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nn NDEFINITE INTEGRATION 6.1 Introduction In the chapter on derivatives, we have already learnt about the differentiability of a function ‘on some interval 1. Ifa function is differentiable in an interval I, we know how to find its unique derivative _f' at each point on I. Now, we shall study an operation which is “inverse” to differentiation. For example ‘we know that the derivative of x3 with respect to x is 3x2. Now if we raise the question, derivative of which function or functions is 3x2? Then, itis difficult to find the answer. It is a question of an operation inverse to the operation of differentiation. Let us frame a general question, “Is there a function whose derivative a given function can be and there is such a function, how to find it 2 The process of finding answer to this question is called ‘antiderivation’. It is possible that this question has no answer or it may have more than one answer. For example, (i) L (3) = 3x2, (3 — 15) = 3x? and in general -£ (3 + ) = 322, where ¢ is any (sinx — 3) = ‘osx. In general Losin + ©) = cosx. constant. (i) (sins) = cosx, <4 ‘Thus, antiderivatives of the above functions are not unique. Actually, there exist infinitely many antiderivatives of these fun: which can be obtained by choosing c, from the set of real numbers. For this reason, such a constant is called an arbitrary constant. 62 Definition If we can find a function g defined on an interval I such that L(g(x)) = (x), Vx © 1, then g(x) is called a primitive or antiderivative or indefinite integral of f(3). It is denoted by J f(e)de. J.f(2)de is called an indefinite integral of f(x) with respect to x. The process (operation) of finding G2), given /(2) is called indefinite integration. This ‘indefinitencss’ is upto arbitrary constant. Thus, the question whether we can find primitive of f is not easy to answer. There are some es, SUE jg x sufficient conditions such as continuous functions and monotonic functions have pri continuous, jane dx is defined, but cannot be expressed in terms of known elementary functions. Similarly, J Vsecr ds ond f yx?+1 de cannot be expressed as a known function. In J f(x)dx, | de indicates the process of integration with respect to x, f f(x)dx denotes, integral of f(x) with respect to x and in J f(x)dx, (x) is called integrand. 194 ‘Marmumarics 12 63 Some Theorems on Antideriv: Theorem 6.1 : If f and g are differentiable on (a, 6) and if f'(x) = g'(x), Vx © (@, 5), then FG) = g() +c, where ¢ is a constant. Proof + Let hx) = f() — g(x), x € (a, 5). Fand g are differentiable on (a, 6) and hence f and g are continuous on (a, 6). If xy, x) © (ab), xy < xp, then h is continuous on [x,, x3]. Now, h is differentiable on (x), x)) as [x}, 9] © (@, 5). By mean value theorem, AED=HCD. ~ ie) for some c € (ay *)) Mex,) — Mees) = BOG — *)- @ Now ¢ € (%, x) =. € (ad) But it is given that Vr € (a, 8), f"@) = eG). - £0) = 8) SOO =0 MH) = 0 (Gx) = f) — x) > WE) = f°) ~ g') Moy) — Way) = 0 Wry, x» € (a 6) by Mx) = heey) fey) ~ abe) = Fle) ~ aly, Vey mp © (aD) f— gis a constant funetion on (a, 6). “+ £0) — g(x) = ¢, where ¢ © R is a constant. 2 JQ) = g@) +e Vee @ dD) General Antiderivative + It GG) = GG) = WG), then [a(syde = 6) and J A@de = g(x). But f(x) = g(x) + €. So | h(x)dx = f(x) = g(x) + c. Here g(x) is a on (a, 6) with -£ (e() of A(x) is g(x) +c. Also if (Quy) = A(x), then -L Ig(e) + | = Lge) = Hee. ‘Thus g(x) + ¢ is also an integral of f(x). ‘Thus, if one primitive of h(x) is g(x), then al primitives are given by g(x) + cy where c is a constant. As c is any constant, it is called an arbitrary constant. Let us perform the operation of differentiation and integration successively in any order. By definition of antiderivative, we know that, £ ae) =F), Vx © 1 [fede = ge) + {fferentiable function EF (@) = hx). Hence if one integral of f(x) is g(x), amy other integral Now, £ [seerde] = -£ late) + € = £60. If we first integrate f(x) and then differentiate the integral, we get the same function f(x) as a result. INDEFINITE INTEGRATION 195. nn But, J [4 goo] dr = [yea = go) + e. If we first differentiate the function g(x) and then integrate its derivative, we get g(x) + . ‘Theorem 6.2 : If f and g are integrable on (a, 6), then J (f(x) + g())dx = [fede + J gar. vroot : & [[feode + J etertr] = 2 fr eode + J eed = fe) + g@) Using the defir of antiderivative, Se) + aeodr = Jy Code + J genoa In general if f,, fy fav f, are integrable over an interval, then STAG) + 0) ++ FON = [i@ae + [AQ +. [F,C)de. Theorem 63 : If fis an integrable function on (a, 6) and k € R, then [Af (xd = k [f(w)de. Proof : tk s@id] = & EJ pends = 4) ‘Using the definition of antiderivative, Jif code = kf feat Corollary 1: If f and g are integrable functions in (a, 6), then Se) — geod = [fede — Jeeode Proof s FG) — a@))dx = J Fede + Ngee = Sfeode + J Dede = [fede + C1) J ated = [ede — J aoe Thus, JF) — gear = [fdr — J aoe In general, J [ky iG) + A) tat ky hed = b[A@ de + [AG de tot [ky heir ‘Theorem 6.2, 6.3 and corollary | are known as working rules for integration. 6.4 Standard Integrals ) fede 25 tne R- (xe RY 111 is differentiable for ally € RY and (254) = pho tin + pe =x" “By the definition of antiderivative, fxtae = 20> +6, Vee Rt, (Also let us remember that if g(x) is one primitive then g(x) + ¢ is the general primitive.) Thus, for n = 0, [x9de= BL toa ete Jéce=x+e 196 ‘Marmumarics 12 CC @) Jax = togix| +x € R- 10}. Jog] x | isa differentiable function, Wx € R— {0} and ifx > 0, 4 (log| x |) = logx wx <0, Ltog|x| = -Ltog¢a) = b= 4 o tog |x| = Vx € R— {0} x ©. By the definition of antiderivative, Jide =togixi +e, Wx e R= (0). We write J 28 = tog|x| +c, x #0 @) Jeosx dx = sinx +c, Vx ER sin is a differentiable function Vx € R and £oine) =cosx, Wxe R + By the definition of antiderivative, Jcosx de = sine +c, Vx R Jn the same way, we can prove that (4) [sine de = ~cosx +c, Vx © R (5) Saectede = tame + 6, x # Qk — DE, k eZ tan is differen le on any interval not containing (2k— 1), k © Z and -£ (tant) = sec*x. .. By the definition of antiderivative, { sec2x dx = tanx + c, x # (2k — IE, KE Z In the same way, we can prove that ©) Jeosec’x dx = —cotx + cx # kT, k EZ (7) Ssecx tanx de = seex + cx # Qk - DE, k EZ (8) Jeosecx cowx dx = —cosecx + c, x # AT kK EZ ©) fardc= eG +oaeRt-(},xeR TAG is differentiable We © Rand £() = TET (@*log.a)= at, Vee R J+ By the definition of antiderivative, J adr = ing +.oa © RY— {1}. Now, fora =e Jera= Tete oo J&den e+e, VER Si a f de=2ea(3) +e ae R-(O,xER = -Leorl(2) +0, ae R-xER is differentiable for Vx € R and for any non-zero constant a. INDEFINITE INTEGRATION 197 oD tar"(Z) is differentiable for Va € R — {0} and Ble (3) - + By the definition of antiderivative, Soe z= Lia (2) +6, Vr R Pea 1 +a” Thus, Fran! and —2cor! = both can be taken as integrals of Let us try to understand the reason behind this, Let f(2) = Liar! © and g(x) = Leo! =. Now, we know that fan! + com! = % Late 44, = oe dart + Loot & = E o fe) - a= = o £0) = ee) +H. + fre = Lew. ‘As antiderivative is not unique, { h(x)dx = g(x) and [ hxde = f(x) does not give f(x) = a(x). ‘We can say that there is a constant c such that f(x) = g(x) + ¢. an [or ac= 2 oe js ani x-a On any interval not containing —a and a, log iS + ¢,a € R~ {0} (on any interval not containing is differentiable and = BA tog) x — a) — tog|x + a/] 1 va Fal _ xta-xta ~ 2a [@=ayrray so) -z jon of antiderivatve, [trae = sh tog [EE | +0, ae R— (03 + c,a © R— {0} (on any interval not containing ~a and a) 198 ‘Marmumarics 12 as f st ae = sin la? —¥ = cs Z +c, x € Ca a), a> 0. tite, xe Oma) a>0. (4) is a differentiable function for x € (a, a),a>0 & (oO) - eee (a> 0, |a| =a) a deriva ria + Using the definition of antiderivative. Sey d= sin £40, x€ Caa),a>0. ax a ‘As shown in (10) we nave [ a le =HcolEt eo, x @ as Ete, xe Can Abo ifa-< 0, then {ToS a= set E tom car St e (s |a| = =a) laa a a We shall usually use the formula for a > 0. —~ wm digg tk oo fear Lsect£+ ce, |x] > la] >0. cosectZ + ct, |x| > lal >0. Ia € R~ {0} and |x| > Jal, 2 sec“! (4) is differentiable and & (2) =Zeectete, x] >a] >0) 199 as [Zee tei Pialte WeeR Pal (los 1x + Pte) = wae fot [Fre 1 © ete i ti , dx + ing tin emit PB te YF a We (Note : For existence of Ee it is necessary that |x| > | al.) Generally, if g(x) is any primitive of f(x), we will not write [ f()dx = g(x) + c. But instead, we will write [ /(2)dx = g(2) assuming that ¢ is included in g(x). According to this, in an equation like Tyeaar = | eta)ae-+ J Hebe, there is no need to write c. It is included in the symbol J ....ds. But it is necessary to write [dx = 2+ c. Here Thus, we may introduce ¢ when all symbols J... are removed after carrying out integration. is not the general integral. It is one integral. Asin, it isnot necessary to write [2a + [ 2 de = 22 + 6, + AL + cy as 6) + ys also an arbitrary constant. Thus, we can w1 Jat [ee- B+ tte For the following examples, we will assume that integral is defined on some appropriate domain of R. We use symbol I for an integral. Example 1 ; Obtain the integral of the following functions wri. x. : > OF eee-s ODM Gs OS eee te WO Tee © pines OTE RIP? Solution : (1) 1 = f(x? +.4.3*— 4) de = Jett 4 3%de— J tae “5 +4. Tas — log [21+ 24 -ax0 x|+e 7 +e fog |x| + 200 ‘Marmumarics 12 CC 2 Oye rae? + @ 1- fon ae ft tiene soe ve ve [QE egrets) a det aft ae [ata + [ates 2 + alog |x| + te aes =F tatgixi+ 2 + ate at dranx +e © = [ip & fora & = ay toe |=] x43 = tiog [243] +6 © ipyeel = log |x + Yin? - (2? [+e = log |x+ 2-4 | +e Example 2 : Evaluate the following : o fais ofais.2+% © ©) [ASE [sects + cosects de Sotution : a= fhe 5 a -t/eue Meets O 1 oat eo@t+yes 2 +) -4](P +25) @ 1. = Afra + 3 [aie ae [ees — ) a = J (secx tame — tan®x) de = Jsecx tanx dx — §(sec®x — 1) de = Jsecx tanx dx — J sec?x de + J1 de = secx — tam +x te (1 = Jsectx + cosec*x core sints * sin 2x+ 00s 2x sin *x-cos "x ‘Marmumarics 12 ~ [Fates = J(sec®x + cosec*x) dx = facet de + Joasec’x de = tame — cow +6 cos 240s 20 Example 3 : Evaluate : [S=SSo de : 08 2x cos 204 Solution 1 = [See __ f ees?) (2c0870-1) - J (cos coscty a cos? cosa -2f ae cosx—cosO. = 2f(cose + cos) &x = 2Jeosx dx + 2eos0. J1 de = 2sinx + 2eos0- x +6 = 2 (sinx + xcos) + ¢ sine : - Example 4 : Evaluate : fia! ME ae, -B R is continuous on [c., B] and differentiable on (0, B). g'( is continuous on (, B) and g'(9 # 0, Ve € (a, B). R, C [a, b] and f: [a, 6] > Ris continuous, then x = g(0, gives [foodde = [f@@) g'Odt. Proof : Since fis continuous on [a, b], J f(e)dx exists. Now, x = g(0) is continuous on [ot, B] and ‘/G) is continuous on [a, b]. So f(g() is also continuous on [0t, B] and g(0) is given to be continuous. Hence /(g(*)) 8). jis continuous. So, LAO) «eat also exists. HQ) =f) Since x = g(0) Hg) = £(gO) As his a differentiable function of x and x is a differentiable function of ¢, h is a differentiable function of . Lng = £ Gogyo) = HERO) BO = fe) £0 £ nego) = FO) 8 Ma) = [fcato) eae Max) = [f(eto) e(0de Lede = JF (eto) etna Here on the left hand side, we have a function of x. On the right hand side, we have a function of &. Since g(0 is continuous and non-zero, x = g(0) is one-one function. Hence = g~'(x) can convert the function on the right hand side into a function of x. In this rule, a new variable is introduced replacing the variable x. Hence, it is called the method of change of variable also. ‘Note : (1) In the formula for the method of substitution, g() = x converts the right hand side according to {fea = [f(x Ha, @) According to the definition, for y = 00), 10) = &. Here, & is not ratio of dy and dx. But /"(s) = (gy Where dx and dy are “differentials” of x and y respectively. Thus, we can write dy = f'(x)dx. Hence, if 1 = sinx, then di = cosx dx. (We will study this in the next semester.) @) Commonly used functions e%, sinx, cose, secx satisfy the conditions of the theorem on some interval. Thus we will not verify these conditions every time. INDEFINITE INTEGRATION 7205 nt ‘Theorem 6.5 : If [/(x)dx = F(x), then [/ (ax + b)de = 1 F(ax + 6) where f: 1 > R is continuous on some interval L (a # 0). Proof : Let (= ar +b, Sox = 4. #0. Also g(@ is Hence, x = g(#) is continuous and differentiable and 22 = g(a = continuous. [fla + bax = frm Bar = [foga = 2 froa =1ro = trax +o) (act by! vane te 4 Thus, (1) Jx"de = AT + o gives | (ax + by'de 2) fh de = tog |x| + gives Jaeger = Log jar + b| +e (2) Jeose dx = sine + ¢ gives costar + bydx = 1 sinfax + b) +6 shea. xral = (x+@)-(@ (of etree A; tos 55] +esives| Gv F deat. log| PTOI [te ‘We can also use all standard forms stated earlier in this manner. Theorem 6.6 : f())" f"@)dk = s(n # 1, f(s) > 0) where f, f° are continuous and SR) #0. Proof: Let ¢=fG@). So 1 = faye ‘Again f(a) # 0 and is continuous implies = f(x) is one-one and Ivor sed = fre (ret )ar =Jeota a fey, mai * “ Iver red - LOE +6 «-s@ Ze Thus, (1) six cose dx = | (sine? (L sine) ae = GE m 4 des ©) [EEE ae = fcan? sects de = f (ary? ( tame) ae = “ate = Yuans)? +6 ‘Marmumarics 12 CC ya © lRre-tls« - + 1 asst =tfery?s G2 + 9dr = SE tem fires te Theorem 6.7 : Its continous in a, b] and differentiable in (a, 5) and f" is continuous and non-zero, Vx € [a, b| and f(s) #0, Wx € (a, 6}, then [Fae = log ifta)| + 6. ‘increasing or decreasing) function. Proof :" is continuous and non-zero. Henee, f is monotoni Substitution ¢ = f(x) gives x =~") 2 Poa t £0 4 (LO de y Now. J Fane = Spay SF a -fla =log|t|+e = Siem = log | f(a) | +e w ty foe ft det -1jee Tay d=} log | - 15 [+e cose —ssne sine + tcose ©) Saari & 4 [aati ee Li6cosx + 4sinx) =i | a 2 |“ ecose Fast) = } log | 6cosx + 4sinx | +e 6.6 Some More Standard Forms (16) On any interval 1 = (é, Qk + DE or (2-4, an), ke Z Jeanx dx = tog |secx| + ¢. SAIN te (secx # 0) Mere, flame ae = [ 2 On given interval, 1 = secx is continuous and differentiable and non-zero and dt = secx sanx is also continuous and non-zero. Taking, ¢ = sex, dt = secx tanx de oe Plane de = Je “fia secx tanx INDEFINITE INTEGRATION 207 nn log |¢| +e = log | secx | +e (17) On any interval 1= (kn, @k + 4) of (2k ~ 05, an), ke Z Jeotx de = log | sinx| +c. Here, [cote dx =f 28% ax On given interval, 1 = sinx is continuous and differentiable and non-zero and Jt = cosx is also continuous and non-zero. Taking ¢ = sinx, di = cose de c Jeote de = [2285 ae =fi Spa =log|é|+e = log | sine [+ (18) On any interval 1 = (kn, @& + D) or (2k - HE, kx), ke Z Jeosecx dx log | cosecx ~ cote | + cy x # km, k € Z = log | tan | +c On given interval, 1 — cosx # 0 and sine #0 = cose s. coseex ~ cote = 2% 4 0 in the domain. ‘ine Now, 1= [eoseer de = [ SSE ewe e204, cosec*x ~ coseck cote aa ‘Now, f = cosecx — cotx is continuous and differentiable and non-zero and ds AL = cose ~ cones cote is continuous and non-er0 on given intel so 1sfta = log |¢| +e = log | cosecx — cox | +e 1 cose Again, log | coseex ~ cotr | log |" | asin? £ = log ‘asin ¥ cos = log an | Thus, [coseex de = log | cosecx — cote | + ¢ = tog tan S| +6 208 ‘Marmumarics 12 i (19) On any interval 1 (én, @k + 04) or (2k - DF, An), he Z Sseex de = og |secx + tanx| +e = og | tan(F +4) | + seex + tamx = £8 jg defined and non-zero as x # (4k — IVE, ke Z On given interval, 1 + sine #0 and cosx #0 a Now t= Joe ae = | SESE Now, = secr + sanx is continuous and differentiable and non-zero and dt dt. = secx tamx + secs is continuous and non-zero on given interval. Sec?x + secxtanx vs | errtane =log|t|te log | seex + tanx | + € van pin og soe +t | “ts ‘cose sin? £ + cos?£+ 28in cos 4| = tog 2 FOS cos? sin? = (cos = + sina)? sins? 5 = log aan | 1= tan ~ gm) ‘Thus, J secx de = log | secx + tanx | +c = tog | ton (E+ | +e Example 6 : Evaluate : f 2©*S2+3*1 gy olution ¢y = [222341 2x) a = [oenatemene yy 7209 nn =J(@rart3 4a) =) Pde 3 fede +3 farts fag ee =H 4aLtart4 xd tog|2-1i+e =A + G24 3x42 bog |2e— 1) +e Example 7: Evahuawe : | (Tos + sats) ae Sol won 1 = |(Teaet wiz) - Sorter Jaren & = }an-t(At) + aby x + tog SER] +0 sted va Example 8 : Evaluate » [(7x-+ 5)/3x2 a Solution : We will find m and » such that Tet 5 = mGx+2)+n Txt 5=3mx+2m+n Comparing the coefficient of x and constant term on both sides, 3m =7 and 2m+n=5 s. m=Zand Hh +n=5. Thusn=5—i=4 cma Zand n= 5. Thusn=5— ad <1 0) Let x = 2sin®. Then dx = 2cos 40, 0 € (0, aod |e 4sin® = | Fant - 22000 20 ssin"9-2c090.40 (cos0 sxtcan( Oise (0.3) = 45 sin? a0 = 20 — 2sin® cos® +c Now, x = 2sin®. Hence @ = sin~(4), @ € (0.4) 2sin0 cos = 241-2 = deg? f 1s pari(§) bine +6 Followi a list of some frequently used sul sign from the integrand, Usually we will take 0< @ < INDEFINITE INTEGRATION 215 Bxample 19 : Evaluate + f 1 meno Solution : Here, 1= f ae 1 ay = Let x? = bsec8 2x de = bsec® tan dO axde Now, t= [er -f # sec tanOd 0 26? sec OYb* sec *0— b* + lao =F Ore But, since 2? = Bsec®, sec = 27, © = sec™l3> 1= de scet(33) + sample 20 Bvsuwe : [LEE ae 0-< <3 Solution : Here, 1= J 8% ae Let x = 3sin’®@ Then de = 32sin® cos®) d® 216 @<0<4%) @<0<4) @<0<4) ‘Marmumarics 12 rr 1 - jes 6sinO cos dO = [ cost e - 1=sin*9 a2 [ie a0 = 2¥3 J (cosec® — sin®) d® = 23 [log | cosec® — cor8| + cos] + ¢ But, since sin? = 4, cos® = 1 — 4. So cos® = casec2® = 5. So cosecd = [> Also 1 + 600 = 2. $0 cof = (2-1 = f= 1-26 foe FS) + Example 21 : Evaluate Jes dx, (@ <0) ps] +e Solution : 1 = [eee Let 0 = tants, 2 <0 <0. So, x = 1an 0. dx = sec d0, @ © (-%.0) 1 = [LE 5020 a0 an*0 secO- sec*@ -J une _ 038 ~Vsin'e = J (sin (sin) dO = (sin =z a 3 sine T° = Ah coseci® + ¢ Now, tan® = x. So cor = 1 and cosec® = —Jfi+co10 INDENINITE IVTEGRATION (B ax, @ > 2) ce-a-2F Solution : t= f —ge&—, (9 2? Let x — 1 = sec®, dr = 2sec® secO tan dO @<0<% cde = 2 sec0 tan dO 2sec%® rand — (sec76)? (sec%@ 1)? = jeune ‘sec *8-1an® = 2] coso de = 2sin@ +c Now, sec?0 = 1. So cos = o. sin@ = [== (0<0<4) r=2fe=2 o 1=2425F +e 6.8 An Important Substitution en i If the integrand is Zypsme> TFAow O |Fbsinbrecom then tank = ¢ is a useful substitution. Using this substitution, we can transform integrand into a standard form of in = shae Taking sand = 1, sec? « L de = at “ = dL dt _ tt oO Sects ~ Ve rants 1+? ans _ tte ae $0 Trane — THR nd CO ants 4 F This will transform the integrand into a function of 1. 218 ‘Marmmmarics 12 —z—————" SC Example 23 : Evaluate : [ age de Solution + Let tamié = ¢, So, de = Tabs and sine = (ir 1 at [ z J We Ue —__ -2[eim ae — fra -.f— 2 aa “ 1 =2x gy los | STF +6 + 103 = te V5 8 fran 2+ v5] Example 24: Evaulate [ araftmer, a € (0.4 ‘s satan t= [eral x _ dt ae Let tan = 1. So de = TEP, cose = Tae Joo +e cosa.+ ie 2de = | car covariP at -2\iew cos Ci = 2a aE 20s — 28in* ht? —_dt___. (cor $) =(esin) cos & + sin 1 +e Tink cod 108 [cosa sin | 14+ tan & «tan 3 jittan ian 1 tan & -1an 5 = aig bos te INDEFINITE INTEGRATION 219 nn 6.9 Integrals of the type [sin™x cos"x dx m,n € N If m, n © NN, the following cases may occur () m, mare odd (3) mis even and n is odd (2) m is odd and n is even. (4) m and n both are even. Let I= J sin™ costs dx Case 1: m,n are odd. We may take sine = ¢ or cosx = ¢. Usually if m > n, sine = ¢ and if n > m, cosx = ¢ will be convenient. Case 2: m is odd and n is even. We take cose = t. Case 3: m is even and n is odd. We take sinx = t, Case 4: m and m both are even, In this situation, we transform sin costs using sin2x = £052 and cosy = Lb60s2* For small values of m and n, these methods are simple. For larger and negative values of ‘m and n, other methods are availables, but at this stage we will not study them. Example 25 : Evaluate J costs sin's dx Example 26 : Evaluate J sin®x- costs de Solution : Here, m= 5 is odd. m= 2 is even. 1 = [sin®x cose de Here, m = 23, n = 3. m and n both are odd. vs Let cose = &, So —sinx dx = dt c+ sine de = dt But m > n. Let sine = 1, s0 cose dx = dt 1 = J cose sinx de L = J sin®xcos’x cosx de J sin*x- cos?x + sine de = J = cos’xy? caste sine de = Ja PP Pedy =[a-22 + Ay) ar =Jet-6- ya HB te Example 27 : Evaluate [sin2x coy's de Solution : 1 = J sin?x coste de Here, m and m both are even. 5 = BeosSs — 4eos"s — Leosty + © = | sin?3x(1 — sin?x) cosx de =[R0-Py ae =[@ =P) ar 20 ‘Marmumarics 12 CC 2. sind cose = A(asin®x costs) cose = dette scot eee) = EC ~ costx + cosdx — costs £0823) (2cos4x costx) [1 = caste + cos2x — Boosie = 4 [2 — 2cos4x + 2cos2x — cos6x — cos2x] = FO — 2eosdx + cosdx — cos6x) c 1 = d Jz + cosax —2c0s4x — cosss] de =~ [+ Se -e - e]L _— = phy [12% + 3sinae —3sinde — sine] + 6 Integrate the following functions defined on proper domains using trigonometric ay (xl<1) 2 » O 2) 4, PEF @ex 0, where Be = P@=We = a l(e + 092 + BAL, if 6 — dae < 0, where Be = - F=s2e Thus, a2 + bet e=a (e+ co? + BA, Hence | GATT and { Toe can be evaluates using previous standard forms. Now let us understand the method by the following examples : (Note + 161 = dae, then ax? + br + = a(x +2) Bxample 28 + Evaluate : [=> —5 Solution : = [rvAooy -ifete m2 ‘Marmumarics 12 Example 29 : Evaluate : [Jha a Solution t= | FRaeay ae =F sin" 4x - $e (o 0 aa" +) 1 xO" +1) ‘Then nx ~ 1 de = dt Solution : Let 7+ 1 = nx" de mx" + D) = Sot I= “tire mW sin FO) sae) Ree isin xO) sine¥®) * sincx=8) -J fore 2 a sample 38 + Evalue + J Solution : 1 Second Method : de et _ 1 flceomd 0) 7227 ssinx cos 0 —oosx sin ® = a Ifo = 2030 J Te ae — snd J PaO a = e098 J ay te snd | Te ae a ae | sin —_ Yeos?0—cos?x Asin?x = sin?6 Let cosx = u in the first integral and sinx = v in the second integral. ws osinx de = du and cosx dx = dv a bo = -cos8 sin“! (ey) — sind tog iv + Pain +e = e080 sin » (2288) — sino log | sine + Jsin?x—sin?9 | +¢ = cos f Example 36 : Evaluate : f Ale ds O-2) 6. Faye #2 -D _s 1. Byes #52) 8. Zoste=ajeORE=BE sine +a) TneFhy 10.x(1 = x7" 1. ore toe 1 To dacose eae 0S 4S 1 14, Select a proper option (a), (b), (c) or (d) from given options and write in the box given on the right so that the statement becomes correct : Section A (0) If [fdr = ogee + 6, then f(x) = se Oo Joy (logx)* Gog.x)* (log x)° @ ) Se © ee (a Soest (2) fetlea et de = te oO @ ae oe © maw © ti ©) JP ante Oo (@) (logx? & Set © tdog9 — @) 3 (log 39° (& Jsect (5-4) de = nu te oO (a) tan (5-4) (b) 2tan(S-4) (©) -2tan(5-¥) (A) —Lran(s-4) ole de ne FE Oo © dear @ Fran INDEFINITE INTEGRATION 7229 nt © J fi=cosr ae +n ot oy -1 We have studied the following points in this chapter : 1. Definition of primitive or antiderivative or indefinite integral. 2. Working rules for integration. 3. Standard integrals : Q) Jeae= 2 +ene R- (C1, xe RE @ Jide =togizitexe R-(0} G3) Jcosx de = sinx +c, Wx ER ) J sine de = —cosx + 6, Wx © R (8) Jsec?x de = tame + c, x # @k— VE, kE Z (6) J cosectx de = —com + ¢,x # MRE Z (1) Ssecx tanx de = secx + c, x # (2k — 1%, kE Z (8) Jcosecx cotx de = —cosecx + c, x # kt, ke Z 0) Jatde=72G +e,a€ Rt {I}, xER ea (10) [pig a= Lar (2) +0, 2e R-{0},2ER ay fos 5 de = Log [esa | +a R- (0},x# ta x+a oy [ate =i - a gig a= th bog [teaer (0), x#+ oer 0» fyaire sim EZ +o, rE Ca d,a>0. INDEFINITE INTEGRATION 7235 oo [apie ec dewtets eisai (5 [pier ae toe + Fae le, Vee R Rule of substitution for integration, If [f(@)dx = F(x), then | f(ae + b)de = LF(ax + 8) where f: 1 — R is continuous on some interval 1. (a # 0). 6. [peor fede = LOE oy @ —1, sex) > 0) where ff" are continuous and #2) # 0. 7. If f is continuous in (a, b] and differentiable in (a, 6) and f* is continuous and non-zero, Vx € [a b] and f(x) # 0, Vx € [a 6}, then J Fae = log 7e)| + 6. (16) J tanx de = log | secx| +c, = (ia, @ + DE) or (2 - DE, en), ke Z fopyf ease | oe pe (ia, @k + DE) or (2k - DF, tm), ke Z (1) Jecvrex de = lay [carecr — cote| +62 # ky Ee 2, ‘on any interval ‘on any interval 1 fon any interval 1= (tx, @k + NE) or (2k — DF, an), ke Z (19) [seer de = tog | tan( +4) | + 6, ‘on any interval (i, @k + DF) or (2 = DF, an), ke Z Classical Period (400 — 1200) This period is often known as the golden age of Indian Mathematics. This period saw mathematicians such as Aryabhata, Varahamihira, Brahmagupta, Bhaskara 1, Mahavira, and Bhaskara Il who gave broader and clearer shape to many branches of mathematics. Their contributions would spread to Asia, the Middle East, and eventually to Europe, Unlike Vedic mathematics, their works included both astronomical and mathematical contributions. In fact, mathematics of that period was included in the ‘astral science’ (jyotisha-shatra) and consisted of three sub-disciplines: mathematical sciences (ganita ‘or tantra), horoscope astrology (hora or jataka) and divination (samhita). This tripartite division is seen in Varahamihira's 6th century compilation—Pancasiddhantika (literally panca, “five,” siddhanta, "conclu- ion of deliberation’, dated 575 CE)—of five earlier works, Surya Siddhanta, Romaka Siddhanta, Paulisa Siddhanta, Vasishtha Siddhanta and Paitamaha Siddhanta, which were adaptations of still earlier works ‘of Mesopotamian, Greek, Egyptian, Roman and Indian astronomy. As explained earlier, the main texts were composed in Sanskrit verse, and were followed by prose commentaries. 236 ‘Marmumarics 12

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