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123 Open Door Way

(444) 444-4444


To: Giovani Marsano-Supervisor

From: Patrick Spooner

Subject: Company Policy Violation Update

Good Afternoon Giovani,

I wanted to write you this evening before you left on vacation, as

something that you and I discussed has been weighing heavily on me.
Your recent request of me to report back to you concerning morale issues,
dissention or potential company policy violations amongst our staff has
me questioning whether or not this is the correct approach to this matter.

First, I feel team unity is of the utmost importance amongst our staff and
to have this new responsibility in the back of my mind, every time I have
a chat with a co-worker is really going to affect my mood and approach in
daily conversation and I think everyone will be able to pick up on this.
This could quickly affect our chemistry and people may begin to ask
questions about me.

Secondly, I believe transparency is key amongst a supervisor and his

staff. I think that any suspicions that you may have regarding your staff
should be dealt with swiftly and directly by you with those specific staff
members. If you are feeling a certain way, there must be a reason for it,
and you should have an open and honest conversation with those
employees. If our staff finds out that you’ve requested me to report on
their movements, this could really hurt not only my relationship with the
staff but your relationship with them as well.

Lastly, I love my job here and want to continue to perform my job well for
the company. With this additional task on my plate I not only believe that
it would affect my efficiency and productivity negatively but also my


123 Open Door Way

(444) 444-4444

psyche. I feel am in a very good place currently and would like to continue
on that path, and I truly believe that if you express your concern to the
staff in an open and honest manner, everyone would respect you for that
and I would bet everyone would respond positively to your care and
concern for our team.

Should you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to discuss.


Patrick Spooner


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