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Hello dear Fredric Russel

Hope my mail finds you sound and well

This message is from an old friend and colleague. I wish you read and inspect it carefully

I begin the story of those proud and beautiful days of ACTED when all its employees worked with
sincerity, honesty, mutual acceptance, and excellent management to achieve the goal of Good ACTED,
namely sustainable development, assistance and cooperation for the poor and suffering people of
Afghanistan. The foundation of that beauty was laid by you in the act of forming an extra-ethnic team in
a multinational country like Afghanistan, where everyone worked together in an atmosphere of
intimacy, equality and brotherhood. But now those days have become a beautiful dream, the return of
which requires consideration of some issues as well as a series of changes in the current management of
Afghanistan. Otherwise, only a few people who claim loyalty and protection of good deeds of ACTED will
destroy all your honors and achievements. Therefore, I will explain the causes and foundations of all
such problems one by one:

1. The General Manager of François, who is an incompetent person with very poor management
and at the same time a figurehead who is very much influenced by the poor advice of some
people, and who do not even take a step at his discretion.
2. Mr. Ehsan Zahin, with the misuse of his powers and the superiority of having French and Afghan
citizenship, has been the main source of all problems, which even the general manager has
delegated all his powers to him, and he is only a symbol.

3. The recent recruitments are all mono-ethnic and inexperienced people besides having some other
issues which makes one so cautious.

4. Too much dirt and waste in the current projects in Afghanistan, that will cause great damage to the
performance and reputation of ACTED

5.Spending more than 1 lakhs US Dollar on the construction of Ehsan Zahin House in Daralaman, one of
the most dangerous areas of Kabul, for opening an ACTED branch on a rental base. Which will not be
usable in the event of the slightest security change as the situation is well known to you. Also, the
reconstruction of one of his relative house from the ACTED budget for the same purpose in Jalal Abad
province of Afghanistan.

6. He bought one armored car for his personal use from ACTED budget under his ownership, in any
circumstance and the slight change in the condition of Afghanistan ACTED will not be able to claim any
ownership over them. and all other vehicle purchases are done by few people under his management.

7. Mr. Zahin has taken all the authority from of honest and experienced employees of ACTED and
serveral time has threatened them with dismissal for opposing his illegal and irresponsible actions.
Creating a single ethnic team and entrusting the management of important sections to them, will have
terrible consequences. All mentioned issues are part of the current problems in ACTED, which have been
caused by Mr. Ehsan Zahin. Since I have worked with you for a long time, and because of all your
sincere efforts in Afghanistan, I thought that It would be better to share them with you. To avoid
scarifying your achievement by the hand of some deceitful and lying people. To be sure of the truth of
the matter, you can ask the people you trust in Afghanistan about the situation.

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