Kaplan Q-Bank Notes

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 Hemochromatosis  diabetes, erectile dysfunction, bronzing of skin (bronze

diabetes) iron overload

 BRCA1 Chr 17q  ovarian and breast cancer

 H&E stain  Brown spots Hemochromatosis (Prussian blue), lipofuscin granules)

 False High glycosylated value low rbc mass 

 False low  increase RBC mass

 Wound healing  24 hours (neutrophils) 3-5 days (macrophages)

 Achondroplasia GOF FGF3 Mutation/ disrupted chondrocyte signalling  short


 Radiation exposure  papillary carcinoma thyroid  dystrophic calcification

(psammoma bodies)

 Type of kidney stones:

 Ethanol glycol poisoning increase oxalic acid calcium-oxalate stones  hematuria
 Cysteine stones  cystinuria
 Calcium-phosphate/ struvite staghorn calculi  Proteus/ klebsiella
 Uric acid stones  gout

 Desmoplasia  dense fibrous connective tissue depositing in cancerous cells

 Pseudomyxoma peritonei/ Jelly-belly  seeding of cavity  mucinous cysts in abdomen

 primary tumor location is VARY/ APPENDIX!!

 Mensuration apoptosis (Blebbing)!!!

 Anal canal below denate line, scrotum, penis  drains into superficial inguinal lymph

 Wound contraction  myofibroblast

 Tay-Sachs  cherry-red spot in macula/ Ashkenazi Jews  FRAMSHIFT mutation

accumulation of GM2 gangliosides

 EBV  Nasopharyngeal carcinoma, Burkitt Lymphoma, Infectious Mononucleosis

 Target cells  Thalassemia’s, Sickle Cells (also Sickling cells), HbC (target cells + C
 PML  Auer Rods DIC (elevated D-dimers (fibrin-splits), elevated PT/PTT, Increase
Bleeding time)

 Microangiopathic Hemolytic anemia  TTP, HUS, DIC, HELLP  Schistocytes/ Helmet


 HELLP  hemolytic anemia, elevated Liver enzymes, low platetes  SEEN in pregnancy
(complication of pre-eclampsia)

 Spherocytes  Hereditary spherocytosis, Warm agglutinin (IgG) Immune Hemolytic


 B-thalassemia complication  Iron overload (Due to frequent transfusions)

 HLTV-1  clover/ flower shaped cells  seen in japan/ Caribbean  CD4+ cells

 Obstetric complications (Tissue thromboplastin – Tissue factor)  DIC

 Mononucleosis complication  splenic rupture , aplastic anemia, increase risk of B-cell

lymphoma (Burkitt, Nasopharyngeal)

 Protein C/S deficient patient on Warfarin therapy  skin necrosis

 Reed- Sternberg cells  large prominent nuclei, with halo and clearing spaces

 Cardiac rhabdomyoma  hamartomas, Tuberous Sclerosis, Ventricles

 Isolated AST elevation without ALT  ischemic heart disease

 Staph Aureus  IV drug users Tricuspid regurg  non-sterile emboli lodge in

Pulmonary vessels causing a pulmonary Abscess

 ASD  Fixed splitting of S2, Mid-systolic ejection murmur in pulmonic area***

 Aortic dissection  sharp, tearing pain radiating to back, widened mediastinum

Causes: HTN, Cystic medial necrosis (Weakening of tunica media) seen in Marfan and

 Tuber sclerosis (TSC1, TSC2)  Hamartomas in different organs  Rhabdomyomas

(heart- enlarged myocytes), Subependymal giant cell astrocytoma (Brain),
angiolipomas (kidney), angiofibroma (skin), retinal hamartomas.
 Duodenal atresia (“Double bubble) failure of neuro-crest cells to migrate**
associated with down syndrome

 Down Syndrome  Endocardial cushion defection due to failure of NSC to migrate

 Stable angina  atherosclerosis (plaque), unstable (Thrombus), prinzmetal (spasms)

 Line of Zahn  pre-mortem thrombi

 DVT  pulmonary embolism  sudden onset of SOB, chest pain

 DVT + ASD (patent foramen ovale)  paradoxical embolism  Stroke!!

 Familial hypercholesteremia  LDL receptor mutation/ APOB100  LDL/ cholesterol is

classical example receptor mediated endocytosis!!!

 Ascaris lumbercoides, Trypanosoma Cruzi (Chagas Disease)  Loeffler syndrome

(Endomyocardial fibrosis with hypereiosinphilia)  diastolic dysfunction

 Cystic hygroma (fluid filled mass in neck  webbing of neck seen in Turner’s
syndrome, Turner syndrome is also associated with coractation of aorta

 Syphilis  tree bark aorta  obliterative endarteritis of vasa vasorum

 Rib notching (irregularities/ scalloping of ribs)  coarctation of aorta

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