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Nursing Care Plan Form

Student Name: Date:

Patient Identifier: Patient Medical Diagnosis:
Nursing Diagnosis (use PES/PE format):
Assessment Data Goals & Outcome Nursing Interventions Rationale Outcome Evaluation &
(Include at least three-five (Two statements are required (List at least three nursing or (Provide reason why Replanning
subjective and/or objective for each nursing diagnosis. collaborative interventions with intervention is (Was goal met? How would
pieces of data that lead to the Must be Patient and/or family rationale for each goal & indicated/therapeutic; provide you revise the plan of care
nursing diagnosis) focused; measurable; time- outcome.) references.) according to the patient’s
specific; and reasonable.) response to current plan ?)

Insufficient fluid volume The patient will maintain Obtain samples according Urine and serum tests can Patient lab result are
associated with nausea, serum sodium, potassium, to instructions to test for provide information on within normal limit
vomiting, and diarrhea, calcium, phosphorus, abnormal potassium levels extracellular potassium
manifested by decreased magnesium and / or pH (for example, potassium levels. There is no practical
urine output, increased within the normal range in serum and urine). way to measure
urine concentration, fever, intracellular K
weakness, decreased
skin/tongue swelling, dry Potassium supplement 2. Low Potassium Levels
mucous membranes, (PO, NG or IV) according Dangerous, Patient May
increased HR, and to policy management Need Supplements.
decreased BP regulations.

Monitor the neurologic and 3. Potassium is an

neuromuscular important electrolyte for
manifestations of
hypokalemia (eg, muscle
bone and smooth muscle Outcome #2
weakness, lethargy,
changes in level of

The patient must have a

normal blood volume, a
urine output greater than 1. Monitor the cardiac 1. Many heart rhythm
30 ml/hour, and a normal manifestations of disorders can be caused
skin elasticity hypokalemia (hypotension, by hypokalemia.
tachycardia, weak pulse, Monitoring heart function
irregular rhythm). during hypokalemia is

2. Monitor cardiac
manifestations of
hypernatremia (eg, 2. The heart responds to
orthostatic hypotension and fluid loss by increasing its
tachycardia). heart rate to compensate
for the increase in cardiac
output. Low fluid volume
can cause blood pressure
to drop.

3. Monitor the nervous 3. Due to the low volume

system and neuromuscular of body fluids,
manifestations of hypernatremia creates
hypernatremia (for hypertonic vascular
example, lethargy, spaces, causing water to
seizures, hyperreflexia, and move from cells, including
irritability). brain cells. This is the
cause of neurological
The customer will maintain
the fluid volume at a Monitor CVP and vital
Deficient Fluid Volume functional level through signs. Pay attention to
Tachycardia is associated
elevated body temperature
r/t Active fluid loss- stable vital signs, good skin
and orthostatic with varying degrees of
filling, good capillary hypotension, depending on
burns, manifested by hypotension.
filling, moist mucous the degree of fluid
Tachycardia, membranes and sufficient deficiency. CVP
Tachypnea, Weak urine of normal specific measurement helps
gravity. determine the degree of
fluid deficiency and
response to alternative
therapies. Fever increases
metabolism and
exacerbates fluid loss
Investigate reports of
sudden or severe chest Increased blood levels
pain, cyanosis, irritability, and platelet aggregation
increased anxiety, and can cause a systemic
difficulty breathing. embolism.

Monitor lab studies, as

ordered. Depending on the degree of
fluid loss, there may be
different electrolyte and
metabolic imbalances that
need to be corrected.

The client will demonstrate

appropriate monitoring
and correction of defects. Assess the client's ability
to manage their own Factors that affect
moisture. customers’ ability to
replenish fluids through
the mouth include
impaired swallowing and
nausea reflexes, anorexia,
oral discomfort, nausea,
and changes in mentality.

Monitor urine output.

Measure or estimate fluid Liquid replacement needs
loss from all sources, such are based on correcting
as sweating, wound current deficiencies and
drainage, and gastric loss. ongoing losses. Decreased
urine output may indicate
insufficient blood volume,
insufficient renal perfusion,
or possible polyuria,
requiring more aggressive
fluid replacement.
Determine the customer's
beverage preferences and Relieves thirst and dry
develop a 24-hour fluid mucosa discomfort and
intake program. Encourage increases parenteral
foods high in liquid replacement.

Deficient Fluid Volume

r/t acute renal failure,
manifested by
restlessness, Dark
concentrated urine,
Decreased urine

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