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Metals 2019, 9, 1105 3 of 14

Metal samples of carbon steel, zinc, and copper of dimensions 10 cm × 4 cm × 2 mm were exposed
at the corrosion exposure sites, and their chemical composition is given in Table 1. The specimens
were cleaned according to ASTM G1-90 standard [27], weighed, and duly codified for identification.
Subsequently, they were placed in a metal frame oriented towards the North-Northeast (NNE), with
Metals 2019, 9, x FOR PEER REVIEW 3 of 15
an inclination of 45 degrees with respect to the horizontal. Samples were collected every six months
during the first year
Subsequently, theyfor copper
were placedand
in a zinc,
metal and
framewith quarterly
oriented towards periodicity for carbon
the North-Northeast steel.with
(NNE), In each
collection, four specimens of each metal were taken. Three of these samples were
an inclination of 45 degrees with respect to the horizontal. Samples were collected every six months cleaned according
during G1-90 standard
the first [27],
year for and and
copper corrosivity categories
zinc, and were periodicity
with quarterly assigned from first-year
for carbon steel.weight
In eachlosses
according to ISOfour specimensstandard
9223:2012 of each metal
[11]. were taken. Three of these samples were cleaned according
The G1-90
relative standard [27],
humidity levelandwascorrosivity
using awere assigned from first-year
thermohygrometer, weight
whereas losses and
according to ISO 9223:2012 standard [11].
SO2 dry deposition rates were determined monthly according to standard procedures. Namely, two
The relative humidity level was quantified using a thermohygrometer, whereas chloride and
methods were employed to determine SO2 pollution, namely the Husy method according to the ISO/TC
SO2 dry deposition rates were determined monthly according to standard procedures. Namely, two
156 N 250 standard [28], and the lead dioxide candle according to the ASTM D 2010-85 standard [29].
methods were employed to determine SO2 pollution, namely the Husy method according to the
The concentration
ISO/TC 156 N 250 of chloride
standardwas [28],monitored
and the lead bydioxide
the wetcandle
candle methodtoaccording
according the ASTMtoDthe ISO 9225
standard [13]. Finally, the ISO 9223:1992 standard [15] was employed to characterize
standard [29]. The concentration of chloride was monitored by the wet candle method according to the atmosphere
of thethe
ISO 9225instandard
terms of[13].
Finally,categories based on
the ISO 9223:1992 airborne
standard [15]salinity contamination
was employed (Sd ) and
to characterize the with
compounds based
of the on sulfur
localities dioxide
in terms (Pd ), and
of pollution of time
categories of wetness
based (τ). salinity contamination
on airborne
(Sd) and
The with
effect of sulfur compounds based
the environmental on sulfur on
parameters dioxide (Pd), andcorrosion
the average of time of wetness
rates of (τ).
metals for the first
The effect of the environmental parameters on the average corrosion
year of atmospheric exposure, rcorr , was analyzed using a multivariate variance analysis rates of metals for the first
year of atmospheric exposure, rcorr, was analyzed using a multivariate variance analysis (ANOVA).

Figure of the
Location of theCanary

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