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Proceedings of the First International Conference on Machine Leaming and Cybernetics, Beijing, 4-5 November 2002



Department of Electronic Engineering, Chongqing Institute of Technology, Chongqing, 400050 China


Abstract: stator flux and electromagnetic torque into different grade

In this paper, authors present a kind of fuzzy torque control by fuzzy process, and apply fuzzy decision to select
system for induction motor, and apply error of stator flux,
error of motor electromagnetic torque and positional angle of inverter’s voltage vector. By these means, performance of
flux as fuzzy variable, voltage vector of inverter was selected speed control system will be improved obviously.
through fuzzy dedsion. In this way, it improves system
response sped during the start-up and a abrupt change in
command torque. The simulation results show tbat fuzzy
torque control system meet demand better for fast response V
Fuzy coutml; Direct torque control; Induction motor

1 Introduction

Direct Torque Control (DTC), which follows vector

control, is a kind of new high performance technique for
A.C. speed control system, its characteristic is that flux and 8’
torque are controlled in stator reference frame directly‘”. Fig.1. Diagram of system structure
On the basis, it takes advantage of on-off characteristic of
voltage inverter. It makes track of stator flux approach System structure of fuzzy torque control is shown as
circularity through shifting voltage status continuously, and Fig.1. Three variables of fuzzy controller are error of torque
changes revolving difference frequency by interpolating E,e, error of flux E,, and angle of flux 8 respectively.
method of zero voltage vector, and in this way, motor’s
The output is inverter’s on-off state n , and U - i model is
torque and its variety are controlled effectively. Aimed at
adapted as stator’s flux, i.e. following equation (1)
improvement on response speed during the start-up and a
abrupt change in command torque, authors present a kind of Y,= J(fl
- R,<)dt (1)
fuzzy torque control system in this paper, it may adjust where f,-Voltage vector of stator
control rule according to input of fuzzy controller in real
time. The simulation results show that response R, -Resistance of stator
characteristic of motor torque has been improved obviously. i <urrent vector of stator
2 Principle of fuzzy torque control
3 Design of fuzzy controller
Direct Toque Control (DTC) is to select voltage space
vector according to demand of flux and torque. For 3.1 Fuzzy variable
traditional Direct Torque Control system, that is to select
inverter’s on-off state according to error of stator flux 3.1.1 Angle of flux 67
magnitude, error of motor electromagnetic torque and
positional angle of flux, but it is impossible to identify real Angle of flux 67 is an angle between stator’s flux Ys
value of error of motor’s stator flux and electromagnetic and reference axis, i.e. equation (2)
To speed control system, different error value
should have corresponding different voltage vector.
Traditional Direct Torque Control system’s response speed
8 = actat-YLE (2)
is sluggish during the start-up and an abrupt change in vc6
command torque. Fuzzy controller may classify ermr of In equation (2). and YLEare stator’s flux in a - p
reference frame. On the basis of voltage vector shown as

0-7803-750&4/02/s17.00 a2002 IEEE

Proceedings of the First International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, Beijing, 4 5 November 2002

Fig.2, fuzzy variable may be described by 12 language -,;

value (8, - e,,),
its membership function’s distribution is Error of torque E, is related to desired torque value
shown as Fig.3.
Te*and real torque v a l u e r , they are subject to equation (4)

In domain e,, v, and V, will make torque increase

rapidly, VI and v5 will make torque decrease rapidly, V,
will make torque increase slowly, V, , v, and V, will
make torque decrease slowly. Therefore, these rules may be
described by language variable, i.e. Positive Large (PL),
Positive Small (PS);’Negative Small ( N S ) , and Negative
Large (a),their membership function’s distribution is
shown as Fig.5.
Fig.2. Diagram of voltage vector
. .

. . I .

-0. 5 -0.05 0.05 0.5 Eu

Fig.5. Distribution of E,s’s membership function

Fig.3. Distribution of 8 ’ s membership function
3.1.4 Control variables
3.1.2 Error of flux E,,
Control variables, which are inverter’s on-off status n ,
Error of flux EYs is related to desired value of stator’s -
are eight independent variables Vu V, ,In Fig.2, inverter’s

flux 1 ~ and~ real1 value of stator’s flux lys/,

they are
eight on-off statuses are corresponding to motor’s eight-
voltage vector respectively.
subjected to equation (3)
Fuzzy control rules
E, =p;l-lysl (3)

Voltage vector shall cause different affection to stator’s Fuzzy control rules can be concluded by diagram of
flux in different flux position. Shown as Fig.2, given that voltage vector in Fig.2. For example, provided that
stator’s flux 0 locates in domain e,, then V, will make positional angle e of stator’s flux locates in domain e,, if
flux increase rapidly, v, will make flux decrease rapidly, desired control is to make torque decrease rapidly and make
flux decrease slowly, then desired decision is VI ;if desired
v, and v, will make flux increase slowly, and VI and control is to make torque increase rapidly and make flux
v, will make flux decrease slowly. Therefore, these rules decrease slowly, then v,
is ideal choice; if desired control
may be described by language variable, i.e. Positive Large is to make torque increase slowly and make flux decrease
(PL), Positive Small (PS), Negative Small (NS), and
Negative Large (NL), their membership function’s
rapidly, then v, is wise choice; if desired control is to
distribution are shown as Fig.4. make torque decrease slowly and make flux increase
rapidly, then v, is better selection; if desired control is to
Pe, NL NS ps PL make torque decrease rapidly and make flux increase
slowly, then it had better select V, ; if desired control is to
make toque increase rapidly and make flux increase slowly,
-0.006 -0.031 0.031 0.006 E*. then wise choice is V, ; if desired control is to make torque
Fig.4. Distribution of EYs ’s membership function decrease slowly and make flux vary slowly or hold, then it
may select vu v,
or (for this case, it will be selected
3.13 Error of torque E , according to minimum principle of using on-off quantity in
the inverter). By these similar rules, it can be acquired 192

Proceedings of the First International Conference on Machme haming and Cybernetics, Beijing, 4-5 November 2002

pieces of control rules, which are shown as Tab.1, its I’

rule is R,,which may be represented by
Ri : if EY is 4,E,< is Bi and (9 is C,,then n is Ni

where, A,, B,, C, and N,are fuzzy language variable.

Table 1. Fuzzy Control Rules

33 Fuzzy inferenc n p = 2 , Ls = L, =2mH , L, =69.3mH ,

The system applies Mamdanide’s Max-Min principle as J = 0.089Kg .m” the simulation results are shown as
fuzzy inference, ’i rule’s action is Fig.6. It is obvious in Fig.6, response speed in fuzzy torque
ai = d n ( Y 4 ( E , h PB,(Ete), Y , (0)) (6) control system is faster than that in traditional direct torque
Corresponding control decision fori’ rule is control system. For an abrupt change in command torque,
fuzzy controller selects on-off status to make flux increase
pN;(4= minb,, (n)) (7) rapidly because error of stator’s flux is larger in initial
stage. In this way, the torque’s increase is not so rapid.
where h4 ( E , 1 1, Y, (0) and pN;( 4 = When ermr of flux decreases, fuzzy controller selects on-
fuzzy subset’s membership function set, whose off status to make torque increase rapidly, approach
corresponding fuzzy subset are A, B, C and N respectively, desired value in shorter time.
their corresponding fuzzy variables are E,, , E,e, 0 and
n respectively. Therefore, membership function for
output’s fuzzy variable of speed control system is
E 15-

YN(*) = m=(Pu,;
i=l (n)) (8)
The output corresponding to maximum membership is 9-
output of inverter’s on-off.

4 Simulation analysis

In this paper, authors apply Sirnulink tool in Matlab

software to make simulation for speed control system.
Motor’s parameters for simulation are: Pn = 2.2KW ,

- i 0.CO5 0.01

0.015 0.02

U, =38OV , R, =0.435Q , R, =0.816Q , Fig.6. Results of simulation

Proceedings of the First International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, Beijing, 4-5 November 2002

On the basis of simulation, it is easy to discover that

dynamic performance of fuzzy direct torque control is
better than that in traditional DTC, it meet system's
demand better for fast response.

5 Conclusion

In this paper, authors present a kind of fuzzy torque

control system for induction motor based on fuzzy control
technique. On the basis of analyzing diagram of voltage
vector, authors acquired whole fuzzy control rule set. The
simulation results show that fuzzy toque control system is
effective, and meet demand better for fast response.


Chong-qing Science Foundation of China supported this

project research effort.


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