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)B( ‫ نموذج‬-‫امتحان التصوير اإلشعاعي لحملة البكالوريوس‬

Radiography Technology Bachelor Degree (BSc.) Examination

Exam Number: (BSc-B)
Select the best answer:

1- The most active nuclei in human body in MRI imaging are:

A. Oxygen
B. Hydrogen
C. Nitrogen
D. Carbon
E. Calcium
2- All of these are image acquisition techniques in MRI except:
A. Spin-echo (SE)
B. Spin-echo- fat sat (SE)
C. Inversion recovery
D. Gradient recall echo (GRE)
E. Time repetition
3- Film characteristics are:
A. Speed, latitude, and contrast
B. Sharpness and unsharpness
C. Resolution and density
D. Only density
E. Only resolution
4- In an air encephalogram the needle is inserted through the:
A. Skull
B. Neck
C. Eye
D. Lumbar spine
E. Sacrum
5-The term that correctly describes the shoulder joint is:
A. Humeroscapular
B. Glenohumeral
C. Acromioclavicular
D. Sternoclavicular
E. Glenoid cavity
6- The sternal angle is at the level of:
A. T9-10
B. T4-5
C. L2-3
D. S1-2
E. L4-5
7-The mastoid process is part of this bone:
A. Occipital bone
B. Temporal bone
C. Sphenoid bone

D. Zygoma
E. Mandible
8-The portion of a typical vertebra that is situated anteriorly is called the:
A. Pedicle
B. Body
C. Lamina
D. Transverse process
E. Spine process
9- One of the following effects is not caused by ultrasound:
A. Heating
B. Cavitations
C. Mechanical
D. Thermal
E. Ionization
10- All of these are some common uses of the nuclear medicine procedures except:
A. Kidney function analysis
B. Lung scan
C. Evaluating bone fractures
D. Pregnancy test
E. Measuring thyroid function
11- One of the limitations of general ultrasound imaging is:
A. Imaging technique for the heart
B. Imaging technique for the kidneys
C. Imaging technique for the liver
D. Imaging technique for the bowel
E. Imaging technique for the gall bladder
12- The best position to demonstrate scaphoid is:
A. AP wrist
B. PA wrist with hand adducted
C. AP hand
D. Lateral wrist
E. Oblique wrist
13-In anterior oblique projection the central ray enters from:
A. Anterior aspect
B. Posterior aspect
C. Lateral aspect
D. Inferior aspect
E. Superior aspect
14-The direction of the central ray in axial view for calcaneus is:
A. Vertical 90 degrees
B. 30 degrees toward heal
C. 15 degrees toward heal
D. 45 degrees toward heal
E. Horizontal beam
15-During spiral CT, the motion of the patient couch is:
A. Stationary

B. Rotating
C. Advanced step-wise
D. Alternating advance retreat
E. Continuously advanced
16-The maximum diameter of the patient aperture in a CT imager is approximately:
A. 40 cm
B. 50 cm
C. 70 cm
D. 90 cm
E.120 cm
17- In the case of fracture of humerus neck (abduction of arm is possible) we do:
A. Antero-posterior and lateral
B. Postero-anterior and lateral
C. Antero-posterior and infero-superior
D. Antero-posterior and lateral oblique
E. Infero-superior and lateral
18-When O.F.D is increased we have to:
A. Increase F.F.D
B. Use grid
C. Decrease F.F.D
D. F.F.D not changed
E. Use low Kv
19-The film emulsion is composed of:
A. Potassium bromide
B. Silver halide plus gelatin
C. Silver plus gelatin
D. Mylar
E. Potassium hydroxide
20-The basic projection of mastoid is:
A. Lateral 25 caudal and AP oblique
B. Lateral 25 degrees cephalic and AP oblique
C. Towne's and lateral
D. Postero-anterior and lateral
E. PA and AP oblique
21-Computerized tomography (CT) results in a/an:
A. Analog image
B. Linear image
C. Digital image
D. Curvilinear image
E. Image in time
22-The filament in the x-ray tube represents:
A. Timer
B. Rectifier
C. Anode side
D. Cathode side
E. Filter

23-For an AP elbow projection the hand should be:
A. Supinated
B. Rotated 20 degrees
C. Pronated
D. Lateral
E. Rotated 45 degrees
24-The flexion recommended for lateral projection of knee is:
A. 20-300
B. 35-400
C. 450
D. 600
E. No flexion
25-The exposure factors recommended for chest examination of a young patient are:
A. 60-70 Kv and short time
B. 100-120 Kv and short time
C. 70-100 Kv and medium time
D. 100-120 Kv and long time
E. 60-70 Kv and long time
26-Breathing instructions that should be given to patients for PA projection of sternoclavicular
joints are:
A. Arrested respiration
B. End of inspiration
C. End of expiration
D. During respiration
E. Respiration has no effect
27-The Distal tibia surface is called:
A. Medial malleolus
B. Anterior tubercle
C. Tibial plafond
D. Lateral malleolus
E. Tibio fibular joint
28-The cranial bone which contains the foramen magnum is:
A. Frontal bone
B. Zygomatic bone
C. Right parietal bone
D. Left parietal bone
E. Occipital bone
29-The best position to demonstrate a fracture in the axillary portion of the ribs is:
A. Oblique
B. Posteroanterior
C. Anteroposterior
D. Lateral
E. Superoinferior
30-An inrta-oral film is used in the following view:
A. Styloid process
B. Optic foramen

C. Lateral nose
D. Pubic symphysis
E. Mandibular symphysis
31-The foramen magnum can best be seen in the:
A. PA view of skull
B. AP view of skull
C. Towne view of skull
D. Caldwell view of skull
E. Waters view of skull
32-The Law position is used for an examination of the:
A. Foramen ovale
B. Mastoid air cells
C. Petrous tips
D. Foramen spinosum
E. Foramen magnum
33- Fluorescence is the emission of:
A. Light
B. Electrons
C. X- rays
D. Gamma rays
E. Protons
34-The film and screen must be in complete contact to achieve maximum:
A. Resolution
B. Contrast
C. Transparence
D. Sharpness
E. Protection
35-The Fixer acts on the image causing the image to become:
A. Visible
B. Permanent
C. Invisible
D. Latent
E. Dark
36-An angiogram shows the:
A. Jejunum
B. Ureters
C. Bile ducts
D. Lymph nodes
E. Blood vessels
37-The most common metal used in filters for diagnostic radiology equipment is:
A. Zinc
B. Barium
C. Aluminum
D. Iron
E. Rare earth material
38- A microcurie is:

A. 1000 curies
B. 1000 millicurie
C. 1/100 millicurie
D 1/1000 millicurie
E. 1/1000 curie
39- Iodine is a:
A. Metal
B. Sugar
C. Halogen
D. Starch
E. Amino acid
40-To demonstrate urinary bladder full of contrast media in I.V.P investigation the central ray
A. Perpendicular to film
B. 30o caudal
C. 15o cephalic
D. 15o caudal
E. 30o cephalic
41- A cholangiogram is used to visualize:
A. Parotid ducts
B. Salivary duct
C. Lymph duct
D. Bile duct
E. Intracranial ducts
42-The area of high signal in MRI image appears as:
A. Black
B. White
C. Dark grey
D. Grey
E. Dark black
43-The following is a radiography examination of the uterus and tubes:
A. Pelvimetry
B. Cholangography
C. Hysterosalpingography
D. Retrograde urography
E. Angiography
44-The whole body effective dose limit per year for radiographers is:
A. 5 Rem
B. 10 Rem
C. 5 mRerm
D. 10 Roentgen
E. 30 msv
45-A moving grid is called:
A. Potter-Bucky diaphragm
B. Rectifier
C. Curved grid

D. Parallel grid
E. Focused grid
46- The efficiency of a grid is strongly related to the:
A. Grid radius
B. Inter-spacing material
C. Lines per inch
D. Lines per cm
E. Grid ratio
47-The following is a characteristic of a first-generation CT imager:
A. Pencil beam
B. Fan beam
C. Detector array
D. Rotate geometry
E. Slip ring technology
48- By employing high kvp for CT imaging, one can reduce:
A. Compton scatter
B. Patient dose
C. Image artifacts
D. Image reconstruction time
E. Imaging time.
49-The CT number for bone expressed as a Houndsfield unit (HU) has a value of
A. -1000
B. -500
C. 0
D. +500
E. +1000
50-One Tesla (1 tesla) is equivalent to:
A. 10 gauss
B. 100 gauss
C. 1000 gauss
D. 10000 gauss
E. 100000 gauss
51-The routine patient position in MRI procedure is:
A. Prone
B. Supine
C. Rt lateral decubitus
D. Lt lateral decubitus
E. Erect
52-Ultrasound image is produced by using:
A. Ionizing radiation
B. Low-frequency sound waves
C. High-frequency sound waves
D. Gamma rays
E. Infrared waves

53-One of the following has the same value for infrasound, sound, and ultrasound propagating
in air:
A. Sound frequency
B. Speed of sound
C. Period
D. Wave length
E. Wave length and period
54-If a radiograph of AP foot reveals that metatarsophalangeal joints are not open the error is:
A. High Kv used
B. High mAs used
C. Medial rotation
D. Central ray is not angled correctly
E. Patient movement
55-In lumber vertebrate projections we select:
A. High mA with high Kv
B. Short time with low mA
C. Increase F.F.D
D. Long exposure time and low mA
E. Long exposure time and high mA
56-The correct order of steps of U/S scanning technique is:
A. Transducer selection, patient positioning, transducer positioning, patient preparation
B. Transducer selection, patient preparation, patient positioning, transducer positioning
C. Patient positioning, transducer positioning, transducer selection, patient preparation
D. Patient preparation, patient positioning, transducer positioning, transducer selection
E. Patient preparation, patient positioning, transducer selection, transducer positioning
57- …………… a nuclear medicine technique that involves tracing slightly radioactive
glucose as it is absorbed by cells:
A. Positron Emission Tomography (PET)
B. Computer tomography scan
D. Magnetic resonance
E. Sonogram
58-The projection of TMJs which requires that the skull be kept in true lateral is:
A. Anterior oblique
B. Lateral with horizontal beam
C. Lateral oblique
D. Modified Towne
E. Schuller
59-One of the advantages of nuclear medicine studies over routine radiography is:
A. The radiation dose is less
B. Less expensive
C. No need for preparation
D. Minimum risk
E. The ability to get functional information
60-The machine which is used in most nuclear medicine scans is:
A. Conventional x-ray machine

C. Gamma camera
D. Ultrasound machine
E. Panoramic tomography (O.P.G)

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