then build it as a class library (.dll file). You then place this .dll file in an External Storage folder; this
folder is specified in the web.config file within the customizationSettings section. Typically its application
server directory path location is Server\Customization\Externals.

8. Exit the Programming Interface Generator Form and minimize Method Directives window.

Define External Method Logic

To create your custom action, you open the external method template within your programming environment.
You do this differently, depending on whether you are developing a C# or a VB.NET external method.
Most transactions start with a GetNew or GetByID method to either populate default values into the dataset or
retrieve existing data from the database. The client keeps a copy of the original row and sends this row back

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Advanced Business Process Management Course Using External Methods

through an Update method along with the updated row. The server then compares the original copy of the row
to the current row on the actual, or physical, database to make sure it did not change from another source before
it updates the row. In these cases, only the changed row has an A (Add), U (Update), or D (Delete) value in the
table’s RowMod column.
When you write .NET code, be sure you identify the correct row within the tableset. You must do this because
the Update method creates two copies of the row within the inbound dataset. If the copy of the returned row
to the client does not match the actual database, you receive an error and future updates also fail. This feature
is part of the Optimistic Record Locking Mechanism; it applies to both conditions and actions.
Note When you attach an external method to a business object or updatable BAQ, it must have a signature
which matches the signature of the business object method or BAQ. If it does not, the external method
does not display on the methods list when you select an Invoke External Method action on a method or
updatable BAQ directive. These external methods always take simple parameters by reference and complex
parameters by value.

In this example, enter the programming logic for a custom AbcCode.GetList() external method written in C# .NET
to filter out all records where AbcCode starts with an "A".
® ®
1. Launch Microsoft Visual Studio .
The below example uses Microsoft Visual Studio 2012.

2. Create an empty Class Library C# project.

3. Add your .cs file to the project. For example, AbcCode.GetList.cs.

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4. Now add the references to the assembles from the Server\Assemblies and Server\Bin folders. This resolves
all the types used in the custom action, including the contract of the selected method.

5. Write the custom business logic in the body of the method. In this example, you are creating a post-processing
directive for AbcCode.GetList() to filter out all records where AbcCode starts with an "A" value. To accomplish
the desired the custom behavior, you write the following code:
namespace BpmCustomCode
public class MyABCCode
public void GetList(
ref System.String whereClause,
ref System.Int32 pageSize,
ref System.Int32 absolutePage,
ref System.Boolean morePages,
Erp.Tablesets.ABCCodeListTableset result)
result.ABCCodeList.RemoveAll(r => r.ABCCode.StartsWith("A"));
At this stage, your project should look similar to the following:

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6. Build the project and deploy the custom method to the External Storage folder.
This folder is specified in the web.config file within the customizationSettings section. Typically its directory
path is the Server\Customization\External location.
Now that these external method .dll files are in the External Storage folder, you can deploy these methods
to Business Process Management. You do not need to restart Internet Information Services (IIS). When you
select the Invoke External Method action on a directive, the external method and its compiled assembly
display as options on the action.
Note If you replace an existing external method with a new version and your assembly is loaded into
memory, you will need to restart IIS. The external method will then update to the latest version.

Call External Method

Return to Method Directives with Erp.ABCCode.GetList business object method focus.

1. Return to Method Directives with Erp.ABCCode.GetList business object method focus.

2. Click New > New Post-Processing.

3. In the Directive Name field, enter XXX-CustomGetList (where XXX are your initials).

4. In the Group field, enter XXX (where XXX are your initials).

5. Click the Design... button to invoke the BPM Workflow Designer.

6. From the Callers group, click and drag the Invoke External Method item to the workflow design area.

7. Click and drag a connection from the Start item to the Invoke External Method item. When select the Invoke
External Method item, the Actions pane displays the Synchronously invoke specified Method from
external assembly action.

8. Accept the default Synchronous execution of this task.

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Using External Methods Advanced Business Process Management Course

9. Next select the external method you have created. Click the external link.

10. The Add Reference window displays, showing the custom external methods you have created and deployed
to the External Storage folder. Typically its directory path is the Server\Customization\Externals location.
Select the custom external method from the list.

11. Now click the specified method link and select method you want to invoke. In this example, the GetList
method is selected.

12. Notice the two additional columns displayed for your information. The Is Static column displays Yes when
the assembly method is static. Otherwise, No is displayed.

13. The Requires BPM Context column displays Yes if a BPM Context is passed over to the selected external
method. If the method does not utilize a BPM Context data, the column displays No.
Tip Within an external method accessing the BPM context, the BPM context parameter must be
declared as its last parameter. For example:
public void UpdateAsyncWithBpmContext(TipTableset ds, ContextTableset

14. At this stage, your workflow should look similar to the following.

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Advanced Business Process Management Course Using External Methods

15. Click the Save and Exit button to close the designer.

16. On the Detail sheet, select the Enabled check box to activate the directive.

17. Save the record and minimize Method Directives.

Test the Method

Your custom external method filters any ABC codes that start with the "A" character. To verify this custom
external method works, launch a program that uses the GetList method to retrieve ABC codes.
Navigate to Warehouse Maintenance.
Menu Path: Material Management > Inventory Management > Setup > Warehouse

1. Select a warehouse, for example, select Inspection Area.

2. From the New menu, select New ABC Code.

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Using External Methods Advanced Business Process Management Course

3. The Cycle Count/Physical Inv > ABC Codes > ABC Code Detail sheet activates.

4. To find and select a code, click the ABC Code... button.

5. The ABC Code Search window displays.

6. Click the Search button.

7. Notice in the Search Results, the "A" ABC code does not display as an option. Through your external method,
users can no longer select this filtered ABC code.
Your result should look similar to the following:

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Advanced Business Process Management Course Using External Methods

8. Close the Search dialog and exit Warehouse Maintenance.

Disable Directive

1. Maximize Method Directives.

2. Verify the record in focus is XXX-CustomGetList (where XXX are your initials).

3. Clear the Enabled check box.

The method directive is now disabled.

4. Click Save.

5. Click Clear and remain in Method Directives.

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Manage Method Directives Advanced Business Process Management Course

Manage Method Directives

To complete the Business Process Management (BPM) functionality, the module includes programs that help
manage your method directives. You can export your directives to another location where they can then be
imported into another system. You can also update the directives.

This functionality requires you use groups. Each group contains related method directives. By placing related
method directives together, you can easily export, import, and update the directives.
You create and select groups within the Method Directives, Data Directives, or Updatable BAQ Method Directives
programs. The Detail sheets in these programs all have a Group field. Use this field to create new groups or to
select existing groups. In either case, you define the group which the directive is placed inside for use in later
Recall within the previous workshops, you assigned each directive to a group represented by your initials. This
way, all directives you created belong to the same group, allowing you to import, export or update them all at

Directive Export
Use Directive Export to export all method directives that belong to a selected group. These directives are then
exported to a single file at a location you define, so you can move your method directives to another installation
of the application.
Menu Path: System Management > Business Process Management > Directive Export
Important This program is not available in Epicor Web Access.

Directive Import
Use Directive Import to import a group of exported method directives into your application.
Menu Path: System Management > Business Process Management > Directive Import
Important This program is not available in Epicor Web Access.

Directive Update
Use Directive Update to perform the following actions:
• Using the Directive Update Setup sheet, you can update the properties and recompile the directives within
a selected group. You can run this program to apply some primary options to all the group directives; for
example, you can use this program to enable all the directives in the group.
• On the Directive Recompile Setup sheet, you can recompile the group of directives, optionally refreshing
signatures of the methods or tables they are attached to, in order to make them compatible with the current
version of the application.
• Using the SC Credentials Setup sheet, you can perform mass update of ESC server credentials stored in
directives. Typically, you need to update ESC credentials when running cross-company directives utilizing ESC
Workflow actions in a non-owning company.
Menu Path: System Management > Business Process Management > Directive Update

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Advanced Business Process Management Course Manage Method Directives

Important This program is not available in Epicor Web Access.

Workshop - Export Directives

In this workshop, export your directive group.

Navigate to Directive Export.
Menu Path: System Management > Business Process Management > Directive Export
Important This program is not available in Epicor Web Access.

1. Select the Directives by Group option.

2. In the Directive Group field, select XXX (where XXX are your initials).

3. Click the Export to File button.

4. Select Desktop.

5. In the File Name field, verify export displays.

6. Click Save.

7. Click the Export button.

8. In the Information message, click OK.

9. Exit Directive Export.

10. Verify the Export.bpm file displays on your desktop.

Workshop - Import Directives

In this workshop, import the directive file you exported previously.

Navigate to Directive Import.
Menu Path: System Management > Business Process Management > Directive Import
Important This program is not available in Epicor Web Access.

1. Click the File Name button.

2. In the Open window, verify Desktop is selected.

3. Select the Export.bpm file.

4. Click Open.

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Manage Method Directives Advanced Business Process Management Course

5. For the Destination Group, select XXX (where XXX are your initials).

6. Select the Replace Existing Group check box.

Note Select this check box if you want the import program to delete the directives in the existing
group and replace them with the imported directives. If this check box is clear, the program leaves
the existing directives alone and adds the imported directives into the group.

7. Click the Import button.

8. In the Information message, click OK.

View the information about re-imported directives.

9. Exit Directive Import.

66 Epicor ERP | 10.1

Advanced Business Process Management Course Debugging Using Visual Studio

Debugging Using Visual Studio

If you have Microsoft® Visual Studio™ 2010 or higher, you can debug execution of custom code directives.


This topic discusses steps you need take to before you start debugging.
The Epicor Customization Framework (ECF) supports two ways of storing generated assemblies. The preferred
method, which is either SQL BLOB (Binary Large Object) or File System Storage is defined in the Epicor ERP 10
web.config file within the customizationStorage provider property.
Before you start debugging, do the following:
• In order to load the program database (pdb) file that holds debugging symbols, verify the loadPdb property
found in the web.config is set to true.
loadPdb ="true"

• Verify the intermediateFolder, where directive sources are generated contains in a valid path. For example:
Example Your web.config settings may look as follows:
loadPdb ="true"

<customizationStorage provider="SqlBlob" settings="" />

<externalsStorage provider="FileSystem" settings="C:\_projects\2012R\Cu
rrent\Deployment\Server\Customization\Externals" />

• To reload customization assembly and debug symbols, restart IIS. Alternatively, only restart the Epicor ERP
application pool.

Debug BPM Directive

This topic explains how you can debug customization assembly compiled by the Epicor Customization Framework.

1. By default, sources are found in the BPM folder of the Server directory.

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Debugging Using Visual Studio Advanced Business Process Management Course

Note A different sources folder can be specified using the intermediateFolder attribute in the server
web.config file.
Make sure that the folder specified in the intermediateFolder attribute exists at the time IIS AppPool
used by the Epicor 10 application starts. Also, verify the account used by that AppPool has read and
write access to that folder. Otherwise, the setting is ignored and sources are saved in the system's
TEMP folder.

2. Notice each folder contains all BPM revisions.

Important New sources are generated each time you save the directive.

3. Make sure you are working with the latest BPM sources when debugging a directive. Drag and drop all files
into the Microsoft Visual Studio.

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Advanced Business Process Management Course Debugging Using Visual Studio

4. For debugging Options, make sure the Enable Just My Code and Require source files to exactly match
the original version options are clear.

5. Attach the debugger to the w3wp.exe process the application pool is running under.

6. Now you can set the breakpoint in the custom code.

7. Run the routine in the Epicor client. When the BPM customization is fired, the breakpoint is activated and
you can verify each step in the Visual Studio.

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Debugging Using Visual Studio Advanced Business Process Management Course

8. If the breakpoint is not hit, do the following:

a. Close the Epicor client.

b. Restart IIS, or Epicor server application pool.

c. Launch the Epicor client again and regenerate the directive to update directive sources.

Tip By default, IIS7 app pool can only use 90 seconds span for a non-responsive application. During
IIS web application or website debugging time, you may want to change its corresponding application
Pool advanced setting's "Ping Maximum Response Time" to a time much longer, or turn off "Ping
Enabled" setting.

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Advanced Business Process Management Course Conclusion


Congratulations! You have completed the Advanced Business Process Management course.

Epicor ERP | 10.1 71

Additional information is available at the Education and
Documentation areas of the EPICweb Customer Portal. To access
this site, you need a Site ID and an EPICweb account. To create an
account, go to http://support.epicor.com.

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