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Ma. Victoria P.



1. Characterize value of marketing for subjects of market.

- Marketing allows people to become more informed
- Optimization of working hours of the retail enterprises, promotion of the goods, expenses
on advertising, commodity assortment and other areas marketing improves coordination of
- Marketing considerable influences sights of people and a way of life.
- Marketing promotes improvement of life quality.
2. Give the definition of term “market”.
- Market is defined as people or organizations wants (need) to satisfy, money to spend, and
the willingness to spend it. It is where the buyers and sellers meet, products or services are
offered for sale, and transfers of ownership occur. It can also be defined as the demand
made by a certain group of potential buyers for product or services.
3. Characterize importance of marketing for the manufacturer.
- Marketing informs your customers about the products or services you're offering them.
Through marketing, the customers get to know about the value of the products, their usage
and additional info that might be helpful to the customers. It creates brand awareness and
makes the business stand out.
4. What conditions define the existence of the markets?
- The need and wants of the consumer and the community.
5. Subjects of the market.
- Medical products, services, the Para pharmaceutical goods, ideas, the pharmaceutical
information, consumer preferences.
6. What concepts characterize a market situation?
- Market situation is characterized by parity between need, a supply and demand.
7. List market mechanism functions.
- Information of market operators.
- The functions which connected with efficiency of the market, efficiency of resources
- Maintenance of efficiency in distribution of economic resources
- Achievement of market balance
8. Open the concept and value of indicators <an economic conjuncture> and “market
- Economic conjuncture characterizes condition of all market process for any period.
- Market conjuncture characterizes a situation on the market in the parity between supply
and demand, price level, commodity stocks, volume of orders in branch and other economic
indicators. It is a question of a condition and market tendencies in short-term period.
9. What are the social and economic features of the pharmaceutical market?
- Granting of pharmaceutical aid to the population requires personal contacts of the doctor
and the pharmacists, on the one side, and the consumer with another.
- In comparison with other services spheres influence of inadequacy of the information
concerning consumer properties of a medicine at their manufacturers, at pharmacists and
consumers is more essential.
- The need in vital medical products is necessary to keep health and the human life.
- In the field of pharmacy it is insufficiently defined connection between expenses of work of
pharmaceutical employees end results is distinctively traced.
- Use of the special managing mechanism in pharmacies is dictated necessity of economic
efficiency and social justice.
10. Open modern tendencies of the world pharmaceutical market.
- The increase in manufacture and sales of the medicinal preparations-generics. According to
experts IMS it is predicted, that the market capacity will increases annually on the average
14-17% while the pharmaceutical market will grow on 6-7% a year.
11. Give characteristics of the pharmaceutical market of Ukraine.
- The pharmaceuticals industry in Ukraine is the industry that develops the national economy.
It employs only 0.15% of the total amount of man-power employed, but they create 0.83%
of the country’s GDP and provide UAH 24 billion of added value. It is arguable that the
Ukrainian pharmaceutical business has overcome the crisis of 2014 and is rapidly recovering.
Over the past three years, the industry has grown by an average of 11% per year, what is
three times faster than the Ukrainian economy as a whole.
12. Give marketing definition.
- Marketing is a process that starts with identifying and understanding the needs and wants
of the customer and then fulfilling those needs and wants.
13. What are the features of pharmaceutical marketing?
- The pharmaceutical market represents a part of the market of goods and services, sphere of
interaction of subjects and objects which are influenced by a certain factors.
14. What stages of evolutionary development of marketing concept?
- Productional ( end XIX-beginning XX century)
- Commodity ( the middle 20x of XX century)
- Marketing (middle of 30th of XX xentury)
15. Specify basic elements of marketing mix.
- Product
- Price
- Place
- Product promotion
16. Name marketing principles.
- To study a condition and changes of a consumer’s demand.
- To search for a market niche, to carry out segmentation of the market and to let out
production in view of features of separate segments
- To improve the goods constantly and to improve its quality
- It is necessary to influence the market using the system of promotion: selling, advertising,
- To improve the marketing constantly
17. List basic functions of marketing.
- The research function
- The production function
- The sale market function
- The management and control function
18. Name kinds of marketing in enterprise activity.
- Depending on sphere of marketing activity
- Depending on the period on which the marketing policy
- Depending on demand
- Depending on territorial principle
19. What kinds of marketing allocate depending on application sphere.
- Marketing of consumer goods
- Industrial goods
- Ideas of public character
- Places
- Organizations
- Trading
- Marketing of services
20. What kinds of marketing use depending on demands?
- Demarketing
- Conversion marketing
- The creative marketing supporting
- Counteracting
- Marketing stimulating
- Remarketing
- Synchromarketing
21. What are allocated subjects of pharmaceutical marketing?
- Manufacturers of medical products
- Wholesale intermediaries
- Retail intermediaries
- Organizations-consumers
- End users
- Experts in marketing
22. In what problems of pharmaceutical marketing consist?
- Complex studying of the market
- Revealing of demands and unsatisfied needs
- Planning of the commodity assortment and the prices
- Development of actions on satisfaction of demand
- Planning and realization of selling
- Development of actions on management perfection and the organization of manufacture
23. Characterize the marketing environment of the enterprise.
- The marketing environment is a set of factors, forces and conditions operating outside the
company and influencing on its marketing activity.
24. What essence of the SWOT-analysis and what its value?
- SWOT-analysis allows carrying out comparative research of the internal environment of the
enterprise and external conditions. The value of this method is it helps you identify areas of
your business that are performing well.

1. What problems of marketing management?

- The problem of marketing management consists in influence on level, time and character of
demand that it helped the organization to achieve purposes.
2. What are the features of planning in marketing system?
- Description of current marketing situation
- A substantiation and the description of the purposes of firm
- Data about results of markets forecasting
- The description of marketing strategy on the markets
- The description of marketing program actions
- The budget
- The description of control procedures
3. What parts does marketing plan consists of?
4. List basic marketing concepts of enterprise.
- The product concept
- The production concept
- The sales concept
- The Marketing Concept
- The Societal Concept
5. What are the features of Human responsibility concept of marketing in the field of pharmacy?
- Creation, production and distribution of effective medical products
- Elimination or minimizing of medicines’ side effects
- Use in manufacture of medical products of high-quality raw materials
- Formation of medical products assortment, working out of a new medicine according to
consumers’ needs
- Development of an optimum enterprises policy for medical products
- Activity of the pharmaceutical enterprises, provide preventive maintenance and treatment
of diseases
6. What kinds of marketing services orientation of the enterprises are exist?
- Sales orientation.
- Market orientation.
- Production orientation.
- Societal orientation.
7. What stages of marketing services organization are allocated?
- Determining of the prime purpose and problems of pharmaceutical marketing service on
given enterprise
- Working out of statue about marketing services at the enterprise
- A substantiation of organizational structure
- Service creation marketing
- Determining of problems for separate divisions and its functional duties of marketing service
8. Characterize modern organizational structure of marketing services of the pharmaceutical
- Marketing manager
- Market research
- Planning of production (assortment) and marketing
- Promotion management
- Distribution management
9. List the main tasks of marketing service of the pharmaceutical enterprise.
- Working out of the marketing program
- Market segmentation
- Gathering of the marketing information on the market, structure, dynamics of demand and
- Forecasting of a market condition, dynamics of its changes
- The analysis of a competitive situation and introduction of actions for increase of
competitiveness of pharmaceutical enterprise’ developments for expansion of domestic
market and export opportunities
- Formation of product assortment
- Preparation and dispatch to potential consumers of information materials about
developments of the pharmaceutical enterprise
- participation in works of organization of the external economic and scientific, technical
communications with foreign partners;
- working out long-term, intermediate term and marketing current plans by each kind of
pharmaceutical production
- formation of demand and stimulation of sale of the pharmaceutical goods
- Working out of advertising campaigns, realization of business ties with press, advertising
agencies, radio and TV, etc.
- participation in formation of public relations,
10. What functions are carried out by departments of pharmaceutical marketing?
- Gathering, studying, an estimation, the analysis and generalizations of domestic and foreign
information about condition, capacity and tendencies of development of potential sales
markets of pharmaceutical production
- Gathering and analysis of the information of the activity of the competitors who produces
similar production, their intentions on the investigated markets
- The analysis of a contingent and groups of consumers of medical products and other
products of pharmacy assortment.
- Preparation and carrying out of estimations, interrogation of consumers concerning quality
and assortment of the offered pharmaceutical goods
- Organization of preparation of advertisement brochures, booklets, information letters and
other advertising materials
- selection and preparation of product samples of the pharmaceutical enterprise for an
specialized fairs and exhibitions
- determination of requirements to quality and consumer features of the equipment and
outlet pharmaceutical production
- studying and use of domestic and foreign experience in sphere of the analysis of a market
situation, marketing, advertising, work with consumers.

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