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Sr. No. 02

(Time allowed - Shourc)

lndia (2016) Iltlorning Paper Total iiarks: 60

(i) All question carry equal marks.
(ii) Answer any six qusstions
(iii) The answers should be legibie.

1. (a) Oiscuss with history that you can recall, the lluctustion of Crude oii p;ice
, and i bunkers since lhe early '70s and how this had afhcted the shipping
A inQhty. Against the present volatile crude oil marftet discus:) the expected
".,,f futuro trerds in shipping activities. "--e

g/1o1wor.dd you advise a potential inv€

owner to invest during boon or
i---"., recession? Support your position and arguments, citing
lu1f examples that you can recall. -{-
(a) Elaborate on the factors affeciirig Suppiy and oemafti ,.oi ie*n€pe{e!io!,
C iiieffects
it6 effects on th6 shipping trade.
i f {r"> ^.r,..
"{,^) -+\
., J"*
[]o {U) a .t".r plant situatod on the coast of country 'A
.\a( \I requirement
_'-i.o {u) steet pbnt A' imports it x,.€kty
,' ^.,\ (I country 'B'. The
rEdrrirErnaht al )n ,)/l,) tanc itan ara ArE^, u66L hv a suitable v^.--l
of 20,000 tons iron ore ov€ry w€€k by a -,,i.ahl- vessel ..a
f*,( , country '8' is not able to export and stssl
voyage from 'B' to 'A' is about six dalp Now for some reasoh
phnt hes to buy iron ore from - '
'' \\
L^hu count y 'C'. Voyage frorn 'C' to 'A' will bs for about 20 davs Dis:uss r/vh-at
lvould b€ the effect of this on the demand of shipping

- l.
(a) Prepare a comprel€r3ive report for the acquisitDrr of a ncw oil tanker
indic€ting th€ posqirte soutre of ,inancing, relEted procedures and
..' - documentationr viabilll')' a :,l l]'e suitability ol the prgect
rly' At t,+- ?
,S/- b) Diring Sale and Purchase negotialions, how can performance of a
fS)f 4 vessel be verfied a.rr what reliable guarantees obtained from_!g[!els,
\ :& and discuss on.remurse if thdy are misropresented? ---'z {z n't- 'f 'l I

' i' t".l

4. (a) Discuss on rogulelory mlasures where provisiotl for foreign exchange
risks of heavy capital oxp€Mituro incuned in ship acquisitions are provided.
qrs)f (b) How ar6 voyage and Time charter eaming risks of foreign exchange
covered on a short lerm or long term basis?

J-)_ I

tn :rplain (r! the cycle ot payment in an export shipmont? Ho$'l can various riskg

--7 be co!€;red?

5 (a) Exp,lain indirecrt operating expensos per day, along with its constituents
..$)a and it6 significancs.
N!\ / gxptain
' I J(o) ths Supply and oernand balancing aspects in the derived
. rVl)) .economic activity of shipping with fesp€ctpossible,
to Freight raies in liner or tramp
r) tr m"tlaaors, detailing out, with tabulalion as ths income and eQense
.\J sicte of oporations of Linet "'l'.,r
or -tramps and.hoq fre[ht rate p€r unit is
det ,mineo and cfi8rged. \
,* li)
" 6. Ol
Dis ss tho htlhlights of FEMA as against FERA; Eleborate on the sp€ciai
proviskrns provided in them lor ship own"qpa--ffl \

\ .,'' ,2 /
6/(O) Ois,rrs" with a ltoi'lrcharl the process of payment through Letter of Credit
and explain how it can be securely effacted.
/ La' '
7. (a) Detail oul thc viability factors tor locating a poruterminal for common us6
" "'
and cap'(we cargo, and its set up for operalions in terms of performance,
?d" - liability etc fcr Container Liner Trades or Wet Trad6.

- Critically
,/ (b) The eftrciency of a p(rrl is measured in terms of its produGlivity
examine lhis statement. You may s€lect an existing port to substantlate your
c,mmenls ? 2-
t ---4 ? [
Jr. ,., u"r"rneti-r. rnn. NPv, PAYBacx and Discounted rn€thods, with simole n-
,- "o [r o''-ryu Nt""-':'r'ftil- f"T n lli:t -'
"r"rpr"". L
1C O) Al! th€ omter rBnks ot the PRIME STAF are scfieduied to te coated w h a I i

special paint at the cost of $200,Oi6. This i3 expected io load to an

ll I
increase in revenue by $50,000 in the lirsl )€ar. Thsreafl€r the revenue
)/Ainqease wtll rise by a lurthor 3%. lt b e)q€ct€d that S10,000 mey have to
t7/-;/ oe spent during the next sp€cial sunrey (5 year3) for the maintonenco of
I the coating. Consider th€ proiect life to be ol 10 yoars.

Evaluatg the proiect and calculate the Pay Back Period and Nal Present
Vakre of the project. Tho dismunting tate can be assumed lo ln 20o/a.
/ti ]]

Vg. oiscuss tt'e global trends in shipping, specifically r€fsring to the fol]gqine:-
a) Efiecb of th. Gbbal Slou,6am.

_...i , \ t ll
b) Maritim€ Trancpod and clinate cheqgo chall€ngE. ('o"* : f I

b ,.4
//,2 '1
?a9e ? c'! 2

Hil;El!!qni#=,rthj*,:iiEEEiE.:.?n:::#:E i



Sr. t{o. 7


rrqa'l Slb.iecr: ShipIirE, Economics & Financa

t Clime sllowed - Shours)

kldia (2015) lromjng Paper Total Mar*s 60

(,) Allauestion carry equa: marks. . . .,.!-.^ - . rr-.rt'
(ri)Answer any sixqueslioas ,
. -^t' cLalF\'
teqibre. r,:(F^'r-{'!'{
legible. -\ .1,-- \{ 0U&,*(J/
;i *a . , p;,rc^o-,/.,\{
iiii) Ihe answers should be
iwers shourd
ogzi,r, oood /
qscribe difr:erent methcds of.,ebt fnancing for acq uirine rf r**
" "niO.@
- -^.J? ffi diflerent cosls lhal ar€ incuned bv a chadcler ror 3 ship thd has been taken on
LlP,l -- . ' ''"7'_::., ,?
baremarcha.rerrerms.eq44' f -
. 43rr'*", *. .""*, o, o,'"",/o1,".* "**I.,lfil'p operations' P6 I 6 .F]fr;fl -
factors rhal iniuence lhe demand tunction or ri'u tdmr!fuj >ot ? '
I" *$,'g'r"*r"drrferent "ninotns
{*rite sro4 nores on rhe ro,l* }-.1 ,---f -ge-
(alqoor to door service ofi-"J.irl9n con,r,n"',o,d c) Demmuraqe:dl Laycan -'l
gnvith resp.ect 10 ct3fleapaa-rei;iE ii"i th. rR ortantlenresentatrons, ,^/a.ranies. teltns ano
oordbons aqEed on contractir€. incllding jurisdiciion, applicable la$ and prcvisio'r
reso{ulion in a Voyage cha,ter br DRY oRwET t ftdes Lv| c'6 )of
b) Oemoostrate your grasp of invesiment in shipping' by drawing up a briet business dan
induding raising funds, h(Jhlighting meliods, ensuing viability, rctum on capital, suslainatility
elc in a shiP owning ventuae.

- ,t'f* i#:, the ti.k berween srowlh n rreisht transrorlatio. a$., economo s.owth ot a
) lltr r r ral. yur r I onre _sla
1drn. ol rL nc Jaflsfers nr lhrr!'rng; ioreagn gxchanqe wilh
due evcnalge rale dsk c!ve'1r cargo s.L:l( r I r'.1'.'Lener PTo

Y \,-Vfo.
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A well designed and well operaied port contriblfos substatrliafl! ler',,arcis economy of ij
- discuss this staternent. is
'l- -J
gfit1$")i*'**of a oort rs a rneasu'e or its efliciency - defend this sralemerrl wiih exampte Ve2e
"'_'**"no- -.\Qffi*--* Do(,\ rr r' .. "a"
!&,qt!f r*r $'' t+'6 ' au !u)'l
g(,WrE> "'iirol "'iho'a
-' ,,, a)'-4xdai1 indirect opeE0nq ?.tpens€s per day. atong witrr its conslitrcnis
A'1 Y;- and iis
Y ta\Yz
sign'fcarrce wrlh resoeci lo operalion of shrps'
u.'' *'t Freighl rale is deperoer:l o,'ll'e tmba:
^ A in shippirc
, \I marier - delend lnis sEtemenl ryrth e)iampl€s.

Demand rl shipp,rg is a denyed demand defead this statement wdh examptes.

l-_ ,,8 1t2

Expiain ihe Supply 6nd Demand balarlai,€ asp€cls in lhe de.iv€d e;or.Fni. a.tivil, cf ihippii'r j
with rcspect :c Freignt €1es in liner sector:
(b 362
--pgqJ,"i r:"in1 *i, *;;;; ' ltt \\'\
tit,3 i-. L"u , pu"ri"A ;i-t"i::
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Sr. No. I
Subiect: Shippinq. Economics & Finance
(Time allowed - 3hours)

lndia (2016) TotalMarks:60

Morning Paper
1- Y)"
Note: '{' '
(i) All question carry equal marks. )
(ii)Answer any six questions
(jii) The answers should be legible.

l. (a) With respect to charter parties, lisl out the important representationr r*arranties.
terms and conditions agreed on contmcting including j urisdiction. applicable la* and
provision for dispute resolution in e Yoyage Chsrter for DRY QB \LET rades.

f ,<Al Oro,ng Time ard,/or Voyage Chalter negolialions ,xhal performalce ,rr*^rr"rrf 13, .'-l
.rl/ can be obrained from disponent ouners? whar ere remcdies lor shonconrin;ls?
l'f ff Z:
(c) How are voyage and Time chartcr eaming risks o[ foreign exchange colereC
oi s slt,,a
rerm ur lcriB t€nil tra5i."
2. (a) Discuss orl reetulalory rneasrues'lherc provision for foreign exchange risls ol'
heav_v capita: expenditure incurrerl in s rip acquisitions ere provided.

(b) Illustrare your understanding of fund ra:rsfers in shipping, especially foreign
,, exchange with due exchatrge r"at( risk cover in Cargo seclor tkough Letter of
.216y Descrtae wratfacrors may have intiuence on rhe pricing sysrerD ofa pon. ' ?-6:YJb
(b) How can unccrtainties ofheavy inlestment in Porl devclopmert and infrastructure
be augmcnred?
(c) ls il viable lo develoF a pori or l.minal with caplive cargoes? il'so- pleasejuslrf)
with ?r example. .

Wrile shon noles on any IHREF- ol the ibllowing:

2 a) Door to door sen'ice
b) Less than Cor!.iocr Load
c) Demurrage
d) Laycan

Pege 1of 2

. 5
.,4lr'].IC 9. q locl an eneryy saving delice is being lined on EFFICIENT STAR.
t 0e oevlce and tt)e httrng charges are g 120.000
and \r.ill result in ar energy saving of
;f $by30,000/year. is estimatea Uut tf,is *iff afso *.uft i" an increase
t0,000 $/ycar. Fitting of rhc device wil
-,)^MZ" of$ l,ooo Per Year. "f*l*Jr" *l..crcased mainterance
^ Yrl "o$
'tu3" r'v Y
;";, U " pay Cooduct.the feasibility-sMf ofthe projc.r (c!ffider life as 5 years)
Back p€riod-and Net frcsart Value oithe proleci. fi,. ai."otnting
and c.lculate rhe
.Ut / rate can be
k' assumed ro be tUlo.

The development of shipping industry irr a counlry depends

on its poFulation density,
economic advancenrent and many orler inter_.elaled coadirions,
like port and
refueling capocirics. Discuss rhe future of Indian shipping against
background of
this sratement, describing possible strategies for (a) tncreasing
hveslment in-shipping
]ldustry (b) Strengthening Shipbuitding lndustry and (c) Integration
of Shipping and

7. Discuss rhe Blohal trends in shipping. sp(.ificilly referrinS ro lhe tbllo\1rng:-

' a) Effccrs offie Global Slowdown_
b) l\,laritime Transpon afld Climxre ChafSc Challenge.
c) Chanse in Directiors in Trade Volun:e.
d) Common Pon to Specialisl pon & pc-1 Regionaliz_arion.

8. ial fhe proposed Sagar l\tala rre frorn ihe Cotl. of ]ndia will boost lhc
/ .j.', elupmenr of qiLi..l ili;'::.t; :.r ::rJ:: -,:-.1..

'$y 1b)Oncrous TiL\ Rcgimes. Multiplcjr).'of Rc.rrlclion!. (.).,ral;r\. ;!re:rpo\\.er S;rr:rtiige. lii!lir
Porl Calling Costs, Corgestion in Pons and Lack c.f conncctiritr \rilh lli terlanJ (rr
projected as lhe major impedimenls for rhc gro\ih ofcoastal shippin,t in India.

t a) Explaix indirect operatin.a expcns,js per da\,. along \,\.ith i.: constitueras ard it3
signiicance wit\ respect to opeiltion ofsltips.

b) FreiSIt rale is dependent on th. iDbalance ofsupply and demand firnctions

shipping markel - del'end this s{atement \rirh examplcs.

Page 2 ol i


Sr. No.01

Sutj€ct: Mrtragemenl Teckniquesand Applicraions

(Tine Allowed -3 Hours)

Indi. (2016)
Total M..k 60
,r' 1.llill:TI:^,I fi:rs o.nrr TTHREE EACrr rRoM pARr-,A, AND pARr.,n,).
tt, All qucsllon! -ql:
carD equal mark3,
(J) Ncatresc in hrndnriting snd clarih
in e\presrion crrrie{ rreightagc.

Prrt -'A'
l. (a)What is meant by Strategic ManagemeDt? Explain
the signjficance of Strategic Management
the \rorling ofan organizalion.

{b) Reterring to Srmre8ic Manjgemenr. e\plain rhc tb o\ jn8

\J ,7
in dcla,t!
a. Blue Oc(an Slrutegy

b. Red Occan Stratcgy.

2. (a) Definc a project. ijriplaiD llte triple constraints

ola praicct wilh ;llustrati{rn
(b) Methods for Bslinraling project Times
and Costs ma, bc classified as: Iop_Do*,n Approa.hes
lor Esrimaling project Times and Costs and Botorn_Up
Appro&cles for Eslimating projeci .limes

Support your a!:s*er with meaninglul examp:es.

f) wh.n un conccives the idea ofstarting a busjness he/she has

"nr,"p."n"ur lo prepare a plan, as to
how lo go about it. This plan may be ealled,.Businers plal|,,.
Ths lypical contenls ofa business
plah are: (i). Mission slatenrenr (ii). Ma:n
objeclives (iii). Busincss Environrrert (iv). strategy (v).
P.oje.l (vi). Finincful Irorecast (vii). Ituman Resources
ard (viii). Concluding Remarl,s.
Prepare a busincss plan assumi.g thal yol] envislge
staf:ng your orvn shipping conrpany.

(a) what is failure Analysis? Why failu.e

i1: analysis is perfr:rmeri? List out the lypes of failu.e

,r/ (b)Explain;n act.illhe slages in a FMEA (Faihre

Mode Eaf3cr Analysis) proccls with the help of
a, example.
Pag€ I of4



Fault lree for lhc siven

(c) "An oily rag cat;hcs firc in lhc F,gine room workshop"' Construct lhe

siluatioll. l

'_' th"l th" finished product or sc'vice meels a certain standard Wh;cI are the sir
assu rance princiPles?

(b) tixpla,n thc aollowing process quality control tools

i) Sampling
ii) Control Charts
iii) S.lttet Diagrams
iv) Parcto Charts
6rla) Slatc fie slandard lorm of l-inear Programming Problcm Discuss the adva'uges alld
limi arionsof tinear Programming Problem
tb) ,\ fimr is producing t\ro ilems Ir and l?. Each unit of Ir requircs 4 mirs of raw material and
reqlircs 6 hours of processing time in lhe machining depanment While thc itcm I2 needs J uni(s

The factory

has 90 units ofraw matcrial and 96 hours it rhc p.ocessing departmenl Tlte profil per urit from

l: is Rs. 60 and Rs. 45 rcspectively Remainin8 * ithin tie limils of rcsources \r'e
J ahe 5ale of tr and
i" arerequiredtofindihenumbcroinn,lsoflr and Il to be produced to maximize the profit on sale'

lronnulatethe situaiion as LPP.

llxplain the construction ofa Decision Tree. What do you lllean by it? What are lhe
and limitations ofthe Decision Tre€ apProach ?
*rrt Silvi has three pl.'ns A , B and C ; each necds an inilial investment of Rs 1000'
/ /rot
ryV Probabilities
^,,.,.-. ol success ofplan Ai , Bn"n,.r..sAl! o?,n.toqr.<n...ively
and C are 0.6, 0.7 re'ult of
and O'9 resPeciively' SuccessfLll

plar A , plan B 8nd plan C will fetch profit oi Rs. 10000 , Rs' 9000 and Rs 8000 respectively'
Dra.'. r Decision Ttee 8nd stlte a choice ofany ore plan.

E. lla) l:xplain thc follotring u'ith respccr to project manasemenl'_

// ,( sr^r"rn"nt of work
V Jr. wor[ breakdown structure

Page2 of 4
d. Crast{ig ofprojccl
:0) F ind th(} and duratio, rsirg rae ioa:o*ing derails ofite t,roiccr.
A.rivill Tirne Aclivily Timc
1-2 2.. 4-8 8-
14. 2, 54. 4.
t-1 t. 6-9 3.
2-3 4 _,' 7-8 3

3-6 t. 8-9 5

4-5 - 5.

9. (a) ln th€ ,ighr of Proj.ct Management Struclurcs, explain whal is mr.rl by "N{atrix
' ArranSemcnt". Lisr and explain lhe different Malrix l.orms.
w 1b) The tablc hclow providcs thc information rclated to a prcject that involves the fiergor oftwo
marletiag firms.
Activity Duration (days) Predecessor(s)


B l5
C 5

D 12 B
H t4 C,D
F 8 II
G I5 D,F

: 6 E,O

J 9 r,I

Draw the project netwo.k.

Develop the project schedule (DSI', EFT, LST, and ]-FT).
r1l. What are the c.itical activities?

What is &e projecl completion durationl

Page 3 ofd
v. lfrhcrc is an oprion 1() dclay oirc activir) *,ithout delaying thc cnlire rnerge arfi)i..:1,
which acli!il) \\'otrld ),ou dcla), and whyl

.! 16 {al Horr r proJ(clcan lle eflectr\el} co-o.djnalion using P.oje.r lntgration managcment?
(b) A company is dcciding uhclhcr !o develop .nd promole a le\r product. R&D costs are
exp3cted to be $400,000 ard th..e is a 70olo ch6ncc that the product launch wil: be sucacssLl, and

a 3{r% it will fail. llil is successful, tle levcls ofexpestcd profrts and thc p.obability
ofeach occurring hayc cslimat.d as loilo\vs, .lepending on whel!.er lk product's
is hrgh, mediufi or low:

Probrbility P.ofi1s

llighr 0.2 $500,000 per anrr,n for two years

0.5 S400,000 pcr annum for two ycars

Low: 0.3 $300,000 perannu for t}!o years

Ifit is a failu.e, there is a 0.6 probability that the research atd develophent wo.k can be sold for g50.000

t_ and a 0.4 lrobability thai it will bc worth nothing aa all. tn $is condition, what do you suggost thc

z -__-____---"-xxxxx\xxx--_-----_,

lage 4 ofd
sr. No, 8(AM)
{rur Subiect: Manaoement Techniques and Applications
(Time allowed - 3hours)
India (2O16) Total Marks 60
(i) All question catry equal ma*i
(ii) Answer any six queslions (three each from section A and Seclion B).
(iii) fhe answers should be legible.

Section A

X/Compare and antrast the managerial{unctaons of planning and controlling.

t 2. Discuss thc role oforganisalional slrrrctrle in slratcgv impl*mcnration.

Explain the four lypes ofstr,tegrc conlrni.

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages ofcorporations involved in

organic and non-organic Fowth.
4. Explain tbe three urajor constraints ofa project? What is scope creep,
./'why should a pro.iect manager be conccrncd about it, and how can ihc
scope statement help control il1)

5. Define all the followiDg

a. Activity
b. wBs
c. CPM
e. Projecl crashing
f. Constrainl
g. Deliverable

Section B

6 (a) Explain lhe meaning of Linear Programming Problem State five

application areas ol linear programming, f ith brief description

Page I of4
(b) The rnanager of an oil refinery has to c,ecide upon the oplimal mix of two
possible blending processes , of v'tlich the inputs and outputs per production
run ate as follows l

lnput Output
Irrocess Crude A Crude B Gasoline X Gasoline Y
'I 5 3 5 8
4 5 4 4

The .nalimum amount available of crude A and B is 2OO unils and 150 units
respectjvely. Market requirements show that atleast 100 units of gasolane X and
80 uiits ol gasoline Y must be produced. The proflt per produclion run from
process 'l and process 2 are Rs. 3 and Rs.4 respectively. Formulate the probtem
aS a linear programming problem.

7. A company has three plants A . B, C,lhree \darchouses X y,Z.fhe

numbe. of units avaalable at the plants is 60 , 70 . B0 and the demand at X , y

, i: are 50 , 80 , 80 .espectively. The unit cost ol the transportatlon is given in

the following table :

B 7 3p 6!
B 3Er 8 9u -1c
C 11 3El 5 8!
Find the allocati&l-so he transportation cost is mlnimum.

B, (a) What does a c iical path actua y signjfy ? ln what ways does tt differ from
an.,/ other path and in lvhat ways all ils activities are particularly imponant ?

(b) Ihe following kble gives the activrties jn a construction

project and olher
rekrvant information :

Activity lmmediate Time (days) Direcr cost (Rs.)

Predecessor Normal Crash Normal Crash
4 3 60 90
B 6 4 '150 250

Page 2 of 4
c 2 1 38 60

D 5 3 T50 250
E c 2 100 100

7 115 175

G D,B,E 4 2 100 240

lndirect cost varies as follows i

Days 15 14 13 12 T1 10 B 7 6
Cost 600 500 400 250 175 100 75 50 35 25t

(i) Draw an ar.ow diagram o't the projecl.

(iD Determine the project duration which will result in minimum totalcost.
9. (a) What is the concept of decision tree anal),sis ? what are lhe basic steps
involved in the construction of such a lree ?

(b) A company is conternplating vrhether to produce a new proouct. lf it

decides to produce the product it must either install a new division lvhich
needs a cash ouilay of 4 lakh rupees or v,ork overtime with overtime
expenses of Rs. 1.5 lakhs, lf the company decides lo install a new division' it
needs the approval of Govt. and the company feels that there is 70%

of getting the appoval. A market survey has revealed the following facts
regarding the magnltude of sales lor the new

Fesulting Profit 1in Rs.

meet the hrgn magrnuue "'

-- - result' solve the
even if high nragniludes of sales
medium magnitude
te best option to be selected'
0.t", " ""**t
Page 3 of4

(,i) Stale and explain the "six quatity assurance prlnclples,,.

(b) Construct the neh,r'ork diagram for a project comprising of activitjes B C

, ,

E, F, G, H,I J, L, M, Np and O such that the fo owing precedence

rclationships are salisfed :

B<E,F;C,F<G;C<L;E,G<H;H,L<t ;H<J;LcM;H.M<Ni t,

:'>r. ) - :.i>:,r'>>>>>>>>>>>>>


eage 4 of 41/



Sr. No. I (AM)


Subject: Naval Architecture
(iime allowed - 3hours)
lndia (2016) Total Marks: 60
(i)Al1 question carry equal marks.
(ii)Answer any six questions
{iii)The ans\,\€rs should be legible.

1. Viscous (iictional) resistance is a major component of ov€rall resistance and

hence an important area of attention for energy efficiency lmprovement of
ships. Explain various skin frjction reduction melhods cunently under
consideration, with special mention on the following:-
a) HullAir Cavity systems
b) Hull su.face lexturing.
c) Micro bubbles.

2. While discussing the development of container ships 'esulting h their

/ tremendous capacity enhancement from, say 3000 TEU to 18000+ TEU' bring
V ort you, perception of challenges faced by the designers with respect to
' \'. General Arrangement of lhe ship, cargo stowage anangements and struc-tural
- design'
t, '' t
- ,'' 3. Trace the developmenl of cl'ude oil tankers kom single hull to double hull
1l '-- -' " crude oil carrie{* l, r'- -
/ confiquration. Discuss the features of a modern double hull
' V *,n r"n"rd to speed. freeboard and pollution control - -/J t"":-+.-'
holY lrarsverse force is
generated by turning I
Show by means of a sketch
to a turning moment? Can similar
rudder. Ho,,Y is this force converted
Where should this be
fo,ce be geflerated by a transverse thruster?
located for maximum
tulninq effect?

Page lof 2
5. Define ship's total resislance. How this total resislance was divided jnto
vadous @mponents prior to the ITTC 1952 conference. Wrjle short notes on
these componenls of resistance_

of a
eously make the two Froude

8. Uling typical engine pgwer versus engine speed diagram and p.opeller
demand curves, discuss the relalion between lhe output of
the propulsion plant and the power for which the propelleris designed.

9. Describe the foilowing towing lank model tests with ship

models and model

? .,- prope,lers. What are lheir objeclives?

(b) open water experiments and

(c) setf-propulsion experiments.

Page 2 ol2

Sr. No.0l
Subiect: Naval Arclliteclt,rc

{Timc Allowed -3 liou rs)

lndia (2016) Tot.l M.r:.i 60

NB: (l) Atternpt any SIX questiolts oltly.

(2) Allqndtions (arry equal mar:{J.
(3) Neat*ss itr handrvrititrg snd clarity in aipressiol cardasr eightagc.

(a)Discuss the deve,opment of oil :ankars rvilh speaial attenlio. to slructure, capacily and

architequre it viee ofthe accidents and oil Ierls

(b)Analyse the architecture ofthc mid-deck / Coutornbi Egg drsign vis-A-vis doublc hull oi: lankcr
N with rcspeat to zero leak criteria. Lxprcss your cotlsidered view regarditg thcir aquivalenc' and

{a) Discrrss thc applicabilit}- of Eulcr buckling load vis-i-vis Rankinc-Cordon load
plaling and sliffcncd
measures a.e adopled lo 3void bucklilg instabilit) in decl ann bollonr

, parrcls?

a i) Ulli,nate slrergth (as applicd by Caldwcll)

' a ii) Load fscto. baled on long term probability

Whu is the significa'ce of tile ar'a rroder the clwe

ol slatical stabilitv ot the Gz curvo?
.:,, tol
against a
is used lo assess the slabili8 oi thc ship
€xplain using a neat diagIam' llow this cunc

/\ / r,.ctingoTn
with a neat
W grair afaeds tho cune of statical slabilitv
1b; l. a grain
can,er. huw the shifting ol
of grain carrying ships'
in tLt ntinimum criteria lor shbility
aiagturn "*i'ting

4.' (a) Definc ship's tor' *"':':""":il;,[::1i::::::':::il::::T;il;"::-**-'

''n" u''::-':::,t,""
lhesc humps
rf ," T,,;:;-eoi "ar'.'n'kins'esist"nccshcnpro(edasair
rxphinrhe sonrorror "'
v cdhrrmP'andholo\\s
Page 1ofZ
ard ho[iows. Civen lhat rhc distance betwecn bow and slem lvave systcm is 0.9L, wherc L is ihc
leilEh ofship, prove thal the prismatic hump will occur ar a Froude nunrber equal ro 0.54

5. (e) Discuss briefly ship mode I testing objectives and basic concepts. lllusrrale aspects/objectives

v ,t7
witl rcspect to

(b, Describe a
i) Resistance tests ii) P.opclle. open waler tests

typical propeller open \yater test and show how the rcsu,ts are shown in the form
K1-Ke.J diagram- Whal are the features ofthese diagrrms?

(a) BrinS ou1 lhe merits and dcmerils oI longiludinrl traming system. Which ofthc demerats arc
by ulc ofmr\cd lraming s)'stcm \!ithoul aflecting rhe mcflrs] frplain.
(b) Ljn and cxphin silh a sl(rch thc lype of loads and failure mechanisms
(}/ that B,ould be of
" corrccrn for the longilud'nal (lrenglh ofrhe Hr:ll girder ofa bulk canicr.

(a)Discuss rhe essential sca triars manoeuvres (navigatioo triars) conducred and
V..l typicar objectives
z/ ofrach tesr
(b) Discuss what you understand by directional sBbility and maooeuvring. How a.e &esc
arhibutes pnovidcd in a-ship?

18. (a) Discuss the development of Roll on Roll offships ships with special atrention !o st ucture.
cargo handling arrange cnts and damage slabilily reouiremenB.
(b) rlriefly describe typicar prelinrinary
ship design inputs used in Ih. design briefofa
roll cn roil
off 'erry for inland rivcr crossing and againsl each
,f of these paramelers slate in a short senlence

O'/ a rt,;;;;;;;;;
b) &wiee Speed
c) PrinciFll DimeDsions.


Page 2 of2
fx'IRA Sr. No.0I

Subjcct: IU:rritime Rcgul.aions

(Time Allowed -3 Hours)

India (2016)
Total Mark 60
NR; (l) AflcmJ'r arl SIX (tucstions oolv.
(2) All qurafions carrl,cqual mark.
f3) Ncatness in hand$riling and clarify in erprcssion
crrries wcightrgc.
l/ List aftd explain the tirur main of an Il\,lO convenlion. With exarnples, explain
lhc delay ihal
\_/,/ occurs between rhe adoption date and coming
into force date ofa convention. lvha( can be done to
reducethis delay?

2. What is the purpose of IMO,5 Liability and Compensalion

conventions in relation to pollution due to
oil and NLS? Nane rhe conventions. St6te lhe salicnt ofBunker convgnrion snd explain
this co,tYention was nceded.

3' &c addirionar risks ofburk crrriers and tankcrs rrhich have
oecessirated rhc Enhanced survey
ProEmmnte ior thrsc ship t)?cs. State the major reqliirentcnls
ofinspections under lhis progmmme.

\4i Assurne a collision occurs betrv.,en an oil tanker snd a bulk crrrier in an lndian porl. Discuss the
conventions under which the shipowners can be liablc for shore clean-up
aod compensation costs
assuming oil is spih from both ships. Explain rvhcther the liabitity is.,stricl,,and atso cxcmptions
available to both shipowners_

5. Comlnenl on the significance ofthe mandatory new intacr stability code (2008I.S. code) in rhe lighr

ofa series of stabi:ity-related accidents, such as the APL China *hich su{Iered parametric rolling ard

lost 360 containers overboard and several ships carsizcd while carrying out ballast w6tcr exchange.

i.6.\ Clause A2.3 of MLC 2006 gives rhe requirements towards hours of work and rcst, and Clause 82.3

states ihe g0idelines lowads the same. IMO Res. A. I 047 (27) states the requircrn.nts for issu€ of Safe

Ma[ning Documenl. DiScuss tlle rcquiremenlsdthese two clauses ofMLC against the background of
por MSC'353 (92) address
the stipulations of A.1047 (27). Will clauso:;2.2 Ll ISM Ant"ntlrn"nt' "

thc gap bet\vecn the two requiremenls? Explain how

Page I of2
(a) lnlejrated SaIely Managehenl System (ISMS) is gettinS poputar smongsl shippinS conrpanies.
Explain wilh examples, how a ship specific ISMS can be developed integrating lS[,1Code and v.rious

Qudity Slardards.
(b) Itlake a compaialive study betwern ISM Codc and ! NISA with emphasis to Risk
Assessment and

e (a) Enurnerate thc structure oflACS and discuss Ul, UR, pR and CSR from IACS. Do€s it have anv
signifi cance lo ship ownervop€mtors?
(b) Weft you the Project Manager ofa fleer ofnew buildings al a shipyard lvhat industry guidclines
lvould you lake into considention and why?

9. Developrnent ofcoasral shipping is one of the priority secloN for lndia and Rivor_Sc, Vess€l (RSV)
\ Notification is one ofsuch Regulatory initiaJive from the covt oflndia.
(.) Discuss the salient differcnces in conslruction and ope.atioMl iimitaLions between Tr?c_I,
IV ships rnder RSV notification.
(b) A ship-owner would like to convert a T)?eJI River Sea (RSV) vessel
to Type"lv category. From e
Tecltnica Superintendenfs penpectivq discuss thc tcchnical challenges he may
face in this regard.

Page 2 of2
sr. No. 8 (AM)


{Time allowed - 3hours)

lndia (2016) Tolal Malks 60

(i) All question cafiY equal malks
(ii) Atswer any slx questions .

(iii) The an$wars.should be legible.

1.'l Referring to applicable UNCLOS lll atticles, discuss the tole of UNcLos member
Flag glale and as a
/ states (national govemments) to.fulfill' responsibililies as a
Porl State. Describe briefly the c,€anizatiooal and legislativ€ meehanisms in lndia
conslituted to comply wilh thase r€quirements.

i. How does lndian Administraiion conducl inquiries and investigations of

part and sections of
shipboard casuallies? Elaborate with the menticn of relevant
respect of certificales of competency of $aiarers'
popular amolgst
3. (a) lntegrated Safety Manaqement SystEm (ISMS) is getting
how a ship specific ISMS can be
. companies. Explain with examples'
"tipping various Quatity Standards'
developed integtating ISM Code and
ISM Code and TMSA with emphasis
(b) Make a comparative study bet'Yeen
Risk Assessmenl and managemenl
lndia and Rive''
of coaslalshipping is one oi the priority sectors for
4. Developmenl
trom the Govt
Noti{ication is one o{ such Regulatory iniliative
' Sea Vessel (RSV)

o{ lndia. limitations
salient differences in construction and operational
(a) Discuss the

Oetween Type-l' tf' lll

& lV ships under RSV notificaiion'
vessel's survey
like to convert the MS Acl registered
(b) A ship'owner would
.rype-tV River Sea (RSV} category to lnrestricted
of a
and certr{ication perspective' discuss the
category' From
f""nnituf Supelintendents
' he may face in this
tectlnical challenges

PaBe 1 oi
,why are Codes developod and used in addition
lo Conventions?
o examples of codes and stale their main contents. How
are Codes
.,ended? Wiat is the significance.of developing
two parts of certrin ioae! _ ..
man(latory and reco mmendatory?
6. When a govemment ratifies / acc€des an lntemational instruments formulated
by llvlo, it needs to be implemented by that governme.:.
Describe in detail the
prod6ssirdf imprementatioo, mmpriance verifi.ation
and contror rirf .{hdse
intemalional instrumenls, especially with respect
to lhe roles played by Ftag
state, ports Stale and RO.

7, WRT Bunker conventiona, state ce,tification requiremenls

and on issuandb of
"Blue Cards". ls liability of owneas coveGd
under,lhe Buiiker Convenlibn? Explain ,

your answer.

8. ,nmaBet al'd Ericason hrve signed a slrategic

maritime agreement lhat is
' intend,-.d lo lacilitate the shaing of cargo,
togistics and vessel operationat data
help s.:reamline the entire madt me supply
chain. The two companies wiff joinfly
develop servi,,es, solulions and applicarions
to drive indrstry standards for
satellit{, connectivity ard application int€gration
in the ma,itirne jndustry. Explaln
its significance lo charterers
r9.r a) A shhping cciimpany can have different ROs fot various
certificates/documentE reguired for
a ship to trade? euote releyant
rules/regulations to explain the process.
b) With ieferenie lo |Aas potar requiiemerts,
Requiremenis for polar Ctass
state on Structural
Ships anO Machilery R"qrnu."nt" i;r-rok,
Clas:r Ships


Page 2 ot 2


Sr, No.0,
Subiect: Advanc.d Marine Engi.eerilg Kttowleilge

(Time Allow€d '3 llours)

Total Marks 60
NB; (l) Aacmpa any SIX qucslions only.
(2) All questions carry.qual m:.rks.
iliNeainess in Itanaw.iting and clarity i:l exPression carries

St"ting VfD ryaiable F.equency Drive) applications onboard !iip' evaluale ils medts &
Gear Syslem.

l'.csl innovalions incoQorrled by the enSi']e |]lannfac ll(jrs lo

Discuss on some of ll,]e
ircreaselhe Timo 5el*eet overhatil?
pe{ormanse monitoring' diaglostic senso:s, to

refrigeration cycles available' discuss ihe most

3. Refen:ng to sofie of the altemative
the ov€ra'!l
efficiency measures raken' to improve
afficient cycle. Discuss some ol the energy
eiliciency of a refriSetation planl?

various gas injection

options availabie for ships' discuss
,1. , (u) Wi*t n"rpa", to gas burning enginc and
systams used and their merils
& clemerits' stressing on the Lclnical' commerciat
envirormental argas- of
cngines used on ships' D;sctlss
i) The cunonl scenatio
(b) With respect to
gas bumjng
Veniilation arrangcments iii)
ii) Exptosion Preveotion & Engine Rooln
regulatory rcquirements
LNO Tanks & gas sy$em

in the "stribeck"
th' characteristics shown
is strongly in{hcTced by
5. ,oumal beating lubrication tod of bolh
ttu"" tn pfu"" \n \he cotsacling
', cLnve. Justii the a","lopnt"ntt
tt'oL 'e'ri'g't
slo\t speed engines;n lhis coltett'
i*n,t ur""o **tn"' ond
6- Ifodem tira deLclion s-,-stems on board vesjels are .l.ile diffe.gnt lrom traditionni sysrers.
[)escribe the ofthe syslem and highligtl their advanlagas
aral drsadvanl.gcs, it itny, over
th€ t.aditionalsysterns. Lxplain }lhat is ,,a.alogre addressable,,?

-7-, (a)Among
the various ahernate relig.lana gascs being used. discuss
the suitsbilit) and dmwbacks
ir the use of ( 02 inJ h) drocJrbon gases such a( prnpan. a. ref, ig.ranr.
ia)Wtat is reliigeranr gas blends? Name few refrigcranr blcnds Explair what is zeotrop]..I}nd
a?eotropy Explai.l the phasc ..tempcrature glide,, in this
cottext and its significance.

18, Control systems onboard ships have developed

to a ]evcl, wherc it is possible, apart riont
monitoring paramgle.s, aovao, set poinls ofconrrolers ia dirlerent pa(s ofrhe
Eogi.,r. Room
a @nsole in the llCR rl.rrough a Human Machine
lnteafaca. Dgsc.:re the essential ar.ange&eds
suiih a system usir8 fhe SCADA architeclure.

:9- (a) Irow is thc powcr !o wcight ratio of an engine

soughr to be increased by conlinuors
de\'eiopmerr? Discuss lhe limiting tacto.s.
What is thc typical powe. to weight ralio
ofa slolv
stceJ marine diescl engire ofcurcnr generaion?
(b)'lo i,n,rove the po*e.10 lvcjghl r6ti.
ofan eflgifle. it is necessary to increase
the mep. Discuss
tie importance of turbocharger comprcssio, rutio
in this regard. Why has it becorne necessary
irtn)duae fwo stage tjrbo charging?

Sr. No. 6 (Plt)


Subiod: Advarced Marine ensineerins Knowledae

(Time aalowed - 3hours)

Tolrl Mart(s 60

1. Elaborate on some of tie performance monalorirg, diagnostic sensors

which have been lncorporated in engine lo increase lhe Time between

2.,,Wilh a schematic sketch elaborate how a YFg can be beneticial for Hydraulic

3. Discuss the various steps rvtlich has been introduced to miligate

the GWP"'
' lclobat Warming Potential) caused
by the use of reirigerants?

4. constnlclion, o{ Aqua blue Fwo employing the 3-1

plate .

FWG employing PIHE or STHE?

greatly in piston size and stroke Discuss
r.,llnn" Oi"""f engines vary
in inaan
mean Diston sDe!!! ur
sDeeo engines Justify the fairly narrow
of grrg'rc''
range of values
screw pumps are examples of positive displacement
.6, Gear and
', and clearty distinguish these
i^p,r" t" t"'' "positive'in this context
in operation and performance'
lrom centrifugal purnps

gage l of 2
f DB tank? Ctearly explain hoyv metal can e.ode due to cavitafion.

traditional single sensor tlpe,.l,vhgte.sampling

was dona sequettially. What is
. tfe. rylrc.gllEt vatue ofcrankcase oit$isl? Compare the suitabiiity-ofeearing

of the lio setti.q and justify the


u,s!^x,s drijnlls ano rnps, what is meant by,.test

l protd,col" and "acceDtan.c
critena"? How is lhe reverse power
trip lested for properfunctionjno?
!1. t//hat are diFferent materiats used
pop A plus merhod
or,,0" o,rjni.l'lloo';::n il"::l:ff"li-

Page Z of 2
Sr, No,0l
Subjecl: IIuman Dlement

(Time AllorYcd 3 Hotrs)

lndin (2016) Total Marks 60

Nts: (l ) Allcmll anv SIX questions on11.
(2) All queslions carI]'cqual marks.
(3) Neatness itr handlvriting and ch.ity in €rpression .anies wcightagc.

.lt (a)lt is a common statem.nt lhrt 80%o of accidcnts arc cause.d due ao hurian error' )i'cuss the

leri. 'human error' refurcd lo hcrc ofa complex hiemrchical socio4echnical syslem-
(b) 'Ihe terms Human Elemcnt, lluman Ermr and Huma, Factors ltave o&en been used

inlerchangeabiy in relalion with ihe marilime incidentvacc:dents. Ho1f i. )'our opiaioo do those
terms differ? Discuss *'ilh suilable examples.

2. (a) Accident causatioo models oftcn slale 'active failures' ald 'ialent failures'' 6'Ying suitable

technical sy'slenr lo dcler'the effects oflhcse failu.cs?

,t with suitable
mistakos.nd violatio.s i.1he GEMS model ofjames.Reason' Dxplain this model
examples from the marilimefield.

'14 on' of the c'usa! faclors in rnarilimc

.-i, eii""tir" comaunications have bccr idenlified as
accidenls, Discuss its imporiance in saf'ty of ship operatioN plrticl,ltrly with relerenco to thc
(rtwing scenariot'
Presenr da) s\iphoard
cffective comlnunications in shipboard
(b) Discuss the regulstory piovisions in place to promote

ofthe IMO Resol$tion A l07l (28) giviflg

4. (a) Slate the puryose and tho main contents
oilhc ISM code llov should Adminislrat:ons delcr|llinc
guirletines for the implementation
I vcrily conformit' oicompan.Y's SMS
\rith thc Code?

(bi Holv are the aollowing relevant in the cortext of verification of the SMS undcr tlrc ISM code:

(i) IACS procedural requiremenL.Ior the ISM code cerrificarion and (ii) lM(),s revised guidelines
on ti* implementalion oflSM codc.

.5.r (a) tlucidate the challenges of oteEting wilh a mu,iicultlral creiv on toa.d wiah reference to
: eo;nmunicotion, valles and ary other asp€ct, Does this increrse the dsk ofaccideots?
(b)Would ),oI like to *od< in a cros3 altllural and multi ,ationality environment or plreJy in an
Iftlian enviroNent? Gi\€ your reasons in eiaher case.

i 6.1 (a) Discuss lle strucrure of S'ICW20I0 in comparison wilh STCW 95 and explajn the .easons for

rer ision ofthe codc

(b) Disclss how the provisions of2oloismendments lo STCW Convention intend to improve
tec uicel ntd intcrpersonal compelerce ofseafarcrs.

17.:' 1a;Oiscuss rhc broad overvicw ofthe relevant lMO, ILO regimcs relating ro the Hamrn Element
ir tlrc msrilimc industry srdl as ma limc labou. and lvelfare.
(b)l)is.!i! rhe IMO guiCance on
8 (a)write in dctail on situational re.dersrip irith refercnee to the differenl slvres of readetship
I tltei,appl:cation. Cive shipboard examples.

{b)l:ceping any managemenr teihniques such as McKinsey 7S frame work in mind- briefly disc,ss
erfects likely to be aelt ifa good lunrber of,staff in auy organiatio! js
chaDged in a relativeiy
shorler time spaca.

t9. (a) .Reicr to :he tSM code and discuss how lhe basic principlc
of.isk assess&ent aod risk
mitiruization is addresscd in it and emphasizcd.
(b) l)is.uss va.ious lecliriques lor .nisk Ass
iessmcnt' applied ofiboard' witil brief description
anr r,.,o o|illc li|owirg te.h n iq ues:,
i. Faulr Aoatysis (FTA)
ii. Failurc Modes en{, Etlects Aralysjs (FMljA)
iii. 5vcn. Trec Analysis (L.TA) __ )\ l,.t--:

-- I


s. No' I (lM)

Subjecl: HUtvlAN ELEMENT

(Tlme atlowed ' 3houis)

total irarks 60
lndia (2016)

Ilf,ii qu""t,on ,nu'r"'

;,lr Ans$,er any""..v
si, "q"t
questlons .
b" t"g'o'"
{iii) Tr,"
"n.*"'ld require a
ISM code elemenls which
'l Slate and explain the applicable
Syslem in
Safety Management
comPliance with the
" Company to monilor levielv' aldits
how a company carries out management
praciice, describe and
elc' so that the SMS is
reporting non-conformities
implemented atalltimes'
by all
traioing is a tool in'reasingly being ltusled
Resouice Management elemenl
posirive aspects or human
;";;;; ,; ;'rtins to improve the How
etrects due to human
railinss in ship operations'
;;,;;,;;.; dive elror through procedures
to redlce human
does the ISM Code help
personnel resources managemenl'

3: FormalsaletyAsse$'nqnt(FsA}isbeingwldelyusedinlherul6Ins{dng
processes o{
Ihe obiectlves' characteristics and
,, t#1; of lMO. Nattate
Drocessos Risk
resardins Hazard ldentification'
; :;""iric "xpt"nation
benefit Assessment'
Analysis and Cost

regard?. Briefly explain
these guEentter'

*f **l;ll;*****:*,t+}1"**ns":;.iiinr
Page lofZ
(b) Discuss the regulatory provjsi( rn p'ace lo promote effeciive
communicstions in s;;;;.#ffi"J"
6. (a)Maritlms Labour Conv€ntion
lll is. generally known as
seararer s B t of Rights.
Discuss ,n" ;n::)---1*9

,ft Tilgi, jli,,"1;,;;;;:;:.,:::ff ;::"::#n:"#iJl,:jill;

l?iflllff.T:#,,yi;HT"[::f-iff,]::,ioJ,;"",:,u,"," ro work on € ship as
.r. seararers, emploVaunl ,g,uem"
Enti ement lo je"r" c ni".
iii. Seafarercompensaii
rv career and siir d"r"i;'|ji; "'""' "' " ship's loss or roundering.
7. How do people make dectsions? F
are a rrade,off berur'een
8. Human Element, Human
Hu man lactor-Discuss
., envlronmenl with example in a maine

9. "The globalshjpping
ihdusiry rs a da

ffi ?litr';1[il"Hfi ;.$tn:t,";;[]:k jir.::ffi

An;lyse lhl above staremenl


Total Marks 60

N\\/ 0s )
needed to prevent and meihods whiah can be employed to
r 1 l,
m2, b- 1) Bdefly describe the technique / procedure used for stainless steel welding and lhe

addilional plecautions erndoyed lor th€ sarne'

in gtainles6 steel materlals'

CvS "r Explain 'passivation treatment' and its relevance
focus witl''
, Anlr Foullno SYstern (AFS) Conventioo eomdiant paints havo recei\'ed sp€chl
'- * ,"""*- O*roFnents ol energv-eff{ciency reodations in shipdng
Agaiflst this

background discuss,

plaecnon (616 d
al compaison of cathodic and ano'lrc
paint scheme on an exisling ship
of a AFS Ccnvention_comprianl
b) Process for apPlication
reqirked to ensure its e(ectiveness
and lhe addit'onal supeNisions

mainlain'd on a Ship to demonskaie Conventlorr

c) D6uments & re'ords ii' ire
- lloql atrt(!(a
za-' '
8 o.l rno \ S Q '7^n'o'co*'

.ur1i. a) Discr-rss the efieds of va{ious env:rolm€ntd factlts on llie €le of different lbnns

4. s) Auslenitic Slainless steels tena n surer frsn ** ooa*"" *"r*, *yz OAr-ftS
b) Digc{ss lhe adlBotsg€s and.lii$alioos of Al alk ys es male{ial of cooslrL'c+.ion tror the

suFrrtructure ot strtp. n $4r'^ ooltl)

,,-,- P.Arll ) .

sGlDesoribe rofi) actvation

iii) resistance
b) Describe a simpie nSDd to veiry if an elecroclremical reaction is limiled by a

cor€emratjon Pdaizatiofl dfed.

r-r.-?. f*dain tte aearochernklal theoly of cono*on taki g iaon as @ntdir'g inetal E plain the
lolloliog lactors afsling the rate ot aonosion: i) ralio oi amdic lo calhodic tre€s ii) 'atlte
of corosbn p(od'cr and on o"nT'Jln,*,n?r3""s",I,
,bnh' z
f ar!
i7. Djstuss the imprtana€
oi fraalLl.e fn *tr*"3,3 [r*i r) o
,.{. ErDiain the mechanism of dislorticin inctuding ield maT al shtihkage aod base me'a}

I shtin^age- Whal would be the consequei'3, ii lhe fabrjc2ted Farls ate innl! h3id rn a

,. I,,,rd$' welding jig, so lhat the€ is no !€e!on ci "'::Dveii;nt in, lhi patis vr'hi'e ttepare a
rv.!- 0h "velding?
ii' ;'r:.dl'fl io' nr1'niTrnq d'slorl o'''
,"/, Make a detailed report on the a'aiysis o{ foll6{ir€ weidits defeqs

a) LarYe&r Isarirc '-

c6he"r' n!:"*
b) Sdidfcalion crad cr'ocru -
cl corusx,*irig o &reio c,'"*'g
d) Rehealcracking or FrflHr o""ro''c a1r1C6T ?8
\1 | palh LJ '','ta
e) wetolng disrortioo : , a.(r.r4 t 1 AgLo S\ea I

H:*" "T:*'*$*;a*-l?q{ i:;''#,j,{:'

# 1'",Y, iil,flY
I'#,. )'- -',-o^", f''t,
i*.l "*l ^,tL'. soq^ ar-"( ('rr-D
^^ :' ::-;.ut"" r*u""!;"'"^)o' er""'rrh"'-r

' :'" 0't..'j '''-'""


: T" Tfil
Sr. No. Oz


: Marlne
-. &
^---^-i^E ,rf Ma:in€ structul
^ qglrogollg!
(TinE allow€d - 3houB)
Toial llilarks 60
Aftarnoon PaPer
l dia {2016}

iit'iiqrestion carry equal marks
tri) Answer anY six questtons
liiit'it" "n.*irs tt'ould be legible'
ac,tivation polaasation
ii) conceritration

(a) Uommerrt
.:Zr &; G; conosion". ,.nrr,rpi \"i)?',"' J'.'';1' r!
a metal rn^(i)-the active region
(b) Describe the corrosion behaviour of PassiJe a porarization curve

the passrve
tne passive
'*'"" unJ'ifr"il.tlff:::::j:f:1"or
Explain the reasons ro
-;diiil;tbehivic'rr in each region'
, . "i.. method to delemine r,oroaion
grpt"in, the weigt" Ioss arralysis
'. l-"5h {r} iB details,
.' rate.
' :' .,,, and
--r rr-^ra',;c,i, Oxidation pescrit
',' : . oi Descrhe d:-\!ff];r;;;;;;,"
tals Mechanism of Oxidatiott
9^iYo! tecnn studv rhe mechanism
used to
Technhue and ox|gen
Technique oxygen
oxidation. !!'\r,
:1.'\ I
''. :1 " f r'fi I C,!
'racerC,! JF
.a;es Iimitations &
'.':: ltr) different methodologles advantages,
,i;4. L'rruu'o the
(a) Dis"u.s n'" r" -: .'
lestlno. !)l Y,',''
\\"1'' ,,--^'^^^ ot
l'r ipplications ^r I thrxdnic
Uhrasonic testlng ')' Y;'
' '' I (MPT)
(rvrr I I is ''4 "'
' '' oul
rs ear-rred iir dif{erent ways?
., " rt",t trticle
Pi I
rohin how Magnetic
(b) fExplain
rrmltatrons and applications
State its advantages
!S ar'!i
' i-':' '^ t^if ia'; Hnri'hr""i.l- r-?

appear on the fatigue
: I ' '''''i: li li.,"lL,
''' lilr
80') L'lDa ar rl f "''l\ tlr
r -.--)., lni: r',r,_.
' 'tirl'U IS= .;lf
I *'o
:lT] ;ns,; ,";"''
"t""tfft}lHi:[J:; Ihis arlov rsbe' u-ll' s.l:':.
o-*"'' Ihi'-"]l:l':,1:: "i:.:. ' ',1
,lj', , ";] ::'
I,i,'.fri;'ffii;n,o?T:flJ::-ff['l;.'Tfl ]l''il.1i;,:u"u".,,,
MPa. Would yolr Ibw'""'-,'-. ,.,:.r^-"h
"" ,. vvrr'L'r *,,r1 rarr:t.
--. ll,,: L, i,.i ii;]i !,i t
craci ielrgirr I i; ,' ,I
calculate the critical ('alLLrlai !r I rr r '
,' l' ;;;i;J ."(ectron faclo' for

i- Page l ofl
thegenerat crfteria forsetectrbn
1i9;,11l.wr,,itr,ru of marerjal for ship
constructiori.i . ,


the role
role of fi:f 'ffi,Tg,3T"*Jl;
cornposite and
Fiber reinforced

explain the
of deveropmeni

l9aarnenb. --"'Penents I


S.. No, I

Subject Environment Protection & Energy Management in the Maritime lndustry

(Time allowed - 3hours)

lndia (2016) itroming Paper Total It arks 50

(i) All question carry equal marks.
(ii) Answer any six questions
(iiD The answers should be legible.

1. (a) "A good Ecosystem based managen'ent is likely to give grealer long term benefits

compared to conventionul ,,-"g"r.n, fo. .ot*d -"ui Dii"t f& O

(b) Describe the series of phases in Eco-system based N'lanagemenl (EB\'l)
process $ith suilable examples.

2. (a) As rhe liirof IjEDI is to rrake n :re cnergy efficient vess(.Is. there are mall)'
initiatives to design and build such vess':ls Discuss the principle-. invoh'ed in
imd constmction ofmore efficient Vessels' @
(b) With.espect to fomula for calculating EEDI discuss the folloting statemertls
(i) Carbon dioxidc emission is nol linear in installed power'
(ii) EEDi uill increase fuel consurnplion in non boom conditions

notju$ Aom an economi(

3. (a) Climate chaige is a particularly relevant issue for lndia'
froma technical' social and environmental p""p""ri'" o;t""tt@ O
-r4;";;t;;t- ",; shipping to
(b) F,xamine tlie strenglhs, weaknesses and capacity barriers for Indian
address the new emission control regulations
for maitime sector'

your views elaborating the cost'

4. (a) "LNG is the tuture fuel for shipping". Juslify
ironment-fiiendliness' operational and mainlenance
l:nr diesel engines to use LNG' LPG and
the tcchrical developmrents in marine
9/bl Discuss
fthyralcoholastuels @ @ $q
Page 1of 3
(c) Refering to the Code of Safety for Ships using Gases or orher Low-flashpoint
FrFls IIGF Code) from the tMO, describe the arrangements for stomge, installation,
monitoring and contml ofships using gas and other low-flash points fuels.

5. (a) Discuss G-8 Vs G-9 standards for Ballast Water Treatment (BWT) Systems and
e>iplain the principle features ofany G-9 approved tteatment system.
(b) You are required to have an existing ship.ehofitted with a BWT system. Bdefly
describe the technical challenges you anticipate and the possible fechnical options

be fore you.

6. Ailainst the backdrop of trew two st'oke engines for ships r-reeting the lurure
envirotrment compliance requirements. discuss the following il details with their
m,:rits & demcrits:-

n) M.lhanol as luel.
o) | ltrr.long- .rroke cngine.

7. Rcr'cnt s1;ts::.rn the ( ntrol of emissi(,t from ships has led to ri-c dc\.aiopnlent of ,,

selreir ot dc\iaes airncd at the inlprc,em.nt ol propallal propri:,ion eflectircness.

Discuss \':rrious such devices \vith spec al ,ocus on the lirllo\\,ing:-

a) \'/ake Equalizing Devices

b) Pre-s*irl Deviccs e/
c) Pos-swirl Devices
d) High-efficiencyPropelle$.

6. Viscous (frictional) resistance is a major component of ovemll resistance and

an important area of attention for energr efficiercy improveme[l
of ships. Explain
various skin friction reduction methods curently under consideration.
wilh specixl
me rlion on the following:-
a I Hull Air Ca\ ir) ,r.,... W)-,
b) Hull surface lexturjng.
c) Micro bubbles.

PaBe 2 of3
A(' rlill
9. ImFoving efficiency of propellers is recognized as a growing means to improve
energy efficiency of ships. Discuss the following high'cf,icietrcy propellers v/ith its
merits and demeritst
a) Ducted PrcPellers

b) Kappel ProPellers

c) Conra roraling Propellers.

d) Azimuthing ProPulsion.


Page 3 of 3

Sr. No. 8

& Maritime Law
Subiect: Law of the Sea
Fime allo od - 3houE)
Paper Total arls 60
lndia (2016)

(i) All question carry equal
(ii) Answer anY six
be legible'
(iii) The answers should
are certain terms implied' such as seaworthiness'
l. (a) ln Charter Porlies lhere obligarion implied on
Discuss u'hether there is any
/ deviation, no tt-g"'out
lo safe Pofls
/ the chanerer in relation
explain the
f the 'lnc('terms' agaifl$ the 2000 edition and
(b) Comparc the l0ll
edition o'f
have been applied
main changes which

(o) 1 sixP is * ." *T-: l:;:::::; n:ffi::'ilTi;;:::i:'i:::';

but all other controls' inciudinl
and ship owner'
between the charterer
tt]"'" it u Ooitt"n' 'ituaion

2. "#?;Kfi:'JfK:ffi/ rcc
(a) Dinerentiateb€twe
Rures ror

fi-'Y:xru:;,:: '"* *"
;ffid;{+"'*.i". ^::K
and the constgrt""
"_ * _^-, "v6trin the rcasons
for a

r. (a) Discuss'in deta"'*:'"':::L ,:1#:i::'ffi1::::;:1"

b"i"t ,n't":t.
tL"Llt"*lJ*. of goods Disc.tss
nitt of Ltaing .""*"' "t
i' of camaPe
rb) A Bill Lf
Ladins '*:: ofT,;;;;t".o..,t"
La "n't "onracl
t'hen a Bill
i,, ti"ttt-tt'
k"r *,' ,'*
4 (a, wha, are,he
{b) Discuss Essenoar .-,and *": I.' is imponanl?
of a conuacr
erplaining 'Rescinding

Page 1of2
5. (a) Describe the limits
and dghts ofjurisdiction
oa ships in Te.ritorial
Sea and High Seas
Regulations on pollution.

6la) Write sho( noEs on: ..SrowEw

/ *, u rererred rc in FAL
prevention by
discuss atrd enumc,=e
the ,,easu'es adopted
for crime
'1. (a) Nairobi
lntemational Convenrion
on the Removal ofwrecks,2007_
y' the India! enachnerts on Criticalll, rlisL.rrs
tle issue ofremoval of
(b) \Vhar is the India.o wreck.
posirion on satvao.
-;,1 _^- -
be i^itiared asai,sr la*s? can anv.Action
""e;il fr%;ryJndian
g. rirr i_xptain dLr( concepl oflo/, with exanples.
\-/' (b) t
iseuss negiigence in
,2 lhe Law of rorts. ( h a cjcim
rhe errecr of rhe defendant
successfulty esrar,*,* ,."rroJ".r.i"r,;111". _",
., i. i. i.
' r rnrp'eheasir
.r.tut ( runt ,9hipp;ns "':"t*$ rhis
i) h ]oilr opini( ",;,;;:;,:"Jiil.u.:"1;....*,,,,,,
the.existi'ng rtir:rres
lacl in ail<lress:r;g riic
,** i],,,lll conrempora*
"r,n" 'i'e area's
b) lhe srage o, lll'l-' "'""'-o r.'ou *ould
.,""; ; "",.X,"r:il;:;,r"
ror r,c


\y (


Sr. No. 8


(Time allowed - 3hours)

Afternoon PaPer
India (2016) Total Marks 6O

f,lliior".rion "u"Y equal marks'

iil,t'xs* :mi"o'Jln'o*

THREE of the follo$

I ) Write short notes on any
a- Speculative dsks
h. ActualTotal Loss
c. lnsurance PolicY
d. fusks covered'
insurance poliq Gi\e 5
Good Faith" in a
)\ (al FxDlain rhe lcrm 'Utmosr
'' ;:'1^..11.;"::X:::;ffi::::H"'1u"" P;',,,"*
ftt 'rgntt'
Explain the
pr"**. t"l*
..- a."ia.a in tnaiu:
are marine insurance in rhe sea and because
** :;:;;r.. *,",a" ship-
(c) A tanrer carryins ' :t:l;; ;; r,.n"** ,"r" a claim on the
a *-0,
rhar fishes of ":T"1,1".1n.j.,-'. pori"yr ru.,iry )-our
for this u
he be covered
osner' Will

Explain breach
of \^anantv with
3) (a) Explain lmplied '"*:T:"I*ffi"?
examples and
rhe c.**:"1"'l::":;r.,Y* ho\\ does ir imracr
rhe o$ncr'

rccords,in mannc -o premium and

(b) what are loss i,il".aai.,, . "*ce

(assured)? ln whar
\\a\ can owTrer "

it tttt i'p"t oftf it on risk erposure:

Page 1 of
(c) An auxiliary
engir dar,aged extensively
due to the

'ff :T' jT:T';:

enginee. of the u.r."l"jot

4 | (a) A ship oll7|er

is e

-' ""urrig when the benefir of limiting :::l,i,h,l:
J *^^01u"'" the

:l xl,H: jT:T,*r'"
r.-- ;" ::,:':"'., :,"
involved in this transportation
riabirities for ,o.r, can be exposed to
our. ,o *" container. Identi&
these enfities and
liabilities are insr."l. discuss how

5) (a) Name the essential

of general average
and give
srrperintendent was
flo*r:"::' j,:::
*""' **-'' ;;;;;'' ;*:];;:';P,"",
[-::::l i:-;i"1*:1 :' was used
srr.i, ihi vessel ,.o.. in arcad and a
uo,].:'engjne directions io
,tt, au*e" u.'*in"rua.;
main engine got
bumt. '" or the
"url''1"."o*o ;;" _""",j""#ings
6) (a) Assignmenr
ol.tle hull is nor permifled
the 'ermination Disctrss this stat
nu" -o tu"n'nto ""s serement in Lgit of
(b) 1\ fire started "'*"Tl::'
r'D enarn" o '""-"t
'3rd lingineer. can beins
nesrisenrry opened
rhe ship ff.:ffiT'l:l8e
"" "'Ir oanage to the
by the
and nrachinery
insurer? engine liorn
his hull

7) (a) D,rsc.ibe any

four of the
hpiarn rhe rist\ corered bv
premi.m p&I"*""1ra"."*,"li"pnv -' ;;J;:;

Insurer,.*- "*""; :,:;J;:T:;

(b) Brjelly explain ,.LJoyds
ol dnJ rrs L'IEanisarion
nrocedr'rc ror placing
a n,l, :l:".
,"nr" iullfolic) "' -'u(ir!e'
srucrur, fxplain the
i. i rpldin *re york uirh l lo)d'.
hou is ir reiared r:,:h conrrucr
ro a m_,r" 1l1,I:._.ll " arc _'' rures
or ciugo pplcr '"'\s prescribed
Page 2 olj

and possible
a P&l Clubof
is t;;Ht* "O"**"
8)' (a) Indis does not have
Club ot to "1" .--a- *^
*", fort'ua fo' maia !o have a P&I offshore Facilities)

;'J.til;"'.,.1{ ::"Jf;,:"ffi: il,ffi

strict co'trol oo s$:^"-,;
T jo",.",,on

and cons of
Glubs' ;,*;...;
/zn,tes zotz promulg&tes eros ar
Discuss the pros
Crroup (lG) of P&I
of coverage fiom lnternational
this regulaion'
Liab'I]:l -'*'x
the limitations
(a) Refenins to MS (Limitadon of
tn€s of maitime claims' \g) Fil*s
tiubititi"' on diff"'o'r

lil;,".*;" *" t"o' *"io*"t;l',i;'#H=J,; *H";

- Convetrhon * t:
,OO.I and Intemational l-'. .- ..-^--"" ,'ndate
ugeffly update is national
and the need for India io
financial security
oflhese Conventions'
for the effective imPl€menlation

Page 3 of3
Sr. No. 8


ine M ion of Marine Stru

(Time allowed - 3hou6)

lndia (2016) Morning Paper Total Marks 60

(i) All question carry equal marks.
(ii) Answer any six questions
(iii) The answers should be legible.

(a)Define the prssivriiotr of metal o1 afloy' Give examples of some metals and
thal show Passivity. V)
(b) Briefly describe the following theories of metal passivity: i) Oxide theolv ii)

ajsorption theory.

taking iron as conoding metal'

.-/ !u] srp:^irthe electrochemical theory of corrosion
ilxplein dre fcllc'r'lng f^cL!rs I frxctil'g tb': of c' rrosioo: i) ratio of rnoiic i3 clthodjc
'ate / (D
areas ii,1 narure of conosion pnrducr and iii) pH of nedium
dump steam
(b) A shell alld tube heat exchanger using s€awatei as coolant and handling
Enumerate !ri1h
(ftequency oi lumping is high) is exhibiting muttiple localized conosion
valid rcasons the possible or expected areas of corrosion and

traosfer across the arc in

3. /$+Et are lhe faclors that control the mechanism of metal
arc:-Clobular tt ansfer
'/ weldiry: Explain the lorlowing modes of Metal trAsfer across fie
(ii) spray tranJfer (iii) Short-circuiting transfer'
toughness of steel used for
4. (a)Discuss the major steps which should b€ taken to improve

ship building.
make the hardening by quenching easier' llow
O) How addition of alloying elements
and mechanical
cooling rates during &e heat treatment affect the microstuctwe

Foperties of steel.
(c) Discuss the t)?es of darnages caused by Hydrogen to different materials cl'


Page 1of2
5. (a)Distinguish between plain carbon steels and alloy steels. \[&y is allolng of seel

lb) \yat
are the effects of Ihe following alloying elements on the propenies of Steel?

utXarbon, Aluminium. Sulphru, phosphorus, Chromium, Nickel, Coppeq Mallg?mese,

Silicon, MolyMenum, Vanadium, Boron, [ea4 Nitogen.

/ 1u] *rrn ," Iror allotropy? Show a typical cooling curve of pure iron with the
allotropic forms of iron narked on it. @ ,o
(b) $&at are the impoftant micro-constihlents of iron and steel? Shortly descdb€ each.

7. (a) AISI t)?e 304 stainless steel base plate may not be susceptible io intergranular
cooosion, but its weldments definitely are. Why?

O) Starc the advaotages of Cu-Ni alloys ov€r steel as the material of construction ofhull
lbr small boars.

(a) wlry martersitic stai ess steel is the most dilfrcult stainless stee! to weld. Which
means r;hould be employed to avoid faihre ofuelded joint.
(b) i\,lake a detailed repod on the aialysis of f.llo\\'ing {,.id:ng a,' r . :-
.,, Lirr,cllar lcal.rri :.alrdl.ic1,.'rr ._;r'*" .. i' .r-l .j ur jeli.)e.;
cracking (iii) Reheat or PVJHT iracking.

q tankers extensivelv use 'staiolels steel (SS)' for tfue cons:ru.ticn of their
-\./ / catg; tanks. List various grades ofstainless steels being for such ei,nstrur..,ens and
(b) Explain vadous typ€s of defeclr usually observed irl SS cargo taiks and
needed r.o prevent and methods $hich c,tn b€ employed to rectifo s|ch delicli.

Page 2 of2
d, L
sr. No. 8 (AM)


Subiect: Maritime Requlations

(Timo allowed - 3hours)

lndia (2016) Total Ma.ks 60

(i) All queslion catry equal matks.
(ii) Answer any six questions
(iii) The answers should be legible.

. l,,teferring to applicabb UNCLOS ltt artictes, discuss the rote ot UNCLOS member
states (national governments) to tuffill responsibilities as a Flag State and as a
Port State. Describe briefly the organizational and legislative mechaflisms in lndia
constituted to comply with these requirements.

J How does lndian Adminisfr.tidn f!.d!a1 inqllarles and anvasiigaiiols

shipboard casualties? Elaborate with the mention of relevant part and sections of

the MSA .1958. Also discuss the mechanism available for disciplinary actions tn
respect of certificates of competency of seafarers.

rJ?a (a) lntegrated Safety Management System (lSirlS) is getting poputar amongsi
shipping companies. Explain with examples, how a ship specific ISMS can be
developed integrating ISM Code and various Quality Standards.
(b) Make a comparative study between ISM Code and TMSA with emphasis to
Risk Assessment and management.

lJlDevelopment of coastal shipping is one of lhe priority seclors for lndia and River-
Sea Vessel (RSV) Notificalion is one of such Regulatory initiative from the Govt
of lndia.
(a) Discuss the salienl differences in construction and operational limitations
between Type-|, ll, lll & lV ships under RSV notification.
(b) A ship-owner would like to convert the MS Act registered vessel's survey
and certilication of a Type-lv River Sea (RSV) category to unrestricted
category- From a Technical Supe ntendent's perspeclive, discuss the
lechnical challenges he may face in this regard.
, ,/Discus'; as to lvfiy are Codes developed and used in addition to Convenlions?
Give 54 examples of codes and state their main contents. How a.e Codes
amend,ed? What is the signiflcance of
two parts of certain codes -
manda:ory and recommendatory?

. 6/When a government ratilies / accedes an lntemational anstruments formulated

by lMC, it needs lo be implemented by thal government. Describe in detail the
proces!; of implementation, compliance verification and control of these
internalional instruments, especially wiih respecl to the roles ptayed by Flag
state, F'orts State and RO.

7. WRT Eiunker conventions, state certif,cation requiremeflts and on issuance of

"Blue Cards". ls liability of owners covered under the Bunker Convention? Explain
your answef.

8. lnmarsat and Erlcsson have signed a strategic maritime agreement that is

intended to facilitate the sharing oI cargo, logistjcs and vessel operational data to
help steamline the entire maritime supDly chain. The two companies will jointly
develor, services, solutions and applications to drive industry standards lor
satellite connectivity aiC aoplication integration in the maritime industry. Explain
its significance to charterers

,, 9r'rl O shipping company can ]ave different ROs for various

certific.ates/documents required fo. a ship to trade? euote relevant
rules/regulations to explain the process
b) \Mth reference to IACS Po!a, rgquirements, state on Structural
Requirements for Polar Class ShiFJ and l,rachinery Requirements for Polar
Class Ships
sr. No. 8(AM)
Subiect: Manaoement Techniques
and Applications
(Time allowed _ 3hours)
India (2-o16)
Total Marks 60
(i) All question catry
eeual marks
lt)^Answet any six quostbns (thrce eech
siiiii -"+"e'
(iil rhe answirs hom section A and sechon B).

Seclion A
1. Compare and contrast the
managerial functions of planning
ahd controllihg.
2. Discuss rhe role of organisational
in srrareev rmplcmcnrarion.
Exprain rhe ro,r tyr"e"";;:;.,#:
3. Discuss the advaDtages and disadt of corporations irvolved
- organic and non-or;;]"*;";;:*'"ges in
'r. txplam lhe lhree maior constrainrs ofa project?
What is scop€ creeD.
w}y should a project managcr
be concemca i,. uroioi-#,i"
scope statement help cont "uou,
ol it?

5. Define all the followiug

a. Activily
b. wBS
c. CpM
e. Projecl crashine
f- Consrraint
g. Delive;ble

Section B
6. (a) Exptain the
meaning oflinear
appricarion areas o,
Page I of4
(b) Tl'e manager of an oil refinery has to decide upon
the optimal mix of two
per production
possible blending processes , of vfiich the inputs and outputs
run ate as follows :

lnput Output

Crude B Gasoline X Gasoline Y

Process Crude A
1- 3 5 I
2- 5 4

is 200 units and 150 units

The maximum amount available of cmde A and B
respecti\/ely. Market requrrements show
ihat atleast 100 units of gasoline X and
profit per production run from
80 units of gasoline Y must be produced' The
lhe problem
process 'l and process 2 are Rs 3 and Rs 4 respectively Formulate
as a linear Programming Problem'

has three planls A, B ' C ' three warehouses

X ' Y ' Z- The
7. A company
70 ' 80 and the demand at X Y
numler oI units available at the plants is 60 '
The unit cost of the transportation is given
, Z are 50 , 80 , BO respectively
the fcllowing table :


B 7 3

B 3 8 9

C 11 3 5

Find he;llo#;so-n*-atthe loial transportalion cost is minimum'

? ln wtlat ways does it difler lrom
8. (a) \Nhat does a critical path actually signify
its activities are particularly important ?
any other Path and in wiat ways all

in a construction project and other

(b) The following table gives the activities
rolevant informatioo :

(days) cost (Rs )

Activity lmmediate
Crash Normal Crash
predecesscr Normal
3 -Direct
60 90
4 '150 250

Page 2 ol' 4
c 2 1 38 60
D 5 3 150 254
E c 2 2 100 100
F 7 5 115 175
G D,B,E 4 2 100 240

lndirect cost varies as follows :

Days 15 14 '13 12 10 I B 7 6
Cost 600 500 400 250 175 100 75 50 35 25

(i) Draw an arrow diagram orthe project.

(ii) Determine the project duration vthich will resuit in minimum totalcost.
9. (a)What is the concept of decision tree analysis ? Whal are the basic steps
involved in the construction of such a tree ?

(b) A company is contemptating whether to produce a new proouct. lf it

decides to produce the product it must eilher install a new division which
needs a cash odlay of 4 lakh rupees or $/ork overtime with overtime
expenses of Rs. 1.5 lakhs. lf the company decides to install a new division, it
needs the approval ot Govt. and the company feets that there is 70% chance
of getting the approval. A market survey has revealed the following facts
regarding the magnitude of sales for the new producl :

l\,,lagnitude of sales Probability Resulting profit {in Rs.

High 0.45 15
l\.4edium 0.30 7

0.20 3
N 0.05 -5 (loss)
However, by resorting to overtime , ttre company wiit not UE in- posillon to
meet the high magnitud€ of sales. lt will be able to satisfy upto the level of
medium magnilud€ only, even if high magnitudes of sales result. Solve the
problem to suggest the best option to b€ selected.

Page 3 of4
10. (a)State and explain the "six quality assurance principles'.

(bl Construct the network diagram for a project comprising of activiljes B , C ,

E, F, G, H, l, J, L, M, N, P and O such that the following precedence
relationships are satisfied :

B.<E,F ; C, F<c ; C < L ; E, G < H i H,L< I;H <J ;L< M ; H, l\4<N ; l,



Page 4 of 4
Sr. No.8 (pM)

Subi€c.t: Advanced Marine enEineerins KnowledEe

(Time alowed .3hours)

lndie (2016)
Tolal Marks 60
(il A question catry equat marks.
(ii) Answer any sx questions
(iii) The answers shoutd be legible.

( 1. )Elaborate on some of lhe performance monftoring, diagnostic

which have been incorporated in engine to increase
the Time belween

With a schematic sketch elaborate how a VFO can be beneficial

for Hvdraulic
Sleering Cesr Si€te$?

af,,Oiscuss the various steps vfiich has been introduced to mitigate the GWp
(Global Warming potential) c€used by the use of

4. Discuss lhe construction. of Aqua blue FWG emptoy;6g the 3_1 plate
technology? Discuss its advantages and disadvantages
over the conventional
FWG employing pTHE or STHE?

(yHow is the power to weighl ratio of a particular modeysjze of

engine sought
to be tncreased by continuous development? What is the
typical power to
weight raijo of a slow speed marine diesel engine of current generation?
Marine di€sel engines vary grea y in piston size and stroke.Discuss the
range of values in mean giston soeed ot eogjnes. Juslify the fairiy

6. Gear and screw pumps are exampl€s of posltive displacement pumps.

Explain the lerm this context and clearly distinguish these pumps
from centrifugal pumps in operation and performance.

Page 1of 2
How does cayitatlon take place in a pump, for examPle while de-ballasting
from a DB tank? Cleady explain how metal can erode due to cavitation
Explain with Jusli'ication the steps tiaken to avoid cavitations.

(1 Crankcase oll mist detectors have undergone a lot of changes in recent

years. Compare the modern types with muttiple densor units with lhe
traditional single sensor type, where.sampling was done sequentially. what is
the typical LEL value of crankcase oil mist? Compare the suitability of bearjng
temperalure alarms vs crankcase oil mist detectors as permitted for Ul\4S

\p1 A[emators are fitted with a reverse pgwer proteclion which opens the circuit
breaker. Explain how the po\ l,er can become reverse: and what the need for
this safety is. Explain the significance of the trio settino and iustify the
diflerence in settings according to ihe type of prime mover. ln the conlext of
checking alarms and trips, what is meanl by "test protocol" and "acceptance
criteria"? How is the reve6e power lrip tested for proper funclioning?

9. What are different materials used for Tube plugging? Discuss the mode'
Pop A Plug method of tube plugging and what is its advantage ove'
cofventional procedures adopted in plugging the tubes?

PaPe z of z

Sr. No. I (AM)

Subject: Naval Architecture
(Time allowed . 3hours)

lndia (2016) Total Marks:60

(i) All question cany equal marks.
(ii) Anstar'er any six questions
(iii) The ansu/ers should be tegtble.

Viscous (frictional) resistance is a maior componenl of overall resistance and

hence an imporlant area of attention for energy efficiency imptovement of
ships. Explain various skin friction reduction methods qJnenty under
consideration, with special menlion on lhe followng:-
a) HullAlr Cavity sysiems
b) Hull surface bnuring.
c) Micro bubbles.

(9 WnU. discussing the development of contaiher shlps resultrng in their

tremendous c€pacity enhancement from, say 3000 TEU to .rg00O+ TEU, brins
out your perception of challeoges faced by the designers with respect to
General Arrangemeni of the ship, cargo stowage anangements and struclural

\lJlrace the development of crude oil tankers frcm singte hull to doubte hufi
configuration. Discuss the features of a modern double hull crude oil carrier
with regard to speed, freeboard and pollution cont.ol.

4. Show by means of a sketch how force is generated by tuming a

rudder. How is this force converted to a tLlrning moment? Can simiiar
transverse force be generated by a transverse ihruster? Where should thls be
located for maximum turning effect?

Page 1of 2
{;$ Defne ship's total resislance. Ho/v this total resistance was divided into
various components prior to the ITTC 1957 conference. Write short not6s on
these @mponenis oI resistance.

is it not possible to make lh r Reynolds numbors ot a ship and its

ijtrr--trically Similar model equal ,nd simultaneously make the t\ /o F:.1ude
numbers equal too? Why are the .:roude numbers made equal rather than
the Reynolds numbers?

Explain how the hull and, the propeller of a ship interact with each other.
Also explain the following componer,ts ofhull proper interaction
(b) Relative rotative efficiency ,
(c)Augment ol resistance or Trust d3du6tion.

typical engine power versr s engine speed diagram and prope:tei

demand curves, discus,s the relation betl^eeo tire r..]axl ufyl ra€o ou(Dur.,,
the propulsicn plant and the power for which the propeller is designed.

.[ 9] D'escribe the following towing tank rnodel tests with ship models and .nodel
- propellers. Whal are thei. objectives:/

{b) open water experimentg and

(c) self-propulsion expeiments.

Extra First Class Engineer Examination

Part A

A.1 . Law of the Sea & Maritime
Total Marks 100
All question carry equal marks'
Total Time 3 Hours
Answer anv six questions onlY
carry weightage
Illustrations and Ctarity in expression

the legal obligations ofthe

The advent of multimodal
transportation has entirely changed
1. rule''
."r'",.1'i"r."t",t iit'e in lighi of existing national/inlernational
fa"tot' to u" before the Ilnal resolulion ofCeneral
2. a) Analyse all the various "o'n'idered
AveraP.e. ( lause '
i', oolr* ,t" ouo"* and use ofthe'Amended Jason
3. .omDarethe2olledkionofthe.lncoterms'againstlhe2oo0editionandexPlainthemaln
.-l,lJ". *r,i.rt r,rr" u""n "ppti"a ';rfi;cot't.1 ma) be required ro
4. ;:'"';il"ffi ;;;" oi''"ti'"' *t' u'riner Agencl companvwhich might covertheir
on the terms if a contract
provide to its principal, and comment
commercial relationshiP' r -.-^r^,^ .h- reasons for a Bill of
rE,<6ns for
main functions ot a Bili'":lT-'I:t:T"the
5. Discuss. in derail rhe ito to-::"::t,fllllli.
Ladinq being made out " "'"''
roles of the
' -';;;J"
order' in'te"d.or
protr and the charterer's nominated
o. Explain the different "gent
oirinu eramples' and idenlil) the major
"Deliie and Purchase broker as an inlermediar)
the role ofthe Sale

areas ofactivity and

pot"ntill t'tl-
regulaion, the defences of
to relevant --.^,^r,
case ta

" " reference

Discuss with
"'"' :*^, , "nd

Borh rhe common la\^ ""..:i:ll :l:i]"fi;:HJi::Tffi":.ner
to ensure the
*nh suitable examples.
is seauorthy
vessel How do ""9::-".1::l
rhe obligatl ;i"n Jo"r,.
Extra First Class Engineer Examination

Part A

A.1. Law of the Sea & Maritime Law

All questions carry equal marks. Total Marks 100

Answer 3!y-$IJ!9!!!94! only Total Time 3 Hours

Illustrations and Clarity in expression carry weightage

1. Law ofcarriage of goods specifies the obligations, rights and responsibilities of maritime
carrier and cargo interests. This law has developed substantially over the last few

Comparc and critically discuss salient features ofvarious conventions regarding this law'
2. Which general Principles of the lndian Contract Act, 1872, willbe applicable during the
process offinalization ofcharter? Discuss on the obliSations ofthe two parties for ensuring
satisfactory performance of the conhact?
aPPlicable !o the
3. Explain the main differences between the curren! international conventions
carriage of goods by sea.
4. Discuss the implications of United Nations Convention on the Law ofthe Sea for
5. ln Chader Parties there are certain terms implied, such as seaworthiness,
no deviation' no
dangerous goods, etc. Discuss whether there is any obligation implied on the chanerer
relation to sat'e ports.
in negligence' what is th€
6. Discuss negligence in the Law ofTorts. On a claim ofdamages
effect ofthe defendant successfully establishing 'contributory negligence'?
7. There are instances where an agreement may be enforceable even
though there is no

consideration . Discuss with suitable examples'

damages in the law ofconract
8. a) Explain the terms liquidated damages and unliquidated
to laytime'
b) Explain the term 'Once on demurrage always on demurrage' as compared
9. ajI BitlofLuding i..aid to be evidence ofthe contract ofcarriage ofgoods Discuss
any circumstances when a Bill ofLadingmay become the actual contract ofcarriage'
(ii) ostensible authority' in
bj Discuss, giring appropriate examples, (i) ratification and
the law of agency.
Extra First Class Engineer Examination

Part A

A.1 . Law of the Sea & Maritime Law

All marks.
question carry equal Total Marks 100

Answer 44y5!1gg9p!!99; only Total Time 3 Hours

Illustrations and Clarity in expression carry weightage

Q: Easter Ships having office in Chennai entered in to a purchase agreement for

a Paramax from Westem Bulks in Malta.
Draft a suitable S&P (sale and purchase contract)
The Seller changed his mind to sell the vessel as the market improved. Discuss the
options available before both parties in relation to your contract.

Q:2. What is a contract of Indemnity and how does it differ from a contract of

Q: 3. Discuss the General Principles ofAgency.

The Port OfMumbai decided to auction the goods not cleared by the consignee
and claim the balance port dues from the ship's agent- discuss the implications
with decided case law.

Q: 4. What is the liability of a Ship /ship owner with regard to a Bill of Lading ?
Discuss the salient features ola Bill OfLading.

Q:5 Discuss the historical background oIUNCLOS and it's salient features
including EEZ.

Q:6 Discuss Arrest Convention- and explain the difference between a claim and a

Q:7 Write an essay on Collision and Salvage with an example case law'
Q:8 Polluter Pays : discuss ary case law with regard to pollution by ships and
available means ofsenlement of claims.

marine trade and traffic, also give

Q: 9 Why FAL convention is important to
salient features of Athens convention.
',). I r. rt i..r.i.. ,r l,, i


Sr. No. 7


Subject Law of the Sea & Maritime Law

(Time allowed - 3hours)

lndia (2015) Morning paper Total l\iarks 60
(i) Allquestion carry equat marks
(i,) AnSwer any six questions
{iii) The answers shoutd be legib,e.

1 India does nol have ,,Admirally law of ils own bul relies on the stalules enacled by the Bntish
Parliament a.nd extended lo the then colonial lnoia ln lhls cantext, discuss
the need lo have
arr ijpdaled 'Acniraiiy ta,!,v foi inoia, joilsiJeiriij iite advances mace rn lne trjre,nai,cna

conventions adopted on thjsturisdlciicn

-2 ,
iie United Nations Convention for the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS ,82) is considered as an

't' 'umbrella convenlion'for the maritime seclot. Fren lhe Conventoo perspective,

a) Explain the inter-relationship between UNCLOS'82 and ll,4O conventions and how they

co exist as inclependenl regutatory regimes

b) Framework for setflement oI disputes between member slates of UNCLOS,B2.

c) Discuss the validity of unilaleral measures from lhe European Union, particularly in

the environmental fronl of nra.itime sector

3,_ _, Answer the followin!] queslk,ns.

'' a) What is SCOPIC? How does it solve thL difticulties of salvors?

b) b) ln case of a collision bet&een two shlps on ihe hrgh seas, wh,ch state has the right &

responsibillty for following with iustificaticn and briefly describe the salienl points of the

applicabre convention.

(i) io take disciplinary actron againsl lhe crew member or master'

(ii) to cancel Certilicate
ol Competency ol crew

(iii) for Payment of comPensation

vaii'able goods under UNCTAD

/ lcc.Rules of Arbitration
4. a) A consignee is impoding

he claim f'om the MTO? - discuss
the con"ligne€ lost some further business Can
of these -contracts'
discuss- the salient features
b) C;rarter Partie+ are Contractg
one holds the other
in the territorial sea waters of state X' Each
5//' fwo shipsA and B collide
: .-/ ', Discuss lhe regulatory regimes
avallable for
responsible Ior lhe hull damage'

pay for the damage' and

between the ships to
a) apportioning the blame

in respect of pollution caused'

b) carry{E out investigation
be considereC before the
final resolution of General
faciois ihat i€ed to
5. a) Analyse the various

Jason Clause''
and use ofthe'Amended
b) Discuss the purpose
voyage charter'
laytlme' and 'Notice of readiness' with respect to
c) Define 'Non-reversible

and salient features of the Convention on Facilitation of

7.f Bnely discuss ihe obiectives
(FAL) and'
"/ lnternational Maritime Traffic
ol a ship as per
documents which the public authorities can demand
a) List the standard

FAL Convention'
to the FAL regatding
Discr-lss with the
pros and cons of the proposed amendments
of electronic
eleciron'c exchange of information and lor the acceptance

certificates by public authorities'

Kinds of agentsas
and enumerate the different
g,,/ or lcgncY - Explain the term Agency
Lew an aqency can be
ial also ttre uario'''s ways in which
recognised in tnai"n
created' .Tortuol"ls Liability" discuss with
in manne accident is due
g .1 Criminatisation of Seafarers

incidents and Your

Sr. No. 02


e Sog & Maritime Law
(Tlmo rllomd ' 3hourE)

Ilorolng Papor Total tllrrk3 60 \

lndir (20'16)

(i) All question carry equal malks
iii) Answer any six questions
iiii) Tne answers should b€ legible'
rDhts and .responsibilities
' (a) Law ol carriage of goods.specifies the obligations'
has devoloPed substantially ovar
Jiin"iiti.. ottiei and cargo interests This lawdiscuss salieni leatures of various
[iJ'i]ifr*-J"*aes. corip"e "nd cdticallv
jconventions regarding this law
lo be on its way from
goods suPposed
(b) A agre€s to sell to B a 6pecilic cargo ol
beforo th€ day of the ba'gain' th€ ship
London to Mumbai. lt turns out that' Noither party
."ttyinin" *tn" had boon losl elong with the comPlele cargo
ise and comment of the outcome of the
was awaro of the fac,ls. Discuss this
Hague Visby
(a) What immunities are availabl€ to the maritime carier under
|/ Rules? Both the comrnon r.*
tt'" Hague.VBby Rules reguire the ship owner
",'o now io tt'e olfigations difiEr? oiscuss both
"..l H;;il,""'"r '" """''iliv
. $/ry with suitable examPles \
* oil rhe-tanks',S,ll?ffiff,r"?.r1["n
' ,0, o *.*l s', otir:
lanksr was chartered to load Palm

il:r[[:;:Jtffi*",:,"#3#::fi:TJl$SH li]"ff',H:[:* Z#
transportation has entirely changed the legal
3. (a) The advent
" i'*mi["i- .r the
of multimodal
canier' Enum€rale these in light
of existrng
I rules'
n ati-on alfi nte rn ationa

IJ$;;-HiHr*k##d'r":fl J#:*Jr*l*:

4 (a) rndian c,:,:*
apPlicable to shiPs
carrymg -l1*^'Tjo"ffi ffi.f #I*Hfffi# Jil"Hf"T
these requiremenls
lhe SY:'l:: cleared bv
doci'ed to auclion
(bl The Port of Mumbai the
iu"" tro. *r! strip's ag6nt- disouss
cnneionee and claim *u
' dscided cass law'
ilPrliitnt "ith
Page 1 ot 2

5. (a) Discuss the General pdnciplss of Agency and explain giving

examptes for (i) retification and (ii) o6t6nsible authority,
in the hi of-agency.

(b) Desrribe tha full rang,e bf sorvicrs which a

Liner Agency ccmpany may be r
Gquired to provide to its pdncipal, and comment on
th" ferrs of *;tr;;-- ;i;
might cov6r their commorcial relationship. " \
6. (a).Elab,crate on tho generat principtes ol LLitNC (Limitation
of liability of madtime
claims)llonvention of the lMO. lllustralo wilh a simple collision
*- ships..\ hat was the purpose of aflowing fiaUilrty oiespacaify
case Uefueen two
a siiip-owner to be

(b) A cDllision occurs b€tween ship A end

B in coastal waters. Ship A, (sti
operational sfter the co ision) tows ;hip. B
lwtricn is severeiy-Ol,i.,rg"a1 to , po^
of rcluge. Discuss how the foflowing. regirn"i
or *iri"ion i"*Giapiyv to senre
[ffi.[],ltmrs conventionle1b tiu CoLiEA iiiiil",i'#i]on .,0 "rr ,it
7. (a) Discuss the obligataons of states given.under
UNCLOS to suppress piracy at
---","-.,v,! e. utrawiur ecta ath(rugh th8 delinition of piracy sxis,s iil
li, r

(b) Discuss any cas€ law wth

rsgard to pollution by ships and
settlomer,t of claims _ p,.t lotott _ frl-sni'{
available means ot
pD+ )-fu'
A c,.i-!-,,J A

(b).What aro the documents
that a ship is expected to
FAL convontion? What are the pros be in possession as per
and cons of €lectronic exchange
documentri- of

v.. (a)
9.1 A voidsbls
rdr.1 vq|qBotg cor
racl is an aoregmont
aor€r1l6-nt that
iS onforceable by
J* o, ons
ot psrry & noi
ona osrrv ?ryorceable br tawat the instance
nor or otter
^r ^rha. ^-*-. oiscues
parf, _ ,ryer,iffi;ffi:]
(b) southem ships having
0 - ''"rt-T -tl'"
ror a panamax from waoro_
otrrca irr in to a purchal agreemenr

ffi in*;:"*H"''*,,i&'. U ;:T;,j:"if ,fiT"ili



2015 Sr. no.7

3 (a)voyage charter party

. refer tola ni notes - page 22,23,24

. refer below gencon charterterms for arbitration/iurisdiction etc

. 3 (b) ship owning venture - viability, finance, sustainability, return on capital

%2oo c3% ag|ude%2ode%2ofaisabiIit%c3%A9_EN. pdf
. refercapt pullat pdffile on acquisition of mini bulk carrier

2015 Sr. no. 2

2 (a) factors affecting supply & demanC for tr3nsportatlon & its affect on shipping trade

. tolani notes page 8,9, 10, 11

. page 115, 116, 117 martin stopford

4 (a) foreign exchange risk in ship acqulsition

(b) voyage & time charter earnlng risk in foreign exchange


(c) cycle of payment in export shipment

Exporlers shoLJ d serously consider having the fre ght forwarder hand e lhe formidable arnount of
documentalion that export nq req! resifieghl foBarders a.e specla sls in th s process. Thefollow ng
documenls are commonly used ln expon ngl whlch of thenr are actually used in each case depends on lhc
requ rements of bolh oLJrgovemmcnl and the governmenl of the import ng coLrnlry.
. Commercial nvoice
. Billof ading
. Consular .voice
. Cerlificate of oig n
. lnspecton certf calion
. Dock recept and warehouse receipl
. DeslinaUoncontrolslalernent
. lnsurance certfcate
. Export license
. Exporl packing Lst
ep 1: Enquiry:

re starting point for any Export Transaction is an enquiry. An enquiry for product should, inter alia, speci{ythe
llowing details or provide the following data :

. Size details - Std. or oversize or undersize

. Drawing, ifavailable
. Sample, if possible
. Quantity required
. Delivery schedule
. lsthe price required on FOB or C& F or CIF basis
. Mode of Dispatch - Sea, air or Sea/air
. Mode of Packing
. Terms of Payment that would be acceptable to the Buyer - lf the buyer proposes to open any Letter of Credit,
any specific requirementto be complied with by the Exporter
. lsthere any requirement ofPre'shipment inspection and ifso, by which aEency
. Any Certificate ofOrigin required - lfso, from what agency.

tep 2: Proforma generation :

ler studying the enquiry in detail, the exporter - be it Manufacturer Exporter or Merchant Exporier - will provide a Proforma lnvo

the Buyer.

ep 3i Order placement :

the offer is acceptable tothe Buyer in terms of price, delivery and payment terms, the Buyer willthen place an order on the

rporter, giving as much data as possible in terms of specifications, Part No. Quantity etc. (No standard format is required for such

purchase order)

ep 4: Order acceptance :

is advisable thatthe Exporter immediately acknowledges receipt of the order, giving a schedule forthe delivery committed.

ep 5i Goods readiness & doaumentation:

nce the goods are ready duly packed in Export worthy cases/cartons (depending upon the mode ofdespatch), the lnvoice is

epared by the Exporter. lfthe number of packages is more than one, a packing list is a must. Even lf the goods to be exported are
icisable, no excise duty need be charged atthetime of Export, as exportBoods are exempt from Central Excise, but the

14 procedure is to be followed forclaiming such an exemption. Similarly, no SalesTax also is payable for export ofgoods.

:ep 6: Goods removalfrom works :

rere are different procedures for removin8 Export consignments tothe Port, following the AR4 procedure, but it wo!ld be advisat

,get the consignment sealed bythe Central Excise authorities at the factory premises itself, so that open inspection by Customs
fthorities at the Port can be avoided.

export consignments are removed from the factoryof manufacture, followinBthe AR4 procedure, claiming exemption of excise

lty, there is an obligation cast on the exporter to provide proofofexport to the Central Excise authorities

:ep 7: DocumentsforC & F agent:

re Exporter is expected to provide the followinB documentstothe Clearing & Forwarding Agents, who are entrusted with the task

shipping the consignments, either by air or by sea.

. lnvoice
. Packing tist
. Declaration in Form SDF {to meet the requirements as per FEM) in duplicate.
. AR4 - first and the second copy
. Any other declarations, as r€quired by Customs

On account ofthe introduction of Electronic Data lnterchange (EDl) system for processinB shipping bills electronically at
most ofthe locations - both for air or sea consignments - the C&F Agents are required to file with Customs the shipping
documents, through a particular format, which willvary depending on the nature ofthe shipment. Broad categories of
export shipments are:
. lJnder claim of Drawback of duty
. Without claim of Drawback
. Export by a 100% EOU
. Under DEPS Scheme

:ep 8: Customs Clearance:

terassessment ofthe shipping billand examination ofthe cargo by Customs (where required), the export consignments are

trmitted by Customs for ultimate Export. This is whatthe concerned Customs officials callthe'LET EXPORT'endorsement on the

ripping bill.
:ep 9: Document Forwarding :

After completing the shipment formalities, the C & F Agents are expected to forward to the Exporter the following documents:

Customs signed Export lnvoice & Packing List

Duplicate of Form SDF

Exchange control copy of the Shipping Bill, processed electronically

AR4 (original duplicate) duly endorsed by customs for having effected the Export

Bill of Lading or Airway bill, as the case may be.

ep 10: Bills negotiation :

ith these authenticated shipping documents, the Exporter will have to negotiate the relevant export bill throu8h authorized

)alers of Reserve Bank, viz., Banks.

lder the Generalized System of Pieference, imports from cievolopinB countries enjoy certain duty concessions, for which the

tporters in the developing countries are expected to furnish the GSP Certificate of Origin to the Bankers, along with other shippint

'oadly, payment terms can be:

. DP Terms

. DA Terms

. Letter of Credit, payable at sight or payable at... days.

ep 11: Bank to bank documents forwarding :

te negotiating Bank will scrutinize the shipping documents and forward them to the Eanker of the importer, to enable him clear tl

is expected of such authorized dealers of Reserve Bank to ensure receipt of export proceeds, which factor has to be intimated to
)serve Bank by means of periodical Returns.

ep 12: Customs obliSation discharge:

; indicated above, Exporters are also expected to provide proof of expod to the Central Excise authorities, on the basis of the

]stom5 endorsements made on the reverse of AR4s and get their obligation, on this score, discharged,
The revised scheme brings appropriaG synergy & convergence with the 9garmala hogramme which too
aims at promoting coastal shipping along with port modemization and new port development, port
connectivity enhancement, port-led industrial development and coastal community development. The
revised scheme is also in conformity with Plan Priorities and National objectives of the Government as in
the 12th Five Year Plan which emphasises on the need for incentivizing coastal shipping.

The financial assistance (granFin-aid) given under the Scheme will be subjed to audit by the CAG
of lrclta The revised scheme has treen released on the website of l4inistry of Shipping

8 (b) major impediments for development of coastal shipping in India



. Ab6ence of long Grm policy framewo*

. Restridive !1S Act,1958 dissonant wi$ the splrit of Gbotage and demands of growth in varied
. Indian Customs Act, 1962 results in ambiguity in definition of territorial boundaries
. Unreasonably high safe manning lsr'els (e.9.50o/o for tugs, 30% for containers) are a deterrent
. Mandatory co\^erage of H&['! insurance with Indian insurers mars competitiveness


. A comprehensive National Policy/Act on coastal Shipping addressing everv constituent of

Coastal shipping
- Passenger Movement
- Cargo Transportation
- Oil Field Services
Port Flotillas
'. BroadbasingprovisionofCabotage
Renewal of Indian Customs Aci 1962
. Rationalisation of safe manning levels
. Flexibility to access intemational insurance markets

Fiscal (tax regime):


. Higher corporate tax rates at 35.7% as against low tax regime for the foreign counter
. Applicability of Customs Duty (5olo) on tug acquisitions and (65010) on spares
. Differential depreciation rates
. -
Oiscrim inatory taxation on Indian seafarers' salaries shifting of talent
poolto foreign flags
. Applicability of sales/service/lease tax resulting in additional burden of 4
- 13%

. of tonnage tax regime

. Employment in Coasta Shipping to be treated at par for Income Tax applicability in case of
sealarers employed outside India
' Enhanced depreciation rates
' Rationalisation of Sales/Lease/Service tax
' Fiscll incentives to induce investments and increase participation in coastal activities



Lacli of Industry stature and recognition though a forex saver and employment generator
Port inefficiencies effecting growth of coastal trade
Lack of hinterland transportation ( rail & road ) connedivity to major/minor ports
Sea time during coastal voyages not recognised


Industry status to Coastal Shipping

Ded cated berths at ports for @astal vessels
Simplification of customs procedures

Imperative Action Sought I

. Need for Government to take a pragmatic approach to issues pertaining to coastal shipping and
outline a policy framework to create level playing conditions for Indian flag vessels vis-a_vls
fore gn flag vessels.
. Criti,rl need for creating a conducive operating environment to trigger tonnage accretion
especially in view of the gap in achievement of gth five year plan
. Con!;ider the strategic nature of industry, its future perspective, India,s long coasuine aod
aggressive offshore activities for future oil and enerov securitv
. Quick action on policy formulation
. Strengthen the Regulatory Authority
. Corr,:ctly emphasize the scope of Coastal Shipping

Adol,t policies to strmulate the sector
Fiscal incentives
. Level playing field by giving first right of reFusal to Indian flag vessels versus foreign flags

Self leliance
. Technoloqicalexpertise
. Foreign Exchange Saver
. Employment Generator
, Development of ancillary sectors
Enerlly Security
. Development of Oil / Gas field services
. Fortified second line of Defense
. Extension of Indian Coastal Shipping operating on foreign coast
. Foreign Exchange Earner

Employment Multiplier

[ack ofcapital investment in shipping sectorlTraditionally, roads, railways and aviation have been the
beneficiaries of a host of subsidies, credit facilities, and 5 year plan erpenditures in post-independence
lndia with coastal shipping in the coLrntry left to compete on t,nequal terms. Ship acquisition is presently
burdened with high finance cost and low term of loan. As per the survey analysis results (presented in
table.2) 86% ofthe participants are ofthe opinion that acess to capital is a critica I elem ent, as shipping
sector (ports/operators) must be able to raise capitalquickly in orderto make infrastructure
improvements to retain existing customers and attract new ones.

lnadequate lnlrastructure:.lndian Major Ports do not have separate berthing facilities or special
berthing policies for coastalshipping. As perthe survey analysis 72% ofthe survey participants
complaints that Coastalships calling at major ports often do not receive priority for berthing.As perthe
survey analysis report, presented in table - 7, 8296 ofthe participants feel that development of Non-
Major ports at a reasonable distance along the coasts of lndia is necessaryto develop coastalshippinB
and 77% ofthe participants feel ports that can offer berths regularly may be a bette. option for coastal
trafflc. Over 70% ofthe participants suggest to provide pre-designated lay-up areas and repair berths in
ports as coastalships frequently requires maintenance and repair. 86% ofthe survey participants
complaints that the first and last mile connectivity, rail and road connectivity, in the ports are
inadequate. About 68% ofthe survey participants complain that there are not sufficient CFS and
warehouses in the port area, especially in the non-major ports. Also 72% olthe respondents feelthat
ship building and ship repairingyardsare inadequate.

Cabotage policy based restrictions:- As presented in table -8, Over 50% ofthe suwey pa rticipa nts feels
absolute cabotage is necessary forthe groMh of coastalshipping in India. However, the other 50% feel
that opening the containerized cargo sector (domestic & foreign) to foreign players will promote the
coastal container trade. Considering the current inadequacy of the lndian coastal fleet, and the need to
introduce competition and growth in containerisation, 59% ofthe survey respondents feelthat a certain
degree of relaxation in cabotage policy might be needed for few years till coastal shipping grows

Action plan for developing lndian coastalshipping

The actions required to betaken for addressingthe issues and challenges faced by the stakeholders in
coastal shipping are discussed here. These suggested actions, when implemented are expected to
promote the growth of coasta I shipping in lndia.

6.1 Development of physical infrastructure

a. Ports related lnfrastrudurei lndia should develop dedicated transport corridors in a planned way.
Selected minor ports should be developed so as to identify specific origin -destinations on which
identified ca rgo could be moved at lower cost through coastal shipping. Adequate berthing facility such
as number of benhs, sufficient length for proper berthing ofthe vessels etc, to be provided at the ports
for coastal!essels so asto ensure fasterturn-around . Further, dedicated berths should be provided for
coastal ship! at Major Ports to avoid long waiting times. Also, the port terminals should have
mechanised and sophisticated cargo handling equipments to facilitate faster operations which would
help quick t rrn-around of vessels. Due to frequent repair requirements, pre-designated lay-up areas and
repair berths at ports are required where in repairs can be undertaken.

b. Strategic Location of MeBa Ports and Transshipment terminalst At present, there is no

comprehensive and coherent strategy for developing the existing ports or in deciding the location of
new ports in lndia A key government priority should be to invest in 2 to 3 Mega ports with
transshipment (Hub) terminals on each coast. The strategic location of transshipment terminals makes
them ideal Ior the inter-coastal movement of domestic lndian containers through coastal shipping. The
hub port can attract additional cargo volumes which could be feedered out to smaller ports in the

I c. Need to promote a robust lndian coastatfleeti As pcf the Ministry of Shipping's statistics, the
' tonnage deployed for coastal trade is only 10.9% ofthe total tonnage. AmonB these vessels the number
of actual cargo carrying vessels are negligible. Suficient Roll on - Roll off (Ro-Ro) vessels, which are
desiSned to carry wheeled cargo end load on - Load otf ([o-Lo) services are also not available along the
lndian coasi at present. lntroduction of such efficient multimodal transport system will make coastal
shipping mc,re attractive. Greater harmonisation ofthe River Sea Vessels (RSV)and lnland Vessels
(lvs)will inj€ct fresh dynamism into this sector and hopefully this would be an answer to the present
shortage of tonnage for domestic run.

d. Promote usage offoreign containers for domestic useiAs per the Customs notification No:
450/69/2000-CUS lV dated 30th October 2001foreign marine containers are permitted to use for
domestic traffic for a period of 5 months. Coastal liners should utilize this facility at least to expand their
reach to th€ special container market like open top, flat rack, tank containers and reefers without
purchasing or leasing the containers until steady voiume is built up. This move would considerably
minimize container imbalances and repositioning costof both overseas and domestic carriers. However,
very few lines utilise this facility at present.

e. lmprove Connectivity: The first and last mile connectivity is indispensable for attracting cargo to
coastal shippinB as it cannot serve the door-to door requirements of the customer. This will require
better conn3ctions between ports and the rail and inland waterway networks together with
improvements in the quality of port services. Given the near saturation of rail/road connectivityto
Maior Ports in particular, it is imperative to explore connectivity options through water mode wherever
f. Provide adequate Container Freight Stations and Storage facilities:-Modern and technologically
advanced CFSS have a significant role in effective custom clearance activities in the port, and thereby
shorten the turnarolnd time ofships. More CFSS need to be developed in the vicinity of export clusters
across the country to promote consolidation (LCt) and containerization of ca rgo. Domestic ports suffer
from inadequate storage facilities, which result in delay in consi8nment delivery. Many multi-modal
logistics parks should be developed across the country near the transportation hubs and at major

Sr. No. 02


Subi6cL Elflrlrcnmont Prlbdion & En€rw lr*Egement ln th€ MariftF lnduEfiv

(Tlm..llourd - 3lroultl
lndlr (2OtB) Abtnool| Prpar Tolll X.rk 60

0 All question cerry equal marks.
(ii) AnslGr any 8ix questions
(iii) The aneu€rE Ehodd be legible.

1. (a) DEcuss various intemational troatbs which have be€n made through the
Unibd Nations and ils agencies to addre$ intemetional pollutjofl issues,
(b) The United Nations Erwitonm€.f Prcgram (UNEP) is an ageocy ol the
United Nation8 thal ooordinates its e vironmontral edivities. Science is at the
foundation of UNEP's trork and 60 ife scienc6 strategy has sorne
ovensa.fiing goals covering the at€a6 of €rnorging i6sues, sustainability
science and sdoriinc competenge'. Dis6.,3s and o)qclaln these scienc€ goab.

(a) 'Marine Spalial Planning is3 ney to denehp $e bQ pictttre view ol matine
resouro€8 and spaco'. Explain with suitabls o€mpl€ to elaborate on Marine
Spathl Plenning.
(b) Phnning phase is irnportani when develoPing e coastal area based on
EBM. Discuss abod how e plan for EBM (EcosFtem based management)is

(a) Wha{ are the variou6 national requiremenb oo ballast u'atai exchange
programnE as of norr. Also discuss IMO ballast wator convention slatus and
requiroments under lhe convenlion
(b) Hore arc sevsral methods of ke.atmont ol Ballasi watei Oiscuss the
folloyring physicat based melhods for ballast water trealment, i) UV iadialion: -
ii) UV+Tio2 ; iii)De-orygenation; iv)Gas iniedion- i*Jr?z-
4. (a)How"..
Dooulation migraiion lo coasts, increasing urbanization and
contriorie for l3nd based pollution' What is thetu impact on
iilo,6rli"o Ei"ori"tw and ecdnomic devdbpment'
' il-wh;,;; tn" ,"n"6 pollu4ion probl€ms relatod to Pod development such
as ballast water, dredgiw and spills from ships'
5. (a) With regards to CSR procedure in shippiDg industry, dEcuss:. (i)
. Environment policiss. (ii) Sociat poticies and (iii) CSR and safety rogutations.
(b) ,The goal of CSR is to embrace rgspon8ibility for ltle cornpanfs acliong
and encourage a positive impact through its activitins on the erwironment,
consumers, €rnpbyEer, co.nrnunitbs, stakeholdBB ard all oth€r members of
the public sphsre. Furfiermoro, CsR-focused business€s rsuld proactively
promota ti€ public inbrBst (pl) by encouraging community gtolvth and
development, and voluntedly sliminatng pradic€s that harm the public
sph€rB, rBgardloss of tsgativ. CSR b the deliborale inclusion of pl into
corporate declsionfiaking that b the core business of the company or firm,
and the honoudru of a fipl6 bottom line: p€ople, plsnet, profif. Discuss in

6. (a) As lhe aim of EEDI is to make more en€rgy gficient rGasels, there are
many initiatives to d6ign and build such vesseb. Discuss the pdnciples
, involrred in design end construdion of more eficl€nl Ve€sels.
(b) Crisqlss tho r€tovance of H.rt Recov.ry! (UTHRS) in
. - "\
toaalre Bhlp operations, focusing on:{!} Efiect WHRS on Shlp'c EEDh (ii}
.- Rote of yWRS in emi$ion reduclion for Sox, NOx and pM (ii0 Cost benefls
-ul of W{RS insl,attaticns.

7. (a) Examine th€ 6hength3, weaknesses and capacity baniors for lndian
, shipping to addrEs lh€ n€w €mbsion controt regubiihs'fu maritinre soaor.
(b) The Shtp
7 r.mPlove Enrty Efttchncy ltnegemoim phn (SEEtrp) siis to
.a.. Bhip's ..eneEy effcbnry through four' staps: pt€n i/rgr,
,-(t impbn €,nlation,
- moniluir?q, atYl $ltavaluatftn-ad inpmwnent.'D*i#
with ,suitable q6mp[es, the cdtical role of each of tirese components in
improving energy effciency of ships.

8. (a) Ufth respect to formuh for calqrlating EEDI discuss the folt@ring
. statefinents
(i) C_arbon dioxide smissbn is not tinoer in instaled pou,er.
".{' (ii) EEDI will ingease fuol consumplion in non boom corditions.
{b) Optimization of ship dimensions b recognir&
9.n ing neU wltfrin rtre
", " -irproving
marirx? communlty as meem lo improva eiergy etflcdncy
oi shipo. Oiscuss
scope and, impact of of o,e bllorv,rp in jn.igy
$iency of shipsi (!) sjriro siry$ capacity; (ii) itrrrip'sp*io; tiiiiprincip.rir
Dimensions. f ,.5 ei*.:)
'9. shipping
(a) essay on the need for Anti touting
including attematities lo TBT.
conrcnlion and its impact on

.,,\f . jlJ-?]:1j:":l.r: atremattues to rinrased .nflfou[ns p.lntr, with specific

..i\' rercren@ to th€ to owing tlnes:_
11 cont o ed t}eprai rn eotymer 1coel
pajnt; {ii) setf-potishirp copotynrer
tdpCl p.i.i, fm lyurid TBT tae paint ;
j\',,.of- ...
(iv) Fouling Rstease paint. '..
J*. r""., i,.9 ,.*
' 'C!,(flr^.3...r,1 ($nk'l \oq0_6u.r'\ . ,
(.r So,'.
*1r'' -rr5i'' I
***r'-i'.--'-'{'---.- f 7i..t 9,6.1 5ii)icr, o
lfyc,,i. ioir'' r\'"orr,'r',r
'r !r, "J \', lrt" i
lr\r^ t/(tr. '
Sr. No. O2
SrrblGctr Rl3k lhn.aGlnGnt & ihdnG fn.urrnce
(TlmG.llowcd - 3hourc)
Indla (2O16) Irlornlng Papcr Total M.rkr 60
(l) All question carry egual marks.
(ll) Answer any six quesuons.
(lll) The answers should be legtble.

1) (a) Explain the signilicance and role of G6n€ra lnsuranca CoQoration (GlC) in
marine inguran@ in lndia. How marin6 inSuaanco prBmiums u,ors decided in lndia
bofore d+regulation and what arB lho important changBs afi6r de-regulation,

(b) Write shod notes on any throo of the fottowing:- (i) Deductibtes (ii)
Assignm€nt of policy (iii) Subject matar (iv)Sp€culative ,isks.

2) (a) What is 'Notic6 of absndonment. in marin€ insufance. Erplain. lf the

' do€s not accept g/ch a notft:e, does it ni3an thst the o,rneis claim is reiec.ted?

(b) A vessol in your fle€t was grounded due to engine failure in h€avy ureath€r
resultlng in wEt€r ingress in a cargo hold. Substantial amounts rnere spent in
salvag€. V€ssel was then towed to n€atest port wtter€ cargo was discha€ed,
damaged cargo dispo6€d, repairs undertaken aM sound caigo re-loaded bofore
vssE€l couH proceod on h6r voyage. Eehin how you would recover the various
losses sufiBr€d and expensas incun€d by th€ d,vr€r.

3) (a) What is'Running Down Claus€' ard 'General Ay€rage Eleenses,? How ars
tha clairns und6r th68e chuses treated by H&M as ursll as p&l lnsurels?

(b) A vessol in your fbei has sustainod damags du€ ts ar insured penl The
damage was idcntifiod only dudng drydoddng one year afi€r tho incident. Witi it
be admissible under a hull policy? Hot/wv€r, a6 th€ damage has not affected the
Chss slatu8 of the vees6l, you docire not to oarry out the repair. Can you file I
daim against yout Wlicy? lf yas,r how can the value of suoh claim b€

4) (a) Disouss the limitetion of liabiliti66 as specilied in the Merchant Shipping

(Limitation of Liablliti63) Rules. 2015.

Page I of3 _)
(b) A ship owner is buying a second-hand bulk carrier. Prepare a documenl
advising him on the importanca of due diligence, from insuran@ point of view,
and also whal he n6ods to do to ensure that loss or damage to the vess€l do€s
not happ€n due to want of du6 diligenc€ on his part. You may assume any
information to 6uppor! your advice.

5) (a) What are human related fsctors taken into account as potsntial risk faciors in
a risk assessment on ships? Name thr6e guch human related rigks and possiblo
risk mitigation measuros that could be taken for sach of them.

(b) You are a chief engineer on a 60,000 DWT bulk carrier. Your ship had a major
breakdown of the main engine turbochargor and repairs are noi possible on
board Without the functional lurbocharger, your vessel is unable to mako more
than 4 Knots spoad. ln consultation with the Master, you are culemplating
divorting to th€ port of Durban just 40 nm away. Explain hoe you would do a risk
assessmont to ovaluate the risk ofengine failure during the approach.

6) (a) Explain any two Ha2ard ldontification And Riek Anatysis Techniques
described by Maritims Safety Committe6 (lMO) in th€ir Gurdeline3 for Format
Safety Assessmant (FSA) for
uee in
the IMO rule-making procass
(MSC/Circ. 1 023-MEPC/Circ.392).

(b) Read the lollowing casuatty information c8retully and conduct a risk
managsrn€nt exercise. You may essume soma details, if necassary and indicae
the safiEln your analysis. You n€ed to establish that if th6 risk management, as
suggested by you, waE canied out this incideat could haw b€en avoided.

'Mahrt€nance of tho hward dir c1o,m0,E/ssor was plenned next day. A&otdingly it
was isorarod by swfrcr, ing o{l lhe b,o*er and glso by closir'g ralovant vsve s. lt is
aldarstood that a notixb of isolatiut was diiplaFd and t lo issue i.vas discussed
by lhe watch*eeping otryineo,s. Nexl day an engineer wes pdra.llaling lhe
ganenlots and for sm@th synchonizing asked the junior engineor to swltcft off
lha brcaker of the c;utwafi crmprBssor. Afteryards junlor ongineer asked the
senlp/ enginaer il he could sta/, tho compressor. On acknowlodgement the junior
enginoer, mistakenly, stattod lhe inwad comprcssor. The prcssure lnside lhe
camprcssor buill up aN ovonlually it axploded end cdused fatal lnjuries to lhe
junior enginear."

7)fa) Explain the principia$ o{ indBmnily end subrogstior: ir{ith special cDnsidsration
" to marina in6uranc6

(b) You are a commercial manager for an Ofishoro Supply Vessel and looking for
a charterer fo{ your vessBl. Dufng n€gotiaiion with a prospeciive charlersr,
charterer has a6ked for incluslon of 'waiver of subrogation" claus6- Whet does
this mean? \/vhat are the riske that you would ba expo8ed to? What are th6 stops
you would lake before you agree for inc{usion of such a clause?

Pagc 2 of3
'' :3;.::;551tr ;fJ:I' trJ:r$H'1!:1'fflii'[."9Jl'l'Jlfllj'"1'1',

';"-1"'{ffi:i'T'f :JffiT'#$'j:":":fl


Sr. No. 2


Subiect: Maritime Requlations (B1)

(Time allowed - 3hours)

lndia (20 t7) Total Marks 60

(i) All question carry equal marks.
(ii) Answet any six questions

(iii) The answers should be legible.

1. (a) With reference Io IMO's guidelines on ,Maritime Cyber Risk

Management', discuss the wlnerability of various systems on board and
explain the Best Management Practices to reduce such risks.

(b) Discuss briefly the {i:rctional elements tirat support effective cyber risk
management onboard a merchant ship.

2. (a) One of the ships under your management reports the presence of a
"stowaway" onboard. As a Technical Manager of the ship, and authentically
referring to the FAL Convention and associated guidelines, explain how
will you guide the Master regarding i) Treatment of stowaways while on
.// board ii)Disembarkation and retum ofa stowaways iii) Reporting procedures
to Authorities.

(b) Stricily guided by the FAL Convention guidelines, prepare a note to be

circulated on the ships under your management regarding the Best Practices
to be followed for the Prevention of access by stowaways and for the
successful resolution of Stowaway cases.

J. (a) The Facilitation Committee, at its thirty-ninth session, approved the

Guidelines for the use of electronic certificates on ships. With reference to
this, explain the features that are essential for such electronic certificates.

(b) Explain the mechanisms for verification, reporting and port state control
enforcement to be ensured by Maritime Administrations for its effective
4.,lAl Refenins to IMO's main task, discuss with illustrative examples if the
twtO has fuifilled its role as a "competent intemational body''as envisaged
-,/ by UNCLOS.
'(b) t!hu, is meant by a "contracting State" with regard to lntemational
I conv:ntions? Is it necessary for a State to become a member of IMO for
becoming a contracting State to an IMO convention?

Aat fVrirc a short cssay on lour underslanding of Casualty InYestigation

W Cod,, and rhe benefit that would accrue towards proactive proposals in the
4n/ IMO on safety issues.

(b) \Vith reference to casualty Investigation Code, explain a technique that

^/ will suide incident investigations in the conduct ofroot cause analysis and in
idenrlfying, documenting and trending the causes of accidents and near

@(trt ,lClUf has played significant roles in IMO affairs with respect to
f technical and operational rules/regulations. Give few examples of such
ru le. i regu lations initiatcd Lry ol halc lbllo':;ed iuitiatives of OCIMF,
erpl.rining hou lhese ha\e conlribuled to salety on board ships

c9 (b) 'Write briefly on i) Ship Inspection repoft (SIRE) Programme and ii)
Tanker Management and Self Assessment tool(TMSA).

Vt)a\ IMO Resolution A 104'7 (21) "Principles of safe manning" requires

/ Y Adninisrrations to take propcr account of existing IMO, ILO, ITU aod
D. WH,l instrume ts when approving company's proposal and issuing safe
- manning document. List a few ofthese instruments and state how they affect
J safe manning lerels on board ships.
(b) Discuss with examples, the challenges in implementation of the
stipulations of A.1047 (27) for a Chemical tanker carrying many parcels?

8. (a) Discuss salicnt features ol the new Merchant Shipping Act Bill under
the consideration of the Parliament and explain how it differs from the
curr 3nt Act.
(b) Briefly express your views, how the provisions of the new Bill could be
bencficial to thc overall devclopment of the lndian shipping Industry.
9. (a) What are MS notices of the Indian Administration? As a superintendent
in a shipping company in charge of safety and training functions, write a
$ circular to all ships in your company, quoting one or two MS notices and
instructing how rhey shoutd be interpreted, complied with, and acted upon to
-! ", ensure Lheir effective implementation.

/(b) Referring to relevant MS Notices, explain how the SOLAS requirements

,/ regardirg Verified Gross Mass (VGM) of containers have been
implemented in the Indian context.
Sr. No. 2
Subiect: Shippinq. Economics & Finance
(Time allowed - 3hours)
lndia (2017) Morning paper Total Marks:60
(i) All question c€rry equal
(ii) Question No.i is compulsory.
l,[] Answer any five questions from the remaining
(v) Ihe answers shoutd be legibte.

(a) Demonstrate your grasp of investment

in shipping or related sector, by drawjng
a brief business plan, justifying each stage, ir"f rarg -;;"i, up
,"i"i"g r,,nn,,nntnn

Q/ r,nethods. ensuring viabitity. retum on capjtat, ,

(5) ldentify and discuss the potential
sustainaOitity"etc in ; ;,;;;;r; il;'' 4
obstactes which .ry O"
Lompany tocated in a developing country when atlemptri Or"..f,ippfln /
a "n"orni"oJ
in both the domestic and intemationaL -rii"n-JJ'l"",niror"" iebt ftnance
,"*"t".wi,"r "qriiy ",
or ,"*
hedging methods may be available to accommodate
or overcom" ti""" oi"tlo""z
z. (a/ tqenrly ano discuss (in ie.rms oJ purpose)
the main covenants and terms h a typicai
,noftgage in respect of a bilateral loan between a financial institution and a shipping
@ (B) (i) Discuss the various forms of
company to a bank from which it wan
security v'hich may be offered bv a shipprng
several 'one ship companies,,
comDanies, n.* r"jijl."1tfl.i]:",i-!?
how do€ thi, affect the lendefs
wrllPa'rv uurrrprFes
, 't " "o,prnv
.orp|.i."l /
!- _- r ..... l" perception of risks and
h.1w might these ;^,^
how hi^hl ,^ (iji)
'ha.^ risks be reduced? J" ,"g"i ,,gii":ffi#: fl [i:
3. E l' IRR' NPv, PAYBA.K and Discounted
:?"#,:':' melhods, wiih simpre
(b) During the dry dock the hul
of X i be-painted with a special coating.
which is expecled to give a savino ," ;:^:"1"-o:"0 l:
p"r,t*r,ir,g,t""p'p';ffi ::'if ,i.";i#.'^fl
o ruel consumption of the vesset
expected to rise by solo/year, lt
is 2s tonstday. r*
is assr
il.'#::i:9]ff :,:"r::r":?iJlli_
,n* ;; i;;,", and is u
*lJ"lJ,";']$"i'{iL""Tl[:T#-111ff j,:.,',:i'"",:::[x]ff ;:T:,?::J',"TJ;
,ect. The discounting rate can be assumed
2}yo. to be

4 (a) The groMh of Shipping in dustry

- closely
''""'t rrrrKeo
'tDternationat to the environmental
linked ro
, sustainabitily,
sustainabitifu, rcgional
rc(rion,t d, -,.h and
regtonat groith
growt) ,rr- Poticv evatuation. l*ti, ;;
\,/z (b)
statement with suitable examples.
i:t:T:,1*il':;q;;##i:' ?
Referring to internationat grain
traa, from the ruaorng ports
urE loading
rhe major trade routes all the ports, describe any of
,n" *-,"',lt'.1'lg
to the discharge ports You should
characleristics hazard"
characteristics, hr7,r.r. -h.r.r^..,^^^ include
"na l"l"T
Page 1of 2
ports-and'lerminals provide sft
5- (a) Describe, with examples' the services t/'ttich container
that these services
rton' tn"v
h the conte{ of multi-t'd""t'";;:;io]""nJ "nsure
w* "*"1': lilnTi*ri'als increase
- . /ktakerhei
d:.T::,f"'"i;"* ii", Iace as a result or the sisnificant
\7 1u1 wt'at ctra'b"g":
in the size o{ container vessel! *iu ,"",,n"se chatlens;s to ensure that
their Ports remain attractive?

6.(a)Discussl*I"l-"lYlo"o#T;;f":J:J?i::1,',"1.;f ,:flH.:"'ff;":'";
u'ith Partnersnlps
iiraini *itn t""n tvpe of business omanisation' a fleet of 16 vessels' a mixture
(b) The conrpany,"' *"n tJ"'"'l"l^oil"i"ges
bulk caniers
;;*;ommercial' .technical and operational
iankers and and
that would be in the company
management' Describe the '"1"""
"rH;;il i"*n'"""
:an"J- rlsionsiuirities of each depsrtment Draw
explain thr: xey funaions it
fo' $t" iaentify the key roles within
organisational charl
"ornf'ny "nd
to Recycling industry: a) Where are the main end buyers
7 (a) Referring Ship
tl'li"t' o ii"'Jrii ot a strip soto tor
demolition determineo'
lonnage lo"""ot what is
lnctuoeJ il";" il;i; ship sold for demolition' and
c) Wh.rr is normattv

iJi$lill,,*t n a cash buver who wish""-I" ':1" "eii.'

o'1""o west co;'f I rc-'al iirai' s\rur arr
'c 'ij- Juiti: ::::.:]yj::
""rap 'nn
including aCdress commission'

I (a) pre-pLrchase
",r:i:":;:.::1,ff^"J:,"j,lT#H"::::"l1Tl1'"ill"lllili"J o*
inspection of the ":":"' "'",::#';".",
*rno"r" the choices open to the

(} /:n""1 Hili; n:f"il,""l Hil:;;; ;;thes&P"noimptrcations "o"trast it nas on other crauses

uroker undertakes Asainst this
- J ,tivalua.ions "" "; consideration when valuing a vessel? (ii)
eiplain: (irWhat fact"*
*""t'I'o'#t t'*"
',noo'liJJ"loffi; into
certificate? (iii) who would
a valuation
How doer a oro*", oror"o'1,i.'","r^i:""'L.rrn
,""0"i* *t'ation certilicate and why?

is iniending to replace
iJt'ppott tn""t '"q'''irements? ^ {ra6 ' Pcv aild \HTS vesscls
(b) Your exclusive /ner '
i"g"in"' ;ih v"" *"ommendations'


. -Page.2 oJ 2 ,,,.., ,..u.., .,

.r.,r....: :.;.:: .:.t' :.:'
Extra First Class Engineer Examination

Part A

A.1 . Law of ihe Sea & Maritime Law

All questions carry equal marks. Total Marks 100

Answer anv six questions only Total Time 3 Hours

Illustrations and Clarity in expression carry weightage

1. Law ofcarriage ofgoods specifies the obligations, rights and responsibilities ofma time
carrier and cargo interests. This law has developed substantially over the last few decades.
Compare and critically discuss salient features ofvarious conventions regarding this law.
2. Which generalprinciples ofthe lndian Contract Act, 1872, willbe applicable during the
process offinalization ofcharter? Discuss on the obligations ofthe two parties for enslring
satisfactory performance of the contract?
3. Explain the main differences between the current international conventions applicable to the
carriage of goods by sea.
4. Discuss the implications of United Nations Convention on the Law ofthe Sea for IMO
5. In Charter Parties there ar€ certain terms implied, such as seaworthiness, no deviation, no
dangerous goods, etc. Discuss whether there is any obligation implied on the charterer in
relation to safe ports.
6. Discuss negligence in the Law ofTorts. On a claim ofdamages in negligence, what is the
effect of the defendant successfu lly establishing'contributory negligence'?
7. Therc are instances where an agreement may be enforceable even though there is no
consideration . Discuss with suitable examples.
8. tems liquidated damages and unliquidated damages in the law ofcontract,
a) Explain the
b) Explain the term 'Once on demurrage always on demurrage' as compared to la),time.
9. a) A Bill ofLading is said to be evidence ofthe contract ofcarriage ofgoods. Discuss
any circumstances when a Bill of Lading rnay become the actual contract ofcarriage.
b) Discuss, giving appropriate examples, (i) ratification and (ii) ostensible authority, in
the law ofagency.

Extra First Class Engineer Examination

Part A

A.1. Law of the Sea & Maritime Law

All question carry equal marks. Total Marks 100

Answer anv six questions onlY Total Time 3 Hours

fllustrations and Clarity in expression carry weightage

- carrier. Enumerate these in light ofexisting national/intemational
resolution ofGeneral
z. aj enalyre atl the various factors to be considered before the final
Jason Clause''
b) Disluss the purpose and use ofthe'Amended
the 2ooo edition and exPlain the main
L iompare tne zbt i edition of the'lncoterms'against
chan8es whrch have been aPPhed
Liner Agency company may be required to
+. Desiribe the full range ofservices which a
provide to its principal, and comment on the
tems ofa contact which might cover their
commercial relationshiP'
exPlain lhe reasons for a Bill of
- S. oi..r.,, in a"oil, the main functions of a Bill of LadinS and
l-ading beint made out'to order'inslead
ofto a named consi8nee'
g. g](pflirif,i aifferent rol€s ofthe protective agent and the charterer's nominated agent'
giving examPles.
and identify the major
?. Define the role ofthe Sale and Purchase broker as an intermediary
areas ofactivity and potential risk'
- regulation' the defences of inevitable
8. Discuss, with reference to relevant case law and
event of a collision incident'
accidenf and 'agony of lhe moment' in the
differ? Discuss both with suitable examples'
vessel is seaworthy. How do the obligations

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