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Curr Cardiol Rep (2014) 16:485

DOI 10.1007/s11886-014-0485-4


“East Asian Paradox”: Challenge for the Current Antiplatelet

Strategy of “One-Guideline-Fits-All Races” in Acute Coronary
Young-Hoon Jeong

Published online: 27 March 2014

# Springer Science+Business Media New York 2014

Abstract Clinical experiences have suggested that East Introduction

Asians show the higher risk of warfarin-related intracranial
hemorrhage compared with Westerners. Therefore, different In a wide spectrum of patients with high-risk coronary artery
target of the International Normalized Ratio (INR) in East disease (CAD), dual antiplatelet therapy (DAPT) with aspirin
Asians (1.6–2.6) has been proposed and adapted in clinical and P2Y12 receptor inhibitor has been the mainstay treatment
practice. In terms with antiplatelet therapy, recent evidence strategy to prevent ischemic events following percutaneous
has supported the concept of “therapeutic level of platelet coronary intervention (PCI) [1]. Unlike aspirin, multiple lines
reactivity” to balance clinical efficacy and safety in patients of evidence have demonstrated that clopidogrel therapy is
undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) or those associated with wide interindividual variability in pharmaco-
with acute coronary syndrome (ACS). In line with the warfa- dynamic response [2•]. Patients who are poor responders or
rin experiences, multiple clinical and pharmacodynamic data who have high on-clopidogrel platelet reactivity (HPR) to
from East Asians have shown their different therapeutic level adenosine diphosphate (ADP) are at increased risk of post-
of platelet reactivity following PCI or ACS (“East Asian PCI ischemic event occurrence. The linkage of HPR to ische-
Paradox”). Furthermore, like most cardiovascular drugs, mic events may be different according to the disease activity,
P2Y12 receptor blockers have marked interethnic differences which appears distinct in patients with acute coronary syn-
in the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics. The currently drome (ACS) but not in patients with stable CAD [3, 4]. In
performed clinical trials evaluating the clinical efficacy and addition, the recent data suggest that low on-treatment platelet
safety of potent P2Y12 inhibitors mostly don’t include enough reactivity (LPR) to ADP is associated with a higher risk of
number of East Asians to draw reliable conclusions. Therefore, bleeding [2•]. Therefore, a therapeutic window concept has
dedicated research and guideline(s) for East Asians are required been proposed for P2Y12 inhibitor therapy. Several issues
before we can apply Western recommendations for potent have been suggested and debated in the decision of therapeu-
P2Y12 inhibitors in East Asian population. It is a time to tic level of platelet reactivity in PCI-treated patients. This
consider the paradigm shift from “one-guideline-fits-all races” article will review the available evidence addressing the
to “race-tailored antiplatelet therapy” in treating ACS patients. unique relation of platelet reactivity to thrombotic and bleed-
ing events in the East Asians. The concept of “East Asian
Keywords Race . Warfarin . P2Y12 inhibitor . Acute coronary Paradox” needs to be tested in future investigations of person-
syndrome . Thrombogenicity . East Asian Paradox . alized antiplatelet therapy in the era of potent P2Y12 inhibitor.
Antiplatelet strategy

This article is part of the Topical Collection on Global Cardiovascular Ample Evidence of “East Asian Paradox”
Y.<H. Jeong (*) The clinical experience with warfarin has raised the concern that
Division of Cardiology, Department of Internal Medicine, Asians might experience a substantially higher risk of intracra-
Gyeongsang National University Hospital and Gyeongsang National
University School of Medicine, 79 Gangnam-ro, Jinju,
nial hemorrhage compared with Western individuals, even hav-
Gyeongsangnam-do 660-702, Korea ing the similar range of the International Normalized Ratio
e-mail: (INR) [5, 6]. Guidelines regarding target INR are mainly derived
485, Page 2 of 8 Curr Cardiol Rep (2014) 16:485

from clinical trials performed in Western populations, but have Despite the higher level of platelet reactivity in East Asians
been adopted for the management of anticoagulation therapy in vs Westerners during clopidogrel treatment, numerous clinical
all ethnic groups. However, some investigators have suggested data have shown that East Asians may have similar or even
that an individualized target INR depending on the races may be lower rates of post-PCI ischemic event occurrence compared
different, and an INR value of 1.6–2.6 would be more adequate with Westerners [18]. In the CHARISMA (Clopidogrel for
in Asians [7, 8]. Although there is no conclusive evidence to High Atherothrombotic Risk and Ischemic Stabilization,
explain more bleeding tendency during warfarin therapy in Management, and Avoidance) study including approximately
Asians, differences in the drug metabolism, genetic variants 15,000 patients with atherothrombosis (a median follow-up
and hypercoagulability factors may be potential explanations. period of 28 months) [19•], Asian population has a lower rate
Likewise, the optimal regimen and dosage of P2Y12 plate- of the composite of cardiovascular death, myocardial infarc-
let receptor inhibitor might be different across the races. tion, and stroke (Asians vs Blacks vs Whites vs Hispanics:
Multiple pharmacodynamic and clinical evidences have eval- 6.2 % vs 8.6 % vs 7.1 % vs 6.8 %, respectively), and a higher
uated the important variables on clopidogrel response, which propensity for moderate GUSTO (Global Utilization of
mostly demonstrated that the cytochrome P450 (CYP) 2C19 Streptokinase and Tissue-plasminogen activator for
loss-of-function (LoF) allele is the main determinant in terms Occluded coronary arteries) bleeding (Asians vs Blacks vs
with the level of platelet reactivity and the prevalence of HPR Whites vs Hispanics: 2.5 % vs 3.5 % vs 1.7 % vs 1.2 %,
during clopidogrel treatment [9•]. There are multiple respectively), during antiplatelet therapy compared with other
CYP2C19 alleles associated with LoF (*2-*8), and interethnic races. Clinical data from Korean and Japan also have shown a
differences in LoF carriage exist (Table 1). Approximately much lower incidence of stent thrombosis after implantation
30 % of Caucasians are CYP2C19 LoF allele carriers with of the first-generation drug-eluting stent (DES) (~0.2 %/year)
the vast majority carrying the *2 allele. However, about 60 % compared with the data from Western registries (~0.6 %/year)
of East Asians carry CYP2C19 LoF allele; ~50 % carry the *2 [20–22]. The recent analysis of the NCDR (National
allele, and the rest carry the *3 allele. Furthermore, the influ- Cardiovascular Data Registry CathPCI Registry) database
ence of the CYP2C19*3 allele on the antiplatelet response to (n=423,965 Americans) also supported the favorable clinical
clopidogrel seems greater compared with the CYP2C19*2 outcomes in Asians [23•]. Despite the similar trends in adop-
allele [10]. It has been suggested that the high prevalence of tion of DES, Asian patients undergoing PCI showed the
the CYP2C19 LoF allele carriage in East Asians may explain similar long-term clinical outcomes compared with Whites
the higher prevalence of HPR during clopidogrel treatment. (hazard ratio [HR]: 0.99; 95 % confidence interval [CI]:
Although Korean patients treated with elective PCI were loaded 0.92–1.08) in the era of clopidogrel treatment.
with high-dose clopidogrel of 600 mg, the prevalence of HPR Contrary to the risk of post-PCI ischemic event in East
(using Western HPR criteria) measured by various platelet Asians, the risk of serious bleeding in this race seemed greater
function tests appeared greater compared with Westerners compared with Westerners. Japanese patients treated with
(40.1–63.5 % vs 20 to 35 %) [2•, 11]. Furthermore, clinical elective DES implantation (n=184) were treated with aspirin
studies performed in East Asians have reported the higher and a thienopyridine (200 mg/day ticlopidine or 75 mg/day
cutoffs of HPR (using receiver-operating characteristic [ROC] clopidogrel), and 6.5 % of major bleeding was observed
curve analysis) than those of the Western population (252.5– during the 16-month mean duration of DAPT [24]. Major
289 vs 208–240 P2Y12 reaction units [PRU] by the VerifyNow bleeding occurred more frequently in high-responders (lower
P2Y12 assay) [2•, 3, 12–17] (Table 2). quartile group assessed by platelet aggregation threshold in-
dex) than other groups (15 % vs 4.2 %, P=0.02). High-
responsiveness was the independent predictor of major bleed-
Table 1 Frequency of CYP2C19*2 and *3 minor alleles and genetically ing (odds ratio: 4.26; 95 % CI: 1.09–16.67; P=0.03). The
predicted phenotype across the races ACCEL-BLEED (A Correlation between on-ClopidogrEL
*2 allele *3 allele % intermediate % poor platelet reactivity and Bleeding following percutaneous coro-
frequency frequency metabolizer metabolizer nary intervention) study evaluated the relation between plate-
let reactivity and the rate of mild bleeding in PCI-treated
European 0.14 0.0 24 2 Koreans receiving DAPT with aspirin and clopidogrel [25].
Asian 0.27 0.09 46 10 During 1-month follow-up following PCI, 29.3 % of BARC
African 0.14 0.0 24 2 (Bleeding Academic Research Consortium) bleeding events
African American 0.18 0.008 30 3.5 were observed; 22.3 % of BARC bleeding type 1 and 7.0 % of
Estimates based on HapMap and PharGKB data (http://www.pharmgkb.
BARC bleeding type 2. Lower quartile group of platelet
org) and [9•, 10]. reactivity at 1-month follow-up (vasodilator-stimulated phos-
Intermediate and poor metabolizers indicate the carriers of 1 and 2 phoprotein phosphorylation [VASP-P] index <34.7 %) was
CYP2C19 loss-of-function allele(s), respectively. significantly associated with the increased risk of BARC
Curr Cardiol Rep (2014) 16:485 Page 3 of 8, 485

Table 2 ROC curve analysis: HPR Cutoffs of the VerifyNow P2Y12 assay in PCI-treated East Asian Patients (total n=3844)

Study Cohort Follow-up Primary endpoint Cutoff

ACCEL-LOADING-ACS NSTE-ACS (n=218); 1-mo. CV death, nonfatal PRU≥289

study (RCT) [12] emergent PCI MI, and TVR
Zhang et al. (Registry) [13] NSTE-ACS (n=228); 1-mo. CV death, nonfatal MI, stent PRU>272
emergent PCI thrombosis and TVR
Ko et al. (Registry) [14] All comer (n=222); 1-mo. Death, nonfatal MI, stroke, PRU≥275
CILON-T study (RCT) [15] All comer (n=960); 6-mo. Cardiac death, nonfatal MI, PRU≥252.5
DES implantation ischemic stroke, and TLR
Ahn et al. (Registry) [3] All comer (n=1226); 12-mo. CV death, nonfatal MI, Non-AMI: no cutoff
stenting and stent thrombosis AMI: PRU≥272
CROSS-VERIFY cohort All comer (n=809); 12-mo. Cardiac death and nonfatal MI PRU≥275
(Registry) [16] elective PCI
Jin et al. (Registry) [17] STEMI (n=181); 12-mo. CV death, nonfatal MI, and PRU≥282
primary PCI ischemic stroke

AMI acute myocardial infarction, ACCEL-LOADING-ACS ACCELerated inhibition of platelet aggregation, inflammation and myonecrosis by
adjunctive cilostazol LOADING in patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome, CILON-T influence of CILostazol-based triple antiplatelet therapy ON
ischemic complication after drug-eluting stenT implantation, CROSS-VERIFY measuring clopidogrel resistance to assure safety after percutaneous
coronary intervention using VerifyNow, CV cardiovascular, HPR high on-treatment platelet reactivity, DES drug-eluting stent, NSTE-ACS Non-ST-
elevation acute coronary syndrome, PCI percutaneous coronary intervention, PRU P2Y12 reaction units, RCT randomized controlled trial, ROC
receiver-operating characteristic, STEMI ST-segment-elevation myocardial infarction, TLR target lesion revascularization, TVR target vessel

bleeding type 2 compared with other groups (1st vs 2nd vs 3rd fibrin generation. Experimental studies suggest that arterial
vs 4th quartile: 13.3 % vs 5.3 % vs 5.3 % vs 4.0 %; P=0.033). and venous thrombosis are finely regulated processes involv-
This cutoff of LPR seemed higher than that observed in ing a highly complex interplay between platelets and other
Western population (VASP-P index <17 %) [26]. blood cells, soluble plasma proteins, and the vessel wall (so
Like the experience with warfarin, multiple clinical evi- called “thrombogenicity” or “hypercoagulability”).
dence has proposed that the therapeutic level of platelet reac- The convincing associations of arterial thrombosis to co-
tivity (i.e., the levels of HPR and LPR) during P2Y12 receptor agulation and inflammation have been repeatedly demonstrat-
inhibitor in PCI-treated East Asians might be higher compared ed in clinical trials. A log-linear relation between fibrinogen
with Westerners –“East Asian Paradox”. In addition, the rel- level for the risk of any CAD, stroke, and other vascular and
ative influence of platelet reactivity to ischemic or bleeding nonvascular mortality was demonstrated in a meta-analysis of
event may differ between East Asians vs Westerners. 154,211 individuals with no known CAD [28]. The age- and
Therefore, observed findings suggest that dedicated clinical sex- adjusted hazard ratio per 1 g/L increase in fibrinogen
studies and guidelines are warranted to indicate optimal anti- level for CAD was 2.42 (95 % CI, 2.24–2.60); stroke, 2.06
platelet regimen in the East Asian population. (95 % CI, 1.83–2.33); other vascular mortality, 2.76 (95 % CI,
2.28–3.35); and nonvascular mortality, 2.03 (95 % CI, 1.90–
2.18). A meta-analysis of 66,155 cases and 91,307 controls
Plausible Explanations for “East Asian Paradox” demonstrated that factor V Leiden (G1691A) and prothrom-
bin G20210A gene mutations were associated with an in-
Arterial Thrombosis is a Highly Complex Process creased risk of CAD and myocardial infarction by 1.17 and
1.31-folds, respectively [29]. The association between plasma
After Virchow first suggested over 150 years ago that a triad fibrinolysis activation markers and CAD also has been sug-
of conditions predispose to thrombus formation, this concept gested [30]. In addition, another meta-analysis including
has now expanded into multiple components [27]. Arterial 160,309 individuals indicated that a 3-fold increase in high-
thrombi have been traditionally considered to be composed sensitivity C-reactive protein (CRP) increased the risk of CAD
differently than venous thrombi (“white” vs “red” clot). by 1.23 after adjustment for age, sex, traditional risk factors,
Arterial thrombosis is platelet-rich and superimposed on rup- and fibrinogen [31].
tured and inflamed atherosclerotic lesions. However, stabili- The relationships between hypercoagulability factors
zation of newly generated thrombus following initial platelet (including inflammation, coagulation, and fibrinolysis
activation and adhesion after plaque rupture requires adequate markers) and ischemic events also have been identified in
activation of the coagulation system leading to thrombin and patients with ACS or undergoing PCI. The level of fibrinogen
485, Page 4 of 8 Curr Cardiol Rep (2014) 16:485

was significantly associated with the risk of peri-procedural finally East Asians. A growing body of evidence has demon-
and long-term ischemic events following PCI [32, 33]. strated the close linkage between inflammation and athero-
Assessment of endogenous thrombolytic status (based on the thrombosis. In addition, multiple studies have suggested the
lysis time measured by global thrombosis test) predicted the different levels of inflammatory markers between the races.
future ischemic events in ACS patients [34]. Multiple clinical East Asians appear to have the lowest level of inflammation
studies also have shown that elevated CRP levels are signif- compared with Westerners [42–44]. For example, the
icantly associated with an increased risk of ischemic event Women’s Health Study demonstrated that African American
occurrence including stent thrombosis in PCI-treated patients women have significantly higher median CRP levels (n=475:
[12, 34–36]. In this connection, anticoagulant therapy can 2.96 mg/L) compared with Caucasians (n=24,455: 2.02 mg/
reduce the risk of ischemic events in selected CAD patients. L), Hispanic (n=254: 2.06 mg/L), and Asian counterparts (n=
In the ATLAS-ACS 2 TIMI 51 (Anti-Xa therapy to lower 357: 1.12 mg/L) [44].
cardiovascular events in addition to standard therapy in pa- Because each component of hypercoagulability factors may
tients with acute coronary syndrome-thrombolysis in myocar- not reflect in vivo global thrombogenicity property, we need to
dial infarction 51) trial, the addition of factor Xa inhibition adopt reliable indicator(s) incorporating these factors together.
with low-dose rivaroxaban to DAPT reduced the risk of stent Of several interesting experimental tools, the global thrombosis
thrombosis by 31 % in patients with a recent ACS [37•]. test can be a favorable candidate to assess thrombotic status and
endogenous thrombolytic activity, in which ‘occlusion time’
Ethnic Differences in Thrombogenicity reflects shear-induced platelet-fibrin linked thrombi under path-
ophysiological conditions [45••]. Japanese healthy patients
To date, there is no definite evidence to suggest that differences showed longer occlusion time compared with UK Westerners
in intrinsic platelet function exist between the races. However, (545 vs 364 sec, P <0.0001), which may mean the lower level of
there are numerous data suggesting inter-ethnic differences in thrombogenicity in East Asians vs Westerners.
thrombogenicity including coagulation, fibrinolysis, and in- The clinical manifestation of these hypercoagulability factors
flammation markers. Several population-based clinical trials is also variable and finely modulated by gene-environment
have reported different incidences of venous thromboembolism interactions. Obesity may be considered an important risk factor
(VTE) across the races [38, 39•]. African Americans have about associated with a prothrombotic state. Obesity increases the risk
a 30 %–60 % higher incidence of VTE than Caucasians, and an of arterial or venous thrombosis by 1.5–2.5 fold, and may cause
approximately 2–3 fold increased incidence of VTE compared a hypercoagulable state through several mechanisms [46]: (1)
with Asian Americans. In most studies, patients of Asian de- platelet activation through change of leptin, adiponectin, and
scent appear to have a lower rate of VTE than other races. In proinflammatory cytokine levels; (2) increased procoagulant
addition, prevalence of arterial thrombosis also has been shown activity and reduced fibrinolytic activity by secretion of tissue
to increase in the Black race compared with non-Black race factor, PAI-1, and possibly thrombin-activatable fibrinolysis in-
[40]. After multivariate analysis including median income and hibitor (TAFI) by adipose tissue; and (3) increased hepatic
clopidogrel compliance, the Black race emerged as a strong production of coagulation factors and PAI-1 by increased proin-
predictor of definite early and late stent thrombosis (HR, 2.07 flammatory cytokines. Compared with East Asians, Western
and 2.60) following DES implantation during clopidogrel treat- populations, especially African-American, show a higher preva-
ment. This observation may not only be explained by platelet lence of severe obesity, which may increase the propensity for
function since prevalence of the CYP2C19 LoF alleles appears thrombosis status in this race.
similar between the Black and Caucasian races. Taken together, East Asians appear to have the lower level
Multiple factors may be related with this disparity between of thrombogenicity compared with Western population. If the
the races. The differences in genetic polymorphisms between patients have different levels in integrated hypercoagulability,
the races may be a piece of underlying mechanism [39•]. For the relationship between platelet function and clinical ische-
example, factor V Leiden (G1691A) and prothrombin mic event can be different [47, 48]. The latter observation may
G20210A gene mutations are more common in Caucasians explain why the East Asian population has a lower risk of
compared with Asians. The differences in the levels of hemo- ischemic event occurrence and a higher propensity for bleed-
static factors (eg, fibrinogen, D-dimer, factor VIII) and plasma ing during clopidogrel treatment after PCI.
endothelial activation markers (eg, von Willebrand factors,
ICAM-1, E-selectin) may be another contributing factors to
the racial disparity. The MESA (Multi-ethnic Study of Future Direction: Evidences of Potent P2Y12 Inhibitor
Atherosclerosis) study evaluated these components in individ- in East Asians
uals living in the USA [41]. African Americans generally had
the most thrombogenic and dysfunctional endothelial profile, There is growing use of more potent P2Y12 receptor inhibitors
followed by Hispanics and Caucasians with similar levels, and than clopidogrel in PCI-treated ACS patients. Like most
Curr Cardiol Rep (2014) 16:485 Page 5 of 8, 485

cardiovascular drugs including clopidogrel [49], marked in- 61 vs 214±69 PRUs, P<0.001) [57] (Fig. 1). In terms of
terethnic differences in the pharmacokinetics and pharmaco- speculated therapeutic level of platelet reactivity (130–275
dynamics of potent P2Y12 receptor blockers also exist. For PRUs) from previous East Asian data [3, 12–17, 25], 75 mg/d
example, exposure of the active metabolite during prasugrel clopidogrel appeared weaker and most of the patients receiving
treatment was higher in East Asians including Chinese, 10 mg/d prasugrel (up to 90 %) met the criteria of LPR. The
Japanese, and Korean populations (~30 %) compared with results of recent randomized clinical trials also supported the
Caucasians even after adjustment for body weight [50•]. In findings of pharmacodynamic study. The PRASFIT-ACS
line with the pharmacokinetic data, 10 mg/d prasugrel therapy (PRASugrel compared to Clopidogrel For Japanese PatIenTs
in Caucasians showed similar level of platelet inhibition com- with ACS undergoing PCI) study including PCI-treated
pared with 5 mg/d prasugrel therapy in East Asians. Likewise, Japanese patients with ACS (n=1363) showed a favorable trend
exposure of the active metabolite (ticagrelor and AR- for low-dose prasugrel (20 mg loading, followed by daily
C124910XX) during ticagrelor maintenance therapy was also 3.75 mg) compared with standard-dose clopidogrel (300 mg
higher in Chinese compared (~20 %) with Caucasians even loading, followed by daily 75 mg) in the primary composite
after adjustment for body weight [51, 52]. When considering endpoint of cardiovascular death, myocardial infarction, or is-
higher therapeutic level of platelet reactivity in East Asians, chemic stroke (9.4 % vs 11.8 %; HR: 0.77; 95 % CI: 0.56–1.07;
the optimal dosage of these potent P2Y12 inhibitors (prasugrel P=0.12), with no difference in TIMI major bleeding (1.9 % vs
and ticagrelor) in East Asian ACS patients might be different 2.2 %; HR: 0.82; P=0.38) [58••]. Meanwhile, the PHILO (the
with Westerners. However, initial prospective clinical trials efficacy and safety of ticagrelor vs clopidogrel in Asian/
(Trial to Assess Improvement in Therapeutic Outcomes by Japanese patients with non-ST or ST-elevation ACS for whom
Optimizing Platelet Inhibition With Prasugrel-TIMI 38 PCI is planned) study including East Asian patients with ACS
[TRITON-TIMI 38] and PLATelet Inhibition and Patient undergoing PCI (n=801) evaluated the clinical efficacy and
Outcomes [PLATO]) evaluating the clinical efficacy and safe- safety of Western guideline-recommended ticagrelor dose
ty of potent P2Y12 inhibitors in ACS patients [53, 54] enrolled (180 mg loading, followed by 90 mg twice a day) vs clopidogrel
a very limited number of Asians. Therefore, it is difficult to (300 mg loading, followed by daily 75 mg) [59••]; Numerically,
draw reliable conclusions regarding whether these potent more primary composite endpoint events were observed with
P2Y12 receptor inhibitors will provide similar benefits in ticagrelor compared with clopidogrel (10.3 %/year vs 8.5 %/
East Asians compared with other races. year; HR: 1.44; 95 % CI: 0.85–2.43), with more increased
In this point, the TRILOGY-ACS (Targeted Platelet
Inhibition to Clarify the Optimal Strategy to Medically
Manage Acute Coronary Syndromes) study suggested the
interesting result for East Asians [55]. This study enrolled
752 East Asians under the age of 75 years (8.1 % of the total
cohort) and compared the clinical outcomes during 10 mg/d
prasugrel vs 75 mg/d clopidogrel therapy on top of aspirin.
Contrary to overall results in terms with the primary endpoint
of cardiovascular death, myocardial infarction or stroke (HR
in the prasugrel group: 0.91; 95 % CI: 0.79–1.05; P=0.21),
East Asians showed the opposite trend (HR in the prasugrel
group: 1.19; 95 % CI: 0.75–1.89). In addition, the “real world”
clinical data from Western population have shown that LPR
during prasugrel therapy (~30 % of total cohort) substantially
increased the risk of serious bleeding in ACS patients during
1-year follow-up (15.5 % of TIMI minor or major bleeding)
[56]. In the era of potent P2Y12 receptor inhibitors, the con-
cept of LPR and overcoming the risk of bleeding may be the
emerging target to balance the efficacy and safety of these
Although there have been no conclusive large-scale clinical Fig. 1 Relation between “Speculated Therapeutic Level of Platelet Re-
trials including East Asians only, recent pharmacodynamic activity in East Asians” (green column) and Pharmacodynamic Data of
and clinical studies have suggested more insight and confi- Different Antiplatelet Regimens. With permission from: Jin HY, Yang
TH. Randomized comparisons of the platelet inhibitory effect of
dence for the “East Asian Paradox”. In stented Koreans, clopidogrel and two doses of prasugrel in patients receiving antiplatelet
10 mg/d prasugrel achieved the lowest level of PRU compared therapy after coronary stent implantation. Daejeon, Korea: Korean Soci-
with 5 mg/d prasugrel and 75 mg/d clopidogrel (80±46 vs163± ety of Cardiology: 2012. [57]
485, Page 6 of 8 Curr Cardiol Rep (2014) 16:485

tendency for major bleeding (HR: 1.54; 95 % CI: 0.83–2.38). review for the recent evidence of “therapeutic level of platelet
reactivity” during P2Y12 receptor inhibitors.
These studies provide more credence to the “East Asian
3. Ahn SG, Lee SH, Yoon JH, et al. Different prognostic significance
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level of platelet reactivity to make satisfying clinical efficacy and without acute myocardial infarction. JACC Cardiovasc Interv.
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efficacy and safety, we may not apply clinical guidelines 7. Ogawa S, Aizawa Y, Atarashi H, Inoue H, Okumura K, Kamakura
mostly derived from the Western population across all races. S. Guidelines for pharmacotherapy of atrial fibrillation. Circ J.
2008;72(Suppl IV):1639–58.
In East Asians, excessive inhibition of platelet function by 8. Yamaguchi T. Optimal intensity of warfarin therapy for secondary
potent P2Y12 receptor inhibitors may markedly increase the prevention of stroke in patients with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation: a
risk of serious bleeding without protection against post-PCI multicenter, prospective, randomized trial. Japanese Nonvalvular
ischemic event occurrence. Therefore, dedicated research and Atrial Fibrillation-Embolism Secondary Prevention Cooperative
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guideline(s) for East Asians are required before we can apply 9.• Scott SA, Sangkuhl K, Stein CM, et al. Clinical pharmacogenetics
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the former population. clopidogrel therapy: 2013 update. Clin Pharmacol Ther. 2013;94:
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Acknowledgments This study was partly supported by grants from 10. Jeong YH, Abadilla KA, Tantry US, et al. Influence of CYP2C19*2
Institute of the Health Sciences, Gyeongsang National University. and *3 loss-of-function alleles on the pharmacodynamic effects of
standard- and high-dose clopidogrel in East Asians undergoing
Compliance with Ethics Guidelines percutaneous coronary intervention: the results of the ACCEL-
DOUBLE-2 N3 study. J Thromb Haemost. 2013;11:1194–7.
Conflict of Interest Young-Hoon Jeong has received honoraria for 11. Kim IS, Jeong YH, Tantry US, et al. Relation between the
lectures from Sanofi-Aventis, Daiichi Sankyo/Lilly, AstraZeneca, vasodilator-stimulated phosphoprotein phosphorylation assay
Haemonetics, and Otsuka; and research grants or support from Han-mi and light transmittance aggregometry in East Asian patients
Pharmaceuticals, Boehringer-Ingelheim, Otsuka, Accumetrics, and after high-dose clopidogrel loading. Am Heart J. 2013;166:
Haemonetics. 95–103.
12. Jeong YH. Accelerated inhibition on platelet aggregation, inflam-
Human and Animal Rights and Informed Consent This article does mation and myonecrosis by adjunctive cilostazol loading in patients
not contain any studies with human or animal subjects performed by any with acute coronary syndrome: the results of the ACCEL-
of the authors. LOADING-ACS multicenter randomized trial. J Am Coll Cardiol.
13. Zhang HZ, Kim MH, Jeong YH. Predictive values of post-
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14. Ko YG, Suh JW, Kim BH, et al. Comparison of 2 point-of-care
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• Of importance Heart J. 2011;161:383–90.
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