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PART 3 Column Design GENERAL NOTES ALLOWABLE STRESSES FOR COMPRESSION MEMBERS ...... ALLOWABLE CONCENTRIC LOADS ON COLUMNS W and S Shapes—Notes . W Shapes ..... S Shapes Steel Pipe and Structural Tubing—Notes Pipe ...eeeeeeeeeeeee Square Structural Tubing Rectangular Structural Tubing Double Angles and WT eee Single Angle Struts—Notes Double Angles—Equal Legs . Double Angles—Unequal Legs Structural Tees (WT) .. COLUMN BASE PLATES Design Procedure . Finishing American Instrrurs oF Steet, Consrmucrion Page Nos. 33-3414 345 -3-17 318 3-19 —3-33 3-34 3.35 3-36 - 3-38 3-39 —3-43 3-44 - 3-52 3-53 -3-54 3-55 -3-58 3-59 —3-66 3-67 - 3-84 3-85 -3-105 3-106 — 3-110 3-111 Columns GENERAL NOTES COLUMN LOAD TABLES Column load tables are presented for W, WT and S Shapes, Pipe, Structural Tubing and Double Angles. Tabular loads are computed in accordance with the AISC Speci- fication for Structural Steel Buildings — Allowable Stress Design (ASD), Equations (E2-1) and (E2-2), for axially loaded members having effective unsupported lengths indicated at the left of each table. The effective length KL is the actual unbraced length, in feet, multiplied by the factor K, which depends on the rotational restraint at the ends of the unbraced length and the means available to resist lateral movements. Table C-C2.1 in the Commentary of the AISC ASD Specification is a guide in selecting the K-factor. Interpolation between the idealized cases is a matter of engi- neering judgment. Once sections have been selected for the several framing members, the align- ment charts in Fig. 1 (reproduced from the Structural Stability Research Council Guide® and including Fig. C-C2.2 of the AISC ASD Commentary) affords a means of obtaining more precise values for K, if desired. For column behavior in the inelas- tic range, the values of G as defined in Fig. 1 may be reduced by the values given in Table A, as illustrated in Ex. 3. Load tables are provided for columns of 36-ksi yield stress steel for all shape cat- egories. In addition, tables for W, WT and S Shapes and for Double Angles are provided for 50-ksi yield stress steel, and tables for Structural Tubing are provided for 46-ksi yield stress steel. All loads are tabulated in kips. Load values are omitted when Klir exceeds 200. The Double Angle and WT tables show loads for effective lengths about both axes. In all other tables allowable loads are given for effective lengths with respect to the minor axis. When the minor axis is braced at closer intervals than the major axis, the capacity of a column must be investigated with reference to both major (X-X) and minor (¥-¥) axes. The ratio r,/r, included in these tables provides a con- venient method for investigating the strength of a column with respect to its major axis, To obtain an effective length with respect to the minor axis equivalent in load carrying capacity to the actual effective length about the major axis, divide the major axis effective length by the r,/r, ratio. Compare this length with the actual ef- fective length about the minor axis. The longer of the two lengths will control the de- sign and the allowable load may be taken from the table opposite the longer of the two effective lengths with respect to the minor axis. Properties useful to the designer are listed at the bottom of the column load ta- bles. These properties, and footnotes concerning compact sections, are particularly helpful in the design of members under combined axial and bending stress as dis- cussed below and illustrated in the design examples. ‘Additional notes relating specifically to the W, WT and S Shape tables, the Steel Pipe and Structural Tubing tables and the Double Angle tables precede each of these groups of tables. “Johnston, Bruce G. (ed.) Guide to Stability Design Criteria for Metal Structures Third Edition, John Wiley and Sons, 1976, p. 420. Aupaican INstITurE oF Stes Consrauction 3-4 EXAMPLE 1 Give Design the lightest W shape of F, = 36 ksi steel, to support a concentric load of 670 kips. The effective length with respect to its minor axis is 16 ft. The effective length with respect to its major axis is 31 ft. Solution: Enter the appropriate column load table for W shapes at effective length of KL = 16 ft. Since deeper columns are generally more efficient, begin with the W 14 table and work downward, weightwise. Select W14x 132, good for 708 kips > 670 kips. rly = 1.67 Equivalent effective length for X-X axis: 31/1.67 = 18.6 ft Since 18.6 ft > 16 ft, X-X axis controls. Re-enter table for effective length of 18.6 ft to satisfy axial load of 670 kips, select W14x 132 with r,/r, = 1.67. By interpolation, the column is good for 679 kips. Use: W14x 132 column EXAMPLE 2 Given: Design an 11 ft long W12 interior bay column to support a concentrated concentric axial and roof load of 540 kips. The column is rigidly framed at the top by 30 ft long W30x 116 girders connected to each flange. The column is braced normal to its web at top and base so that sidesway is inhibited in this plane. Use F, = 36 ksi steel. Solution: a. Check Y-Y axis: Assume column is pin-connected at top and bottom with sidesway inhibited. From Table C-C2.1 in the Commentary for condition (a), K = 1.0: Effective length = 11 ft Enter column load table: W12x 106 good for 593 kips > 540 kipso.k. b. Check X-X axis: 1. Preliminary Selection: Assume sidesway uninhibited and pin-connected at base. From Table C-C2.1 for condition (f)*: K=2.0. Approximate effective length relative to X-X axis. 2.0 x 11 = 22.0 ft rable C-C2.1 gives K values, in most cases on the conservative side; therefore, final selection may be made by use of Fig. 1 when determining effective length. Anumucan Insrirutt oF Steet Construction Gy, K G, 500) 10 50.0 o- 100 50: 50 30: 09 30 20 20 08 og os 7 o7 06 a 06 05 os oa oa 03 03 o2 ee 02 ol oa ° 05 o SIDESWaAY INHIBITED SIDESWAY UNINHIBITED. Figure 1. The subscripts A and B refer to the joints at the two ends of the column section being considered. G is defined as = (LIL) ~E (gil) in which 3 indicates a summation of all members rigidly connected to that joint and lying in the plane in which buckling of the column is being considered. I. is the moment of inertia and L, the unsupported length of a column section, and I, is the moment of inertia and L, the unsup- ported length of a girder or other restraining member. I and I, are taken about axes perpendicu- lar to the plane of buckling being considered For column ends supported by but not rigidly connected to a footing or foundation, G is theoretically infinity, but, unless actually designed as a true friction free pin, may be taken as “10” for practical designs. If the column end is rigidly attached to a properly designed footing, G may be taken as 1.0. Smaller values may be used if justified by analysis. G From properties section in Tables, for W12 column: rylry ~ 1.76. Corresponding effective length relative to the Y-¥ axis: 2208 Fag 7 125 tt > 10 te '. Effective length for X-X axis is critical. Enter column load table with an effective length of 12.5 ft: W12x 106 column, by interpolation, good for 577 kips > 540 kips o.k. Axaerican Instrrure oF Stat. Consrauction 3-6 2. Final Selection: Try W12x 106. Using Fig. 1 (sidesway uninhibited): 1, for W12X106 column = 933 in.* I, for W30X116 girder = 4930 in.* G (at base) = 10 (assume supported but not rigidly connected). 933/11 G (at 10) = Gapaq x ByaH ~ 0258, say 0.26 Connect points G, = 10 and Gg = 0.26, read K = 1.75. For W12x106, ry/ry = 1.76. Actual effective length relative to ¥-¥ axis: 1.75 7 Tye X 110 = 10.9 ft < 11.0 ft Since effective length for ¥-Y axis was critical: ‘Use: W12106 column EXAMPLE 3 Given: Using the alignment chart, Fig. 1 (sidesway uninhib- ited) and Tabie A, design columns for the bent shown (r.), by the inelastic K-factor procedure. Let F, = 36 ksi. ‘Assume continuous support in the transverse direction. ‘Solution: The alignment charts in Fig. 1 are applicable to elas- tic columns. By multiplying G-values times the stiff- ness reduction factor E,/E, the charts may be used for inelastic columns. Since E,/E ~ F,/F,, the rela- tionship may be written a8 Gisetasric = (Fa!F) Getastic: By utilizing the actual stress in the reduction factor, instead of the allowable stress (f,/F! instead of E,IF;), a direct solution is possible, using the follow- ing steps: 1. For known value of axial load P, select a trial column size: Assume W12x 106: A= 31.2 in; 1, = 933 in; 7, = 5.47 in. 2. Calculate f, = P/A: fe = 560/31.2 = 17.95 ksi Antenican Insrrrure or Suz ConsTRUCTION 3-7 3. From Table A, determine the reduction factor f,/Fz. For values of f, smaller than shown in Table A, the column is elastic, and the reduction factor is 1.0: falF; = 0.357, by interpolation 4, Determine Grane as in Ex, 2: Gtastic (bottom) = 10.0 = 933/15 _ Gatnte (0p) = 375799 = 3:32 5. Caloulate Ginetasic = (fa! Fe) Getassc? Gnetanic (top) = 0.357 (3,32) = 1.19 6. Determine K from Fig. 1 using Gnetaic! For Giop = 1.19 and Gpoy = 10: Read from Fig. 1, K = 1.9 7. Calculate KU/r: Kllr = BEM) = 625 8. If F, = fa, column is satisfactory. Check: From Table C-36, F, = 17.19 ksi < 17.95 ksi mg. Try a stronger column. 1. Try W12x 120: A = 35.3 in, J, = 1070 in.’, 7, = 5.51 in. 2. fa = 560/35.3 = 15.86 ksi . From Table A: f,/F, = 0.603 0/15 | Gtane (op) = WS - — 3.80 wo - Ginetasic (tOp) = 0.603(3.80) = 2.29 K = 2.13 21505) _ 2 7. Kir ~ F, = 16.47 ksi > 15.86 ksi o.k. Use: W12x 120 Amunican Insrrrort oF Stee CossTauction Han rant aes oo Z(S2RUSBEGE2 SPASZERERE RESVERRRR —— Sos s88885! B\Sdccsscess Gddddsddds Gadcoccoes SoccoGEGGS Sascoccces $1009 QONQMLAITE QBMENLONTO gene ws |Bbb688GG60 IITSIESSes SodHsGoNGS Addadaandn TrrrrrrvrroGosssssogS ae |“ PRBBSRBOGS SSNELIIee Seaksaaaae ANVSENGNSS CCDLEEEEES SSSBESIEES Sah @ § = 3 mow (F5) (== reay)] Modified Equation (H1-1) P+ Pi + Pj = required tabular load =? (ae) * [2 ()] * [2 (F)] Modified Equation (H1-2) When f,/F, = 0.15 P+ Pi + Pj = required tabular load =P+ [2.0 G+ [> My ()] Modified Equation (H1-3) In Modified Equation (H1-1), for the term (KL)?, K is the effective length fac- tor and L is the actual unbraced length in the plane of bending. B, and Dy are, respectively, equal to the arca of the column divided by its appro- priate section modulus. Values for the components a, and a,, equal to (0.149 x 10°) Ar? and (0.149 x 10°) Ar2, respectively, are listed at the bottom of the load tables in the form of @,/10° and ay/10°. Equations for the allowable bending stress F, are given in Sects. F1, F2 and F3 of the AISC ASD Specification. Sections which are not compact are noted in the load tables by the symbol 7, and the lengths L, and L,, are listed. Awerican Insrrrute oF Sree, Constr ucrion 3-10 Values of Fe, (K,L,)°/10? and F, (K,L,)?/10? are also listed in the column load tables for use in Equation (H1-1), where K,L, and K,L, are in feet. ‘The design of a beam-column is a trial and error process in which a trial section is checked for compliance with Equations (H1-1), (H1-2) and (H1-3). A fast method for selecting an economical trial W- or S-shape section, using an equivalent axial load, is illustrated in the example problem, using Table B and the U values listed in the column properties at the bottom of the column load tables. TABLE B Values of m* 36 ksi ait) | 10 | 12] 14 | 16 | 10 | 20 | 8) ag ‘st Approximation Alt shapes | 2.4 | 2.3 | 2.2 | 22 | 2.1 | 2.0 | 1.9 | ‘Subsequent Approximations w,s4 /36)] 26/19/16) —|—)— w.s5 [39] 32|24/19/15]14) — W.S6 [32/27 23) 20/19/16] 1.5 we |30|29|28|26/23| 20] 20 Wio | 26) 2525/24/23} 21] 20 wi2 /21|21)20| 20] 20} 20| 20 | 20 | wid [4a] 47] 17] 17] 47 | 17 | 1.7 fae z 5 H ° 8 s 3 £ ? 3 g z S| R a 2 E 2 s : E : a 5 a > “Values of mare by Cn/0.85. The procedure is as follows: 1. With the known value of KL (effective length), select a first approximate value of m from Table B. Let U equal 3. 2. Solve for Pay = Po + Mzm + MymU where Po = actual axial load, kips M, = bending moment about the strong axis, kip-ft M, = bending moment about the weak axis, kip-ft m = factor taken from Table B U = factor taken from column load table 3. From appropriate column load table, select tentative section to support Pay. 4, Based on the section selected in Step 3, select a “subsequent approximate” value of m from Table B and a U value from the column load table. 5. With the values selected in Step 4, solve for Pay. 6. Repeat Steps 3 and 4 until the values of m and U stabilize. American Instrrure of Steet Construction 3-11 EXAMPLE 4 Given: Py = 200 kips M, = 120 kip-ft M, = 40 kip-ft KL = 14ft BF, = 36ksi Cn = 0.85 ‘Solution: For KL = 14 ft, from Table B select a “first trial” value of m = 2.2. Let U = 3.0. Peg = Py + Mm + M,m U = 200 + 120(2.2) + 40(2.2)(3.0) = 728 kips. From column load tables, select W14%132 (730 kips). oe Select a “second trial” value of m = 1.7 from Table B and U = 2.47 from column joad table. Pag = 200 + 120(1.7) + 40(1.7)(2.47) = 572 kips.. Repeat steps 3, 4 and 5. Select W14x 109 (601 kips). m=17,U=2.49. Pag = 200 + 120(1.7) + 40(1.7)(2.49) = 573 kips. Use: W14x109 > =>, se EXAMPLE 5 Given: ‘Check answer in Example 4 by modified equations. Solution: For W14x 109, from column load table: L, = 15.4 ft > 14.0 ft ~". Section is compact. Use Frye = 24 ksi, Fyy = 0.75(36) = 27 ksi A = 32.0in.?, Pay = 601 kips, ry = 3.73 in. B, = 0.185, B, = 0.523 @ = 184.5 x 108, ay = 66.3 x 10° KL = 14 x 12 = 168 in, Kliry = 168/3.73 = 45.04 F, = 18.78 ksi (Table C-36 on page 3-16) P(KL)* = 200(168) = 2.00(1.68)? x 10° Modified Equation (H1-3) is not used, since (200/601) > 0.15. Asuracan Insrrrurs of Sree, Consrruction 3-2 Regq’d tabular load by Modified Equation (H1-1): 18.78) P+ Plt Pi= 200+ [o.ssscazo x 12)(0.85) (AP) Gastaaey) | 18.78) 66.3 . [o.sescao x 12)(0.85) A \(as-taae) | = 200 + 182.78 + 162.23 = 545 kips Required tabular load by Modified Equation (H1-2): a. 18.78 P+ PL + Pi = 200 ere } " [sss (120 x 12) ar | 18.78 . L —— + [0.503 0 x 2) ( = | = 170.73 + 208.46 + 174.61 = 554 kips Modified Equation (H1-2) requires an axial load of 554 kips. W14x 109 has an allow- able axial load of 601 kips and is satisfactory. COLUMN WEB STIFFENERS Values of Py, Pyis Pyos and Pp, listed in the Properties Section of the column load tables for W- and S-shapes, are useful in determining if a column web requires stiff- eners because of forces transmitted into it from the flanges or connecting flange plates of a rigid beam connection to the column flange. When the applied factored beam flange force Pyy is equal to or less than the following resisting forces developed within the column section, column web stiffeners are not required. 4100 1.3 VBe Pre = Pwo a (K1-8) pen ey aarct (Ki-1) Pog = Pwity + Pwo = Fyetwe(te + Sk) (K1-9) where P,» = maximum column web resisting force at beam compression flange, kips maximum column web resisting force at beam tension flange, kips Betyes kipsiin. 5 Fretwek, kips yield strength of column web, ksi = depth of column web clear of fillets, in. k = distance from outer face of column flange to web toe of column fillet, in. tye = thickness of column web, in. 1, = thickness of beam flange or connection plate delivering concentrated force, in. 4 = thickness of column flange, in. AseRican Instrrute oF Stix, CONSTRUCTION 3-23 If the factored force Py, transmitted into the column web exceeds any one of the above three resisting forces, stiffeners are required on the column web. Stiffeners must comply with the provisions of AISC ASD Specification Sect. K1.8. EXAMPLE 6 Given: The flanges of a W24x84 beam are welded to the flange of a W14x211 column trans- mitting a moment of 540 kip-ft due to live and dead loads. Determine if stiffeners are required for the columns and, if so, make an appropriate design. Beam and column are F, = 36 ksi. ‘Solution: For W24x84: d = 24.10 in., t = 0.770 in. 540 x 12) _ Pry = 5/3 (ae) = 448 kips Sect. K1.2 For W14x211: From column load table: Pro = 2058 kips > 448 kips ok. AISC ASD Spec. Equation (K1-8) P= 548 kips > 448 kips ok. AISC ASD Spec. Equation (K1-1) Pyo + tePui = 397 + 0.77035) AISC ASD Spec. Equation (K1-9) = 424 kips < 448 kips ng. .. Web stiffeners required Design web stiffeners according to AISC ASD Specification Sect. K1.8: Beam data: by = 9.020 in. 1, = 0.770 in. Column data: 0.980 in., ty = 1.560 in., d = 15.72 in. Regq/d stiffener area = we 0.67 in? Min. width = ¥5 by ~ 5 = ¥s (9.020) ~ (0.980/2) = 2.517 in, Sect. KL.8 Min. thickness = ¢,/2 = 0.770/2 = 0.385 in. Sect. K1.8 Req'd thickness = 0.67/2.517 = 0.266 in. Use % in. Req'd width = 0.67/0.5 = 1.34 in. Use 4 in. for practical detailing considera tions. M'». length = (d/2) - 4 = (15.72/2) — 1.56 = 6.30 in. Use 7 in. Sect. KL.8 Use: Two PL4x 2x0 ft-7in. Min. weld size = %s in., based on column web thickness of 0.980 in. (Table J2.4, AISC ASD Specification Sect. J2.2b). Use E70 electrodes. Anaaican Insrirure oF Steet. CoNsTRuction 3-14 P 0.3(70)(.707)(S116). 448 — 424 Regq’d length (both PL) = =u. t - 75 3.10 in. ym \ V\ American Insrrrurt or Stes Const ucTiOn EL pLaxkex 0-7 ALLOWABLE STRESSES FOR COMPRESSION MEMBERS The allowable stresses F,, in the tables that follow are tabulated for Ki/r from 0 to 200 for F, = 36 ksi and F, = 50 ksi, They are calculated from AISC ASD Specification Equations (E2-1) and (E2-2). Aamaican Instrrure oF Steet. Constauction 36 ksi Table C-36 Allowable Stress For Compression Members of 36-ksi Specified Yield Stress Stee!* a f a a fe a rs) | rs) |r test) | + arse | 41 i911 | ei 1524 | 421 1014 | 161 5.76 2 21s2| 42 1903] 92 1513 | 122 999) 162 5.69 3 2148] 43 1895] 93 1502 | 123 985 | 163 5.62 4 2144 | 44 1886) 84 1490] 124 970] 164 5.55 5 2139] 45 1878 | 85 1479] 125 955) 165 5.49 6 2135| 46 1870] 96 1467] 126 941 | 165 5.42 7 2130! 47 1861) 87 1456] 127 926 | 167 5.35 8 2125) 48 1859] 98 1444] 128 911 | 168 5.29 9 2121] 49 1844) 99 1492 | 129 B97 | 169 © 5.23 10 21.16 | 50 1835 | 90 1420] 130 884} 170 5.17 11 ato] 61 1826} 91 1409) 131 870) 171 5.41 22105 | 52 1817 | 92 1997 | 192 B57 | 172 5.05 13 2100] 53 1808 | 03 1384 | 199 44 | 173 4.00 14-2095 | 54 1799 | 94 1372) 194 832] 174 4.93 15 2089) 55 1790] 95 1360) 195 819] 175 468 16 ©2083 | 56 «1781 | 96 1348 | 1396 807 | 176 4.82 17 2078 | s7 i771 | 97 «1335 | 137-796 | 177477 18 2072 | 58 1762) 98 1323 | 138 7.84) 178 471 19 2066 | 59 1753] 99 1310) 199 697.73] 179 4.66 20 2060} 60 1743 | 100 1298 | 140 7.62 | 180 4.61 21 2054 | 61 1793 | tor 1285 | 141 751 | 181 4.56 22 2048 | 62 1724 | 102 «1272 | 142 «741 | t82 451 23° 2041 | 63 17:14 | 103 1259] 143 7.90] 183 4.46 24 ©2085 | 64 17.04 | 104 1247 | 144 7.20) 184 4.41 25 2028 | 6 1694] 105 1293] 145 7.10 | 185 4.36 26 2022 | 66 1684] 106 1220) 146 7.01] 186 4.32 27 015 | 67 1674 | 107 1207 | 147 61 | 187 4.27 28 2008 | 68 i664 | 108 1194 | 148 682 | 188 423 29 2001 | 69 1653 | 109 1181 | 149 «© 6.73) 189 4.18 30 1994] 70 1643) 110 1167 | 150 664 | 199 4.14 31 1987 | 71 1693 | 111 11.54) 151 685 | 191 4.09 32 1980 | 72 1622 | 112 1140) 152 646 | 192 4.05 33 1973 | 73 i612 | 113° 1126 | 153 638] 193 4.01 341965 | 74 «1601 | 114 17.13] 154 6.30 | 194 3.97 35 1958 | 75 1590 | 115 1099] 155 622] 195 393 36 1950] 76 1579) 116 1085 | 156 614 | 196 3.89 37 1942 | 77 «1569 | 117 10.71 | 157 606 | 197 3.85 38 1935 | 78 i558 | 118 i057 | 158 598) 198 3.81 se 927 | 79 1547 | 19 04a | 159 9 591 | 199 377 40 1919] 80 1536 | 120 1028) 160 583 | 200 373 When element width-to-thickness ratio exceeds noncompact section limits of Sect. BS.1, see Appendix 85. Note: C, = 126.1 AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION

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