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Day 3


General formulas of common sentence pattern

The basic unit of daily communication is the sentence

Today we focus on common sentences

Jack, free, check, computer

Jack, are you free? Can you check my computer?

Grammar allows us to speak clearly

1. Grammar dalam Bahasa Inggris terlalu rumit.

What is subject, predicate, object, attributive, adverbial, complement……

subject: It is used as a noun, pronoun, numeral, infinitive.

Predicate: Explain the action, characteristic, and state of the subject.

Object: the object of an action, followed by a transitive verb, such as a noun,

pronoun, numeral, and infinitive.

2. Apa yang aku harus lakukan kalau tidak bisa paham kalimat

yang rumit dalam suatu bacaan saat tes?

You must first find the trunk to see how big a tree is

The secret to understanding long, difficult sentences:

To understand a long and difficult sentence, you must first find the subject and

the predicate

1. The girl cried.

2. The beautiful girl cried.

3. The beautiful girl who lives next door to me cried.

4. The beautiful girl who lives next door to me cried, although I have bought her

a doll.

5. Jenny, the beautiful girl, who lives next door to me cried, although I have

bought her a doll.

3. Speakingku masih lemah. Bagaimana aku bisa lebih lancar dan

gunakan kalimat yang lebih rumit?

1 Can you explain why you want this job?


Aaron’s students:

1 Explaining what you are looking for: I notice that digital marketing is a very

important part of the job and that is ______I am very interested in.

2 Showing that you have done your research: I looked through the job

description ______. After reading about your company…

3 Connecting the required skills with your previous job: I mastered ______ skill

well, I think it can be perfectly combined with this job

4 Showing you will be a benefit for the company: I believe this is what the

company is looking for ______. I hope I can make my impact in this company with

______ skill because ______

2 When you disagree with others' point of view, what would you say?

Others: I disagree.

Aaron’s students:
1. Politely tell others that you have different opinions:

A. I see what you're saying but I think…

B. I take your point but that isn't the way I see it; instead, I think that…

2. Provide possible solutions:

A. Instead, I think we should/could…

B. I would recommend that we…

C. If you ask me, I think we should…

3. What should we do if they argue?

Okay, let's agree to disagree, shall we?

Alright, let's both think about it and get back to discussion another time.

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