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The Institution for Better Life

Laoag City


SCHOOL YEAR 2019- 2020


College of Teacher To conduct CTESC election Conduct of College of All Students of CTE August 04, 2019
Education Student Council for SY 2018-2019 Teacher Education Student
Election Council (CTESC) election Faculty Members of CTE

Teachers’ Day To serve as forum for the Display of a freedom wall All Officers of CTESC October 04, 2019
students and the community to where students are free to
express their generous write their greetings and All Students of CTE
appreciation on the role of appreciation to all the
teachers in molding young teachers. Faculty Members of CTE
Worship Service as Co- To deepen the spirituality of Schedule students to attend , November 27, 2018
sponsor students in this Christian vesper services, bible services
School. on Sundays and worship
services on two Wednesdays
every month.
Intramurals To strengthen camaraderie Schedule early selection of All Officers of CTESC November 28-29, 2019
and friendship among athletes through the rout nary
students. medical examination and All Students of CTE
other physical screening
procedures. All Students of Northern
Christian College
Schedule rehearsal periods.
Faculty Members and Staff of
Northern Christian College

Christmas Celebration To enjoy Christmas in the Participate in the college wide All Officers of CTESC December 19, 2018
spirit of love and sharing. Christmas decoration contest.
All Students of CTE

All Students of Northern

Christian College

Faculty Members and Staff of

Northern Christian College

JS Program To strengthen the bonds of Perpetuate this commendable All Officers of CTESC March 08, 2018
friendship among juniors and activity whereby seniors turn
seniors. over the key of responsibility Students of Juniors and
to juniors then socialization Seniors
Faculty Members of CTE


Students’ Day To serve as a forum for Set aside a day every month All Officers of CTESC April 12, 2018
students to air freely their where students are consulted
sentiments re-school policies on their day to day school All Students of CTE
and regulations. activities.
All Students of Northern
Christian College
Faculty Members and Staff of
Northern Christian College

General Assembly To serve as venue for the Conduct a general orientation All Officers of CTESC Twice a Month
administration to acquaint to all students on school
new and old students on policies and guidelines. All Students of CTE
school policies and
regulations especially on the Faculty Members of CTE
screening, admission, and
retention policies of the

Worship Service To deepen the spirituality of Require the regular attendance All Officers of CTESC Every Second and Last
students in this Christian of all students. Wednesday of the Month
School. All Students of CTE

All Students of Northern

Christian College

Faculty Members and Staff of

Northern Christian College

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