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Naturalism (United States) early 1900

 Type of literature that attempts to apply scientific principles of objectivity and

detachment to its study of human beings.
 Naturalism portrays a deterministic view of a character’s actions and life.
Function of Naturalism

The impact that naturalism has left on literary writers is colossal, leading to the
evolution of the modern movement. Generally, naturalistic works expose dark sides
of life such as prejudice, racism, poverty, prostitution, filth, and disease. naturalists
are generally concerned with improving the human condition around the world.

1: The Open Boat (By Stephen Crane)

Stephen Crane, in his short story The Open Boat, portrays men on a boat,

representing human endurance against indifferent nature, where they feel
themselves helpless. Thus, it contains a theme of naturalism. Whenever a huge
wave of water arrives, it shuts everything from the men’s view, and they imagine this
particular wave would be the final outbreak of the ocean, This lays emphasis on their
struggle for survival and lack of choice.

2: The Awakening (By Kate Chopin)

Kate Chopin’s novel, The Awakening, gives an example of a perfect naturalistic

novel, as its leading character, Edna Pontellier, lives in a world where no one
understands her. In addition, we see the determination by individual traits and by
societal forces inside the family. This often causes misunderstandings in her life, as
she can’t understand its people

3: To Build A Fire (By Jack London)

The theme in Jack London’s novel, To Build A Fire, is man versus nature; Naturalism
in this novel shows how human beings need to be careful at every corner, as death
could reach them anywhere, waiting for them to commit a mistake and take their
lives. We see the story is about a man with his dog trying to survive harsh, cold
weather by building a fire. In fact, the author uses the Darwinian Theory of “survival
of the fittest” in his work.

4.The Grapes of Wrath (By John Steinbeck)

John Steinbeck is one the most popular writers coming from the school of American
naturalism. Steinbeck, in his novel The Grapes of Wrath, portrays the Joad family
and its changing environment from the naturalistic point of view, during the t Great
Depression in the United States. He depicts the Joad family as insignificant, instinct-
bound, and small creatures bound to seek a paradise they might never find.

The blushing dawn the easy illumes,

The birds their merry matins sing,
The buds breath forth their sweet perfumes,
And butterflies are on the wing.

I pause beneath the window high,

The door is locked, the house is quiet;
'Tis there, abed, she sure must lie, -
To Wake her, - ah! I'll try it.

And pebbles hurtling through the air,

Strike full upon the window-pane,
Awakening her who slumbers there
With their insistent hurricane.

Ye gods! in my imagination,
The wondrous scene do I behold -
A nymph's bewildered consternation
At summons thus so fierce and bold.

A moment passes, then I see

The gauzy curtains drawn aside,
And sweet eyes beaming down on me,
And then a window upward glide.

Fair as the morn, with rosy light,

She blushes with a faint surprise,
Then thinking of the previous night,
In dulcet tones she softly cries:

"It should have been put out by Nan,

But I'll be down within a minute -
No, never mind, leave your own can,
And put two quarts, please, in it."
Poem By Jack London

 ‘Day Break’ by Jack London describes an interaction between a speaker and

the woman he loves at day break. 
 The poem begins with the speaker describing the idyllic scene which is
created by the rising of the sun. He is standing underneath the window of a
house in which the woman he loves is sleeping. Eventually the woman comes
to the window and the whole mood of the poem changes. She apologizes for
not having set out the milk cans the night before. She concludes the
interaction by asking him to leave “two quarts.”
Stephen Crane TheOpen

Kate Chopin

To Build A Fire
Jack London

John stein The Grapes Of Wrath

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