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REGICIDE aU aha Te SSE Us) AGES: 10+ AIM OF THE GAME Regicde isa co-operative game where 2to4 players work together to defeat 12 powerful tenis. Players ake turns to ply cards to the tablet attack the enemy and once enaugh damages deal, the enemyis defeated, The players win when the last Kings defeated, But beware! Each turn the enemy stikes back, Prayers wll discard cards to sats the damage andiftheycanit discard enough, everyone loses! SETUP Shuffle the Kings (and put them facedown apile onthe table Shuffle the 4 Queens (0) and putthem facedown ontop ofthe Kings. Shuffle the 4 Jacks J) and pt them facedown ontop of the Queens. This isthe Castle deck Place the Caste deck nthe centre of the table and tum the top card face upto reveal a Jack, This ‘ll aecome the curzent enemy, Shuffle together all the cards numbered 2t0 10 ith the Animal Companions (A) anda number fester (9 based onthe numberof players (see below) to form yourTaven deck The Tave deckis where cards are dealt and ‘awn fom, During the game place any discarded cards inte a shared discard ple beside the Tavern dec. Deal ardsto each player upto ther maximum hand size 4 players 2 Jesters / max hand size = 5 cards 3 players~ 1 Jester / max hand size ~ 6 cards 2 players 0 Jesters / max hand size=7 cards The player tohave most recently committed regicide goes rst a ® on "Asinister corruption has spread throughout the four great kingdoms, blackening the hearts of once-loved Kings and Queens and those that protect them. As brave eae rary Caer er ord Seen corrupted monarchs, purge them of their Ce Et eee ane tt ore eeeaned HOW TO PLAY ‘On thei tur player wil play cards from their hand to deal damage tothe current enemy in ‘order to defeat it The values onthe cards determine damage, vile the suit provides a special power, Players may not at anytime communicate to the other players what they have in theie hand, Of course fits your frst game or you'd rather play more casually, go abead! Exch tum has fur steps Step 1-Play acard Step 2-Activate Power ‘Step 3-Deal damage Step 4-Sutfer damage septate 123 aw Play card from your hand ono the tablein font of you. The number of the card determines ‘theattackvalue, Soifa 7 of Hears splayed, the attack valu is7 2 Step2: Activate the played cards suit poner Playing card to damage the enemy aso rants ‘apowerasociated with the sutof that card. Powers rom red suits are resolved straightaway, powers from black suits take effect in ater steps ¥Ote rae Or ee [es Fa HEARTS. Heal from the discard: Shuffle the ‘scar ple then court outa number of ards facedown equal tothe attack value played. Place them under the Tavern deck (no peeking! then, return the cscard pil tothe table, faceup. DIAMONDS - Draw cards‘Thecurent player ‘dawsa card, The other payers fllowin ‘locks oder drawing one card ata time until a number of cards equa the attack value played have been drain. Payers that have reached their maximum and size are Skipped. Players may never draw cards over their maximum hand size. ‘CLUBS - Double damage: During Step 3, damage dealt by clubs counts for double The 8 ‘of Clubs deals 16 damage fr example. SPADES - Shield against enemy attack During Step 4, reduce the attack value ofthe curent. tenemy/by the attackvaive played, The shield effects of spades are cumulative forall spades played against this enemy by any player and Femainin effect untl the enemy is defeated Step 3: Deal damage and check to see ifthe enemys defeated JACKS: 10attack / 20}ealth ‘QUEENS: 15 attack / 30 health KINGS: 20attack / 40 health Damage equal to the attack vale of the played ‘ardisnow dealt tothe enemy, Checkto see the total damage dealt by ll players is equal to ‘or greater than the enemys health Iso, do the fallowing: (1 Discard the enemy or pace facedown on topof the Tavern deck fthe players ave deat damage exactly equal tothe enemy’ health. (i Discard al cards played by players against the enemy. i) Turn thenextcard of the Castle deck face up {i} The player who has ust defeated the enemy skips Step 4 and begins anew urn against the enemy jst revealed, starting at step 4 Step 4: Suffer damage fom the enemy by cdscarding cards ‘fot defeated the enemy attacks the curent playerby dealing damage equalto that enemy’ tack vale. Remember to reduce the enemys atack vale by the total value of Spades that, playershave played agains the enemy. The current player must discard cards rom thei hand with total value atleast equal othe enemys attack value, Discard the cardsone ata time faceup to the discard pile t's ok to have an empty hand. Then, the next player takes thelr ‘um, tating at Step 1 Animal Companions (A) haveavalue of? and the Jester value of 0 when discarded to cover damage. Ithe player ‘anno discard enough cards to satisty the ‘damage, they die and al players lose the game. ENEMY IMMUNITY Each enemy isimmunet the suit powers of cards played against them which match ther Suit. For example players wil not craw cards wena diamonds played agaist the lack of Diamonds (however the number isstill added to the damage total. The Jester canbe played to cancel an enemy/simmunity. J 4 Enemy suit power immunity (Spades won't lock damage ‘against Jack of Spades) PLAYING THE JESTER InStep 1 when paying a card the ester maybe Played (always on ts own), The deste has an attack valu of.The power of the Jsteristhatit negates the immunity ofthe enemy meaning the suit powers af cards with the same uta the enemy wil now take eflact wen played. After playing the Jester, skip steps 3 and 4 then instead of play moving to the next player the player ofthe Jester chooses any player to go next. Prayers may not discuss specific cards intel hand at any time during the game however they Can express thei desire or relectance) to go retin a general way after the Jesters played. Ifthe Jesters played agains spades enemy, spades played prior tothe Jester willbegin reducing the attack value ofthe enemy however Cubs played prior to the Jester against a cubs fenemy will not count for double, ANIMAL COMPANIONS ln Step 1, Animal Companions canbe payed on thelr own, but may also be paired with one other card (excep the Jester Animal Companions count as 1 towards the attack total and thei suit powers also appled. For example, ‘when playing the 8 of Diamonds withthe ‘imal Companion of Clubs the attack valueis 9 and te effects of both suitpowers are applied for 9:9 cards are drawn an 18 damage fs dealt ‘Ay time where both a Hears power and Diamonds power ae resolved together, resolve the Heats healing before raving with Diamonds. Animal Companions can also be paired ith other Animal Companions. A ra COMBOS In Step 1, instead of playing single card players cancombine cards together insets of2,3 or 4of the same number a lng as the combined total ofthe cards played equals 10r less. So players canplay api of 2,35, 45,05, tiple 2s and 35, lor quadruple 2s. When these cards are played together al suit powers ve resolved a the total attack value. Fr example if player plas the 3 ‘of Diamonds, Spades and Clubs together, players wil draw cards reduce the enemy's attack ‘value by 9 and deal 18 damage. 1 ¢ Combo of tree 3s XN DRAWING A DEFEATED ENEMY Jacks in hand count sa 10, Queens in hand ‘count asa 15 and Kings inhand count as 220, These values ae applied wien ether playing them as an attack card or dscarding them fom hand to suffer damage. Tei suit powers. applied as normal when played, YIELDING During Step 1 it maybe beneficial to yield instead of paying a card To yl simply say “Yield and move directly to Step 4, skipping Steps 2and 3. Al players are not allowed to yield consecutively, GAME END The game ends when the players win by defeating the ast King or when the players lose because payers unable to satisfy the damage dealt by an enemy. Watch the learn-to-play video ‘at BADGERSFROMMARS.COM

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