Practical Research

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Chapter I



Adolescence is the most crucial stage for a teenager, which is the most

rapid phase of human development. This is why they are drawn to sexual and

reproductive health. And the hormonal characteristic of a teenager is more

active. Thus, pregnancy among teenagers is prominent.

Teenage pregnancies are often associated with social development

issues such as lack of sufficient education and poverty. This often results to

single parenthood which catalyzes condition that renders the mother to

become irresponsible. (Salvador, 2016) In addition, teenage pregnancy is a

risk factor for disruption of education and future unemployment. The aim of

this study was to understand the attitudes and perceptions of teenagers

regarding teenage pregnancy and to explore their understanding of sexuality

and contraception. This study intended to contribute to a deeper

understanding by exploring teenagers’ own perceptions on the matter, to

identify factors that, in their view, may influence the risk of pregnancy and

suggest possible interventions.

Behavior is the way in which how teens will act upon the increasing

cases of teenage pregnancy in Ballesteros. And it's effect on everyday life of a

teenager. The objective of this study is oath to determine the consciousness

of every teens and how they address and take the issue sincerely. It includes

what being male or female means to us and how we express our gender, how

we feel about our bodies, about our appearance and about physical pleasure;

whom we are attracted to and what we choose to do about it and, if we have

intimate relationships, how we behave with our partners. Our ability to

reproduce comes from our sexual behavior and our feelings about our

sexuality and sexual identity can be deeply affected by our sense of our own

fertility. The increasing rate of early pregnancy every year caused a

disturbance that may influence their routine. As they approach adolescence

period they are more prone to get involve to sexual activities. This study will

serve them to reflect their behavior to assess their actions and thoughts to this


The response of teenagers describes the action that will be done

regarding to the increasing rate of teenage pregnancy in Ballesteros. The

objective of this study is to let the teens express their opinions and answers

about the case seriously. This will determine how teens will handle or take the

issue in their everyday life, whether they will make precautionary measures or

not. The response of the teens may vary basing on their perception about the

early pregnancies of teens. This is a very large problem because it leads to

many different problems. It can lead to overpopulation, medical risks to the

teenage mother, and a decrease in education for females. That is why in this

study, the response of teens will be very important.

Teenage pregnancy had been a worldwide issue, and has raised large

numbers of campaigns and awareness to lessen its occurrence. The total rate

of this phenomenon is increasing each year. One out of every young Filipino

woman in the Philippines age 15 to 19 is already a mother or pregnant with a

first child. According to the data given by the Rural Health Unit in the

Municipality of Ballesteros, the rate of this case is indeed increasing in the

said municipality. In the given data, it was in year 2016 when the cases of

teenage pregnancy grow. The total number of affected teenager had reached

the sum of 100. During the year 2017, the total sum surprisingly decreased

from 100 to 77. But in the recent data which is in the year 2019, the number of

teenage pregnancy case from January to August had already reached the

sum of 38. And when the year ended, the total value of this case again

increased and had a total of 95. Teenage pregnancies are often associated

with social development issues such as lack of sufficient education and

poverty. This often results to single parenthood which catalyzes condition that

renders the mother to become irresponsible (Tabios, 2019).

The result of the study aims to reveal the response and behavior of

teenagers in Ballesteros to the increasing rate of teenage pregnancy. Being

pregnant in a young age can make an adversity to teenagers. Many girls were

sexually active, several had already experienced pregnancy, and some were

at risk for intentional pregnancy. They might be encountering many

consequences. Their sexual, physical, mental and emotional health can be

affected or erratic. Due to the poor educational qualification, teenage mothers

often suffer from financial problems. Teenage pregnancy causes extra burden

to the taxpayers too. In a way, in order to maintain the health of the society,

and develop happy and peaceful society, it is essential to take revolutionary

steps to restrain growing numbers of teenage pregnancy.

No doubt that teenage pregnancy is now one of the most serious

problems that our country is facing. The researchers conducted this study to

enlighten and address this issue. And everyone to be guided and

knowledgeable to the root of the increasing rate of teenage pregnancy.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the Response and Behavior of Teenagers

to the increasing Rate of Teenage Pregnancy.

Specifically, it seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What is the perception of teenagers about early pregnancy?

2. What are the factors that lead to the increase of early teenage pregnancy in

Ballesteros, Cagayan?

3. How can the rate of teenage pregnancy affect the regular activity basis of


4. How will teenagers act upon the increasing rate of teenage pregnancy?

Significance of the Study

The purpose of this study is to determine the response and behavior of

teenagers to the increasing rate of teenage pregnancy in Ballesteros,


It is projected that this study shall be beneficial specifically to the


Teenagers. Through this study it will serve as their basis to reflect their

behavior towards the increasing rate of teenage pregnancy.

Parents. Through this study it will serve as a guide to be more

responsible in discussing this issue and to have a stronger connection with

their children about teenager engagement in early pregnancies.

Community. Through this study it will serve as their perception on the

increasing rate of teenage pregnancy within Ballesteros, Cagayan. This will

evaluate their consciousness on deciding to address the teenage pregnancy


Economy. Through this study it can establish more graduates, which

can uplift the economy for they will be a productive citizen.

Schools. Through this study it will serve as a way to encourage

students to be more conscious about their decisions and path in life.

Future Researchers. Through this study it will serve as their

foundation and background in making new related studies.

Scope and Delimitation

This study aims to determine the Response and Behavior of Teenagers

to the Increasing Rate of Teenage Pregnancy which is the main focus of the


This study is delimited to only 25 teenagers as respondents within the

municipality of Ballesteros, Cagayan year 2020.

Definition of Terms

For clearer understanding of the terms used in this study, the following

words are defined operationally.

Response. The response of teenagers describes the action that will be done

regarding to the said issue.

Hormonal characteristics. Exhibiting behaviour characteristic of increasing

hormone levels to moody hormonal teenagers.

Sexuality. A person’s sexual orientation or preference.

Behaviour. Is the way in which how teens will act upon the said issue.

Fertility. The ability to conceive and bear children, the ability to become

pregnant through normal sexual activity.

Precautionary measures. Preventive, anticipatory actions in order to be


Medical risks. An adverse event or negative health consequences due to a

specific event, disease, or condition.

Social development Issue. Any issue that affects of improving the well being

of every individual in society.

Teenagers. A person aged between 13 and 19 years.

Adolescence. The period following the onset of puberty during which a

young person develops from a child into an adult (10-19 years of age).

Increasing Rate. A rise in the number, amount, or degree of something.

Teenage Pregnancy. Refers to female adolescents becoming pregnant

between the ages of 13-19.


Chapter II


This chapter presents the related works of a number of local and

foreign authors, other researches, developers and studies derived from the

articles and other references such as the internet which are all necessary in

conceptualizing the study. To attain a deeper and better understanding of the

present study, various literature and related to the study was extensively read

and analyzed.

Related Literature

Foreign Literature

Pregnancy rates among teens worldwide are inclusive of teenage girls

who become pregnant before reaching the age of 20, whether they are single

or married. Due to many of the potential negative outcomes from it, teen

pregnancy is seen as a major societal issue in the majority of countries

worldwide today.

Developing countries and industrialized countries have differing

teenage pregnancy rates. Many factors can contribute to a teen’s risk of

becoming pregnant. Family history and home life seem to have an impact on

teenage girls. An exploratory study on the risk and protective factors

associated with adolescent pregnancy. Through a study, they found a

correlation between the parenting style in the girl’s home and teenage

pregnancy. The findings suggest that adolescent pregnancy will be more


common in young women who grow up with authoritarian or permissive

parents. In contrast, “adolescents who perceived their parents to be more

responsive, communicative and allowing of them to develop were” less likely

to get pregnant as a teenager (Weiss, 2012).

Approximately 12 million girls aged 15–19 years and at least 777,000

girls under 15 years give birth each year in developing regions. At least 10

million unintended pregnancies occur each year among adolescent girls aged

15–19 years in the developing world (Ganchimieg, et al., 2014).

Teen pregnancy that occurs in North America and Western Europe tends to

involve unmarried women. The majority of teen pregnancy in developing

countries, however, occurs in married teenage girls. The children of teenage

mothers are also disadvantaged themselves in a number of ways. The United

States has the highest teenage fertility rate among all economically developed

countries, with the exception of Bulgaria. Nearly half a million women under

the age of 20, out of a total of about twelve million, give birth to a child each

year, or about 3.5%, versus 0.7% in France (Barbieri, 2012).

Teen pregnancies are associated with poor social and economic

conditions and prospects for women, potentially compromising their

educational and economic opportunities, or they might be a marker of the

environments in which young women live. The children of teenage mothers

are also disadvantaged themselves in a number of ways. First of all, infant

mortality rates are higher among teenage mothers’ children. Due to an

increased risk of developmental problems, these children often also have


lessened motor and language skills in childhood than do their age-matched

counterparts birthed by older mothers. First of all, infant mortality rates are

higher among teenage mothers’ children. Due to an increased risk of

developmental problems, these children often also have lessened motor and

language skills in childhood than do their age-matched counterparts birthed

by older mothers (Burton, 2017).

Complications during pregnancy and childbirth are the leading cause of

death for 15–19-year-old girls globally. Of the estimated 5.6 million abortions

that occur each year among adolescent girls aged 15–19 years, 3.9 million

are unsafe, contributing to maternal mortality, morbidity and lasting health

problems. Adolescent mothers (ages 10–19 years) face higher risks of

eclampsia, puerperal endometritis, and systemic infections than women aged

20 to 24 years, and babies of adolescent mothers face higher risks of low birth

weight, preterm delivery and severe neonatal conditions. (Ganchimieg, et al.,


Among 35 developed countries for which adolescent pregnancy rates

could be calculated, Romania has the highest rate. Abortion data for Romania

are incomplete; therefore, the true pregnancy rate in this country may be even

higher than estimated. According to a recent review of 35 developed

countries, the highest adolescent abortion rates are in England and Wales

and Sweden (20 per 1,000 women aged 15–19 in 2011 and 2010,


Teenage pregnancy should be seen as a problem in need of

addressing and action in developing nations and the developed world alike to

secure better futures for children across the globe (Burton, 2017).

Local Literature

Philippines have the highest rate of teenage pregnancy among the

ASEAN countries in the previous years (Vicerra, 2017). Commission on

Population and Development (PopCom) reported that about 1.2 million

children had children over a 10-year period. The Philippines is currently

haunted by teenage pregnancy woes as 13.6 percent of girls below 18-years-

old got themselves pregnant in 2018. Nine percent of girls aged between 15

and 19 have already given birth or are pregnant, the Philippine Statistics

Authority (PSA) said in 2017. On the other hand, PopCom called on President

Rodrigo Duterte on October 23, 2019, to issue an executive order declaring

adolescent pregnancy a national emergency, as incident rates remain

alarming (Abad, 2019).

The issue of teenage pregnancy is widespread in various parts of the

country. Today, we face the painful reality that at a very young age, most

young people have children of their own. Popcom said some 196,000 Filipinos

between the ages of 15 and 19 years old get pregnant each year. To fulfill

government’s mandate to improve adolescent and youth education, health,

and development, the Department of Education and Department of Health

organized a summit for national convergence and dialogue on the complex


issues on early pregnancy dubbed “Kapit-Kamay: Empowering the Youth to

Make Informed Choice” held at the Philippine International Convention Center

in Pasay City. The summit took a closer look into the phenomenon of early

pregnancy within the context of education, health and development and

brought together government, the private sector, development partners, civil

society organizations, and adolescent and youth-led organizations to provide

a platform for understanding of the phenomenon of early pregnancy. The

gathering also identified opportunities for convergence and collaboration to

deepen understanding and work on ways forward (Paunan, 2019).

Cagayan Valley has the highest pregnancy rate during 2013. It is also

said that Region 2 recorded 11.2 percent pregnant teenage girls surpassing

the record of the National Capital Region with only 9.5 percent (The Manila

Times, 2013). Supporting the statement, the Municipality of Ballesteros during

the past three years (2016-2017-2019), cases of teenage pregnancy became

popular. Based on the data given by the Rural Health Unit of Ballesteros, year

2016 had the most number of teenage pregnancies with a total number of

100, while year 2017 had the least which decreased to 77. (RHU, 2020) In

addition it is also stated that Barangay Centro East, Ballesteros, Cagayan has

the highest number of pregnant teenagers from January to August until the

end of the year 2019 (Tabios, 2019).

Studies have shown that delaying adolescent births could significantly

lower population growth rates, potentially create broad economic and social

benefits, in addition to improving the health of adolescents. Since 1999,


adolescent birth rates have been increasing in the Philippines. At the same

time, the decline in maternal and newborn mortality has decelerated to the

point that the country is unable to meet its millennium development goals.

Studies on the factors influencing adolescent health and behavior, as well as

adolescent-friendly interventions and programs targeting their needs, are

needed to address the escalating issue of teenage pregnancy (Capanza,

Aguila, et al., 2015).

Changing the context of teenage pregnancy, eliminating the stigma

attached to it and behavior modification to young males, parents, and

teachers has been suggested by recent studies as a support to the teenage

mothers (Denney, et al., 2016).

One capacity building initiative of the POPCOM is the KATROPA

(Kalalakihang Tumutugon sa Responsibilidad at Obligasyon Para sa

Kalusugan ng Ina at Pamilya), that highlights the role of men in promoting

maternal and child health and responsible parenting. The training module for

the male peers includes basic gender concepts and issues, understanding

one’s sexuality, improving relationships with partner, one’s role in Maternal,

Newborn, and Child Health and Nutrition, protection from gender-based

violence, and protection from sexually transmitted disease. POPCOM could

conduct this initiative to schools with young males as target participants and

devise an age-appropriate module that provides comprehensive sexual

education and information about teenage pregnancy. Stigma on teenage

pregnancy might be inevitable but the society should do their effort to modify

this behavior because they teenage mothers still have a chance in life.

Teenage mothers can still contribute to the productivity of the society because

they are developing an increase in motivation and drive in life, due to their

offspring (Edin & Kefalas, 2005).

Related Studies

Foreign Study

One of the major problems around the world is facing is early

pregnancies. No doubt that many studies were conducted to address this

issue. Teenage pregnancy is a public health concern both in developed and

developing countries it’s been defined as a person within the ages 13-19. In

the developing countries, one- third to one half of women became mothers

before the age of 20.

Sexual development is a normal part of teen years. And teens need

parents or guardian to help understand his or her feelings, peer pressure, and

how to say no if he or she does not want to have sex. Parents have a strong

impact on whether a teenager makes healthy decisions for himself or herself.

This goes for making healthy decisions about sex, as well which is why they

often limit their children’s freedom to make sure they are safe and protected.

Survey data from adolescents (ages 15-18) and their parents were analyzed

to assess how reports of parental discipline and control were related to

adolescent sexual attitudes and behavior. Adolescents’ perceptions of

parental strictness and rules show a curvilinear relationship to their sexual


attitudes and behavior; sexual permissiveness and intercourse experience

was highest among adolescents who viewed their parents as not being strict

at all or not having any rules, lowest among reported that their parents were

moderately strict, and intermediate among teens who perceived their parents

to be very strict and to have many rules. In conclusion teens who obeys and

talks with their parents about sex, relationships, birth control and pregnancy

begins to have sex at later age and will not end up impregnating someone or

getting pregnant in an early age (Miller, et al., 2020).

According to the World Health Statistics 2014, the average global birth

rate among 15–19 year olds is 49 per 1000 girls, whereas country rates range

from 1 to 299 births per 1000 girls. Rates were highest in Sub-Saharan Africa.

The 10 highest-risk countries for teenage motherhood are still Niger, Liberia,

Mali, Chad, Afghanistan, Uganda, Malawi, Guinea, Mozambique, and the

Central African Republic. In these countries, teenage birth rate (births per

1000 women aged 15–19) ranges from 233 in Niger to 132 in the Central

African Republic. In Niger, more than 50% of teenage girls (15–19 years) are

married. Approximately 25% of teenage girls gave birth between 15 and 19.

Nowadays, the vast majority of teenage pregnancies occur in low- and

middle-income countries characterized by poor health-care services;

therefore, complications during pregnancy, birth, and postpartum phase (e.g.,

42 days after birth) are the second cause of death among girls aging between

15 and 19 years worldwide (Kinchergast, 2016).


Pregnancy in teenage women was associated with higher incidence of

preterm labor and low birth weight. Older group pregnancies had higher

incidence of mean gestational age, caesarean section, maternal mortality and

more neonatal birth weight. Further researches are suggested for studying

strategies that improve the quality of health services provided to the

adolescent pregnant women, and long-term effects of teenage pregnancy on

reproductive career and other gynecological and obstetric complications

(Elden et al., 2015).

Obstetrical risks of teenage pregnancies are predominantly interpreted

as results of adverse social and economic factors rather than chronological

age. This, however, is no reason to deny that teenage pregnancies are

currently still an important public health problem all over the world. On the

other hand, special support programs concluding medical care, financial, and

social supports for pregnant teenage girls and teenage mothers were

introduced. First of all, special consulting hours for young girls free of charge

at hospitals and private practices of gynecologists improved the access to

contraceptives and advanced sexual education.

In Austria governmental financial support for young mothers reduced

poverty among teenage mothers dramatically. Despite these improvements of

the situation of teenage mothers, we should not forget that the development of

strategies to reduce teenage pregnancy rate and teenage motherhood,

especially among young adolescents, effectively should be a goal of public

health worldwide (Kinchergast, 2016).


Though teen age pregnancy had poor maternal and prenatal health

outcomes, its magnitude and determinants are not well understood.

Therefore, a community-based cross-sectional study was conducted among

514 teenagers in Wogedi, northeast Ethiopia, from April to May 2017. There is

high prevalence of teenage pregnancy in the area. Age, residence,

contraceptive nonuse, and parental divorce were found to have a statistically

significant association. Strengthening contraceptive use by giving special

attention to rural dwellers and showing the consequences of divorce to the

community are strongly recommended (Yalew, Habitu et. al).

South Asia has the largest proportion of young people in the world and

teenage pregnancy has emerged as one of the major public health problem

among them. The recorded teenage pregnancy rate is highest in South Asia

was in Bangladesh 35% followed by Nepal 21% and India 21%.And Socio-

economic factors, low educational attainment, cultural and family structure

were also consistently identified as a determinant and risk factors for teenage

pregnancy. Majority of teenage girls are reported with basic knowledge on

sexual health however, very few of them have used the knowledge into

practice. Both social and medical consequences of teenage pregnancies are

reported consistently along the most of the studies. Utilization of health

services, which is a protective factor, remains low and consistent (Dev Raj, et

al., 2010).

Various reasons have been also attributed to this ranging from early

age at marriage, poor knowledge, unavailability and low use of contraception


and poverty. Poor teenagers have few opportunities and reasons to avoid or

delay childbearing and simply see no reason not to get pregnant. Determining

poverty as a consequence of teen pregnancy on the lives of teenagers is

complicated because of the difficulty in distinguishing between pre-existing

condition and those that are a result of the early pregnancy. However since

poor adolescent are at high risk for teen pregnancy, poverty may be a pre-

existing condition and an effect of the pregnancy (Oke, 2010).

Local Study

Many studies were conducted about the alarming rate of teenage

pregnancy in the Philippines particularly in the municipality of Ballesteros,

Cagayan. As the Philippines becomes a counter-trend in the global issue of

teenage pregnancy, it is very important to identify the response and behaviour

of young mothers with this situation.

Adolescence is a stage where teenagers adjust in their physical and

emotional changes in life, it also represents the period of sexual maturation.

Teenagers prefer to go with their peers rather than with their parents due to

strong peer pressure (Pogoy, et al., 2014). In addition, adolescent

pregnancies are a global problem that occurs in high, middle, and low income

countries like the Philippines which is part of the third world country. (Galeon,

2018) The timing of school-based interventions such as sexuality education

should be mindful of the finding that teenage pregnancy is the highest among

those with the least education, specifically those with elementary or lower

educational attainment (Natividad, 2013).

According to the Fair and Fearless Freeman (2005), there is a rising

trend of pregnant young women in the country and most of them are

unmarried. For two decades, the Philippines had shown a constant and

considerably high RP prevalence. Further investigation, not only in the

Philippines but also in other developing countries, is necessary to enable

development of secondary prevention programs. There is a constant trend of

one in every five adolescent mothers in the Philippines experiencing repeated

pregnancy from 1993 to 2013 (across all regions, type of residence, and

socio-economic status). (Maravilla, Betts, Alati, 2018) Probably because, the

sexual revolution has ushered in a period in which the average adolescent

experiences tremendous pressures to have sexual experiences of all kinds.

Filipino teens get a higher exposure to sex from the Internet, magazines, TV

shows, movies and other media than decades ago, yet without any

corresponding increase in information on how to handle the input. In fact,

female adolescents whose friends engage in sexual behavior were found to

be more likely to do the same compared to those who do not associate with

such peers (Singson, et al., 2018). Similarly to this, Philippines’ National

Demographic and Health Survey series over a number of years, together with

findings from the Family Health Survey, corroborates that more teenagers

now are getting pregnant compared to earlier cohorts. A confluence of factors

have come together to make this happen: a trend toward younger age at

menarche, changing norms and practices with regard premarital sexual

activity among the youth and increasing acceptance of premarital sex coupled

with less societal pressure to legitimize out-of-wedlock pregnancies

(Natividad, 2013).

However, in all the studied cases, parents are supportive of their child

who wants to be involved in a romantic relationship. The problem lies however

in the lack of further explanation for the young couple. The assumption is that

they are ready to have a partner and that they are old enough to know their

limitations. They may have responsibilities at home like an adult but in reality,

they are still young girls and boys who are in dire need of guidance. The

views of the teenage mothers in adolescent sexuality, romantic relationships,

and motherhood in Tondo are highly influenced by their economic condition.

While the community members themselves also take actions to help the

teenage mothers in their transition to adulthood, the role of broader structures

in the formation of the youth’s mind set on sexuality and family planning

cannot be ignored. To sum it up, extreme poverty is the main reason that they

dropped out of school, and they were forced to work like adults (Gregorio,

2018). However, the study, commissioned with the Cagayan State University,

revealed that teenage mothers experience domestic violence when they

already face hardships in nurturing their child and in meeting the daily

demands of their family. This study was conducted following the national

survey which revealed that Cagayan Valley Region is the second highest on

teenage pregnancy prevalence nationwide, next to Cordillera Administrative

Region (Bacay, 2018).

In the Philippines, adolescent pregnancies are more likely to occur in

marginalized communities and Ballesteros is not an exemption which is

commonly driven by poverty and lack of education and employment



Teenage pregnancy should be seen as a problem that in need of

addressing and action in developing nations and the developed world alike to

secure better futures for children across the globe. Many studies proven that

consequences to the teenage mother and also it effects to the community.

While many countries formulating and pursue advocacies to fulfill the

lacking of resources and medically accurate information about sex and

sexuality. Because majority of unintended pregnancies are because of

teenagers ignoring and avoiding this issue, resulting their ignorance to lead

them in handling unwanted responsibilities. Now, teenage pregnancy is a

trending issue in various parts of the country. It is a painful reality that at a

very young age, most teenagers have children of their own.

Base on recent researches about foreign studies, the average of global

birth rate among 15 to19 year olds is 49 per 1000 girls, whereas country rates

range from 1 to 299 births per 1000 girls and this mainly occurs in low- and

middle-income countries characterized by poor health-care services;


therefore, complications during pregnancy, birth, and postpartum phase are

the second cause of death among girls aging between 15 and 19 years

worldwide. Even though teen age pregnancy had poor maternal and prenatal

health outcomes, its factors and determinants are not well understood. South

Asia have the largest proportion of young people in the world, identified that

Socio-economic factors, low educational attainment, cultural and family

structure were also consistently proved as a determinant and risk factors for

teenage pregnancy. On the other hands, in the local studies, Filipino teens get

a higher exposure to sex from the Internet, magazines, TV shows, movies and

other media than decades ago, yet without any corresponding increase in

information on how to handle the issue.

The impact of the environment, the perspective and views toward

teenage pregnancy is different or changing. And now trends toward younger

age at menarche, changing norms and practices with regard premarital sexual

activity among the youth and increasing acceptance of premarital sex coupled

with less societal pressure to legitimize out-of-wedlock pregnancies. The

views of the teenage mothers in adolescent sexuality, romantic relationships,

and motherhood are highly influenced by their economic condition. The effect

of teenage pregnancy revealed that teenage mothers experience domestic

violence when they already face hardships in nurturing their child and in

meeting the daily demands of their family.

According from the research foreign literature, different countries all

around the world that continuously encouraging teens to be more aware of


this issue. The disadvantage in engaging teens to early pregnancies that can

affect the economy that leads to poverty. Mothers of teens must be

responsible and open-minded to their daughters to educate them to the

impact of teenage pregnancy, to create a responsive relationship in their

home, especially around the topics of sex and sexuality. While in local

literature, Philippine is one of the countries that have a large number of

teenage pregnancy cases. It was studied that 13.6 percent of the teenager

girls got themselves pregnant in the year 2018. The Philippine government

noticed this increasing rate of teenage pregnancy. In fact, Cagayan top the

highest rate during 2013, gaining 11.2 percent pregnant teenage girls

surpassing the record of the National Capital Region with only 9.5 percent. In

addition, Barangay Centro East, Ballesteros, Cagayan has the highest

number of pregnant teenagers from January to August until the end of the

year 2019. But in order to be aware of this phenomenon, the Department of

Education and Department of Health organized a summit for national

convergence and dialogue on the complex issues on early pregnancy dubbed

Kapit-Kamay: Empowering the Youth to Make Informed Choice. The gathering

also identified opportunities for convergence and collaboration to deepen

understanding and work on ways forward.

Effects and impact of teenage pregnancy in the Philippines and all over

the world is alarming. With the current issue about early pregnancies, teens

must be mindful to its disadvantage.


Chapter III


Methodology Used for the Study

This research utilizes descriptive method of inquiry that pursues to

understand and survey the respondents’ response and behavior regarding on

the increasing rate of teenage pregnancy around Ballesteros, Cagayan.


The researchers used purposive judgmental sampling in the study

particularly in selecting twenty-five participants within teenagers in

Ballesteros, Cagayan who have knowledge in teenage pregnancy.

Additionally, the researchers need to get in touch with them to have better

understanding on their reaction, perspective and feelings. Through that, they

can also share their suggestions on teenage pregnancy.

Data Collection and Analysis

To gather data, the researchers used two methods: interview and

floating questionnaire.

In interview, the researchers conducted one-on-one interview and

transcribe their answers which make up 10-15 minutes, for every respondent

depending on their approaches and of the interviewer. After the interview, the

researchers started to analyze and review, for them to be able to collect the

needed and accurate data. After analyzing the data, the researchers encoded

them in verbatim. Then, the researchers drew the conclusions.

In floating questionnaire, the researchers used survey questionnaire to

gather data. Every respondent will complete depending on the time allotment

of the respondent. After the survey, the researchers started to analyze and

review their responses so that they could be able to gather the needed and

accurate data. After analyzing the data, the researchers encoded them in

verbatim. Then, the researchers drew the conclusions.


1. What can you say about the occurrences of teenage pregnancy?

2. Why do you think teenage pregnancy cases increases in Ballesteros,


3. How can you address the issue about teenage pregnancy concerning,

 Going out at night?

 Hanging out with friends?

 Considering the places you go?

4. What are your ways in dealing on the increasing rate of teenage pregnancy

in Ballesteros?


To establish validity, reliability and credibility of the study, data to

source method is strictly employed.

Researchers gave advanced written and verbal consent to the

respondents for the interview. They are also given an assurance that the

captured photo for documentation of interview and survey questionnaire will

be kept confidentially especially if the topic is sensitive. Data were collected

until saturation was completed.

Transcription of Interviews

(Responses were written in verbatim)


Interviewer: What is your perception about teenage pregnancy?

Respondent: I think teenage pregnancy is a result of teenager's


Interviewer: What do you think are the factors that lead to the

increase of early teenage pregnancy in

Ballesteros, Cagayan?

Respondent: Parental failure, lack of knowledge about teenage

pregnancy, recklessness.

Interviewer: How can this issue on the increasing rate of teenage

pregnancy in Ballesteros affect your regular


 Going out at night

 Hanging out with friends

 Considering the places you go

Respondent: Habang tumataas ang rate ng teenage pregnancy mas

pinaghihigpitan kami ng parents na lumabas labas kase

natatakot sila na baka magaya kami because of peer

pressure or maging victim ng rape.

Interviewer: How will you act upon the issue on the increasing

rate of teenage pregnancy in Ballesteros?

Respondent: Use social media or tell my friends the cons and causes

of teenage pregnancy and increase awareness.


Interviewer: What is your perception about teenage pregnancy?

Respondent: Teenage pregnancy is a serious problem in the society

and should be dealt with immediately.

Interviewer: What do you think are the factors that lead to the

increase of early teenage pregnancy in Ballesteros,


Respondent: 1st is maybe lack of knowledge about teenage pregnancy

2nd is parental guidance.

Interviewer: How can this issue on the increasing rate of teenage

pregnancy in Ballesteros affect your regular


 Going out at night

 Hanging out with friends

 Considering the places you go

Respondent: It doesn't affect me that much because I'm a man after

all, girls should be more wary on whom they hang out


Interviewer: How will you act upon the issue on the increasing

rate of teenage pregnancy in Ballesteros?

Respondent: Educate my friends on teenage pregnancy especially

those younger than me.


Interviewer: What is your perception about teenage pregnancy?

Respondent: I think it is bad because teenage pregnancy is one of the

problems that our country is facing and that we should

always try to reduce the rate by necessary actions.


Interviewer: What do you think are the factors that lead to the

increase of early teenage pregnancy in Ballesteros,


Respondent: Early relationships amongst students because most of

the cases in teenage pregnancy is among girls who were

impregnated by their bf because of pressure.

Interviewer: How can this issue on the increasing rate of teenage

pregnancy in Ballesteros affect your regular


 Going out at night

 Hanging out with friends

 Considering the places you go

Respondent: It does not but sometimes they forbid me to go to parties

because they are afraid I might get involved.

Interviewer: How will you act upon the issue on the increasing

rate of teenage pregnancy in Ballesteros?

Respondent: I will educate my fellow teenagers about how it can ruin

our future.


Interviewer: What is your perception about teenage pregnancy?


Respondent: Teenage pregnancy has a lot of social consequences and

it will most affect your school activities. For me teenage

pregnancy is the result of lack of guidance.

Interviewer: What do you think are the factors that lead to the

increase of early teenage pregnancy in Ballesteros,


Respondent: They are engaged in to watching pornographic videos,

peer pressure from friends, bad influence from friend, lack

of guidance from parents, family problems, poverty and

lack of attention and lack of love.

Interviewer: How can this issue on the increasing rate of teenage

pregnancy in Ballesteros affect your regular


 Going out at night

 Hanging out with friends

 Considering the places you go

Respondent: Going out at night- is risky for teenagers especially girls,

we do not know who lurks in the dark.

Hanging out with friends- it depends on who are your

friends; if they have good personality and you can trust

them well you are free from getting pregnant. In my


opinion it depends on your circle of friends on how they

will act as a responsible person.

Considering the places you go- this is very important

because you cannot fully trust your companion consider

this to protect yourself on unexpected events that might


Interviewer: How will you act upon the issue on the increasing

rate of teenage pregnancy in Ballesteros?

Respondent: Parents should regularly check their child or children if

they are doing well, Always advice and guide your child in

the right path. Local childhood curfews are new provisions

which will help a local authority develop its community

safety strategy. I will also spread awareness about

teenage pregnancy.


Interviewer: What is your perception about teenage pregnancy?

Respondent: Teenage pregnancy is being a rampant in our generation,

because most of teenagers nowadays are not being

aware on what they are doing and can’t resist


Interviewer: What do you think are the factors that lead to the

increase of early teenage pregnancy in Ballesteros,


Respondent: The factors that lead into early teenage pregnancy are

going to parties at night, hanging out with friends, going to

the house of the girl/boy w/o any person around them,

family problems, and lack of guidance from parents or


Interviewer: How can this issue on the increasing rate of teenage

pregnancy in Ballesteros affect your regular


 Going out at night

 Hanging out with friends

 Considering the places you go

Respondent: It can greatly affect my regular activities because my

parents would be more conscious about what I do and

where I go. But hanging out with friends is not a big deal if

you know them and you can trust them.

Interviewer: How will you act upon the issue on the increasing

rate of teenage pregnancy in Ballesteros?

Respondent: I will serve as a good model to my fellow teenager women

in Ballesteros, in a very simple ways to lessen the early

teenage pregnancy.


Interviewer: What is your perception about teenage pregnancy?


Respondent: Teenage pregnancy ay isyu kung saan maagang

nabubuntis ang mga babaeng wala pa sa tamang edad.

Interviewer: What do you think are the factors that lead to the

increase of early teenage pregnancy in Ballesteros,


Respondent: Curiosity, lack of discipline, dahil sa hindi mapigilang


Interviewer: How can this issue on the increasing rate of teenage

pregnancy in Ballesteros affect your regular


 Going out at night

 Hanging out with friends

 Considering the places you go

Respondent: Takot sa paglabas lalo na kung mag-isa. Hindi na ako

sumasama sa aking mga kaibigan kung may iba pa silang

kasama maliban sa kanila. Natatakot sa mga lugar na

pinupuntahan lalo na sa mga lugar na hindi ako pamilyar.

Hindi na pumupunta sa mga lugar na wala akong kakilala.

Interviewer: How will you act upon the issue on the increasing

rate of teenage pregnancy in Ballesteros?


Respondent: Huwag magpapadala sa bugso ng damdamin. Matutong



Interviewer: What is your perception about teenage pregnancy?

Respondent: Teenage pregnancy is a very serious problem nowadays.

A lot of teens now are into it, and they lack knowledge

about teenage pregnancy. So teenage must take it

serious, and be educated about it.

Interviewer: What do you think are the factors that lead to the

increase of early teenage pregnancy in Ballesteros,


Respondent: Peer pressure, curiosity, and lack of guidance.

Interviewer: How can this issue on the increasing rate of teenage

pregnancy in Ballesteros affect your regular


 Going out at night

 Hanging out with friends

 Considering the places you go

Respondent: Because of the alarming issue about teenage pregnancy,

I limit myself hanging out with my friends because some

of my boy/girl friends’ drink and that will really lead to


unsafe situation. And I don't want to be part or take part

any unwanted act.

Interviewer: How will you act upon the issue on the increasing

rate of teenage pregnancy in Ballesteros?

Respondent: If I have the power to educate teens I will let them know

that teenage pregnancy will not bring any good for them.

It will just ruin their life, not really their entire life, but the

life of being a "teen". But also I need to start first in



Interviewer: What is your perception about teenage pregnancy?

Respondent: Teenage pregnancy is such a serious problem

encountered by some female teenagers. These can also

highly affect the teenager's everyday life. This problem

will also result to stop them going from school because

they will be shy and get bullied. The problem can be

prevented if the teenager is monitored and well disciplined

by their parents. Parents should also watch over their

children in order to keep them from these problems.

Interviewer: What do you think are the factors that lead to the

increase of early teenage pregnancy in Ballesteros,


Respondent: lack of parental guidance, curiosity, peer pressure and


Interviewer: How can this issue on the increasing rate of teenage

pregnancy in Ballesteros affect your regular


 Going out at night

 Hanging out with friends

 Considering the places you go

Respondent: I can only stay out until 7 because of the fact that I am

also scared and my parents are more strict than ever.

There will be a limitation when I go places and hanging

out with friends.

Interviewer: How will you act upon the issue on the increasing

rate of teenage pregnancy in Ballesteros?

Respondent: For me as an individual, I can suggest the official of the

municipal to make a program to help teens and avoid

teenage pregnancy and for their parents, give their child

some parental guidance.


Interviewer: What is your perception about teenage pregnancy?


Respondent: Teenage pregnancy is one of the biggest issues here in

the Philippines right now. Teenage pregnancy is the early

pregnancy of young children especially teenagers.

Interviewer: What do you think are the factors that lead to the

increase of early teenage pregnancy in Ballesteros,


Respondent: For me, family problems is one primary driver why

teenage pregnancy occurs but, to escape from poverty,

pressure from friends, lack of knowledge about the said

topic and dropping out on school will also contribute.

Interviewer: How can this issue on the increasing rate of teenage

pregnancy in Ballesteros affect your regular


 Going out at night

 Hanging out with friends

 Considering the places you go

Respondent: I think I will have no problem if I will hang with my friends

at night because when we go and hang at night, we don’t

take and drink any liquor. But when I go places I will have

limitations because my parents will be stern.

Interviewer: How will you act upon the issue on the increasing

rate of teenage pregnancy in Ballesteros?


Respondent: I should always have a clear understanding about the

issue and discipline myself. Tell others about all the

knowledge I know about teenage pregnancy.


Interviewer: What is your perception about teenage pregnancy?

Respondent: Teenage pregnancy is rampant in our society nowadays,

especially to places where poverty is visible. And this

teenage pregnancy is a global issue that kills the dreams

of thousands of teenagers.

Interviewer: What do you think are the factors that lead to the

increase of early teenage pregnancy in Ballesteros,


Respondent: Lack of parental guidance, lack of knowledge about the

consequences, peers, poverty alcoholic beverages and


Interviewer: How can this issue on the increasing rate of teenage

pregnancy in Ballesteros affect your regular


 Going out at night

 Hanging out with friends

 Considering the places you go


Respondent: Going out at night - I am not going out at night without

anyone who is older than me and I am not doing it often

so this issue doesn't really affect that activity.

Hanging out with friends - my mother was very strict to

whom I hang out with, she became more strict when this

issue became rampant.

Considering the places you go - it affected the places I

would go, I am thinking about every place I would go

because we really don't know what would happen

anytime. So I would not consider going to places with

liquors and other more stuffs that can be the driver to

sexual intercourse and can lead to teenage pregnancy.

Interviewer: How will you act upon the issue on the increasing

rate of teenage pregnancy in Ballesteros?

Respondent: I would be an advocate to stop the escalating number of

teenage pregnancy. I would start by myself, by not being

a teenage mother. Lastly, to spread awareness about this

issue to my fellow teens.


Interviewer: What is your perception about teenage pregnancy?

Respondent: My perception about into this teenage pregnancy issue

that is one benefactor problem of poverty, youths are just

destroying their reputation/ image in the eyes of


people for their own happiness without thinking of what

is the consequences of their actions. To the youth that

are suffered /suffering from pregnancy at the young

age are being judged by the people surrounds in

them without knowing the truth because they are

always looking for negative side of what was action

they've done. It disgusting to see because people may

think that they are not being teach well from their first

school and first teacher which is their house with her


Interviewer: What do you think are the factors that lead to the

increase of early teenage pregnancy in Ballesteros,


Respondent: Curiosity and lack of knowledge.

Interviewer: How can this issue on the increasing rate of teenage

pregnancy in Ballesteros affect your regular


 Going out at night

 Hanging out with friends

 Considering the places you go

Respondent: Because of this issue, my regular activities got

interrupted. My parents don’t want me to hang out with my


friends anymore. If we are going to make a project, my

parents will always ask our teacher if she required us any


Interviewer: How will you act upon the issue on the increasing

rate of teenage pregnancy in Ballesteros?

Respondent: In increasing the rate of teenage pregnancy in here at

my beloved hometown which is the Ballesteros the

action that I will do is having a Platform for promoting

sex education, promoting sports and having a Bible

study for the youth for them to know sex is sacred.


Interviewer: What is your perception about teenage pregnancy?

Respondent: Kung saan maagang nabubuntis ang kabataan dahil sa

mga padalos dalos na desisyon.

Interviewer: What do you think are the factors that lead to the

increase of early teenage pregnancy in Ballesteros,


Respondent: Sa tingin ko dahil madaming nale-lead into early

pregnancy ay isa na ring factor ang pakikipag inuman sa

kung kani kaninong kasama, isa pa ay ang

pakikipagtanan o pakikilive in, o ang isang pinaka factor

ay ang kaso ng rape.


Interviewer: How can this issue on the increasing rate of teenage

pregnancy in Ballesteros affect your regular


 Going out at night

 Hanging out with friends

 Considering the places you go

Respondent: Ang epekto nito sakin ay mas lalo akong pinaghihigpitan

ng aking mga magulang dahil ayaw nila akong matulad sa

mga maaagang nabubuntis dahil may pangarap pa akong

dapat abutin.

Interviewer: How will you act upon the issue on the increasing

rate of teenage pregnancy in Ballesteros?

Respondent: Para sakin dapat umiwas tayo sa mga inuman o mga

bisyo bisyo kasi sa panahon ngayon hindi natin

namamalayan kung ano ang mga nagagawa natin dahil

sa mga padalos dalos nating desisyon tsaka dapat

magaral muna tayo bago tayo makipag relation dahil may

tamang panahon para sa pakikipagrelation at dapat kasal

muna bago makipagtalik o magpabuntis o dapat sigurado

ka na sa mga desisyon mo sa buhay.


Interviewer: What is your perception about teenage pregnancy?


Respondent: Misleading beliefs about love.

Interviewer: What do you think are the factors that lead to the

increase of early teenage pregnancy in Ballesteros,


Respondent: family problems, peer pressure and curiosity

Interviewer: How can this issue on the increasing rate of teenage

pregnancy in Ballesteros affect your regular


 Going out at night

 Hanging out with friends

 Considering the places you go

Respondent: For me it depends on how you limit yourself, all of us

having respect on ourselves and if you are an educated

person you know how to handle yourself.

Interviewer: How will you act upon the issue on the increasing

rate of teenage pregnancy in Ballesteros?

Respondent: I will not engage myself in premarital sex and have self

control. Also I will help the teens have options for the

future that are much more attractive than early pregnancy

and parenthood.


Interviewer: What is your perception about teenage pregnancy?


Respondent: Teenage pregnancy ay ang maagang pagbubuntis ng


Interviewer: What do you think are the factors that lead to the

increase of early teenage pregnancy in Ballesteros,


Respondent: Lack of child support, curiosity, mental health problem

Interviewer: How can this issue on the increasing rate of teenage

pregnancy in Ballesteros affect your regular


 Going out at night

 Hanging out with friends

 Considering the places you go

Respondent: Going out at night and going places is limited only

because of doubt from parents. Hanging out with friends

is okay because I know that I can trust them and doing

such things is not on my mind.

Interviewer: How will you act upon the issue on the increasing

rate of teenage pregnancy in Ballesteros?

Respondent: Be a voice and spread the effects of the said issue so that

they will be aware about teenage pregnancy.


Interviewer: What is your perception about teenage pregnancy?


Respondent: Cases of teenage pregnancy is increasing every year.

Teenage pregnancy should be taken seriously especially

to the teenagers. Teenagers need to be educated on this


Interviewer: What do you think are the factors that lead to the

increase of early teenage pregnancy in Ballesteros,


Respondent: I think their curiosity drives them to try unsafe sex or


Interviewer: How can this issue on the increasing rate of teenage

pregnancy in Ballesteros affect your regular


 Going out at night

 Hanging out with friends

 Considering the places you go

Respondent: It affects my regular activities like going out at night.

Because of this issue, I am now afraid to go out at night.

Interviewer: How will you act upon the issue on the increasing

rate of teenage pregnancy in Ballesteros?

Respondent: I will control myself. I will not try to have sex to anyone. I

will also educate the effects of teenage pregnancy so that

they will be aware on this issue.



Interviewer: What is your perception about teenage pregnancy?

Respondent: As of now, number of pregnant teens is still increasing. At

tsaka ang pangit tignan ang isang babae at a very young

age na nagdadalang tao. Supposedly, she is studying in

school at nag-eenjoy sa buhay bilang estudyante.

Interviewer: What do you think are the factors that lead to the

increase of early teenage pregnancy in Ballesteros,


Respondent: Lust, lack of attention of their parents, pag-iinom.

Interviewer: How can this issue on the increasing rate of teenage

pregnancy in Ballesteros affect your regular


 Going out at night

 Hanging out with friends

 Considering the places you go

Respondent: It will not affect my regular activities as long na ginagawa

ko yung tama at tsaka iiwas nalang siguro sa mga

usapang maseselan at tsaka gawaing hindi kanais-nais

like pag iinom.

Interviewer: How will you act upon the issue on the increasing

rate of teenage pregnancy in Ballesteros?


Respondent: Engage myself into awareness seminars and spread the



Interviewer: What is your perception about teenage pregnancy?

Respondent: It's quite alarming because it is increasing. Like, how

would they take care of their child if they are just

teenager? Well, I don't judge those teenage mom but they

can raise their child well if they have stable job that could

sustain their needs and wants.

Interviewer: What do you think are the factors that lead to the

increase of early teenage pregnancy in Ballesteros,


Respondent: Teenagers nowadays are not well mannered and also

some parents lack guidance in supervising their children

as a result some young people do unnecessary things just

to gain attention from their parents. They are too curious

about their feelings and lack of sex education. Even when

they know that it is not the best thing to do but they think it

is normal and they are already behind this curiosity, so

they also try it. They do not know what they are doing.

Interviewer: How can this issue on the increasing rate of teenage

pregnancy in Ballesteros affect your regular


 Going out at night

 Hanging out with friends

 Considering the places you go

Respondent: Regarding on the regular activities that the teenagers

mostly do, they should discipline themselves and most

especially limit themselves to go out at night, be with

someone whom you can trust because securing yourself

for future instances is right. Be responsible with your

actions we are now matured enough to think what's right

and wrong for ourselves. And lastly, always consider the

places to go because teenage pregnancy is not just the

curiosity of teenager but also in harassment. I'd better

secure the places I go to feel safe, so I won’t face any

danger and not bear a child at a young age.

Interviewer: How will you act upon the issue on the increasing

rate of teenage pregnancy in Ballesteros?

Respondent: I would like to propose that sex education would be part of

our curriculum and implemented by all schools but of

course, with the limitation of the topics. They do not know

what they are feeling, so they try to seek the answer. So,

in order to have better understanding to their selves, we

should help them. I know we are reserve country but this


proposition might help to lessen the increasing teenage

pregnancy issue.


Interviewer: What is your perception about teenage pregnancy?

Respondent: Marami sa mga dahilan kung bakit maagang nabubuntis

ang mga kababaihan ay dahil sa kulang na patnubay at

gabay ng magulang. Maaari ring dahilan nito ay ang

pagsama sa mga kaibigang masasama ang impluwensya.

Interviewer: What do you think are the factors that lead to the

increase of early teenage pregnancy in Ballesteros,


Respondent: Siguro iniisip nila na marami ng nabubuntis kaya feeling

nila hindi na big deal ito sa society ng Ballesteros.

Interviewer: How can this issue on the increasing rate of teenage

pregnancy in Ballesteros affect your regular


 Going out at night

 Hanging out with friends

 Considering the places you go

Respondent: May effect sya lalo na sa mga magulang natin dahil

mababawasan ang tiwalang ibibigay nila saatin dahil sa

kontrobersyang ito.

Interviewer: How will you act upon the issue on the increasing

rate of teenage pregnancy in Ballesteros?

Respondent: Dapat lahat ng kabataan kabilang ang mga lalaki ay dapat

ipa-seminar kaugnay sa Sex Education especially sa Safe



Interviewer: What is your perception about teenage pregnancy?

Respondent: It is one of the major factors why most parents are scared

to let their children enter on a relationship once they

become teenagers.

Interviewer: What do you think are the factors that lead to the

increase of early teenage pregnancy in Ballesteros,


Respondent: Peer pressure, curiosity, broken family, lack of attention

and guidance coming from their parents, family and


Interviewer: How can this issue on the increasing rate of teenage

pregnancy in Ballesteros affect your regular


 Going out at night

 Hanging out with friends

 Considering the places you go


Respondent: Going out at night- Going out at night scares me and

makes me more alert about the things that might happen

especially when I’m alone.

Hanging out with friends- My parents kept on scolding

me because they are always worried that something

might happen to me even when I’m with my friends.

Considering the places you go- Because I go to other

places I usually ask questions and let someone to

describe the place for me to know if it’s safe.

Interviewer: How will you act upon the issue on the increasing

rate of teenage pregnancy in Ballesteros?

Respondent: I will be more aware and cautious especially when I’m

going out alone. And to other teens there attending to

seminars about teenage pregnancy might also help to

broaden up the knowledge that you have about this issue

in this case we can make better decisions and act the

right way.


Interviewer: What is your perception about teenage pregnancy?

Respondent: Teenage pregnancy is now increasing and has become

one of the major problems especially in Ballesteros,


Interviewer: What do you think are the factors that lead to the

increase of early teenage pregnancy in Ballesteros,


Respondent: family problem, curiosity, lust, rebelling

Interviewer: How can this issue on the increasing rate of teenage

pregnancy in Ballesteros affect your regular


 Going out at night

 Hanging out with friends

 Considering the places you go

Respondent: Due to the increasing rate of teenage pregnancy, regular

activities were limited because parents are alarmed of this


Interviewer: How will you act upon the issue on the increasing

rate of teenage pregnancy in Ballesteros?

Respondent: As a teenager, I will refrain from doing something that

may lead to situations I might regret.


Interviewer: What is your perception about teenage pregnancy?

Respondent: Teenage pregnancy is one of the common problems in

our country. It's about how teenage girls get pregnant at

young age.

Interviewer: What do you think are the factors that lead to the

increase of early teenage pregnancy in Ballesteros,


Respondent: Lack of Parental Guidance, peer pressure, poverty, being

unable to study in college, and rape.

Interviewer: How can this issue on the increasing rate of teenage

pregnancy in Ballesteros affect your regular


 Going out at night

 Hanging out with friends

 Considering the places you go

Respondent: Going out at night- As the oldest, tas girl pa, mas

humigpit yung pagbabawal sakin ng parents ko kapag

lumalabas ako. Like, hindi nila ako pinapayagan lumabas

ng gabi, dahil baka raw ma rape ako.

Hanging out with friends-Hindi naman sila mahigpit as

long as kilala nila yung mga kasama ko but dapat updated

parin sila

Considering the places you go-Eto, tingin nila, kapag

lumabas ako ng balle, pagbalik ko buntis na 'ko.

Interviewer: How will you act upon the issue on the increasing

rate of teenage pregnancy in Ballesteros?


Respondent: I should apply all the knowledge I obtained sa mga

seminar na naattendan ko, and wag magpapadala sa

temptations. And if I will be given an opportunity, I'll join a

team to conduct a seminar din about teenage pregnancy

para sa mga hindi nag aaral na teenagers sa Ballesteros.


Interviewer: What is your perception about teenage pregnancy?

Respondent: Teenage pregnancy, in my opinion, is an act of being

reckless for the teenagers, well not in some cases like


Interviewer: What do you think are the factors that lead to the

increase of early teenage pregnancy in Ballesteros,


Respondent: Pre-marital sex, lack of education, peer pressure, curiosity

about sex.

Interviewer: How can this issue on the increasing rate of teenage

pregnancy in Ballesteros affect your regular


 Going out at night

 Hanging out with friends

 Considering the places you go


Respondent: I only can go out until 7, my parents doesn't really allow

me to hangout. I always have anxiety or sometimes being

paranoid if I go to unknown places.

Interviewer: How will you act upon the issue on the increasing

rate of teenage pregnancy in Ballesteros?

Respondent: For me, it is better if the parents will do the most important

thing their children to learn, and that is discipline, if their

children have the discipline then they will not become one

of those who contribute the rate of teenage pregnancy.


Interviewer: What is your perception about teenage pregnancy?

Respondent: Somehow reflects mishandle of intimate feelings between

young couples. Not a good concept at all.

Interviewer: What do you think are the factors that lead to the

increase of early teenage pregnancy in Ballesteros,


Respondent: Early exposure to pornography and other erotic devices,

exploration and uncontrolled intimacy and beliefs, peers

and distant relationship with parents, in fulfillment of

sexual desire.

Interviewer: How can this issue on the increasing rate of teenage

pregnancy in Ballesteros affect your regular


 Going out at night

 Hanging out with friends

 Considering the places you go

Respondent: Going out at night- Parents will always be in panic every

time I go out at night.

Hanging out with friends- It will pressure us not to

hangout especially at night to avoid unwanted incidents.

Considering the places you go- I will be more vigilant

towards the places that I would want to go. I will be more

selective and avoid places like bars, etc.

Interviewer: How will you act upon the issue on the increasing

rate of teenage pregnancy in Ballesteros?

Respondent: Be more vigilant and avoid things that may destroy your



Interviewer: What is your perception about teenage pregnancy?

Respondent: Teenage Pregnancy is a major concern for our society.

Early engagement to unprotected sex and unmindfulness

of this generation's youth leads to this unpleasant


Interviewer: What do you think are the factors that lead to the

increase of early teenage pregnancy in Ballesteros,


Respondent: It might be that it is something that is caused by improper

guidance and lack of discipline of teenagers.

Interviewer: How can this issue on the increasing rate of teenage

pregnancy in Ballesteros affect your regular


 Going out at night

 Hanging out with friends

 Considering the places you go

Respondent: It has been affecting the norms and activities of teenagers

most especially that it causes girls like me to be forbidden

to wander and hang with my friends. Parents and Elders

usually think these activities as malicious deeds and

therefore jump into conclusions and are too strict and

doubt my relationships with guys.

Interviewer: How will you act upon the issue on the increasing

rate of teenage pregnancy in Ballesteros?

Respondent: Simple, to not commit that wrong deed and not engage to

activities leading to teenage pregnancy and prioritize my

studies first. I will also be an advocate and advisor to my


friends that are facing situations of temptation that may

cause them to do this thing.


Interviewer: What is your perception about teenage pregnancy?

Respondent: Ang teenage pregnancy ay isa sa mga nakaka alarmang

isyu ngayon sa lipunan lalo na dito sa ballesteros. And

ang isang rason siguro kung bakit rumarami ang teenage

pregnancy ay siguro kawalan ng disiplina ng anak at

kawalan ng parental guidance.

Interviewer: What do you think are the factors that lead to the

increase of early teenage pregnancy in Ballesteros,


Respondent: Alam naman natin na ang mga kabataan ay maraming

gustong malaman, siguro dahil curious sila sa mga bagay

bagay kaya nakakagawa sila ng mga bagay that leads to

teenage pregnancy.

Interviewer: How can this issue on the increasing rate of teenage

pregnancy in Ballesteros affect your regular


 Going out at night

 Hanging out with friends


 Considering the places you go

Respondent: Siyempre bilang isang kabataan, mas pinipili nating

makasama ang mga kaibigan at mga bf/gf natin so dahil

sa mga kaso ng teenage pregnancy, nalilimitahan nalang

ang pag gala ng gabi at di na masyadong napapayagan

na sumama sa barkada/bf/gf.

Interviewer: How will you act upon the issue on the increasing

rate of teenage pregnancy in Ballesteros?

Respondent: As a youth, marami tayong pwede tayong maki coordinate

sa ating RHU upang Mag conduct ng mga seminars for

teenage pregnancy awareness.

Summary of Responses

Table 1. What is your perception about teenage pregnancy?

Respondents Answers
1 I think teenage pregnancy is a result of teenager's

2 Teenage pregnancy is a serious problem in the society and

should be dealt with immediately.

3 I think it is bad because teenage pregnancy is one of the

problems that our country is facing and that we should always

try to reduce the rate by necessary actions.

4 Teenage pregnancy has a lot of social consequences and it will

most affect your school activities. For me teenage pregnancy is

the result of lack of guidance.

5 Teenage pregnancy is being a rampant in our generation,

because most of teenagers nowadays are not being aware on

what they are doing and can’t resist temptations.

6 Teenage pregnancy is an issue where girl teenagers got

pregnant at an early age.

7 Teenage pregnancy is a very serious problem nowadays. A lot

of teens now are into it, and they lack knowledge about

teenage pregnancy. So teenage must take it serious, and be

educated about it.

8 Teenage pregnancy is such a serious problem encountered by

some female teenagers. These can also highly affect the

teenager's everyday life. This problem will also result to stop

them going from school because they will be shy and get

bullied. The problem can be prevented if the teenager is

monitored and well disciplined by their parents. Parents should

also watch over their children in order to keep them from these

9 Teenage pregnancy is one of the biggest issues here in the

Philippines right now. Teenage pregnancy is the early

pregnancy of young children especially teenagers.

10 Teenage pregnancy is rampant in our society nowadays,

especially to places where poverty is visible. And this teenage

pregnancy is a global issue that kills the dreams of thousands

of teenagers.
11 My perception about into this teenage pregnancy issue that

is one benefactor problem of poverty, youths are just

destroying their reputation/ image in the eyes of people for


their own happiness without thinking of what is the

consequences of their actions. To the youth that are

suffered /suffering from pregnancy at the young age are

being judged by the people surrounds in them without

knowing the truth because they are always looking for

negative side of what was action they've done. It disgusting

to see because people may think that they are not being

teach well from their first school and first teacher which is

their house with her parents.

12 It is when youth girls got pregnant early because of undecided

13 Misleading beliefs about love.
14 Teenage pregnancy is an early pregnancy of youth.
15 Cases of teenage pregnancy are increasing every year.

Teenage pregnancy should be taken seriously especially to the

teenagers. Teenagers need to be educated on this issue.

16 As of now, numbers of pregnant teens is still increasing and it

is not good looking at teenagers who got pregnant at a very

young age. Supposedly, she is studying in school and enjoying

her teenage life.

17 It's quite alarming because it is increasing. Like, how would

they take care of their child if they are just teenager? Well, I

don't judge those teenage mom but they can raise their child

well if they have stable job that could sustain their needs and

18 Many of the reasons why teen girls got pregnant are because

they lack from parental guidance and also because of the bad

influence of their friends.

19 It is one of the major factors why most parents are scared to let

their children enter on a relationship once they become

20 Teenage pregnancy is now increasing and has become one of

the major problems especially in Ballesteros, Cagayan.

21 Teenage pregnancy is one of the common problems in our

country. It's about how teenage girls get pregnant at young

22 Teenage pregnancy, in my opinion, is an act of being reckless

for the teenagers, well not in some cases like rape.

23 Somehow reflects mishandle of intimate feelings between

young couples. Not a good concept at all.

24 Teenage Pregnancy is a major concern for our society. Early

engagement to unprotected sex and un mindfulness of this

generation's youth leads to this unpleasant outcome.

25 Teenage pregnancy is an alarming issue in Ballesteros and

one of the reasons why it is increasing is because they lack

from discipline and parental guidance.

SUB-THEME Most of the responses show that teenage pregnancy is a

serious social issue which results from recklessness and that it

is a cause to many more problems.

THEME Perception of teenagers about teenage pregnancy.


Table 2. What do you think are the factors that lead to the increase of

early pregnancy in Ballesteros, Cagayan?

Respondents Answers
1 Parental failure, lack of knowledge about teenage pregnancy,

2 First, is maybe lack of knowledge about teenage pregnancy

2nd is parental guidance.

3 Early relationships amongst students because most of the

cases in teenage pregnancy is among girls who were

impregnated by their bf because of pressure.

4 They are engaged in to watching pornographic videos, peer

pressure from friends, bad influence from friend, lack of

guidance from parents, family problems, poverty and lack of

attention and lack of love.

5 The factors that lead into early teenage pregnancy are going

to parties at night, hanging out with friends, going to the

house of the girl/boy w/o any person around them, family

problems, and lack of guidance from parents or guardian.

6 Curiosity, lack of discipline, inevitable feelings.
7 Peer pressure, curiosity, and lack of guidance.
8 Lack of parental guidance, curiosity, peer pressure and

9 For me, family problems is one primary driver why teenage

pregnancy occurs but, to escape from poverty, pressure from

friends, lack of knowledge about the said topic and dropping

out on school will also contribute.

10 Lack of parental guidance, lack of knowledge about the

consequences, peers, poverty alcoholic beverages and


11 Curiosity and lack of knowledge.
12 I think drinking alcohol is one of the factors why teenagers

lead in to early pregnancy and also having a live-in partner or

the most factors is being raped.

13 family problems, peer pressure and curiosity
14 Lack of child support, curiosity, mental health problem.
15 I think their curiosity drives them to try unsafe sex or

16 Lust, lack of attention of their parents, drinking alcohol.
17 Teenagers nowadays are not well mannered and also some

parents lack guidance in supervising their children as a result

some young people do unnecessary things just to gain

attention from their parents. They are too curious about their

feelings and lack of sex education. Even when they know that

it is not the best thing to do but they think it is normal and they

are already behind this curiosity, so they also try it. They do

not know what they are doing.

18 Maybe they think that there are so many teens that got

pregnant that are why they feel that it is not a big deal in the

municipality of Ballesteros.
19 Peer pressure, curiosity, broken family, lack of attention and

guidance coming from their parents, family and friends.

20 Family problem, curiosity, lust, rebelling
21 Lack of Parental Guidance, peer pressure, poverty, being

unable to study in college, and rape.

22 Pre-marital sex, lack of education, peer pressure, curiosity

about sex.
23 Early exposure to pornography and other erotic devices,

exploration and uncontrolled intimacy and beliefs, peers and

distant relationship with parents, in fulfillment of sexual desire.

24 It might be that it is something that is caused by improper

guidance and lack of discipline of teenagers.

25 We all know that youths are curious so they have done such

things that lead to teenage pregnancy.

SUB-THEME Most of the response shows that lack of parental guidance,

curiosity, family problems, peer pressure and lack of

knowledge are the factors that lead to early pregnancy.

THEME Factors that lead to the increase of early pregnancy in

Ballesteros, Cagayan.

Table 3. How this issue on the increasing rate of teenage pregnancy in

Ballesteros affects your regular activities?

 Going out at night

 Hanging out with friends

 Considering the places you go

Respondents Answers
1 As the rate of teenage pregnancy increases, the more our

parents prohibit us going outside because they are afraid that

we might become one of them because of peer pressure or

2 It doesn't affect me that much because I'm a man after all,

girls should be more wary on whom they hang out with.

3 It does not but sometimes they forbid me to go to parties

because they are afraid I might get involved.

4 Going out at night- is risky for teenagers especially girls, we

do not who lurks in the dark.

Hanging out with friends- it depends on who are your

friends; if they have good personality and you can trust them

well you are free from getting pregnant. In my opinion it

depends on your circle of friends on how they will act as a

responsible person.

Considering the places you go- this is very important

because you cannot fully trust your companion consider this

to protect yourself on unexpected events that might happen.

5 It can greatly affect my regular activities because my parents

would be more conscious about what I do and where I go. But

hanging out with friends is not a big deal if you know them

and you can trust them.

6 Afraid of going out especially when I am alone. I am not

joining my friends when they are with strangers. I am afraid to

places that I am not familiar with and do not have someone I

7 Because of the alarming issue about teenage pregnancy, I

limit myself hanging out with my friends because some of my

boy/girl friend’s drink and that will really lead to unsafe

situation. And I don't want to be part or take part any

unwanted act.
8 I can only stay out until 7 because of the fact that I am also

scared and my parents are more strict than ever. There will

be a limitation when I go places and hanging out with friends.


9 I think I will have no problem if I will hang with my friends at

night because when we go and hang at night, we don’t take

and drink any liquor. But when I go places I will have

limitations because my parents will be more strict.

10 Going out at night - I am not going out at night without

anyone who is older than me and I am not doing it often so

this issue doesn't really affect that activity.

Hanging out with friends - my mother was very strict to

whom I hang out with, she became more strict when this

issue became rampant.

Considering the places you go - it affected the places I

would go, I am thinking about every place I would go because

we really don't know what would happen anytime. So I would

not consider going to places with liquors and other more

stuffs that can be the driver to sexual intercourse and can

lead to teenage pregnancy.

11 Because of this issue, my regular activities got interrupted.

My parents don’t want me to hang out with my friends

anymore. If we are going to make a project, my parents will

always ask our teacher if she required us any project.

12 Because of teenage pregnancy, my parents became more

strict because they do not want me to be pregnant like others

for I have dreams to achieve.

13 For me it depends on how you limit yourself, all of us having

respect on ourselves and if you are an educated person you


know how to handle yourself.

14 Going out at night and going places is limited only because of

doubt from parents. Hanging out with friends is okay because

I know that I can trust them and doing such things is not on

my mind.
15 It affects my regular activities like going out at night. Because

of this issue, I am now afraid to go out at night.

16 It will not affect my regular activities as long as I am doing the

right things, I should avoid talking explicit topics and also

unwanted doings like drinking alcohols.

17 Regarding on the regular activities that the teenagers mostly

do, they should discipline themselves and most especially

limit themselves to go out at night, be with someone whom

you can trust because securing yourself for future instances is

right. Be responsible with your actions we are now matured

enough to think what's right and wrong for ourselves. And

lastly, always consider the places to go because teenage

pregnancy is not just the curiosity of teenager but also in

harassment. I'd better secure the places I go to feel safe, so I

won’t face any danger and not bear a child at a young age.
18 It has an effect especially to our parents because it lessens

their trust on us.

19 Going out at night- Going out at night scares me and makes

me more alert about the things that might happen especially

when I’m alone.

Hanging out with friends- My parents kept on scolding me


because they are always worried that something might

happen to me even when I’m with my friends.

Considering the places you go- Because I go to other

places I usually ask questions and let someone to describe

the place for me to know if it’s safe.

20 Due to the increasing rate of teenage pregnancy, regular

activities were limited because parents are alarmed of this

21 Going out at night- As the oldest, my parents became more

strict when I am going out. Like, they forbid me going out at

night that I might get rape.

Hanging out with friends- they still allow me hanging out

with my friends as long as I keep them updated.

Considering the places you go- my parents think that I

might get pregnant whenever I go outside Ballesteros.

22 I only can go out until 7, my parents doesn't really allow me to

hangout. I always have anxiety or sometimes being paranoid

if I go to unknown places.
23 Going out at night- Parents will always be in panic every

time I go out at night.

Hanging out with friends- It will pressure us not to hangout

especially at night to avoid unwanted incidents.

Considering the places you go- I will be more vigilant

towards the places that I would want to go. I will be more

selective and avoid places like bars, etc.


24 It has been affecting the norms and activities of teenagers

most especially that it causes girls like me to be forbidden to

wander and hang with my friends. Parents and Elders usually

think these activities as malicious deeds and therefore jump

into conclusions and are too strict and doubt my relationships

with guys.
25 Of course, as a youth, we choose to be with our friends and

partners and because of cases of teenage pregnancy, going

out became limited.

SUB-THEME Majority of the responses shows that the increasing rate of

teenage pregnancy in Ballesteros will most definitely affect

their regular activities due to the parent’s concern.

THEME Consequences of the increase of teenage pregnancy in

Ballesteros, Cagayan on regular activities (Going out at night,

hanging out with friends, considering the places you go).

Table 4. How will you act upon the issue on the increasing rate of

teenage pregnancy in Ballesteros?

Respondents Answers
1 Use social media or tell my friends the cons and causes of

teenage pregnancy and increase awareness.

2 Educate my friends on teenage pregnancy especially those

younger than me.

3 I will educate my fellow teenagers about how it can ruin our

4 Parents should regularly check their child or children if they

are doing well, Always advice and guide your child in the right

path. Local childhood curfews are new provisions which will

help a local authority develop its community safety strategy. I

will also spread awareness about teenage pregnancy.

5 I will serve as a good model to my fellow teenager women in

Ballesteros, in a very simple ways to lessen the early teenage

6 Do not be carried away by their emotions. Learn to wait
7 If I have the power to educate teens, I will let them know that

teenage pregnancy will not bring any good for them. It will just

ruin their life, not really their entire life, but the life of being a

"teen". But also I need to start first in myself.

8 For me as an individual, I can suggest the official of the

municipal to make a program to help teens and avoid teenage

pregnancy and for their parents, give their child some

parental guidance
9 I should always have a clear understanding about the issue

and discipline myself. Tell others about all the knowledge I

know about teenage pregnancy.

10 I would be an advocate to stop the escalating number of

teenage pregnancy. I would start by myself, by not being a

teenage mother. Lastly, to spread awareness about this issue

to my fellow teens.
11 In increasing the rate of teenage pregnancy in here at my

beloved hometown which is the Ballesteros the action that I

will do is having a Platform for promoting sex education,


promoting sports and having a Bible study for the youth

for them to know sex is sacred.

12 For me, we should refrain from drinking alcohols and other

kinds of addiction, because nowadays, we are very

unconscious about our actions and decisions. We should

focus on studying before entering into a relationship because

there is a right time for it. And lastly, marriage should come

first before getting pregnant.

13 I will not engage myself in premarital sex and have self

control. Also I will help the teens have options for the future

that are much more attractive than early pregnancy and

14 Be a voice and spread the effects of the said issue so that

they will be aware about teenage pregnancy.

15 I will control myself. I will not try to have sex to anyone. I will

also educate the effects of teenage pregnancy so that they

will be aware on this issue.

16 Engage myself into awareness seminars and spread the

17 I would like to propose that sex education would be part of

our curriculum and implemented by all schools but of course,

with the limitation of the topics. They do not know what they

are feeling, so they try to seek the answer. So, in order to

have better understanding to their selves, we should help

them. I know we are reserve country but this proposition

might help to lessen the increasing teenage pregnancy issue.


18 All youth including boys should participate on seminars

regarding on Sex Education especially on safe sex.

19 I will be more aware and cautious especially when I’m going

out alone. And to other teens there attending to seminars

about teenage pregnancy might also help to broaden up the

knowledge that you have about this issue in this case we can

make better decisions and act the right way.

20 As a teenager, I will refrain from doing something that may

lead to situations I might regret.

21 I should apply all the knowledge I obtained in seminars that I

have attended, and do not be carried away from temptations.

And if I will be given an opportunity, I'll join a team to conduct

a seminar about teenage pregnancy for those who are not

studying in Ballesteros.
22 For me, it is better if the parents will do the most important

thing their children to learn, and that is discipline, if their

children have the discipline then they will not become one of

those who contribute the rate of teenage pregnancy.

23 Be more vigilant and avoid things that may destroy your

24 Simple, to not commit that wrong deed and not engage to

activities leading to teenage pregnancy and prioritize my

studies first. I will also be an advocate and advisor to my

friends that are facing situations of temptation that may cause

them to do this thing.

25 As a youth, we are allowed to coordinate with RHU to conduct

seminars for teenage pregnancy awareness.

SUB-THEME Most of the response shows that educating and spreading

knowledge about teenage pregnancy should be done.

THEME Actions upon the issue on the increasing rate of teenage

pregnancy in Ballesteros.



After the analysis of the collected data, there were four themes that

emerged from the data analysis. These were: 1) Perception of teenagers

about teenage pregnancy; 2) Factors that lead to the increase of early

pregnancy in Ballesteros, Cagayan; 3) Consequences of the increase of

teenage pregnancy in Ballesteros, Cagayan on regular activities (Going out at

night, hanging out with friends, considering the places you go); 4) Actions

upon the increasing rate of teenage pregnancy in Ballesteros.

The detailed discussion follows:

1. Perception of teenagers about teenage pregnancy


Most of the responses show that teenage pregnancy is a serious social

issue which results from recklessness and that it is a cause to many


Their perceptions are similar to the study of the World Health

Organization in the year 2020 that adolescent pregnancies are a global

problem occurring in high-, middle-, and low-income countries. Around the

world, however, adolescent pregnancies are more likely to occur in

marginalized communities, commonly driven by poverty and employment

opportunities. In many societies, girls are under pressure to marry and bear

children early.

2. Factors that lead to the increase of early pregnancy in Ballesteros,


Most of the response shows that lack of parental guidance, curiosity,

family problems, peer pressure and lack of knowledge are the factors that

lead to early pregnancy.

The findings of this study on the factors that lead to the increase of

early pregnancy in Ballesteros, Cagayan is similar to the study of Pogoy, et

al., (2014), where they inferred that teenagers prefer to go with their peers

rather than with their parents due to strong peer pressure. In addition,

according to Singson et al., (2018), the sexual revolution has ushered in a

period in which the average adolescent experiences tremendous pressures to

have sexual experiences of all kinds. Most of the response shows that lack of

knowledge is also a factor that leads to teenage pregnancy, which is also


stated in the study of Dev Raj, et al., (2010). It shows that majority of teenage

girls are reported with basic knowledge on sexual health however, very few of

them have used the knowledge into practice. Gregorio (2018) also stated that

the problem lies however in the lack of further explanation for the young

couple. They may have responsibilities at home like an adult but in reality,

they are still young girls and boys who are in dire need of guidance.

Another study of Oke (2010), proves that family problem is one of the

factors that contribute to the increase of teenage pregnancy. Poor teenagers

have few opportunities and reasons to avoid or delay childbearing and simply

see no reason not to get pregnant.

3. Consequences of the increase of teenage pregnancy in Ballesteros,

Cagayan on regular activities (Going out at night, hanging out with

friends, considering the places you go)

Most of the responses showed that the increasing rate of teenage

pregnancy will most definitely affect their regular activities due to the parent’s


The responses connected to the findings of Miller, et al., (2020) that

sexual development is a normal part of teen years. And teens need parents or

guardian to help understand his or her feelings, peer pressure, and how to

say no if he or she does not want to have sex.

Parents have a strong impact on whether a teenager makes healthy

decisions for himself or herself. This goes for making healthy decisions about

sex, as well which is why they often limit their children’s freedom to make sure

they are safe and protected.

Survey data from adolescents (ages 15-18) and their parents were

analyzed to assess how reports of parental discipline and control were related

to adolescent sexual attitudes and behavior. Adolescents’ perceptions of

parental strictness and rules show a curvilinear relationship to their sexual

attitudes and behavior; sexual permissiveness and intercourse experience

was highest among adolescents who viewed their parents as not being strict

at all or not having any rules, lowest among reported that their parents were

moderately strict, and intermediate among teens who perceived their parents

to be very strict and to have many rules.

In conclusion Miller’s research shows that teens who obeys and talks

with their parents about sex, relationships, birth control and pregnancy begins

to have sex at later age and will not end up impregnating someone or getting

pregnant in an early age.

4. Actions upon the increasing rate of teenage pregnancy in Ballesteros

Most of the response shows that educating and spreading knowledge

about teenage pregnancy should be done.

The responses connected to the findings of Geminiano (2018), that

Department of Health (DOH) in Cordillera launched projects aimed at lowering

the incidence of adolescent pregnancies in the region under the banner of

“Am-mong (gathering) for Health: Adolescent edition”. The technical working

group will educate and to provide services needed by the adolescents. The

workshop was annually held and the cases of adolescent pregnancies

seemed decreased in the region, and the program continues to address the

situation to sustain or to lower the percentage of teenage pregnancy.

In addition, according to Ubaldo (2020), the Guidance and Counseling

Office in collaboration with the CARD-MRI Development Institute, Inc. (CMDI)

spearheaded a seminar entitled, “Boy-Girl Relationship: Bakit Maasarap ang

Bawal Bes?” that aims to: deepen understanding of the youth regarding

premarital sex and teenage pregnancy as one of the critical issues in the

Philippine society, protect students from the consequences and complications

of premarital sex through information dissemination, instill the value of

responsibility and maturity, and inform students to lessen the risky behaviors

they might make in the near future.


Chapter V


This chapter presents the whole study having as its salient features the

findings surfaced in answer to the problem posed for the investigation. It has

its components the conclusion drawn out the findings and the

recommendation also as off-shoot of the finding surface at.


As teenage pregnancy increasing rate in Ballesteros, Cagayan create

havoc to every citizen, the researchers conducted this study to have deeper


Based on the findings of the study, the researcher derived the following


It is stated in the study, that teens are aware in Ballesteros to the

increasing rate of teenage pregnancy and now a societal issue. Respondents

enunciate, that out of impulsive nature that teens are involve to early

pregnancies. The study added, that because of the following factors: lack of

guidance of parents, guardian and elders teens are less mindful in every

action and decisions they’re making. Out of curiosity, teens are more drawn to

explore sexual activities. Because of family problem, teens mostly seek

comfort to their partners and become intimate with them. One of the teens are

facing is peer pressure, because of bad influence they are forced to do

activities they should not partake. Lastly, being ignorant and lack of

knowledge make teens be impulsive, being not informed on things made them

confident to include themselves in adverse activities. Thus, considering these

factors may change the response of teens to the temptation in engaging in

teenage pregnancies.

According to the respondents, many consequences may fall to

teenagers because of the issues caused by increasing rate of teenage

pregnancy. Due to parent’s concern to their child especially to their daughters,

the regular activities of their child are affected. Such as: going out at night, the

parents are more cautious to their child when night falls, because they might

encounter danger when they are alone. Hanging out with friends, teens

needed to be discipline and limit themselves in hanging to their friends out of

bad influence and unwanted incidents. Considering places to go: teens more

considerate on the distance to the desired destination and proceed to the

places they are more safe and secured.

It is also stated in the study, to deal and address the issue about the

increasing rate of teenage pregnancy. Promoting sexual education and share

knowledge about teenage pregnancy is a must. Conducting seminars about

sexual health must be prioritize especially to remote areas. Providing needed

knowledge to individual to have rational thinking in making decisions. People’s

participation in this kind of activity is important. To refrain from

misunderstanding in touching sensitive issues pertaining to teenage

pregnancy it is momentous to observed intellectual capacity of individuals,


attitudes and views toward early pregnancies before letting someone share


By understanding the response and behavior of teens to the increasing

rate of teenage pregnancy, it indicates in this study that many factors that

greatly contribute to the early pregnancies, consequences and what should be

done in dealing the increasing rate of teenage pregnancy.


As logical off-shoots of the finding surface at, the researchers

recommend to the teenagers, parents, community, local government, school,

and future researchers the following:

Teenagers. It is their responsibility not to be part of the adolescent

pregnancy. They must willingly cooperate to such guidelines and activities

involving teenage pregnancy and be knowledgeable about it. They should

understand and accept the learning and disciplinary actions given by the


Parents. It is their responsibility to take good care and discipline their

child to avoid getting involved into early pregnancy. It is their duty to supervise

and monitor their child's activities, whether they are aware of their actions or

not. They should establish rules, curfews, and standards of expected

behaviors to reduce the increasing rate of teenage pregnancy.

Community. It is their responsibility to be aware of the increasing rate

of teenage pregnancy and be knowledgeable enough to avoid this issue. It is


their duty to understand the importance open communication between parents

and their children. This could be done through the use of campaigns and

workshops regarding the increasing rate of early pregnancy. And conclusively,

community awareness campaigns about the possible consequences of

teenage pregnancy and childbirths should be undertaken.

Local Government. It is their responsibility to implement programs

that will give knowledge not only to the teenagers but also to others regarding

the ways on how to eliminate the increasing rate of teenage pregnancy. They

should also make rules that will prevent teens doing unpleasant things in

public that will discipline every teenager. They must execute recreational

activities to the people especially teenagers, for them to have time for their

healthy well-being.

School. It is their responsibility to teach and guide teenagers on how to

manage the problem regarding the issue on the increasing rate of teenage

pregnancy. It is their duty to give knowledge to teenagers about being

pregnant at a young age. They should educate their students on how to

prevent early pregnancy and explain the consequences on being a parent

during their adolescence.

Future Researchers. They should discover an effective ways on how

to eliminate the increasing rate of teenage pregnancy. It is their duty to seek

more information regarding teenage pregnancy prevention. They must gather

more data to lessen and eliminate the increasing rate of teenage pregnancy.

Finding for further solution to this issue must be done for the sake of the

people in the near future.



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