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{Influencer Email Marketing}



H1: You + PhoneSoap = 🔥

Subject Line: Did someone say free product?
Hey <influencer first name>,
I think your IG content is awesome! I think that we could really be great working together.

At PhoneSoap, we’ve created UV disinfection tools that kill 99.99% of germs and bacteria on
whatever fits inside (phones, keys, wallets, remotes, game controllers, makeup brushes – the
list goes on!).

We’d love to send you some free product to test out for yourself! Let me know if you are
interested and I’d love to send more details.


H1: Get Your FREE Product and Collab with Us
Subject Line: We’ve Got a Sweet Offer for You
Hey <influencer first name>!
I reached out a few days ago and didn’t hear back. We’d LOVE to collab with you and get you a
free PhoneSoap to check out yourself and then share with your awesome audience.

We have a wide array of UV disinfection and air purification products that prove up to 99.99%
effective in reducing germs, bacteria, and the spread of infectious diseases. Our UV tools are
chemical-free, easy to use, and versatile in any setting.

I’d love to hear back and tell you more about how you can get your free product today and how
we can have a killer collab!

Talk to you soon!

H1: The Perfect Collab is Waiting for You
Subject Line: We’re still here and we still want you
<Influencer first name>!
My emails might either be A) really thorough and persistent, or B) really annoying 😂 I don’t
mean to overload your inbox, but I wanted to see if you’re interested in collaborating. I think
your content and audience would go perfectly with PhoneSoap.

We want to make it easy. You get a free PhoneSoap and we get the chance to be shared
through your awesome account. 👏🏻 Win, win, right? We think so.

We send you two FREE products (valued anywhere from $80-$400) so you can test it out and
give one away to one of your followers and all we ask for is 2-4 slides in an IG story.

Let me know what you’re thinking so I can get your products to you ASAP.



H1: You + PhoneSoap = 🔥
Subject Line: Did someone say FREE product??
Hey <influencer first name>!
Thanks for sharing your info! I’m excited to tell you more and would love to collab.

We want to make it easy. You get a free PhoneSoap and we get the chance to be shared
through your awesome account. 👏🏻 Win, win, right? We think so.

We send you two FREE products (valued anywhere from $80-$400) so you can test it out and
give one away to one of your followers and all we ask for is 2-4 slides in an IG story.

Let me know what you’re thinking so I can get your products to you ASAP.

Talk to you soon,

H1: Still interested? We are!
Subject Line: Get Your FREE Product and Collab with Us
Hey <influencer first name>!
I reached out a few days ago and still haven’t heard back. We’d LOVE to collab with you and get
you a free PhoneSoap to check out yourself and then share with your awesome audience.

We have a wide array of UV disinfection and air purification products that prove up to 99.99%
effective in reducing germs, bacteria, and the spread of infectious diseases. Our UV tools are
chemical-free, easy to use, and versatile in any setting.

I hope to hear back from you soon so we can start working together!


H1: What’s holding you back?
Subject Line: We’ve got product that we want to share!
Hey <influencer first name>!
I haven’t heard back and wanted to check in! Are you still interested in a collab (and free

I think our collab could be really successful and I’d love to test that out. I wanted to make it
easy on you so all you need to do is share what you think about your FREE PhoneSoap in 2-4
slides on your Instagram story.

We’ll even throw in an extra unit for you to give away to your followers AND a 20% discount
code to share.

So, what do you think?

Can’t wait to hear from you,

Insta DM

Hey! We’re looking to collab with estheticians and beauty gurus and I think you’d be perfect! If
you’re interested in testing out our products and sharing it with your followers, send me an
email at or shoot me a text: 385-336-6834 Thanks! ❤️Lauren

Hey <influencer name>,

The team and I love your content and think your audience is super cool. At PhoneSoap we’ve
created UV disinfection tools that kill 99.99% of germs and bacteria on whatever fits inside
(phones, keys, wallets, remotes, game controllers, makeup brushes – the list goes on!). We’d
love to send some your way so you can give it a try and share with your audience! If you’re
interested, send me your email or shoot me a text: (385) 336-6834 thanks! -Lauren

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