38 - Supply Chain Effectiveness Assessment

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Supply Chain Effectiveness Assessment

This assessment examines how effective your company’s supply chain is in acquiring materials, moving them
through your required value added processes and delivering them to your customers. It also looks at the ability of
the current systems and organization to deliver required business results. The report will provide a gap analysis of
the supply chain with a perspective to responsiveness, best practices, scalability and sustainability.

 Identify all components of your supply chain (organization, systems, suppliers, processes, management)
from raw material providers to the end user and determine how they align with your company’s strategy
 Assess the performance requirements of your supply chain to meet your products and services needs in
the marketplace
 Determine the gaps between existing processes, organizational structure and skills, systems and those
required to deliver the company’s strategic objectives
 Review the effectiveness of supply chain accountability measures and compensation
 Complete a Gap Analysis of your supply chain performance vs. Best in Class organizations
 Deliver a final report that identifies the key opportunities and the expected ROI’s

Length of Assessment 5+ days (depending on the complexity of the supply chain)

 0.5 day pre-work and data collection
 1-2 days data analysis
 2+ days on site interviewing key stakeholders and Subject Matter Experts to identify perceived areas of
improvement, shadow systems, assess skill levels and best practices gaps
 1.5 days preparing final report

Expected Learning/Outcomes
 Understanding of your company’s supply chain performance:
o People and skill sets
o Inventory requirements
o Cost
o Working Capital
o Responsiveness (Lead Time and ability to respond to demand changes)
o Accountability
 Prioritized list of improvement areas and implementation roadmap

The final report will provide an assessment of what is working and what requires attention within your supply chain.
It will also provide a set of short/medium/long-term recommendations on where to focus your attention for
optimized performance from the perspective of cost and responsiveness.

For more information or scheduling contact:

Group50® Consulting
Los Angeles, CA
(909) 949-9083

Group50® Consulting                                                     All Rights Reserved 2015                                                                                Page 1                         

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