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{PhoneSoap in Education Sales Pitch Email Chain}


Hi {Lead First Name},

I know you’re busy, but I wanted to reach out and see if you are interested in learning more
about how PhoneSoap can help get kids back into the classroom by reducing harmful germs in
schools. Our UV disinfection and air purification tools are chemical free, easy to use, and up to
99.99% effective in reducing harmful dangerous and viruses and limiting the spread of
infectious disease.

Would you or someone at your organization {actual name of organization} be open to a brief
discussion? I’d love to share with you how we can partner to get students back into the
classroom in a safe, efficient, and germ-free way.


Scott Bridgeman


{Lead First Name},

I reached out a few days ago but didn’t hear back. I just wanted to check in and see if you are
open to discussing how you plan to prevent the spread of germs in the classroom – what tools
are you using?

PhoneSoap has a wide array of UV disinfection and air purification products that prove up to
99.99% effective in reducing germs, bacteria, and the spread of infectious diseases. Our UV
tools are chemical-free, easy to use, and versatile for any classroom setting.

Do you have any time this week for a quick chat? I’d love to connect.

Scott Bridgeman


Hey {Lead First Name},

My emails might either be A) really thorough and persistent, or B) really annoying 😉. I don’t
mean to overload your inbox. I just want to see if you are open to a quick call about how you
are equipping your classrooms to keep teachers and children safe.

We understand how important it is to create a safe learning environment for children and the
push for children to get back into the classroom. If you feel adequately prepared to protect
your teachers and students, let me know and I’ll stop emailing you.

But if this is interesting to you, let me know when you’re available for a quick chat! Thanks!


Scott Bridgeman

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