Comprehension and Production Task General English IV-2021-1

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Record a video with good image and good sound quality of minimum 1 minute or
maximum 2 minutes

1.Choose one of the next questions and record a short video (1-2 minutes) with the
2.Show pictures, objects, etc., related to the topic of question you chose.
3. Use the grammar suggested in brackets.

1. What are the most important experiences you have had in life?
2. Where have you been working in the quarantine? At home or in your office?
Explain it. Talk about any other activities you have been doing during
3. Choose a piece of art or an invention and describe it. Who has made it? When
was created? Why? Describe it as much as possible.
4. Choose a famous person and talk about his or her life. Why is this person
5. Have you ever traveled to another city or country?
What activities did you do? What did you eat? Who did you go with? What was
the most beautiful or important place you visited?


● Record your video in a quiet place.

● You must use the grammar studied.
● You must not read during the video.
● Check the volume of your voice.
● You must appear on the video .
● The video and your voice must be recorded at the same time.
● You must not wear a face mask.
● You must not mention separate sentences. You must develop a complete idea.
1. Con tu celular o la cámara web de tu computador graba un video (verifica la duración
máxima y mínima según las instrucciones enviadas por tu tutor).

En la sección Tareas, da clic en Tarea comprensión/producción

2. Da clic en Entregar tarea

3. En la parte inferior da clic en Grabar/Cargar contenido de medios

En el cuadro selecciona la pestaña “Cargar archivo de medios” y luego da clic en
Seleccionar archivo de video y carga el archivo de video que grabaste con tu celular o
con tu cámara web.

4. Ahora da clic en el botón Entregar tarea para que tu tarea sea revisada. Ten en cuenta
que el sistema solo te permitirá hacer un envío, así que debes asegurarte de cargar el
video correcto.

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