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Forms of Energy – energies possessed by a body which has to be considered

when analyzing a thermodynamic system

A. Stored energy

1. Potential energy, f(m, z) – energy possess by a mass due to its elevation

PE = m(g)h ΔPE = m(g) Δh

2. Kinetic energy, f(m, vel) – energy possess by a mass due to its motion or velocity

KE = ½ (m)v2 ΔKE = ½ (m)[v22 – v12]

3. Internal energy, f(m,T) – stored energy due to its microscopic movement of molecules and
forces of attraction between them

4. Flow Work, f(p, vol) – is the energy required to move the fluid across the boundary of the
∆Wf = ∆PV = P2V2 – P1V1

Enthalpy (h) - combination energy

h = u + Wf
∆h = ∆u + ∆Wf
= mCv∆T + ∆PV
= mCv∆T + mR∆T
= m[Cv + R]∆T
= mCp∆T

a) Linear : Work = force x distance = F x S

b) Rotational: Work = torque x angular displacement = T x θ

B. Transition energy

5. Heat – is the energy crossing a system boundary because of a temperature difference between
the system and surroundings

Q = m c ΔT = m c [Th – Tc] where: T – absolute

6. Mechanical work or power – when force acts in the direction of motion

a) P = work / time = [F x S] / t = Force x Linear Velocity

b) P = work / time = T x [θ/t] = Torque x Angular Velocity
Tutorial Problems: (part 2)

1. A dam holds 200,000 m3 of water at a height of 150 m above a valley floor. If the water is used to
drive a hydraulic turbine generator situated on the valley floor, what is maximum energy that can
be generated?
Solving for m = ρ(V) = 1000 kg/m3 (200,000 m3) = 2 x 108 kg

PE = mgh = [2 x 108 kg] (9.81 m/sec2) (150m) = 2.943 x 105 MJ

2. An airplane has a mass of 196,000 kg and carries 400 passengers having an average mass of 60 kg
each. What is the total energy of the loaded airplane when traveling at 820 km/hr at a height of
9,500 m above the sea level?
PE = mgh
mgh = (196,000 + 24,000) kg (9.81 m/sec2)(9,500m) = 2.0503 x 1010 N•m
KE = ½ mv2
½ mv2 = ½ (220,000) [(820 km/hr x( hr/3600sec)(1000m/1km)2] = 5,707,098,765 N•m
Total Energy = PE + KE = 2.62 x 1010 joules = 26,200 MJ

3. A motor driven pump transfer 5000 liters of oil (SG = 0.8) per hour through an elevation of 16
meters. If the delivery velocity is 10 m/sec, what is the input power of the pump?
m = ρV = 0.8(1000)(5) = 4,000 kg/hr = 1.11 kg/sec
ΔPE = mgh = [1.11 kg/s](9.81m/s2)(16m) = 174.23 Watts
ΔKE = ½(m)v2 = ½(1.11)[10]2 = 55.5 Watts
PT = 174.23 + 55.5 = 229.73 Watts = 0.23 KW

Pinput = PE = mgh = 0.8(1000)(5)(9.81)[16 + 102/2(9.81)] = 827,840 J/hr

= 0.23 KW
TDH = [Pd – Ps] / γ + [Vd – Vs] / 2g + Z = [0] / γ + [Vd – 0] / 2g + Z
= 0 + [(10)2 /2(9.81)] + 16 = 5.097 + 16 = 21.097 m
Wp = Q x γ x TDH x S.G. = (5/3600)m3/s)[9.81 kN/m3] 21.907m (0.8)
= 0.23 KW

4. A car having a total mass of 1500 kg and traveling at 100 kph is made to stop by applying brakes.
All of the kinetic energy of the car is converted into internal energy of the brakes. Assuming each
of the car’s four wheels has a steel disc brake with a mass of 10kg, what is the temperature change
of the brakes? Specific heat of steel = 0.45 KJ/ kg-K.
Vel = 100 km/hr = 27.78 m/sec
KE = ½(m)v = ½(1500 kg)(27.78 m/s)2 = 578,796.3 Nm
KE = Q = mcΔT
ΔT = Q / mc = 578.7963 kJ / 40 kg (0.45 kJ/kg-K) = 32.16ºK

5. An elevator and its contents have a mass of 1500kg. What is the electrical power input to the
lifting motor if the elevator is raised through a height of 36 meters in 30 seconds? Assume that
only 85% of the electrical power input to the motor is available to lift the elevator.
m = 1500kg h = 36m t = 30 seconds
PE = mgh = 1500 kg(9.81 m/sec )(36m) = 529,740 N-m
PLift = 529,740 J / 30sec = 17,658W = 17.658 kW
Pinput = Plift / 0.85 = 17.658 kW / 0.85 = 20.77 kW
6. A 600 kg hammer of a pile driver is lifted 2 meters above a piling head. If the hammer is released,
what will be its velocity at the instant it strikes the piling?
PE = mgh = (600)(9.81)(2) = 11,772 Nm
KE = ½(m)v2 v2 = 2KE/m = 2(11,772) / 600 = 39.24
v = 6.26 m/sec

7. A girl weighing 470N holds suspended on the end of a rope 5 meters long. What will be her gain
in potential energy when a friend swings her to one side so that the rope makes an angle of 35°
with the vertical?
X = 5 cos 35º = 4.095 m h = 5 – 4.095 = 0.905 m
ΔPE = mgh = Wh = 470(0.905) = 425.35 Nm
8. A tank contains 25 liters of lubricating oil having a relative density of 0.9 and a temperature of
10°C. The oil is heated for 15 minutes by a 2.16 kw electric heater. Determine the final
temperature of the oil assuming heat loss through the tank as 160w. (specific heat of oil is 2
Heating Power = 2.16 KW Voil = 25 liters = 0.025 m3
SGoil = 0.9 ti = 10°C + 273 = 283K
Time = 15 min = 900 sec QL = 160W = 0.16 KW
Coil = 2 KJ/kg-K
moil = ρoil(v) = 0.9(1000)(0.025) = 22.5 kg

Recall: Q = m c ΔT
ΔT = (Heating power – Heat loss) time / m(c)
= (2.16 – 0.16)900 / 22.5(2) = 40ºK = 40ºC
tf = 10ºC + 40ºC = 50ºC

9. There are 400 kg/min of water being handled by pump. The lift is from a 20-m deep well and the
delivery velocity is 15 m/sec. Calculate the required power of the pumping unit in Kw.
ΔPE = mgh = (400/60)kg/s [9.81m/s2] 20m = 1,308 Watts
ΔKE = ½(m)v2 = ½(400/60)kg/sec [15m/s]2 = 750 Watts
Power = ΔPE + ΔKE = 1,308 + 750 = 2,058 Watts = 2.058 KW

TDH = [Pd – Ps] / γ + [Vd – Vs] / 2g + Z = [0] / γ + [Vd – 0] / 2g + Z

= 0 + [(15)2 /2(9.81)] + 20 = 11.47 + 20 = 31.47 m
Wp = Q x γ x TDH x S.G. = (0.4/60)m3/s [9.81 KN/m3] 31.47 m
= 2.058 kW

10. A motor driven pump transfers 5,000 liters of oil per hour through an elevation of 16 m. If the
specific gravity of the oil is 0.8, what is the input power to the pump?

P = Fh = mgh = 4,000 kg/hr * hr/3600sec * 16 = 17.78 N•m/sec = 17.78 Watts

ρoil = S.G * ρw = 0.8(1000kg/m3) = 800 kg/m3
Moil = ρoil Voil = 800 kg/m3 (5000 L * 1 m3/1000L) = 4,000 kg

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