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The effect of aromatherapy with lavender essence on severity of labor pain

and duration of labor in primiparous women

Article  in  Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice · August 2016

DOI: 10.1016/j.ctcp.2016.08.008


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2 authors:

Mansoureh Yazdkhasti Arezoo Pirak

Alborz University of Medical Sciences Iranshahr University of medical Sciences


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Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice 25 (2016) 81e86

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The effect of aromatherapy with lavender essence on severity of labor

pain and duration of labor in primiparous women
Mansoreh Yazdkhasti a, Arezoo Pirak b, *
Department of Midwifery, Faculty of Midwifery and Assistant Professor, Alborz University of Medical Sciences, Karaj, IR Iran
Department of Reproductive Health, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of Lavender essence inhalation on severity
Received 8 May 2016 of labor pain and duration of labor.
Received in revised form Methods and materials: This single-blind, randomized clinical trial was conducted on 120 pregnant
14 August 2016
women in two groups. The experimental group received 2 drops of Lavender essence inhaled at three
Accepted 15 August 2016
stages (4e5, 6e7, 8e9 cm cervical dilation) and severity of the labor pain and duration of labor was
measured before and after intervention. The control group was treated with distilled water as a placebo
in the similar ways, too.
Labor pain
Lavender essence
Results: The results showed that difference in the labor pain before and after intervention in two groups
Primiparous women was significant (P ¼ 0/001). But there was no difference in mean duration of the active phase and the
Aromatherapy second stage of labor between the two groups.
Conclusion: Lavender essence aromatherapy may be an effective therapeutic option for pain manage-
ment for women in labor.
Published by Elsevier Ltd.

1. Introduction properties [8]. Aromatherapy is used to relieve pain, treat anxiety

and depression, insomnia, fatigue and asthma. It also helps to build
Labor pain, which is among the most severe pains experienced, confidence, inspiring creativity and success [9]. Essential oils may
can be very diverse in terms of the intensity felt and its location [1]. be administered through the skin (massage), inhalation, com-
In some cultures, women prefer Caesarean section delivery to avoid presses, in baths and oral administration [8]. Review of the
the pain of labor [2]. literature between 1996 and 2002 suggests aromatherapy as an
Labor pain relief methods are divided into non-pharmacological effective way for managing pain and psychological impacts of in-
(psychoprophylactic, hypnotism, acupuncture, healing touch ther- terventions [10].
apy, relaxation exercises, massage therapy, music therapy, …) [3] One of the means of action is the aroma of these oils sent as a
and pharmacological (systemic medicines, inhalation anesthesia, signal to the olfactory bulb which has close anatomical ties to the
general anesthesia, regional anesthesia) methods [4]. Use of non- limbic system. The limbic system is the emotional center of the
pharmacological pain relief techniques help the labor progress brain, where all major emotional expressions are generated. The
and shorten the duration of delivery [5]. limbic system influences the endocrine and the autonomic nervous
Mohammadkhani-Shari quotes Melzak and Wall writing, “non- [11].
pharmacological approach to pain relief includes a wide variety of Inhalation of essential oils has given rise to olfactory aroma-
techniques to address not only the physical sensations of pain but therapy, where simple inhalation has resulted in enhanced
to prevent pain induced psychological suffering” [6]. One of the emotional wellness, calmness, relaxation or rejuvenation of the
newest therapies is aromatherapy [7] which is an ancient art that human body. The release of stress is welded with pleasurable scents
uses the essences extracted from various herbs for their medical which unlock odor memories [12].
Aromatherapy offers relaxation and can induce sleep. It also
enhances the mother's ability to cope with the pain in labor [13].
One of the essential oils used in aromatherapy is Lavender
* Corresponding author. Postal address: Nosrat St, Tohid Sq, 1419733171, Tehran,
Iran. (Lavandula angustifolia). This compound has analgesic properties
E-mail address: (A. Pirak). and contains Linalyl acetate [8]. Lavender is a herbaceous plant and
1744-3881/Published by Elsevier Ltd.
82 M. Yazdkhasti, A. Pirak / Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice 25 (2016) 81e86

its roots have been shown to produce anticonvulsant effects. Its 1.2. Measurement instruments
leaves and flowers are used for pain management, too [14]. Lav-
ender essential oil has a wide range of benefits including a sedative, A visual analog pain scale which is a standard pain assessment
analgesic, disinfectants, anti depressant, …[15]. scale made of a 10 cm ruler between zero (no pain) and 10 (worst
Many of the studies that have examined the effects of aroma- possible pain) was used to record the subject's pain level; its val-
therapy with lavender essential oils have had conflicting results. idity has been established in a number of studies. Melzak in-
According to the findings of a study conducted in 2000 by Burns troduces numerical pain rating scale as a valid and reliable measure
et al., aromatherapy with lavender essential oils did not signifi- for assessing pain intensity [7]. The reliability of the mentioned tool
cantly affect the labor pain intensity and, also, the number of was determined using equivalent method. In the pilot study the
caesarean section deliveries. However, the exposure is effective in pain intensity in 10 mothers was measured using the above
reducing fear and anxiety during childbirth and reduces the need of mentioned scales by the researcher and the research assistant,
analgesics during the birth as well [16]. Then in a study conducted separately, and the correlation between their measurements was
in 2007 Burns et al. concluded that using different methods of r ¼ 0.93.
aromatherapy in labor such as massage, bath, inhalation and belts, Data was gathered through inclusion of demographics (age,
could be helpful in reducing delivery pain and improving birth occupation, education, gestational age) and information about de-
outcomes [17]. Sobhani et al. evaluated the effect of lavender livery process (duration of labor active phase, duration of labor
aromatherapy as a treatment to help relieve pain after C-section. second stage and neonates Apgar scores in the first and fifth mi-
The findings showed a decrease in pain intensity after using nutes). The validity and reliability of the questionnaire were
aromatherapy treatment [9]. DaghighBeen suggested in his study determined using, respectively, the content validity method and
that, compared to honey, using lavender cream had a better effect equivalent reliability method. Thus, in the pilot study the above
on perineal pain reduction and wound healing following episi- mentioned inventory was completed by the researcher, research
otomy [18], which is inconsistent with the findings of a survey by assistant and midwives in the maternity wards separately; reli-
Vakilian that showed no reduction in pain intensity after episi- ability was r ¼ 0.91.
otomy [11].
By using new non-pharmacological methods the entire process 1.3. Ethical considerations
of giving birth becomes a pleasant experience, decreasing mother's
tendency towards C-section [19]. On the other hand, non- This study was approved by the Medical Research and Ethical
pharmacological interventions have no side effects on the mother Committee of Iranshahr University of Medical Sciences. Each
and baby and do not require a doctor's prescription. They also are participant was verbally provided with information regarding the
viable alternatives to the pharmacological approaches [17]. There- study and the contents of the information sheet. All participants
fore the present study was conducted to evaluate the impact of signed a consent form in which the study procedures were
aromatherapy with Lavender essence on the intensity and duration explained.
of labor pain in nulliparous women referred to Iran Hospital in
Iranshahr. 1.4. Procedure

1.1. Sample and sampling method The first assessment, pain was performed before intervention
(dilatation 3e4 cm) in both control and experimental groups using
This single-blind, randomized clinical trial was conducted from the visual analog pain scale. The VAS is a 0e10 pain rating ruler in
September 2011 to January 2012. This study was performed at the which the respondent selects a number that accurately represents
Iran Hospital in Iranshahr city (Sistan-Balouchestan province, Iran). her pain. The Lavender essence was made with Lavandula angus-
The study population comprised all women referred to this hospital tifolia and was produced by the Barij Essence Pharmaceutical
for childbirth at the time of data collection. The eligibility criteria Company (Kashan, Iran). Given that pure lavender essence is highly
included nulliparous pregnant women with singleton pregnancy, concentrated and can cause irritation, the essence was diluted 1:10
gestational age over 37 weeks, cervical dilation greater than with distilled water. In the experimental group two droplets of
3e4 cm, cephalic presentation and receiving no analgesia during lavender essence 10% was diluted with distilled water 1:10. A
labor. Exclusion criteria were set as follows: cephalopelvic dispro- dropper was used to drop the essence on to the patient's palm, then
portion, the subject's withdrawal from the clinical trial, history of they were asked to rub their hands together and inhale the inhale
allergy to herbs, factors leading to an emergency Caesarean section the scent for 3 min while the hands were 2.5e5 cm distance from
and diagnosis of underlying diseases in the mother. the nose. Aromatherapy with lavender essence was performed by
In order to determine the sample size a pilot study was under- the second researcher (A.P) who is an expert midwife. The pain
taken on 15 subjects. Based on the results of the comparison be- intensity of the subjects was measured 30 min after the contraction
tween the two averages, and, also, statistical consultants' ended. The intervention was carried out in 3 phases (dilation 5-6-,
comments, the sample size with a confidence level of 95% was 7e8, and 9e10 cm). Pain intensity of the subjects in the experi-
determined to be 60 in each group. The subjects selected using a mental group was assessed before and 30 min after the three phase
convenience sampling method, were randomly divided into two intervention while the subjects in the control group were treated
experimental and control groups. Randomization numbers were with distilled water as a placebo in a similar way. The length of
sealed in a predetermined computer-made randomization opaque active phase and the second stage of labor, neonates Apgar scores in
envelope. The pregnant women’ screening sequence numbers were the first and fifth minutes in both study groups were measured and
printed outside the envelope, whereas the group names were compared.
printed inside. All envelopes were numbered consecutively and
connected. Researchers who screened the eligible pregnant women 1.5. Data analysis
after baseline separated the envelopes from the strain and opened
them according to the pregnant women’ screening sequence Data were analyzed with SPSS (Statistical Package for Social
numbers, and then assigned the patients to either the experimental Science, version20) using descriptive statistics (mean, standard
group or the control group. deviation and percentage), and analytical tests (Chi-square,
M. Yazdkhasti, A. Pirak / Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice 25 (2016) 81e86 83

independent t-test, paired t-test and KolmogoroveSmirnov test). 59/4 ± 35/4 and 48/66 ± 23/5 min. Performing independent t-test
showed no significant difference in the scores of two groups (P ¼ 0/
6) (Table 4).
2. Results
The mean first-Apgar score of the neonates in experimental and
control groups were (respectively) 8/8 ± 0/37 and 8/7 ± 1/01 while
Only one pregnant woman from the control group was excluded
independent t-test suggested no significant difference between
because of Emergency caesarean section due to fetal distress,
two groups (P ¼ 0/4). Mean fifth-Apgar score of the experimental
resulting in 60 pregnant women in the experimental group and 60
and control groups were, respectively, 9/9 ± 0/35 and 9/7 ± 1/01
pregnant women in the control group. (See Fig. 1).
which were not statistically significant (P ¼ 0/33) (Table 5).
The results showed that the mean age of participants was
19.13 ± 2.56 (range 15e32 years) and 18.26 ± 2.83 (range 15e34
years) in the experimental and control groups, respectively. The 3. Discussion
demographic characteristics of the participants are summarized in
Table 1. Findings indicated difference comparing pain intensity pre-and-
The comparison of pre-intervention mean pain intensity scores post intervention. On the other hand, the mean pain score in the
(dilatation 3e4 cm) of two study groups showed no significant subjects in the Experimental group showed significant improve-
difference between pain levels of the participants. But significant ment compared to control group (P < 0.001).
difference was noted for the mean pain intensity scores between These results are consistent with the findings of the study by
two groups in 5e10 cm dilated. Namely pain intensity was Alavi et al. which suggested the effectiveness of aromatherapy with
decreased in the treated group (Table 2). lavender essential oil (P < 0.05) [20]. In their study 0.1 ml lavender
Comparison of the prior and 30 min after intervention scores essential oil and 1 ml distilled water was put on two tissues and the
using paired t-test showed that post intervention mean pain score subjects were asked to inhale deeply, then the rate of pain intensity
of the subjects in the experimental group at different dilations was reduction was measured 30 and 60 min after the intervention.
significant (P ¼ 0/001). That is, the subjects in the experimental Aromatherapy uses essential oils extracted from aromatic
group felt less pain after intervention. While the control group botanical sources to treat and balance the mind, body and spirit
stated no difference pre and post intervention results (Table 3). [21]. Essential oils are thought to increase the secretion of the
The durations of active phase of labor in experimental and body's own sedative, stimulant and relaxing neurotransmitters
control groups (dilatation 5e10 cm) were, respectively, 170/2 ± 91/ (paracrine and endocrine) [22].
08 and 181/5 ± 93/6 min. Performing independent t-test showed no The mechanism of their action involves integration of essential
significant difference in the scores of two groups (P ¼ 0/5). oils into a biological signal of the receptor cells in the nose when
The durations of the second phase of labor in experimental and inhaled. The signal is transmitted to limbic and hypothalamus parts
control groups (dilated 10 cm to fetus expulsion) were, respectively, of the brain via olfactory bulb. These signals cause brain to release

Fig. 1. Consort flowchart.

84 M. Yazdkhasti, A. Pirak / Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice 25 (2016) 81e86

Table 1
Women demographic characteristics in two groups.

Control group Experimental group P value

Age (year) 19.13 ± 2.56 18.26 ± 2.83 0/91

Occupation Employed, Unemployed (7)%11/7 (4)%6/7 0/52
(52)%88/3 (56)%93/3
Education Illiterate (9)%15 (6)%10 0/92
Primary school Middle and high school (16)%26/7 (16)%26/7
Graduate (26)%44/9 (31)%51/6
(8)%13/4 (7)%11/7
Gestational age (week) 39/6 ± 0/91 39/7 ± 0/64 0/42

Table 2
Mean pain intensity in two groups before and after intervention.

Pain Group

Control Experimental t-test result

Mean ± S.D Mean ± S.D

Mean pain intensity before intervention (dilatation 3e4 cm) 6/1 ± 0/77 6/2 ± 0/52 t ¼ 0/58
df ¼ 118
P ¼ 0/58
Mean pain intensity after intervention (dilatation 5e10 cm) 8/5 ± 1/3 6/9 ± 1/7 t ¼ 5/5
df ¼ 118
P ¼ 0/001*

Table 3
Mean of pain intensity at different dilatation in two groups.

Mean of pain Control group Paired t- test Experimental group Paired t- test

Before intervention 30 min after P- Value Before intervention 30 min after intervention P- Value

Dilatation 5e6 cm 7/7 ± 2/1 7/7 ± 2/1 P¼1 8 ± 2/2 6/1 ± 2/3 P ¼ 0/001*
Dilatation 7e8 cm 8/4 ± 2 8/6 ± 1/6 P ¼ 0/2 8/8 ± 1/5 6/7 ± 2 P ¼ 0/001*
Dilatation 9e10 cm 9/3 ± 1/3 9/4 ± 1/1 P ¼ 0/32 9/55 ± 0/9 7/93 ± 2/1 P ¼ 0/001*

Table 4 anxiety and pain intensity of labor [6]. The results of the studies by
Mean duration of active labor and the second phase (min) in two groups. Ahmadi et al., Vakilian et al. and Seraj and Vakilian suggested a
Group Duration of active Duration of second significant reduction in labor pain intensity of the women in the
labor (min) phase (min) intervention group by using aromatherapy with lavender essential
Mean ± S. D Mean ± S.D oil inhalation [24e26], which is consistent with the findings of our
research. The study by Burns et al. showed no significant difference
Experimental group 170/2 ± 91/08 59/4 ± 35/4
Control group 181/5 ± 93/6 48/66 ± 23/5
in labor pain and, also, in caesarean section rate reduction [16]. The
t-test result t ¼ 0/66 df ¼ 118 P ¼ 0/5 t ¼ 1/95 df ¼ 118 P ¼ 0/6 inconsistency of their findings with ours could be due to the
different method of administration in the Burns study, in which
massage was used in addition to inhalation, which brings in
Table 5
another variable of the midwife-patient relationship and the cul-
Mean neonates Apgar scores in the first and fifth minutes in two groups.
tural differences. Honofer indicated age as one of the factors
Group First apgar scores Fifth apgar scores affecting labor pain intensity [17]. The mean age of mothers
Experimental group 8/8 ± 0/37 9/9 ± 0/35 participating in the present study was 18.3. While it was about 29
Control group 8/7 ± 1/01 9/7 ± 1/01 years in the participants in the Burn study.
t-test result t ¼ 0/83 df ¼ 118 P ¼ 0/4 t ¼ 0/96 df ¼ 118 P ¼ 0/33
In a study by Sheikhan et al. on the effect of lavender essential
oil on the post episiotomy pain intensity, the mothers in the
experimental group received the intervention of bathing in laven-
neuro messengers like serotonin, endorphin etc., to link our ner- der essential oil twice a day (each time 6 drops in 5 L of water)
vous and other body systems, assuring a desired change and to while those in the control group were given the hospital routine
provide a feeling of relief. Serotonin, endorphin and noradrenalin (Betadine) for bathing in for 5 days. The results showed significant
are released from calming oil, euphoric, and stimulating oil reduction in pain intensity on the fifth day [27]. In the study carried
respectively to give expected effect on mind and body [23]. out by Kingberg et al., adding 6 drops of lavender essential oil and
In one research study 8058 expectant mothers received using the bath during 10 days postpartum would help to decrease
aromatherapy (modes of application included acupressure points, vulvar discomfort [28]. While in the research conducted by Vaki-
taper, compress, foot bath, massage or birthing pool) during labor lian, using lavender essence was not helpful in the post episiotomy
under the supervision of midwives that relieved anxiety and fear pain relief [11].
and decreased the need for epidural analgesia [16]. According to the A study by Kim et al. (2006) evaluated the analgesic efficacy of
findings of a survey by Mohammad KhaniShahri, message aroma- postoperative lavender essential oil aromatherapy in patients
therapy with lavender essential oil would significantly decrease
M. Yazdkhasti, A. Pirak / Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice 25 (2016) 81e86 85

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We would like to thank all the pregnant women who partici-
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pated in this study.
86 M. Yazdkhasti, A. Pirak / Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice 25 (2016) 81e86

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