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STUDENT NAME______________________________________
Chest Pain
DISORDER/DISEASE PROCESS___________________________________________________________ REVIEW MODULE CHAPTER____________

Alterations in Pathophysiology Related Health Promotion and

Health (Diagnosis) to Client Problem Disease Prevention
Chest pain caused by a temporary imbalance between
Decreased cardiac output coronary artery oxygen supply and demand; ischemia is Exercise regularly Check cholesterol &
limited in duration & does not cause permanent damage to BP regularly Eat diet low in saturated fat
Acute pain myocardial tissue & sodium Smoking cessation

Risk Factors Expected Findings Reposition
Male sex or post-menopausal clients; ethnic background; sedentary
HTN, hypercholesterolemia, DM, obesity (BMI lifestyle; HTN; tobacco use; hyperlipidemia; obesity; excessive alcohol Medical alert
>30 kg/m²), smoking (current, or smoking consumption; DM, hyperthyroidism, other metabolic disorders;
methamphetamine or cocaine use Laboratory Tests Anxiety,
cessation 3 mo), positive family history (parent impending doom; Crushing or aching chest pain, possibly radiating to
or sibling with CVD before age 65); shoulder, arm, jaw; N/V; dizziness; pallor; cool, clammy skin; Monitor bp
tachycardia/palpitations; tachypnea/SOB; diaphoresis; decreased
atherosclerotic disease: prior MI, PCI/CABG, LOC Do not drive
CVA/TIA, or peripheral arterial disease

Laboratory Tests Diagnostic Procedures

chest x ray, ECG, CT scan, stress Myoglobin Creatine kinase-MB Troponin I or T
Cardiac enzymes, electrolytes, ABGs as
and blood tests. indicated lipid profile, A1C, CBC, CMB EKG
Echo cardiogram Stress Test Thallium Scan
(teach pt avoid smoking or consuming
caffeine 4 hr prior) Cardiac Catheterizations


Nursing Care Medications Client Education Arrhythmias
Teach dietary/weight modification if applicable;
Chest pain or
Monitor VS q5min until stable, then every hour; Antiplatelet Agents
continuous cardiac monitoring/serial EKG; monitor
pain characteristics; monitor urine output and lab (Aspirin &
teach s/s of infection & when to report to HCP;
avoid straining, strenuous exercise, or emotional
data; administer O2 therapy at 2-4L/min; obtain &
maintain IV access; promote energy
Clopidogrel) -Beta-Bl stress when possible; follow HCP instructions on
use of sublingual nitroglycerin for chest pain;
Heart failure
conservation --> cluster nursing interventions ockers smoking cessation; remain active
(Metoprolol ) -Nitrogly
cerin -Analgesics
(Morphine) -Anticoag
ulants (Heparin &
Enoxaparin) -Glycopr
Therapeutic Procedures otein IIA/IIB Interprofessional Care
Percutaneous (Eptifibatide) -Thromb Interventional Cardiology
olytic Agents
transluminal coronary (Alteplase & Cardiac rehab
angioplasty (PTCA) Reteplase) endocrinology
Coronary artery bypass
graft (CABG)


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