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Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment


Relationships between undrained shear strength, liquidity index,

and water content ratio of clays
Satoru Shimobe 1 & Giovanni Spagnoli 2

Received: 17 June 2019 / Accepted: 6 May 2020

# Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2020

Clays are very important in environmental geotechnical applications because of their characteristics. This paper considered over
500 data from literature and from laboratory. Undrained shear strength (remolded and undisturbed), liquidity index (IL), and
water content ratio (WCR) have been compared among each other. Because natural clays have different physical and mineral-
ogical properties, no unique relationship exists. The relationship between remolded and undisturbed undrained shear strength and
liquidity index (IL) is scattered. On the contrary, if only remolded undrained shear strength values are plotted against the liquidity
index, a good tendency is observed considering also the ratio of plastic limit to liquid limit in the range of IL between 0.8 and 1.3.

Keywords Clays . Atterberg limits . Undrained shear strength . Liquidity index . Water content ratio . Plasticity ratio

Abbreviations w Water content

CF Clay fraction (% < 2 μm) WCR Water content ratio¼ LL w

FC Fall cone test α  and

Material constant  gradient of the IL-WCR
d Cone penetration (mm) relationship ¼ 1−R1
IL (LI) Liquidity index (ILc obtained by fall cone test) β  and
Material constant  intercept of the IL-WCR
ILN Logarithmic liquidity index = ln(w/PL)/ln(LL/PL) relationship ¼ 1−Rp
LL (wL) Liquid limit (%; wLc obtained by fall cone test)
PL (wP) Plastic limit (%; wPc obtained by fall cone test)
PI (Ip) Plasticity index=LL-PL=wL − wp.
Rp (Rpc) Plasticity ratio¼ LL (that obtained by fall cone test)
Rs Strength ratio=sur(PL)/sur(LL) (=sPL/sLL)
In geotechnical engineering clays are very important be-
St Sensitivity ratio=su/sur
cause their characteristics, e.g., low permeability, high
su (Undisturbed) undrained shear strength (kPa)
heavy metal retention, and cationic organic contaminants,
sur Remolded undrained shear strength (kPa)
are very important for different applications such as liners
sur(LL) (Remolded) undrained shear strength at
for waste disposal. Therefore, the basic geotechnical prop-
liquid limit (=sLL)
erties of clays such as Atterberg limits, consistency, and
sur(PL) (Remolded) undrained shear strength at plastic
liquidity index, IL, are key factors in the geotechnical
limit (=sPL)
assessment during each construction project. In the last
years, an enormous amount of data and correlations have
been generated. It would be challenging to quote them all;
* Giovanni Spagnoli; however, Atterberg limits have been correlated in the past
with several geotechnical properties such as swelling, hy-
Satoru Shimobe
draulic properties, specific surface area, SSA, cation ex-
change capacity, CEC, undrained shear strength, com-
College of Science and Technology, Nihon University, pressibility (see for instance Wroth and Wood 1978;
Funabashi 274-8501, Japan Locat and Demers 1988; Muhunthan 1991; Al-Khafaji
BASF Construction Solutions GmbH, Dr.-Albert-Frank-Straße 32, 1993; Yilmaz 2000, 2004; Atkinson 2007; Mitchell and
83308 Trostberg, Germany Soga 2005; Dolinar 2009; Dolinar and Škrabl 2013;
S. Shimobe, G. Spagnoli

Vardanega and Haigh 2014; Spagnoli et al. 2019 to name Based on the analytical analysis and experimental facts,
few), showing that the basic geotechnical characteriza- Koumoto and Houlsby (2001) obtained a value of sur at LL
tions already help to qualitatively understand the engi- of 1.38 kPa for a fall cone test (here abbreviated as FC) of 60°
neering properties of clays. IL has been widely related and 60 g with a cone penetration d of 11.5 mm at the LL
with the undrained shear strength, su (e.g., Schofield and assuming Rs =100.
Wroth 1968; Houston and Mitchell 1969; Wroth and
surðFCÞ ¼ e½ 
1:070−I LN
Wood 1978; Locat and Demers 1988; Muir Wood 1990; 0:217 ð3Þ
Vardanega and Haigh 2014). IL is defined as:
where ILN is the logarithmic liquidity index, i.e., [ln(w/PL)/
w−PL ln(LL/PL)].
IL ¼ ð1Þ
PI Vardanega and Haigh (2014) evaluated 641 data on 101
soil samples from 12 countries, as shown in Table 1, in a linear
where w is the water content, plasticity index (PI) is the difference
log sur-IL relationship. According to them, Rs is not 100, rather
between liquid limit (LL) and plastic limit (PL). Basically, IL is
35 is more realistic, as it depends on clay minerals:
the relative consistency of a fine-grained soil in the original state.
If a soil has the natural moisture content and the liquid limit of the sur ¼ surðLLÞ 34:3ð1−I L Þ ≈surðLLÞ 35ð1−I L Þ ð4Þ
same value, the liquidity index will be 1. If the natural moisture
content of soil is less than the liquid limit, but more than the which is valid for IL values between 0.2 and 1.1.
plastic limit, the liquidity index will be less than 1. For sensitive Table 2 shows the undrained shear strength at liquid and
clay, the natural moisture content may be greater than the liquid plastic limits of soils (sLL, sPL) and its strength ratio (Rs) for
limit and value of IL will exceed 1. Heavily overconsolidated different values from the literature.
(OCR) clay deposits (values up to 40, e.g., Mayne and Kuriakose et al. (2017) investigated the relation between
Mitchell 1988) have the natural water content, which may be the normalized water content, w, to the liquid limit, LL, de-
lower than the plastic limit. In that scenario, the liquidity index fined as water content ratio (WCR) and sur, claiming to be a
is smaller than 0. If the soil has LI value less than zero, the soil good replacer of IL with the expression having the form of:
will behave like brittle or crumbled into pieces. If IL value is
equal to zero, then the soil will behave similar to a plastic log sur ¼ a−bðWCRÞ ð5Þ
whereby they identified, for the clayey samples they tested,
It is reported in the literature that soils at their LL and
values of 2.644 and 2.55 for material constants, a and b,
PL have fixed undrained shear strength values, which is
around 2 kPa at their LL and 100 to 200 kPa at PL (see
Besides, WCR is widely used for identifying the swell
Carter and Bentley 1991), whereby Haigh et al. (2013)
potential of expansive clays (swell index), trafficability of
and more recently Spagnoli et al. (2019) observed that
construction vehicles, and sustainability to liquefaction (e.g.,
PL is likely not linked to a fixed shear strength value.
Vijayvergiya and Ghazzaly 1973; Shimobe 2011).
However, following the current established soil mechani-
The authors have collected, organized, and analyzed over
cal theories, it can be seen that (remolded) soils change
500 data from the literature from the past years, considering
their strength throughout their plastic range (LL-PL) from
the su-WCR-IL relation. Also, new laboratory data has been
1 kPa at LL to 100 kPa at PL, whereby plasticity index,
collected and compared with the works of other authors. The
PI, seems to be a change of water content needed to create
goal was to verify based on a vast literature review, whether
a strength change of about one hundred–fold in the plastic
WCR could be possibly a replacer for IL, and if a relationship
range of soil (e.g., Skempton and Northey 1952; Sharma
among undrained shear strength, WCR, and IL exists. Besides,
and Bora 2003). Therefore, a correlation between shear
in this paper, we mainly focused on the remolded (disturbed)
strength and water content exists, which can be used to
cohesive soils and referred to the undisturbed cohesive soils
predict the shear strength variations of clays.
considering the sensitivity ratio St in discussing the overall
For instance, Wroth and Wood (1978) used the vane shear
properties and behaviors of soils due to disturbance (based
experimental results by Skempton and Northey (1952)
on our research results).
obtaining for remolded undrained shear strength, sur , the fol-
lowing relationship (see also Table 1):

sur ¼ 170eð−4:6I L Þ ¼ 1:7Rs ð1−I L Þ ð2Þ Methods

More than 500 data from over 100 publications have been
where sur at LL was 1.7 kPa, sur at PL was 170 kPa, and the collected and analyzed (see Tables 1 and 2). Regarding
strength ratio sur(PL)/sur(LL), defined as Rs, was set to 100. Table 1, i.e., relationships between undrained shear strength
Table 1 Relationships between undrained shear strength su and liquidity index IL and water content ratio WCR

Type Eq. Authors Proposed equations (su, sur: kPa) Applications Remarks

su-IL relation (semi-logarithmic or power 1 Wroth and Wood (1978) sur = 170 exp. (− 4.6IL) = 1.7Rs(1-IL) Remolded soils; critical state theory sur(LL) = 1.7 kPa, sur(PL) = 170 kPa; Rs = 100 (Wood 1985)
model) 2 Whyte (1982) sur = 1.6 exp. [(4.23 (1 − IL)] Remolded soils
3 Leroueil et al. (1983) sur = 1/(IL − 0.21)2 Remolded soils; 0.5 < IL <2.5
4 Locat and Demers (1988) sur = (1.167/IL)2.44 Remolded soils; 1.5 < IL< 6.0 Strengths at high liquidity indices
5 Hirata et al. (1990) sur = exp. (− 3.361IL + 0.376) Remolded soils
6 Terzaghi et al. (1996) sur = 2(IL)−2.8 Remolded soils
7 Shimobe (2000, 2010) su = 98 St・exp. Undisturbed and remolded soils Considering sensitivity ratio St
[ln{0.4755/(IL + 0.5012(1 − IL))}/0.19]
8a Yilmaz (2000) sur = exp. (0.026 − 1.21IL) Remolded soils
8b Yilmaz (2000) su = 98 exp. (0.026 − 1.22IL) Undisturbed soils
9a Koumoto and Houlsby sur(FC) = exp. [(1.070 − ILN)/0.217] Remolded soils; 60° 60 g fall cone (FC) Dynamic sur(LL) = 1.38 kPa, Rs = 100; dLL = 11.5 mm
9b Koumoto and Houlsby ILN = 1.070–0.217 ln [sur(FC)] ditto (logarithmic liquidity index formulation) Another equation form by Vardanega and Haigh (2014)
10 NGI (2002) sur = 4.2(IL) Remolded soils
11 NGI (2002) sur = 3.9(IL) −2.0 Remolded soils
12a Yang et al. (2006) sur = 159.6 exp.(− 3.97IL) Remolded soils
12b Yang et al. (2006) su = 231.9 exp.(− 2.96IL) Undisturbed soils
13 Berilgen et al. (2007) sur = 28 exp. (− 1.33IL) Remolded soils
14 Edil and Benson (2009) sur = 144.9 exp. (− 1.72IL) Remolded soils
15a Vardanega and Haigh IL = 1.150–0.283 ln (sur) Remolded soils R2 = 0.948, n = 641, SE = 0.059
15b Vardanega and Haigh sur = sur(LL)34.3(1−IL) ≈ sur(LL)35(1-IL) ditto (rearranging Eq. 15a); 0.2 < IL < 1.1 sur(LL) = 1.7 kPa; Rs = 35 (depending on clay mineralogy)
15c Vardanega and Haigh ILN = 1.120–0.226 ln (sur) ditto (logarithmic liquidity index formulation) R2 = 0.949, n = 641, SE = 0.046
15d Vardanega and Haigh IL = 1.030–0.266 ln (sur) ditto (6 soils) Data from Koumoto and Houlsby (2001); sur(LL) = 1.1 kPa,
(2014) Rs = 44
Relationships between undrained shear strength, liquidity index, and water content ratio of clays

15e Vardanega and Haigh sur = sur(LL)83.5(1−ILN) ditto (Rearranging Eq. 15c) sur(LL) = 1.7 kPa, Rs = 83.5
16 Cangir and Dipova (2017) su (UC/UU) = − 41 ln (IL) + 19.41 Undisturbed soils; unconfined compression test Unconsolidated undrained triaxial compression test (UU)
(UC) also
su-WCR relation (semi-logarithmic 17 Federico (1983) sur = exp. [5.25(1.161 − WCR)] Remolded soils
or power model) 18 Tsuchida (1999) sur = 1.4 (WCR)−4.5 Remolded soils Tsuchida et al. (2002)
19 Lee (2004) sur = 182.93 exp. (− 2.3714 WCR) Remolded soils
20 Berilgen et al. (2007) sur = 145 exp. (− 2.86 WCR) Remolded soils
21 O’Kelly (2013) log sur = log sur(LL) + (log Rs/log α) × log Remolded soils α = LL/PL (Vardanega and Haigh 2014, 2017)
22 Kang et al. (2017) sur = 1.71 (WCR)−4.1 Remolded soils
23 Vardanega and Haigh sur = 10(2.72–2.585WCR) Remolded soils Data from Kuriakose et al. (2017)
24 Sharma and Sridharan log (sur(FC)/1.7) = log (1.04) − 4.9 log (WCR) Remolded soils; 60° 60 g & 30° 100 g/400 g fall R2 = 0.945, n = 43; sur(LL) = 1.7 kPa, sur(PL) = 170 kPa,
(2018) cones Rs=100

su (undisturbed) undrained shear strength, sur remolded undrained shear strength, LL liquid limit, PL plastic limit, sur(LL) undrained shear strength at LL, sur(PL) undrained shear strength at PL, α ratio of
liquid limit to plastic limit (LL/PL), Rs strength ratio at LL and PL [sur(PL)/sur(LL)], St sensitivity ratio (su/sur), IL (LI) liquidity index [(w-PL)/Ip], Ip (PI) plasticity index (LL-PL), ILN logarithmic liquidity
index [ln(w/PL)/ln(LL/PL)], WCR water content ratio (w/LL), w water content, R2 coefficient of determination, n number of soil samples, SE standard error
S. Shimobe, G. Spagnoli

Table 2 Undrained shear strength at liquid and plastic limits of soils (sLL, sPL) and its strength ratio (Rs). Figures in parenthesis are average or
recommended values

Authors sLL (kPa) sPL (kPa) Rs=sPL/ Test for su Remarks


Casagrande (1939) 2–3 (2.65) Average strength depending on the LL apparatus

BS1377 (1948) 110 Quoted by Whyte (1982)
Skempton and Northey (1952) 0.7–1.75 85–125 (110) 100 VST su-IL relationship (quoted by Whyte (1982))
Hansbo (1957) 1.5–2.0 FCT Hansbo equation su = kmg/d2
Norman (1958) 1.1–2.3 Miniature VST Apparatus of ASTM standards (25–50% higher)
0.8–1.6 Apparatus of BS standards
Youssef et al. (1965) 1.3–2.7 (1.7) VST Mean value of 1.7 kPa at LL
Wroth and Wood (1978) 1.7 170 100 VST Mean values at LL & PL, respectively
Dennehy (1978) 30–220 (115) UU TC Casagrande cup method; quoted by Whyte (1982)
Arrowsmith (1978) 17–224 (110) UC Casagrande cup method; quoted by Whyte (1982)
Whyte (1982) 0.5–5.6 (1.6) 20–220 (110) 70 Extrusion
Leroueil et al. (1983) 1.6 FCT & VST 60° 60 g cone; 0.5 <IL < 2.5
Federico (1983) 1.7–2.8 VST Fall cone method (30° 80 g cone)
Wasti and Bezirci (1986) 0.5–5.6 36–430 VST Casagrande cup method
0.8–4.8 (2.2) 35–600 Fall cone method (30° 80 g/240 g cones)
Medhat and Whyte (1986) 1.6 110 Upon literature review
Locat and Demers (1988) 0.2–2.04 Viscometer FCT & 1.5 < IL < 6
Muir Wood (1990) 2 200 100
Sridharan and Prakash (1998) 0.66–1.35 Viscometer
Koumoto and Houlsby (2001) 1.38–4.52 (108, 138) Theoretical analysis (FCT); depending on the depth of
(1.83, 1.38) penetration for 60° 60 g cone
Sharma and Bora (2003) 1.7 170 100 FCT Fall cone method (60°60 g; 30°100 g/400 g cones)
CEN ISO/TS 17892-6: 2004 1.57–1.59 FCT 60° 60 g or 30° 80 g cones
(fall cone test) (1.6)
Zentar et al. (2009) 1.2–1.4 (1.3) 50–80 (65) 42–57 FCT & VST 30° 80 g cone
Kayabali and Tufenkci (2010) 1.2–12 (2.3) 68–530 (180) 78 VST & reverse VSTLab overestimates su at LL
Nagaraj et al. (2012) 0.2–12 35–600 Variations of sLL & sPL: 60 & 17 times
Haigh et al. (2013) 1.41–1.76 17–530 (152) 71 soil samples from literature
O’Kelly (2013) 0.64–2.1 34–123 (82) 43–128 VST 14 mineral soils; mean value of 82 kPa at PL
(1.15) (75)
Vardanega and Haigh (2014) 1.7 35 Upon literature review (101 soils); 0.2 < IL < 1.1
Shi and Herle (2017) 1.4 115 fine-grained soils from literature (Hong et al. 2003)
Mengistu (2017) 1.63–6.78 101.65–201.94 30–63 VST Clay soils at 5 sites; Casagrande method
Karakan and Demir (2018) 2.55 71–460 (170.5) 13–360 FCT Casagrande & fall cone methods (22
(80) kaolinite/bentonite-sand mixtures)

VST vane shear test, FCT fall cone test, UU TC unconsolidated undrained triaxial compression test, UC unconfined compression test

su and liquidity index IL and normalized water content WCR, On the su-IL diagram of soils of Fig. 1, because both remolded
all data regarding remolded and undisturbed strengths are and undisturbed data were used, referring to vast data analyzed in
shown. Regarding the relation between undrained shear this paper, the difference between undisturbed and remolded
strength at liquid and plastic limits of soils (sLL, sPL) and Rs, soils is not clear and become confused. Here, the data group of
values coming from vane shear tests, fall cone tests, extrusion/ undisturbed soils (with a dotted line in Fig. 1) was differentiated
reverse extrusion tests, triaxial compression tests, and uncon- from the remolded ones, based on the depositional and geotech-
fined compression tests were considered (Table 2). Since the nical properties of these soils. In order to evaluate the undrained
aim of this paper is to obtain a general overview rather than to strength of undisturbed (intact) cohesive soil, there is an impor-
obtain a correlation, we think that from the scientific point of tant parameter of sensitivity ratio, St, defined as a ratio of undis-
view, the approach we followed is correct. turbed strength to remolded one (¼ su=sur ). The sensitivity ratio
varies greatly depending on the geotechnical characteristics of
cohesive soil according to its sedimentary environment and the
Results and discussion sample quality due to disturbance (e.g., Wood 1985; Shimobe
and Spagnoli 2019). Then, although the undrained strength of
Figure 1 shows the relationship between undisturbed and undisturbed soil su is given as (remolded strength sur) × (sensi-
remolded undrained shear strength, su and sur, respectively, tivity ratio St), it is natural that the undisturbed strength of cohe-
and IL for over 500 data. Data of remolded soils shows a sive soils with the same state amount and consistency (i.e., IL and
general trend with the form of log sur = A − BIL (where A and LL) varies greatly depending on their sensitivity ratio. The ex-
B are material constant). It is possible to note from Fig. 1 that perimental evidence of extended fall cone tests (sur, ILc), vane
all data show a wider range in terms of response. shear, and unconfined compression tests (su, sur ) to prove this
Relationships between undrained shear strength, liquidity index, and water content ratio of clays

Fig. 1 Relationship between undrained shear strength and IL

issue, is shown in Fig. 2 based on the authors’ research results ones). The proposed equation for undisturbed and remolded soils
(e.g., Shimobe and Spagnoli 2019). Besides, in this figure, newly is as follows (also other suggested equations, see Table 1):
supplemented data also are indicated. Shimobe and Spagnoli h    i
(2019) proposed the su-IL relationship for cohesive soils consid- su ¼ 98 St ⋅ exp ln 0:4755= I L þ 0:5012ð1−I L Þ =0:19 ð6Þ
ering the sensitivity ratio St (from remolded soils to sensitive

Fig. 2 Liquidity index against undrained shear strength (revised from Shimobe and Spagnoli 2019)
S. Shimobe, G. Spagnoli

whereby Eq. (6) considers the predicted strength equation for From Eq. (7), the IL-WCR relationship is linear and α and
remolded soils when st = 1. β represent its gradient and intercept, respectively. Namely,
As a well-known relationship between remolded undrained the relation is greatly dependent on the parameter Rp value
shear strength and liquidity index of clays exists, there is a (Shimobe 2011; Spagnoli and Oreste 2019).
unique equation suggested by Terzaghi et al. (1996) for in- Combining the sur-WCR relationship as suggested by
stance (see Table 1 and Fig. 1). This data includes soft clay Tsuchida (1999) in Table 1 (Eq. (18) and Eq. (8)), the follow-
and silt deposits obtained from different sites of the world. ing equation is obtained:
Similarly, Vardanega and Haigh (2014) also proposed the 1:4
sur-IL relation based on the data from a large number of soil sur ¼   4:5 ðin kPaÞ ð9Þ
samples (101 soils). However, even their proposed equation 1−Rp I L þ Rp
(range of 0.2 < IL < 1.1) cannot explain well the Scandinavian
Equation (9) describes the sur-IL relation with different Rp
marine soft clays (e.g., Swedish and Finnish quick clays after
values. As an indicator against the sur-IL relations, Eq. (9) with
D’Ignazio et al. 2016) and volcanic soils. Besides, other var-
the common Rp values range (from 0.1 to 0.9) is shown in Fig.
ious suggested equations (e.g., Leroueil et al. 1983; NGI
3 together for comparison with previously proposed equations
2002; Wyatt 2009) also seem to be subjected to the different
and experimental data (see Table 1 and Fig. 1). As a result, it
regional characteristics and clay mineral types. Therefore, it
can be seen from this figure that all the previous empirical
can be noted from both Table 1 and Figs. 1 and 2 that no
equations seem to almost coincide each other if those applica-
unique relationship exists at least for remolded and undis-
tions are within about 0.8 < IL < 1.3 and that the trend lines
turbed soils.
indicated by Srinivasa Murthy et al. (1986) and Chacko and
In Fig. 3, the correlation between remolded undrained
Jacob (2018) deviate greatly from the many measured values.
shear strength sur and liquidity index IL is shown. Data seem
Besides, the IL = 0.8 line inserted in Fig. 3 represents the char-
to follow a more uniform path with respect to Fig. 1. As
acteristics line used in the state chart for practical or engineer-
suggested by Kuriakose et al. (2017), IL could be substituted
ing soil classification (e.g., Moroto 1993; So 1998; Shimobe
by the WCR in order to simplify the procedure to obtain un-
and Spagnoli 2019). According to the authors’ opinion and
drained shear strength values. Following the suggestion of
experience, on the physical meaning of this value, the un-
Shimobe (2011), the parameter Rp (ratio of PL to LL, PL/
drained shear strength at IL = 0.8 provides about twice times
LL) is introduced considering:
of that at LL (surðI L ¼0:8Þ ≅2surðLLÞ ).
I L ¼ αðWCRÞ−β ð7Þ Figure 4 shows the results considering the relationships
between undisturbed and remolded shear strengths vs WCR
which can be written as: for some of the data presented in this manuscript. Here, the
w   WCR = 0.8 line inserted in this figure represents the charac-
WCR ¼ ¼ 1−Rp I L þ Rp ð8Þ teristics line on volcanic cohesive soil (Kanto loam, Japan)
and its practical use suggested by So (1998). This value is
where α and β are material constants; those can be replaced as based on a large number of geotechnical investigation results
α ¼ 1−R
; β ¼ 1−Rp p ¼ Rp α using the parameter Rp. by static cone penetration tests (CPT). If the soil has

Fig. 3 Relationship between remolded undrained shear strength and IL

Relationships between undrained shear strength, liquidity index, and water content ratio of clays

Fig. 4 Relationship between undrained shear strength and WCR

WCR > 0.8, this is categorized as “soft loam and difficult Koumoto (1990, 1992) data considering Eq. (5), the gradient
construction ground.” It is possible to observe a rough ten- of b values in the sur-WCR relationships tends to reduce
dency which is almost uniform. However, data by Nagaraj with increasing LL and decreasing Rp. Therefore, it is obvi-
et al. (1997) are not within the tendency. They represent in ous that the index parameter Rp with consistency character-
situ undisturbed soils, and also those strengths have higher istics influences greatly on the sur-WCR relationship. For
values at the same WCR. In remolded soils, looking well at comparison with various proposed equations, if those

Fig. 5 Relationship between strength ratio and LL

S. Shimobe, G. Spagnoli

Fig. 6 Relationship between strength ratio and plasticity ratio

application ranges are 0.8 < WCR < 1.2, the sur values relationship between Rs and LL considering both Casagrande
estimated by those will become approximate ones with and fall cone tests. Besides, the Rs values were determined
almost the same order (also see Table 1). using each strength at liquid and plastic limits of the soil,
With regard to the relationship of strength ratio to Atterberg based on the remolded strength sur-water content w relation-
limits, some data from Table 2 are plotted. Figure 5 shows the ships (e.g., sur = awb, where a and b are material constants;

Fig. 7 Relation between plasticity ratio and clay fraction

Relationships between undrained shear strength, liquidity index, and water content ratio of clays

Fig. 8 Comparison between Rp values obtained by the fall cone tests and the Casagrande method

sLL = a(LL)b at w = LL, sPL = a(PL)b at w = PL) obtained from Regarding the value Rp, a comparison has been done consid-
several strength measurement methods by vane shear tests, ering both lab data of fall cone and Casagrande methods, where a
fall cone tests, extrusion/reverse extrusion tests, triaxial com- variety of clayey, silty, volcanic, organic, and mixed soils were
pression tests, and unconfined compression tests. From the tested according to the JIS A 1205 (2009) and data from the
figure, it is possible to observe that contrasting information literature shown in the legend of Fig. 8. Where not explicitly
comes out. Nagaraj et al. (2012) and Karakan and Demir mentioned, “several other researchers” refer to Grabowska-
(2018) directly link Rs to LL, whereas Wroth and Wood Olszewska (2003), Chinn and Pillai (2008), Ghiabi and
(1978), Whyte (1982), and Brown and Huxley (1996) do not Selvadurai (2007), and Arifin (2008). Interestingly, the data do
link Rs to LL whereby the former is a constant value, 100 (for not show a widespread behavior. This plot includes a variety of
Wroth and Wood 1978) and 70 (for Whyte 1982; Brown and soils with different plasticity obtained from around the world and
Huxley 1996). From Fig. 5, it can be seen that the ratio sur(PL)/ also has a valid accuracy within ± 20% except for few data.
sur(LL) is quite variable, ranging between 20 and 300. This
agrees with the conclusions of Nagaraj et al. (2012); however,
no strength ratio’s trend is connected with the LL. From the Conclusions
data shown in Fig. 5, it is therefore not possible to observe a
general interdependency between the strength ratio and LL. Data from over 100 publications considering more than 500
Figure 6 shows the relationship between Rs and Rp defined data points have been used to understand what the relationship
as the ratio of plastic limit to liquid limit. No unique tendency linking undrained shear strength, liquidity index, and water
is observed. It is well known that the plasticity ratio decreases content ratio of clays is. Considering the su-IL relationship
for increasing smectite amount (see Lambe and Whitman using both remolded and undisturbed data, it is possible to
1969; Lupini et al. 1981; Sridharan et al. 1988; Liu et al. state that no unique relationship exists. If only remolded sur
2011). Plasticity ratio seems also to be linked to the clay frac- are used, data follow a more uniform path. Introducing the
tion, CF (<2μm); i.e., Rp is inversely proportional to the clay value parameter Rp (ratio of PL to LL, PL/LL), considering
fraction CF (Fig. 7). the material constants α and β, and substituting IL-WCR rela-
From above discussion, it is clear that soils cannot have a tionship in the sur-WCR relation, the sur-IL relation with dif-
unique value of strength at different values of water contents. ferent Rp values is obtained. Considering however a larger
As liquid limit or plastic limit describe the water holding ca- database where undisturbed and remolded undrained shear
pacity of the soil at different states of consistency, it can be strength values are considered, the su-WCR relationship is
inferred that different soils having different values of liquid not as unique as it should be. Only for WCR values larger
limit or plastic limit cannot be presumed to have unique un- than 0.8 a relationship is observed. Furthermore, a correlation
drained strength. between the ratio of the undrained shear strength at liquid and
S. Shimobe, G. Spagnoli

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