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Amalia Widya Larasati, Muhammad Galih Irianto, Eka Cania Bustomi I The Role of Forensic Odontology Examination in

Identifying the Identity of Mass Disaster Victims

The Role of Forensic Odontology Examination in Identifying

Identity of Mass Disaster Victims

Amalia Widya Larasati1,Muhammad Galih Irianto2, Eka Cania Bustomi3

1Faculty of Medicine, University of Lampung

2Forensic Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Lampung

3Section of Community Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Lampung

Mass disasters are unexpected events that come from nature or not nature and cause many casualties. Most of the victims did
not have an identity so that a forensic examination was needed to determine the identity of the victim. One of the primary
examinations carried out is by examining the victim's teeth or forensic odontology. Teeth are members of the body that have a
high level of individuality so that there are no similarities between the teeth between individuals, are resistant to the effects of
decay, and their growth is not influenced by nutrition and socioeconomic so that they show less variation. The role of forensic
odontology examinations in identifying victims can reach the individual level, namely being able to find out the identity of the
identified person if there is dataantemortem from hospital dental clinics, educational institutions, and private practice dentists.
In Indonesia, dataantemortem teeth are difficult to obtain because not everyone has the data, only certain professions have the
data antemortemsuch as TNI/Polri, pilots, and flight attendants/i. If there is no dataantemortemTherefore, the results of the
forensic odontology examination can only estimate the age of the victim using several examination methods, namely
radiography using the Blenkin-Taylor method, clinically using the method of calculating the number of erupted teeth,
biochemistry using the aspartic acid racemization method, and histology using the Gustafson method. The selection of the
examination method depends on the condition of the victim, age, number of victims, and the means of examination.

Keywords: Forensics, Identification, Odontology

Role of Forensic Odontology Examination to Identfying

Victim Identity on Mass Disaster

Mass disaster is an unexpected event that comes from nature or humanwhich causes many victims. Most of the victims don't have an identity, so forensic examination is
needed to determine the identity. One of the primary examinations is with forensic odontology. Teeth are part of the body that has a high level of individuality means each
individual won't have the same tooth shape, resistant to effects of damage, and their grow does not depend by food and socioeconomy so it shows less variety. The results of
forensic odontology in identifying victims are until individual level, means it can identify the identity of the person if there is an accurate antemortem data from government
hospital, educational institutions, and dentist's private practice. In Indonesia, antemortem data are hard to find because not everyone has it, only certain profession has it for
example soldier, police, pilot, and flight attendance. If there is no antemortem data, the results of the forensic odontology examination can only estimates the age of the victim
with several examination methods, such as radiographic with Blenkin Taylor's method, clinical with calculation of the number of erupting teeth, biochemical with racemization
aspartic acid method , and histological with Gustafson's method. Choosing the examination method depends on the victim's condition, age, number of victims, and facility.
clinical with calculation the number of erupting teeth, biochemical with racemization aspartic acid method, and histological with Gustafson's method. Choosing the
examination method depends on the victim's condition, age, number of victims, and facility. clinical with calculation the number of erupting teeth, biochemical with
racemization aspartic acid method, and histological with Gustafson's method. Choosing the examination method depends on the victim's condition, age, number of victims,
and facility.

Keywords: Forensic, Identifying, Odontology

Correspondence: AmaliaWidya Larasati, Address Jl. Prof. Soemantri Brojonegoro LK 01 RT 09 Gedong Meneng Rajabasa Bandar
Lampung, Phone 082280591601, E-mail

preliminary typhoons and hurricanes hit almost all

Disasters can be caused by nature parts of Indonesia. Disasters caused by
and humans. Natural conditions play an humans such as terror bombs, conflicts,
important role in the emergence of a sinking ships, and plane crashes. This
disaster, including in Indonesia. Indonesia series of natural disasters has resulted in
is geographically and geologically located many casualties, property losses, and
in an area prone to natural disasters. environmental damage.1.2
Various disasters, such as: earthquakes,
tsunamis, floods, landslides,

Majority |Volume 7 |Number 3 |December 2018| 228

Amalia Widya Larasati, Muhammad Galih Irianto, Eka Cania Bustomi I Role of Forensic Odontology Examination in
Identifying the Identity of Mass Disaster Victims

Mass disasters that occur violently is the hardest part of the body, has
and unexpectedly will cause many people individual characteristics and is resistant to
to die who are not recognized or have no temperature, chemicals, and trauma, so it is
identity. Difficulties in identifying victims very suitable for identification. This forensic
due to disasters or mass accidents often odontology method has high accuracy and
cause problems in the field of forensic is almost the same as fingerprinting.7
medicine.3 Thus, the identification of
victims of mass disasters Contents

(Disaster Victim Identification) becomes a Every mass disaster that occurs

very important activity and is carried out will cause many victims who may be
in almost every incident that occurs intact, half intact, decomposed, broken
cause large numbers of casualties. The into fragments, burned to ashes, half
main purpose of this examination is to burned, or buried. In victims who
identify the identity of the victim, then experience decay, identification through
further efforts can be made to care for, fingerprints will be difficult to do so it can
pray for, and hand over to the victim's be replaced with dental examination
family to be buried according to their because teeth are more durable in the
respective beliefs. In addition, the decay process.8
identification of the victim's identity also Teeth are used as a useful medium
aims to provide psychological peace to in the identification of victims' identities and
the victim's family with the certainty of age estimation because they have several
identity.1 advantages. Teeth are eligible to be used as
Disaster Victim Identification (DVI) a means of identification because they have
is a procedure for the following factors:9,10,11,12
identify the victims of death due to mass 1. A high degree of individuality, the
disasters scientifically and can probability of finding two people with
accountable and refers to Interpol the same teeth is one in two trillion.
standards. The DVI process uses a variety The eruption pattern of 20 baby teeth
of methods and techniques. and 32 permanent teeth as well as
Interpol has determined that there are Primary special treatments such as extraction,
Identifier (PI) which consists of fingerprints, fillings, root canal treatment, plus
odontology, and DNA as well as Secondary Identifier other characteristics make the teeth
(SI) which consists of medical, accessories, and very unique to an individual.
photography. According to Interpol standards, 2. Growth stage and
identity identification is said to be valid and correct if it Dental development is controlled
has been successfully tested by at least one person by genetic factors, so that dental
Primary Identifier or two Secondary age shows less variation than bone
Identifier.4 or other body parts where growth
Forensic odontology is a science and development are influenced
that applies dental science to solve crime by nutrition and socioeconomics.
problems for the benefit of the court. One
aspect of its scope is its role in assisting 3. Has a degree of strength and
the task of the forensic medical service resistance to various
function in handling cases. high damage effect, this happens
because the tooth structure
cases requiring identification of with contains inorganic
dental facilities.3 for example calcium phosphate and
In case disaster mass, bicarbonate ions which later form
examination with dental facilities can hydroaxapetite compounds which
provide results up to the individual level functions as a hardener, stiffener,
or only limited to the estimated age of the and bone and teeth reinforcement
victim. It depends on the dataantemortem in the mouth which provides
victim.5.6 Teeth in the oral cavity sufficient protection

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Amalia Widya Larasati, Muhammad Galih Irianto, Eka Cania Bustomi I Role of Forensic Odontology Examination in
Identifying the Identity of Mass Disaster Victims

to various influence 6. Information from the victim's family

damage, such as mechanical, or closest friend taken under oath.
thermal, chemical and decomposition
trauma. In carrying out identification Data antemortem it can
humans through teeth, we get 2 obtained through:7
possibilities, namely;13 1. Dental clinics in government/TNI-Polri and
1. Obtaining information through private hospitals.
dental and oral data to limit or 2. Health Center.
narrow identification. Information 3. Home Sick Education
that can be obtained includes age, University/Faculty of Dentistry.
gender, race, blood type, facial 4. Private dental clinic.
shape, and DNA. 5. Dentist's private practice.
2. Look for characteristics that are Data antemortem The data obtained must
special signs of the victim. Such meet accuracy, such as completeness of
characteristics include, for example, data, clarity of data, and the same criteria
teeth wrapped in metal, a number of for comparison.3
missing or broken teeth, or holes in For data postmortem, Things to
the front that can be recognized by note at a dental examination are:9,10,11,12
acquaintances/friends/family of the 1. Existing and absent teeth, missing
victim. teeth marks whether old or new.
Identity identification method with
dental facilities, one of which is in a way 2. Filled teeth, types of materials and their
to compare the data (the results postmortem calcifications.
of the victim's examination) and data 3. Anomalies of tooth shape and position.
antemortem (dental data previously that 4. Caries or existing tooth decay.
made by the victim). With way 5. Types and materials of restoration, treatment
comparing these, can give results to the and rehabilitation that may be available.
individual level, i.e. can 6. Attrition or erosion of the chewing plain due
know the identity of the identified person. If to the chewing process. The degree of
the results of the comparison are the same, attrition will be directly proportional to age.
then the identification result is positive, which
means that the victim being examined is the 7. Growth of the third molars.
same as the person estimated. On the other In Indonesia, to obtain dental data
hand, if the identification result is negative, antemortem is still a difficult thing because
then the victim is not the person who is not all individuals have archived data about
expected so it is necessary to look for other their teeth. Only a few professions have
dental data to compare.3 written information regarding teeth, such as
If identification by way of the TNI and workers in the aviation world.
comparison will be applied, then the data When the dataantemortem
antemortem the victim's teeth is the main is not owned, then identification by means
requirement that must exist. Data of teeth cannot reach the individual level
antemortem can be:9,10,11,12 but can only predict the age, race, and
1. dental records, written statement dental characteristics of the victim.3
about state tooth on In addition to examination with dental
examination, treatment, or facilities, bone examination can also predict the
dental care. age of the victim if the victim who wants to be
2. Photo x-ray tooth. identified does not have any remaining and
3. Dental impressions. available teeth. Disadvantages of bone
4. Dental prostheses or orthodontic appliances. examination are that it can only estimate age
5. Photos close up the face or the profile of the tooth within a certain age range and has a large
or mouth area. standard deviation. Meanwhile, the
odontological examination to estimate the age of
the victim has a narrow standard deviation.14.15

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Amalia Widya Larasati, Muhammad Galih Irianto, Eka Cania Bustomi I Role of Forensic Odontology Examination in
Identifying the Identity of Mass Disaster Victims

Table 1. Age of tooth emergence16 the most effective and efficient method
Teeth Type Age can be selected. For example, in cases of
Milk teeth / deciduous natural disasters such as volcanic
I1 6-8 months eruptions or ship accidents, radiographic
I2 7-9 months
or clinical examinations are simpler and
M1 12-15 months
shorter than conventional methods.
C 16-18 months
M2 20-24 months
biochemistry and histology. In addition,
permanent teeth
digital radiography technology also allows
M1 7 years shortened inspection time because it does
not require film washing.5
I1 8 years
I2 9 years Mass disasters that occur in rural
P1 10 years areas will make it difficult to provide
P2 11-13 years old radiographic, histological and biochemical
M2 11-15 years old
examination facilities. So for
M3 18-20 years old
To identify victims of mass disasters in rural
areas, clinical methods were chosen by
Age estimation by examining the calculating the number and pattern of tooth
victim's teeth can be done by four methods, eruptions for children to adolescents and
namely clinical, radiographic, histological, or the method of pattern and degree of
biochemical examination. Each of these attrition in adults.15,20
methods has its own advantages and
The wear and tear of the tooth surface
disadvantages. The selection of methods is
is the next criterion in determining age. For
based on individual status (living or dead), that arranged 5 degrees of tooth wear:16
age, type of case (single or mass), and
availability of facilities and equipment.8 0. No visible wear at all;
1. The enamel is slightly worn, but the chewing
Odontological examination of living protrusion is still intact;
victims can be carried out using non-invasive
2. In some places some yellow dentin
methods (without extraction) such as
has been seen;
radiographs, while dead victims can be carried
3. On the entire surface of the enamel has worn
out by all types of methods because tooth
extraction can be performed on dead victims.
4. Most of the crowns are worn out
In the dead victims, panoramic extraoral
sd neck teeth
radiography was chosen.17
The role of odontology forensics that
Meanwhile, based on age, there are is Primary Identifier in
several methods that can be chosen for
identifying victims who do not have identity
odontological examination. For victims of the
is very important and contributes greatly. In
age category of children and adolescents, the
most suitable method is the clinical method.16
the mass disaster of the sinking of the ship
KM. Senopati Nusantara in the waters of
Biochemical examination can be performed in the
Rembang, Central Java in
age group of children to adolescents when the teeth
In 2006, only 13 of the 36 bodies found were
have been extracted. Histological examination was
identified, due to the length of time it took
selected for the adult age category (over 21 years).
for the bodies to be found so that the
decomposition process took place quickly.
The number of victims at the time of Of the 13 bodies identified, 3 bodies (23%)
the disaster also affects the selection of the were identified through combination data
method to be used for age identification of primary and secondary examinations.
victims. In a single case, more than one The primary examination used to identify
method according to age characteristics can the three bodies was a dental
be selected to ascertain age examination (dental records)
victims for more accurate results. as many as 2 bodies (66.7%) and DNA
However, in the usual mass disaster examination (33.3%).1
cause a lot of casualties and limited time In the mass disaster of the Garuda
for identification then only GA 200 PK-GZC Boeing 737-

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Amalia Widya Larasati, Muhammad Galih Irianto, Eka Cania Bustomi I Role of Forensic Odontology Examination in
Identifying the Identity of Mass Disaster Victims

400 majors Jakarta - Yogyakarta, during Summary

the landing. the plane that Teeth are strong members of the
carrying 133 passengers and 7 crew body, their growth is influenced by
members, this plane caught fire and killed genetics, and have a high value of
21 passengers (20 passengers, 1 crew individuality so that teeth can be used as
member). Twenty of the 21 bodies found primary data to identify victims of mass
(95%) experienced a condition of being disasters whose identities are not known.
half charred and only 1 body that was Forensic odontology examination will
relatively not charred. A total of 14 bodies provide identity results to the individual
(66.7%) were pristine identified only by level if there are data
primary examination (Primary Identifier) antemortem, but if the data antemortem
based on dental data (dental records). The If not available, dental examination can predict
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Identifying the Identity of Mass Disaster Victims

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