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Treatment of medical waste

The picture shows how medical waste is going through the recycling process.

The process involves the number of stages such as input, reduction, sterilization and finally removal/
Overall there are a number of phases, ranging from first adding the input to the final stage where the
remnants are removed and sent to the recycling process again.

First of allalTo begin wirh, the medical waste has been is placed in the metal cup which goes through the
input process. Next, all the waste pours is poured into the hopper and squishes squished between the
roller and the cutter. While it goes through the 2nd process which calls reductionThe nexts step is
reduction, where, water sprays and mixesis sprayed and mixed with with medical waste. As soon as the
waste goes into the cylinder the process of sterilization starts. While kill tank turns constantly The
bacteria are killed in the rotary tank and the gases are disposed from the waste. Once it goes through
the filter it mixes is mixed with the air. Finally, the last stage consist of pouring the another part of the
waste to recycling plant.the removed part of the substance as remnant is taken to the recycling process
as a cycle.

In process descriptions/ instruction descriptions, present simple or modal verbs (can/ should) are used
in sentences.

The USE OF THE Passive Voice: Man-made stages need to be described in the Passive voice.

Body parts :

Natural or Man-made?

Active or Passive?

Simple or Complex sentences?

The word choice ?

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