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First of all we want to thank the almighty ‘GOD’ keep our safe, staying power and energy
starting from to get in to the friendship up to the day we have finished this project document
successfully. Secondly we would like to express out our deepest appreciation and gratitude to
our advisor Instructor Tilahun Kebede for his fatherhood advice and constrictive commit in
our project what we have to do timely and efficiently. And thirdly we would like to thank
Dilla University HRMS staff for their guide line preparation which help us as framework to
develop our project and HRM manager Who provide the information for us to support,
encouragement, comments and gives use full information in any time when we want to ask
information he gives happiness face. Finally we like to thank all Computer science
department staffs and Mr. Meskelle who is head of our department he played a great role in
the whole document preparation process by writing different acceptance letters for
corresponding organization and gave us supportive advice .
HRMS Human resource management system
DU Dilla University
UML unified modeling language
DBMS database management system
DB database
GUI graphical user interface
ID identification
UC use case
UI user interface
HTML Hypertext markup language
SQL structure query language
PHP Hypertext pre-processor
INFO Information
OOSD Object oriented system development
OOA Object-oriented analysis
OOD Object-oriented design
App _ID Applicant identification
EMP_ID Employee identification
HR_ID Human resource admin identification
DPT_ID Department identification
CSS Cascading style sheet
HTTP Hypertext transfer protocol

This system document is prepared for Human Resource management system for DU and
concerned with the description of the existing Human Resource management system and
different types of models used to model the new system under study. Web based human resource
management system mainly provides effective and fast data processing and controlling of
personnel. This web based system of managing human resource in our University setting is
expected to help various services keep an updated data on the status of their employee personal
information. In designing such a system, PHP has been engaged as a development language and
MySQL as a backend database with CSS implemented for the interface. Generally, the main goal
of online human resource management system is to shorten data-processing time, to reduce
errors, to improve the accuracy of input and to provide data reliability of the store



1.1. Background of the organization

The history of Dilla University can be traced back to the year 1996 with its name, Dilla College
of teachers’ education and Health sciences. In 2001, the College was included in the newly
emerging University – Debub University. The DU human resource management was established
during this time and it is developed from time to time with the development of the university. At
present more than 21,000 students take part in regular, summer, weekend and distance programs.
The University has six colleges, three schools and two institutes training undergraduate and
postgraduate programs. The University offers 47 undergraduate, 24 masters and 1 PHD
programs. Currently/ now a day, about 3000 academic and administration staff work at the
university. Additionally there are 2997 academic employees, and 1217 staffs. It is expected that
with the on-going expansion a number of faculties and programs will be opened and the
enrolment capacity will increase. As DU developed from time to time it increases its capacity by
increasing the number of workers at Dilla University. DU human resource management is back
bone of the university by managing and effective utilization of human resources.

1.2. Introduction to the project
The aim of this project is to develop a web based system for DU human resource management.
While DU has established it also opened an office which is called human resource management.
Currently, the DU human resource offices process data manually. The manual processing system
has many problems .In order to solve this issue; we are going to develop a web based human
resource management system. The completed project solves the problems that had affected the
human resource management offices. Since it is online it reduces a lot of costs, time to travel to
the offices, work over load and it minimizes the space used to store the data. Online human
resource management system enables to register applicants online, search, update employees’
data, and online registration, and placement ,vacancy, online leave application and report

1.3 Statement of problem

Currently the office is facing many problems due to the use of manual handling system in
its day to day activities. The problems are:-
 Difficulty of searching and modifying employee information.
 To get some task to be accomplished it goes through many process this is time
 Since they have no a database it’s difficult to manage the employees.
 Since there are a lot of employee documents in the office it’s hard to manage such
huge data manually.
 Lack of accuracy and loss of document
 Since it works manually, information accessing is very slow.
 Since the office use manual system, the mechanism of data handling is unsecured.
 There is a problem in procedures such as leave management when an employee is
required to fill in a form which may take several weeks or months to be approved.
 The use of paper work in handling some of these processes could lead to human
error, papers may end up in the wrong hands and not forgetting the fact that this is
time consuming.

1.4 Objectives of the project

1.4.1 General objectives

The general objective of this project is to implement a web based system for employee
requirement management in Dilla University.

1.4.2 Specific objectives

 Study and analyses the limitations of the existing system i.e. manual system.
 Identifying the problems under the current system
 Suggest alternative solutions in order to address the current problem.
 Understand functional and non-functional requirements of the system.
 Develop a system that facilitates fast report generation.
 Develop a database that holds backup information about workers
 Increase to the work efficiency of the office.
 Develop system that makes retrieval of data efficient.
 Implementation of the proposed system in efficient way.
 Giving recommendation on further studies to be conducted on the areas of human
resource management system.

1.5 The Scope and Limitation of the project

1.5.1 The scope of this project will be limited to the following:

 Announcement process: - the human resource will announce the vacant position to the
 Online Registration of Applicants:-The system registers all the applicant
information that is used to hire in the institution.

 Placement process: the human resource will place the new employee to their respected
 Manage the employee:-the respected departments will manage the new employee as
well as the existing ones.
 Leave management: - Complete elimination of paperwork in leave management by
enabling an employee applies for leave through the system. This will also enable the
department to accept/reject leave application through the system and a given employee
can fill leave form due to several reasons for example vacation,education,sickness and
total leave.
 Message:-the user like employee, department and HR admin can communicate
with each other through this system using internal chat or can be text or chatting.
 Report generation: - The departments can generate reports about the employee status or
progress to human resource admin order to monitor employees and this can be used for
performance appraisals. The reports will have all the information of an employee from
educational background, trainings attended, projects done as well as technical skills.
 Promotion:- the new human resource management system will give promotion to
employee from one job position to another job position that has a higher salary range, a
higher level job title, and, often, more and higher level job responsibilities in Dilla

1.5.2 Limitation of the system

There are many factors that limited us to minimize our scope, such as time limitation,
resource, place, and largeness of the system. In general our proposed system is limited
to perform the following tasks because of the above mentioned factors.
 The proposed system is also limited to do financial deals i.e. payroll.
 The proposed system is also limited to include attendance of the employees
 The proposed system is also limited to include clearance of the employees who
leaves the University.

1.6 Methodology of the Project

1.6.1 Data gathering Methodology

To gather data from the manager of DU human resource and employers the team will use the
following techniques. Those are:
 Interview:-to get the basic information about the DU human resource existing system,
the team have interviewed the human resource manager and some employers about the
services that are given, and the problems associated with that environment, by preparing
some questioners like what tasks can be done at HRM, what services are available and
also how many staffs are in DU, to the human resource management system vice
manager Mrs. werkagegnehu and Ms. Tigist to get the necessary information about the
existing system.
 Practical Observation: after we finished the interview, we have also used the other
methodology of data collection that is called practical observation. During this time we
directly entered in to the internal activities of the DU human resource office to view what
things are done? And what are the limitations and strength of the human resource office?
The essentiality of this method is that, to be confident with the data that we will collect
using an interview method because nowadays the reliability of peoples decreases time to
time. It helps us to get real information how the organization performs its function and
this helps to strength the data that gathered through interview and document analysis.
 Document analysis:-to get more information about the details of human resource we
referred to some documents from the DU human resource office. This technique provides
information on how the existing system works.

1.6.2 Design Methodology

The team plan to use the object oriented design methodology for the development of the system
among the different methodologies. Because it is better way to construct, manage and assemble
objects that are implemented in our system. Object oriented design methodology has two
 Object Oriented Analysis (OOA): During this phase the team will look at the problem
domain and with the aim of producing a conceptual model of the information that exists
in the area which will be analysed. And this model the functions of the system (use case

modelling), identifying the business objects, organize the objects and also the relationship
between them and finally model the behaviour of the objects.
 Object Oriented Design (OOD): During this phase the model interactions and
behaviours that support the use case scenario, and finally update object model to reflect
the implementation environment. And also transforms the conceptual model produced in
object-oriented analysis to take account of the constraints imposed to our system format,
so that we will use this phase to refine the use case model to reflect the implementation

1.6.3. Implementation Methodology

Coding, documentation, training procedures, installation and testing are covered in the fourth
phases; implementation phases. This is the most time consuming phases. It needs a lot of courage
and commitment. Diagrams and all "formation gathered earlier are now will be used to build the
software. This is also one of the toughest phases during the software development. Testing is run
many times to make sure all the errors can be detected and debugging process can be initiate.

1.6.4. Testing methodology

 Black box testing: - this is done by treating the software as a black-box without
understanding the background detail. The aim of this testing is to test each
functionality according to the requirements. This system is tested to do properly
for a given input, by accepting inputs that are out of bounds and checking whether
the output value is the same as that of the expected value specified initially. These
testing methods include: -
 Boundary value analysis
 All pairs testing
 Fuzz testing
 White box testing:-it is done by the user that has access to the internal software
data structure and code. It includes creating tests to satisfy some code average
area. So the users create tests to cause all statements in the program to be
executed at least once.

 Pre-release testing
 Unit test:-each unit of the software is tested to verify that the detailed
design for the unit has been correctly implemented.
 Integration test:-larger groups of the software components
corresponding to elements of the architectural design are integrated and
tested until the software works as a system.
 System integration test:-verifies that a system is integrated to any
external systems defined in the system requirements.

1.6.5 Development environment and programming tools

To do this project we used different hardware and software parts like that of:
 Desktop and laptop computer for doing all activity ,implementing the software
 Different reference
 Printer for printing all document part
 Flash to transfer data from one computer to other.

 Edraw max for the drawing of some diagrams like use case diagram
 HTML editor:-Macromedia Dreamweaver, Edit-plus, Notepad++
 Programming Language:- PHP, MYSQL, Java Script, HTML, CSS..
 Microsoft word for any requirements like that of writing our documentation.
 Macro Dreamweaver to develop the static web page of our project and to done dynamic
 Web Server:- Apache friends (Xampp) or Wamp.

Adobe Photoshop (CS4): - for editing images.

1.7 Feasibility Study

1.7.1 Operational Feasibility
It determines how the proposed system will satisfy the organizations need and it also offers
Secure, accurate and efficient system to the organization. The system will operate on any

10 | P a g e
operating systems which have apache installed. Therefore the system will operate in any kind of
computer platforms, so the entire team member expects the system to be operationally feasible.
1.7.2 Technical Feasibility
The system will be developed using the object oriented development technique, since the team
member have the knowledge of the methodologies and the tools to develop this system, the
project is expected to be technically feasible.
We have technical knowledge about:
 PHP to write the code or implementation with WAMP or XAMPP server.
 MySQL to build the database to store the data.
 Unified Modelling Language (UML) model to do analysing and designing in good

The technical requirement for the human resource management system in order to do their
operation by the new computerized system is:
 Training on the new system to know how it operates and how to use the
computerized system.

1.7.3 Economic Feasibility

Economic analysis could also be referred to as cost/benefit analysis. It is the most frequently
used method for evaluating the effectiveness of a new system. In economic analysis the
procedure is to determine the benefits and savings that are expected from a candidate system and
compare them with costs. If benefits outweigh costs, then the decision is made to design and
implement the system. An entrepreneur must accurately weigh the cost versus benefits before
taking an action.
The proposed web based human resource management system is economically feasible because:
 The system will provide fast and efficient automated environment.
 The system will have GUI interface and very less user-training is required to learn
 This project is economically feasible because its anticipated benefit is greater than
the expected cost.

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Cost of the Project
a. Tangible Costs

The tangible costs to be acquired in developing the system are:-

 Miscellaneous Cost which includes hardware development cost and other costs.
 Software development cost
a. Miscellaneous Cost

This cost contains the various types of costs in which we spent for the development of the
project or the University covers some of the hardware expenses.
The following table lists the different miscellanies costs that we going spent in the process of the
development of the system.
Table 1. 1: Miscellanies Costs

Resources Amount Price

Pen 4 pen 20 Birr
Printing 80 pages 80 Birr
Flash disk 8gb We have previously
CDRW 6 60 Birr
Laptop 3 We have previously
Desktop 3 By university
Total 160 Birr.

b. Software Development Cost

For this particular project we will use different software but the software is provided by the
Table 1. 2: Software Development Costs

Type of Software’s
Microsoft windows 7/8/8.1/10 Free download
Microsoft Office 2010/2013/2016 Free download
MySQL from Xampp Free download
Visual Paradigm for UML 11.0/Microsoft Visio /Rational Free download
Notepad++ Free download

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 Intangible Costs
Those are costs which are uncountable .The intangible costs to be acquired in developing
the system are:-Our knowledge that we will spent to develop the system may not be measureable
in terms of money.
1.8 Benefits of the Project
The proposed system will provide:-
 Security: since the proposed system will requires verification of login form, sensitive
information’s will not be accessed or modified by unauthorized users.
 Efficient retrieval of employee files: since the proposed system will record each and
every employee’s information on the data base, retrieval of employee files from the
database at any time will be a very easy process.
 Efficient way of employee’s data management:-Since the proposed system uses
database system there is no loose of data .The employee information will highly secured,
the search and update of employee will be simple.
 Give online information registration:-The proposed system gives online information
about vacant position for the applicant from the institution, so to know the criteria that
must be full fill to register and also can register online at a time.
 Give’s Notification information:-the proposed system expected to gives notification
through posting in the website and email notifications
 Flexibility :- the system able to change to suite new condition or situation, and improved
management system in accordance with the legislation
 Reliability: - the system should be reliable.
 Database management :- Possession of single database of all employees in the HRMs
with all necessary information and opportunities for different reports, the ability to update
databases in real time, on the basis of all changes, which is of extreme importance to
regionally diversified offices;
 Avoidance of time consumption:- Elimination of paper forms that are much slower and
with much higher probability of errors
 Avoidance of data redundancy :-Reduction or elimination of redundancy in the system
 Job satisfaction:-Increased employee satisfaction in HRMS because the easiest and
efficient execution of the tasks;

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1.9. Project Schedule (using Gantt chart)

1.7.4 Schedule Feasibility

Within the time duration, we have identified the activities of the project in order to
accomplish the project objective within their schedule requirement which is on the table below.

We, the team members will produce the progress, reports and other activities of the project
development based on the schedule shown on table1.below.
Table 1. 3: (GHANT chart) Schedules of the Project progress

Activities Weeks


1 week




2 -6 week

Project Proposal

Analysis Phase
System & Object

And project

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2.1. Introduction
In this chapter the existing system of Dilla University HRMS will clearly defined by answering
how existing system is working? In what way the employee managed? What are techniques
being used to handle personnel file? What are the business rules of the existing system? And
what are the problems in the existing system? After studying the existing system it is possible to
understand that how the proposed system can solve the existing system problems. Studying the
existing system will also use to determine both functional and non-functional requirements.

2.2. Existing system description

The existing human resource management system performs their function with manual
system and this leads to less security issues. Because of the manual system recording system is
time consuming and boring .This is the result of lack of computerized system or web based

2.3 Limitation of Existing System

The existing system has many limitations. Those limitations are:-
 Lack of accurate data ,
 The system has problems related to security.
 It takes long time to search data ,
 Lack of efficiency, effectiveness,
 Since it operable manually it uses large amount of space to store data.
 Lack of portability’s,
 Redundancy of data
 Need of high energy because of its low ability to serve many customers at a time.
 The existing system has lack of the information in terms of timeliness, accuracy.

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2.4 Model of existing system


HR Record and HR Management

Data Office and Development

HR development &
HR management
Training Team
Work Team

Respective Tasks performed at each level

 HR Record & Data Office
 Sending and receiving letters.
 Keeping detail educational and personal information of all employees.
 Writing support and experience letters for a given employee.
 Keeping additional information about an employee such as marriage status, birth
date certificate and family status.
 Preparing temporary employee id number etc.
 HR development & Training Team
 Giving training for both academic and administrative staffs.
 Feeling forms of successive work performance at the end of consecutive six
months in accordance with administration.
 Gives chance for retirement by checking the employee service year, etc.
 HR management Work Team
 Registering the need of hire from different departments by discussing with
academic vice president or (Ac) and academic directorate.
 Releases announcement for a given job position which requires its professionals.

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 Done work which is from recruitment up to leave.
 Registering new applicants.
 Preparing exams for new applicants and evaluation.
 Giving chance for promotion for both academic and administrative staffs, etc.

2.4.1 Player actors of the existing system

 Personnel officer (HR Admin): - is a person who is in charge of controlling and
following up all the employees’ Activities and departmental communications using
acceptable and approved documents.
 Staff workers:-are those employee works in HRMS office.
 Section/Department: - A business unit in which all employees are included.
 Applicants: -they are person who find job.
 Employees: -they are person who works in the institution (could be lecturers,
accountants, technicians)

2.4.2 Essential use-case for existing system

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2.5 Explanation of the business rule of the organization
In every organizations or institutions there are rules and policy, which used to govern all
activities in specified work flow, control the work flow, and performed in the work
BR1: To get employee the departments who needs employee should write an application letter
for their vacant position to personnel department.
BR2: when the vacant position is announced to external applicant on notice board on mass media
externally for consecutive 5 to10 work days.
BR3: To be employed applicants should bring a clearance letter from previous Employer.
BR4: when the human resource hired the new employee to that of departments who needs an
employee they must send a letter that has full documents about the new employee.
BR5: Access of information depends on the authority of the user.
BR6: the employee must have full reason to apply leave application.
BR7: if the employee wants to leave from the institution for different reason first they must
apply to the department and the department must send their application to the human resource.
BR8:if one wants to leave from DU before he/she fills the form leave form he/she must return
all working material to respected department otherwise they will be rejected.



3.1 An Overview OF System Design

This project is designed in a manner that solves the problems of the existing human resource
management system by minimizing the work load that appears on the employees because of the
existing manual system. The system shall be responsible for posting announcement, hiring new
employees, placing the new employee to their respected position, and managing information
about employees to their personal profile. It provides more efficient, reliable and time saving
system. And also the system shall incorporate leave management all the way from application to
acceptance/rejection of leave requests as well as all in generating reports. All these features

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include the ability to add user, update (edit), and retrieve through search results. It also contains a
report generation system.

In this project design the team will try to show:

 How the project is designed
 What are tasks done under the whole project
 The different modules and their way of functioning are described here.
Generally, the project will be designed by addressing all of the above criteria of project design. It
is designed to simplify functions of the manual system and it is capable of doing large amount of
works in short period of time with more accuracy and reliability.
This design system is to involve converting the description of the proposed system into logical
and then physical design specification. We expect one can understand our new system
implementation because it gives full description about whole system. Also one can understand
easily and enable to answer how the system developed and functioned in simplified manner.
The goal of system design according to the proposed project is to manage complexity by
dividing the system into smaller, manageable pieces and to increase the system.

3.2 Requirement specification

3.2.1 Functional requirements

Functional Requirements are those that refer to the functionality of the system, i.e., what services
it will provide to the user. Statements of services the system should provide how the system
should react to particular inputs and how the system should behave in particular situations.
 Posting announcements: the system will post vacancy announcements and notice for the
applicants in order to make the informed.
 Register applicant online: The system would be able to register applicants’ who wants
to hire in the institution with appropriate information. Without coming to the office they
can able to register online by using the proposed system.
 Placing new employee: the system should able to recorded the new employed applicants
and able to place to their respected position.

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 Manage employee information: The system would be able to search, delete and update
the hired employee information when it is needed. And also the department can assign
project team for every employee in his department.
 Leave Application/Approval
 Leave application- The user can be able to fill in leave application form in the
appropriate fields.
 Leave approval- The admin and the department can be able to approve leave
applications based on the reasons stated and based on their leave status.
 Notification: The system should be able to give notification for the user.
 Report generation:-the system should be able to generate a report for each employee
based on the information in the database.

3.2.2 Non-functional requirements

Non-functional requirements are requirement, which has no essential for the system, but it can
support and give more quality for the system.
The following lists of non-functional requirements are expected from the system:
 Scalability: The system must be compatible with any environment.
 Security: should allow login to only authorized users
 Reusability: Ability of an item that allows it to be used repeatedly unlike a disposable
 Performance: this system gives service 24 hours per day with maximum response time
so, it is easy to access data from the stored document.
 Accuracy: proposed system will be better due to reduction of error. All operation can be
done correctly and it ensures that whatever information is coming from the data base is
 Reliability: The reliability of the proposed system will be better due to proper storage of
information when users access the application.
 No Redundancy: In the proposed system can be avoided reputation of data anywhere in
the database.
 Availability: All data in the system will be available all the time.
 Efficiency: The system must ensure allocation and use of services being requested for the
users by using minimum memory storage, cost, time and human power.

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 User friendly Interface: Users can easily input and retrieve their profile and history.
 Handling Exception: The system must recover immediately when a user enters incorrect
(error) data.

3.2.3 System Requirement

For installing the new system several hardware and software requirements needed.
Some of them are:-
Hard ware component for server side computer
Intel core i3 processor, 3.0 GHz CPU, 6 or 8 GB of RAM and 250GB+ HDD better
Hard ware component for client side computer
Intel Pentium 4 processer, 3.0 GHz CPU, 2 GB of RAM and 80GB+ HDD more recommended
Software components
Browser: for client computer Mozilla Firefox version 50 or Google chrome higher version are
Xamp Server: AMP (Windows, Apache, MySQL, and PHP) or separate PHP for windows
higher version and MySQL Community Server version 5.6 or higher are recommended.
Operating System:
For Server Computer: Microsoft Windows Server 2003 or higher versions is recommended
For client Computer: Any operating system.(Recommended Windows family )

3.2.4 User interface specification and description

This section provides the key user screen views and their relationships with the process. Our
project will be implemented in easy and understandable and attractive graphical user interface
(GUI) it will have an interaction for actions performed it will be accessed using browsers.
Login page: -this page contains a field where username and password forms are filled.
Home Page:-This page is displayed when the user login as one of privileged user. And access
the system like requesting and other operation.
Admin page: - this page is displayed when the user logged in as admin and administrator will
record the new employed applicant’s information and place them to their position.
Requisition page: -this page is displayed when the user is logged in as department officer and
enables to submit employment requisition form for section/Dep’t recruitment.

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Post announcement page:-this is the place where the human resource administrator posts
vacancy announcement after section/department asks the employment requisition.
Applicant registration page: - this page will be displayed when the user or the applicant opens
the home page of the website then the system display the applicant registration form and fill all
his/her information required after finishing this step click apply button then the system displays
registered successfully message.
Placement and registration page:- this is the place where the human resource administrator
will record the new employed applicant’s information and place them to their position.
Manage employee page: - this page is displayed when the user is logged in as department and
employee information will be managed (searched, updated) by department.
Leave application page: - this page is displayed when the user is logged in as employee and fill
leave form when they want to leave from the institution but the employee must have full reason
to apply leave.
Notification page:-this page is displayed when admin clicks on notification page from menu and
done by human resource admin after viewing leave application he/she notify the result for the
leave application to the employee.
Generate report page: - this is the place where human resource admin will generate report to
the necessary activities such as approval of application as message to the user.



4.1 Introduction
This section consists of the modeling of the proposed system using object oriented methodology
by applying unified modeling language (UML). All the activities performed by the actors (such
as the applicant, employee, department officers and the administrator) are analyzed by using
different modeling diagrams. These diagrams include use case diagram, sequence diagram, and
activity diagram. System design is the transformation of the analysis model into a system design

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System design is the first part to get into the solution domain in a software development. This
chapter focuses on transforming the analysis model into the design model that takes into account
the non-functional requirements and constraints described in the problem of the statement and
requirement analysis sections discussed earlier.
The purpose of designing is to show the direction how the system is built and to obtain clear and
enough information needed to drive the actual implementation of the system. It is based on
understanding of the model the software built on. The objectives of design are to model the
system with high quality. Implementing of high quality system depend on the nature of design
created by the designer. If one wants to change to the system after it has been put in to operation
depends on the quality of the system design. So if the system is design clearly, it will be easy to
make changes to it.

4.2 Use case diagram for proposed system

Web based human resource management system for DU


<<Include>> Apply
Post vacancy
vacancy <<Include>> x
t Applicant
e <<Include>> View
View vacancy
<<Include>> d
Post placement
<<Include>> View
View screening

View report
Edit profile
Send message
<<Include>> Send
<<Include>> message
<<Include>> message
View registration
view leave
<<Include>> approve
approve Employee
Post screening
screening info


Manage account
account <<Include>>

Extend Extend <<Include>>
Extend Manage
employee dep't

23 | P a g e Accept

View leave
Reject Extend application
Figure 4. 1: use case diagram for Web based human resource management system.

4.2.1 Use case description

Use case Name: Login
UC_ID: UC_01
Actor: users (human resource administrator, department, employee)
Description: this use case is used to ensure security for login into the system
Precondition: the user must have at least correct username and password.
Post condition: the main page will be displayed then user gets access to its privilege and after
finishing his/her work he can logout
Flows of event (main course of action):
Table 4. 1: Main Course of Action about Login

Actor action System response

24 | P a g e
Step1: User has to open the system. Step2: The System displays the login
Step3: by selects account type user fills interface and allows the user for the user
his or her username and password. name and password.
Step4: click login button. Step5:display login successful
Step6: the User gets access the system. Step7: displays its main window.
Step8: Use case ends.

Alternative course of action

If the user is not authorized
A.6the system gives a confirmation message that is wrong username or password
A.7 the system displays a message to enable the user to try to login by entering correct user name
and password.
Use case Name: employee requisition
UC_ID: UC_02
Actor: department officer
Description: This use case enables to submit employment requisition form for section/Dept.
Precondition: the user must login to the system.
Post condition: requisition is saved to the database and successful message should be display
for the user
Table 4. 2: Main Course of Action about employee requisition

Actor action System response

Step1: click requisition page from menu Step2: display requisition form
Step3: fill all information needed to the Step5: display successfully posted
vacant position. message.
Step 4:click apply button Step7: finish requisition and the use case

Alternative course of action

A. 1If the user doesn’t have access privilege to use the system; user is not authenticated and is
denied access to the system.

25 | P a g e
Use case Name: post announcement
UC_ID: UC_03
Actor: human resource administrator
Description: After section/department asks the employment requisition the human resource
administrator should be posted vacancy announcement to get the worker.
Precondition: the user must login to the system and the department should apply for employee.
Post condition: Record is successfully added to the database message should be display for the
Table 4. 3: Main Course of Action about post announcement

Actor action System response

Step1: click post announcement page Step2: display post announcement form
from menu Step5: display successfully posted
Step3: fill all information needed to the message.
vacant position. Step7: finish posting announcement and
Step 4:click post button the use case end

Alternative course of action

A. 1If the user doesn’t have access privilege to use the system; user is not authenticated and is
denied access to the system.
Name: register applicant online
UC_ID: UC_04
Actor: applicant
Description: this use case is done by the applicant in order to register for applying to the vacant
Preconditions: he/she must have an internet connection, and must have necessary information
based on the announcement requirements.
Post conditions: the applicant must be registered successfully.
Exceptional condition: if there is no internet connection there is no registration.

Table 4. 4: Main Course of Action about registering applicant online

Actor action System response

Step 1: the applicant opens the home Step2 : the system display the home page

26 | P a g e
page of the website. Step4: the system display the applicant
Step 3: Select online applicant registration form
registration page. Step6: the system display register
Step 5: fill all his/her information successfully message
Step 5:click apply button

Alternative course of action

A6: The system display register failed message if there is unfilled information in the form.
Use case Name: placement
UC_ID: UC_07
Actor: human resource administrator
Description: the human resource administrator will record the new employed applicant’s
information and place them to their position.
Precondition: the human resource must login to record and place the new employed applicant
Post condition: display registration and placement.
Table 4. 5: Main Course of Action about placement

Actor action System response

Step1: click the placement and Step2: display placement and registration
registration page from menu page
Step3: fill the all employee information Step5:display save successful message
and place to their position. Step7: finish placement and the use case

27 | P a g e
Step 4:click submit button end

Name: Manage employee

UC_ID: UC_08
Actor: department
Description: This use case is done by the department when they need update search and delete
employee profile information
Preconditions: The department must login to the system to manage employee.
Post conditions: The employee information will be managed (searched, updated) by department.
About updating employee information:
Table 4. 6: Main Course of Action about Update employee

Actor action System response

Step 1: the department click manage Step2: the system display the manage
employee link employee page
Step3: the department enter the id number Step4: the system display the update form
of the employee to update with the registered employee information
Step 5: the department fill the new updated Step7: display update successful page
information of the employee.
Step 6:click submit button
Alternate course action:
A8: the system display error message if the employee information doesn’t fill accurately.
About searching employee information
Table 4. 7: Main Course of Action about searching

Actor action System response

Step 1: the department click manage Step2 : the system display mange
employee link employee page
Step 3: the department enters the id Step4: the system display the employee
number of the employee to search and click information
search button. Step8: finished searching and stop the use
Alternate course action:
A4: the system displays fill again message to department if the entered id is incorrect.

28 | P a g e
About deleting employee information
Table 4. 8: Main Course of Action about deleting employee

Actor action System response

Step 1: the department officer click Step2 : the system display mange
manage employee link employee page
Step 3: the department officer enters the id Step4: the system display the employee
number of the employee to search and click information
search button. Step6: the system display delete successful
Step 5:the administrator enter delete button message and stop the use case

Alternate course action:

A.4: the system displays fill again message to department officer if the entered id is incorrect.
A.6: the system display deletion failed if the entered data are not available
Use case Name: apply leave
UC_ID: UC_09
Actor: employee
Description: This use case is done by the employee when they want to leave from the
Precondition: the user must login to the system and must have full reason to apply leave.
Post condition: The employee application will be saved to the database.
Table 4. 9: Main Course of Action about apply leave

Actor action System response

Step1: click leave application page from Step2: display leave application form
menu Step5: display successfully applied
Step3: fill all information needed to message.
apply leave. Step7: finish applying and the use case
Step 4:click apply button end

Use case Name: send employee leave

UC_ID: UC_10
Actor: department

29 | P a g e
Description: This use case is done by the department to apply employee leave application to the human
resource admin.
Precondition: the user must login to the system and must accept employee leave accept.
Post condition: The department application will be saved to the database.
Table 4. 10: Main Course of Action about send employee leave application

Actor action System response

Step1: click leave application page from Step2: display leave application form
menu Step5: display successfully applied message.
Step3: fill all information needed to apply Step7: finish applying and the use case end
employee leave.
Step 4:click apply button

Alternative course of action

A.1If the user doesn’t have access privilege to use the system; user is not
authenticated and is denied access to the system.
Use case Name: approve leave application
UC_ID: UC_11
Actor: human resource administrator
Description: after the department applies the leave application of employee to the human
resource admin the human resource admin will view and approve their application.
Precondition: the user must login to the system
Post condition: application is viewed and display successfully approved message to the user.
Table 4. 11: Main Course of Action about approve leave application

Actor action System response

Step1: click view leave application page Step2: display leave application page
from menu Step6: finish approving and the use case
Step3:read the reason for applying leave end
Step4:check leave status
Step5: approve the leave application.

Alternative course of action

A.1 If the user doesn’t have access privilege to use the system, user is not authenticated and is
denied access to the system.

30 | P a g e
Use case Name: notification
UC_ID: UC_12
Actor: human resource administrator
Description: human resource admin after viewing leave application he/she notify the result for
the leave application to the employee.
Precondition: the actor must login to notify the result and the employee must have an email
Post condition: The applicant employee must be notified

Table 4. 12 : Main Course of Action about notification

Actor action System response

Step1: click notification page from Step2: display notification page
menu Step5:display sent successful message
Step3: fill the notification Step6: finish notification and the use
case end
Step 4:click send button

Use case Name: generate report

UC_ID: UC_13
Actor: human resource administrator
Description: human resource admin will generate report to the necessary activities
Precondition: the user must login to the system
Post condition: application is viewed and display successfully approved message to the user.
Table 4. 13: Main Course of Action about report

Actor action System response

Step1: User clicks the generate report menu. Step2: The system display report form
Step3:The user fill the form Step6: The system displays successful
Step4: The user clicks on report type menu message and the use case end

31 | P a g e
4.3 Sequence diagram

A Sequence diagram is an interaction diagram that shows how processes operate with one
another and in what order. It is a construct of a Message Sequence Chart. A sequence diagram
shows object interactions arranged in time sequence. It depicts the objects and classes involved
in the scenario and the sequence of messages exchanged between the objects needed to carry out
the functionality of the scenario. Sequence diagrams are typically associated with use case
realizations in the Logical View of the system under development. Sequence diagrams are
sometimes called event diagrams or event scenarios.

32 | P a g e
: users
login login form validator( ) database

1:users click
on login form
2:display 1:users click on login form
login form
3:enter login
id and
password 2:display login form
4:click on
login button
6:try again 3:enter login id and password
7:login to the
9:response to
login form 4:click on login button

6:try again

7:login to the system


9:response to login form

Figure 4. 2: sequence diagram for login

33 | P a g e
employee employee validator( ) database
: departement
requsition requsition form

click on employee
requision form
2:display 1:departement click on employee requision form
requision form
3:fill the required
fields 2:display employee requision form
3:fill the required fields


6:please recheck


9:display response

Figure 4. 3: sequence diagram for employee requisition

34 | P a g e
post post announcement validator() database
anouncement : HRadmin
1:HR admin clickpost announcement link

1:HR admin click 2:display the form

announcement link
2:display the form
3;fill the required 3;fill the required fields
7:continue 3;fill the required fields
9:display the

4:submit 5:validate


7:continue 8:check

9:display the response

Figure 4. 4: sequence diagram for post announcement

35 | P a g e
view and
register vacancy validator( ) database
: applicant
announcement link
1:applicant click on vacancy announcement link

2:the system display the content

click on
vacancy 3:click apply link
2:the system
display the
content 4:the system displays the registration form
3:click apply
4:the system
displays the 5:fill the required fields
5:fill the 6:submit
required fields 7:validate




11:display response

Figure 4. 5: sequence diagram for view and register

36 | P a g e
placing new
placement validate() database
employee : HR admin

1:HR admin click on placement form

1:HR admin click
on placement
form 2:display placement form
placement form
3:fill the required fields
3:fill the required
7:continue 5:validate
9:display the

9:display the response

Figure 4. 6: sequence diagram for placement

37 | P a g e
apply leave leave application validate()
:employee : (Use database
1.login to the
page 1:click on display application form
2:display leave
application form
3:fill the required
data 2:display leave application form
response 3:fill the required data



9:display response

Figure 4. 7: sequence diagram for apply leave

38 | P a g e
4.4 Activity diagram
Activity diagrams are graphical representations of workflows of stepwise activities and actions
with support for choice, iteration and concurrency. In the Unified Modeling Language, activity
diagrams are intended to model both computational and organizational processes (i.e.
workflows). Activity diagrams show the overall flow of control.

click on login dispay login fill uname,

browse display pw,role
link form
website home page
uc_01 user

dispay user

Figure 4. 8: activity diagrams for login

employee browse display home click on login dispay login

page link fill uname,
requisition website form
departm... valid...



click employee department page
display requisition link
click on submit fill the required requisition form
button data

display successfull logout


Figure 4. 9: activity diagrams for employee requisition

39 | P a g e
display home click on login dispay login
browse page fill uname,
link form
website pw,role
annoucement validate
uc_03 HR admin
actor:HR incorrect


click submit display post

fill the required display
button annoucement page click post
data admin page
validate annoucement



display successfull logout


Figure 4. 10: activity diagram for post announcement

display click vacancy display display fill the required

browse annoucement page click apply
home page annoucement link registration form data
website button

HR admin check



read and apply display successfull


Figure 4. 11: activity diagrams for read and apply

40 | P a g e
placement browse
uc_07 website display
click on login dispay login fill uname,
actor:HR admin home page
link form pw,role
HR admin


display display
fill the required click placement admin page
data placement form link



display successfull logout


Figure 4. 12: activity diagrams for placement

41 | P a g e
apply leave
browse display click on login dispay login
uc_09 fill uname,
website home page link form pw,role
actor:employee employee



clickapply fill the required

display leave click leave display employee
button data
app.fform application page


display successfull logout


Figure 4. 13: activity diagram for apply leave

4.5 Class diagram

The class diagram is the main building block of object oriented modeling. It is used both for
general conceptual modeling of the systematic of the application, and for detailed modeling
translating the models into programming code. Class diagrams can also be used for data
modeling. The classes in a class diagram represent both the main objects, interactions in the
application and the classes to be programmed.

In the diagram, classes are represented with boxes which contain three parts:

 The top part contains the name of the class. It is printed in bold and centered, and the first
letter is capitalized.
 The middle part contains the attributes of the class. They are left-aligned and the first
letter is lowercase.

42 | P a g e
 The bottom part contains the methods the class can execute. They are also left-aligned
and the first letter is lowercase.

Lname employee
applicant phone_no emp_id
app_id email department
CGPA region status
read/apply() zone apply-leave()
view_post() kebele view personal info()
edu_level view notification()
1 1 n
HR admin birth-date
HR_id contact-person
post annuncement() experiance
manage account()
post screen()
send notification()
approve leave() 1
1 1 requisition
report() req-id
1 1 leave department
1 user-account edu-level
1 emp-id
uname position
password reason quantity
role date experiance
end date
experiance n
position placement
app-id notifaction
age 1
gender start-date email 1
phone-no 1
department department
position message department
edu_level emp-id send dpt-id
place() department-name
post() send() 1 depatment-location
manage employee()
approve leave()

43 | P a g e
Figure 4. 14: analysis level of class diagram

4.6 Database specification

This logical database specification contains all the needed logical and physical design choices
and physical storage parameters needed to generate a design in a Data Definition Language,
which can then be used to create a database. A fully attributed data model contains detailed
attributes for each entity. This proposed web base HRMs has single database named HRMs for
time being having 13 tables.
Entities or tables
 Announcement:-this table is being created to hold relevant information that is expected
from a given applicant to be registered and hired.
 Approve:-this is a table which holds information about requisition of employee by a
given department which can be approved or rejected by HRM. if approved then there will
be requisition_type,requisition date and no of request. _date, approved number, approved
date, requisition section.
 Comment:-as its name indicates it holds comments given by different employees or
 Evaluation:-holds information about applicant to be evaluated by HRM whether he/she
qualifies or not according to required criteria.
 Leave application:-this table stores fields which properly or clearly specifies a given
employee to leave the organization due to different reasons, the reason might be due to
education, vacation, or total leave. If leave accepted he should be cleared according to
his/her emp_id, start date, end date and email-address.
 Leave approval:-this table stores relevant and essential information about when was an
employee leave the organization, approved number, approved date and employee identity
 Placement:-this is a table which holds respective position or job responsibility of given
employee in a given department.

44 | P a g e
 Promotion:-this is the one which stores the information of those employees which are
promoted from one position to higher one because of their successive finishing of their
job after consecutive six months.
 Registration:-this is a very important table that holds relevant information about
registered applicant with their respective file attachments and personal descriptions which
can fulfil required criteria of a given requesting department.
 Requisition:-this stores information about which department requests how many
employees and in which category of work they need to hire I.e. job title.
 Schedule:-this tables holds the time schedule in which the applicants are going to take
their exams like interview, paper based exams etc.
 Screening:-holds about unique quality of a given applicant which makes him/her better
than others in other word called qualification.
 Users:-this is also a very important table which stores users account with type or
privilege, user name and password.

4.6.1 ER diagram
ssid address

emp-id Name
dep't Name

start_date end_date

reason for
for leave
leave Fill

application Registers
Registers for

job description


JOB-VACANY criteria


dep't_ name

45 | P a g e
Figure 4.15: ER diagram for web based human resource management system

System Design
5.1 Introduction
This design system is to involve converting the description of the proposed system into logical
and then physical design specification. We expect one can understand our new system
implementation because it gives full description about whole system. Also one can understand
easily and enable to answer how the system developed and functioned in simplified manner.
5.1.1 An Overview OF System Design
This project is designed in a manner that solves the problems of the existing human resource
management system by minimizing the work load that appears on the employees because of the
existing manual system. The system shall be responsible for posting announcement, hiring new
employees, placing the new employee to their respected position, and managing information
about employees to their personal profile. It provides more efficient, reliable and time saving
system. And also the system shall incorporate leave management all the way from application to
acceptance/rejection of leave requests as well as all in generating reports. All these features
include the ability to add user, update (edit), and retrieve through search results. It also contains a
report generation system.

In this project design the team will try to show:

 How the project is designed
 What are tasks done under the whole project
 The different modules and their way of functioning are described here.
In generally, the project will be designed by addressing all of the above criteria of project design.
It is designed to simplify functions of the manual system and it is capable of doing large amount
of works in short period of time with more accuracy and reliability.

46 | P a g e
5.1.2 Design Goals

The goal of design is to model the system with high quality. The design goals are derived from
non-functional requirements that means non-functional requirement is the description of the
feature characteristics and attribute of the system as well as any constraints that may limit the
boundary of the proposed solution. The goal of system design according to the proposed project
is to manage complexity by dividing the system into smaller, manageable pieces and to increase
accessibility the system.

Design goals describe the qualities of the system that the developers should consider.

 Security: the proposed system should be secured, i.e., not allow other users or unauthorized
users to access data that has no the right to access it.
 Modifiability: the proposed system should be modifiable for further modification and
enhancement of the application.
 Performance: Dilla University HRMS should respond fast with high throughput, i.e. It
should perform retrieving employee file, registering new applicants, updating employee files
and generating report as quickly as possible.
 Fault Tolerance: Dilla University HRM system should be fault tolerant to loss of
connectivity with the service.
 End User Criteria: - The proposed system should have simple and understandable
graphical user Interface such as forms and buttons, which have descriptive names. It should
give reliable response for each request at least before the session expires.
 Reliability: it should be able to carry on invalid user inputs, fault tolerant, reliable
and available.
 Cost: The system should be developed, deployed, administered and maintained with
minimum cost as possible.

47 | P a g e
5.1.3 Architecture of the System
In this project the team uses a three tier architecture which has three layers. These three layers
are the Application or Presentation layer, the business layer and the data access layer.
Application or presentation layer is the form which provides the user interface to either
programmer or end user. The business layer is the class which the team uses to write the function
which works as a mediator to transfer data from application layer or presentation layer to data
layer. This layer also has a property layer which is a class where variables are declared
corresponding to the fields of the database which can be required for the application and make
the properties so that the team can get or set the data using these properties into the variables.
The third tire is the data access layer which is also a class to get or set data to the database
queries back and forth. This layer only interacts with the database. The database queries or stored
procedures will be written here to access the data from the database or to perform any operation
to the database.

Interface (User interface, System Interface)

Interface (User interface, System Interface)
(User interface, System Interface) (Infrastructure, Platform)
(User interface, System Interface) (Infrastructure, Platform)
Process Application, Controller)
Process Application, Controller)
(Application, Controller)
(Application, Controller)

Domain (Business)
Domain (Business)
Persistence (Data)
Persistence (Data)

Data sources
Data sources

Figure 4.17 system architecture

48 | P a g e
5.2 System Design

5.2.1 Sub system decomposition

Subsystem decomposition is the process of decomposing the system into smaller subsystems to
easily understand the design, implement and maintain of the system. Subsystem decomposition
describes the decomposition into subsystems and the responsibilities of each component. In
Admin page the administrator done many things like delete account, update account, create
account to access the system, and the manager also send & receive a message.

The system is divided in to modules. There are different modules in this system with their
function. Some modules are:-
 Registration module
 Register applicant
 Placement module
 Add new employee
 Login page
o Password
o User name
o User Type
 Only HR admin, department and employee have their own page on the DU human
resource management system page. They will perform those activity listed on each page.
 Notification module
 Posting notification information through
o Email

 Manage account
 This module helps the HR admin to add new user accounts, update and inactive existed
 Employee management
 This module helps the department officer to view, identify and organize (manage) all
employees under his department.

49 | P a g e
 recruitments
 This module helps HR admin to post vacancy announcement. This module also helps
applicants to view posted information’s.

 Generate report
 This module helps the HR admin to prepare monthly employee reports to the finance and
also the department prepare employee information report.
 Leave management

This module helps the employee to apply leave to the department to approve the employee leave


Web based HRMS Message


Leave Report Announcement

Management generation

Figure 4.18 subsystem decomposition

50 | P a g e
5.2.2 Component diagram
This Diagram, components of the system will be wired showing that there is relation among
components; management of the system, database and operations performed on databases such
security issue. This in some extent shows which component or objects will be accessed by whom
and what type of security infrastructures it is using

51 | P a g e


department generate report

send notification

HR admin
view leave


view report database

placing new
applicant employee

manage account

request leave

view notification

vew personal



view post screen

Figure 4.19 Component diagram

5.2.3 Hardware or Software mapping
One of the major tasks in system design deals with hardware/software mapping which deals with
which components would be part in which hardware and so on. The HRMS is a broad system
that performs many functions. It consists of web based system used by HR admin to post
announcement, view report, placing new employee, send notification. The web based system also
assists HR admin to get or view status and report on applicant achievement and progress. So the
web based part is expected to run on a networked environment on different Operating System
platforms. The client or server architecture of the system enables different clients to connect to

52 | P a g e
the server remotely through Internet connection. The applications of the system will run on the
web server connected to the database server by MYSQL.
Users just need to start their browsers and enter the URL of the application Web site. The server
hosting the Website is responsible for allocating all the resources the Web application requires.

In this part, we described the overall system software or hardware and organization. We try to see
list of computer language (with a description of the function).


Internet HTTP

Apache Database

web Server/Application server

Figure 4.20 hardware or software mapping

HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) is the set of rules used for transferring files (text, graphic
images, sound, video, and other multimedia files) on the World Wide Web. And HTTP is an
application protocol that runs on top of the TCP/IP suite of protocols (the foundation protocols for

HTML: is visually rice and widely supported, but html forums are primitive and they have not
automatically validated on the client.

53 | P a g e
MySQL:. is a freely available open source Relational Database Management System (RDBMS)
that uses Structured Query Language (SQL). And it is the most popular language for adding,
accessing and managing content in a database.

CSS: is cascading style sheet used for deigning the pages.

JavaScript: permit some client side programming (for example validation in HTML forms).

Apache is software used to support mysql, and php by using wamp server

5.2.4 Deployment Diagram

Deployment diagram are implementation type diagrams that describes the physical architecture
of the hardware and the software in the system. Deployment diagrams are used to depict the
relationship among run-time components and hardware node this diagram depicts the static view
of runtime configuration and hardware nodes and the software components that run on those
nodes. Our system can be decomposed into client and server subsystems. They are going to use
http protocol to communicate with each other. The deployment diagram of our proposed system
is shown as follows

54 | P a g e
application server

client browser
requisition SQL database

department security


view report

HR admin persistance

generate report

placing new

view leave

notificaation database



view screen


request leave

view personal


Figure 4.21 Deployment diagram

55 | P a g e
5.3 Detail Design
5.3.1 Package diagram
Package diagram shows the dependencies between different packages in a system and used to
group elements that are semantically related and might change together. It is a general purpose
mechanism to organize elements into groups to provide better structure for system model.
Package diagrams are simple variations on class diagrams to show packages and their
relationships. Package diagram shows the arrangement and organization of model elements in
middle to large scale project. It can show both structures and dependencies between sub-systems
or modules

View leave Update

Post application requisition
Post vacancy Post
View Employee 6
Manage dependence View
registration HR admin month
account evaluation placement

Post screening
View report

Approved Employee Leave

Figure 4.22 Package diagram

56 | P a g e
5.3.2 Collaboration diagram
Collaboration diagram is similar to sequence diagrams, but that focus on messages passed
between objects or Collaboration diagrams convey has the same information as sequence
diagrams, but focus on object roles instead of the times that the messages is sent.  
In a sequence diagram, object roles are the vertices and messages are the connecting links. In a
collaboration diagram, as follows, the object-role rectangles are labeled with either class or
object names (or both). Colons precede the class names

1: 1:users click on login form

3: 3:enter login id and password

: users login form

2: 2:display login form

4: 4:click on login button 6: 6:try again 8: 8:check

5: 5:validate
7: 7:login to the system

9: 9:response to login form

validator( )

Figure 4.23 collaboration diagram for login

57 | P a g e
1: 1:departement click on employee requision f...
3: 3:fill the required fie...
employee requsition
2: 2:display employee requision f...
: departement

6: 6:please recheck 9: 9:display response

4: 4:submit

8: 8:check

5: 5:validation

7: 7:continue database

validator( )

Figure 4.24 collaboration diagram for employee requisition

1: 1:HR admin clickpost announcement l...

3: 3;fill the required fie...
4: 3;fill the required fie...

post announcement form

2: 2:display the f...

: HRadmin

7: 6:retype
10: 9:display the respo...
5: 4:submit

9: 8:check

6: 5:validate

8: 7:continue database


Figure 4.25 collaboration diagram for post announcement

58 | P a g e
1: 1:applicant click on vacancy announcement link
3: 3:click apply link
5: 5:fill the required fields

: applicant vacancy announcement

2: 2:the system display the content
4: 4:the system displays the registration form

6: 6:submit 8: 8:retype
10: 10:check

7: 7:validate database

9: 9:continue

11: 11:display response

validator( )

Figure 4.26 collaboration diagram for view and register

1: 1:HR admin click on placement f...

3: 3:fill the required fields

: HR admin placement
2: 2:display placement form form

8: 8:check

4: 4:submit 6: 6:retype


5: 5:validate 7: 7:continue

9: 9:display the response


Figure 4.27 collaboration diagram for placement

59 | P a g e
:employee : (Use Case

1: 1:click on display application f...

3: 3:fill the required data

2: 2:display leave application form

leave application

4: 4:apply

6: 6:retype
8: 8:check

5: 5:validate

7: 7:continue database

validate() 9: 9:display response

ure 4.28 collaboration diagram for apply leave

60 | P a g e
5.4 User interface design

Home Page

Placement View Applicant Contact
Login Vacancy
Vacancy Comment
Comment About Us
Information Screening
Screening US

Department page Employee

HR admin
admin page

Update Requisition View
View leave 66 month
month evaluation

Manage Post
View registration Post View Approved
account announcement Post placement Leave

Figure 4.29 User interface design

61 | P a g e
5.5 Access control and security
One objective of access control is to control input records in order to reduce data entry error.
When data is entered in to database it should be valid format depending on data type of the
attribute of the data. The best way to control data input from wrong data type is using key
trapping method. For example if the user is trying to insert number in the name field instead of
string so this kind of error the text box should not accept the number. A Common way used to
describe access control of object to create access control matrix.

Security:-We tested the security of our proposed system through login page are all users must
first login to perform operations and get services and also all user information’s are stored on
external database.
Authorize mechanism: - this mechanism worked by login form by checking the login form with
the login table

62 | P a g e
6. Implementation
Implementation refers to the Coding of the all documents gathered starting from requirement
analysis to Design phase. So now the team is in a position of convert all documents gathered and
designed into the code so that the system will be implemented for the user to be used for the
purpose it developed
6.1 Objective of implementation
Implementation is giving life to the GUI design during the design phase into a working system
by writing code to connect to the database and to be able the access the database from these GUI
The main objective of the implementation is to replace or change the current data handling which
is manual handling mechanism into a new enhanced web based system solution that is based on
database application.
Specifically the implementation is intended to meet the following goals:-
 To promote the applicant to gain an easier and faster service.
 To satisfy employees needs by introducing new file handling mechanism.
 To provide the process with more solution.
 Helps the administrator to generally control and monitor the overall system.
6.2 Hardware and software acquisition
For this system implementation, the following Hardware and Software are used.
 Computers: for client side and server side Dell 780 OptiPlex with
 Hard Disk: 250GB-500GB
 RAM: 2GB-4GB
 Processor: Intel Core 2 DUO CPU E7600 @ 3.06 GH
 Printer: To printing the documents
 Server: To create connection to the client computer(to host the system)

 Dream weaver CS5.5

 Notepad++

63 | P a g e
 MySQL database server
 Wampp
 PHP Designer
 Microsoft SQL server 2008
 Microsoft Windows 8 and 8.1 and Windows 7 Ultimate SP1

6.3 User manual preparation

Since the system is web based and easily user friend, everything important for the users
will be explained and implemented while giving short training when the system is
deployed. There is no need of preparing full user manual because it is only deployed
(hosted) on a single machine that is server. So anyone who can access the internet can
also access the system easily within the given permission by the system administrator.
6.3.1 How to use the system?
In order to access the system, first of all every user without applicant must have an
account or permission from system administrator. So, HR admin should have to create an
account for every user like Employee, Department and enter into the system by using
their individual Username and password and also with the role given to them. These
Username and password is created by the HR admin. Applicants can apply, observe
placement and view placement information etc.

6.4 Installation process

Our system is a web based System, there is no need to install it on particular machine ones it is
hosted on a server by developer, the user of the system can use it at any time and any place.
6.5 Algorithm and output
It defines the algorithm required for each element of the architectural design to accomplish its
Pseudo code for login
Method name: login
GET Username
GET Password
IF (Username == Entered Username && Password == Entered Password) THEN
Put cookies Login Successful
Login failed display error message.
Pseudo code for logout
If the user login to the system then and click logout link then

64 | P a g e
Delete cookies and display home page
6.5.1 Sample code


<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"

<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<title>DU HRM About Us...</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<link href="style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" />
<link href="menu.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" />
<table align="center">
<td width="850px" colspan="3" height="150px">
<p><a href="admin.php"><img src="image/logo.png" align="left" width="140px"
<p><img src="image/pers.png" align="left" width="710px" height="120px">
<!--End of Header-->
<!--Main menus-->

65 | P a g e
<td colspan="3">
<div id="Menus">
<li class="active"><a href="admin.php">Home</a></li>
<li ><a href="schedule.php">Schedule</a></li>
<li ><a href="announcementupdate.php">Update</a></li>
<li><a href="signout.php">logout</a></li>

<!--End main menus-->
<!--Slide show-->
<!--End of slide show-->
<td width="200px" height="400px" valign="top" id="insides">


<td height="0px"><a href="acreate.php"><strong><font size="2">Create

66 | P a g e
<td height="20px">
<a href="adelete.php"><strong><font size="2">Delete Account</font></strong></a></td>
<td height="20px">
<a href="aupdate.php"><strong><font size="2">Update Acount</font></strong></td>
<td height="20px">
<a href="deleteannouncements.php"><strong><font size="2">Delete

<td valign="top" id="insides">
<script type="text/javascript">
function showDiv(prefix,chooser)
for(var i=0;i<chooser.options.length;i++)
var div = document.getElementById(prefix+chooser.options[i].value);

var selectedOption = (chooser.options[chooser.selectedIndex].value);

if(selectedOption == "1")

67 | P a g e
if(selectedOption == "2")
if(selectedOption == "3")
if(selectedOption == "4")
if(selectedOption == "5")
function displayDiv(prefix,suffix)
var div = document.getElementById(prefix+suffix);
div.style.display = 'block';
<table id="contentbox">
<td >
<script language="javascript">
function Clickheretoprint()

68 | P a g e
var disp_setting="toolbar=yes,location=no,directories=yes,menubar=yes,";
disp_setting+="scrollbars=yes,widtd=900, height=400, left=100, top=25";
var content_vlue = document.getElementById("print_content").innerHTML;

var docprint=window.open("","",disp_setting);
docprint.document.write('<html><head><title>List of Passer</title>');
docprint.document.write('</head><body onLoad="self.print()" style="widtd: 900px;
font-size:16px; font-family:arial;">');
margin:0 auto;

<div id="print_content">

$query="SELECT * FROM announcement ORDER BY endDate DESC;";

69 | P a g e
die("no new information".mysql_error());
<div style="margin-left:90%; width:50px; text-align:center;"> <a
href="javascript:Clickheretoprint()"><img src="image/print.png" width="60"
<table align="center">



<div id="sample"><br><br><font face="arial" color="white" size="2"><p
align="center">DU HRMS &copy; 2018 Reserved!</div>

70 | P a g e
6.5.2 Sample Results

71 | P a g e
7 Testing
Testing is the process of verifying and determining if the new software (application) is capable
of performing the required functionalities specified during analysis and design phase of the
project to see the performance and other related issues with different aspects the. Once coding
has begun, the testing process can begin and proceed in parallel. As each program module is
produced, it can be tested individually, then as part of a larger program, and then as part of a
lager system. The following are different standard testing methodologies that we used to test the
new system
7.1 Introduction
We have Test an integral part in our HRMS in software development. It is broadly deployed in
every phase in the software development cycle. The Human Resource Management System
Testing is done during implementation. HRMS system Testing is often done during the analysis
phase because testing requirements are related to system requirements. The purpose of HRMS
testing can be quality assurance, verification and validation, or reliability estimation.

7.2 Unit Testing and Results

When a number of components are complete it tests to ensure that they integrate well with each
other, the operating system and other components.
Unit testing is a method of testing individual units of the system that build up the whole system. In unit
testing each the data in the database is tested through form with a specific data. This test strategy helps
to trap output errors occur in the form or report. Each module is tested alone in attempt to discover any
error in its code.
In the unit testing we are able to test the following units of the system:-
 User Interface
 Database interface (layer)
 Persistence (database layer)

72 | P a g e
The user interface:-was tested independently to ensure that important fields (the required
information) are captured properly which is used to validate information provided in correct or
acceptable format.
Database layer: - were also part of unit testing that used to determine the connection of the
persistence layer with the under layering data store (database) and the execution of different
queries on the database layer. The database were tested well to verify that unique (key) and
Referential integrity constraints (rules applied) holds for each table in the database which holds
those information that are the main building blocks of the new system.
7.3 Integrated Testing
In this phase we have focused on how individual software modules are combined and tested as a
group. It occurs after unit testing. Tasks that we have performed under Integration testing

 Prepare integration test plans.

 Identify integration test objectives.
 Identify integration test acceptance criteria.
 Perform the tests according to our plan.
 Document the test results

7.4 System Requirement Testing and Results

The requirements that are tested during the implementation are correctness, performance,
accuracy, security and others.

7.4.1 System testing

The system has a security protection by using authentication. User of the system will be
authorized by the system administrator and get their user name and password to enter into the
system. Unauthorized access will be detected when user wants to access the system. This is done
by authenticating user; user with user name and password can only enter into the system. This
security action is done in the login form.
Another method used to secure the system is by grouping user by privileges. In the system there are
three types of categories system administrator, department, employee and applicant. Every user of the
system will enter to the system according to their privileges and access different menus when they enter
to the system. This security method is tested and user cannot enter to other person privileges and access
data. So the system is secured.

73 | P a g e
For example we try to test the system with wrong user name and password then it restricts access.

7.4.2 Error Handling: - The system check user inputs to the system to handle error. When the
user tries to insert invalid data the system handles and consumes the error or it does not allowed
to insert invalid input. For example when the user enter empty input submission in name text
field then the system responds error message or it cannot accept the empty data and also, when
the user is not fill all the fields that must be filled, then the system displays “enter valid data. ”

74 | P a g e
Conclusion and Recommendation
8.1 Conclusions (Summary of Final product)
Human resource Management System allows Dilla University human resource office and
department to store employee’s detail information properly. This project will also be able to
provide reports about employee detail information from the department to human resource office
and from the human resource office to the finance office. And also HR admin able to post
vacancy announcement and screen and view posted announcement to the user etc. The
implementation of the system in the organization will considerably reduce manual data entry,
time and also provide readily calculated reports.
8.2 Recommendation
The system that we are trying to developed involves web based human resource management
system for Dilla university that means it’s a huge system so it is very difficult to include all
functionality of the HRMS office so that we only concerned on the recruitments and placement,
employee profile management and employee leave management subsystems because of limited
development capacity and time. Therefore, we recommend the following features need to be
included in any further revision and extension attempt.
 To include employee attendance.
 To include clearance
 To include online Exam
 Include Payroll and different Benefits
Therefore, others who are interested to develop a new system on human resource management
system they can get some initial idea about the system. By focusing on the limitation and
functional areas of the system they can also develop a better human resource management

75 | P a g e
 Thesis on employee profile management by Robert kimbeya
 Ediwin B. Flippo, Personnel Management, 1994.6th edition
.McGraw will book company.
 Dianl Arthur. Managing human resource in small and midsized
companies. 1986, 2nd edition, amacom.
 Trevor Bolton, An introduction to human Resource Management,
2002 3rd edition.
to human Resource management a strategic Approach, 4th edition.

76 | P a g e
6. Appendix
Sample question during requirement gathering:
1) Who is responsible organ for vacancy announcement?
2) Who is responsible organ for record and storing employee information?
3) How the evaluation is works in the current system?
4) Who is responsible organ that control to manage different departments in HRMs?
5) In the current system how instructor’s attendance works?
6) Who is responsible organ that can approve leave application?

In the current system how employees get information about their respective works?
7) Generally how the current system works?

Table of content
77 | P a g e
CHAPTER ONE...................................................................................................................................- 1 -

INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................................- 1 -

1.1. Background of the organization....................................................................................................- 1 -

1.2. Introduction to the project............................................................................................................- 2 -

1.3 Statement of problem....................................................................................................................- 2 -

1.4 Objectives of the project................................................................................................................- 3 -

1.4.1 General objectives..................................................................................................................- 3 -

1.4.2 Specific objectives..................................................................................................................- 3 -

1.5 The Scope and Limitation of the project........................................................................................- 3 -

1.5.1 The scope of this project will be limited to the following:......................................................- 3 -

1.5.2 Limitation of the system.........................................................................................................- 4 -

1.6 Methodology of the Project...........................................................................................................- 5 -

1.6.1 Data gathering Methodology..................................................................................................- 5 -

1.6.2 Design Methodology..............................................................................................................- 5 -

1.6.3. Implementation Methodology................................................................................................- 6 -

1.6.4. Testing methodology.............................................................................................................- 6 -

1.6.5 Development environment and programming tools................................................................- 7 -

1.7 Feasibility Study............................................................................................................................- 7 -

1.7.1 Operational Feasibility...........................................................................................................- 7 -

1.7.2 Technical Feasibility...............................................................................................................- 8 -

1.7.3 Economic Feasibility..............................................................................................................- 8 -

1.7.4 Schedule Feasibility..............................................................................................................- 10 -

1.8 Benefits of the Project.................................................................................................................- 10 -

1.9. Project Schedule (using Gantt chart)..........................................................................................- 11 -

CHAPTER TWO................................................................................................................................- 12 -

EXISTING SYSTEM..........................................................................................................................- 12 -

78 | P a g e
2.1. Introduction................................................................................................................................- 12 -

2.2. Existing system description........................................................................................................- 13 -

2.3 Limitation of Existing System.....................................................................................................- 13 -

2.4 Model of existing system.............................................................................................................- 13 -

2.4.1 Player/actors of the existing system......................................................................................- 14 -

2.4.2 Essential use-case for existing system..................................................................................- 15 -

2.5 Explanation of the business rule of the organization...................................................................- 15 -

CHAPTER THREE............................................................................................................................- 16 -

PROPOSED SYSTEM.......................................................................................................................- 16 -

3.1 An Overview OF System Design.................................................................................................- 16 -

3.2 Requirement specification...........................................................................................................- 17 -

3.2.1 Functional requirements.......................................................................................................- 17 -

3.2.2 Non-functional requirements................................................................................................- 17 -

3.2.3 System Requirement.............................................................................................................- 18 -

3.2.4 User interface specification and description.........................................................................- 19 -

CHAPTER FOUR...............................................................................................................................- 20 -

SYSTEM MODELLING....................................................................................................................- 20 -

4.1 Introduction.................................................................................................................................- 20 -

4.2 Use case diagram for proposed system........................................................................................- 21 -

4.2.1 Use case description.............................................................................................................- 22 -

4.3 Sequence diagram........................................................................................................................- 29 -

4.4 Activity diagram..........................................................................................................................- 37 -

4.5 Class diagram..............................................................................................................................- 40 -

4.6 Database specification.................................................................................................................- 42 -

4.6.1 ER diagram...........................................................................................................................- 43 -

5. References........................................................................................................................................- 44 -

79 | P a g e
6. Appendix..........................................................................................................................................- 45 -

List of figure

80 | P a g e
Figure 4. 1: use case diagram for Web based human resource management system................- 21 -
Figure 4. 2: sequence diagram for login...................................................................................- 30 -
Figure 4. 3: sequence diagram for employee requisition.........................................................- 31 -
Figure 4. 4: sequence diagram for post announcement.............................................................- 32 -
Figure 4. 5: sequence diagram for view and register................................................................- 33 -
Figure 4. 6: sequence diagram for placement...........................................................................- 34 -
Figure 4. 7: sequence diagram for apply leave.........................................................................- 35 -
Figure 4. 8: activity diagrams for login.....................................................................................- 36 -
Figure 4. 9: activity diagrams for employee requisition...........................................................- 36 -
Figure 4. 10: activity diagram for post announcement.............................................................- 37 -
Figure 4. 11: activity diagrams for read and apply...................................................................- 37 -
Figure 4. 12: activity diagrams for placement..........................................................................- 38 -
Figure 4. 13: activity diagram for apply leave..........................................................................- 38 -
Figure 4. 14: analysis level of class diagram...........................................................................- 40 -
Figure 4. 16: ER diagram for web based human resource management system.....................- 42 -

List of table
Table 1. 1: Miscellanies Costs....................................................................................................- 9 -
Table 1. 2: Software Development Costs....................................................................................- 9 -
Table 1. 3: Time Schedule for the Project................................................................................- 10 -
Table 1. 4: (GHANT chart) Schedules of the Project progress...............................................- 11 -

Table 4. 1: Main Course of Action about Login.......................................................................- 22 -

Table 4. 2: Main Course of Action about employee requisition...............................................- 23 -
Table 4. 3: Main Course of Action about post announcement..................................................- 23 -
Table 4. 4: Main Course of Action about registering applicant online....................................- 24 -
Table 4. 5: Main Course of Action about placement................................................................- 25 -
Table 4. 6: Main Course of Action about Update employee....................................................- 25 -
Table 4. 7: Main Course of Action about searching.................................................................- 26 -
Table 4. 8: Main Course of Action about deleting employee...................................................- 26 -

81 | P a g e
Table 4. 9: Main Course of Action about apply leave..............................................................- 27 -
Table 4. 10: Main Course of Action about send employee leave application..........................- 27 -
Table 4. 11: Main Course of Action about approve leave application.....................................- 28 -
Table 4. 12 : Main Course of Action about notification...........................................................- 29 -
Table 4. 13: Main Course of Action about report.....................................................................- 29 -

82 | P a g e

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