RTOS Cheddar Scheduler@d160a126e9ef

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Module/lab session-1

 Cheddar basics
 Modelling tasks using Cheddar
 Observing how scheduling behaviour changes based on task set

1. How to create a scheduler in Cheddar

2 files need to be created

 XML file to incorporate task parameters.
 Source file with extension FILE which defines the underlying logic of the

 Modify the XML file provided in Cheddar Software under location
C:\Cheddar-2.0-win32-bin\project_examples\xml to incorporate task
 The parameters to be incorporated to add a task are as follows:
o Task duration
o Task type (Periodic / Aperiodic / Sporadic)
o CPU name
o Scheduling Policy to use (Least Laxity First / Rate Monotonic)
o Start time
o Deadline
o Jitter (Time before task is released into execution queue)
o Priority
o Capacity to include number of processor cores involved
o Resource requirement (Mention the resource required for task)
o Dependencies if any (If task clusters exist)
 Modify the source file to define the underlying logic of the Scheduler

Modifying the XML file:

 Mention the above task parameters in at appropriate positions of the XML
 Mention the Scheduling Policy.
 The underlying logic mentioned as scheduling policy should be what is
defined in the source file.

Modifying the Source file:

 The source file has the following 3 sections:
o Start Section
o Priority Section
o Election Section
 Start Section
o It is an initialisation section.
o Here the task parameters to be captured from the XML file are stored as
o Other constants are defined as integers
 Priority Section
o This section defines the underlying logic and behaviour of the scheduler.
o The code logic of an existing scheduler could be modified by adding
constraints to modify the behaviour of the scheduler
 Election Section
o This section defines the order in which tasks have to be fetched by the

Creation of Gantt Chart using the tool:

 Click the Cheddar.exe file to start the scheduler
 Click on File-> Open XML project and select the XML file from the location of
project XML files (C:\Cheddar-2.0-win32-bin\project_examples\xml)
 Go to Tools
 Click on Tools -> Customised Scheduling Simulation ->
 The execution times could be modified based on Best Case, Average Case and
Worst Case
 Mention the Schedule length as Schedule from 0 to number of Samples
 Draw from 0 and Draw Upto max number of samples
 The Gantt Chart would be displayed

// Screenshot to be pasted here

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