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2019 8th International Conference on Modern Power Systems (MPS)

Advanced techniques for fault detection and

classification in electrical power transmission
systems: An overview

Radu-Adrian Tîrnovan, member, IEEE – PES, Maria Cristea

Department of Electric Power Systems and Management
Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Abstract—One of the consequences of the power systems location and isolation is required to minimize the impact of
complexity increasing consists in the rise of probability of system fault in power systems [1].
fault occurrence. A rapid restoration of power system enhances Detection is the act of noticing or discovering something
the service reliability and reduces power outages; therefore, fault [dictionary definition]. A fault detector must be capable of
section should be estimated quickly and accurately. Transmission distinguishing between faulty and non-faulty states. The task of
lines, as important elements of power systems, may be subject to fault detection is done prior to fault-type classification and fault
unexpected failures due to various faults. So, to guarantee the location. Moreover, in many situations this function is
reliability and safety of a power system, efficient fault detection, implemented in the classifier or the locator [2].
classification and localization (FDL) schemes for transmission
Classification (the act or process of classifying) represents
lines are essential. Consequently, the improvement in suitable
a systematic arrangement in groups or categories according to
techniques for the fault detection and classification (FD) in power
transmission systems, to increase the efficiency of the systems and established criteria [Merriam-Webster]. Fault classification
to avoid major damages, it is a permanent requirement. A lot of techniques represent methods that determine the fault type. The
FD methods are described in the technical literature and fault type and faulty line identification on the transmission line
proposed by a large variety of research works, so a suitable is a classification problem [3].
survey of these methods is needed for choosing the most proper Location, as the act or process of locating, can be defined
FD technique. In this work, an overview on the methods used for like “a position or site occupied or available for occupancy or
FD in transmission systems is accomplished, analyzing the marked by some distinguishing feature” [Merriam-Webster].
technical literature and summarizing the most important By fault location techniques one understands methods
methods that can be applied for FD. After overall concepts and (techniques) that calculate (estimate) the distance between a
general ideas are presented, representative works are covered reference location (station) and the location of the fault [3].
and discussed briefly, focusing on the newly approaches In general, faults in overhead transmission lines (they cover
(including machine learning) developed by various researchers large distances and are exposed to atmospheric condition) may
for FD in power transmission systems. occur more frequently, with far more serious consequences,
compared to most other components of the power system (such
Keywords— transmission system, fault detection, fault as generators, transformers, bus bars and other devices like
classification, artificial intelligent, machine learning current transformers, fact devices etc.) [4].
Faults in overhead transmission lines classified mainly into
I. INTRODUCTION two types:
The normal operation of power systems may be affected by  open circuit faults (series faults), which occur due to the
faults (caused by internal problems – include breakdown of failure of one or more conductors (phases), commonly are
transmission lines or equipment, aging or deterioration of caused by joint failures of cables and overhead lines, failure of
insulation in generator, transformer and other electrical one or more phase of circuit breaker and due to melting of a
equipment, improper installations and inadequate design, fuse or conductor in one or more phases. Single- and two-phase
failure of power system components due to aging of open conditions can produce the unbalance of the power
equipment, human errors - or external causes – include system voltages and currents that causes great damage to the
overloading of equipment, insulation failure due to lighting equipment. Series faults can be identified easily by observing
strike and mechanical damage by public), or abnormal each phase voltage: an increasing of voltage values denotes that
operation (overloading, system swing). open conductor fault is occurred;
 short circuit faults (shunt faults), caused due to the
These phenomena affect the system reliability, effect loss insulation failure between phase conductors or between earth
of productivity, cause power loss to customers and results in and phase conductors or both, can be defined as a connection
expensive repairs. Since fault is unpredictable, a fast fault (whether made intentionally or accidentally) of a very low
This work was supported by the Executive Unit for Financing Higher
Education, Research, Development and Innovation (UEFISCDI) of Romania
(Project No. 31PCCDI/2018).

978-1-7281-0750-9/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE

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impedance between two points of different potential. These are diagnosis systems capable of classifying and locating different
the most common and severe kind of faults with results in types of faults [2].
abnormal augmentation of currents through the equipment or In recent years, rapid development in various fields
transmission lines. It can lead to the extensive damage to the concerning the detection, classification and location of faults in
equipment. Short circuit faults are divided into two types: power systems has been taking place, such as [2,9-12]:
 symmetrical, also called as balanced fault, occurs when all  signal processing techniques;
the three phases are simultaneously short circuited. Two kinds  artificial intelligence and machine learning;
of symmetrical faults include line to line to line (L-L-L) and  global positioning system (GPS) and communications;
line to line to line to ground (L-L-L-G). A rough occurrence of  intelligent electronic devices (IEDs) are being deployed to
symmetrical faults is in the range of 2 to 5% of the total system obtain information at multiple nodes in the grids with
faults. However, if these faults occur, they cause a very severe prospective of GPS-based synchronized sampling and high-
damage to the equipment even though the system remains in speed broadband communications for IEDs in power grids;
balanced condition;  self-powered non-intrusive sensors are also being
 unsymmetrical, the most common faults that occur in the developed with the potential to form sensor networks for smart
power system network, are also called as unbalanced faults as it online monitoring of smart grids;
causes unbalanced currents in the system. Three types of  the application of phasor measurement units has also gained
unsymmetrical faults occurred due to the short circuit wide attention;
conditions, namely phase or line to ground (L-G) fault, phase  high-performance computing solutions such as server
to phase (L-L) fault and double line to ground (L-L-G) fault. A clusters can complete distributed computing tasks within very
single line-to-ground (L-G) fault is one of the most common short period, thus allowing methods with higher computation
faults and experiences show that 70-80 % of the faults that complexity to be implemented etc.
occur in power system are of this type. A line to line fault These technical improvements can guarantee fast response
occurs when a contact is established between two active to faulty situations and the proper functioning of online
conductors belonging to different phases (often heavy winds monitoring systems. In these terms, selecting an adequate fault
are the major cause for this fault during which swinging of classification method becomes more and more important and
overhead conductors may touch together). These are less severe involve knowing as many fault classification methods.
faults and its occurrence range may be between 15-20%. This work presents an overview on different fault
The occurrence of any transmission line faults gives rise to classification methodologies in transmission lines focused on
the transient condition which may lead to the instability of the the advanced technics developed most recently. Also, an
system. The purpose of a protective relaying system is to detect attempt has been made to relate the fault classification methods
all the abnormal signals indicating faults on a transmission based on their techniques and simulation tools used in
system and to initiate procedures for a quick isolation of the corresponding approach.
faulty line from service and protects it from the transient
effects of the fault [5]. II. SURVEY OF THE FAULT DETECTION AND
Transmission line relaying involves three major tasks - CLASSIFICATION METHODS
detection, classification and identification of fault - in order to
isolate only the faulty section with minimum time delay, A. Fault Detection, Classification and Location Framework
ensuring stability and continuity of service [3,5,6]. So, fault
detection, classification and location are very important in Fig. 1 illustrated a condensed diagram for fault detection,
order to take appropriate actions and ensure that the system classification and location sequences, which involve the
continues to operate safely and efficiently. following steps [2,3,13]:
Methods for fault detection, classification and location in Electrical Grid
transmission lines and distribution systems have been
intensively studied over the years. In recent times the
researches related to the location of the faults, in both Current and Voltage
transmission systems in high voltage as in sub-transmission Signals Acquisition
and distribution systems, is having a great boom in developing
of novel methods and in quantity of technical publications [1- Data Processing
Complexity of power systems has growth in the last
decades due to the decisive changes in the power system Fault
structure, arrangement and management, driven by the process Detection
of market liberation (“deregulation”), energy transition from
the conventional to the renewable energy generation paradigm Fault Fault
and distributed generation promotion on large scale. Therefore, Classification Location
generally the management and operation of the electric power
systems have also changed [6, 7]. Classification result Location result
The concepts associated with smart grid emphasized the
importance of development intelligent fault monitoring and Fig. 1. Simplified diagram for fault detection, classification
and location.

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Fault detection methods classification
Signal (input
Type based Description
Time domain - are used to analyze the global characteristics of data and to extract RMS, mean, variance, kurtosis, crest factor, peak to stationary/non-
the features in time domain peak, auto correlation, cross correlation etc. stationary
Frequency domain - transform the data into frequency
Spectral analysis, Envelope analysis, Cepstrum
domain and are used to detect and identify a fault which stationary
analysis, Higher order spectrum
is not possible by time domain based techniques
Short-Time Fourier Transform - STFT, localized
Time series
Time-Frequency domain - analyze the data in both time Fourier transform (Gabor transform), S transform - stationary/non-
transforms - mainly for
and frequency domains ST, Empirical mode decomposition – EMD, stationary
waveform signal
Spectral kurtosis etc.
Wavelet domain - contains information like the STFT, but
Continuous wavelet transform (CWT), Discrete
with additional special properties of the wavelets, which
wavelet transform (DWT), Wavelet packet non-stationary
show up at the resolution in time at higher analysis
transform, Hilbert-Huang transform
frequencies of the basis function
Regression: Curve fitting, Autoregressive (AR) stationary/non-
Data descriptive models
Other - reduce the models etc. stationary
dimensionality of data Principal component analysis - PCA, Independent stationary/non-
Time-independent transforms
component analysis - ICA etc. stationary

 current and voltage signals acquisition (adjusting, is firmly detected. This can be done easily by comparing some
separation, sampling/hold, analog/digital conversion); extracted features with set thresholds.
 the sampled values are passed to the data processing In [2] are surveyed only methods, which are used in some
module for extracting features. It is extremely hard to fit, the special cases, or representative methods that are independent
raw current and voltage signals, into some sets of rules and of the classification or location methods, such as:
criterions capable of intelligently interpreting the underlying
 use of negative sequence components - for a more stable
messages brought by the signals. The feature extracting
detection of faults has been designed a joint fault indicator by
techniques dig out purposefully useful information reducing
convoluting the partial differential with respect to time of
the impact of variance within the studied system and offering
negative sequence components with a triangular wave, so that
proper features to a better awareness of the nature of the fault
the chance of issuing false alarms can be reduced [17];
classification or location problems;
 a wavelet-based method for real-time fault detection in
 the fault detector – a good fault detection system provides
transmission lines has been proposed in [18]. The border
an effective, reliable, fast and secure way of a relaying
effects of the sliding windows used to obtain the wavelet
coefficients used for energy calculation were considered,
 the fault classifier – based on methodologies that allowing a shorter detection time than considering the
determine the fault type and are able to identify the faulted transients alone;
 the method introduced in [18] was used for HIF detection
 the fault locator – use techniques that estimate the distance in [19];
between the locator installation point, and the fault.
 in [20], authors used DWT with quadratic spline mother
wavelet to extract high-frequency information for HIF
B. Feature Extraction Methods detection;
Feature extraction process can be resumed, as it is
enunciated in [14]: “A process of extracting the important or  in [21] the authors converted scale coefficients and
relevant characteristics that enclosed within the input data. wavelet coefficients obtained by DWT to RMS values to help
Dimensionality or size of the input data will be subsequently detect HIF;
reduced to preserve important information only”, or as it  in [22] PCA was applied to mean values of DWT
appears in [15]: “Feature extraction transforms raw signals coefficients in different frequency bands to reduce the
into more informative signatures or fingerprints of a system”. dimensionality of features;
Basically, the feature extraction techniques, appealed for  in [4] a new fault detection method is proposed for
fault detection in power transmission systems, can be protection of transmission lines using RMS values of 3-phase
categorized as is shown in table 1 [2,8,15,16]. instantaneous powers at both sending end and receiving end
C. Fault Detection Based on Extracted Features
The time used for fault detection must not negatively
Mostly, the fault classifier or the locator are capable of influence the overall performance of fault classification and
distinguishing between faulty and non-faulty states. So, there location systems. Nevertheless, detecting the faults as fast as
is no need to use additional components for fault detection [2]. possible, while maintaining high robustness and accuracy, is a
In the case when for fault detection is used an independent domain that deserves further research [6].
method the classifier and the locator are triggered after a fault

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D. Cataloguing of Fault Detection and Classification In the case of complex power systems, the use of model-based
Techniques methods is extremely difficult, if not impossible. The
Fault detection and classification approaches (FDC) can be characteristics of faults, which can occur (these are
categorized according to several different criteria and different hierarchical, correlated, with different time, uncertainly etc.)
points of view, such as: in complex power systems, make that the processes becoming
too complex to be analytically modeled. The same can be
1) The quantity, quality and detail of information about / asserted in the case of knowledge-based approaches, which, in
coming from the supervised system - in some systems, the case of complex power systems, suffer from the lack of
including electrical systems, FDC can be divided into three expertise (expert knowledge) [24]. In the case of data-driven
main categories: approaches, however, it is assumed that a complete and
 model-based approaches - usually use mathematical explicit model is not required, so it is preferred when the
dynamic models that can fall into physics-based models and system monitoring data for normal and faulty conditions is
statistical models (developed from collected input/output data available. So, based on the complementary of the three
and as such might not account for conditions that have not methods, in many cases the trend is to use hybrid techniques -
been recorded and thus not included into the models) [15,23]; model-based, knowledge-based and data-driven techniques are
usually integrated together to achieve a better performance for
 knowledge-based methods, compared to model-based a complex system [25];
approaches, require no models and are suitable for solving
problems usually solved by human specialists. These 2) The developed and implemented tools - over years,
approaches are employed where the limitations of using various signal processing tools have been developed for
model-based approaches become significant (the process is too electrical power system fault detection and classification based
complex to be modeled analytically, need much assumptions on principles of estimation, PMU approaches, wavelet
about system and its operating conditions etc.) [23,24]. Two transforms, artificial intelligence, fuzzy logic etc., and any
typical examples of knowledge-based approaches are expert combination of tools [26]. In Fig. 2 is shown a summary of
systems and fuzzy logic systems; most algorithms on fault detection and classification in power
 data-driven approaches are supposed not to require an systems classified based on this criterion;
explicit or complete model of the complex system. Based on 3) In terms of evolution over time of the used tools (old
statistical (static and dynamic principle components analysis, and newly developed tools applied in this field) [2, 27]. A
linear and quadratic discriminations, partial least squares etc.) brief schema that illustrates such a categorization is presented
and learning techniques (probability neural networks, decision in Fig. 3 [27];
trees, multi-layer perceptrons, radial basis functions and 4) Approaches based on artificial intelligence and others -
learning vector quantization, Bayesian networks, hidden
In Fig. 4 the subcategories of AI involved in developing of
Markov model etc.) they are preferred when system
monitoring data for the nominal and degraded conditions are fault classification techniques are highlighted [3] etc.
available. Amongst them, Neural Networks (NNs) and Hidden
Markov Models (HMMs) are two typical approaches [23,24].


Signal Artificial
Analysis Intelligence

Fundamental High Freq. Fuzzy Fuzzy Based ANN

Components Logic ANN

Phasor Time Freq. Wavelet Based Fuzzy

Quantity Analysis Transform and Wavelet

Based ANN
and Wavelet

Genetic Support Vector Wavelet Entropy

Algorithms Machine Principle

Fig. 2. Summary of recent algorithm proposed for fault detection and classification.

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Modern techniques

 PMU-based  Genetic algorithm  FPGA-based

Commonly, well- Integrated techniques
 Fast estimation of  Support vector implementation
known techniques phasor components machine  PCA based framework
 Neuro-fuzzy  GSM technique  Decision tree  Pilot scheme
 Wavelet  Wavelet and ANN  Multi-information  Extreme Learning  Functional analysis and
 ANN  Wavelet and fuzzy-logic measurements Machine (ELM) computational
 Fuzzy logic  Wavelet and neuro-fuzzy  K – Nearest Neighbors intelligence
 Bayesian Networks  Euclidean distance
Based Approach  Pattern recognition

Fig. 3. Tree diagram of fault classification methods in terms of evolution over time of the used tools.



“sometimes called machine intelligence, is intelligence demonstrated by machines, in contrast to the
natural intelligence displayed by humans and other animals. Colloquially, the term AI is applied when a
machine mimics cognitive functions that humans associate with other human minds, such as learning
and problem solving. The scope of AI is disputed: as machines become increasingly capable, tasks
 PMU-based considered as requiring intelligence are often removed from the definition (in Tesler's Theorem: AI is
 Fast estimation of phasor whatever hasn't been done yet).” [29]
 GSM technique  Fuzzy Logic
 Multi-information  Pattern recognition [26,30-32]
measurements “Pattern recognition has its origins in engineering, whereas machine learning grew out of computer
 Euclidean distance science. However, these activities can be viewed as two facets of the same field, and together they have
undergone substantial development over the past ten years… The field of pattern recognition is
concerned with the automatic discovery of regularities in data through the use of computer algorithms
and with the use of these regularities to take actions such as classifying the data into different
categories.” [Bishop, Christopher M. (2006). Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning. Springer]


“is the study of algorithms and statistical models that computer systems use to
progressively improve their performance on a specific task. Machine learning
algorithms build a mathematical model of sample data, known as "training data", in
order to make predictions or decisions without being explicitly programmed to
perform the task.” [33]
 Decision Tree (DT) [34-40]
 Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) [41-50]
 Support Vector Machines (SVMs) [51-67]
 Bayesian Networks [68]
 K – Nearest Neighbors [69-70]
 Genetic Algorithms (GAs) [71-73]

DEEP LEARNING (DL) – [74,75]

“is any artificial neural network that can learn a long chain of causal links.” [33]
 Deep Neural Network (DNNs)
 Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs)
 Convolutional Deep Neural Networks (CNNs)

Fig. 4. Approaches based on artificial intelligence and others.

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conventional voltage and current based measurements (due to
III. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (AI) METHODS FOR effect of factors such as fault inception angle, fault impedance
FAULT CLASSIFICATION IN ELECTRICAL POWER TRANSMISSION and fault distance), this approach employs wavelet multi
SYSTEMS resolution analysis (MRA). MATLAB Simulink was used for
In the last years, a wide range of power transmission implementation.
systems faults analysis techniques have been developed. These
advanced fault classification techniques turn to AI-based B. Machine Learning (ML)
methods, or to a series of other modern techniques already 1) Decision Tree (DT) [34-40]
developed, implemented and used in power systems (for DTs are a non-parametric supervised learning method used
analysis, monitoring, control, etc.), such as: in classification and regression. DTs are constructed top-down
 PMU-based - protection scheme consisted of fault approach, by choosing a variable at each step that best splits
detection, classification and direction discrimination have the target into homogeneous sets. It follows greedy search for
been developed. For example, was proposed an adaptive one feature value which can “best” split the target space which
protection technique for transmission systems using is a decision value at a given node. This process repeats for the
synchronized phasor measurements or it has been presented a next child node [3].
model for location of faults for two-terminal multi section In [35] a decision tree algorithm is employed for
compound transmission lines, which was the combination of recognition of the intercarrier fault type based on the
overhead lines and underground power cables, using estimation of the exact time of fault inception and computation
synchronized phasor measurements [28]. In [24] under the of the odd harmonics of the measured signals (up to the
current measurement precision of PMU, the authors put nineteenth) for fault classification in double-circuit
forward a new type of fault detection and localization transmission lines. The method uses the measured voltages
technology based on fault factor feature extraction; and currents of only one terminal of the protected line. The
 Fast estimation of phasor components – such is method was extended for classification of crossover faults in
presented in [28] the key selection technique utilizes the these transmission lines.
relations among magnitudes of current for different possible A new approach for fault zone identification and fault
fault loops based on readings of phase currents and fast classification for TCSC (Thyristor Controlled Series
estimation of phasor components in relatively short data Compensator) and UPFC (Unified Power Flow Controller)
window; line using decision tree (DT) is presented in [36]. The DT-
 GSM technique - a powerful GSM is considered to send based classification algorithm takes one cycle data from fault
data from a network to other network, any variation in inception of three phase currents along with zero-sequence
parameters of transmission is detected to protect the whole current and voltage and constructs the optimal DT for
transmission and distribution [28]; classifying all ten types of shunt faults in the transmission line
fault process.
 Multi-information measurements – this novel procedure
used multi-information measurements of fault transients with Bagging is a simple method that can be employed to
the help of information entropy measurement and complexity reduce the variance for those machine learning techniques
measurement for fault classification [28] etc. with high variance. Post fault current is decomposed by Fast
Discrete Orthonormal S-Transform and bagged tree ensemble
Next, regarding the AI-based classification methods, some technique is used to classify faults [3]. Other researchers have
of the directions addressed are mentioned. used bagged tree ensemble technique [40]. The feasibility of
the proposed relaying scheme is tested on a modified WSCC
A. Pattern Recognition 3-machine 9-bus system under different fault conditions using
In [30] the authors use readings of the phase current only PSCAD/EMTDC etc.
during the first (1/4)th of a cycle in an integrated method that 2) Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs)
combines symmetrical components technique with the ANNs are a family of non-linear statistical models and
principal component analysis (PCA) to declare, identify, and learning algorithms with the intention to imitate behaviors of
classify a fault (the approach distinguishes a real fault from a connected neurons within biological neural systems, which
transient one and can be used in either a transmission or a has developed and evolved over a long period of time.
distribution system. Implementation results using PSCAD are Different ANN models have been used for applications in
also presented. various fields, including fault classification in transmission
Similarly, the work presented in [31] extracts phase current lines and distribution systems [2].
values during (1/4)th of a cycle to generate unique signatures A large number of methods and applications of ANNs for
and by utilizing PCA methods identify and classify any fault fault classification are proposed in the literature, such as:
 In [41] are presented two popular classification methods:
A fault discrimination method based on the three-phase logistic regression (LR) and artificial neural network (ANN)
current and voltage waveforms measured when fault events applied on power distribution fault cause identification.
occur in the power transmission-line network is proposed in Practical application problems (data insufficiency, imbalanced
[32]. To overcome the difficulties associated with data constitution, threshold setting that are often faced in

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power distribution fault cause identification problems) were generated with different types of fault and system variables,
discussed; which include fault resistance, fault distance and fault
inception angle;
 Reference [42] presents a new fault classification scheme,
for high speed relaying using minimal radial basis function  The work presented in [52] shows that the recognition
neural network, which reduces the training time drastically method for a transmission line fault types based on SVM
providing a systematic framework for selecting the number of technique completely overcomes the limitations by using
neurons in the hidden layer and that yields an accurate fault common multilayer perceptions (MLP) classification methods.
type classification on a transmission line even in the presence MLP achieves results by SVM with the transient data and
of high fault resistance in the fault path. Also, two different steady-state simulations for transmission line fault mode
approaches in generating the inputs to the neural network with spaces and solves the essential problem for high voltage
a view to simplify the training procedure and reduce the transmission lines This paper use Support Vector Machines
complexity in calculations were proposed. EMTDC software SVM, with strong generalization ability for small samples and
package is used to simulate fault data for different power fuzzy set theory of being suitable for solving uncertainty linear
system conditions; division relations to perform the recognition task for high
voltage transmission line fault types, was used;
 Mirzaei et al. proposes a classification methodology based
on probabilistic neural networks that uses the “K-fold” cross-  The integration with an online wavelet-based pre-
validation method to automatically select the training data and processing stage enhances the SVM learning capability and
obtain the performance evaluation results. The work proposes classification power. The classification criterion, presented in
a classifier that can recognize 11 classes of three-phase [53], is based on using only the phase angles between the three
distribution system faults to solve the complex fault (three- line currents in the transmission line. Simulations were carried
phase short-circuit) classification problem for reducing the out using ATP and MATLAB-SVM Toolbox;
multiple-estimation problem to estimate the fault location in
 A method for fault classification in the power systems,
radial distribution systems. It is shown that the probabilistic
using a combination of support vector machine classifier and
neural network approach can provide a fast and precise
Wavelet Transformation, was proposed in [66]. The method
operation for various faults. The data for the fault classifier is
needs measurements from only one terminal and DWT is used
produced by DigSilent Power Factory, Integrated Power
to extract the transient information of recorded voltages. The
System Analysis Software on an IEEE 13-node test feeder
classifier is trained with different fault scenarios in the power
system where the normalized wavelet energy of post-fault
 The work presented in [48] is mainly concentrated on voltage and normalized energy of the post-fault currents are
classification of fault based on the obtained energy values used as the input to the classifier. The transient voltages and
after applying discrete wavelet transform by taking these phase currents for different types of faults and locations along
values as an input for the neural network. The proposed the power system were obtained through ATP simulations and
system and analysis are carried out in MATLAB Simulink; MATLAB was used to process the simulated transient
voltages and apply the proposed method etc.
 In [49] is presented a new relaying principle based on
application of wavelet-based artificial neural networks 4) Bayesian Networks
(ANNs) that uses high-frequency content of a subset of local Because there are some wrong and missed signals in a
currents of one end of a protected line to classify transients on power system, which may be caused by data-transmission
the line protected and its adjacent lines. Discrete wavelet error or loss, and there are mal-operation and non-operation of
transform (DWT) is used to extract high-frequency circuit breakers or relays, uncertainty reasoning is needed to
components of the two aerial modal currents and a feature diagnose the system’s faulty section. Among the existing
vector is built using the wavelets details coefficients of one uncertainty reasoning approaches, Bayesian networks
level of the aerial modes and is used to train an ANN. The approach is more accurate and has solid theoretical foundation
results demonstrate that is possible to obtain a very accurate based on probability theory [68].
classification using one-eighth of a cycle of postevent data etc.
Reference [68] proposes three element-oriented models
3) Support Vector Machines (SVMs) based on simplified Bayesian networks with Noisy-Or and
SVM was invented by Cortes and Vapnik in 1995. The Noisy-And nodes to estimate the faulty section of a
main idea of SVM classifiers is to find an optimal hyperplane transmission power system, which are characterized by:
that maximizes the margin between two groups of examples.
 the three models are used to test if any transmission line,
By using non-linear kernel functions which map the examples
transformer or bus bar within a blackout area is faulty;
into higher dimensional spaces, one can obtain non-linear
SVM classifiers [2].  they can deal with uncertain or incomplete data and
knowledge relating to power system diagnosis, so they are
Few SVM based approaches are mentioned as follows:
flexible. The structures and initial parameters of the Bayesian
 Reference [51] presents an approach for the fault networks are depended on the prior knowledge of the domain
classification in transmission line using multi-class support experts. The parameters can be revised by using an error back
vector machine. The method uses information obtained from propagation algorithm similar to the BP algorithm for artificial
the wavelet decomposition of post fault current signals as neural networks;
input to SVM. Using MATLAB Simulink, dataset has been

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 they don’t vary with the change of the network structure,  methods such as convolutional neural networks (CNNs)
so they can be applied to any transmission power system; are also used to deal with multi-channel sequence recognition
problems [76], providing new ideas for the fault classification
 they have clear semantics, rapid reasoning, powerful error tasks, where three-phase current and voltage signals are also in
tolerance ability and no convergence problem during the the form of multi-channel time sequences.
diagnosing procedure etc.
5) K – Nearest Neighbors (k-NN) IV. CONCLUSION
The k-NN algorithm is a non-parametric method used for
The paper presents a review on the methods used for fault
classification and regression where the input consists of the k
detection and fault classification in transmission lines and
closest training examples in the feature space:
distribution systems. The work has included several more
 in k-NN classification, the output is a class membership - recent fault classification techniques along with their key
an object is classified by a plurality vote of its neighbors, with features.
the object being assigned to the class most common among its
It begins with a brief review on the techniques used for
k nearest neighbor. If k = 1, then the object is simply assigned
feature extraction, which lays the foundation for other fault
to the class of that single nearest neighbor;
diagnosis tasks. Fault detection is presented on top of the
 in k-NN regression, the output is the property value for the feature extraction methods, as the detection techniques are
object. This value is the average of the values of k nearest highly dependent on feature extraction.
In the paper is analyzed and putted forward many fault
Majd et. al. [69] proposed two new methods, based on k- classification techniques principally focused on machine
NN algorithm, for fault detection and classification in distance learning algorithm. Also, in addition to the classical models
protection. By finding the distance between each sample and such as ANN and SVM, the work presents some promising
its fifth nearest neighbor in a pre-default window, the fault new models emerged lately.
occurrence time and the faulty phases are determined. The
In conclusion, the content of this study is expected to be
maximum value of the distances in case of detection and
helpful as a literature review and useful as a practical technical
classification procedures is compared with pre-defined
guidance for fault analysis and design of power system
threshold values. Therefore, k-NN is applied to the
instantaneous values of normalized three phase currents. The
main advantages of these methods are: simplicity, low
calculation burden, acceptable accuracy, and speed. The
performance of the proposed scheme is tested on a typical REFERENCES
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