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Ho Chi Minh National University

University of Information Technology

Information System Department


Lecture : Trình Trọng Tín

Group : Nguyễn Hữu Tiền Khôi 17520650
Nguyễn Văn Huỳnh 17520598


TEACHER’S FEEDBACK ................................................................................................................................... 5
1. INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................ 6
1.1. Business situation .............................................................................................................................. 6
1.2. Business observation ......................................................................................................................... 6
1.3. System Target .................................................................................................................................... 7
1.4. Solution .............................................................................................................................................. 8
1.5. Software Ojectives ............................................................................................................................. 8
2. CONDUCT A PROJECT SURVEY .................................................................................................................. 9
2.1. Respondents ...................................................................................................................................... 9
2.2. Survey Content................................................................................................................................... 9
2.3. Questionaire....................................................................................................................................... 9
2.4. Describe the current status of business processes: ......................................................................... 13
2.5. Non-function requirements ............................................................................................................. 18
2.6. Determine people and role of people ............................................................................................. 20
3. SYSTEM DESIGN ...................................................................................................................................... 22
3.1. Database design ............................................................................................................................... 22
3.2.Use case ............................................................................................................................................ 32
3.2.1.Use case of sale process............................................................................................................. 32
3.2.2. Order Use Case.......................................................................................................................... 33
3.2.3. Use case get table info .............................................................................................................. 34
3.2.4. Use case payment ..................................................................................................................... 35
3.2.5. Use case Product management ................................................................................................ 36
3.2.6. Member Management .............................................................................................................. 37
3.2.7. Use case income management ................................................................................................. 38
3.3. DFD Diagram .................................................................................................................................... 39
3.3.1. DFD level 0 ................................................................................................................................ 39
3.3.2. DFD level 1 ................................................................................................................................ 40
4.USER INTERFACE ...................................................................................................................................... 41
4.1. Screen List ........................................................................................................................................ 41
4.2. Screen detail .................................................................................................................................... 43
4.2.1. Login screen .............................................................................................................................. 43
4.2.2. Screen Menu ............................................................................................................................. 43
4.2.3. Screen table list ......................................................................................................................... 45
4.2.4. Drinks Screen ............................................................................................................................ 46
4.2.5. Foods Screen ............................................................................................................................. 47
4.2.6. Notify when occur error............................................................................................................ 48
4.2.7 Management screen .................................................................................................................. 49
5.SUMMARY ................................................................................................................................................ 50
4.1 Experiences ....................................................................................................................................... 50
4.2 Conclusion ......................................................................................................................................... 50

First of all, I would like to express my special thanks to Mr. Do Phuc and Mr. Trinh

Trong Tin (System Design Analysis Teacher) for providing knowledge, giving advice and

valuable ideas to the group to completed the course project.

Start from the purpose of learning, learn more about the knowledge of the design

and analysis of information systems, as well as learn more about the professional process

of restaurants, cafes, our group has actually showing the project "Design of coffee

management system". During the implementation of the project, based on the knowledge

provided by the teacher on the school combined with self-learning new tools and

knowledge, the group tried to implement the project in the best way. However, the project

is incomplete and there are many errors but it is the result of the efforts of the group

members, the help of all friends and teachers. The group is looking forward to receiving

comments from teachers and teachers to draw valuable experiences and improve

knowledge so that the group can continue to complete other projects in the future.
1.1. Business situation

- The society is growing, the demand of working and entertainment of people is

increasing, they need a place that is both quiet and comfortable to be able to work

effectively or have a quiet time to relax and relax. Or simply a place for friends, couples

can talk, talk to each other. So many cafes appear to meet the needs. To make a difference

with other cafes, the group's coffee shop will combine to create a private, quiet reading


- However, with more and more people looking to cafes, the service of customers and

management of coffee shops is more and more interested and focused. Issues such as

reservation management, menu management, pricing, customer service or warehouse

management are difficult to manage manually. Therefore, it is necessary to build a café

management system by software to effectively manage the shop and avoid manual errors

that are easily encountered.

- The management software is scientific and intuitive to ensure that managers and

employees can easily use and must ensure the decentralization of the software.

1.2. Business observation

- Lavania is a coffee shop in Danang, serving drinks and pastries, Lavania served

hundreds of customers a day. With 2 storey building, it’s so difficuties to efficient service

while traditional ordering and management.

- Customer do not have so much informations about what they want to order.

Ordering still be done on paper. It takes time to customer and employee to find the

custumer’s table.

- Because of having a lot of custumers , new customer must wait a long time at table

to ordering. For some people, it’s a little afraid to get employee attention in noise place.

- The payment also take a lot of time when employee must check every order papper.

- Employee management is also difficult, every day, attendance must be on paper.

- Daily,weekly or monthly the revenue is not obvious statistic. It take so much times

to run the business. So that makes uncomfortable for both business and customer.

1.3. System Target

- The Coffee management application provides an effective serve solution for

employees and the ability to manage customers, manage daily and weekly sales in the best


- Help employees work more flexibly and better, reduce order time and payment time.

- Help customers have more information about foods and drinks when ordering.

- The application is designed to assist service quickly and efficiently than traditional.

- Helping customers have a more modern look in the service of the coffee shop, more

professional working style for employees.

- Help increase sales and profits of the coffee shop, reduce management and service


- Ordering information is accurate, easy to look up, making service time much faster.
1.4. Solution

Build a clear and reasonable database connection software to store information

about placing tables, materials, menus, staff salaries, customer information. Build a login

account to use the software and decentralize accounts between employees and managers to

ensure the decentralization of the software.

1.5. Software Ojectives

- Employee manager.

- Sales Manager.

- Manage dishes.

- Inventory management.

- Invoice Management.

- Revenue management.

- Sign in account.
2.1. Respondents

Shop Owner ,Management, Ordering Employee, Cashier.

2.2. Survey Content

- Status of business, management of personnel and positions in the shop.

- Process of running a coffee shop.

- Financial management process.

- Software requirements and external requirements.

2.3. Questionaire

- Shop-Owner

+ What’s functions do you need to have in management system?

• Employee management.

• Ordering management.

o List of table in attandance.

o Time of every order.

o Order in wait,served,wait to pay

o List of drinks and foods of every order

o Add new or delete item

• Total price of every order .

• Check out function.

• Bill printing.
• Customer promotion (voucher).

• Foods ,drinks and price management.

• Income management (Daily, Weekly, Monthly..).

+ How do you want the system work ?

Deployed on multiple devices for many employee (Computer, Phone).

+ Do you want deployed it online?

No, just make it in local network, because I’m affaid of hacker.

+ What’s extra option do you want the application have?

The logo have my face!! Please.


Scared the staff.

+ How many devices will you want to work at the same time?

7 devices : 2 Computers (1 for check out and 1 for order) and 5 Smart

Phones for order

+ How do employees receive and serve customers?

• Employee give the custumer a card number of table and make the table

on software unavailable for another customer.

• Customer can order at order desk, take the table card and go to table.

• If it’s so many people, customer can take the table card and go to table,

order-employee can use SmartPhone to ordering at table.

• While in attandance, customer can add new order.

• Customer can makes payment at table or checkout desk.

+ What operating system do you want your sales system to use?

Windows sales management system.

+ Is it necessary to create a website to order online?

There is no need because the shop has cooperated with the foody app


+ Do you directly pay money or give it to the collection staff?

No, I will assign this to the staff and only record revenue after day or week.

- Employee:

+ What’s problems and difficults do you have in traditional serve?

• With a lot of customer in a day, it’s so hard to make and order

quickly, sometime the customer have to wait too long to order, it’s

should not happen.

• When I make a foods or dinks for customer, it’s so slow to see what

item have in table, and what table I should serve next.

• I can not timing the order, so sometime customer have to wait too

long while new arrivals are served first.

+ Do you feel the way to assign your shift to be reasonable?

• Not flexible and reasonable enough, sometimes there are some

shortcomings in registering a work schedule (for example, there will

be many people who register for the afternoon shift while others will

lack people, most of you will usually leave the last day week … )

+ How will you solve if you get stuck in the calendar?

• If the schedule is stuck, I will call the owner directly at least one day

in advance so that they can arrange new shifts or can find other staff

to change shifts if they leave the schedule blank.

+ How does the shop's timekeeping work before?

• After each session, the staff will gather again for the owner to check

on Excel.

+ Do you have any problems in your work?

• Any failure to find the person to rotate the case in case the employee

is busy suddenly or becomes ill

• The number of overcrowded guests is not enough staff to serve


• Employees are reflected by customers about service and product

2.4. Describe the current status of business processes:

Task Performer Steps Input Out put

Receiving and Receptionists When new guests Customer's Information

processing enter the restaurant, request meets

customer requests the waitress requirements

receives guests who Cost to pay

lead guests to sit

and record the list

of items that

customers call.

Then bring the list

of items to be

dispensed, the

cashier will proceed

to record the price

and calculate the

total amount of the

order. After the

preparation, the

waiters will bring

drinks to the guests,

and collect the

guests' money. Save

paper for summing

up revenue by day

Save the total Cashier After each bill is Invoice paid Statistics of

proceeds from the paid to the cashier, for guests the amount

sales orders the cashier will of each

enter the list of invoice sold

items and the total during the

amount collected day

into the table of

statistics collected

on Excel.

Search, add, delete, Innkeeper Added: When Information Latest data

update employee recruiting new employees of employees

information employees (need to need more Work

save employee (surname schedule of

information), the and first employees

owner will record name,

the necessary gender,

information of the SDT,

employee in the Address,

Staff table in Excel Free time,


Update: find the New New

name of the information employee

employee to update, of data is

then update the employees updated

employee's new need to

information directly update

in the Excel sheet

Delete: Find the Employee Make sure

employee name in name in all employee

the Excel table and Excel table information

proceed to delete all has been

information related deleted

to that employee

Create an employee Staff name, The working

shift schedule, if work shift shift of the

employee A goes to inflamed

work shift 1, he will

accumulate the 1st nucleus has

shift position for been marked

employee A

Based on the Employee Excel salary

employee's shift name, table of

schedule table, number of employees

count the number of employee

work shifts of each shifts in the

employee on Excel month

to calculate the

salary. Shift by shift

= number of

working hours *

salary of shift

Revenue statistics Innkeeper Based on the Statistics of Statistics of

statistics of the daily total revenue

cashier's collected revenue by day, by

amount, sum up the statistics week, by

collected amount by month, by

day, by week, by quarter

Calculate operating Staff If the owner is not Name of Information

costs at the shop, the payment sheet of cost

employee directly cost name and

enters the expenses Amount amount paid

that the employee paid

pays into the Excel


Calculate operating Innkeeper Enter all the costs Name of the General

costs that the owner cost information

directly pays into Amount table of total

the Excel table, paid expenditure

summing up the Table of by day,

total expenditure in total week,

the employee's total expenses for month,

expenditure table. employees quarter

Calculate total

daily, monthly, and



Calculate profit Innkeeper Based on a Summary of Summary of

summary of sales, revenue, profits of the

operating cost operating restaurant

tables and payroll cost table, (by month,

tables for skilled staff payroll quarter, year)

employees, the

profits earned

(monthly, quarterly,


2.5. Non-function requirements

- Product request:
+ Used in the environment: Windows 7 operating system or higher. Minimum
configuration Core i5-6200U CPU, 2.3 GHz, 4GB RAM
+ Time-efficient: no more than 10 seconds to look up, to update the data in no
more than 5 seconds, to summarize the report not more than 20 seconds.
+ High reliability: the results are accurate and complete.

- Organization requirements:
+ Installation: Microsoft SQL Server to manage data. Microsoft Visual Studio
2017 is used to build programs
+ Fonts: Use uniform fonts in all computers working with the system. The
use of Vietnamese characters and Unicode standards
+ Data type: Agree the type of input for the day and number as follows: The
date is entered in the style: dd / mm / yyyy

- External request:
+ Security: Each user of the system is only allowed to access the functions
and information necessary regarding his / her duties and responsibilities.
+ Safe: All information is stored long term. No loss of information has no
false confusion.
+ When you have a problem, you can contact the technical side to fix it
+ Hóa Encrypt the data to prevent an attack from outside
+ Backup data frequently and when problems occur, can be restored
+ Lightweight software, fast processing speed

- Agents and operations of the system

+ Customer:
• Purchase
• Payment
+ Management staff:
• Update the information of employees, menus.
• Statistics of staff salaries, revenue, quantity of items.
• And can manage all cashier functions.
• Arrange work schedule, timekeeping, salary calculation for employees
• Management of material warehouses

- Cashier:
+ Importing tables, importing goods, printing invoices, paying according to
customer requirements.
+ Import goods into warehouses.

- Staff:
+ Service according to customer requirements.
+ Order the requested dishes.
+ Birth in your area.

2.6. Determine people and role of people

Stakeholder Responsibility

Owner Manage Bill

Manage Income

Change employee information

Set working time for employee

Change food and drink price

Mangager Manage employee

Manage food and drink

Work division

Resovle problem

Employee Receive customer requests

Make the order on software

Preparation and service

Make a payment

Print bill


Protect the property of the shop


- Table : 65

- Employee : 9

- Reception : 2

- Chef : 2

- Manager : 1

- Security : 1

3.1. Database design

3.1. Use Case

EmployeeType (employeeType, name)

JobTitle (job_titleId, jobname)

Coefficients (employeeType, job_titleId, basic_coefficients, overtime_coefficients)

Employee (employeeId, name, job_titleId, employeeType, phone, employee_since)

Account (username, password, employeeId)

Privilege (username, supervise, manageAccount, manageEmployee, manageItem,

manageMember, manageBill, addOrder addBill)

Member (memberId, name, phone, dob, address, member_since)

MemLevel (levelId, name, minPoint, maxPoint, discount)

Accumulation (year, memberId, point, levelId)

Timesheets (year, month, employeeId, work_hours, overtimes, salary)

Item (itemId,name,price,categoryId)

Category (categoryId,name)

Store (itemId, quantity)

Ordering (orderId, time_receive, time_complete, memberId, employeeId)

ListTable (tableId, orderId, status)

OrderDetail (orderId, itemId, quantity, item_total, item_status)

Bill (billId, orderId, subtotal, total_discount, grand_total, employeeId, time_bill)

Bảng 1: EmployeeType

No Properties Datatype Condition Default Note

1 employeeType char(5) Not Null Employee
2 name Varchar(20) Not Null

Bảng 2: JobTitle

No Properties Datatype Condition Default Note

1 job_titleId char(5) Not Null

2 jobname Varchar(20) Not Null

Bảng 3: Coefficients

No Properties Datatype Condition Default Note

1 employeeType char(5) Not Null Employee


2 job_titleId char(5) Not Null

3 basic_coefficients integer Not Null Coefficients

in basic

4 overtime_coefficients integer Not Null Coefficients

in over time
Bảng 4: Employee

No Properties Datatype Condition Default Note

1 employeeId char(6) Not Null

2 name varchar(20) Not Null

3 job_titleId char(5) Not Null

4 employeeType char(5) Not Null

5 phone integer

6 employee_since date Not Null

Bảng 5: Account

No Properties Datatype Condition Default Note

1 username varchar(20) Not Null

2 password varchar(20) Not Null

3 employeeId char(6) Not Null

Bảng 6: Privilege

No Properties Datatype Condition Default Note

1 username varchar(20) Not Null

2 supervise Number(1) Not Null 0

3 manageAccount Number(1) Not Null 0

4 manageEmployee Number(1) Not Null 0

5 manageItem Number(1) Not Null 0

6 manageMember Number(1) Not Null 0

7 manageBill Number(1) Not Null 0

8 addOrder Number(1) Not Null 0

9 addBill Number(1) Not Null 0

Bảng 7: Member

No Properties Datatype Condition Default Note

1 memberId char(8) Not Null

2 name varchar(30) Not Null

3 phone integer Not Null

4 dob date Not Null

5 address varchar(50) Not Null

6 member_since date Not Null

Bảng 8: MemLevel

No Properties Datatype Condition Default Note

1 levelId char(5) Not Null

2 name Varchar(20) Not Null

3 minPoint integer Not Null

4 maxPoint integer Not Null

5 discount integer Not Null

Bảng 9: Accumulation

No Properties Datatype Condition Default Note

1 year integer Not Null

2 memberId char(8) Not Null

3 point integer Not Null

4 levelId char(5) Not Null

Bảng 10: Timesheets

No Properties Datatype Condition Default Note

1 year integer Not Null

2 month integer Not Null

3 employeeId char(6) Not Null

4 work_hours integer Not Null

5 overtimes integer Not Null

6 salary integer Not Null

Bảng 11: Item

No Properties Datatype Condition Default Note

1 itemId char(6) Not Null

2 name varchar(20) Not Null

3 price integer Not Null

4 categoryId char(6) Not Null

Bảng 12: Category

No Properties Datatype Condition Default Note

1 categoryId char(6) Not Null

2 name Varchar(20) Not Null

Bảng 13: Store

No Properties Datatype Condition Default Note

1 itemId char(6) Not Null

2 quantity integer Not Null

Bảng 14: Ordering

No Properties Datatype Condition Default Note

1 orderId char(13) Not Null

2 time_receive Timestamp Not Null

3 time_complete Timestamp Not Null

4 memberId char(8) Not Null

5 employeeId char(6) Not Null

Bảng 15: ListTable

No Properties Datatype Condition Default Note


1 tableId char(6) Not Null

2 orderId char(13) Not Null

3 status number(1) Not Null 0

Bảng 16: OrderDetail

No Properties Datatype Condition Default Note

1 orderId char(13) Not Null

2 itemId char(6) Not Null

3 quantity integer Not Null

4 item_total integer Not Null

5 item_status number(1) Not Null 0

Bảng 17: Bill

No Properties Datatype Condition Default Note

1 billId char(13) Not Null

2 orderId char(13) Not Null

3 subtotal integer Not Null

4 total_discount integer Not Null

5 grand_total integer Not Null

6 employeeId char(6) Not Null

7 time_bill Timestamp Not Null

ERD Context Diagram:
3.2.Use case

3.2.1.Use case of sale process

Modify Food,


Owner or Manager
Or Waiter
Regist For

Login to
Receive Order


Add new Item

to Ordering

Check Out <extend>
For Member


3.2.2. Order Use Case

Use case for order, when customer want to order new item or modify order, delete order.

Employee or Receptionist is required to login to system to make this process.

3.2.3. Use case get table info

Use case for tabel query, when customer or employee want to search a empty table for

new customer or the table waiting for payment..

Employee is required to login to system.

3.2.4. Use case payment

Use case payment, When customer want to checkout and payment. The system will get a

discount if customer is a member. When payment is done, member will get a point in

accumulation. Cashier and Employee must login to system to make this process.
3.2.5. Use case Product management

Use case Store manager, manager or employee can modify item, add or delete item in

store. They can make a report of the store.

3.2.6. Member Management

Use case member management:

For customer request to regist new member.

Manager or employee can add, modify or delete member information.

3.2.7. Use case income management

Use case income : The owner can make a daily , weekly … report or analys about

income. The Income include Employee cost, manager cost, purchase or maketing and

another cost. The owner require to login.

3.3. DFD Diagram

3.3.1. DFD level 0

DFD diagram : Customer request payment, ordering, booking or member information to

system. System will process and return information to customer.

The same to Manager and Supplier

3.3.2. DFD level 1
4.1. Screen List

No Screen Function

1 Login Login with user name and password

2 Menu Contain sales, management, report button to

access to those screen

3 Table list Show all table in shop contain emplty table,

table in attendance or table waiting for

served, for payment.

4 Drinks List Show all drinks of the coffee shop

5 Foods List Show all foods of the coffee shop

6 Payment Show order detail of the table contain all

item, price of item, time, quantity, status,

discount and total.

7 Foods management Search, Add, modify, delete foods

8 Drinks management Search, Add, modify, delete drinks

9 Table management Search, Add, modify, delete tables

10 Employee management Search, Add, modify, delete employee

11 Privilege Modify privilege for account

12 Timesheets Timekeeping for employee

13 Analys Make analys and report of all activity.

Income, Order, Employee, Member,

Activity cost, resource in the coffeeshop

14 Member Member management, query member, show

point, level and discount of member

15 Management Manage all information, regular, discount,

member level…

16 Setting Setting information of application

18 Information Information of application

19 Backup and restore Backup and restore data

4.2. Screen detail

4.2.1. Login screen

No Name Type Function

1 Username TextField Get Username

2 Password PasswordFiled Get password

3 Login Button Do Login

4 About Us Button Application Information

4.2.2. Screen Menu

No Name Type Function

1 Menu Coffee shop label Open sale screen

2 Menu Manager label Open management screen

3 Sign out Button Sign out

4.2.3. Screen table list

No Name Type Function

1 search Textfield Search item

2 table label Table list

3 Pay button Payment

4 menu Menu menu

5 Thêm xóa món + - button Increse or decrese item

6 menu tabbedpane Food and drinks tab

4.2.4. Drinks Screen

No Name Type Function

1 search Textfield Search item

2 Main drink list label Drink list

3 Pay button Payment

4 menu Menu menu

5 Thêm xóa món + - button Increse or decrese item

6 menu tabbedpane Food and drinks tab

4.2.5. Foods Screen

No Name Type Function

1 search Textfield Search item

2 Main drink list label Drink list

3 Pay button Payment

4 menu Menu menu

5 Thêm xóa món + - button Increse or decrese item

6 menu tabbedpane Food and drinks tab

4.2.6. Notify when occur error

4.2.7 Management screen

No Name Type Function

1 add Button Add new information

2 Update Button Update information

3 Delete Button Delete information

4 Table Table Table of information

5 Menu Tabbetpane Navigation bar


- Reason for project development

o Construction project to meet the growing demand of customers in the field of sales.

o Helping the business operations of stores become more convenient.

- The results have been achieved

o The project has been completed according to the objectives and put into operation.

o Initially meet customer sales goals and will expand to more diverse areas.

o Meet basic customer needs.

o Through the project implementation, the project members draw more experience for

themselves such as team work experience, useful knowledge, the ability to self-

study and team work professionally there is a process.

4.1 Experiences

- Project managers will better manage existing human resources.

- Need to have elements to encourage the working spirit of the members even more.

- Not fully promote the capabilities of the project members, enhance the sense of

responsibility of the members.

- Allocating the number of jobs for members to work without excessive pressure.

4.2 Conclusion

- Achievements: The project has completed 98% with enthusiastic support and

- Evaluation of project results: The project has successfully completed despite many

difficulties in the first time. But with the determination of enthusiastic work of team

members, it will help the project to bring about good results.

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