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Metals 2019, 9, 1105 7 of 14

Table 2. Environmental parameters and levels employed in the ANOVA analysis.

Environmental Parameter Level/Number of Samples per Level

T T1 /10 T2 /14 T3 /40 - - -
Pd P0 /49 P1 /15 P2 /0 P3 /0 - -
Sd S0 /0 S1 /4 S2 /60 S3 /0 - -
τ τ1 /0 τ2 /0 τ3 /25 τ4 /31 τ5 /8 -
RH RH1 /3 RH2 /0 RH3 /0 RH4 /2 RH5 /46 RH6 /13

Next, the ANOVA variance analysis was performed to determine the corrosivity for the three
metals based on the corrosion rates measured at each exposure site, and the results for carbon steel, zinc,
and copper, are respectively listed in Tables 3–5. The analysis was done on the data from 64 corrosion
exposure sites, because incomplete or not reproducible data were found at sites 13, 15, 18, 22, 50, 52, 54,
61, 67, and 68, and they were discarded for the rest of the study.

Table 3. Statistical analysis of results for carbon steel.

Environmental Freedom
Sum sq. Mean sq. f -Value p-Value
Parameter Degrees
RH 392.5535 3 130.8512 0.7204 0.5442
Pd 680.9685 1 680.9685 3.7489 0.0581
Sd 4995.7843 1 4995.7843 27.5031 0.0000
T 236.6076 2 118.3038 0.6513 0.5254
τ 1071.0287 2 535.5143 2.9482 0.0609
Error 9808.7825 54 181.6441 - -
Total 20,246.1375 63 - - -

Table 4. Statistical analysis of results for zinc.

Environmental Freedom
Sum sq. Mean sq. f -Value p-Value
Parameter Degrees
RH 8635.9756 3 2878.6585 5.1955 0.0032
Pd 1302.4139 1 1302.4139 2.3506 0.1311
Sd 7581.5157 1 7581.5157 13.6833 0.0005
T 2580.5849 2 1290.2925 2.3288 0.1071
τ 5884.669 2 2942.3345 5.3104 0.0078
Error 29,919.7938 54 554.0703 - -
Total 60,270.1119 63 - - -

Table 5. Statistical analysis of results for copper.

Environmental Freedom
Sum sq. Mean sq. f -Value p-Value
Parameter Degrees
RH 18.194 3 6.0647 0.6768 0.57
Pd 3.7699 1 3.7699 0.4207 0.5193
Sd 77.0076 1 77.0076 8.5939 0.0049
T 45.2614 2 22.6307 2.5255 0.0894
τ 7.9729 2 3.9865 0.4449 0.6432
Error 483.8814 54 8.9608 - -
Total 650.7247 63 - - -

Next, the ANOVA variance analysis was performed to determine the corrosivity for the three
metals based on the corrosion rates measured at each exposure site, and the results for carbon steel, zinc,
and copper, are respectively listed in Tables 3–5. The analysis was done on the data from 64 corrosion

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