Unleashed Quest Journal

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Unleashed Quest

with Christine Hassler

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Table of contents

Introduction to Unleashed 3

What You Will Learn in Unleashed 4

What to do for Maximum Results 6

Recommended Schedule 7

Baseline Assessment 8

Foundations for Your Coaching Practice 9

Best Practices for Working With Clients 14

Fundamentals of Coaching 19

Working with Clients on the Emotional Level 26

Case Study on Emotions 34

Working with Clients on the Mental Level 36

Case Study on Mindset 42

Coaching Sessions #1 and #2 44

Working with Clients on the Behavioral Level 46

Case Study on Behavior 52

Working with Clients on the Spiritual Level 53

Case Study on Spirituality 59

Coaching Sessions #3 and #4 60

Future Forecasting Tool 62

Working with Clients on their Relationships 65

Case Study on Relationships 68

Coaching Session #5 69

How To Create Clients 70

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Introduction To Unleashed

This quest will best serve:

• People who know their main mission in life is to help others live the best version
of themselves.
• Those who believe in the power of coaching to provide a transformational
experience for others.
• The coaches who have a passion for changing the world, but they need better
tools and strategies.
• The ones who want to build a coaching practice that will give them the
freedom to do what they really love.

You will learn how to work with your clients on four different levels:
1. Emotional.
2. Mental.
3. Behavioral.
4. Spiritual.

With this program, you will get to up-level as a Coach and impact more people’s lives
in a powerful way.

By the end of this Quest...

• You will know how to build the foundations for your coaching practice.
• You will understand some of the best practices to work with your clients.
• You will have clarity on the fundamental skills and competencies you need to be
a coach.
• You will know how to help your clients on the areas of Emotions, mindset,
behavior, spirituality, and relationships
• You will learn new tools that you can implement in your coaching practice right
• You will feel more confident around your coaching skills, create deeper
transformation in your clients and have a coaching business model that works

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What You Can Expect To Learn

During the next 4 weeks, you will learn everything you need to become an
exceptional life coach with a thriving practice.

On Week 1 you will learn the Basics of your Coaching Practice:

• To set strong Foundations of your Coaching Practice and the tools you need to
start: client questionnaires, coaching contracts, setting up payment and
cancellation policies, and creating the follow-up form after your sessions. You
will also learn how to manage ongoing communication with your clients and
how to handle the session schedule.
• Some of the Best Practices for Working with Clients, how to work with new
clients, how to build rapport, set an intention for the session, how to create a
container for the client to feel safe and for you to take care of your energy, and
finally how to close a coaching session.
• You will understand the difference between judgment and acceptance, also
how to avoid making assumptions. You will learn some of the best coaching
tools that every coach needs: Reflective listening, the importance of silence,
how acknowledgment can shift mindsets and open your clients for more.
• You will understand the power of asking powerful questions and how they help
your clients get insights, also understand the difference between open-ended
and close-ended questions. You will also learn the road-mapping tool, so you
and your client have enough clarity of where they are now and where they want
to be.
• We end this week with the Over It & On With It assessment to get crystal clear
on how to overcome whatever it is in the way of living the life of you truly want…
in just three simple steps.

On Week 2, we will focus how to work with clients on the Emotional and
Mental Levels

• You will clearly know the distinction between Emotions and Feelings,
understand the difference between Releasing vs Recycling emotions, and
learn “The Surfer Technique” to help your clients release their emotions and see
the power of healing!.
• You will dig deeper on the different coping strategies that people have to deal
with emotions and learn 3 tools to help your clients release and express
• After this, you will start to explore how to help your clients on the mental level.
You will understand how we make up our stories and how you can help your

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clients upgrade their beliefs. You will learn about how our brain works, and how
you can help your clients change their mindset by using the tools that Christine
will share with you.
• We wrap up the week with case studies for you to reflect on, as well as
coaching sessions for you to see what you learn in a real-life coaching setting.

On Week 3 we will focus how to work with clients on the Behavioral and
Spiritual Levels

• On the Behavioral level, you start by understanding the importance of self-

care and learn the “Stop-Start-Modify” plan to help your clients commit to
their new habits.
• You will understand the different types of motivation, learn to use
the Observation journal tool, learn how to help your clients deal with
overwhelm through the “Action plan Stair-Stepping” tool and avoid
expectation hangovers.
• We will go deep into Spirituality, what it really means, how it affects your clients’
lives, how to approach the subject with them, how to make Spirituality
tangible and change the perspective from a victim mindset to an empowered
• You will also learn the Forgiveness tool and how to implement the process of
surrender, so people can deal with any situation.
• We wrap up the week with case studies for you to reflect on, as well
as coaching sessions for you to see what you learn in a real-life coaching

We end up the quest in Week 4, by learning how to help our clients on their
relationships, how to create clients and a final coaching session

• Finally, we end with the realm of Relationships and how to help your clients
manage from romantic relationships to family, friends, and colleagues. You will
learn the “Projection Work” tool, how to help your clients form agreements and
know who can meet their needs, how to set their boundaries and how to know
when it’s time to end a relationship.
• You will learn the basics of how to create clients, where you can find them, how
you can invite them to an exploratory session and how you can enroll them.
• You will finish your week with a real-life coaching session.

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What To Do For Maximum Results

For the next 4 weeks, make sure you make time to invest time in your growth.
Everything you learn will be put to service for your clients.

The success of this program depends on your commitment.

• We recommend you set aside 1 hour a week for learning and doing reflective
work, and at least 4 hours to practice what you learn with real people! It could
be with your clients, your friends or your family. What really matters is that you
get out there and coach, coach, coach!
• Unleashed is based on all my training and over a decade of experience of
working with people, and I share everything with you so you can impact the
people that you know that you can.
• A Seasoned Coach must have the tools to help people free themselves from
the past that doesn’t serve them, so they can change their present and create
the future that they want.
• We will see Coaching from the emotional, mental, behavioral and spiritual
aspects. Helping clients in all these areas will help transform their lives!
• Remember, every person is complete no matter what happens in their life. Every
limiting belief, expectation hangover and inner conflict doesn’t mean they can’t
have the best life.

Before we begin our journey together, know that the key to success is taking action.

Here are 5 key points to remember:

1. Go all in, remember why you started in the first place — commit to finishing the
quest no matter what and complete all challenges.
2. Trust your Coach, trust the process and take action.
3. Celebrate all wins, big or small.
4. Don’t just take notes of the information, integrate it with what you already know
or how it relates to your daily life. Make it meaningful.
5. Take action and practice. Share with the community, support and learn from
each other.

And one last thought: Resistance is normal and expected. We make up excuses
because we’re afraid. But feeling resistance is actually the strongest time for you to
SHOW UP for that day and do the work!

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Recommended Schedule
Even though this quest was designed for you to experience at your own pace, we do
have a recommended schedule for you to have a map that can guide you through
the experience.

You will see:

1. Learn days: For you to go deeper into the content and see real coaching
2. Taking Action days: For you to schedule in time to execute on what you learn
3. Reflection days: For you to reflect on what you’ve learned, where you are in your
journey, and where you want to be.
4. Finally, you have catching up days for you to:
• Watch the sessions you have missed.
• Review the sessions that you want to understand better.
• Do the work. Complete, review or go deeper with the exercises.
• Practice what you’ve learned and incorporate it into your routine.

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Baseline Assessment
Before you start your quest, let’s gauge where your coaching skills are first. This pre-
assessment is helpful for two reasons:
1. It will help clarify what areas you should focus on in the quest.
2. It will help set a benchmark for yourself, so you can later evaluate which areas
you’ve developed as a result of participating in this quest.

Rate how true these statements are to you on a scale from 1 to 10. Rate
(1 - least true; 10 - most true)
1. You know how to structure your coaching business and set it up for success.

2. You can build rapport easily.

3. You have clarity on how to structure a coaching session.

4. You know how to hold a place of unconditional love and acceptance for your clients.

5. You have clarity on the meaning and how to use the following coaching tools:
Reflective listening, Silence, Acknowledgment, Asking powerful questions and
6. You know the distinction between emotions and feelings.

7. You understand the difference between suppression and repression.

8. You can identify common coping or numbing strategies

9. You can help your clients identify limiting beliefs

10. You can help your clients upgrade their beliefs

11. You know how to guide your clients on how to manage their thoughts

12. You know how to assess your client’s self-care

13. You know how to motivate your clients to take action

14. You have clarity on how to modify your client’s behavior

15. You know how to approach Spirituality with your clients

16. You can use spiritual practices to help your clients release

17. You understand the difference between positive and negative projection

18. you can help your clients navigate their relationships

19. You can help your clients set healthy boundaries

20. You know how to create clients

21. You know the difference between a discovery call and a complimentary coaching

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Foundations For Your Coaching Practice

Best practices when starting a relationship with a new client

1. Questionnaire before the enrollment call: to find out where they are in their lives,
background, life story, what’s working, what is not, what they want to change, what
are their biggest struggles, what has been their personal development education
until this point and what do they want to get out of Coaching.

Then, create a more detailed questionnaire when they sign up as a client: You want
your clients to come prepared, and the more they answer questions about
themselves, the more powerful and transformative your sessions will be.

2. Contract: It provides clarity on your role as a Coach and establishes your client’s
responsibility. You can also include all the details of your Coaching relationship, like
cancellation policy, payment methods and timelines. This is important to have before
you begin building the relationship. You can use an online legal service, like Legal
Zoom: https://www.legalzoom.com/, or ask other coaches.

3. Clarity on your cancellation policy: Make sure your cancellation policy is very clear,
as well as the consequences that your clients will have when they don’t show up to a

4. Follow up form: Your client should fill it up and send it after every session. Here they
will identify their main takeaways of the session, their biggest insights, what they
agreed to do (for accountability), and what impacted them most. You can then get
back to them and fill any gaps that they might have missed. This is also a great way
to keep the engagement and intimacy going.

5. Payment policies and procedures: Choose the way you will receive payments, and
communicate clearly with your client. You don’t want to be chasing people around for

Regarding ongoing communication, you can give your client your personal contact
information, but set your boundaries first (regarding your availability and nature of
the communication). Another important part to have clarity with your client is how
often your sessions will be. I recommend to book your sessions in advance, so both
your agenda, and your client’s agenda is set up. When I’m about to end the session, I
schedule the next.

You are not responsible for your client's transformation or results. Remember they
have the capability to do that themselves.

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#1. Intake Questionnaire

You can use the sample elements and questions below to create your own intake

• Full name
• Date of Birth
• Address
• Contact information
• Phone
• Mobile
• E-mail

Sample questions:
1. What brought you to Coach with me?
2. What would you love to see after our Coaching sessions?
3. Tell me more about your story and the significant events that have shaped who
you are today.
4. What is working well now in your life?
5. What is not working so great? What would you like to change? What are you
struggling with most in life?
6. What has been your biggest obstacle?
7. What has been your personal development until this point? Have you been to a
therapist or coach before?

What other questions can you include in your intake questionnaire?










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#2. Contract

Before consulting with a lawyer or other coaches to build your contract, ask yourself:
What is important for you to cover in the contract?










What are your responsibilities?






What are your client’s responsibilities?





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How often will you meet?



How many sessions will you have together?



What is your cancellation policy? What happens if your client is late? What happens
if they cancel last minute? How many hours before should a client cancel?







What is your payment policy? Are you going to accept credit card? Cheques? Bank
Transfers? When should your clients pay you? Should they cancel a percentage
before starting? What happens if they don’t pay?







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Can the contract be terminated? On what conditions?







#3. Follow up form

You can use this template as a base for your follow up form, and add any elements
you consider to be important. Make it no longer than 5 questions.

Session #

Questions to ask:

What were your main takeaways from this session?

What were your biggest insights?
What did you agree to do after our session?
How will you keep yourself accountable?
What did I say as a Coach that impacted you most?

What other questions would you ask?








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Best Practices For Working With Clients

I will share with you everything I’ve learned after more than a decade of Coaching

You will learn different ways and tools to impact people more powerfully while taking
optimal care of yourself in the process, so you can make your coaching business
sustainable over time.

#1. Working with a new client: Building rapport

Be vulnerable, share your success stories to invite them to share theirs, and help them
see that everything can be overcome. This is a distinction between Coaching and
Therapy (Therapists don’t share their stories).

One of the most powerful things we do as Coaches is to connect with our clients.
Nothing can happen before that.

Share stories
Meet them at the level they are at, so that they feel safe and comfortable with you.
Remember not to spend too much time in superficial topics, before going into the
deeper transformational subjects.

Sharing stories creates intimacy, connection and has more relevance.

Reflect - What are some of the stories that you can share with your clients to create









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#2. Don’t be attached to their outcome
Check in to make sure you’re not attached to pleasing your clients. Don’t be nervous
about what you say, you have a bigger mission, which is to help them get powerful

Your client can feel your confidence (or lack of it), so do whatever you need to do to
get in the zone before the session. Also, communicate to your client you are there to
serve them, but they're responsible for their results

We can’t want things for our clients more than they do.

We have to respect people’s process and allow them to discover insights by

themselves. Give them the tools, but at the end of the day, it’s their process.

Reflect - What are you doing now in your practice to make sure your clients know
they are responsible for their own results? How are you communicating this to them?








#3. Be authentically you

One way to handle your nervousness in a session is to be authentically you, be
present with the person in front of you, listen fully and don’t worry about what you are
going to say next. Let the magic of Coaching flow.

This will allow you to be present.

Reflect - What are three things about yourself that you are very proud of?




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#4. Have your clients set an intention before the session begins
Have your client set an intention before the session begins. Use the word “intention”,
and explain that is related to what they desire and to the feelings they want to
experience in that particular session.

You can use a Mindfulness or meditation practice to set the intention

Intention gives you a roadmap for the rest of the session and gives your client more
clarity on how to get insight. At the end of the session you can revisit if the intention
set was actually achieved and use the follow-up form as well (within 24 hours from
the last session).

Reflect - How do you invite your clients to set their intention before the session








#5. Closing the session

Ask your clients about their biggest takeaways, what they learned and what they’re
accountable for. Also have them fill the follow-up form.

Reflect - How do you close your sessions? What are the practices that you have in






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#6. Creating a container for your Coaching session
Remember to be really present without worrying about what to say next or let your
mind wander around. Hold a space of unconditional love and acceptance so your
client can really open up.

Reassure your clients they can say whatever they feel without any judgement.

The magic that happens when somebody feels seen and safe is amazing. This is how
you can get to the core of what your clients really want and need.

Reflect - How do you create a container for your clients?






#7. Hold a high energetic space for yourself

In order to stay healthy and with more energy to serve your clients, you need to make
sure you don’t take on their problems as your own. Having an energetic hygiene ritual
is key for you as well.

As coaches, our body and mind are our instruments. We want to keep them at a
really high vibe.

And remember, you are a Coach, not a savior or caretaker. You have to let your
clients go at the end of the day.

Here are some of my rituals:

1. I clean my energetic space before beginning a session, imagining an energy rainfall
cascading over me, helping me get rid of everything that doesn’t serve me.
2. I imagine a light protecting me from anything that doesn’t belong to me. People
are releasing their own energetic garbage in the session, you don’t want that to stick
with you.
3. I visualize a purple flame in my Solar Plexus area (where our emotions are
managed), burning away anything that doesn’t serve me because when people
release their emotions, this is where they tend to go.

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4. I wash my hands up to the elbows in between each client, and take a shower at
night, after I’m done with my day.
5. I dance before each session and at the end of the day, shaking off anything that
I’ve taken on.
6. You can also use Tibetan bells, incense, candles or anything that helps you clear
your space.

Reflect - How do you take care of your energy?

Design your own energy clearing rituals for each part of your day to help you clear
out any negative energy from the way of helping your clients’ transformation.

Morning ritual - Before starting to see clients.






In-between sessions ritual.






During the session rituals






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End of the day cleansing ritual





Fundamentals of Coaching
These are some of the key concepts for you to have total clarity in your Coaching
practice if you aim to create a powerful impact in your clients' lives. 

Judgment vs acceptance

Hold a place of unconditional love and acceptance for your clients so you can
receive anything they bring and help them in their transformation process.

Control your facial expressions so your clients don’t feel judged, and close up. This will
allow them to bring all their issues from the past.

Stay really present, and listen without any of your own opinions.

When a client shares something that triggers an inner opinion I use a tool based on
internally repeating a mantra that says “I love and accept you just the way you are. I
am here”. If you say these words to yourself and feel it, your clients are going to feel it
as well.

It’s not just what we say, it’s the energy our words ride on. People feel it.

Also, remember to keep your own personal past and triggers out of the conversation.
You are there to listen. It is your client’s space, not yours. The words that you say have
to be clean and neutral.

What are other ways that you can exercise total acceptance with your clients in your
coaching sessions?



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Don't make assumptions on anything your client says

Ask them to clarify what they mean, go deep and don’t assume the words they say
have the same meaning for everyone. This helps your clients get bigger and better
insights about what they really want. Ask them to describe what they want to feel,
have them paint a picture and visualize.

Some of the most powerful moments will happen just by digging deep into meaning.

Get into their own model of the world instead of projecting yours to them. Let them
teach you how they see the world so you can serve them more powerfully.

Think about a specific time in your coaching session when you assumed the meaning
of what your client was saying. Please describe it below.







How could have you managed the situation differently? What do you think might
have happened?





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Coaching tools

1. Reflective listening:

In communication sometimes what we say is not what the other person understands.
So with this tool you repeat what you heard them say, and then ask if that was the

That gives the client to affirm or negate that was the message they wanted to say or
add to it which allows for bigger insight and makes them feel heard.

Another tool in reflective listening is articulate to your client what you’re perceiving
behind the scenes of what they’re actually saying with their body language, their
emotions and the tone of their voice.

Sometimes clients are not even aware of these changes so you can help them
understand more about themselves if you reflect back to them what you observe.

Why is reflective listening important for you as a coach?






What are other ways you can use reflective listening in your coaching sessions?




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2. Silence

You don’t have to fill up every space of the conversation or have the perfect thing to
say at every moment.

Holding a space of silence allows your clients to have bigger insights, the opportunity
for an epiphany to come forward, to deal with any uncomfortable feelings they might
be suppressing.

This is where most of the transformation magic happens.

What do you feel when there are moments of silence in your coaching sessions?
What do you do when there are spaces of silence?





Why is it important for you as a coach to provide spaces of silence for your clients?





How can you create more spaces of silence in your sessions?



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3. Acknowledgement

Acknowledge your clients for how they’re showing up, for their insight, their
vulnerability. Encourage them to keep going forward without any judgment.

Get incredibly brilliant at acknowledging people, not just about what they do, but for
who they are. They will get to feel it and that helps their self-esteem and self-love.

Why is acknowledging your client and important tool for you to use as a coach?





What are some of the ways you can use to acknowledge your clients?





4. Asking powerful questions

If a client answers a question with an “I don’t know”, you can then ask: “If you did
know, what would you do?”. That helps them take the worry away from having just
the right answer, and you’ll eventually get to where you want to take them, this is

As a Coach, you want to use both open-ended and closed-ended questions. As an

example, a client comes to you wanting to move to a new city.

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An open-ended question sounds like: “You move to Chicago, how does that look
like?” - It invites for exploration, and they don’t have to commit to a decision.

A closed-ended question sounds like: “Do you want to move to Chicago, yes or no?
Choose one” - It makes them commit to the choice they make, and see how that
commitment would feel like. These are very useful when people need to reach a
Why is asking powerful questions important for you as a coach?





What are some open-ended questions you can use in your sessions?













5. Roadmapping

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It helps to get clarity on what you want to work on with a client and identify the
roadblocks between where they are and where they want to be.

The roadblocks are where the magic of transformation happens for the client.
Identifying them, and tackling each one, is what will help them get where they want
to be.

Over It & On With It assessment

With this reflection tool, you will get to clearly map where you are today, where you
want to go, and what is standing in the way of achieving what you want.

You can do this exercise with your clients, or send it as homework as well. It is very
useful to map the areas of their life that need more help.

1. For each one of the life areas below write down where are you now in column 1.
2. Then on column 3, write down for each one of the same areas, where you want to
be. What are your goals? What do you want to experience/have in each area?
3. Finally on column 2, write down what is in your way of achieving what you want for
each area. Is it logistics? Fear? Unresolved issue? Lack of skills or training? What is
stopping you?

AREAS of life 1. Where am I now? 2. What’s in the way? 3. Where do I want to


Work and career


Health & Fitness

Emotional health

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Purpose and vision


Social Life

Family life

You can download this template on christinehassler.com

Working with Clients on an Emotional Level

Working with our clients on the emotional level is key for them to be able to work on
all other areas of their lives.

Life is filled with ups and downs, there is nothing we can do about that. The only thing
we can do is change how we respond to what happens in our environment.

Let’s start with the distinction between Coaching and Therapy.

Therapy focuses on processing people’s past and Coaching focuses on the present
and future.

As a Coach, we need some tools to help people deal with their past so they can
process their emotions as they come up.

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Serving people on an emotional level as well as the mental level is serving

Distinction between emotions and feelings:

Our feelings are physiological responses to our thoughts, while our E-motions are
energy in motion. Emotions are a natural response that comes forward when
something significant happens in our lives.

Most people suppress their emotions, and that can manifest in illness.

It is key for us as Coaches to help people process their emotions. Often what stands
in the way of our client’s dream and their goal are unprocessed emotions.

How can you help your clients recognize the difference between their feelings (a
response to their thoughts) and emotions (a natural response to events)







The Surfer technique: Releasing instead of Recycling Emotions

Many of us develop suppression strategies as a way to avoid feeling our emotions.
The first way to start healing on the emotional level is to become aware of how and
when you began to suppress your feelings.

We recycle an emotion when it naturally shows up and we put judgment on it, not
allowing it to flow, suppressing it back in.

Releasing an emotion is allowing ourselves to ride the wave of the feeling all the way,
without judgment.

As Coaches, we have to create a safe place for emotions to be released. A place of


When a client is expressing an emotion, you don’t want to jump in to give advice or
ask questions in that moment. It is all about letting the emotion be released.

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Healing can be described as “The application of love to the places inside that hurt”.
This is what we do when we allow space for emotions to be released.

Helping our clients express their emotions

The following questions will help you guide your clients to understand how the deal
with their emotions. Ask them to write the first thing that comes to their mind, without
editing, analyzing or judging.

Ask them to find a quiet comfortable place for them to sit where they won’t be
interrupted. Then ask them to close their eyes and take themselves back to a
moment in their childhood when they felt the following emotions.

Use the questions below as a guide.

• What was the reaction of the people around you when you felt angry?
• What were you told about feeling angry?
• What beliefs do you think you formed about expressing anger?
• Feel the anger for 30 seconds without judgement, and then release the feeling.

• What was the reaction of the people around you when you felt sad?
• What were you told about feeling sad?
• What beliefs do you think you formed about expressing sadness?
• Feel the sadness for 30 seconds without judgement, and then release the feeling.

• What was the reaction of the people around you when you felt scared?
• What were you told about feeling scared?
• What beliefs do you think you formed about expressing fear?
• Feel the fear for 30 seconds without judgement, and then release the feeling.

• What was the reaction of the people around you when you felt embarrassed?
• What were you told about feeling embarrassed?
• What beliefs do you think you formed about expressing embarrassment?
• Feel the embarrassment for 30 seconds without judgement, and then release the

• What was the reaction of the people around you when you felt excited?
• What were you told about feeling excited?
• What beliefs do you think you formed about expressing excitement?
• Feel the excitement for 30 seconds without judgement, and then release the

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• What was the reaction of the people around you when you felt guilty?
• What were you told about feeling guilty?
• What beliefs do you think you formed about expressing guilt?
• Feel the guilt for 30 seconds without judgement, and then release the feeling.

When your clients have finished releasing, then you can ask:
“What is present for you now?”
After they share you can ask:
“How did it feel to really feel that emotion?”
The final question might be:
“What did you learn from expressing that emotion?”

At the end acknowledge them from having the courage of express their emotions.

You start to know you clients on an emotional level by understanding how they
suppress, how they repress and how they numb their emotions.

The main difference between suppression and repression is that suppression involves
denying the impulses at a conscious level, and repression involves denying impulses
at a subconscious level.

Numbing is about finding ways to not feel your emotions.

Describe a time when you have suppressed your emotions. What happened? How
did that make you feel?










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Describe a time when you have repressed your emotions. What happened? How did
that make you feel?










Common coping strategies that people use

1. Distraction: when you focus on anything else so you don’t feel the emotion.

Emotions feel foreign, inappropriate or scary, so instead of truly acknowledging them,

you can cancel all your energy into something else as a way to avoid feeling. You
keep adding things to your to-do list, crowding out any contemplative space in your

Your life is full of busyness, not fulfillment. You take a vacation, hoping that a tan will
rid you of your worries; you dodge conversations or connections with people that
may require vulnerability; you find a project or person to obsess about, to remove the
focus from your own pain, or you immerse yourself in some kind of adventure that will
distract you from dealing with what is.

Ask yourself: How do you distract yourself from feeling?





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2. Numbing: This is related to over-doing things.

Instead of diverting emotion completely, you may use some kind of numbing
technique as soon as you begin to feel something uncomfortable. Common methods
of numbing include drinking, eating, working, spending money, watching TT, escaping
with drugs, spending time on social media, internet surfing and over-exercising.

Any kind of addictive behavior that keeps you from truly feeling is a form of
suppression. Numbing is easy to do because there is no shortage of quick pick-me-
ups. However numbing is one of the most damaging coping strategies due to the
stimulation it involves.

In order to maintain a certain level of suppression over time, you have to keep
increasing the stimulation. So the longer you suppress by numbing, the more
dependent you become on your suppression tool of choice, which could lead to an

Ask yourself: What substances or behaviors do you use to numb yourself? When you
want to get rid of an unpleasant feeling or thought, what do you crave?





3. Being “strong”: When you push through something by denying what you are really

When something challenging happens, we often buy into the assumption that we are
being tested, and that passing that test depends on pushing through and
persevering, without giving us permission to fully feel. We live in a world where being
strong and pretending nothing is bothering us, is not only common, but also

“Be strong” is one of the most common pieces of advice I’ve heard, and it’s one of my
least favorites because it implies that we shouldn’t feel. We put on a mask, trying to
look strong on the outside while falling apart on the inside. Being strong is overrated.
Pushing away an emotion usually means you’re going to be pushing aside some
valuable learning and healing.

Vulnerability is a powerful tool for healing. Harshness and mental toughness diminish
vulnerability. Perseverance is important in life. But the key is to persevere through hard

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times (what I call “Expectation Hangovers”) rather than mustering the strength to
push t away.

Ask yourself: Have you been told by others (or by yourself) to be “strong” when you
are dealing with disappointment? What are the costs of “being strong?






4. The “Pep talk”: we try to cover up uncomfortable emotion by masking them with
positive talks.

We understand the power of positive thinking, because our thoughts have energy.
However, giving ourselves a pep talk is not always appropriate, and can be a form of
avoidance from processing our emotions. I see many people put pressure on
themselves to move immediately into reciting positive affirmations, but it doesn’t feel
authentic in the midst of disappointment.

Don’t get me wrong, I am not advocating negative thinking or indulging in a pity

party. What I’m saying is that acknowledging what is truly authentic for you is an
important part of your healing. Pressuring yourself to think only positive thoughts will
most likely trigger self-judgement, because it is an unrealistic expectation.

Ask yourself: When triggered, are you quick to find a way to “make everything OK”?.
Does positive thinking feel sustainable and believable for you?





5. The “Spiritual bypass”: avoiding an emotion by only focusing on the lesson to be


When something happens that upsets us, we sometimes take a “spiritual bypass”,
attempting to jump immediately to the blessings of the situation without doing the

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work that actually facilitates the kind of learning that creates lasting changes in our

In my experience, we cannot solely meditate, chant or pray our way out of an

Expectation Hangover. Spiritual practices are key, but we are multidimensional
beings. If we attempt to see the silver lining too soon, we may be turning away from
the truth of our human experience.

Ask yourself: Are you attempting to repress your negative feelings by immediately
looking for the blessing? Do you believe you shouldn’t feel bad, or feel guilty for
“indulging” in your feelings?





Which of the above suppression strategies do you use the most? List your top two,
and write down a couple of examples of when and how you have used them.





Are there coping techniques you use to block emotions that were not described
above? If so, please write them out here.





Make a commitment to yourself that the next time you notice yourself about to
engage (or are already engaging) in a suppression strategy, that you will use one of
the emotional release tools that you will learn in this module. Write down your
commitment below.

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*You can ask these same questions to your clients

Here are Three tools that help with the expression and release of

Tool 1. Release writing: Have your client write as fast as they can to release their
emotion (without any judgement). When they’re done, have them rip out or burn the
paper. This is a great tool to use when the client is not yet comfortable expressing
emotions in front of you.

Tool 2. Act as if: Ask your clients to act as if the person they want to express their
emotions at is in front of them, so they can release. You will know the client is done
when you see an emotional shift.

Tool 3. The Movie screen technique: This is a great tool to help clients deal with past
memories. You ask your clients to imagine a blank movie screen, where they can go to
a moment in their past and deal with unresolved emotions without judging how they
felt at that time.

Case Study on Emotions

Use this case study to reflect on how you can help your own clients navigate their
emotional life.

Anna comes to your practice because she has been feeling resentful lately. She loves
her husband and her two kids very much, but lately, she feels like she only gives and
gives, and nobody cares about her. She would love for her husband to be more
supportive of the chores around the house, but every time she tries to tell him, he gets
angry and they end up having a fight.

She would like her children to be more present and spend more time together, but
when she tries to communicate this to them, they just say she’s overreacting, and it’s
normal for everyone to have their own space.

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Anna learned how to keep her mouth closed and reserve her feelings, knowing it will
just deplete her energy when she tries to improve the situation with her family. But she
feels lonely and frustrated.

Here is what I would have done in a coaching session:

• There are a couple of things that she reveals in this case study:
• Her children say she’s overreacting: When the feelings about a situation are bigger
than the experience (whether it’s true or perceived) is a hint that we have to work
on the emotional level.
• She says she can’t express: meaning repressed emotions.
• We can use Release Writing to help her express everything she has been
repressing. This tool will help her release her emotions slowly. I would suggest at
least 10 minutes a day for this.
• The first thing you want to work on with Anna is to make it safe for her to express
her emotions.
• Then you would want to move into the Surfer Technique. This is when you teach
your clients how to ride the waves of their emotions. So that their emotions don’t
control them. It also allows her to keep expressing her emotions.
• You want to hold a place of compassion but allow your clients to ride their own
• You also want to get to the significant core life event that made her start to
suppress her feelings.
• Here is where we could use the Movie Screen Technique. You take her into a relaxed
state and guide her back in time to a significant event when she started
suppressing her feelings.

How would you help her?









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Working with a client on the Mental level

We are born whole and balanced, completely connected to source, expressed our
emotions freely, and lived our full potential. As we grow up we start to get influenced
by stories around us.

These stories create a belief system about ourselves, others and how life works.

Working with clients on the mental level is helping them come up with upgraded
beliefs and letting go of old limiting beliefs. Before we do that, we have to get an
idea of what is their story.

Storyboard tool
It is very important to identify what stories influence our lives, so we can let go of
those that negatively affect us, and reinforce the stories that build up value. You can
give this exercise to your clients as homework, or work in the session with them.

The idea is to separate the person from their story, and help your client understand
that they have a choice in what they want their lives to be. It is key to work with your
clients on their story boards, before you start working on changing their belief

They will create and attract events that fit their life story. This is why it’s so important
to work on creating stories that serve them.

1. On the line below, mark down significant live events and the corresponding age.
For example: Age 6: Parents divorce, age 14: first broken heart, age 18: started college

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2. After you map out these significant events, take a moment and look them over.
What do you notice?

Answer the following questions for each event.

Significant event 1 ______________________________________ Age: ___________

What belief system formed from this life event?





Significant event 2 ______________________________________ Age: ___________

What belief system formed from this life event?





Significant event 3 ______________________________________ Age: ___________

What belief system formed from this life event?





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Significant event 4 ______________________________________ Age: ___________

What belief system formed from this life event?





Significant event 5 ______________________________________ Age: ___________

What belief system formed from this life event?





3. From this reflection, write a short description of your life story.

There are no guidelines or length, just trust your inner wisdom. This is for you to get a
clear picture on the stories you tell yourself and others about who you are, and the
way life happens because of these stories.

*Write by hand preferably (not on a computer) this will stimulate the right hemisphere
of your brain, where you have access to your intuition.








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4. Once you finish, take a moment in silence and send gratitude for your story. Feel
appreciation for your past, and TRUST that you have the power to change your
present and create your future!

Horseback rider technique

Neural Nets are repetitive thoughts in our brain where we tend to go by default. To
form new neural nets, we have to form new thought patterns. For this I use the
“Horseback rider technique”.

Our mind is like a galloping horse, but our Consciousness is the rider and we have
the reins.

When I see that my client’s brain starts galloping to a place that doesn’t serve them, I
ask them to stop by taking a deep breath, be mindful of their thoughts, and get back
in control of their Mind by choosing a new thought.

I don’t advise “Pendulum thinking”, which is going from “Things don’t go my way, there
is something wrong with me” to “I’m the most amazing person in the world”.
The mind has to change in small leaps.

That teaches your clients to redirect to the thoughts they want to start having. The
thoughts they choose about themselves and their life.

“Man's Search for Meaning”, by Viktor Frankl:

“In Between stimulus and response there is space. And in that space lies our

This means that even though you can’t control what happens, you CAN control how
you respond.

Another thing you want to do as a Coach is challenge your client's beliefs. Listen
carefully to what they say, and ask: “Is that really true?”.

This offers them a space to come up with a belief that serves them more powerfully,
upgrading their life experience. We model pattern interruption for them, until they can
start doing it on their own.

A way to reframe your client’s beliefs around their fear of taking action (the famous
“What if”), is digging deeper into what is the worst that can happen.

Client -What if I fail?
You- What IF you fail?
Client- I will feel terrible.

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You- What IF you feel terrible?

Have them keep going to realize that they can recover from everything!


Ask yourself these five questions to get rid of your old limiting beliefs.

1) Where did I learn it?





2) Is it really true?





3) What’s the payoff of believing this belief?





4) How would things be different if I stopped believing this belief?




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5) What’s a new belief that I can start to believe that moves me in the direction I want
to go?





Case Study on Mindset

In this section, we will review a case study, and how the tools you learned on Working
with your clients on a Mental Level can help them.

Use this case study to reflect on how you can help your own clients navigate their

John wants to change careers. He’s been working as a lawyer for the past 6 years,
but he doesn’t enjoy what he’s doing. What he really loves is to paint! He never
stopped painting on the side, but always felt a little guilty when doing his passion,
because his father always scolded him as a boy for being a “dreamer” and not a

He grew up believing that using his creativity to create art was a huge waste of time.
His father always said that artists would never have any money and that it was a
profession reserved for slums who didn’t have the discipline to study a formal career.

John really dislikes what he does, but he doesn’t want to disappoint his parents or

Here is what I would have done in a coaching session:

• John is a great example of how you can work with someone on the mental level
because it’s really his beliefs that are sabotaging him. He was programmed at a
very young age by his father.
• We have to show John how his belief system was created, this is the way to
create insights that will spark action.
• We can use the Storyboard tool. Here is where you have him list significant life
events (good or bad) and the meaning he created after each one.

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• Once it’s finished, you can go through each event and question it to help John
dig deeper into meaning. Go slow, remember in most cases your client’s beliefs
have been with them for a long time.
• Then you want to reframe the beliefs. Come up with new beliefs that serve him
best and get them closer where they actually want to be.
• Once John established his new beliefs, you can use The Horseback Rider
Technique: your mind is like a galloping horse, but your awareness holds the
• Finally, we have to deal with John’s fears on the mental level. You can do
the Worst-Case Scenario process to answer all the “what if’s” until you get
them to a place where fear no longer hunts them.

How would you help him?

















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Coaching Sessions
Coaching Session #1. Angela
1. I started the session with a breathing exercise to get Angela in the present
2. Then I asked her to set an intention for the session. She had limiting beliefs
around money.
3. I tried to get into her model of the world and explored the origin of her beliefs.
4. I created a space of unconditional love, so she could open up and share.
5. We used the "Act as if" tool to help her release her emotions.
6. After I worked with her on the emotional level, we went to the mental level,
connecting the dots and getting clarity on what she really wanted and how to
communicate it.
7. I checked in with her several times during the session so she could verbalize her
8. There were a couple of times when I touched her leg, because I wanted her to
know she was seen and heard without interrupting her release process.
9. I wrapped up the session with a review so she could summarize her insights and
take them home into actionable steps.

What would you do to help Angela?












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Coaching Session #2. Ray
1. Ray was new to coaching and the first time he allowed himself to be vulnerable.
I wanted to meet him where he was at.
2. I allowed space for him to experience feeling vulnerable without judgment.
3. I taught him "I" language instead of "You" language, so he could connect to his
own emotions.
4. I invited him to see his situation from a spiritual perspective to give him hope.
5. We always want to be a little ahead in terms of pacing, but not too far ahead
from our clients, or else we'll lose them.
6. When your client says "I don't know", you can say: "Well, what if you DID know?"
7. I wanted him to leave the session with one big insight that he could take action
on and incorporate in his life.
8. I had him get clear on how he wants to get more present in a step-by-step
process he had to design.
9. Let your clients know it's OK to fail, everything gets easier as they take action.
10. Acknowledge and celebrate your clients for their steps forward.

What would you do to help Ray?














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Working with Clients on the Behavioral Level
This is one of the most important areas to work with clients. Awareness without action
is just “psychological entertainment”.

If you really want to empower your clients to change their lives and create results, you
have to get them to commit to make changes in their behavior.

The first level to start with clients on the behavioral level is assessing their self care. It’s
important for them to have a level of self care that is congruent to what they really
want. Exercising, getting proper nutrition and sleep, having a healthy self-talk, having
healthy relationships and finances is key.

When helping your client create their self-care plan, you want to keep it really
simple for them.

The Stop-Start modify plan

We often neglect to make major changes to the way we take care of ourselves
because we think our behavior is not life threatening, without realizing that some of
our habits can negatively affect all other areas, not allowing us to reach our goals.

Sometimes we turn to temporary coping strategies so we don’t have to deal with our
emotions, like. Drinking alcohol for example, even just one drink lowers the serotonin
levels of your brain. Coffee depletes our adrenal glands, who are already taxed by
the stress in life, it also affects your sleep.

When our basic self feels unnourished or unattended, it unconsciously triggers primal
fears of survival that can show up as anxiety or sabotaging behavior, or physical
symptoms such as headache, weight gain or chronic pain.

The only way that people keep the changes in their behavior for the long run is to
take small easy steps.

You want your client to come up with the ideas, so it makes sense to them. If they
want to modify too much at once, you have to create a space to make them stop
and take it slower, committing to each change for 40 days.

Research has shown that after 40 days, a discipline becomes a habit.

To take the negative meaning of the word Discipline, remember it comes from the
word “Disciple”, which is “the loving following of something”. This way the process
becomes more enjoyable for your clients.

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In this exercise, you’ll be helping your clients design and commit to their self-care
practice. When they observe and modify the way they take care of their wellbeing on
a physical level, they will naturally experience fewer blocks in other areas of their life.

Ask them to choose something specific that they want to change and can measure
using the model model below:

1. In the “Stop column” have them write a list of the behaviors they would like to stop
2. In the “Start column” have them write some behaviors that will nourish their body,
mind and spirit.
3. In the “Change column” have them write a list of the behaviors they would like to
modify, and state specifically how they intend to adjust them.

Once they’re done, ask them to review each of the columns and choose one thing
from each one to commit for the next 40 days. After the 40 days if what they
committed to is happening effortlessly, then they can pick a new behavior from the
columns to work on.

Note: Ask them to choose things that are specific, measurable and realistic!
Stop Start Change

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Difference between "toward" vs "away from"motivation

When people decide to make changes, they mostly focus on the things that they
want to get away from. Those things they don’t like. This feels more like a

It’s effective in some level but not sustainable in the long run, because you only focus
on the negative, and eventually get depleted.

You want your clients to focus on what they are “moving toward” motivation.

This way they will feel more inspired and naturally pulled towards what they want
instead of away from what they don’t want.

How can you use more “toward motivation” to help your clients get to where they
want to be?







Observation Journal
Another reason our clients don’t sustain changes on the long run is because when
they fail at what they wanted to achieve, they get super judgmental with themselves
and then back track or downward spiral.

In an observation journal, I ask my clients to get the mind of a scientist, and simply
observe their behavior without judgement.

At the end of each day, they write the actions they took or what they did not do, with
zero judgement. And then write how they felt when they took those actions or didn’t
take them.

When they start to observe, they will get to connect the dots on to what serves them.
The more they take the judgement out of the process, the more empowered they’ll be
to change their behavior in a sustainable way.

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How would you help your client’s use the Observation journal? Would you include
reflection questions or leave them on their own?







Stair stepping
A big obstacle that can come up for clients making changing on the
behavioral level is overwhelm. I like to describe overwhelm imagining a

When you are at the bottom of the staircase, you know your destination is
at the top, but don’t rush to get there. Instead, you go step by step.

Overwhelm happens when we focus on the steps to get to our goal, and not the
goal itself.

A tool you can use with your clients is called “Stair stepping”. You ask them to draw a
staircase where they put their goal on top, and the place they are at right now in the
bottom. Then ask them to write the next steps to get to where they want to go.

Celebrate each step, and have them focus in only one at a time.

We get anxiety when we see there are too many things to do and the way to deal
with this is to focus only on the present moment and the small step we can take right

This is an exciting exercise because it is all about making things happen by

committing to action steps. Remember, the best way to avoid overwhelm and build
momentum is to focus on ONE step at a time.

When you ask your clients to think about everything they have to do, that’s when
anxiety and overwhelm kick in.

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Using the Staircase below, ask your clients to choose one of the goals that they want
to achieve and write it on the top. Then ask them to consider the first three steps they
are going to take to get there.

A couple things about the steps:

1. Be very specific and make your goal measurable. For example, say a goal is to
have a more loving relationship with yourself. An action step to “talk nicely to
myself” is not specific. A step that is specific and measurable is to “look in the
mirror and say ‘I love you’ each morning.”

2. Make it something you can do 100% on your own. For example, let’s say a goal is
to be in a relationship. A specific step you could take is to sign up for a dating
website or app.

The intention of their action plan is to make the steps simple, do-able and clear. Ask
your clients to use the blank staircase template and write out the first steps of their
action plan.

Once they complete the first step or two, they might notice that the subsequent
steps reveal themselves and they will start to feel momentum instead of overwhelm.

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The "secret sauce" of pursuing goals
Acknowledging our clients for the process, and not just the results they get will
encourage them to take action while avoiding disappointment and expectation

One of the main reasons we get disappointed with results is because we attach our
worthiness and our emotional balance in achieving the result, while we forget about
the process and the progress we make along the way.

It’s key for us as coaches to acknowledge our clients, and have them do that for
themselves as well.

Sometimes the results take a different turn than we imagined, but that is OK!

Make sure you share relevant stories about people who also went through the same
process of changing behavior.

What are some stories you can share with your clients around changing behavior?














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Case Study on Behavior
In this section, we will review a case study, and how the tools you learned on Working
with your clients on a Behavioral Level can help them

Use this case study to reflect on how you can help your own clients navigate their

Janice is overweight. She comes to your practice because she wants to start living a
healthier life. She sees her younger sister, a marathon runner, who looks great, lives a
happy life and has a loving partner, and Janice wants all of the same for her! She
wakes up with all the intention of exercising, but then she gets distracted by reading
the day’s e-mail from the office and goes directly to work.

Before she realizes, she is stuck with the day’s hassle and doesn’t have time to
exercise. She gets hungry but has no time to cook breakfast, so she opens the fridge
and the first thing she sees is a doughnut, which becomes her breakfast.

Here is what I would have done in a coaching session:

• With Janice, before working on behavior, you want to help her on the emotional
and mental level first. Overeating is usually a way that we deal with
unprocessed emotions.
• Releasing weight can feel very overwhelming for people, so we want to start
with small steps.
• I use the Stair Step Action Plan. I would ask Janice to draw her step with her
end goal at the top and then back it down. She doesn’t have to know all steps,
just step no. 1!
• Another great tool I would use with Janice is the Start-Stop-Modify plan to
define which new behaviors she wants in her life (just one thing to start doing,
another one to stop and the last one to modify for 40 days.
• It takes about 40 days for a new behavior to become a habit.
• I would also use the Observation Journal with her. This will allow her to observe
her behavior without judgment, so she can later modify it.

How would you help her?






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Working with Clients on the Spiritual Level

When I talk about working with clients on the Spiritual Level, I don’t refer to anything
religious, but about really helping our clients connect with the Source of
Unconditional Truth, Love, and Connection.

One of the main reasons people feel alone, deal with addictions and “not-
enoughness”, is because they are not connected to anything bigger than themselves.

Spirituality is about truth, love and connection.

We tend to look for all these things outside of ourselves, without remembering they
are already inside of us as our birthright.

Ask your clients what their spiritual or religious beliefs are.

You want to get into their model of the world without challenging their religious or
spiritual beliefs, but rather encouraging them to reframe and update any belief
systems that are judgmental.

How can you approach the subject of Spirituality with your clients? What questions
can you ask?











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One of the biggest misconceptions about the Higher Power that we have is that it
judges us.

Ask your clients for a time when they felt connected to something bigger than
themselves. Help them identify the situations so they can create more moments like
that and make Spirituality tangible for them.

Remind them Spirituality is not meant to be something difficult, but rather to allow
space for you to naturally flow feeling connected and loved.

You can guide them through a meditation where they connect to their Higher Power.

You also want to help them have a more Spiritual approach to life. A new way for
them to look at life.

Life doesn’t happen TO us, it happens FOR us. If we feel life happens to us, we
develop a “victim mentality” and feel disempowered. Seeing everything as good,
bad, right or wrong.

It is harder to make changes when we see life from the victim perspective.

I encourage my clients to take on a role of a seeker, where they see everything in their
life as happening for them. As one big school meant for us to evolve in our

They should ask the question “What am I learning?”, instead of “Why did this

There is a part of us connected to a Higher Power, and the more you can help your
clients nurture this relationship, the more they’ll be able to tap into their own inner
wisdom and intuition, realizing they are more than their physical body.

How can you help your clients shift away from the “victim mentality”?







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Forgiveness tool
Forgiveness moves us out of our judgmental thinking into a place of infinite love and
ultimate freedom. We don’t evolve if we hold on to judgment and resentment.

When we forgive another and we forgive ourselves then we grow in Consciousness.

This shifts our entire vibration so the things we attract and the situations we create
change as we forgive.

Forgiveness doesn’t mean condoning something, it just means you let go of the
things that don’t serve you like judgement and resentment, so that you can be free.

That includes self-forgiveness.

Here is an exercise you can use with your clients. Use the script below to guide

Think about a person in your life that you would like to forgive and liberate any and all
past grudges that are holding you back, or making you feel bad.

Imagine you get to have that person in front of you for as long as you need, with full
disposition to hear everything you have to say, without any judgment or reaction.

1. Who is the person you need to forgive? _____________________________

2. Explain the situation that triggered you to this person (the main reason you need
to forgive this person). Explain clearly what happened from your point of view.










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3. How did that person make you feel? Describe 3 main emotions.

Emotion 1: ________________________________________________________________

Emotion 2: ________________________________________________________________

Emotion 3: ________________________________________________________________

4. What would you love to see that person do once you let he/she know how he/
she made you feel?









5. What happens if the person does nothing? Can you do something to shift your
emotions? What?








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Another area to work with your clients on the Spiritual level is the process of
Surrender. This can be frightening to people, because we are addicted to control and
certainty. Surrender is learning to let go and be comfortable in the “Not Knowing”.

One of the biggest obstacles your clients might face in making a change is the “free
fall” when they take a leap of Faith. And that fear stops many of us from making the
changes that we need to make.

Surrender is taking the leap of Faith without knowing what will happen, but
knowing we will be OK.

Surrender is also very different from resignation. Resignation is just giving up while
Surrender means you still hold on to your vision without attachment to the way it’s
going to happen, trusting that whatever shows up is for your best interest.

What stories can you share with your clients around the topic of surrender?















57 of 72
How often our Karma becomes our Dharma

A lot of your clients might come to you because they want to know their purpose.
Often, purpose comes out of our struggle.

The original definition of the word “passion” actually means suffering”, but over time
we evolved the word passion to mean “what we love”.

When you help your clients see that their life lessons and struggle (Karma) actually
contribute to their life purpose (Dharma), they will get inspired and will be a lot easier
for them to surrender.

They can start to have a new relationship with their past that will inspire them to
move forward.

On the Spiritual level we help our clients stop being self absorbed, because when
they learned they came to serve others their whole life changes.

How can you help your clients see how their struggles have contributed to their life













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Case Study on Spirituality
In this section, we will review a case study, and how the tools you learned on Working
with your clients on the Spiritual Level can help them.

Use this case study to reflect on how you can help your own clients navigate their

Mark is somebody who's been working on this job for about 10 years, and he has a
tremendous amount of experience. He always thought he was doing a fantastic job.
But suddenly, he is called into his boss's office and he says that he is fired.

He's been told that he has been non-performing at work, and suddenly he's been laid
off. He has a family to take care of, and suddenly, he feels really rejected and doesn't
even know why he got fired.

Here is what I would have done in a coaching session:

• I would start at the Emotional level, because it’s a loss, and you want to help
him deal with that.
• I would also work on the Mental level, to help him deal with all his beliefs and
• Definitely would work on the Behavioral level, so he can manage his reactions.
• And this is where Spirituality can be so helpful, because right now Mark feels like
a victim, and everyone is against him.
• So this is a great opportunity for him to develop a deeper spiritual relationship
and sense of trust because it’s in those times of uncertainty that we can lean
into faith.
• The first toll that’s going to help him is Surrender. This is not resignation, it’s
really about acceptance, and knowing that we have a choice about the way
we respond to what happens.
• The spiritual perspective says that life happens FOR us, not TO us. This invites
people to know that everything will get resolved in our best interest.
• Then I would work on Forgiveness. This tool comes only after doing emotional
release work.
• In Spirituality, there is no right or wrong. It’s judgment-free, so it free’s us up
from hanging on to beliefs and feelings that no longer serve us.
• The first part is self-forgiveness, and then you can go into forgiving other

59 of 72
How would you help him?








Coaching Sessions
Coaching Session #3. Nicolette
1. I delayed the centering process because I felt she needed to express herself
2. She had a lot of self-awareness, so that made it easier to work with her.
3. I used the movie screen technique after she said she was “being strong”. Those
words usually mean she has some emotional suppression.
4. I used a lot of silence so she could express herself in a safe space. I also used a
lot of affirmations so she felt heard and seen.
5. After her emotional release, I knew she was complete, so we wrapped up the
session with her big insight of why she attracts the partners that she attracts.
6. She also got clear on how she would get to connect with her emotions after the

What would you do to help Nicolette?






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Coaching Session #4. Yanna

1. Our clients might come to the session with one intention, but our job as coaches
is always to dig deeper for what is is it that they really want.
2. She wanted clarity on where to go on her career, but she realized she was
already living her purpose.
3. That realization helped her release the pain and guilt she felt for focusing on her
family first and helped her be more present and grateful.
4. I gave her a tool called “Future-forecasting”. This tool asks to write in present-
tense what you want your life to look and feel like (you can find the exercise
inside your Quest journal)
5. This session called for me to lean more on teaching than coaching.

What would you do to help Yanna?











61 of 72
Future Forecasting Tool
In this exercise, you will be using the power of visualization to co-create more of what
is on your list.


Take pen to paper and write a vision for your life. A written vision is different from, and
even more creative than a vision you create with pictures, because writing it, and
reading it regularly gives you the opportunity to be specific and talk about the
feelings you are experiencing.

In this vision, include all aspects of your life: work, relationships, health and well-
being, finances, spirituality, hobbies, environment, experiences, and so on.

Consider what you want to be doing, feeling, experiencing, and creating. Include
whom you want to be with and where you want to be. Get highly detailed, specific,
and descriptive.

Write in present tense what your life is like as if it is actually happening right now.
Stretch yourself and allow yourself to dream big, but make everything in your life
vision at least 90 percent believable so you actually buy into it.

To inspire you, here is a snippet from a life vision that a client of mine created for
“I am waking up every day feeling rested and grateful for my life. I love where I live
and feel safe and peaceful. I am effortlessly committed to my morning meditation
practice - I look forward to it every day!!

I sit down in my comfy purple chair, light a white candle, and engage in my morning
meditation, which I love! My mind calms down, and I am easily able to observe my
thoughts and bring my awareness to my breath.

After my meditation, I enjoy my delicious tea and do my morning stretches and

exercises. I feel so connected to my true self and my Higher Power.
I am sharing my love with my family, friends and even strangers! I know that we are all
one and I love interacting with others. I feel confident and self-expressed. I
communicate clearly with my colleagues and customers.

I am really enjoying my work and know that I am living into my purpose every day just
by showing up authentically.

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I am enjoying eating real food that makes my body feel good. I love preparing my
food and find the time to be nourishing to myself. When I go out to eat, it is easy for
me to make healthy choices.

Exercise is fun and a regular part of my routine. I love walking into the gym - the music
and the energy of everyone there pumps me up!! I feel so strong and mentally
uplifted whenever I work out - I love my body and all it does for me!

I feel abundant in so many ways, especially financially. I feel safe, secure and
deserving of money. I feel empowered with my financial choices, my investments in
myself and things that bring me joy!

Dating is so much fun. I feel sexy and my heart is open! I feel excited about meeting
my future partner and trust Divine Timing.

I hear my intuition and listen to it without doubt. I am also loving creative expression -
I am painting, dancing and having so much fun playing with my friends.”

At the end of your life vision, write the phrase “this or something better, for the Highest
Good of all concerned” so you can be free of any expectations.

You only set yourself up for an Expectation Hangover if you expect these things to
happen—this is a vision, not a demand. It is wonderful to stretch your mind and
entertain the possibility that you could dream a different reality into being.

Hold your ideal vision at heart, but hold it loosely. Use it as a destination that the
Horseback Rider can use to steer your mind toward whenever you notice worry

To take it a level deeper, use a voice memo app on your phone (or any recording
device that is easy for you,) and record your vision in your own voice. Then listen to it
at least once everyday. Your own voice is incredibly hypnotic. As you are listening,
really feel it and experience it! Remember, we attract things into our life by feeling






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Working with Clients on their Relationships

Now that you have learned how to help your clients in all the 4 levels of the human
experience, you are more prepared to help them navigate their relationships, from
romantic relationships, to family, friends and colleagues.

It’s very important to remind your clients that they cannot change people.

What they CAN change, is the way they respond to people.

As a Coach, I don’t let people go on and on about how someone is a problem in their
life. I let them vent for a while, and then stop them to create a space for them to see
how they respond to others.

Projection Work tool: There are two ways in which we project a part of ourselves
into other people.


If a person really triggers you, use it as a way for your personal growth. When
someone makes us feel uncomfortable or annoyed is because they are mirroring
something that we don’t like about ourselves.

**Your clients might get defensive on this subject, so remember to have stories that
you can share about your experiences when this happened to yourself.

What you can ask your clients when they project something negative in others:

1. Ask your client what they find most objectionable or difficult about the other
person. What bothers them most?

2. Where do they do that in their life?

We are not triggered by someone unless they are triggering something inside

So we can use our client’s relational challenges to help them bring to the surface
something they need to work on, and learn more about themselves.


Your clients might also come up to the session to talk about people they look up to or
are even jealous of. In this case, you can ask:

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1. What do you see in that person that you compare with, or really admire?

2. Where are you not owning _________? (What they admire from the other person)

Forming agreements with people

Sometimes we expect others to know what we want or need without letting them
know, and this is a great way to create an Expectation Hangover.

If a client comes in complaining that another person didn’t meet their expectations,
ask if they created an agreement with that person in the first place.

You, and you alone are responsible for getting your needs met.

You want to empower your clients to articulate their needs, and use the tool of
reflective listening in their own lives to create agreements. But they also have to be
mindful and know who they can get their needs met from.

I have had clients draw out a map of all the people in their lives, and then write down
who can fulfill which need. We are responsible for our lives, but must also be clear in
our relationships who to ask for what.

Expecting one person to fulfill all your needs is completely unrealistic.

Helping your clients set boundaries

Some clients can go into a relationship that can be co-dependent or dysfunctional in
some way, so I talk to them about the difference between boundaries and barriers.

Barriers are formed when we let a bad relationship go on for such a long time, that
we build up resentment and eventually cut the person off our lives. This is unhealthy.

Setting boundaries is when we take responsibility for communicating our needs from
the beginning.

There are two types of boundaries that you can teach your clients:
1. Internal: that they set with themselves. What do they want?

2. External: that they set with another person. How they let other know what they

You have to tell your clients that they might find resistance from other people when
trying to set boundaries, but this is OK.

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If they communicate the boundaries with love and honesty, they can't be responsible
for the other person’s upset.

Sometimes we stay in bad relationships to avoid upsetting others.

Some relationships reach expiration dates, and you have to talk it out with your client
because if they carry relationships that don’t serve them they need to take action if
they ever want to get to where they want to go.

This also allows space for them to have the relationship that they want and deserve.

What are your own boundaries? Set internal and external boundaries for yourself
(before you teach your clients how to do it for themselves)

















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Case Study On Relationships

In this section, we will review a case study, and how the tools you learned on Working
with your clients on their Relationships can help them.

Use this case study to reflect on how you can help your own clients navigate their

Emma and Patrick have been married for the past 2 years. Lately, Patrick has been
very stressed at work, and he’s been going out a lot with his friends. Emma wants to
be supportive of him, but he closes up when she tries to approach him and have a

She understands that he needs to have a space to go out with his friends, but feels
resentful that her husband never comes to her for support.

Here is what I would have done in a coaching session:

• There’s a lot of tools we can use to help this couple. I would start with Projection
Work. This has 2 parts:
• 1. What is my partner triggering in me that I don’t want to look at? In their
case, Patrick is ignoring Emma, so she should ask where is she doing that to
• 2. What does this remind her of?
• With this, you can go into the 4 levels of the human experience and start
digging deeper.
• Then I would work with Emma in creating Agreements and not Expectations. As
human beings we expect others to know what we want and need, instead of
communicating our request to them.
• This is where creating agreements is key. When everything is clear, it’s easier to
manage the situations in the relationship.
• Then she can practice Perception-checking to make sure that they’re on the
same page about the agreements.
• This will avoid Expectation hangovers.
• Another important area to work with Emma here is Boundaries. It’s difficult for
people to set boundaries because they usually want the people around them
to be OK with them immediately, but it takes time for the other person to
incorporate the new rules.

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How would you help them?









Coaching Session
Coaching Session #5. Mel

1. I’m grateful that Mel was open to be vulnerable and open about her
2. I helped her go over her experience and understand that relationships shift, in
order to take the guilt off her shoulder.
3. I gave her the choice of doing the centering exercise or not, so she felt
empowered about making her own decisions.
4. I allowed the space for her to speak for the most part, so she could release.
5. We used two main tools in this session: Projection and Forgiveness. I explained
how the tools worked instead of assuming.
6. Projection lead to freedom and peace of mind when she understood the whole
7. Forgiveness took off the pain and old beliefs off her once she let go of what was
no longer serving her. This is a wonderful release process and getting into a
higher vibration of compassion.
8. Then I had her own what the truth was.
9. We ended the session tying it back to her goal of getting clarity of where she
wanted her life to be.

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What would you do to help Mel?












How to Create Clients

You want to serve people powerfully through your coaching, but how do you create

It's not as hard as many people think!

I'm going to give you a few simple, yet powerful and effective ways for you to create
• #1. Own It: let people know you are a coach. Share what you do with others! It
doesn't matter if you're just starting out, set aside Imposter Syndrome and focus
on how you are going to serve.
• #2. Invite: Send an e-mail to 10 people letting them know what you do and how
you can serve. Offer them a Discovery session.
• #3. Discover: TheDiscovery session is to get really interested in the person in
front of you, discover their pains and dreams, and figure out if you can help
them. In this session, you don't coach, just discover where your client is at, and
whether or not you can help.

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• #4. Propose: this is where you let your potential clients know how they can work
with you. This is also the place where most coaches get stuck! And this is normal
when we see selling as something bad. But remember, you are SERVING, if you
don't propose, how are your clients going to be able to work on their dreams?
• #5. Qualify: If you feel during the discovery call that you are not the right fit for
the client, or they are not a good fit for you, then take the pressure of the
enrollment! You can refer them to a colleague, or just let them know.
• #6. Build up your referral practice: Ask your current clients (or the ones from
your discovery sessions) to refer you to people who could also benefit from
working with you.
• #7. Complimentary Coaching Session: this is a free coaching session that you
gift someone, usually people who come as referrals. You can give some advice
or guidance to help them solve a problem. I really don't recommend you read
from a script. Trust yourself and your skills. Ask those powerful questions!
• #8. Create Content: Choose the type of content that you want to do (videos,
audio, text) and pick ONE channel (Facebook, Linkedin, Instagram, YouTube).
Don't feel you have to do everything. Pick one thing to start and be consistent.
Content doesn't have to be super long, just give bits of information that can
help them move a step forward. Always remember to state what you do, and
end with a Call To Action (what you want people to take as an action step)

Focus on becoming more masterful as a coach, and serve! Don't worry about having
everything perfect. Everything evolves as you coach more.

Action Steps:
Craft an e-mail that you can send to 10 people to invite them to a discovery session.










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What topics can you share with your audience?









Which platform will you use to share it?



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