Final Research Project - Fenny

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Final Research Project – Problem Solving Spring 2021

Values in Action: LaGuardians During the Fiscal Crisis of the 1970s (Video commissioned by the Archives
for our project)

Video Link: https://youtube/A42ScvKW40g

Identify a problem facing our community and apply the problem solving method + Delphic injunction to
"know thyself" to suggest solutions that emerge from what you see as LaGuardia's core values today.

1. Describe the context of the problem you and its relationship to LaGuardia students?

It's a hard decision to choose between goings to school or to just work and earn money to provide for
the family.

LaGuardia was able to provide an opportunity for students of all races to have access to community
college, but at the same time be able to have a paid job. The community college was established to
address the problem that many families would forego college education, because they cannot afford it,
and they need the help of their child to bring in income. 

They have to deal with the fact that providing food and shelter are the top priorities rather than
spending money on school needs or tuition fees. Most people think, why not go to government schools,
it’s free. Unfortunately, they do not have that ample of time to go to school. Time for them is gold. Every
second matters and earning money is a must. At a very young age, they are raised to sustain their
family's needs. Unprivileged to experience what normal children should be doing such as getting busy
learning and not thinking about what will be the next meal for their household. 

2. Explain what exactly the problem is?

The problem is basically about "money". Money required to survive for living and to sustain the basic
needs of a person such as education.

The main problem that families are encountering is financial problems. Not all parents could afford to
send their children to college, because of the expense it brings. Since education is considered an
expense and students are not able to earn yet while they are in college, parents and students would
decide to just start working after high school. In this case, the student will be able to contribute to the
income of the household. Every day we deal with it. We buy food, pay for shelter, and acquire not just
the needs but also the wants. These prove that money makes the world go round. Specially now, getting
into good school cuts a huge amount of your budget and resources. As we all know good schools result
to good paying jobs. It is really cycle, unless you make a change and think about ways to gain knowledge.
Learning is a process, some do self-studies but let us be honest; people need to pay for education during
this time. Unfortunately, not all can afford.

3. Describe the values we should be using to guide our problem solving

LaGuardia served as a living hope for the students who wanted to earn money while studying. They are
being paid for their internship and being able to master their subjects while earning. They just have to
be patient for it really requires their physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual fitness. Students have to
be patient for it requires their physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual fitness. Patience, being goal-
driven and a prayerful heart are the values that they need to have during those times. It's not an easy
thing to do but at the end of the day, the fruits of the students' labor were sweet.

4. Propose a possible solution to the problem?

LaGuardia provides an opportunity to earn money, while studying. Definitely, the journey will not be
easy. There will come a time that exhaustion will be there, the situation will not always be perfect and
pleasing but always think and go back to why you pursued that far, always be goal driven and never ever
forget to pray because it is indeed that all things shall pass and that we should never forget to talk to the
one whom strength and hope overflow. LaGuardia can create a class about resiliency, which will be
mandatory for all students, since definitely, not everyone will be optimistic about the experience. During
the session, it will be taught to always think and go back to why they entered the college. They will be
inspired and goal driven. Additionally, it is important to teach about hope and prayer because it is
indeed that all things shall pass and that we should never forget to talk to the one whom strength and
hope overflow.

Believe in yourself and always remember that after every storm the sun will come up, for every problem
there is a 100% solution. You just have to be patient and committed to achieving and completing the
work you started. Never stop believing in your personal capabilities. For sure, you will be surprised by all
the achievements as soon as you reached them.

5. Charitably describe a counter-argument against your proposed solution?

Yes, we could always choose to be patient, to be goal-driven and to just pray whenever we are
exhausted but would it really suffice.

Doubts in once self always linger every time we are in a situation where there is no hope and we only
experience downs in our life. Never we imagined the comfort it will bring the soonest we finish what we
started. The only hope we must always hold on to is the truth about the possibility of everything as long
as we are in great concentration on achieving our goals in life. Not everyone will be inspired with just a
session about goals, passion, and resiliency.

Definitely, when one person becomes exhausted and depressed, it will be difficult to rise back up. There
will be students that will be harder to inspire and convince that things will get better in time. Some
students are more realistic, and therefore a perspective of what might happen, would not always.

6. Defend your solution from the counter-argument?

Going back to number 3, it is indeed that patience, being goal-driven and a prayerful heart are the
values needed. The teachers and faculty members of LaGuardia also experienced an intense crisis but
they chose to stay. It is not because they were forced to, but because it's what they wanted, and their
goal was to teach and produce great students. They never let themselves be carried away by the
unpleasant situation but chose to stay focused on their goal. Of course, it requires them a lot of patience
and faith in God, but it will definitely be worth it.

In order to help these students who are facing negativities, there will be guidance counseling from time
to time. The school can pinpoint those who need extra help and encouragement in order to guide them
and keep them on the right path.

Every hard work will all be worth it. It makes the student proud thinking he or she did all the work while
studying. This is also a good way to add to their curriculum vitae. It gives a sense of patience and
commitment which is a plus for employers. It could also be a way of proving once self that he or she can
do anything as long as there is persistence and a dream of achieving his or her goals in life.

7. Explain how your solution could be implemented?

It is self-implementation. Being goal-driven is not like that someone will tell you to do things, to
accomplish and achieve this or that,

Believing in your own capacity to do things and complete all assigned tasks are a great start motivating
once self. You will need to initially help yourself first before helping others. Never think of any negativity
that can distract you from achieving your dream. Make your family and yourself proud of everything
you've been through. That will surely be the best feeling.

Secondly, this can be ignited through the help of the teachers and counselors that will be by the side of
the students. The faculty should portray a positive outlook in life in order to inspire others.

8. Conclude by explaining how your solution would address the problem (and if you think
other actions are needed to follow up, add them here)

Yes, it's indeed a hard decision to choose between going to school or to just work and earn money but if
an opportunity comes like the students in LaGuardia, we should grab it. The only key to our problem is
within us also. It will be a hard process to earn a degree while earning money but it is harder to regret
something that we didn't try. It is a painful and long process but in the end, it is us and the people who
we love that will benefit to what we will accomplish or achieve. Again, stay goal-driven, be patient and
keep the faith.

LaGuardia was able to provide an opportunity for those students who are choosing work over school.
They now have the chance to study while earning money. However, it will definitely not be an easy
journey. The journey will be hard and tiring, but the students must remain resilient. They have to

remember why they are doing what they are doing. They have to remember their goals and their
passions. Because at the end of their journey, they can earn not just money, but also a Bachelor's
Degree, which will be beneficial as they find other job opportunities. Therefore, the school plays a huge
part in ensuring that their students will remain at the right path, and not get caught up with their
emotions and stress. The school has to ensure that they continue to inspire and help the students, as
they aim to provide opportunities for a better tomorrow.

Never surrender and always ask for guidance on all your fears and worries. Everything will be okay. It is
best to try than regretting all missed opportunities. It is hard but knows that it will all be worth it. Your
hardship today is for your comfort tomorrow. This is also not just for your present families but also your
future once.

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