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Closet In Meaning

Read the conversation and choose the best meaning for the phrases that are underlined.

Situation: Saljit’s mother is talking to her about a friend.

Mother : Do you remember Miss Baswant?

Saljit : I think she used to come to our house when I was small.

Mother : Yes, we got to know (1) each other when she worked in the

hair salon that I used to go to.

Saljit : She has not visited us for years.

Mother : We lost touch (2) when she went to India.

Saljit : I wonder what has become of her. (3)

Mother : She’s an actress in Bollywood now! I saw her picture in a


1. got to know 3. what has become of her

A saw A why she went away

B talked to B who knows about her

C liked about C when she will be back

D made friends with D what has happened to her

2. lost touch

A had a quarrel

B stopped being friends

C lost each other’s address

D did not contact each other

Questions 22 – 24

Read the conversation and choose the best meaning for the phrases that are underlined.

Situation: Mee Chin is giving Tracy some notes.

Mee Chin : These are all the notes for this week’s lessons. I got my father to

photocopy a set for you.

Tracy : Since I broke my arm, you have been helping me with the notes.

I can’t thank you enough. (1)

Mee Chin : Don’t be silly. That’s what friends are for. (2)

Tracy : I’ll repay this favour somehow. If you ever need my help in the

future, you know you can count on (3) me.

1. I can’t thank you enough 3. count on

A I won’t thank you. A inform
B I’ll thank you later. B depend on
C Thank you so much. C work with
D I don’t know how to thank people. D share with

2. That’s what friends are for.

A I’m a friendly person.

B I want to be your friend.

C We have been friends for so long.

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