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Design and Analysis of a Vertical Axis Wind Turbine for Highway Application in

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8 authors, including:

Md Rabiul Sk. Md. Golam Mostafa

World University of Bangladesh Asian Institute of Technology


Mohammad Tawsiful Islam Md. Sultan Mahmud

Reverie Power & Automation Engineering Ltd International Islamic University Chittagong


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Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol. 12, 07-Special Issue, 2020

Design and Analysis of a Vertical Axis Wind

Turbine for Highway Application in
Md. Sultan Mahmud*, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, International Islamic University Chittagong, Chittagong,
Bangladesh. E-mail:
Md. Rabiul Hasan Abir, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, International Islamic University Chittagong, Chittagong,
Bangladesh. E-mail:
S.M.G Mostafa, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, International Islamic University Chittagong, Chittagong, Bangladesh.
Mohammad Tawsiful Islam, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, International Islamic University Chittagong, Chittagong,
Bangladesh. E-mail:
Md. Hobaibul Islam, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, International Islamic University Chittagong, Chittagong,
Bangladesh. E-mail:
Masud Hasan, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, International Islamic University Chittagong, Chittagong, Bangladesh.
Md. Shoyab Abdullah Chy, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, International Islamic University Chittagong, Chittagong,
Bangladesh. E-mail:
Abstract--- In everyday life, the demand for energy is increasing at a rapid rate. So, it is urgent to increase the
production rate. But the fact is that the resources used are mostly conventional energy sources that are limited and
decrease with time. So, it is important to think of an alternative way to meet the power gap. In this case, renewable
energy sources are the best option to minimize the problem. The wind is the most available and cleanest source of
renewable energy. The highway offers a significant and almost constant source of wind power due to high traffic.
But This Wind energy produced by the speed of the vehicles on the highway is totally unused. Electricity can be
produced by a wind turbine using this wind energy. The stored power can be used for toll gates, street lights, public
amenities, etc. The main advantage of this project is it can supply constant electrical power. This paper aims to
harness the wind energy from the fast-moving vehicles with the help of vertical axis wind turbine (VAWT) on
highway dividers in Bangladesh. In this research study at the first random wind, velocity was created using Monte
Carlo Simulation (MCS) technique to predict the power generation from 10,000 thousand samples in the Matlab
environment. Secondly, theoretically designed the proposed system to generate power. Finally, practical generated
power depicts theoretical wind-generated power.
Keywords--- HAWT, VAWT, Highway Power, Windmill, Renewable Energy, Monte Carlo Simulation.

I. Introduction
In today's life electricity has become one of the basic needs like food, water, etc to people. Power is needed in
every part of life from household to industrial level. A day without electricity is compared to a nightmare. Since its
inception in the very first days of the 19th century, the demand for electricity is increasing with time. Electricity
reduces human labor, saves time, and provides precise output. Though the demand for electricity is increasing, the
production of electricity is not adequate. Currently, around 68% of electrical power produced from the thermal
power plant [1]. In a thermal power plant, power generation is based on fossil fuels, diesel, which is very limited,
less available, and concern is that these are going to be finished one day.
Moreover, it is not eco-friendly. By burning fossil fuels, it emits CO2 on the atmosphere that causes pollution,
global warming, and the greenhouse effect, etc. It is known that Bangladesh is now listed in the developing country.
It is clear that any countries development largely depends on its electricity generation. But there is a vast production
gap between its peak value and its generation. The demand for power of Bangladesh is going to be 20,000 MW by
2020 [2]. Where including captive power, the installed generation capacity has risen to some 18,753MW [3].

DOI: 10.5373/JARDCS/V12SP7/20202172
ISSN 1943-023X 805
Received: 11 May 2020/Accepted: 10 June 2020
Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol. 12, 07-Special Issue, 2020

In recent years, power consumers in Bangladesh have increased by 26 million [4], increasing day by day. But the
fact is that currently, only 77.9% of Bangladesh's population is connected to the electricity grid [5]. Though BPDB
has taken steps to install a higher capacity power plant to meet the demand, it is a time-consuming project. For this,
an alternative energy source must be installed to mitigate this problem.
The wind is one of the most abundant and clean sources of energy. This study focuses on the unused wind
energy produced from the moving vehicles on the highway. A well-designed wind turbine on the highway divider
can produce a significant amount of electricity. There are two types of wind turbine viz. Vertical axis wind turbine
(VAWT) and Horizontal axis wind turbine (HAWT). In this project, VAWT is chosen for its several advantages
over HAWT. A VAWT is a special type of wind turbine; it is designed in such a way that they can cut the wind from
both sides of the highway [6].
Moreover, a VAWT needn't be oriented on the part of the wind, and they can be located at ground level [7].
VAWT needs low investment costs and requires a small space to install than HAWT [8]. However, VAWT has
some downfalls; also, they are not self-starting. There needed an auxiliary power source to start the rotation of the
turbine until a certain rotational speed is gained [9].
The main reason for choosing VAWT is that it is Omni-directional, and it requires low wind speed to operate.
After all, it is expected that this research work will make a little contribution to the global trend towards green
energy and reduce the dependency on non-renewable sources.

II. Literature Review

Niranjana. S.J [10] Inquired to generate power by fixing the vertical axis wind turbine on the highways. This
paper indicates that the vertical axis wind turbine can be able to generate 1KW of power when it moves at 25m/s.
Abhijit N Roy [11] et al. tried to design and fabricate and economical vertical axis wind turbine. In this
experiment, the shaft of the rotor is connected vertically to the wind turbine with the generator. It uses a gearbox that
can be fixed near to the ground.
D.A. Nikam [12] et al. reviewed the literature and development of the blade of the vertical axis wind turbine. This
paper indicates the characteristics and advantages of both HAWT and VAWT. The experimental outcome of this
paper tells that design of the blade plays an essential role in the performance of the turbine. A modified blade can
improve the efficiency of the wind turbine.
Altab Hossain [13] et al. showed a design that investigated the development of vertical axis wind turbines. The
blade and the drag devices are designed in such a way that they are at a ratio of 1:3 to the wind turbine. The
calculated output if this experiment is it produces 567W and 709W power when the wind speeds are 20m/s and
25m/s, respectively.
Parth Rathod [14] et al. analyzed the efficiency of a vertical axis wind turbine by combining their rotor. In this
experiment, higher efficiency is achieved compared to the single savonious and darries rotor. The outcome of this
paper shows that turbine efficiency depends on wind speed and environmental conditions.
Kunduru Akhil Reddy [15] et al. researched to increase the aerodynamic efficiency of the wind turbine. Blades
are designed by using various types of airfoils that are attached to the angle of attack.
PiyushGulve [16] et al. raised the design and construction of vertical axis wind turbines. This paper discussed the
advantages of VAWT over HAWT. This paper indicates that the lea error on manufacture and friction loss, the
higher efficiency. This loss can be minimized by designing the blades more aerodynamically.
M. Abid [17] et al. has shown a design and develop a model to test both savonius and darrieus axis wind turbine
and found VAWT is more efficient over HAWT. The testing result indicates darrieus VAWT acts as a self-starting
wind turbine that operates at low speed.

III. Comparison with Previous Work

Above of literature review, it tells that the efficiency of the wind turbine greatly depends on some factors like
size and design of the blades, aspects ratio, TSR (tip speed ratio), blade angle, and velocity of the air. In previous

DOI: 10.5373/JARDCS/V12SP7/20202172
ISSN 1943-023X 806
Received: 11 May 2020/Accepted: 10 June 2020
Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol. 12, 07-Special Issue, 2020

work, all of the wind turbines either darrieus type or savonius type. Darrieus type turbines have a problem of it not
self-starting while savonius type turbines are self-starting but have very poor efficiency.
In this project, a modified H type self-starting vertical axis wind turbine is designed in which the blades are
twisted in such a way that it can capture the air from both directions for maximum efficiency. The angle between
each blade is made by 120° for maximum speed. The main advantage of this system is that it can supply continuous
electricity. The proposed model of the vertical axis wind turbine is illustrated in Figure 1.

Figure 1: A Proposed Model of Vertical Axis Wind Turbine

This project has the following objectives:
1. Designing of a vertical axis wind turbine.
2. To implement the project on highway divider in Bangladesh.

IV. Methodology
4.1 Monte Carlo Simulation
Monte Carlo Simulation (MCS) is treated as an effective numerical technique to solve a complex mathematical
calculation of a system. It is widely used in reliability calculation, stochastic/random event simulations, engineering
analysis [19]. MCS is a statistical simulation method that accomplishes the simulation using random samples. The
principle concept of the MCS method is to take enough uncertainties to create simulated data. On the contrary,
analytical methods needed only mathematical models to narrate an underlying mathematical or physical system,
whereas the MCS needed the CDF (cumulative density function) or cumulative probability of the mathematical or
physical system. When the cumulative density function of the system is known, the MCS will perform with a
random sample from this density function in an interval between 0 and 1.
4.1.1 Random Samplings
Using standard probability density function, the random samples are generated in the Matlab environment. There
is a drawback to generating random samples from the wind variations statistical model since it contains some zero
samplings. That is, wind speed bellow cut-in or above cut-out. So, it does not match any available standard
distribution model. There is a way to avert this problem: separate the statistical data into two, the first one will
contain the zero-value velocity or radiation, and the second one will contain non-zero velocity or radiations. The
random samples generated from zero radiations or speed also be zero-valued. The non-zero samples are generated as
Get an empirical cumulative density function of the non-zero wind and solar radiation variation model.

DOI: 10.5373/JARDCS/V12SP7/20202172
ISSN 1943-023X 807
Received: 11 May 2020/Accepted: 10 June 2020
Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol. 12, 07-Special Issue, 2020

i. Use these non-zero wind or solar radiation variation on a standard distribution model. Find out related
parameters from the distribution models in a standard distribution function.
ii. Using the parameters generates the random samples and distribution model in step number (ii).
iii. Get the cumulative density function (CDF) of the generated random samples.
iv. Repeat (ii) to (iv) using other distribution models.
v. Now compare different CDFs of the random samples generated from different standard distribution models
with empiric CDF in step no. (i). Choose the best-fitted one.
Based on the above steps, the non-zero wind variation is then modeled as a Weibull distribution and solar
variation modeled as the normal distribution with the closest CDF with the empiric one from the wind speed and
solar radiation variation statistical model. A total of 10,000 random samplings will be generated.

Figure 2: CDF of Wind Speed Variation in m/s

Average wind speed = 5.5 m/s
Standard Deviation = 0.78 m/s


DOI: 10.5373/JARDCS/V12SP7/20202172
ISSN 1943-023X 808
Received: 11 May 2020/Accepted: 10 June 2020
Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol. 12, 07-Special Issue, 2020

Figure 3: (a) Randomly Generated Wind Speed (m/s) (b) Its Histogram with 10,000 Samples
Figure. 2 shows the cumulative density function (CDF) of the generated random samples. Where average wind
speed is 5.5 m/s, and the standard deviation is 0.78 m/s has considered. Figure 3 shows randomly generated wind
speed for 10 thousand samples.
4.1.2 Wind Turbine Generation Pattern Modelling
The generation of wind power is highly related to the velocity of the site. Different methods were developed to
model wind behavior such as data mining algorithms [20], time-series models [21], or clustering approach. In this
thesis, the variation of wind speed, i.e., v, is modeled as a Weibull PDF and its characteristic function which relates
the wind speed and the output of a WT as follows:

DF (v) = ( ) ( )k-1exp[ - ( )k] (1)

Where, k and c are the shape and scale factor of the Weibull k PDF of wind speed, respectively [22].
The power generated from the wind turbine generator is determined using its speed–power curve as follows:

Where, Pwi,r is the rated power of WT connected in node-i, Pwi is the generated power of WT of node-i, vCout is
the cut-out speed, and vCin is the cut-in speed. , vrated is the rated speed of the WT. If cut-out speed, cut in speed and
rated speed of wind turbine is considered as 15 m/s, 2.4 m/s and 5 m/s respectively; the average power generated is
46.88 watt.
4.2 Designing Component Description
4.2.1 Specifications of Turbine
Height of the blade = 24 inch = 0.61m

DOI: 10.5373/JARDCS/V12SP7/20202172
ISSN 1943-023X 809
Received: 11 May 2020/Accepted: 10 June 2020
Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol. 12, 07-Special Issue, 2020

Diameter of the blade =30 inch = 0.762m

Width of the blade = 8 inch = 0.20m
Height of the Shaft = 38 inch = 0.97m
Diameter of the shaft = 19mm
Area = diameter * height
= 0.762* 0.61
= 0.46 m2
Total weight of blades = 800g × 3 = 2.4 kg
Total Height of the turbine = 58 inch = 1.47m
Total weight of the turbine = 12kg

Figure 4: Modeling of Vertical Axis Wind Turbine

4.2.2 Gear Mechanism
Gear ratio calculation:
At first, the RPM of the load shaft is calculated
Nrpm = 60*V /2*pi*r
V= velocity of air = 5 m/s
r = radius of the blade = 12inch = 0.3048m
So Nrpm = (60*5)/2*3.1416*0.3018
S1 T1 =S2T2
S1=Rotational speed (rpm) of the drive gear
i.e. generator = 300rpm
T1 = Teeth of the drive gear =30

DOI: 10.5373/JARDCS/V12SP7/20202172
ISSN 1943-023X 810
Received: 11 May 2020/Accepted: 10 June 2020
Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol. 12, 07-Special Issue, 2020

S2= Rotational speed (rpm) of the driven gear

(i.e) load shaft =156rpm
T2= Teeth of the driven gear
So T2 = S1 T1 / S2
Gear ratio =T2/T1
=2.00 (approx.)
So T1: T2 =1:2
5.2.3 Generator Design
The generator shaft is coupled with the turbine shaft with the help of a gear mechanism to generate electricity. In
this project, a 24v, 200w, 300rpm permanent magnet DC generator.
4.2.4 Bearing Design
A bearing mechanism is used for the better performance of the shaft. It provides the support of the shaft also.
4.2.5 Design of Blades
While designing the blades, the size and weight must be taken into consideration. Three blades are used, the
height, width, and weight of each blade are 24inch, 8inch, and 800g respectively. The angle between each blade is
120°. Thus, when a blade moves, one of the remaining blades takes the former blade position.
Therefore, it increases the speed. The blades are made of aluminum sheets and banned so that it can rotate in
both directions for maximum efficiency.
4.2.6 Design of Base
In this project, a strong base is built so that the turbine can withstand high wind speed, such as at times of natural
disaster. In general, it provides stability when the turbine rotates. The base is made of iron, and the height of the base
is 16 inches. Figure 4 shows the implemented prototype of VAWT.
4.2.7 Inverter
An inverter is a device that is used to convert DC into AC for domestic purposes.
Specifications of the inverter:
Input = 12v DC
Output =220v AC
4.2.8 Battery
The generator output is supplied to the battery through a charge controller circuit to store the electrical energy. In
this project, a restorable lead-acid type battery to store the power. The maximum capacity of the battery is 12 V. The
system will use a battery bank for a continuous supply of electrical power.
4.2.9 Charge Controller
The charge controller is used to charge the battery. It supplies the power output generated by the battery sources,
and when the battery is fully charged, it controls the battery's power input. It prevents overcharging and works
against overvoltage that can reduce battery performance.
The Block Diagram of the proposed power generation system is illustrated in Figure 5.

DOI: 10.5373/JARDCS/V12SP7/20202172
ISSN 1943-023X 811
Received: 11 May 2020/Accepted: 10 June 2020
Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol. 12, 07-Special Issue, 2020

Figure 5: Block Diagram of the Proposed System

V. Result and Discussion

The working principle of a windmill is to convert the kinetic energy of wind into mechanical power. The Kinetic
Energy (K.E) of any particle is given by-
K.E=½ mv2 (2)
Where, m = mass, v= velocity
Mass(m)= ρAV (3)
Where, ρ = density of the air
Substituting Eqn (2) into Eqn (1)
P= ½ ρ A v3 (4)
Where, P= wind power (w) ,ρ =air density (1.225 kg/m3),
v = wind speed (m/s), A=swept area (m2) =D lb
Where, D = rotor diameter(m),lb = blade height (m).
A = .762× .61
= .46 m2
5.1 Theoretical Power Calculation
Observation 1
For velocity = 4.1 m/s
wind power P = ½ ρ A v3
= ½ × 1.225 × .46 × 4.13 = 19.4 watt

DOI: 10.5373/JARDCS/V12SP7/20202172
ISSN 1943-023X 812
Received: 11 May 2020/Accepted: 10 June 2020
Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol. 12, 07-Special Issue, 2020

Observation 2
For velocity = 4.5 m/s
wind power P = ½ ρ A v3
= ½ × 1.225 × .46 × 4.53 = 25.67 watt
Observation 3
For velocity=4.9m/s
wind power P = ½ ρ A v3
= ½ × 1.225 × .46× 4.93 = 33.15watt
Observation 4
For velocity =5.2m/s
wind power P = ½ ρ A v3
= ½ × 1.225 × .46 × 5.23 = 39.61 watt
Observation 5
For velocity = 5.5m/s
wind power P = ½ ρ A v3
= ½ × 1.225 × .46 × 5.53 = 46.88 watt
Observation 6
For velocity =5.7m/s
wind power P = ½ ρ A v3
= ½ × 1.225 × .46 ×5.73 = 52.18 watt
Observation 7
For velocity =5.9m/s
wind power P = ½ ρ A v3
= ½ × 1.225 × .46 × 5.93 = 57.87watt
Observation 8
For velocity= 6.1m/s
wind power P = ½ ρ A v3
= ½ × 1.225 × .46 × 6.13= 63.95 watt
Observation 9
For velocity = 6.4m/s
wind power P = ½ ρ A v3
= ½ × 1.225 × .46 × 6.43 =73.86watt
Observation 10
For velocity =6.7m/s
wind power P = ½ ρ A v3
= ½ × 1.225 × .46 × 6.73 = 84.74watt
Average wind speed Vavg = 5.5 m/s
Average wind power Pavg= ½ ρ A vavg3
= ½ × 1.225 × .46 × 5.53
=46.88 watt
By using the equation (3), the wind power output is determined. The results are shown in Figure 6 and Table 1.
The generated power increased steadily with the increments of wind velocity

DOI: 10.5373/JARDCS/V12SP7/20202172
ISSN 1943-023X 813
Received: 11 May 2020/Accepted: 10 June 2020
Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol. 12, 07-Special Issue, 2020

Table 1: Wind Velocity vs. Power Output (Theoretical)

Serial No Wind Velocity (m/s) Output (watt)
1 4.1 19.4
2 4.5 25.67
3 4.9 33.15
4 5.2 39.61
5 5.5 46.88
6 5.7 52.18
7 5.9 57.87
8 6.1 63.95
9 6.4 73.86
10 6.7 84.74

Figure 6: Wind Velocity vs. Power Output Curve

5.2 Experimental Data
The experimental data of power output are shown in Table 2. Practically measured voltage and current have
been listed in the table with shaft rotation. The Comparison between the theoretical and experimental power is
shown in Figure 7. This figure illustrates that there is a mismatch between theoretical and practical power. This is
because there is a power loss in the turbine and generator. But the main reason for varying the output power is wind
speed on the highway does not always remain the same rather than it changes continuously. Graphical representation
of voltage and current with respect to generated power depicts in Figure 8.
Table 2: Wind Velocity vs. Power Output (Experimental)
Serial No Wind speed (m/s) Shaft speed (rpm) Voltage (v) Current (A) Power (watt)
01 4.1 49 5.23 3.92 20.50
02 4.5 66 5.75 4.19 24.1
03 4.9 82 5.96 4.53 27
04 5.2 93 6.15 4.89 30.1
05 5.5 102 6.48 5.08 32.92
06 5.7 117 6.82 5.32 36.28
07 5.9 132 7.10 5.67 40.26
08 6.1 148 7.60 5.76 43.78
09 6.4 169 7.92 5.98 47.36
10 6.7 186 8.18 6.2 50.72

DOI: 10.5373/JARDCS/V12SP7/20202172
ISSN 1943-023X 814
Received: 11 May 2020/Accepted: 10 June 2020
Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol. 12, 07-Special Issue, 2020

Figure 7: Theoretical vs. Experimental Power Curve

Figure 8: Wind Speed vs. Practical Power, Voltage, Current Curve

VI. Overall Performance and Cost Analysis

The total length of the highway in Bangladesh is about 21000000m [18]. In order to avoid walking effect and
ensure public safety, if the turbines are installed making 25m spacing between them. Then 840000 numbers of
turbines can be installed throughout the highway of Bangladesh From the previous part, it is seen about 46.88W
average power was generated when average wind speed was 5.5m/s.

DOI: 10.5373/JARDCS/V12SP7/20202172
ISSN 1943-023X 815
Received: 11 May 2020/Accepted: 10 June 2020
Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol. 12, 07-Special Issue, 2020

Above all this calculation, this project would be able to generate (840000*46.88) = 39.38MW electrical power
by the vertical axis wind turbine. So, it can be expected that this project will be a contributing hand towards our
power crisis.
6.1 Cost Estimate
As this project work did not get any funds, so total cost was contributed by the members. Table 3, listed the
price of some significant parts of the turbine. Some auxiliary equipment like charge controller, inverter are borrowed
from the university laboratory.
Table 3: Approximate Cost Analysis
Elements Quantity Unit price ($) Total Price($)
Generator 1pcs 300 300
Battery 1pcs 110 110
Gear 1pair 50 50
Blade 3pcs 20 60
Bearing 2pcs 15 30
Others (shaft, base, etc) 100 100
Grand total 650

VII. Future scope

1. Combining solar cells with the turbine would be to produce considerable energy.
2. This project was built at a low cost. Here aluminium is used as blade material, but this too weighty. Carbon
fiber, fiber reinforce plastic can be used for better efficiency.
3. For better efficiency turbine can be placed at different height levels.

VIII. Conclusion
Both stochastic and theoretical wind power calculation shows almost the same results. But practical power
generation is lower than the theoretically calculated value due to some practical constraints. But generated power is
enough to fulfill the objectives. Although at first, the main aim of this project was to lighten all the highways. But as
the project generates a considerable amount of power hence after lighting up the highways excess power can be
supplied to the national grid. Also, wind energy varies with time, so the rate of production of electricity will also
vary. Thus, the components must be designed in such a way so that the losses should be at minimum.

All praises and thanks to Allah, the Lord of the world, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful for helping to
accomplish this work. The endless effort and hard work by the authors help to finish the project work efficiently.
Last but not least, the authors would also like to thank their parents, who gave them all kinds of support and

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DOI: 10.5373/JARDCS/V12SP7/20202172
ISSN 1943-023X 817
Received: 11 May 2020/Accepted: 10 June 2020

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