Skripsi Sukma Mahardhiny

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Submitted to The Faculty of Cultural Ssciences Hasanuddin University

in Partial Fulfillment of Requirements to Obtain Graduate Degree
in English Department

F211 14 901


Firstly, the writer would like to thank the Almighty God, Allah SWT, for

His blessings, that the writer is able to finish this thesis off well. However, the

success of this thesis will not be gained without support, guidance, suggestion, help

and encouragement of specific individuals and institution. Therefore, the writer

wishes to give her thanks to:

Abbas, S.S, M.Hum and Sitti Sahraeny, S.S, M.A as the writer’s first and

second consultant, for their exceptional ideas, advices, and patience in guiding the

writer in writing her thesis.

The writer would also like to express her utmost gratitude to her parents,

close friends, and companions whose names could not be mentioned one by one,

for the love, prayers, motivation, and attention they give to the writer. Thank you

for always believing every single thing the writer does.

Dr. Abidin Pammu M.A. Dip. TESOL and Sitti Sahraeny, S.S, M.A as the

Head and the Secretary of the English Department who have helped the writer in

her preparation for this thesis. As well as all the lecturers of the English Department.

Thank you all very much for broadening the writer’s knowledge during her study.

Fellow English Department mates, especially EXCALIBUR 2014, for the

experience, laughter, and spirit all the way through the end of the writer’s study.

The writer would also like to thank Arin who has contributed a lot to this thesis, for

her knowledge and good advice. Thank you for being a good friend who has given

the writer knowledge and time, that she is able to finish this thesis well.

Finally, the writer realizes that this thesis is still very far from perfection

and still needs some improvement, thus, critics and suggestions for the

enhancement of this thesis will be welcomed and accepted with full of gratitude.

The writer hopes that this study could benefit the readers.

Makassar, February 2018

The Writer


SUKMA MAHARDHINY. 2018. The Religious Values of Uncle Tom in Stowe’s

Uncle Tom’s Cabin. (Supervised by Abbas and Sitti Sahraeny)

This thesis aims to elaborate the religious values of Tom’s character in the
novel Uncle Tom’s Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe. Uncle Tom the kind hearted
character, was sold off beyond his power to a slave merchant named Haley, so that
his master’s debt could be settled off. Uncle Tom had to go through a lot of life
experiences as he was employed by various masters. This study also aims to find
out the Uncle Tom’s religious tenacity. The findings of this research is divided into
a total of five chapters.
This research uses the Structuralism and Religion approach a research
method which focuses on the elements of a literature such as the characters, plot,
setting, and theme. The religion approach is used to profoundly analyze Tom’s
character in the novel. Besides that, the writer also uses the qualitative to examine
the data. The source of the data is obtained from the novel Uncle Tom’s Cabin, and
other data sources are obtained from a few books, articles, the internet, and the
The result of this research shows that the main character’s devotion to his
religion, Christian, is very strong. Uncle Tom was considered a Christian teacher in
his environment as he always stood by his own principles to constantly remember
God. He treats the people around him with kindness because he is a man who is he
devoted to his religion. He believes in God and surrenders himself fully to God’s
decision, including whatever happens to him in the future. This gives a direct impact
to every decision he makes in living his life.


SUKMA MAHARDHINY. 2018. Nilai-Nilai Keagamaan dalam Tokoh Tom

Novel Harriet Beecher Stowe Uncle Tom’s Cabin. (Dibimbing oleh Abbas dan Sitti

Skripsi ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan tentang nilai-nilai keagamaan

Paman Tom dalam novel Uncle Tom’s Cabin karya Harriet Beecher Stowe. Paman
Tom yang sangat baik terpaksa dijual oleh majikannya karena harus melunasi
hutang-hutangnya ke penjual budak bernama Haley. Paman Tom mengalami
banyak pengalaman hidup dan dipekerjakan oleh beberapa majikan. Penulisan ini
juga bertujuan untuk mengetahui keteguhan agama yang dianut oleh tokoh utama.
Keseluruhan hasil penulisan ini terbagi menjadi lima bab.
Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan Strukturalisme dan Agama. Suatu
metode penelitian yang berfokus pada unsur-unsur dalam karya sastra seperti,
karakter, plot, setting, dan tema. Agama digunakan untuk menganalisis secara
mendalam karakter Paman Tom dalam novel. Selain itu penulis juga menggunakan
metode kualitatif guna menganalisis data. Sumber data utama diperoleh dari novel
Uncle Tom’s Cabin, sedangkan sumber data lainnya diperoleh dari beberapa buku,
artikel, internet, dan Alkitab.
Kesimpulan ini menunjukkan bahwa bentuk ketaatan agama yang dimiliki
Paman Tom sebagai kaum Kristiani sangat kuat. Paman Tom yang dianggap seperti
guru Kristen di dalam lingkungannya itu tetap pada pendiriannya untuk selalu
mengingat Tuhan. Ia memperlakukan orang-orang yang ada di sekitarnya dengan
baik karena ia taat kepada agamanya. Ia selalu percaya kepada Tuhan dan berserah
diri dengan apa yang terjadi pada dirinya di kemudian hari. Hal ini berdampak
langsung pada setiap keputusan dalam menjalani hidupnya.





ACKNOWLEDGEMENT……………………………….………….. iii

ABSTRAK……………………………………………………………. v

ABSTRACT………………………………………………………….. vi

TABLE OF CONTENTS.………………….………………………… vii


A. Background of Writing………….…………….…………. 1
B. Identification of the Problems……………………………. 4
C. Statement of the Problems……………..………………… 4
D. Objective of the Study..........……………….….………… 5
E. Sequence of Writing……………….………….…………. 5


A. Previous Study………..…………………………………. 6
B. Structuralism Approach….……………………………… 7
a. Characters……………………………………….. 9
b. Plot………………………………………………. 10
c. Setting………….………………………………… 12
d. Theme…………………..…..…………………… 13

C. The Concept of Religious Values………………………… 15

A. Methodological Design……..…………………….….. 21
B. Source of Data…………………………..…………… 22
C. Data Collection………..…………………….……….. 22
D. Method of Analyzing Data…………..………………. 23
E. Research Procedures…………………………..……… 24


A. Intrinsic Elements of Uncle Tom’s Cabin…………… 25

1. Characters………………………………….. 25
2. Plot…………………………………………. 34
a. Exposition………………………………. 34
b. Rising Action…………………………… 35
c. Climax………………………………….. 36
d. Falling Action………………………….. 36
e. Resolution……………………………… 37
3. Setting…………………..……………………… 37
a. Place Setting……………………………. 37
b. Time Setting……………………………. 39
4. Theme…………………..……………………… 40
B. Religious Aspects of Uncle Tom………..…………….. 41
a. Praying…………………………………………. 41
b. Praising………………………………………… 42
c. Surrendering…………………………………… 43
C. Christian Principles of Uncle Tom…………………….. 45
a. Love……………………………………………. 46

b. Joy……………………………………………… 48
c. Peace and Prosperity…………………………… 48
d. Patience………………………………………… 49
e. Generosity and Kindness………………………. 51
f. Loyalty…………………………………………. 52
g. Gracefulness…………………………………… 55
h. Self-Control……………………………………. 56

A. Conclusion……………………………………………. 58
B. Suggestion………………….…………………………. 59
BIBLIOGRAPHY……………………………………………… 60

APPENDIX……………………………………………………… 63


A. Background

Men are created by God as beings that are instinctively religious. They come

as beings that naturally love perfection, which inevitably makes them develop their

own desire to worship their God’s flawless creations. Although people are not

forced to have a religion, the voices from deep inside their hearts make them believe

that a creator must exist; the Almighty one who created each and every one of them

as well as their surroundings. Human beings live in a unique way and are gifted

with rational thoughts. However, their high intelligence cannot be compared to that

of animals; they are able to use it to discover the true basic principles of life.

Human resort to religion because they find a sense of helplessness in facing

their problems. Thus, all forms of religious behaviors are considered behaviors that

appear from human’s own motivation in avoiding danger which then leads to the

discovery of the need of their own sense of security. It is in a state such as this that

human begin to naturally form the existence of God in their minds. Human beings

need to realize that every community or group needs to actually live up to the

mandate of their respective religions so that harmony, brotherhood, peacefulness

and comfort will naturally present itself in their lives because all religions teach

people the truth and wisdom. Hence, with this, conflicts and discriminations will

never appear among them.

Religion in literature usually reflects the author’s concerns and his views of

life, his views on the values of truth –all of which he conveys to the readers. Among

other things, a literary work written by the author is to offer an idealized model of

life. The literary work contains application of moral attitudes and behaviour of the

characters in accordance with the view of morals. The readers are able to take

lessons from the religious messages that are reflected through the characters’

attitude and behaviour inside a story.

If 'life' as reflected in literature is seen as a 'model' of human life, then the

'model' of life referred are those that can be adopted and developed in everyday life,

and those that are considered bad or unnecessary will be abandoned by the readers.

If the moral values as reflected in literary works are understood, internalized, and

then applied in everyday life in the society, the nation and the state, it is possible

that we could develop a strong and positive mental attitude so that people are able

to think and behave positively that will not only benefit ourselves, but also others.

If novel is considered a "model" or "pattern" of human life, no matter how good

their imaginations are, readers can choose which models or patterns of life that is

good or bad, polite or rough, moral or immoral, nice or annoying (for instance, in

comradeship, the relationship between children, the children’s relationship with

parents or vice versa, the relationship between teachers and pupils or vice versa, the

relationship of lecturers to students or vice versa, the relationship of the leader and

his men or vice versa, and so on). Models or patterns of life in both categories can

be adopted and developed in the society, state and even nation; on the contrary,

things that are not good would have us leave.

The novel Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe tells the story of

slavery in the United States. When this novel was written, in the country there was

a disagreement as to the existence of slavery. Pro-slavery group which consisted of

white men were generally located in the southern parts of America; the people of

this group had many slaves and gained benefit from slavery; whereas people in the

contra group were those who lived in the northern parts of America. This group’s

supporters were black people. The first group entirely supported slavery, but the

second group wanted to eliminate it. Then, it was in the novel Uncle Tom's Cabin

which conveyed how cruel the guards of slaves and masters of slaves (slave owners)

were, and also described how miserable the slaves looked. The novel is considered

a provocative novel that has tremendous power, because it was established not long

after the civil war in America took place.

The writer intends to analyze the religious values of Uncle Tom in Uncle

Tom’s Cabin novel. The novel Uncle Tom’s Cabin tells about a clever slave who

was very patient, has a good religion, and also obedient in worshipping God. At

that time, it was a rare thing to find a slave like Uncle Tom. In this novel, Stowe

describes the life of slaves owned by an employer named Mr. Arthur Shelby. He

was nice to all his slaves and Uncle Tom was one of them. However, Uncle tom

had to be sold because Mr. Arthur Shelby was indebted a lot to Mr. Haley, and

Uncle Tom had to leave his wife and children. Uncle Tom experienced the life of

being employed by some person.

This matter is very contradictive to the cruel slavery that really happened in

America. In the novel of Harriet Beecher Stowe, the religion does not teach us to

treat people roughly, especially black people. In this novel, Uncle Tom as the main

character shows the reader that he is a devoted Christian and is a leader to the other

slaves. He is able to survive all because of the religious values he embraced.

Based on the explanation above, the writer determines to choose Uncle

Tom’s Cabin novel as the object of analysis. The writer focuses more on the

Religious Values of Uncle Tom in this novel. Therefore, the writer proposes

“Religious Values of Uncle Tom in Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin” as the title of this


B. Identification of Problems

After reading this novel, the writer manages to identify a few problems. The

problems that the writer will analyze are:

1. The religious aspects of Uncle Tom in this novel.

2. The Christ-figure of Uncle Tom in this novel.

3. The Christian life principles adopted by Uncle Tom in this novel.

C. Research Questions

The writer limits the focus of analysis which are stated as follows:

1. How are the religious aspects of Uncle Tom presented in Uncle Tom’s Cabin


2. How are the Christian life principles reflected in Uncle Tom character?

D. Objective of The Study

According to the problems stated above, the writer determines the objective

of the research as follows:

1. To explain the religious aspects of Uncle Tom in Uncle Tom’s Cabin novel.

2. To describe the Christian life principles implemented by Uncle Tom in his life

in Uncle Tom’s Cabin novel.

E. Sequence of Writing

In order to give a clear description to readers, this thesis presents five

chapters. The first chapter includes the introduction which consists of background

of the study and reasons for choosing the topic, identification of problem, statement

of problem, the object of study, and sequence of writing. The second chapter

includes the literary review which covers the previous study, structuralism

approach, and the concept of religious values. The third chapter covers

methodology which explains the research methods that will be used by the writer

in analyzing the novel. The method is divided into two, namely the Data Collection

and Method of Analyzing Data. Both of these methods will be used by the writer in

conducting the research. The fourth chapter contains the analysis of this thesis,

which contains structural aspects of Uncle Tom’s Cabin, the religious aspects of

Uncle Tom and Christian life principles adopted by Uncle Tom. The fifth chapter

is the last chapter which concludes the whole research into a summary of analysis

and suggestions.


A. Previous Study

Uncle Tom’s Cabin is one of the most well known works that was written by

Harriet Beecher Stowe. In fact, it is one of the famous works ever written in the

world. This classic novel is often overlooked in the heat of the controversies

surrounding its anti-slavery sentiments. Uncle Tom’s Cabin novel (1981) attacked

the cruelty of slavery, it reached millions as a novel and play, and became

influential, even in Britain. There are many special things in this novel that are

considered important to conduct a research on. Several studies have been made by

researchers. The writer finds two theses that can be used as a comparison and

reference to her study, such as La Ode Mursalin (2007) and Valens Ada (2010) each

conducted a research related to this thesis.

In composing this thesis, the writer found two theses that analyzed the same

object, Uncle Tom’s Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe. Both studies were analyzed

by English Department students of Hasanuddin University. La Ode Mursalin’s

thesis was written in 2007 entitled Realisme Amerika dalam Novel Uncle Tom’s

Cabin Karya Harriet Beecher Stowe. In his thesis, he focused on the realism which

is closely related to the social phenomena that occur in the society. From this case,

he discovers the types and kinds of realism, which are contained in this novel. The

writer used the genetic structuralism approach as his theory. The findings of this

research show that the practice of slavery towards the Afro-Americans causes

suffering and misery. Slavery is considered an immoral act, but the White

Americans, especially those who live in the southern parts of America, cannot get

rid of their bad habit of enslavement.

Another thesis is written by Valens Ada in 2009 entitled An Analysis of

Slavery in Harriet Beecher Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin. In this thesis, Valens

focused on the social conditions that are reflected in the novel and the effects of

slavery. The analysis of this thesis focuses on the intrinsic and extrinsic elements

that construct the story of this novel. The approach used by the writer in his research

is the genetic structuralism approach, along with the descriptive type of method.

The result of this research shows that slavery in America is the impact caused by

the existence of discrimination of the white people towards the black people. The

slavery system at that time was the perfect medium for the practice of racialism.

Both previous studies quite inspire and encourage the writer to also take

Uncle Tom’s Cabin as a subject of a research. The previous researches mentioned

above raise the same topic; the practice of slavery experienced by the black people

in America in the 18th century. The difference between the previous studies and this

study is that this research focuses on the religious aspects of Uncle Tom character.

The writer discovers that there are religion principles (Christian principles)

presented by Uncle Tom character in the novel.

B. Structuralism Approach

To assist this research, the writer considers which of the theories that the

writer will use. There are a lot of theories that can be used to analyze literary works,

one of them is the structuralism approach. Structuralism approach regards the

literary work as an independent thing. This theory is quite old and still used in many

literature works study. Structuralism theory considers the literature as a media of

communication between the author and the reader. Structuralism approach focuses

in analyzing the structures or elements of a literary work; there is no correlation

between the literary work and the author’s background or the real condition of the

society when the novel was written. Besides that, this theory implements close

reading where the reader reads the text and analyze the intrinsic elements. If there

is an analysis that focuses on analyzing structural aspects in literary works,

structuralism approach is the best approach to use. This approach is also known as

the objective approach. Thus, it can be concluded that the structural approach is an

approach on literary work which analyzes literary elements that construct the

structure of the literature, as well as the search for relevance or relationship of these

elements in order to achieve unanimity of meaning.

Literary work is not affected by other aspects out of the work itself. It just

focuses on structural aspect or intrinsic aspect of the literary work. Besides that,

there are several aspects which construct a literary work. These elements are

characters, plot, setting, and theme. These elements correlate to one another to build

a literary work, especially prose. Structural approach assumes that literary work is

an objective and independent work regardless of extrinsic aspect.

Structuralism, basically is a way of thinking about the world, which is

primarily related to response and description of the structures. In this view,
literature will be assumed as a phenomenon that has structure which related
to each other. Nature of the structure that will be meaningful when linked to
other structures. The structure has a complex part, so that the interpretation
should be directed to the relationship between these elements as a whole
(Endraswara, 2003: 49).

From the quotation above, the writer concludes that in making an analysis

using the structural approach, the main point that should be analyzed is the intrinsic

elements which are linked to one another. To firmly decide the meaning and the

goal of the literary work, we should relate to all the intrinsic elements (characters,

plot, setting, and theme) of the novel or literary work that will be analyzed.

Good literary works are the result of the collective or subject restructuring.

The intrinsic element is the point that build or set up the story in a novel. The

structural points or intrinsic points are the main aspects which do not only construct

the esthetic of the literary work, but also the quality of the literary work itself,

especially novel.

a. Characters

The characters are people who experience an event in a novel. Characters can

be people, animals, or objects. According to Abrams, Character is people who

appear in a narrative prose or novel and is interpreted by the readers as a person

who has moral quality and certain tendency such as being expressed in what they

say and what they do (1981: 76). Based on the character in the story, the character

is divided into three kinds, they are the main character, the supporting character,

and the complement character as Tarigan says, Fictional characters can be

classified as the main characters, supporting figures, and background characters

(1982: 143). The main character is a character who has an important role in a story.

The main character is always present in every event and can be found in each page

of the story book. The supporting character is a character that is not focused on by

the primary storyline, but appears or is mentioned in the story and has a close

relationship with the main character to form the plot. Then, the complement

character is the figure who has a little role in the story and the presence of this figure

is merely to support the main character.

Based on the characteristic, the character is divided into two kinds, they are

protagonist and antagonist. The protagonist is the figure who has a good

characteristic and always admired by the readers. Whereas the antagonist is the

figure who causes the conflict and the tension experienced by the protagonist.

In short, the writer summarizes that character can be identified by

characterization, which is a process to create the character of fiction by the author.

These characteristics can be expressed directly by the author or through the words

of other figures. Besides that, the reader can determine the kinds of characters by

the characters’ actions in the story.

b. Plot

Plot is a form of story that raise a conflict. Plot is the frame of story in a novel

which makes the readers know the sequence of the story. In other words, it is what

mostly happens in the story or novel or what the story’s general theme is based on

the mood, characters, setting, and conflicts occurring in a story. Forster (1974: 93)

states that plot is a narrative situation that serve a special attention to the main

character. A way to differentiate plot and story is all about the question “why”. The

writer can assume that the plot and story are different. The plot is the sequence of

events in a story while the story is the whole content of a story.

Plot of the story is divided into three kinds, they are forward plot, decline

plot, and blend plot (forward-decline). The plot of a novel or literary work can help

the reader understand the story and make them know the relationship between the

occurrence and figures. Besides that, the reader can understand or guess the story

by using plot. The plot has various parts, which are exposition, rising action, climax,

falling action, and resolution of the problem. Stanton stated as follows:

Plot as well as other elements, plot has its own laws; the plot should have
beginning part, the middle part, and the real ending part, convincing and
logic, can create a variety of surprise moments, bring up and also end up the
tensions (2007: 28).

The essence of understanding about the plot is located on cause-effect, but

the most important elements is one of the conflict and the climax, which come from

the internal and external conflicts. The emphasis in analyze of plot is how the

formation, not how it is. In general, a storyline is divided into five stages according

to Nurgiyantoro (2005: 142) as follows:

1. Exposition

The first part of a plot is the exposition that introduces the characters and set up

the story, specifically the main characters. In the exposition part, the author

introduces the setting of story, such as time and location of the story. In this part,

the reader can identify the major and minor character and also identify the relation

between one character and another.

2. Rising Action

In this part, the author makes the story come up with conflict and intrigues.

Normally, the rising action shows the conflict between protagonist and antagonist.

3. Climax

The climax is the significant part of the narration that shows the development

of conflict between the protagonist and antagonist. In general, the readers can see

the conflict between protagonist and the antagonist. The protagonist makes the

readers speechless, even though the antagonist characters often make the readers

anxious and full of hate.

4. Falling Action

In this section, the main problem of the story is solved. The falling action is the

events taking place after the climax of a story that is made to wrap up the plot and

guide the story to the resolution. The purpose of falling action in the story is to lead

the readers toward a substantial ending.

5. Resolution

Resolution or conclusion. It is the end of the story and ends with either a happy

or a tragic ending.

The writer summarizes that plot is constituted by the characters’ act. The

sequence of the story is based on the plot; the reader can understand the whole story

from the exposition part until the resolution part of the story.

c. Setting

Setting is one of the three main points of a narration, along with characters

and plot. The setting enhances and supports the plot and characters, and it

contributes to reveal and further essential points and themes. Setting is the

illustration of time, places, and situations in a story. Taylor (1981: 70) states that

“In fact, setting need not even be physical in terms of time and space, but may well

be constituted of psychological of moral conditions which are common to a given

time, place, or set of circumstances”. Through this description, the writer assumes

that setting is not only the name of the city, but also the description of the main

social life condition itself.

The setting can make the readers comprehend the story. Setting of time relates

to a main of time; days, hours, and history. Wellek (1977: 221) states that “Setting

maybe the massive determinant -environment viewed as physical or social

causation, something over which the individual has little individual control”. Based

on this explanation, the author cannot make the story without setting. Time setting

is an important part of the story. This part can influence the plot and the behavior

of the characters. The characters require the setting to play their parts or action in

literary works.

The writer can conclude that setting has a very important role in a story. The

reader can understand the situation in the story from the place setting, time setting,

and social setting which is shown in the story. The readers can also build their

imagination on the condition of the story merely by knowing setting.

d. Theme

The theme of a story is what the author is trying to convey. In other words,

theme is the central idea of the story. The author often specifies the theme of a novel

before writing it. To know and specify the theme of a novel, firstly the reader must

know about the intrinsic elements of a novel, such as character, plot, and setting.

Stanton (2007: 7) stated as follows:

Theme gives a strong explanation about the unity of what is happening in the
story, and tells about the story of life in a common context. The purpose of
theme is to give a shape and effect in our mind; to make the story easy to
remember. A good theme has to represent the entire story in the novel.
Sometimes the theme shapes in to the fact that comes from the human
experience. It is explored by the story and then gives impression for each of
event in life.

Theme is the message from the author. The theme of a literary work is its

underlying central idea or the generalization it communicates about life. To view

the theme of a novel, there are various things that the reader should be aware of.

They are: Firstly, theme must be expressible in the form of a statement with a

subject and predicate. Secondly, theme is a central and unifying concept of a story.

Therefore, it must account for all the major details of the story, the theme must not

contradict any detail of the story, and the theme must not rely upon supposed facts

which is actually not stated or in the story. Thirdly, theme must state the

generalization about life. Finally, it is important to avoid any statement that can

reduce the quality of theme with the use of familiar statements often heard (Perrine,

1983: 105-106).

In short, the writer can conclude that theme is the main problem which

becomes the basis of the story. Theme is also an idea, concept or point of view from

the author to create the story. To determine the theme of the story, the readers need

to read the story from the beginning to the end.

C. The Concept of Religious Values

According to Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia, Religion is the characteristics

or important things that are useful for humanity. Value has something to do with

subject, or something that is considered valuable if a particular individual regard it

useful. Hence, value is something beneficial or useful for human beings as a

behavior (Iman, 2009: 4). On the other hand, religious means having or showing

belief or devotion to God or a holy power. Religious may also mean a part of, in

relation to, or the study of religious values. Religion is God’s rules that lead

rational-minded people; they choose to believe in Him in order to save themselves

in the world and the hereafter. This belief they embrace covers all the elements of

faith and good deeds. Religion and belief are two things that are very much related

to one another. Religion is also interpreted as an entire faith in God, and the

teachings of services and obligations that are in line with that faith

(Poerwadarminta, 1982: 18). Therefore, the meaning of religious values is that it is

the content of teachings to gain goodness in the world and the hereafter, which are

applied in everyday life. Besides that, values are the rules in acting and behaving

adopted by a group which is formed in order to stimulate, to maintain, or to recreate

particular mental conditions in that group. The implication or religious values could

be seen both in a person’s faith and the practices of that faith. In The World

University Dictionary (Accessed on October, 4th 2017), the description of religion

is stated as follows:

”religion” a term indicating the relationship of man toward one or more

superior devine beings. The mere problem of definition, that is, of what
religion actually means, has produced a large series of more or less scholarly
works, since religion as such, is one of the most important factors in the

history of mankind and in the life of each individual. Religion by no means
characterizes only the belief in one god, but includes all possible content of
Human creeds. According to no theological definitions, religion may be
designed as a tendency of man to feel dependent on one or more superior
beings, to love these beings, to submit to them, and to reserve them”.

Meanwhile, in the study of sociology, religion is defined as a kind of social

system made by the followers which pivots on the non-empirical powers, believed

and utilized to be able to save themselves and the whole community in general

(Hendropuspito, 1983: 34).

Religion is the guidance of moral behavior. This is why religion affects

human’s moral behavior; the belief they embrace is considered a construction of

personality. The effectivity depends on which is stronger; the one which affects, or

the one who gets affected. Each and every religion have their own rules or

commandments that the followers must obey; these rules inevitably affect their

behaviors. However, the behavior of obeying a commandment or rule that the

religion permits only because it merely topples one’s obligations may become

irrelevant to what the religion wants. Nowadays, there are many believers whose

behaviors deviate from the essence of their religion. As a result, religion transforms

into something scary and horrifying when in fact, the teachings of religion is about

love and affection. We are no longer living in an era of war where weapons are used

as the main tool; we are currently living in an era of openness and democracy. The

behavior of helping each other and spreading peace is supposed to appear among


The difference between faithful and unfaithful people who practice their

religion and those who do not practice or care less about their religion could be

easily seen. The faces of those who are religious radiate the vibe of inner peace;

their behavior and actions do not torment or trouble others. On the other hand,

people whose lives are not bonded by the ropes of religion will likely be disturbed

by the swaying of the soul and atmosphere.

In the introduction of his book, Madjid (1997) states that every human being

possess religiosity instincts, the instinct to believe. This instinct appears at the same

time as the desire to gain the clarity of life and the universe which becomes the

environment of living itself, because every human being ought to have the

awareness of what they assume as “the meaning of life”. The true meaning of life

exists. Religion as a system of belief provides the nature of the meaning of life,

however, it could not be found on the formal and outward aspects of religion. It lies

behind it. Based on this situation, formality has to be “penetrated”; the physical

limitations are ought to be “crossed”. The ability that exceeds these aspects will

affect the growth of the individuals’ and society’s religious behaviors which are

more in line with the true meaning and purpose of the religion’s teachings.

Religion cannot be separated from human’s lives. The belief in the existence

of supernatural powers is a form of religious beliefs. In a scientific dictionary,

“religious” is defined as "obedient or devoted to religion.” The term “religious”

comes from the term “religion”. Although rooted from the same word, in its use,

the term “religious” has a different meaning to “religion” or “religion”. “Religion”

(religion) refers to the formal aspects associated with the rules and obligations,

whereas “religion” refers to aspects of religion that the individuals live by in their


If a particular religion’s doctrines and teachings are embraced and adopted,

people assume that it can make them feel at ease and happy both in the world and

the afterlife. This is similar to William James’ statement, “Religion thus makes easy

and felicitous what is the case is necessary”. James (2002) statement means that

religion can make people feel at ease in various aspects of life and provide

happiness in any case. This asserts that when a person believes in a religion, carries

out its teachings and avoids whatever it restricts, it will provide peace, convenience

and happiness for them.

In this research, the character Tom is very firm about his religion,

Christianity. He always prays and becomes a good teacher of religion for other

slaves. Smith in Vroom (1989) explained that Christianity is basically the religion

of history. This means that the main foundation of the establishment of this religion

does not lie in the general principles; instead, it is based on real life events, which

are the events that truly happened in history.

The term “religious” is referred to as the sense of religion possessed by human

being. It is the experience that a person feels within himself when he realizes the

existence of God, especially when the effect of this experience is proven in the form

of behavior when he actively tries to adjust his life in harmony with God's rules.

Based on the description above, it can be concluded that “religious” refers to

the attitude of a person who encourages himself to behave in accordance with the

teachings of the religion that he believes in, embodied by obeying all the

commandments and avoiding all the restrictions, as well as the continuous

participation of the religion which he embraces with the sincerity of his heart, body

and soul.

Mangunwijaya (1982: 54-55) stated that religiosity is religious concepts that

cause human to be religious. Religious is part of the culture and system of a single

religion with other religions that have different religious systems. Religious is a

man's form of praying for confidence; he puts his trust in God so that his emotional

state experiences tranquility and peace. The relationship between a man his God as

a source of tranquility and happiness obtained through action in accordance with

the teachings of religion. Religion within a society is proven through the

argumentation of religious aspects such as the true meaning of life, the absolute

excellency of God, and the greatness of human being and the senses he possesses.

In addition, religious itself is something which is related to religion. Attitudes

that exist in religion, such as standing in good position, bending and kissing the

ground as a devotional expression to God, closing the eyes as a sign of self-

concentration, and the readiness to listen to the divine word in the heart. It all seems

like the authenticity of religion owned by human being; it could be found either in

Islam, Christianity, Judaism or any other religions. (Gemeinschaff in

Mangunwijaya, 1982: 54).

Based on the opinions pointed out by several researchers about religious

values, in this part of the thesis, the writer will convey her own thoughts on religious

concept. Religious is one’s attitude and act of obedience in performing the teachings

of the religion he or she believes in. Religious is described as a submissive behavior

of worship according to the faith that a person believes in, an act of tolerance

towards other religions and the ability to live in harmony. The religious character

is very crucial in a person’s life; it becomes the attitude of life which refers to the

orders and prohibition of attitude that are already arranged in the rules of their

religion. As it was previously mentioned, an expert stated that every human being

possess the religiosity instinct, an instinct that appears together with the desire to

obtain the clarity of life. It is clear that religion have an important position and role

in living life which functions as an element of motivation for human to behave well

and in accordance to the teachings of his religion. When a person does not have his

own view of life, it is as if he is a blind man who do not know the true purpose of


Based on the writer’s explanation about religious concept, it can be concluded

that the source of value that applies in the life of human beings is the value

correlated to God, which is based on religion, as well as the value correlated to

fellow human beings, which contains good conduct. If a religion manages the

relationship of human beings, it simply means that moral is considered a matter

taught by religion. The main function of religion is to provide the basis for the moral

order of the social group and to strengthen the obedience towards norms.


A. Methodological Design

Methodology is a logical and systematic study of the basic principles that

will guide the research; it is a strategy to understand the reality, and is the systematic

steps to analyze the next causal combination. Method is the systematic and

organized procedures/stages to achieve the research objectives.

This research focuses on the study of Religious Values of Uncle Tom in

Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin. In the process of analyzing this research, the writer

uses a structural approach as a theory that will help in analyzing this research,

particularly the intrinsic elements. The writer focuses on analyzing the intrinsic

aspects only, in this case, the religious values adopted by the main character in the

novel, Uncle Tom.

In doing a research, there are two categories of methodological study,

namely the quantitative and qualitative research. Quantitative research is a process

of finding knowledge that uses a numerical data as a tool to analyze information

about what the researcher wants to know. The quantitative method uses statistics to

analyze the data.

On the other hand, qualitative research is a study that intends to understand

the phenomenon of what the research subjects experience, such as behavior,

perception, motivation, action, etc. The qualitative analysis is used to analyze the

qualitative data by taking notes. Moreover, the amount is usually a lot so it takes a

long time to be able to analyze it thoroughly. Qualitative analysis is also used to

uncover trends in thoughts and opinions, as well as to dive deeper into the problem.

Hence, to describe the reflection of religious values of Uncle Tom in Stowe’s Uncle

Tom’s Cabin toward Uncle Tom’s religious aspects, the writer uses the qualitative


In qualitative method, the instrument is the researcher itself. It means that

the researcher should have the resolution of the theory as well as a broad


B. Source of Data

The writer uses the Novel Uncle Tom’s Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe

published by the Penguin Group as the source of data and reads it several times.

The writer chooses this object because in the novel, the writer found one thing that

is interesting to analyze. It explains about religious values of Uncle Tom. In

addition, this novel describes human rights at the time when slavery occurred in

America before the nineteenth century, in which the victims were the black people.

Using several books that are related to the analysis, the writer takes notes

and marks a few quotations that support the study. The writer collects several

references that can support the analysis on object of her research.

C. Data Collection

Collecting information is necessary to gain several complete data and can

be partly responsible in order to achieve a successful writing. These data give us

some description and information related to the writing process. First, the source of

primary data obtained through “Uncle Tom’s Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe”. It

is published by Penguin Group in New York, 1852. Then, the writer also reads the

source of secondary data that supports the research. After that, the writer takes notes

on everything that come up from both data sources, and the writer also have to

select things to be raised that are relevant to the problems of the study, and throw

away unnecessary things that are irrelevant to the problems of the study. Besides

that, the writer also uses the internet and Bible to obtain information related to the

topic of the research conducted by the writer.

D. Method of Analyzing Data

To analyze all the collected data, there are several steps performed by the

writer, such as:

1. Analyzing the novel; the unity of elements which construct the novel

that covers plot, characters, theme, and setting.

2. Exploring and describing the religious aspect of Uncle Tom.

3. Exploring and describing the Christian principles adopted by Uncle


4. Writing all the results of the analysis and arrange them neatly along with

clear and vivid explanation.

E. Research Procedures

In doing this analysis, the writer uses certain ways to arrange this thesis,

which could be seen as follows:

1. Reading the primary data or the novel Uncle Tom’s Cabin accurately

and trying to understand it.

2. Writing down important data that related to the main problem of the


3. Determining the basic theories to use in analyzing the problems. In this

case, the writer decides to use structuralism approach.

4. Collecting the data including texts, theses, and other sources and then

classifying the data according to the problems.

5. Analyzing and describing the collected data and information.

6. Writing down the result of the data analysis.

7. Concluding the result of the data analysis.

8. All parts are collected into a thesis for obtaining Sarjana Degree in

English Department, Hasanuddin University.


In this chapter, the writer will discuss about the intrinsic elements including

the characters, plots, settings and themes. The writer will also point out the religious

aspects of Uncle Tom as seen in the novel and how the Christian life principles are

reflected in Uncle Tom’s character.

A. Intrinsic Elements of Uncle Tom’s Cabin

The intrinsic elements are the elements contained in a literary work with the

aim of constructing the story. In general, the intrinsic elements of literary works are

as follows:

1. Character

a. Uncle Tom

Uncle Tom is the main character in Uncle Tom’s Cabin. Uncle Tom is an old

slave who has a good heart, a man who is devoted to his religion. He is a Christian

who gives mercy to those who do wrong things to him, and will always turn to God

whenever he is in crisis.

Uncle Tom was a sort of patriarch in religious matters, in the neighborhood.

Having, naturally, an organization in which the morale was strongly
predominant, together with a greater breadth and cultivation of mind than
obtained among his companions, he was looked up to with great respect, as a
sort of minister among them; and the simple, hearty, sincere style of his
exhortations might have edified even better educated persons (Stowe, 1981:

Uncle Tom is eight years older than Mr. Arthur Shelby –Tom’s master who

treats him very well. Tom worked as a slave for Mr. Shelby for about 40 years.

Even so, he values his religion so deeply that he lives his life full of sincerity, and

he loves all the people no matter how good or bad they may be. Tom also acts as

the leader among his fellow Christian slaves.

b. Mr. Arthur Shelby

Mr. Arthur Shelby is Uncle Tom’s master in Kentucky. He sold his favorite

slave, Tom to Mr. Haley in order to pay off his debt. Mr. Shelby is a kind and

educated man

Mr. Shelby was a fair average kind of man, good natured and kindly, and
disposed to easy indulgence of those around him, and there had never been a
lack of anything which might contribute to the physical comfort of the
negroes on his estate. He had, however, speculated largely and quite loosely;
had involved himself deeply, and his notes to a large amount had come into
the hands of Haley (Stowe, 1981: 51).

Mr. Shelby is not really a devoted Christian, but he always respects his wife’s

consistent attitude in increasing the quality of the maids living in their house. Mr.

Shelby gives the authority to his wife to provide virtue and comfort for their slaves.

c. Emily Shelby

Mr. Shelby’s wife is a woman who is really caring and always tries her best

to influence and give good morals to her slaves. She is one of many female

characters who is virtuous and has good moral.

Mrs. Shelby was a woman of high class, both intellectually and morally. To
that natural magnimity and generosity of mind which one often marks as
characteristic of the women of Kentucky, she added high moral and religious
sensibility and principle, carried out with energy and ability into practical
results (Stowe, 1981: 52).

Emily Shelby is a Christian woman who is full of affection and do not believe

in slavery. She is shocked when her husband discussed to sell his slave to the slave

traders, she is very much aware that slavery is wrong and very unchristian.

d. George Shelby

George Shelby is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Shelby. When Uncle Tom was still

the slave of Shelby’s family, George was thirteen years old. He taught Tom how to

read. He promised Tom that he will find him and save him from his father’s cruelty

of selling him. Although it took him years to start, he searched for Tom who was

already dying by then.

George sat fixed with solemn awe. It seemed to him that the place was holy;
and, as he closed the lifeless eyes, and rose up from the dead, only one thought
possessed him, —that expressed by his simple old friend,—“What a thing it
is to be a Christian!” (Stowe, 1981: 591).

Often called “young master” by Uncle Tom, George is one of Mr. and Mrs.

Shelby’s kind-hearted son. After Tom died, he decided to set free all the slaves in

Kentucky Family’s Farm.

e. Mr. Haley

Mr. Haley is a brute slave trader and acts as the antagonist of the story. Haley

is the person who Mr. Shelby is indebted to, he gave away his slaves to him

including Uncle Tom, a woman named Eliza and her son, Harry, as compensation.

He was a short, thick-set man, with coarse, commonplace features, and that
swaggering air of pretension which marks a low man who is trying to elbow
his way upward in the world. He was much over-dressed, in a gaudy vest of
many colors, a blue neckerchief, bedropped gayly with yellow spots, and
arranged with a flaunting tie, quite in keeping with the general air of the man.
His hands, large and coarse, were plentifully bedecked with rings; and he
wore a heavy gold watch-chain, with a bundle of seals of portentous size, and
a great variety of colors, attached to it, —which, in the ardor of conversation,
he was in the habit of flourishing and jingling with evident satisfaction
(Stowe, 1981: 41).

Haley is a rude slave trader who went mad when he knew that Harry and Eliza

ran away. He describes himself as a “humane” human being, although he chased

after Eliza and her son with the help of a dog to be able to cross the frozen Ohio


f. Eliza

Eliza is a protagonist and is the personal slave of Mrs. Emily Shelby. She is

the George Harris’ wife and Harry’s mother. Eliza is part negro and mulatto. She

was raised by her mistress ever since she was a teenager, she was her mistress’


Eliza had been brought up by her mistress, from girlhood, as a petted and
indulged favorite. Safe under the protecting care of her mistress, Eliza had
reached maturity without those temptations which make beauty so fatal an
inheritance to a slave. She had been married to a bright and talented young
mulatto man, who was a slave on a neighboring estate, and bore the name of
George Harris (Stowe, 1981: 54).

Her beauty and good behavior is in contrast to her fate as a slave. She had to

let go of her husband who ran off to Canada and struggled by herself to save her

son from the slave business.

g. Harry

Harry is the son of Eliza and George Harris. He is handsome and full of talent

when he sang and danced in front of his master to entertain him. Haley asked for

this child to be sold off along with Tom, but when Eliza heard the news, she ran

away to the north, bringing Harry with her.

h. George Harris

George Harris is the protagonist and the husband of Eliza, who was a mulatto

slave (mix of black and white). He is well-known among other workers and his

master. He also works as a slave who is smart, that his master sent him to work in

the factory. Due to his ability, he discovers a machine that can clean cotton easily.

This young man had been hired out by his master to work in a bagging factory,
where his adroitness and ingenuity caused him to be considered the first hand
in the place. He had invented a machine for the cleaning of the hemp, which,
considering the education and circumstances of the inventor, displayed quite
as much mechanical genius as Whitney’s cotton-gin (Stowe, 1981: 54).

George was very sad when his master decided to took him from the factory

to work at the farm. His master gave him the worst, most boring job at the

plantation, and it also made him had little time to meet his wife and son.

i. Aunt Chloe

Aunt Chloe is the wife of Uncle Tom. Aunt Chloe is the most important

member of the Shelby family. She is a cheerful, fat woman who works as the

family’s chef.

A cook she certainly was, in the very bone, and centre of her soul. Not a
chicken or turkey or duck in the barn-yard but looked grave when they saw
her approaching, and seemed evidently to be reflecting on their latter end; and
certain it was that she was always meditating on trussing, stuffing and
roasting, to a degree that was calculated to inspire terror in any reflecting fowl
living (Stowe, 1981: 67).

Aunt Chloe was very upset when she knew that Uncle Tom was going to be

sold off. She initiated to sell cookies in Louisville so that she could buy her husband

back with the money she earned. However, she eventually found out that Tom

passed away in the Legree plantation.

j. Tom Loker

A ruthless slave capturer who was hired by Haley, along with his friend,

Marks, to locate Eliza and her son. They promised to Haley that they will find Eliza

and Harry and return them to him, which he will then sell off to the prostitution.

Standing by the bar, in the corner of the room, was a brawny, muscular man,
full six feet in height, and broad in proportion. He was dressed in a coat of
buffalo-skin, made with the hair outward, which gave him a shaggy and fierce

appearance, perfectly in keeping with the whole air of his physiognomy. In
the head and face every organ and lineament expressive of brutal and
unhesitating violence was in a state of the highest possible development
(Stowe, 1981: 122).

Tom Loker got shot by George Harris, Eliza’s husband, because he was

chasing after Eliza and Harry who were running away. Loker was then brought back

and treated by the people of Quaker –meanwhile, he repented the all the crimes that

he committed in the past.

k. Augustine St. Clare

St. Clare is Tom’s new master in New Orleans. He is a very rich romanticist

who loved Tom, because he saved his daughter from drowning.

Augustine St. Clare was the son of a wealthy planter of Louisiana. The family
had its origin in Canada. Of two brothers, very similar in temperament and
character, one had settled on a flourishing farm in Vermont, and the other
became an opulent planter in Louisiana (Stowe, 1981: 239).

St. Clare is unsteady when it comes to faith, and Tom tried to help him. He

promised Tom that he will free him from slavery but he was accidentally killed in

a fight at a café.

l. Marie St. Clare

Marie is the wife of Augustine and the mother of Eva. She was a popular

southern country girl because she was beautiful, smart, and the only heir in her

family –she was liked by many men. However, as time goes by, she spent all her

life honored and served as the wife of Augustine. She was a woman who had no

clue about married life.

Marie never had possessed much capability of affection, or much sensibility,

and the little that she had, had been merged into a most intense and
unconscious selfishness; a selfishness the more hopeless, from its quiet
obtuseness, its utter ignorance of any claims but her own (Stowe, 1981: 242).

Marie did not approve of her husband and daughter’s close relationship with

the slaves. She sold off Tom and half a dozen of their other slaves when her husband

died. This was Augustine’s promise before he died that he would set all his slaves


m. Eva St. Clare

Eva is the beautiful and religious five-year-old daughter of Augustine and

Marie. Eva is a close friend of Tom’s ever since Tom saved her from drowning.

Eva and Tom learnt the bible and prayed together. She became the inspiration of

her own father, Uncle Tom, Miss Ophelia, and the other slaves of the St. Clare


Her form was the perfection of childish beauty, without its usual chubbiness
and squareness of outline. There was about it an undulating and aërial grace,
such as one might dream of for some mythic and allegorical being. Her face
was remarkable less for its perfect beauty of features than for a singular and
dreamy earnestness of expression, which made the ideal start when they
looked at her, and by which the dullest and most literal were impressed,
without exactly knowing why (Stowe, 1981: 230).

Unfortunately, Eva got ill and passed away very young. She said that she

would be taken to “a better place” to live with her Father in Heaven. She wished

that she could die for the people she loved. She also asked the slaves to be a good

Christian and told her father to promise her that he would free them.

n. Miss Ophelia

Miss Ophelia is Augustine St. Clare’s cousin. She lives in St Clare’s house to

take care of Eva who often fell ill. Miss Ophelia believes that slavery is a wrong

thing, although at first she had a hard time interacting and touching black people.

Miss Ophelia was the absolute bond-slave of the “ought”. Once make her
certain that the “path of duty,” as she commonly phrased it, lay in any given
direction, and fire and water could not keep her from it. She would walk
straight down into a well, or up to a loaded cannon’s mouth, if she were only
quite sure that there the path lay. Her standard of right was so high, so all-
embracing, so minute, and making so few concessions to human frailty, that,
though she strove with heroic ardor to reach it, she never actually did so, and
of course was burdened with a constant and often harassing sense of
deficiency;—this gave a severe and somewhat gloomy cast to her religious
character (Stowe, 1981: 248).

Miss Ophelia is a religious and well-organized lady from the North. She

believes that work ethics and high sense of responsibility are essential in living the

Christian life. Even though she felt nervous when she moved to the South, she did

it because she felt that she had to help her cousin, St. Clare. Aside the fact that they

have different personalities, St. Clare and Miss Ophelia are close.

o. Topsy

Topsy is the little kid that Augustine St. Clare bought to accompany Miss

Ophelia in St. Clare’s home. Topsy was bought by St. Clare and given to Ophelia

so that she could raise her and teach her the values of Christianity.

….with the word, he pulled along a little negro girl, about eight or nine years
of age. She was one of the blackest of her race; and her round shining eyes,
glittering as glass beads, moved with quick and restless glances over
everything in the room. Her mouth, half open with astonishment at the
wonders of the new Mas’r’s parlor, displayed a white and brilliant set of teeth.
Her woolly hair was braided in sundry little tails, which stuck out in every
direction (Stowe, 1981: 351)

At first, Topsy felt awkward when she started living with Miss Ophelia.

However, when she became friends with Eva, she learnt how to love and be loved,

as well as how to accept the values of Christianity. Eventually, Miss Ophelia took

Topsy to the north and treated her as her own daughter.

p. Simon Legree

Simon Legree is the antagonist of the story; he is the last master of Uncle

Tom who was very cruel. He is a man who moved to the south to make money in

the plantation business. He does not believe in any religion and treats all his slaves


Mr. Simon Legree, Tom’s master, had purchased slaves at one place and
another, in New Orleans, to the number of eight, and driven them, handcuffed,
in couples of two and two, down to the good steamer Pirate, which lay at the
levee, ready for a trip up the Red river (Stowe, 1981: 481).

Legree motivates his slaves and guards, Sambo and Quimbo, to become

ruthless among one another in order to maintain his full authority of the lives of the

people who lives in his land. Legree crushed Tom to death so that he could not be

put on trial and prosecuted for his crime. Moreover, there were no white-skinned

witnesses that according to the law, what he did was classified as the annihilation

of his own property.

q. Cassy

Cassy is a negro woman who lived an unlucky life. She moved from one

person to another as a slave, but managed to learn how to read, write, and how to

speak French. She also learned the teachings of Christianity.

The person who had been called Misse Cassy now came forward, and, with a
haughty, negligent air, delivered her basket. As she delivered it, Legree
looked in her eyes with a sneering yet inquiring glance. She fixed her black
eyes steadily on him, her lips moved slightly, and she said something in
French. What it was, no one knew; but Legree’s face became perfectly
demoniacal in its expression, as she spoke; he half raised his hand, as if to
strike,—a gesture which she regarded with fierce disdain, as she turned and
walked away (Stowe, 1981: 506).

She is the only person in the plantation who could stand up to Legree, and she

tried to protect Tom from his wrath. Cassy managed to cunningly run away from

the plantation because of her cleverness, and she was able to reunite with her


According to the character analysis mentioned above, the classification of the

major and minor characters could be clearly seen. There is only one major character

in the story, which is Uncle Tom. Aside from him, all the other characters are

categorized as minor characters. Uncle Tom is considered the major character

because he plays the role of developing the storyline until the story ends. In

conclusion, the writer thinks that Uncle Tom has a bigger influence in terms of

religion compared to other characters. He teaches people how to become a good

Christian from the beginning until the end of the story. Meanwhile, the other

characters do not show good religion values from the start. Therefore, the writer

focuses on studying Uncle Tom only–the main character who possess good values

of Christianity.

2. Plot

a. Exposition

Uncle Tom’s lived with his happy family in a small lodge beside his master’s

home in Kentucky. Uncle Tom with his wife and children had dinner together in

the humble little home.

The evening meal at the house is over, and Aunt Chloe, who presided over its
preparation as head cook, has left to inferior officers in the kitchen the
business of clearing away and washing dishes, and come out into her own
snug territories, to “get her old man’s supper” (Stowe, 1981: 66).

Due to the fact that Mr. Shelby owes a lot of debts to the slave traders, he sold

off his favorite slave, Uncle Tom, who he described as religious, honest, and

reliable. This was the start of Uncle Tom’s journey, where he had to leave all the

people he loved.

Mrs. Shelby, walking up to the trader, detained him for a few moments,
talking with him in an earnest manners; and while she was thus talking, the
whole family party proceeded to a wagon, that stood ready harnessed at the
door. A crowd of all the old and young hands on the place stood gathered
around it, to bid farewell to their old associate. Tom had been looked up to,
both as a head servant and a Christian teacher, by all the place, and there was
much honest sympathy and grief about him, particularly among the women
(Stowe, 1981: 168).

Besides Uncle Tom, Haley the slave trader, also wanted Mr. Shelby’s other

slaves to be sold off so that Mr. Shelby’s debts could be paid off. Harry, Eliza’s

little son was also planned to be sold off, but Eliza took him and ran away because

she did not want to part ways with him.

b. Rising Action

Haley took Tom to the slave market by a steamship. Before they reached the

market, a rich man from New Orleans bought Tom, because his daughter liked him.

Papa, do you buy him! It’s no matter what you pay, whispered Eva, softly,
getting up on a package, and putting her arm around her father’s neck. You
have money enough, i know i want him (Stowe, 1981: 236).

At this point of the story, Tom was acquainted with a little girl named Eva,

the daughter of the rich man who bought him to become his slave. Eva was a girl

with a pure heart who always tells Tom stories from the Bible. Tom gained back

his spirits to go on with life. He was entrusted to manage St. Clare’s family


c. Climax

The happiness that Tom felt working at St. Clare’s turned to sorrow. Eva, the

little girl who became his best friend, suffered an illness which brought her to her


The child lay painting on her pillows, as one exhausted,—the large clear eyes
rolled up and fixed. Ah, what said those eyes, that spoke so much of heaven!
Earth was past, and earthly pain; but so solemn, so mysterious, was the
triumphant brightness of that face, that it checked even the sobs of sorrow.
They pressed around her, in breathless stillness (Stowe, 1981: 427).

Not long after Eva’s death, her father also passed away due to the fight that

took over at a café. Tom’s life went more downhill. His master once promised him

that he would set him free one day. However, due to St. Clare’s death, the promise

was postponed. St. Clare’s wife, Marie St. Clare, sold Tom off to the owner of the

cotton plantation, Simon Legree.

d. Falling Action

Tom was bought by the owner of a cotton land in the Red River, named Simon

Legree. Tom felt tortured working for his new master. He was always treated

cruelly by his master. Two of his fellow slave mates, Cassy and Emmeline, ran

away from the Legree plantation.

The escape of Cassy and Emmeline irritated the before surly temper of Legree
to the last degree; and his fury, as was to be expected, fell upon the
defenceless head of Tom. When he hurriedly announced the tidings among
his hands, there was a sudden light in Tom’s eye, a sudden upraising of his
hands, that did not escape him. He saw that he did not join the muster of the
pursuers (Stowe, 1981: 578).

Legree then went up to Tom to ask what he knew about Cassy and Emeline.

Truthfully, Tom knew all the runaway plans of those two women and their secret

hideout. However, when Simon Legree asked him, Tom did not want to tell him

about all that. In the end, Legree finished Tom off until he became helpless.

e. Resolution

Tom was in pain after he got beaten to pulp by Simon Legree for not telling

him where the two woman, his fellow slave mates ran off to. A few days later,

George Shelby came to buy Tom and bring him back with him, but as soon as he

arrived at the Legree’s, Tom was already dying.

Tom had been lying two days since the fatal night, not suffering, for every
nerve of suffering was blunted and destroyed. He lay, for the most part, in a
quiet stupor; for the laws of a powerful and well-knit frame would not at once
release the imprisoned spirit (Stowe, 1981: 588).

George came back to get Tom but it was already too late. Tom was already at

his deathbed. George felt very depressed because his best friend left him for good.

Eventually, Tom’s body was carried by train and buried along with the coat that

George wore.

3. Setting

a. Place Setting

Uncle Tom’s Cabin have a few place settings: Kentucky, Arthur Shelby’s

residence in which the story was introduced, Eliza’s runaway place in Ohio River,

the ship that took Tom and other slaves to the slave market called La Belle Riviere,

New Orleans where Tom worked with his new master, and the Cotton Plantation in

the Red River where Tom worked for his brutal master, Simon Legree.

Mr. Arthur Shelby with his wife and children lived in Kentucky. A slave

named Tom and his family also lived in their residence. One afternoon, two

gentlemen came to discuss a very serious matter with the master.

Late in the afternoon of a chilly day in February, two gentlemen were sitting
alone over their wine, in a well-furnished dining parlor, in the town of P—,
in Kentucky. There were no servants present, and the gentlemen, with chairs
closely approaching, seemed to be discussing some subject with great
earnestness (Stowe, 1981: 41).

Ohio became a part of Eliza’s runaway plan to save her son, Harry. Like

Uncle Tom, he was also going to be sold off so that Mr. Shelby could pay off his

debts. Eliza did not want that to happen, so she took her son with her and

courageously fled from Mr. Shelby’s home.

An hour before sunset, she entered the village of T—, by the Ohio river,
weary and foot-sore, but still strong in heart. Her first glance was at the river,
which lay, like Jordan, between her and the Canaan of liberty on the other
side (Stowe, 1981: 107).

Tom and a few other slaves were safely sold off by Haley to one of the

passengers of the steamship he met in Ohio. That ship was going off to New Orleans

and all of Haley’s slaves were kept along with his baggage in the lower deck.

The La Belle Rivière, as brave and beautiful a boat as ever walked the waters
of her namesake river, was floating gayly down the stream, under a brilliant
sky, the stripes and stars of free America waving and fluttering over head. All
was full of life, buoyant and rejoicing; —all but Haley’s gang, who were
stored, with other freight, on the lower deck, and who, somehow, did not seem
to appreciate their various privileges, as the sat in a knot, talking to each other
in low tones (Stowe, 1981: 198).

A rich man Haley met in the ship was a man named Augustine St. Clare, he

bought Tom to employ him as a slave as requested by his small daughter,

Evangeline. Tom was brought by St. Clare to his house in New Orleans.

The carriage stopped in front of an ancient mansion, built in that odd mixture
of Spanish and French style, of which there are specimens in some parts of
New Orleans. It was built in the Moorish fashion,—a square building
enclosing a court-yard, into which the carriage drove through an arched
gateaway (Stowe, 1981: 252).

At the time St. Clare passed away, his wife did not set Tom and the other

slaves free, instead she sold them off to an owner of a plantation, a cruel man named

Simon Legree. He owned the cotton plantation in the Red River.

The boat moved on,—freighted with its weight of sorrow,—up the red,
muddy, turbid current, through the abrupt tortuous windings of the Red River;
and sad eyes gazed wearily on the steep red-clay banks, as they glided by in
dreary sameness. At last the boat stopped at a small town, and Legree, with
his party, disembarked (Stowe, 1981: 487).

Tom and the other slaves did not like working in the Legree plantation. Legree

liked to snap at the slaves if they do mistakes, and Tom always respond in a calm

and patient manner. In the Legree plantation, Tom died because he did not want to

tell his master where his other fellow slave mates who were both female, ran off to.

George eventually came to look for Tom in the Legree plantation but was already

too late, Tom was already helpless by the time he came and in the end, he died.

b. Time Setting

The global time setting of Uncle Tom’s Cabin occurred at the period of

slavery that took place in America. Slavery in this novel is depicted through the

trading process of slaves in the slave market. There are three main time settings that

the writer discovers: February the month at the opening of the story, night time

when Eliza arrived at Senator Bird’s residence, and night time, when Eliza and

Harry arrived at the John Van Tromped’s residence.

In the story, the time setting is explained briefly, such as what is found in the

beginning of the story “Late in the afternoon of a chilly day in February” (Stowe,

1981: 41). A cold afternoon one day in February was where the story began, the

time the slave-trading negotiation took place.

Eliza and Harry successfully ran off to cross the Ohio River. When the night

came, Eliza arrived at Senator Bird’s residence and she was given the permission

to stay the night until dawn comes. “…make her up a bed in your own room, close

by the kitchen, and i’ll think what to do for her in the morning” (Stowe, 1981: 151).

Senator Bird wanted Eliza and Harry to be brought to another place to hide,

because he would feel really embarrassed if the slave traders knew they were hiding

at his place. Eliza and Harry was taken by Senator Bird to a house for slaves owned

by John Van Tromped. They arrived at midnight. “It was full late in the night when

the carriage emerged, dripping and bespattered, out of the creek, and stood at the

door of a large farm-house” (Stowe, 1981: 158).

4. Theme

Uncle Tom’s Cabin novel depicts the incompatibility between slavery and

religious values. Uncle Tom’s character is illustrated as a slave who is religious,

whereas the white-skinned character, Eva, was described as a perfect character in

this novel. Eva failed to understand why a few people differentiate the white and

black. Christianity in this novel is entirely based on affection. When Tom died of

Legree and his subordinates’ beating, Tom won over slavery because he obeyed

Christ’s command to “love our enemies”. He died because he forgave them. This is

Tom’s way of showing his way through the love of Christian.

Besides that, another theme that the writer discovered is the power of moral

of women. In this novel, women are shown as people who were morally careful,

committed, more courageous than men, and often times more thorough. White-

skinned women could use her influence to ensure her husband of the voting rights

on the crime of slavery. Meanwhile, the negro women have been proven to be

commonly strong, brave, and skillful, just as it was shown through Eliza’s

character. Despite that, this novel denies the existence of women’s natural feeling

of the good and bad related to the moral of goodness as a power in social changes.

B. Religious Aspects of Uncle Tom

After doing a research and describing the religious character of Uncle Tom in

the novel Uncle Tom’s Cabin, the writer can conclude that Uncle Tom’s character

have a good religious aspect. Uncle Tom have a good quality of moral that there is

a correlation between how morals are gained through the teachings of religion and

Uncle Tom’s relationship with the people in his surroundings. There are some

attitudes that human do to communicate with God in Christian, such as: praying,

praising, and surrendering. These are the things that human may do to approach

their God.

a. Praying

Worshipping/Praying is an important activity in a person’s life. It is the act in

which a person does repeatedly to ask for certain requests. As a religious man,

Uncle Tom always prays whenever he has time, amidst his activities. Whenever a

service is held in his cabin, Tom always leads the ritual by uttering prayers.

But it was in prayer that he especially excelled. Nothing could exceed the
touching simplicity, the child-like earnestness, of his prayer, enriched with
the language of Scripture, which seemed so entirely to have wrought itself
into his being, as to have become a part of himself, and to drop from his lips
unconsciously; in the language of a pious old negro, he “prayed right up.”
And so much did his prayer always work on the devotional feelings of his
audiences, that there seemed often a danger that it would be lost altogether

in the abundance of the reponses which broke out everywhere around him
(Stowe, 1981: 79).

Based on the excerpt above, it could be seen that Uncle Tom is a religious

man. He leads the prayers in each of the services held in his cabin every week. The

sincerity in his prayers and simple-but-friendly advices makes him look like a

pastor in his own place.

He did the same thing, praying when he did not obey what Legree told him

to do. Tom did not want to whip Cassy because he was a religious man. Eventually,

Tom got beaten by Legree for not doing what he ordered. “O, good Lord! Do look

down,—give me the victory!—give me the victory over all!” prayed poor Tom, in

his anguish” (Stowe, 1981: 510). Tom is usually well-mannered that he gives

Legree the impression of himself being an easily-subdued coward. Tom chooses to

work day and night for as long as he lives rather than doing improper things, just

like what Legree does to his slaves when they do not work properly.

b. Praising

Another religious aspect of Uncle Tom is praising. Praising here refers to how

Tom is able to praise his God through singing, in which the songs are part of the

Bible. Tom and Eva sat on a small bench in a park with an opened Bible. Eva then

asked Tom what he sees in the lake, it was water that sparkled like glass which

reflected the sky’s golden lights.

True enough, Miss Eva, said Tom; and Tom sang— O, had I the wings of the
morning, I’d fly away to Canaan’s shore; Bright angels should convey me
home, To the new Jerusalem (Stowe, 1981: 381).

The above excerpt shows how Tom memorizes all the paeans, just like what

he sang to Eva. Eva then asked him where Jerusalem is, and Tom replied “Up there,

among the clouds”. Tom liked to sing paeans to his little best friend to cheer her up.

Tom sung the words of a well-known Methodist hymn, I see a band of spirits
bright, That taste the glories there; They all are robed in spotless white, And
conquering palms they bear (Stowe, 1981: 382).

Tom and the other slaves were sold off because Marie did not want to set

them free. They were brought to the warehouse for slaves and Tom was bought by

a man who owned a cotton plantation on their way to a small town where Legree

lived. When Tom arrived and put on a cart along with Legree’s other slaves, the

road they went through were damaged and uncrowded, so he started to sing.

The men looked at each other, and the “come” was repeated, with a smart
crack of the whip which the driver carried in his hands. Tom began a
Methodist hymn. Jerusalem, my happy home, Name ever dear to me! When
shall my sorrows have an end, Thy joys when shall— (Stowe, 1981: 489).

The above quotation reflects Tom’s religious character, he still remembered

the paeans that he memorized despite all the bad conditions he went through, such

as the time when he was brought to Legree’s residence, along with the other slaves.

c. Surrendering

Surrendering means obeying and giving God the rights to be involved in one’s

life. When Tom laid down, groaning in pain and covered in blood in an old,

unmaintained room, Cassy, a poor slave went up to him and gave him water to

alleviate his pain. They both discussed how their lives ended up that way and Cassy

said that she lived all her life in vain, but Tom did not think the same way.

Tom was weeping, also, and occasionally uttering a smothered ejaculation. If

we could keep up to that ar! said Tom;—it seemed to come so natural to him,

and we have to fight so hard for ’t! O Lord, help us! O blessed Lord Jesus, do
help us! (Stowe, 1981: 514).

It can be concluded based on the quotation above that Tom is a man who

believes in his religion. He believes in the Bible, which states that suffering could

not become the reason to make bad assumptions on God that He does not care for

him. Surrendering and preserving are Tom’s way of not giving up. Tom always

prays to God so that he does not lose hope.

Well, then, I will die! said Tom. Spin it out as long as they can, they can’t
help my dying, some time!—and, after that, they can’t do no more. I’m clar,
I’m set! I know the Lord’ll help me, and bring me through (Stowe, 1981:

The above excerpt shows Tom’s certainty of God’s presence, he believes that

God is always there with him, in whichever condition he may be in, and he will

eventually be called upon. Cassy always considers her life to be in vain and she has

no hope in living, but it is a different thing with Tom; he always believes in God.

Tom always depends on God to protect him in all conditions. Tom realizes

that human beings lives are controlled by God, and that they ought to depend on


…. The Lord han’t forgot us,—I’m sartin’ o’ that ar’. If we suffer with him,
we shall also reign, Scripture says; but, if we deny Him, he also will deny us.
Didn’t they all suffer?—the Lord and all his? It tells how they was stoned
and sawn asunder, and wandered about in sheep-skins and goat-skins, and
was destitute, afflicted, tormented. Sufferin’ an’t no reason to make us think
the Lord’s turned agin us; but jest the contrary, if only we hold on to him, and
doesn’t give up to sin (Stowe, 1981: 514).

The above quotation is proof that Tom still believes in God, he still managed

to live his life despite all his suffering. The Bible teaches that even though God

gives human trials in life, His followers have to keep on submitting and praying to

Him, putting their hopes on Him, and not giving in on sin. When Cassy wanted to

run away from Legree’s plantation, Tom forced her to stay. Cassy wanted to run

off because she was desperate and she knew how it felt to lose her children they

were sold off to another person. Since then, she did not want to put hope on anyone


Poor soul! said Tom, compassionately. Satan desires to have ye. O! Misse
Cassy, turn to dear Lord Jesus. He came to bind up the broken-hearted, and
comfort all that mourn (Stowe, 1981: 562).

From the above excerpt, it could be seen that Tom prayed for Cassy who

wanted to run away because she was desperate and lost all her hope, he prayed to

God to cheer her up, but Cassy insisted on running away with Emmeline. She asked

Tom to join her and Emmeline on their escape plan, but Tom was firm on his

decision to stay.

C. Christian Principles of Uncle Tom

In human’s lives, religion is the basic principle of life that underlies every

form of actions, utterances, and behaviors. Each and every individual have their

own faith towards which ever religion they believe in. Religion is an organized

collection of beliefs, cultural systems, and worldviews that connect people to the

command of life. The discussion of the principles of Christianity based on the New

Testament. As it was written on the New Testament, “But the fruit of the Spirit is

love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control;

against such things there is no law.” (Galatians 5: 22-23). In this verse, it is said

that Christians have to become independent beings. Whereas, Tom’s character in

Uncle Tom’s Cabin is a Christian who is happy and independent in his religion. The

following are the principles of Christianity that are reflected through Uncle Tom’s

character in the novel:

a. Love

Love means without any intention, without hoping for anything in return. God

loves all his beings without demanding anything in return, this is one example of

love. Therefore, the value of affection that God gives to human is not an option, in

other words, it could be done or not at all. The value of affection is a must, it needs

to be embodied in real life by any of us, in any condition young and old, children,

employees, or students.

In the novel Uncle Tom’s Cabin, the form of affection is carried out by the

main character, Uncle Tom. The form of affection possessed by the main character,

Uncle Tom, is shown when he lived with his new master, St. Clare. Tom, who was

really happy to have a new master, did not forget about his family. The affection

that Tom possess is that he has his wife and children, a family that he loved. Tom

did not want his family to worry about him. “And I wanted to send a letter, you

know, to let ‘em know whar I was, and tell poor Chloe that I was well off, —cause

she felt so drefful, poor soul!” (Stowe, 1981: 349). The quotation depicts the fact

that Tom wanted to let his family know through letter that he was fine. Tom was

not really skillful in writing so his kind master, St. Clare, helped him make his letter.

The affection that Tom shows in this case is that he missed and wanted to reunite

with his family.

When Tom worked for his cruel master named Simon Legree, he had a friend

who was also a slave named Cassy, who persuaded him to run away with her. Cassy

did not like being in that place because Legree was a man who did not know how

to treat all his slaves. Tom did not want to come with her, because he was a religious

and obedient man. He even told Cassy to love her enemies, despite the trials that

God gave her.

No, Misse, it isn’t, said Tom, looking up, but He gives it to us, and that’s the
victory. When we can love and pray over all and through all, the battle’s past,
and the victory’s come, —glory be to God! And, with streaming eyes and
choking voice, and the black man looked up to heaven (Stowe, 1981: 561).

It could be seen from the above excerpt that Tom loves his friend by the way

he told her to not run away. When one can pray and love his enemy, as well as make

peace with his past, victory will come to him. This indicates that Tom is a man with

a kind heart and his love is not only for God, but also for fellow human beings.

After Cassy and Emmeline’s runaway incident from the Legree plantation,

Tom did not want to confess what he knew about the ladies’ whereabouts when he

was asked by his master, so he got beaten for it. Tom was already dying when his

former master’s son, George, came to buy him back. When George visited the

Legree plantation, George saw Tom, who was lying down weak.

Tom grasped his hand, and continued,—Ye mustn’t, now tell Chloe, poor
soul! how ye found me,—’t would be so drefful to her. Only tell her ye found
me going into glory, and that I couldn’t stay for no one. And tell her the Lord’s
stood by me everywhere and al’ays, and made everything light and easy
(Stowe, 1981: 590).

The quotation above explains how Tom has worked with honesty but was

never treated properly by his master. George, who wanted to take him back, felt

really sad if Uncle Tom ends up dead. Uncle Tom who was already helpless still

loves all the people he met in his life, such as his wife, children, and also his

masters, especially Mr. Shelby’s family. Tom liked being a religious person,

because affection is the most crucial thing in Christianity. Just as the Bible says,

“the fundamental of Christianity is love. Love your God and love your fellows.

(Matthew 22: 37-40)”

b. Joy

Joy is the condition in which people are still happy even though the situation

do not encourage them to be so. Joy arises from the emotion of getting or hoping

for something good, from the heart’s good condition, as well as from great delights.

Joy is important in humans lives. In the Bible, it is stated “joy always” (1

Tessalonians 5: 16). Rejoice in Christianity as mentioned in that verse is to always

be happy and joyous, just as what Tom did when he tried to entertain St. Clare after

Eva’s death.

Tom’s heart was full, he poured it out in prayer, like waters that have been
long suppressed. One thing was plain enough, Tom thought there was
somebody to hear, whether there were or not. In fact, St. Clare felt himself
borne, on the tide of his faith and feeling almost to the gates of that heaven
seemed so vividly to conceive. It seemed to bring him nearer to Eva (Stowe,
1981: 438).

The excerpt above explains Tom’s rejoice, although his little best friend had

already left him for good. Besides that, Tom is a religious man who always prays

and entertains his master. Tom persuaded his master to pray with him so that he

could also become a religious person.

c. Peace and Prosperity

Peace and prosperity is strongly determined by how we view our problems.

Generally, peace means security, no war, hate, conflict, and others. Therefore, there

is no doubt that every single human being on earth long for peace. In the novel

Uncle Tom’s Cabin, Uncle Tom always encloses God in his life, in everything he

does. He felt peaceful and prosperous when his kind master, St. Clare, died, which

reminded him about the promise that his master made to free him from slavery.

Tom felt peaceful beside his master’s corpse, and thus he prayed for him.

Tom’s whole soul was filled with thoughts of eternity, and while he
ministered around the lifeless clay, he did not once think that the sudden
stroke had left him in hopeless slavery. He felt at peace about his master, for
in that hour, when he had poured forth his prayer into the bosom of his Father,
he had found an answer of quiteness and assurance springing up within
himself. In the depths of his own affectionate nature, he felt able to perceive
something of the fulness of Divine love, for an old oracle hath thus written,—
He that dwelleth in Love dwelleth in God, and God in him. Tom hoped and
trusted, and was at peace (Stowe, 1981: 458).

According to the quotation above, despite the fact that his master was already

gone, Tom felt grateful and happy. Peace was always upon him through the times

he worked for St. Clare. Tom prayed for his deceased master and his love and

affection was always with those who were kind. Peace and prosperity exist in Tom’s

soul, because he was always full of faith and hope.

d. Patience

Each and every human being have patience. Patience means withstanding the

trials in life, such as not being easily angry, desperate, or discouraged. Thus,

patience in this case is the same as steadfast. In the novel Uncle Tom’s Cabin, Uncle

Tom’s character is a man who is very patient in facing all the troubles in his life.

He is the type of person who can bear hardships, act carefully, patient in serving his

master, abide God’s rules, and resist worldly temptations.

When Tom worked for his new master, St. Clare, he wanted to tell his wife

and children about his condition through hand written letter. However, Tom was

not really good at writing so Eva and St. Clare’s assisted him in writing his letter.

I’m trying to write to my poor old woman, Miss Eva, and my little chil’en,
said Tom, drawing the back of his hand over his eyes, but some how, I’m
feard I shan’t make it out (Stowe, 1981: 348).

The above excerpt shows that Tom patiently tried to notify his family about

his condition by sending them a letter despite the fact that he had a hard time trying

to write. At that time, St. Clare helped him make his letter. Although he worked far

away from his family, he patiently waited for the day where he could reunite with

them. Furthermore, Tom’s patience could be seen when his master, Legree told him

to finish off his fellow slave mate in the Legree plantation named Cassy.

I think so, Mas’r, said Tom, the poor crittur’s sick and feeble, ’t would be
downright cruel, and it’s what I never will do, nor begin to. Mas’r, if you
mean to kill me, kill me but, as to my raising my hand agin any one here, I
never shall,—I’ll die first! (Stowe, 1981: 508).

Tom’s kindness could be seen in the excerpt above, he is a person who does

not want to treat women cruelly. Tom chooses to die rather than doing something

vicious. This is based on the fact that Tom is patient and able to endure the suffering

in his life mostly due to his master’s harsh treatment towards him.

Mas’r Legree, as ye bought me, I’ll be a true and faithful servant to ye. I’ll
give ye all the work of my hands, all my time, all my strength, but my soul I
won’t give up to mortal man. I will hold on to the Lord, and put his commands
before all,—die or live, you may be sure on ’t. Mas’r Legree, I ain’t a grain
afeard to die. I’d as soon die as not. Ye may whip me, starve me, burn me,—
it’ll only send me sooner where I want to go (Stowe, 1981: 540).

The patience that Uncle Tom has is the patience that truly come from within

himself. When Legree whipped him because he did not want to obey his master’s

order to whip Cassy, Tom with blood running down his face, softly told his master

that he preferred to work day and night for as long as he lives rather than do

something so despicable to women. Even though Tom was usually harassed by

Legree, he kept on working sincerely.

When Legree asked Tom about Cassy and Emmeline’s whereabouts, Tom did

not want to answer so his master beat him up. With just a snap, the very brutal

Legree was able to make Tom fall to the ground looking right toward his master.

Tom opened his eyes, and looked upon his master. Ye poor miserable critter!
he said, there ain’t no more ye can do! I forgive ye, with all my soul! and he
fainted entirely away (Stowe, 1981: 584).

The quotation above portrays how Tom is still able to forgive Legree, his

master, for abusing and whipping him. Even so, Tom still relies on God in every

situation. Patience and steadfast is the key. Although he is helpless, he always

manages to get back up and show people that he is strong.

e. Generosity and Kindness

Generosity can also be interpreted as kindness. Generosity is the spirit in

helping others without causing suffer. Whereas kindness is the spirit of truth and

justice, as well as the hate for crime, which can be revealed through good deeds,

the act of rebuke or finding solution to the crime. All in all, kindness and generosity

in Christianity is the act of doing something without hoping for anything in return,

as well as not distinguishing or postponing the act of doing good deeds.

In Uncle Tom’s Cabin, one of Uncle Tom’s traits is that he is generous and

kind, which is proven at the time he saved Eva from falling off the ship. At first,

Tom was pleased with this little lady and he tried to befriend her. Eva’s father saw

his daughter fall and tried to reach out to her, but Tom was one step ahead of him.

Tom was standing just under her on the lower deck, as she fell. He saw her
strike the water, and sink, and was after her in a moment. A broad-chested,
strong-armed fellow, it was nothing for him to keep afloat in the water, till,
in a moment or two the child rose to the surface, and he caught her in his
arms, and, swimming with her to the boat-side, handed her up, all dripping,
to the grasp of hundred of hands, which, as if they had all belonged to one
man, were stretched eagerly out to receive her (Stowe, 1981: 233).

The excerpt above depicts how Tom immediately saved Eva, he did

something good without any hesitation. He is encouraged to help other people

around him in any occasion although he knew at that time that Eva’s father also

tried to help his daughter. Aside from that, Tom also gave Cassy a piece of advice

when she told him that she was unhappy and wanted to run away from the Legree

plantation. This indicates that Tom have kindness, all because he wanted Cassy to

be safe.

O, Misse Cassy! said Tom, throwing himself before her, for the dear Lord’s
sake that died for ye, don’t sell your precious soul to the devil, that way!
Nothing but evil will come of it. The Lord hasn’t called us to wrath. We
must suffer, and wait his time (Stowe, 1981: 561).

It is clear, just as stated in the quotation above, that Tom have generosity in

which he does not want his own friend to do something not right, like running away.

Hence, Tom told Cassy that it would be better to suffer than to do something wrong.

f. Loyalty

Loyalty is a trait that a person has when he or she is trustworthy and reliable.

Loyalty is also something to do with perseverance. Therefore, a person’s loyalty

will be shown in a person’s process of making an effort from beginning until the


Just like Uncle Tom’s character in the novel Uncle Tom’s Cabin, we could

obviously see that he is loyal from his attitude. Tom is loyal to his master as well

as to the people surrounding him. When Tom was going to be sold off to Haley,

and his friend, Eliza, wanted to run away because she did not want her son to be

sold off along with him, Tom stayed loyal to his master, because he knew that his

master always makes the best decision and he always follows his master’s wishes.

No, no—I an’t going. Let Eliza go—it’s her right! I wouldn’t be the one to
say no—‘tan’t in natur for her to stay; but you heard what she said! If I must
be sold, or all the people on the place, and everything go to rack, why, let me
be sold (Stowe, 1981: 90).

Mas’r always found me on the spot—he always will. I never have broke trust,
nor used my pass no ways contrary to my word, and I never will. It’s better
for me alone to go, than to break up the place and sell all. Mas’r an’t to blame,
Chloe, and he’ll take care of you and the poor— (Stowe, 1981: 90).

From both of the excerpts above, it could be concluded that Tom is loyal. It

could be seen from the part of the story when Eliza asked him to run away with her,

but Tom declined her offer. He was confident and he had trust in God’s plans for

him. The same thing applied when he believed that Mr. Shelby will never disappoint

him. He put trust in his master, because he had been with him since he was little.

Tom was certain that Mr. Shelby would find a way to get him back as his slave,

along with Chloe and his children.

After Tom got sold off to Haley, a rich family –the St. Clare family, bought

Tom when he was on his way to New Orleans with Haley and the other slaves.

When St. Clare lost his daughter, Eva, Tom tried to console him. Tom wanted St.

Clare to become a man with belief.

Felt Him in my soul, Mas’r —feel Him now! O, Mas’r, when I was sold away
from my old woman and the children, I was jest a’most broke up. I felt as if

there warn’t nothin’ left; and then the good Lord, he stood by me, and he says,
‘Fear not, Tom, and he brings light and joy in a poor feller’s soul,—makes all
peace, and I ’s so happy, and loves everybody, and feels willin’ jest to be the
Lord’s, and have the Lord’s will done, and be put jest where the Lord wants
to put me (Stowe, 1981: 436).

The above excerpt signifies the fact that Tom is loyal to his religion.

Regardless of his condition, he never cease to believe that God is always there with

him. He is always sure that wherever he works and whoever he works for, it is all

God’s will. He is very happy to be a religious man, a loyal one at that. Even though

he had to be separated from his family, he still loved the people around him and he

was able to find peace.

St. Clare started preparing for Tom’s release. He was constantly reminded of

Eva, his daughter who had left him for good. He became closer and closer to Tom

as each day passed. He slowly started wishing that Tom would not leave him, he

did not want to set him free. The kind hearted St. Clare felt that Tom never had to

face difficulties when he worked for him. From Tom’s point of view, having an

extremely kind master is a thing to be grateful for, it was even much better than

having good clothes. “Not while Mas’r is in trouble, said Tom. I’ll stay with Mas’r

as long as he wants me,—so as I can be any use” (Stowe, 1981: 441). The quotation

shows Tom’s wish of wanting to stay by his master’s side through even the worst

times. Tom told his master that the storm will all pass if he believes in God’s

existence. This made St. Clare sure that Tom was a person who really understood

his own religion.

After Tom got sold off to Simon Legree, the owner of the cotton plantation,

Legree was very mad at Tom that he beat him up. He told Tom to hit Cassy, but

Tom did not want to obey his command. Tom was groaning in pain in an old,

deserted room. Cassy came to him and started complaining about their miserable

lives. “Please, Missis, I saw ‘em throw my coat in that ar’ corner, and in my coat-

pocket is my Bible,—if Missis would please get it for me” (Stowe, 1981: 514). The

quotation shows Tom’s devotion to his religion. Everywhere he goes, he always

carries a Bible in his pocket. Although he knew that his ferocious master did not

like him being a religious man, he did not care, he would not stop believing that his

life is all in God’s hands.

g. Gracefulness

Gracefulness is a behavior or utterance that can soothe and pacify the heart

of other people. The value of gracefulness is very essential, because the harshness

and the amount of struggle in life can influence the condition of people –they tend

to become impatient and their souls become insecure. When we learn to become

graceful, it means we learn to become strong physically and mentally

Tom is the type of person with gracefulness. Legree ordered him to hit one of

the workers in his plantation, a woman who according to him was incompetent at

work. However, Tom softly denied his master’s command to hit the poor lady.

Despite the fact that Tom got hit by Legree for not doing his favor, he insisted on

speaking to him gently.

Tom had a remarkably smooth, soft voice, and a habitually respectful manner,
that had given Legree an idea that he would be cowardly, and easily subdued.
When he spoke these last words, a thrill of amazement went through every
one, the poor woman clasped her hands, and said, O Lord! and everyone
involuntarily looked at each other and drew in their breath, as if to prepare
for the storm that was about to burst (Stowe, 1981: 507).

The above excerpt explains that even though Tom got treated badly by his

master, Legree. He could not disobey his master’s command, let alone speak ill to

him. With this, it can be concluded that Tom is a man with obedience and patience.

At that time, George searched for Tom and ended up in Legree’s home.

Legree then told him that Tom had been lying down weak for two days. Tom was

in such a state because Legree had beaten him up. George then went to Uncle Tom’s

cabin to check up on him.

Something in the voice penetrated to the ear of the dying. He moved his head
gently, smiled, and said, Jesus can make a dying-bed feel soft as down pillows
are (Stowe, 1981: 589).

The above excerpt refers to Tom’s situation, he was very patient even though

he felt really sick and helpless. With all his strength he tried to endure the pain, he

never forgetting for a second to rely upon God. This is relatable to the verse found

in the bible that states “A person who is willing to be hurt and treated unfairly…”

(1 Corinthians 6: 7). In this verse, it is mentioned that a graceful person cannot be

separated from the act of getting hurt and getting unfair treatment. Tom, even when

he was dying, always says that he forgives those who have wronged him, he has

always been proud to be a man with belief.

h. Self-Control

The value of self-control is a behavior in which a person could properly

control himself. Human beings are often overwhelmed by his own uncontrollable

lust and emotion. As a result, they become a victim of their own desires. When Tom

worked in the Legree plantation, a woman named Lucy was seen lazy at work, and

it made Legree angry. Cassy, who was present at the scene, could not care less about

her master. Tom was called upon by Legree, and he told him to punish Lucy, but

he gently denied his master’s order.

I beg Mas’r’s pardon, said Tom, hopes Mas’r won’t set me at that. It’s what I
an’t used to ,—never did, —and can’t do, no way possible. Yes, Mas’r, said
Tom, putting up his hand, to wipe the blood, that trickled down his face. I’m
willin’ to work, night and day, and work while there’s life and breath in me,
but this yer thing I can’t feel it right to do’,—and, Mas’r, I never shall do it,—
never! (Stowe, 1981: 507).

According to the excerpt above, Tom is the type of person who is able to

control himself, he could not harm women due to the fact that he stands by his own

religious principle which is based on nothing other than Christianity. Self-control

is very crucial because it can avoid oneself from doing something despicable.

After Cassy realized that she has had enough of working at the Legree

plantation, she went over to Uncle Tom’s cabin. She told him that she wanted to

run away and asked Tom to come with her, but Tom insisted on staying. Tom could

only pray so that Cassy would always be blessed and protected by God.

No, said Tom, time was when I would, but the Lord’s given me a work among
these yer poor souls, and I’ll stay with ‘em and bear my cross with ‘em till
the end. It’s different with you, it’s a snare to you,—it’s more ’n you can
stand,—and you’d better go, if you can (Stowe, 1981: 562).

Based on the quotation above, it could be implied that Tom rejected Cassy’s

offer gently. Tom preferred to constantly work day and night rather than running

away. Tom believed that what God gave at that time was only addressed to the poor,

who he had to love. Even so, Tom was uncertain of Cassy’s decision, and he prayed

so that God could help this poor friend of his.


After assessing the discussion from the previous chapters, the writer will

draw out the conclusion and suggestion in this part of the thesis.

A. Conclusion

The religious value in the novel Uncle Tom’s Cabin could be found in the

form of the main character’s devotion to his own religion, Christianity. Uncle Tom,

who is considered the Christian teacher of his environment, has always been firm

on his belief in God. He has always lived his life with patience, although he had to

be separated from his wife and children, and he was also sold off by the Shelby’s

in order to settle the family’s debts. Tom’s devotion in his religion was put to the

test when he was forced to admit the whereabouts of his two other fellow slave

mates, who were both women, and eventually died in his master’s hands, Legree,

because he did not want to do what he was asked to. Despite that, Uncle Tom still

prayed for all the people who were cruel to him up until his last breath.

Tom’s form of devotion in his religion is just the same as the Christian

principles found in the new testament of the Bible, it represents Tom very much.

Uncle Tom treats the people around him well, because he is very devoted to his

religion. He always puts his trust in God and puts his life on His hands, including

his future.

Based on the analysis of the story, the writer can conclude that the most

crucial message the story tries to bring out is that a person has to be grateful for the

life he is living, because every single individual experience happiness and grief,

each in different levels. Being devoted to religion is one of the things that can make

a person’s life quiet and peaceful, regardless of their condition.

B. Suggestion

In examining a literary work, religious values is one of the most interesting

topics to bring up. By defining the religious values of the story in a novel, the reader

could see how it is related to the moral values of a person, he could also sort out the

good and the bad. This is quite relevant to the condition, we can find in everyday

life, we can see that religious values is one important thing to pay attention to in

order to be able to maintain the relationship between human and God.

The writer hopes that this thesis can give a lot of contribution to future

researches, especially in the study of religious values. If any of the readers want to

study the same object, the writer suggests to read the story in detail first and search

for other issues that the writer may have probably missed, so that the research on

the novel could be more developed and diverse.


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Synopsis of Uncle Tom’s Cabin

Uncle Tom is a slave who worked at Mr. Shelby’s plantation in the Kentucky

region. One day, Mr. Shelby, who had a lot of debt, decided to sell off Uncle Tom

to pay it back.

Tom, who heard of this plan, could not do anything about his master’s

decision. At that time, George Harris and Eliza –the parents of one of the kids who

were to be sold off with Tom, suggested that he run away with them, but Tom

insisted to stay instead. On his way across the Ohio River, Tom met Miss Eva, the

daughter of a rich family from Louisiana. Miss Eva asked her father, St. Clare, to

buy Tom. St. Clare also asked his cousin, Miss Ophelia, to come and help manage

his family’s needs in Louisiana.

Miss Ophelia, a scholar from Vermont, brough a big influence to the St. Clare

family. She did not only manage the household, but also asked St. Clare’s about his

views on slavery. Miss Ophelia assumed that slavery is something immoral, but

little did she know that North America –the place where she came from- opposed

slavery, but at the same time, they also took advantage from it.

In Louisiana, Tom taught Miss Eva and St. Clare a lot about the essence of

drawing oneself closer to God. Miss Eva, the most cherished child of the St. Clare

family, died of an illness. The sorrow felt by the St. Clare family could also be felt

by Tom. St. Clare gave Tom the freedom that he wanted, as requested by his child,

Eva, but Tom did not have the heart to leave the family who were still mourning at

the time. Thus, he decided to postpone his plan to go home.

George Harris and Eliza ran away because they did not want to be separated

from their beloved child. They went through a lot while trying to escape. They also

met people who helped them escape to their destination, Canada.

Meanwhile, St. Clare, who was still mourning over Miss Eva’s loss, became

attached to liquor. Due to this, his health started to decline until he eventually lost

his own life.

The freedom that St. Clare promised to Tom was never fulfilled. Sadly, after

the death of his dear master, Marry –St. Clare’s wife, did not approve of his wish.

To make things worse, Marry sold Tom to a man named Legree. Legree’s

personality was contrast to that of St. Clare –he disliked seeing his slave reading

the Bible or doing things out of their own will.

Tom was not only tormented by Legree; he was also forbidden to read the

Bible –his life guidance. Tom who was forced to leave the Bible eventually died

due to the torture that he had to bear.

George Harris and Eliza, who fought hard on their escape, finally arrived and

lived a peaceful life in Canada. Mr. Shelby, who had resolved all his financial

problems, went to Louisiana to look for Tom –the slave whom he cherished so

much. While searching for Tom, Mr. Shelby met a very rich woman from Paris.

After having a chit-chat with the lady, he realized that the person who she was

searching for was actually his former slave, George Harris. After a while, they

finally encountered another woman who knew the whereabouts of the people they

were searching for. Then, they headed to Canada to meet George Harris and his

family. George Harris, who no longer knew his own sister, was surprised at the

news that the woman brought to him.

At that time, George Harris was already living happily in Canada, so he

declined his sister’s offer of taking him and his family back to America. Upon

hearing the news of his best friend Tom’s death, Mr. Shelby felt really sad and

regretful for what he did to Tom. He did not have the heart to tell Tom’s wife, who

was waiting for him in Kentucky, about her husband’s death.

As soon as he arrived in Kentucky, Mr. Shelby told Tom’s wife about the

things that happened to her husband. Tom –who died for standing up to his faith in

God, made Mr. Shelby realize that he did not want the same thing occur to his other

slaves, just like what happened to Tom.


Biography of Harriet Beecher Stowe

Harriet Elizabeth Beecher Stowe was born on June 4th, 1811 in Litchfield,

Connecticut. Her mother died when she was still very young. Stowe went to Harford

Female Seminary and got a job as a teacher before she moved to Cincinnati, Ohio,

along with her family in 1832. In Ohio, Stowe worked as a teacher and joined a

literature club, in which she started publishing her writings.

Her migration to Ohio drove her to pursue the development of New England

and made her become a national writer. In 1836, Stowe married Calvin Stowe. A

drama that evoked the spirit of the country about slavery emerged in Cincinnati,

precisely in the Northern-Southern border, which went on from the year 1830 until

1840 –the region in which six of the seven of her children were born. In 1850,

“Little Charley”, her youngest child, died of cholera. In the morning of her

youngest’s death, Stowe returned to New England and just like any other modern

feminists, Stowe drained out her sadness by joining in on a project to fight the

practice of slavery, which had tormented thousands of African-American.

The priest’s siblings, mother, and wife in Stowe’s writing reflected the

conflict of the outlook on beliefs in its time. During the mourning period of her

child’s loss, Stowe started to write Uncle Tom’s Cabin –a story about an Afro-

American priest, and published it in an anti-slavery newspaper.

Not only America –the whole world came to know all about slavery.

Immediately, Uncle Tom’s Cabin (1852) became a controversial and best-selling

novel. The same thing happened to Stowe –she became the one of the best American

authors in her time. The following year, as an answer to the details of her novel,

Stowe published A Key to Uncle Tom’s Cabin which clarified her research on

slavery. Other anti-slavery novel such as Dred: A Tale of The Great Dismal Swamp

was also launched in 1856. Stowe kept on writing until 1878, in which most of her

works were written and came out in various magazines and were eventually

gathered in the form of a book, such as Sunny Memories of Foreign Lands (1854),

Household Papers and Stories (1865-1867), Little Foxes (1866), Palmetto Leaves

(1873), Women in Sacred History (1874), and Footsteps of The Master (1877).

Stowe died in Hartford on July 1st, 1896.


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