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Submitted as Compulsary Fulfillment of Requirements for S1-Degree

in English Education Study Program

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Submitted as Compulsary Fulfillment of Requirements for S1-Degree

in English Education Study Program

By :





Ayuningtyas, Dita. 2021. Struggle and Strategies Faced By Vocational High

School During The Covid-19. A Graduating Paper. English Education Study
Program Teacher Training And Education Faculty University Of Muhammadiyah
Pringsewu Lampung. Counselor : Rahmatika Kayyis, M.Pd and Fatma Yuniarti,
The COVID-19 pandemic situation made the Government announce the learning
activities into E-Learning. This policy and its relation to teacher strategies in
learning are interesting to study. This research aims to describe, explain and
analyze the struggles and strategies faced by Vocational High School during the
Covid-19 period in class XI Vocational High School YPT Pringsewu,
Muhammadiyah 1 Pringsewu, and KH. Ghalib Pringsewu. The subject in this
study was an English teacher in class XI. This research started in March 2021
until May 2021.
This research is a qualitative descriptive study. Data collection techniques in this
study were observation, interviews and questionnaires.
The results of this study indicate that teachers experience problems in teaching
English online during the Covid-19 pandemic, teachers experience limited ability
in explaining material to students, because they do not meet face to face, not all
students understand the material presented by the teacher. With online learning,
students become lazy in doing assignments, some do not submit assignments, and
do not submit assignments on time. The teacher does not know the students'
abilities and character. The strategies used by teachers in online learning have not
been maximal and effective, because they do not meet with students.
Keywords : Teacher Struggle, teaching Strategies, Vocational

High School, The Covid-19



Name : Dita Ayuningtyas

NPM : 17050032

Major : English Education

Faculty : Teacher Training and Education


1. Advisor Commite

Advisor Co-Adviser

Rahmatika Kayyis M.Pd. Fatma Yuniarti,M.Pd.B.I

NIDN 0211048801 NIDN 0207018702

2. Chairperson of English Education Study Program

Fitri Wulandari M.Pd

NIDN 0225078103


1. Examination Committee

Chairperson : Rahmatika Kayyis, M.Pd. .......................

Secretary : Fatma Yuniarti, M.Pd., BI .......................

Members : Fitri Wulandari, M.Pd. .......................

2. The Dean of Teacher Training and Education Faculty

Rahma Faelasofi, S.Si.,M.Sc

NIDN 0202028502

Graduate at:


This thesis is wholeheartedly dedicated to :

1. Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala who always guide me in everything

2. My beloved parent, Mr. Mahmudi and Mrs. Hartatik, thanks for your endless

love and pray. You are my inspiration and my everything

3. My beloved sister Septina Anggun dewi, Adelia Amanda Putri, and younger

brother M.ILham Nurdiansyah Wijaya Thanks for your support,

encouragement and everlasting love

4. All my advisors, Ms Rahmatika Kayyis and Ms Fatma Yuniarti who had given

the time, knowledges, experiences and guidances.

5. My beloved friends, big family in English Education Department

academic year 2017, who have been the best friends ever and who have

given the best impressions for being the part of you all


“When you succeed, you gain something. When you fail, you learn something.

You need both”

(Dr. Bilal Philips)


The researcher‘s name is Dita Ayuningtyas. She was born on June, 28 st 1996 in

Adiluwih. She is the second child of four children of Mr. Mahmudi and Mrs.

Hartatik. She has two sister named Septina Anggun Dewi, Adelia Amanda Putri

and one younger brother named M. Ilham Nurdiansyah Wijaya. The writer began

her study at :

1. Kindergarten of Dharmawanita and graduated in 2002

2. Elementary School of SD N 6 Adiluwih and graduated in 2008

3. Junior High School of SMP N 1 Adiluwih and graduated in 2011

4. Senior High School of SMA N 1 Sukoharjo and graduated in 2014

5. Muhammadiyah Pringsewu University and took English Education in



Assalam‟alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh,

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. Praised be to Allah,

Lord of the world, who has given the researcher His Mercies, Blesses and

permission to accomplish this thesis. Peace and salutation be upon to the prophet

Muhammad, his families, companions, and followers.

This thesis will be presented to the English Education Study Program of Teacher

Training and Education Faculty of Muhammadiyah Pringsewu University as a

compulsory fulfillment of the requirements for the bachelor degree.

Then, the researcher would like to express her great appreciation to:

1. Drs. Wanawir, M.M., M.Pd., as the Rector of Muhammadiyah Pringsewu


2. Rahma Faelasofi, S.Si.,M.Sc. , as the Dean of Teacher Training and Education


3. Fitri Wulandari, M.PD. , as the chief of English Education Study Program

4. Rahmatika Kayyis, M.Pd., as the first adviser to arrangement this thesis, who

has given guide, advice, and support during the process.

5. Fatma Yuniarti M.Pd.B.I., as the second adviser to arrangement this thesis,

who has given guide, advice, and support during the process.

6. Lengga Pradita, S.Pd. ,as the English teacher of Vocational High School

KH.Ghalib Pringsewu who has given guide, advice, and support during

conducting the research

7. Pisca Suma Perari, S.Pd. ,as the English teacher of Vocational High School

YPT Pringsewu who has given guide, advice, and support during conducting

the research

8. Dewi Lestari, S.Pd. ,as the English teacher of Vocational High School

Muhammadiyah 1 Pringsewu who has given guide, advice, and support during

conducting the research

9. The students of XI class of Vocational High School YPT, KH.Ghalib and

Muhammadiyah 1 Pringsewu in academic year 2021/2022 for the cooperation

as the sample of this observation.

10. All lecturers of the teaching and education faculty of Muhammadiyah

Pringsewu-Lampung who have provided guidance and assistance to

researchers in completing this thesis.

11. All my friends of English Education Study Program of Muhammadiyah

Pringsewu University for giving the researcher guidance and helping in

finishing this thesis.

12. The researcher realizes that this thesis is far from being perfect. Therefore, the

researcher expects some suggestions and critiques for this thesis. At last, the

researcher hopes that this thesis will give advantages for all.

Pringsewu, June 2021

The researcher,

Dita Ayuningtyas
SRN 17050032







CURRICULUM VITAE.........................................................................viii


TABLE OF CONTENT...........................................................................xii

LIST OF TABLE......................................................................................xv

LIST OF APPENDICES.........................................................................xvi


A. Background of the Study................................................................1

B. Identification of the Problem.........................................................6

C. Formulation of the Problem..........................................................7

D. Objective of the Research..............................................................7

E. Significance of the Research.........................................................7


A. Previous Study..............................................................................9

B. Literature Review........................................................................12

1. Definition of E-Learning.......................................................12
2. The Definition of the Covid-19 Pandemic............................30
3. Problems and Strategies in Learning Process.......................34
4. Struggle and Strategies Faced by English Teachers Conducting E-
Learning During Covid-19................................................51


A. Research Design...........................................................................53

B. Research Setting..........................................................................53

C. Research Informants....................................................................54

D. Data Collecting Technique...........................................................54

E. Data Analysis Technique.............................................................55


A. Description of Research Subject.....................................................58

B. Description of Research Findings....................................................58

1. Description of the Struggle Faced by Teacher in

Learning English During the Covid-19 Pandemic.....................58
2. Description of the teacher Strategies in Learning English
During the Covid-19 Pandemic.................................................67

C. Disccusions.....................................................................................73


A. Conclusion......................................................................................81
B. Suggestions.....................................................................................83




Table 4.1 The result interview with teacher


Appendix 1 : Syllabus

Appendix 2 : RPP

Appendix 3 : Interview Transcripts

Appendix 4 : Questionnaire Result

Appendix 5 : Research Permission Latter

Appendix 6 : Documentations

Appendix 7 : Sheet the Thesis Consultation Advisor and Co-Advisor



A. Background of the Study

Currently all countries in the world are being hit by a big disaster caused by

the Covid-19 virus. The Directorate General of Disease Prevention and

Control (2020:11) states that the Corona Virus (COVID-19) is a new type of

virus that has never been identified in humans. It is known that the beginning

of the virus is zoonotic (can be from animals to humans and vice versa. The

Covid-19 pandemic first appeared in the city of Wuhan, China since the end of

2019 and began to spread in Indonesia in early March 2020. The Covid-19

virus is a disease. which can cause respiratory problems, throat disorders,

nausea and flu. The spread of the Covid-19 virus can be transmitted by

infected people through physical contact. The Covid-19 virus is able to change

many things so quickly in our lives today. This, our interactions with humans,

with the environment are all different, so the World Health Organization

(WHO) made this outbreak a global pandemic on March 11ᵗʰ, 2020.

Until April 1ᵗʰ, 2021, this virus has infected 129,515,041 people, with a death

toll of 2,829,105 people and the number of patients who recovered and

infected 223 countries (, 2021). In Indonesia itself, the

spread of this virus was first discovered on March 2, 2020, and this was

conveyed directly by President Joko Widodo (Nuraini, 2020), and currently it

has infected 1,517,854 people with 41,054 deaths, and the number of

recovered sufferers. 1,355,578 people (, 2021).

Since the Corona virus spread in Indonesia, it has caused the government to

immediately taken firm action to prevent its spread more widely. Minister of

Education and Culture Nadiem Anwar Makarim issued Circular Letter

Number 4 of 2020 concerning Implementation of educational policies in the

emergency period of the spread of Covid-19. This Circular of the Minister of

Education and Culture provides an appeal to study from home through online

learning or distance learning (Kemendikbud:2020). This policy is of course

not only happening in Indonesia but also throughout the world. Some of the

effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on the world of education that can be

mentioned include the widespread closure of schools, ranging from early

childhood education, primary and secondary schools to universities. Instead, a

distance learning system was used and opened an online education platform

that schools and teachers could use to reach students remotely and limit

barriers in carrying out education.

The Covid-19 pandemic situation made things unprepared. Teachers are

required to be able to organize daring / online learning. In fact, not all teachers

are ready and able to organize online learning. When learning in school, the

teacher delivers the material directly in class, explains the material in detail

from beginning to end, and can directly monitor the level of student

understanding of the material presented. If students do not understand,

sometimes the teacher allows questions, but during this online learning the

teacher has difficulty in the process of monitoring student learning progress.

The material presented is not optimal because it is through videos, photos or

written summaries, so that it will have an impact on students who will have

difficulty understanding the material. The implementation of government

policies on online learning initially posed obstacles.

In practice, teachers and other educators try to use science technology to solve

distance learning problems by providing materials and assignments to students

online. But it doesn't always go well. There are many obstacles in its

implementation. Online learning in its implementation has problems. The first

obstacle is : The lack of facilities students have when learning online because

not all students have computers or smartphones as learning media using

online, the second obstacle is the limited signal that can hinder the teaching

and learning process in online learning, the third obstacle is the lack of

understanding of students when carrying out the online learning process,

because students do not understand the learning delivered by the teacher

because it is not face-to-face and the teacher has difficulty monitoring student

learning progress, the fourth obstacle is the internet quota that cannot be

reached by all students, the fifth obstacle is that sometimes the tasks given by

the teacher are not done and collected on time, the sixth obstacle is that

students quickly feel bored in online learning, if students feel bored the

teacher must think of strategies for how to get the child out from his zone of

boredom. Teachers need to be creative in creating attractive online learning

for students. Therefore the teacher becomes difficult in carrying out this online

learning process. Every student really wants to learn calmly and be easily

understood in the online learning process. However, teachers are also

confused about how online learning can be implemented without any obstacles

and not becoming a burden for students. Byun & Slavin (2020:665) also found

that although school facilities are adequate and the national curriculum

facilitates online learning very well, the educational inequality that each

student gets is also caused by family influence and financial problems that

interfere with the learning process.

Based on the preliminary of the reseach on Vocational High School of YPT

Pringsewu, Vocational High School Muhammadiyah 1 Pringsewu of and

Vocational High School of KH. Ghalib Pringsewu, focused on english teacher

at grades XI. There are a problems for all teachers, that online learning is less

effective than face-to-face learning, for several reasons, namely: at SMK YPT

Teaches have limited ability to explain material because learning is done

online, sometimes students do not understand the material presented by the

teacher, the strategies used The teacher is also not optimal, in online learning

the teacher motivates students to be more enthusiastic about learning, with

online learning the teacher does not know the child's abilities, and there are

some children who do not do the assignments given by the teacher, and the

teacher must struggle to make students more understanding and happy learn

about English. Meanwhile, the problems of teacher at SMK Muhamadiyah is

that giving explanations to students is not satisfactory, because it is quite

difficult to provide explanations online, online learning makes student ethics

and manners less, the strategies used by teachers in teaching have not been

effective, the assignments given by the teacher are not accurate time, some

don't even do it. Meanwhile, the problems of teacher at KH.Ghalib

Vocational High School is that teachers must be creative so that students do

not get bored quickly and enjoy learning English, teachers have difficulty

explaining English material because they do not meet face to face, teachers

also do not know new students and what kind of student characters, the

teacher conveyed material is limited, and there are some children who are

unable to understand the material presented by the teacher.

The struggles and strategies used by the English teacher when teaching online

are: first, that the teacher always approaches students during online learning,

second, the teacher always provides motivation to students so that they are

enthusiastic and want to learn, third is that the teacher always works with

parents during online learning. For learning strategies during online, the

teacher uses WhatsApp by chatting one by one with students, using Google

Classroom, and Google form to collect assignments. In addition, the YouTube

application is also used by English teachers to deliver material that is uploaded

in the form of an attractive video and is given lots of pictures and is shared via

a link. Through an innovative online learning model, students can still

experience learning like being in a classroom at school even though it is done

from home.

From the description above, research was carried out to understand how the

struggles and strategies faced by vocational high schools during Covid-19.

B. Identification of the Problem

Based on problems of study the researcher was identified the problems of the

study. In this cased, the researcher was taken three vocational high schools at

SMK Pringsewu. The teachers in teaching English online in a pandemic

situation has struggles and strategies for Vocational High School YPT

Pringsewu, Vocational High School Muhammadiyah 1 Pringsewu and

Vocational High School KH.Ghalib Pringsewu. There are several obstacles

that the researcher found related to the strugles and strategies faced by English

teachers in carrying out E-learning during Covid-19, such as the first problem

related to signals or networks being the main obstacle in collecting

assignments, the second problem is Teachers have limited ability to explain

material because learning is done online, the third problem is that some

children do not do the assignments given by the teacher, the fourth problem is

that if students feel bored, the teacher must think of strategies on how to get

children out of their boredom zone. Teacher need to be creative in creating

attractive online learning for students. Overall, teacher have tried their best in

dealing with problems and implementing strategies in implementing E-

learning during the COVID-19 outbreak.

C. Formulation of the problem

1. What are the strugles faced by teachers in learning English during the

Covid-19 pandemic?

2. What are the teacher strategies in learning English during the Covid-19


D. Objective of the Research

Related to the problem above, the objectives of this study are as follows:

1. To know the teaching strugles in English e-learning classes during the

Covid-19 pandemic.

2. To know the teaching strategies in English e-learning classes during the

Covid-19 pandemic.

E. Significance of the Reaearch

By doing the research, the researcher hopes that:

1. For Students

By using e-learning methods and appropriate strategies, the researcher

hopes that students will get enjoyable in the teaching and learning process.

The students will not feel forced in learning English but they will feel

happy to learn since they are put in an enjoyable situation.

2. For English Teacher

The researcher hopes that the result of this study will be useful for the other

teacher in applying strategies for teaching English with e-learning

methods. So, the teacher can improve teaching and learning English to

become more active, effective, and efficient even through e-learning


3. For Another Researcher

With this research, it is hoped that it can add and provide experience,

abilities, and research skills in applying the knowledge gained from

lectures, as well as to take care of final assignments at the Undergraduated.



A. Previous Study

There are some researches related to this study. The First previous research

was conducted by Rochyani Lestiyanawati (2020) entitled "Strategies and

Problems Faced by Indonesian Teachers in Conducting E-Learning System

During the COVID-19 Outbreak". The results of this study indicate that the

existence of Covid-19 has had a profound impact on the education system in

Indonesia, especially teachers in facing various teaching problems and

teachers must know and describe strategies in carrying out e-learning during

the COVID-19 outbreak. The method used in this study is a descriptive

qualitative method approach and the data used are interviews and data

analysis is done by describing the data collected through online

questionnaires using google forms and the results of interviews. The

similarity between this thesis and Rochyani Lestiyanawati's journal is the

teacher's actions that occur in carrying out e-learning to describe the teaching

strategy applied and the problems faced by teachers in the COVID-19

outbreak. The difference between this thesis and previous research lies in the

research that is being studied. If the previous research focused on teacher

actions that occurred in doing e-learning, while in this study, the researcher

looked at the teacher's problems in doing E-learning and what strategies made

learning effective during the Covid-19 pandemic. And the research object of

the researcher is the teacher.

The second previous research was conducted by Tari Putri Utami (2020)

entitled "An analysis of Teachers' Strategies on English E-learning Classes

During Covid-19 Pandemic". The results of this study indicate that the

teacher's strategy used in teaching English with e-learning classes during the

COVID-19 pandemic is urgently needed. The purpose of this study was to

determine how the English e-learning classroom strategy during the COVID-

19 pandemic at MTs Sudirman Getasan? And the extent to which strategies

help teachers in English e-learning classrooms. The research method used is a

field research method with a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques

in this study were observation, interviews, and documentation. The results

showed that the teaching strategy through e-learning classes during the

COVID-19 pandemic greatly helped teachers in the teaching and learning

process to achieve learning goals. The similarity between this thesis and the

journal Tari Putri Utami is to find out the teacher strategies used in teaching

English with e-learning classes during the COVID-19 pandemic. The

difference between this thesis and previous research lies in the research that is

being studied. If the previous research was to find out the extent of the

strategy to help teachers in the English e-learning class, in this study the

researchers looked at what strategies made learning effective during the

Covid-19 pandemic. While the research object of the researcher is the teacher.

The last previous research was conducted by Ni'matu Rokhimah (2020)

entitled "Teacher's Strategies In Teaching Vocabulary During Covid-19

Pandemic In Mtsn 8 Tulung Agung". This research was conducted with the

aim of describing the strategies used by teachers in teaching vocabulary

during Covid-19. This study used a descriptive design research with a

qualitative research design. data collection by conducting online interviews

using Google Form. In this study, triangulation was used as a data verification

technique. Data were analyzed by Organizing and Familiarizing, Coding and

Reducing and Interpreting and Representing.

Based on the study above, there are some of similarity and differences with

the researcher. The first previous study from Rochyani Lestiyanawati's, The

similarity with the researcher is the teacher's actions that occur in carrying out

e-learning to describe the teaching strategy applied and the problems faced by

teachers in the COVID-19 outbreak and the difference between this reseach.

In this research focused on teacher actions that occurred in doing e-learning,

while in this study, the researcher looked at the teacher's problems in doing E-

learning and what strategies made learning effective during the Covid-19

pandemic. And the research object of the researcher is the teacher.

The second previous study from Tari Putri Utami. There is similarity between

this reseach. She was find out the teacher strategies used in teaching English

with e-learning classes during the COVID-19 pandemic and the difference

between this reseach is being studied. If the previous research was to find out

the extent of the strategy to help teachers in the English e-learning class, in

this study the researchers looked at what strategies made learning effective

during the Covid-19 pandemic. While the research object of the researcher is

the teacher.

The last previous study from Ni'matu Rokhimah. There is similarity between

this reseach. She was find out what strategies teachers used in teaching

English with e-learning classes during the COVID-19 pandemic. The

difference between this researche is being studied and previous research lies

in the research that is being studied. Previous research has focused on the

strategies used by teachers in teaching vocabulary during Covid-19 which

was recently implemented at MTSN 8 Tulung Agung. Whereas in her

research, the researcher looked at what strategies made learning effective

during the Covid-19 pandemic While the research object of the researcher is

the teacher.

B. Literature Review

1. E-Learning

a. The Definition of E-Learning

The very rapid development of information and communication

technology has encouraged various educational institutions to use e-

learning systems to increase the effectiveness and flexibility of

learning. Through e-learning learning materials can be accessed

anytime and anywhere, besides that the material can be enriched with

various learning resources including multimedia which can be quickly

updated by the teacher. There are several definitions according to

experts : Udan and Weggen (2000:21), Mention that E-learning is part

of distance learning whereas online learning is part of e-learning.

Also, the term e-learning includes various applications and processes

such as computer based-learning, web-based learning, virtual

classroom, etc. Meanwhile online learning is part of technology-

based learning that utilizes the internet, intranet, and extranet,


E-learning refers to the use of information and communication

technology to make it possible access to online learning / teaching

resources. In the broadest sense. According to Khan (2005:22), E-

learning refers to delivering learning material to anyone, anywhere,

and anytime with using various technologies in an open learning

environment, flexible, and distributed. Furthermore, the terms of

learning are open and flexible refers to the freedom of students in

terms of time, place, speed, content material, learning style, type of

evaluation, collaborative or independent learning.

E-learning is information and communication technology for enable

student in to learn whenever and wherever. Suartama (2014:20)

Through E-Learning, material provided to students can be accessed

anytime and from anywhere, in addition to getting material that can be

enriched or equipped with a variety of supporting learning resources

including multimedia that can be supported.

Learning that utilizes the internet network as a method of delivery,

interaction, and facilitation and is supported by various other forms of

learning services. Indrakusuma and Putri (2016:2) stated that E-

Learning is an abbreviation of Electronic Learning which is one of the

new ways in the teaching and learning process and uses electronic

media specifically the internet as a learning system.

From the above statement, it can be concluded that E-Learning is a

teaching and learning system that utilizes electronic media specifically

the internet. This model of learning system makes it easy for teachers

and students because learning can be carried out anytime and

anywhere. and anytime using available technology so that learners can

access anything they want to know.

b. Benefits of E-Learning

E-learning is a learning system that utilizes computer and technology

devices to achieve learning objectives. According to Indrakusuma and

Putri (2016:6) there are three benefits of E-Learning which are

explained as follows:

1. Cost efficiency

E-learning is able to provide cost efficiencies for the

administration of its implementation, efficiency in the provision

of facilities and also physical facilities to be able to learn as well

as cost efficiency for expenditures namely transportation costs

and needs

2. Flexible

The e-learning gives flexibility in choosing the time and place to

be able to access the trip.

3. Learn to be independent

E-learning provides opportunities for students to independently

hold the entire procession in the learning process.

The benefits obtained in learning through E-Learning. According to

Sanaky (2009: 204-205) are as follows :

1. Changes in the culture of learning and improving the quality of

learning learners and teachers.

2. Changes to the defense meeting jaran that is not focused on

meeting (face to face) in class and meetings are not limited by

space and time through the facility e-learning.

3. Availability of learning materials in electronic media through

easy e-learning website accessed and developed by learner and

maybe too Public.

4. Question learning material according to progress and

development of science and technological advances.

5. Creating a competitive positioning and enhancing the brand


6. Increase the quality of learners- and satisfaction of learners as

well service quality.

7. Reducing the cost of operation and increase income.

8. Learner interactivity increases kat, because there are no limits

time to study.

The benefits of E-learning According to Pranoto, et al (2009:309) are:

1. The use of E-learning to support the implementation of the

learning process can increase student absorption of the material

being taught.

2. Increase the active participation of students.

3. Improve students' independent study skills.

4. Improve the quality of teaching and training materials.

5. Increase the ability to display information with information

technology devices, where it is difficult to do with ordinary


From the above statement it can be concluded that the benefits of E-

Learning are to facilitate interaction between students and subject

matter / material. Students can share information or opinions on

various matters concerning lessons or learners' self-development

needs. In addition, teachers can place learning materials and

assignments that must be done by students in certain places on the

web for students to access. E-learning learning can be done from

anywhere and anytime, facilitating the improvement and storage of

learning material, and learning is more effective and time and energy


c. Functions of E-Learning

There are at least 3 functions of electronic learning for learning

activities in the classroom (classroom instruction), namely (in siahaan,

2002:9) :

1. Supplements (additional)

It is said to function as a supplement, if students have the freedom

to choose, whether to use electronic learning materials or not. In

this case, there is no obligation / obligation for students to access

electronic learning materials. Even though it is optional, students

who take advantage of it will certainly have additional knowledge

or insight.

2. Complement (complement)

It is said to function as a complement, if the e-learning material is

programmed to complement the learning material received by

students in the classroom (Lewis, 2002). As a complement, it

means that e-learning materials are programmed to become

enrichment or remedial materials for students in following

conventional learning activities.

a) as an enrichment, if students can quickly master / understand

the learning material presented by the teacher face-to-face,

they are given the opportunity to access e-learning material

that is specifically developed for them. The goal is to further

strengthen the level of mastery of students on the subject

matter presented by the teacher in class.

b) As a remedial, if students have difficulty understanding the

learning material presented by the teacher face-to-face in

class. The goal is for students to more easily understand the

subject matter presented by the teacher in class.

3. Substitution (substitute)

The purpose of e-learning as a substitute for conventional

classrooms is for students to be able to flexibly manage lecture

activities according to time and other daily activities. There are 3

(three) alternative models of learning activities that students can

follow :

a) Fully face to face (conventional).

b) Some face to face and some via the internet, or even.

c) Completely via the internet.

Siahaan in Deni Darmawan (2014:29) reveals three functions of e-

Learning in teaching and learning activities, namely :

1. As a Supplement (Complement).

Students have freedom in choosing which teaching material

contained in e-Learning. There is no obligation for students to

using e-Learning material. Although only optional, students who

take advantage of e-Learning definitely have something to add

knowledge or insight.

2. As a complement (Addendum).

Teaching materials in e-Learning are used for complement the

learning material that students receive inside class, which means

that the material in e-Learning is programmed to be reinforcing

material or as remedial for students at in following conventional

learning activities.

3. As a substitute (substitute).

Many developed countries provide alternatives learning to

students, with the aim that they are more flexible in managing the

lecture schedule according to time and students' daily activities.

Three alternative learning models these are:

a) Fully face to face (conventional class).

b) Some face to face, some through the internet. (collaborative


c) Fully using or via the internet (online learning).

Kenji Kitao (1998) in Munir (2012: 97) describes three online learning

functions that are useful for everyday life, namely :

1. Communication Equipment Functions.

With online learning we can communicate with anyone quickly.

For example, being able to communicate via e-mail or can open a

discussion forum via chat applications and mailing lists that exist

in the online system learning. By utilizing chat and e-mail

facilities the communication that occurs will be more effective

and efficient.

2. Information Access Function.

Online learning is very useful for access to information, for

example can see the latest weather reports, developments

economics, culture, social, science, politics and technology

packaged from various sources without paying. In function

education, the existence of online learning makes it easier for

students as well as educators in searching for information or

adding references from various research results and articles is the

result of studies in various fields.

3. Education and Learning Functions.

The rapid development of information technology as well This

online learning technology has an impact on its utilization area of

all countries, institutions and experts for the interest education

and learning. Every effort is made to support the education

system by building applications which can support the

improvement of the quality of education. material teaching that is

packaged in network form certainly makes material it is easily

accessible anytime and anywhere in the sense someone will be up

to date.

From some of the opinions of the experts above who mentioned the

function of e-Learning, it can be concluded that the availability of e-

Learning for both educational and non-educational circles can be

partners or complement each other. E-Learning be a big complement

to the learning model in the classroom that can be combined so that it

can broaden horizons as well increase students' ability in creative

thinking. This is possible if in the learning process there is electoronic

communication between educators and students or students and

students in the e-Learning system.

d. Advantages of E-Learning

The advantages of e-learning are that it provides flexibility,

interactivity, speed, and visualization through the various advantages

of each medium. According to L. Tjokro (2009:187) as quoted in

Indrakusuma and Putri (2016:7) there are advantages from the

application of E-Learning as follows :

1. Easier to absorb, meaning that in learning E-Learning can use

multimedia facilities in the form of an image, text, animation,

sound, and also video.

2. Much more cost-effective, meaning that in learning E-Learning

does not need an instructor, there is also no need fora minimum

audience, it can be anywhere, and so on.

3. Much more concise, meaning that in learning E-Learning does not

contain much class formalities, directly into a subject, subjects as


4. Available 24 hours per day, meaning that mastery in the material

depends on the enthusiasm and also the absorption of students,

can be monitored, can be tested by e-test.

E-learning can be quickly accepted and then adopted is because it has

the following advantages. Acccording Effendi (2005:20).

1. Cost reduction.

2. Flexibility. Can learn anytime and anywhere, as long as you are

connected to the internet.

3. Personalization. Students can study according to their learning


4. Standardization. With e-learning overcoming any differences that

come from the teacher, such as: how to teach, material and mastery

of different materials, so as to provide a more consistent quality


5. Effectiveness. A study by J. D. Fletcher showed that the retention

rate and application of learning through e-learning methods

increased by 25% compared to traditional training.

6. Speed. The speed of distribution of subject matter will increase,

because the lessons can be quickly delivered via the internet.

E-learning has a large enough potential to support the success of

achieving learning goals. The following are the benefits of e-learning

as stated by Sudarwan Danim & Khairil (2010:117-118), Soekartawi,

(2003:11-12), Uwes A. Chaeruman (2008:29) and Made Wena


1. Overcoming distance and time problems..

E-learning helps create connections that allow learners to enter and

explore new learning environments, overcoming distance and time

barriers. This allows learning to be accessed with a wider range or

can be accessed anywhere and without time constraints or can be

accessed at any time.

2. Encourage an active learning attitude.

E-learning facilitates learning together by allowing students to join

or create learning communities that extend learning activities better

outside the classroom, both individually and in groups. This

situation can make learning more constructive, collaborative, and

dialogue occurs both between teachers and students and between

students with each other.

3. Build a new learning atmosphere.

By learning online, students find an environment that supports

learning by offering a new atmosphere so that students are more

enthusiastic about learning.

4. Increase learning opportunities more.

E-learning enhances learning opportunities for learners by offering

virtual experiences and tools that save them time, enabling them to

study further.

5. Control the learning process.

Both teachers and students can use structured and scheduled

teaching materials or learning instructions via the internet, so that

they can both assess how the teaching materials are learned. E-

learning also offers the teacher convenience to check whether

students are studying uploaded material, doing practice questions

and assignments online.

6. Make it easy to update teaching materials for teachers.

E-learning makes it easy for teachers to update, improve teaching

materials uploaded by e-learning. Teachers can also choose

teaching materials that are more actual and contextual

7. Encourage the growth of a cooperative attitude.

Online communication and interaction relationships between

teachers, teachers and students and between students encourage the

growth of cooperative attitudes in solving learning problems.

8. Accommodates various learning styles.

E-learning can present learning with various learning modalities

(multisensory) both audio, visual and kinesthetic, so that it can

facilitate students who have different learning styles.

From some of the advantages, it can be explained that carefully

developed e-Learning can increase learning interactions between

instructors and students or learners. Students in understanding the

subject matter. Students can access learning materials available in

the system at any time. Nature e-Learning that is flexible and

efficient in terms of space and time, has an effect that can be

reached by students through online learning. E-Learning provides

facilities to make it easier to update material that can be done in a

structured and timed manner in a way that is easy to apply.

Besides, e-Learning provides convenience in terms of storing

learning material on the system. Neither the instructor nor the

learner can do discussions via the internet so as to stimulate

changes in students who are usually passive to be active.

e. Disadvantages of E-Learning

The drawback of E-learning is that learning using the E-learning

model requires more additional equipment (such as computers,

monitors, keyboards, and so on). According to Nursalam (2008:140)

as quoted in Indrakusuma and Putri (2016:7) there are disadvantages

from the application of E-Learning as follows :

1. Lack of an interaction between teacher and student or even

between students themselves.

2. This tendency can ignore the academic aspects or also social

aspects and also otherwise make the growth of business or

commercial aspects

3. The teaching and learning process tends towards training rather

than education itself.

4. The change in the role of the teacher from initially mastering

conventional learning techniques is now also required to be able

to know learning techniques using ICT (information,

communication, and technology).

5. Not all internet facilities are available at all places.

6. Lack of a human resource that understands the internet.

7. Lack of mastery in computer language.

8. Access to an adequate computer can be a problem for students


9. Students may be frustrated if they cannot access graphics, images,

and videos due to inadequate equipment (software and hardware).

10. Availability of an infrastructure that can be met.

11. The information varies in quality and accuracy so guidelines and

feature questions are needed.

12. Students can feel isolated.

The disadvantages of e-learning as summarized according to Munir

(2009:176-177), among others :

1. The use of e-learning as distance learning makes students and

teachers / teachers physically separate, as well as between students

from one another. This physical separation can reduce or even

eliminate direct interaction between teachers and students. This

condition can cause teachers and students to be less close so that it

can interfere with the success of the learning process. It is also

feared that the lack of interaction could hinder the formation of

attitudes, values, morals, or social in the learning process so that

they cannot be applied in everyday life.

2. Technology is an important part of education, but if it focuses

more on the technological aspects and not the educational aspects,

there is a tendency to pay more attention to technical or business /

commercial aspects and ignore the educational aspects to change

the academic abilities, behavior, attitudes, social or skills of


3. The learning process tends towards training and education that

emphasizes more on knowledge or psychomotor aspects and pays

less attention to affective aspects.

4. Teachers are required to know and master ICT-based learning

strategies, methods or techniques. If you are not able to master it,

the transfer of knowledge or information will be hampered and can

even thwart the learning process.

5. The learning process through e-learning uses internet services

which require students to learn independently without depending

on the teacher. If students are unable to learn independently and

their learning motivation is low, it will be difficult for them to

achieve learning goals.

6. The technical weakness is that not all students can take advantage

of internet facilities because they are not available or there is a

lack of computers connected to the internet. Not all educational

institutions can provide electricity and infrastructure facilities that

support e-learning. If students try to provide these facilities

themselves or rent at an internet cafe, they can be constrained by

cost problems.

7. If you do not use open source software, you may run into

problems with limited availability of relatively expensive


8. Lack of skills to operate computers and the internet more


Besides the advantages, learning with E-learning also has the

following disadvantages (Soekartawi, 2007: 32-33).

1. Lack of interaction between lecturers and students or even between

the students themselves. Less this interaction can lead to values are

slow to form in the learning process.

2. Tendency to ignore academic aspect or social aspect and vice versa

encourages there- its business / commercial aspects.

3. The learning process tends to direction of training rather than

educators right

4. Changing the role of the lecturer from who had mastered the

technique conventional, now being prosecuted too know learning

techniques who use ICT.

5. Students who do not have high learning motivation tend to fail.

6. Lack of porcelain in terms of mastery of programming languages


From the various deficiencies that have been described above, there is

a conclusion that the use of e-Learning for now is only as a

complement or alternative to learning. There are still many obstacles in

the development of e-Learning, especially the availability of skilled

human resources in operating technology that takes time for

adjustment. This online-based learning cannot stand alone without the

presence of an instructor as a control in learning.

2. The Covid 19 Pandemic

a. The Definition of The Covid-19 Pandemic

The outbreak of the new Coronavirus (COVID-19) has caused great

concern for the rest of the world due to its pandemic potential. As we

know that COVID-19 very contagious. This virus is classified as a

type of RNA virus, including the corona virus family, it is suspected

that the first source of infection was from that market. Zu et al. (2020)

stated that in December 2019, an outbreak of coronavirus 2 (SARS-

CoV-2) infection was a severe acute respiratory infection that

occurred in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China and spread throughout

China and beyond. On February 12ᵗʰ, 2020, WHO officially referred

to the disease caused by the novel coronavirus as Coronavirus 2019

(COVID-19). Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) is a new type of virus

that has never been identified in humans. Coronavirus is a zoonosis

(can be transmitted between animals or humans) (Directorate General

of Disease Prevention and Control, 2020:11).

The Minister of Education and Culture, Nadiem Anwar Makarim,

issued Circular Number 4 of 2020 concerning the Implementation of

Education in Emergency Coronavirus (Covid-19), one of which

emphasized that online learning (distance), was carried out to provide

meaningful learning experiences for students, without being burdened

by the demands of completing all curriculum achievements for class

and graduation. Online/distance learning is focused on increasing

students' understanding of the corona virus and the Covid-19 outbreak.

The learning activities and tasks can vary between students according

to their interests and conditions, including in terms of gaps in access /

learning facilities at home. During the Covid-19 pandemic, all

activities were carried out from home, including learning. Thus

activities that cause direct contact to be 20 reduced so that this virus

does not develop rapidly. The government also urges everyone to do

socialdistancing tominimize the spread of this virus.

b. The relationship between covid 19 and the role of teachers

In the era of the Covid-19 Pandemic, education must continue so that

students can study calmly and safely. The spearhead for the learning

process to continue running well is the need for the role of teachers

who are able to understand the current situation and conditions, thus

there are several teacher roles needed during the pandemic, namely:

a. Motivation

Motivation is needed in every student learning activity. Motivation

is an inseparable part of the world of education. One of the factors

of student success in learning is motivation. During the Covid-19

pandemic, the motivation and encouragement of teachers to

students was needed so that they remained enthusiastic about

learning without any burden. Teachers must continue to provide

positive advice so that students are not too afraid and phobic of the

Covid-19 pandemic. Encouragement to keep the enthusiasm for

learning so that students are not too stressed by the current

situation and conditions. Sobon (2019) emphasized that in learning

motivation is one of the factors that affect the effectiveness of

learning activities, because it is motivation that encourages

students to want to do learning activities. Motivation to learn also

means as a whole driving force, a driving force from within

students that causes learning activities which are manifested in the

form of needs, encouragement and student efforts in carrying out

activities to achieve goals.

b. Facilitator

The success of students in learning is the main goal of the teacher's

role in teaching. In order for children's learning to be successful

during a pandemic, teachers are required to facilitate their students

to continue learning comfortably and safely, not by just giving

assignments that can burden their students in learning. The

teacher's task is not only to convey information to students, but

must be a facilitator in charge of facilitating learning (facilitate of

learning) to all students, so that they can learn in an atmosphere

that is fun, joyful, full of enthusiasm, not anxious, and has the

courage to express opinions openly. A feeling of joy, full of

enthusiasm, not being anxious, and having the courage to express

opinions openly are the basic assets for students to grow and

develop into human beings who are ready to adapt, face various

possibilities, and enter an era of globalization which is full of

challenges, Mulyasa (2013:53-54). Thus, what is meant by a

facilitator is that the teacher must prepare himself in any situation,

including the current pandemic state. If there are students who

cannot participate in classroom learning and are required to learn

online, the teacher must be able to facilitate this online pursuit. If

students cannot go online, one example is that the teacher can

come to the student's house or vice versa students who come to the

teacher's house.

c. Transformation

Learning during the Covid-19 pandemic requires teachers to

change the learning paradigm, from the on-site learning process to

being online. Usually face to face becomes screen to face. All

interactions are completely digital. The internet network and of

course the existence of quotas are the backbone of all these

processes. Work from Home and Study from Home conditions

force all parties to maximize the learning process. Thus, teachers

must be able to transform this situation into a new challenge in the

world of digital-based education. Teachers must be able to

innovate the needs of students by optimizing online-based learning.

d. Adaptation

In the past the teacher taught by explaining and students listening,

the teacher took notes on the board of students taking notes.

However, during a pandemic, teachers are expected to adapt to

situations and conditions. The learning process carried out online

requires teachers to master technology. Teachers must be

innovative in both media and methods that are constantly evolving.

In accordance with the current situation, teachers should master

several ways to learn online, for example through zoom, google

classroom, wa, line, and so on. The method applied will also be

different from the usual because learning does not take place "face

to face". Teachers must be smart in choosing the methods that will

be used in this online learning process.

3. Problems and Strategies in Learning Process

a. The definition of Problem in Learning Process

The problem is the mismatch between expectations and reality, some

see it as unfulfilled someone's needs, and some interpret it as

something that is not wearing. Prayitno (1985) argues that a problem

is something that is not liked by it, causes difficulties for oneself and /

or others, wants or needs to be eliminated. Meanwhile, according to a

psychological understanding, learning is a process of change, namely

changes in behavior as a result of interaction with the environment in

fulfilling their daily needs.

From the definition of problems and learning, learning problems can

be interpreted or defined as follows: "A learning problem is a certain

condition experienced by students and hinders the smoothness of the

process carried out by individuals to obtain a whole new change in


1. Factors That Cause Learning Problems

a). Internal factors :

1) Characteristics / Characteristics of Students It can be seen

from the willingness of students to record lessons, prepare

books, writing tools or things needed.However, if students

do not have an interest in learning, then these students tend

to ignore learning readiness.

2) Attitude towards Learning The attitude of students in the

learning process, especially when starting learning activities

is an important part to note because student learning

activities are largely determined by the attitude of students

when starting learning activities. However, if the attitude is

more dominant before learning, students tend to pay less

attention to or participate in learning activities.

3) Motivation

In learning activities, individual motivation is manifested in

the form of endurance or persistence in learning,

seriousness in listening, doing assignments and so on.

Generally less able to study longer, due to lack of

seriousness in doing assignments. Therefore, low

motivation is a problem in learning that has an impact on

achieving the expected learning outcomes.

4) Concentration of Learning

Difficulty concentrating is an indicator of learning problems

faced by students, because it will be an obstacle in

achieving the expected learning outcomes. To help students

concentrate in learning, of course, requires a long time, in

addition to demanding the patience of the teacher.

5) Confident

One of the psychological conditions of a person that affects

physical and mental activity in the learning process is self-

confidence. Confidence generally arises when someone will

do or be involved in a certain activity where his mind is

directed to achieve the results he wants. These things are

not a separate part of the learning process, but are a

responsibility that must be realized by the teacher along

with the learning process being carried out.

6) Study Habits

Is someone's learning behavior that has been embedded for a

relatively long time so that it characterizes the learning

activities carried out. There are several forms of study habits

that are often encountered such as irregular study, low

endurance, studying only before tests or exams, not having

complete notes, often arriving late, and so on.

7) Low Intelligence Level

Although the level of intelligence of a student is not an

absolute value and changes, this can still be one of the

determining factors for learning success. Low levels of

intelligence or basic abilities can be one of the causes of

learning difficulties in students.

8) Health, Impaired Sensory Apparatus, and Perceptual


A sick body condition, lack of nutrition and vitamins can

cause the learning process to be less than optimal. Likewise,

if there is a disturbance in the function of the senses, such as

visual and hearing problems, which can directly cause

learning difficulties. The same thing can happen if there is a

disturbance in the process of interpreting messages in the

brain (perceptual tools).

b) External Factor :

a) Teacher

Teachers must develop learning strategies that not only

convey information, but also encourage students to learn

freely within defined boundaries. If in the learning process,

the teacher is able to actualize the teacher's assignments

properly, is able to motivate, guide and provide broad

opportunities to gain experience, then students will get

strong support to achieve the expected learning outcomes,

but if the teacher cannot carry it out, students will

experience problems that can hinder the achievement of

their learning outcomes.

According to Lindgren, (1967: 55) that the school

environment, especially teachers. Teachers who are close to

students, appreciate the students' efforts in learning and like

to give instructions when students face difficulties, will be

able to create feelings of success in their students and this

will nurture self-confidence in students. Through examples

of daily attitudes, teachers who have positive self-

assessments will be imitated by their students, so that their

students will also have positive self-assessments.

So it is clear that teachers who are less familiar with

students, do not appreciate students' efforts, students will

feel less cared for and will result in students being lazy to

learn or lack of interest in learning so that the child will

experience learning difficulties. The success of a student is

influenced by factors originating from school such as

teachers who must really pay attention to their students.

According to Belmon and Morolla (1971:107) concluded

from the results of their research, that children who come

from families with a large number of children have lower

intellectual skills than children who come from families

with few children.

(2) Family (Home)

Problems in the family can take the child's mind and

concentration to focus on learning, some of which are;

a) The family is incomplete or less harmonious.

b) The attitude of parents who do not pay attention to their

children's education

c) Economic Situation.

d) Parents' expectations were too high

e) Parents who choose love.

(3) Social Environment (Peers)

The social environment can have a positive and negative

impact on students. Not a few students experience an

increase in learning outcomes because of the influence of

their peers who are able to motivate them to learn.

(4) Facilities and infrastructure

The availability of learning infrastructure and facilities has

an impact on the creation of a conducive learning climate. It

makes it easy for students to get information and learning

resources which in turn can encourage the development of

motivation to achieve better learning outcomes. Therefore,

facilities and infrastructure are an important part of the

achievement of efforts to support the realization of the

expected learning process.

Experts such as Cooney, Davis & Henderson (1975) have

identified several factors that cause learning problems, including :

1. Physiological Factors.

The factors that cause learning problems of these students are

related to the lack of functioning of the brain, nervous system

or other parts of the body. Teachers must realize that the most

important thing during learning time is the readiness of the

brain and nervous system to receive, process, store, or retrieve

information that has been stored. If there is a part that does not

fit in a certain part of a student's brain, then naturally the

students will experience learning problems. If the nervous

system or brain of students for something or another is not

functioning perfectly, the result will be obstacles when


2. Social Factors.

It is a fact that cannot be denied if parents and the surrounding

community will more or less influence the learning activities

and intelligence of students as it is stated that school is a

reflection of society and children are a picture of their parents.

Therefore there are several factors that cause learning problems

related to the attitudes and circumstances of the family and the

surrounding community that do not support these students to

study wholeheartedly. Neighbors who say school is not

important because many scholars are unemployed, people who

always drink alcohol and are against the law, there are parents

who are always angry when they watch TV all the time, there

are also those who don't open up or don't love their children

wholeheartedly can be examples of several social factors that

cause learning problems for students. In essence, the

environment around students must be able to help them to learn

as much as possible while they are studying at school. In this

way, the environment and schools will help students, the hope

of this nation is to develop and grow to be smarter.

3. Psychiatric Factors.

The factors that cause the learning problems of students are

related to the lack of support for the feelings of hearts

(emotions) of students to learn seriously. For example, there

are students who do not like certain subjects because they

always fail to learn that subject. If this happens, these students

will experience very heavy learning problems. This is an

example of emotional factors that cause learning problems.

Another example is students who have low self-esteem,

students who are left by their most loved ones and make them

sad for a long time will affect the learning process and can be a

factor in causing their learning problems.

4. Intellectual Factor.

The factors that cause students' learning problems are related to

the imperfect or less normal level of intelligence of students.

Teachers must believe that each student has a different level of

intelligence. There are students who are very difficult to

memorize something, some are very slow to master certain

materials, some do not have prerequisite knowledge and there

are also those who are very difficult to imagine and reason. The

things mentioned earlier can be a factor in causing learning

problems in these students.

5. Educational Factors.

The factors that cause students' learning problems are related to

the inadequacy of educational institutions in general. Teachers

who always underestimate students, teachers who cannot

motivate students to study harder, teachers who let their

students do wrong things, teachers who never check students'

work, schools that let students skip truant without any sanctions

certain, is an example of the factors that cause problems and

will ultimately lead to the failure of these learners.

Based on the definition above, it can be concluded that a learning

problem is something that occurs in the learning process, which

interferes with the learning process so that learning activities are

not as expected. while learning difficulties are a condition in which

students do not learn properly because there are certain disorders.

Learning problems arise in students originating from internal

factors and external factors. Internal factors can have intellectual

insight such as intelligence, characteristics, motivation and

physical conditions and conditions. External factors include

students' social conditions such as the environment, family

economy, teachers, schools and the surrounding community.

Learning difficulties or learning problems in students must be

overcome as early as possible so that instructional goals can be

achieved properly.

b. The definitions of Strategies in Learning Process

In the teaching-learning process, the teacher must have a strategy, so

that students can learn effectively and efficiently. One of the steps to

having such a strategy is having to master the presentation techniques,

or what is usually called the teaching method.

There are various kinds of understanding of learning strategies as put

forward by experts. One of them was stated by Dick and Carey, as

quoted by Etin Solihatin (2013:3), state that learning strategies are a

common component ofa series of materials and learning procedures

that will be used jointly by teachers and students during the learning

process takes place by Etin Solihatin, (2012:3). There are 5

components of learning strategies that need to be considered, namely

learning activities introduction, delivery of information, student

participation, tests, and follow-up activities.

According to Etin Solihatin (2012:4) Strategy Learning is a holistic

approach in a learning system, which is in the form of general

guidelines and a framework for activities achieve general goals of

learning, which describes a systematic procedure in helping students'

learning efforts, organize learning experience, organizing and

planning teaching materials to achieve specific learning objectives.

In addition, according to Darmayah (2010:17) the learning strategy is

the organization of lesson content, delivery of lessons and

management of learning activities using various learning resources

used by teachers to support the creation of an effective and efficient

learning process. This means that the learning strategy uses a variety

of learning resources used by teachers such as using teaching aids,

textbooks, and index cards in carrying out the teaching and learning

process in the classroom so that learning can take place effectively

and efficiently.

Based on the definitions above, it can be concluded that the learning

strategy is a learning procedure in assisting student learning efforts,

organizing experience case sstudy, organize and plan teaching

materials, in order to create a process more effective and efficient

learning to achieve goals learning.

1. Types of Learning Strategies

a) Cooperative Learning Strategies

Cooperative learning comes from the word cooperative it means

maximizing students learning to improve academic and

understanding both individuals and groups as well as helping one

another (Trianto, 2009:75). Cooperative learning models is one of

supportive learning contextual learning.

Amri and Ahmadi (2010:90) defines cooperative learning

teaching system as a work or learning system structured group

and cooperative learning is a teaching and learning strategy that

emphasizes attitude or shared behavior in regular workgroups,

that is consisting of two or more people. Furthermore, Wena

(2009:94-96) cooperative learning is one of a group learning

model that has rules certain. The basic principle of cooperative

learning is students form small groups and teach others to achieve

common goals, even in this learning smart students teach students

who are not smart without feeling disadvantaged.

Cooperative learning is also a model that prioritizes cooperation

among students to achieve learning goals. Cooperative learning,

this learning can also create interdependence between students, so

learning resources for students are not just teachers and textbooks

but also fellow students.

b) Inquiry Based-Learning Strategies

In this case, Haidir and Salim (2012:115) definedthe inquiryas a

processof teacher and student interaction at a very high level,

between teacher, student, subject matter, and the environment is

very needed. An important part of the inquiry process is that

between the teacher and the students both are questioners,

seekers, interrogators, answerers, and also as an analyst (Orlihch,

1981:252-253). The inquiry learning process can be marked by

the emergence of differences in views as a result of students’

creative thinking in studying something. Steps in inquiry learning:

(1) Observing (observation)

(2) Classifiying using numbers (classify facts)

(3) Space-time relationship (connect the time)

(4) Predicating (make estimates)

(5) Inferring (temporary conclusion)

(6) Defining operationally (formulate an operational definition)

(7) Formulating hyphothesis (make temporary conjectures)

(8) Interpreting data (interpret data)

(9) Controlling variabels (control variables)

(10) Experimenting (try out)

(11) Communicating (communicating the result or findings


According to Khoirul Anam (2015:7) states that : In language,

Inkuiri comes from the word inquiry which is a word in English

which means; inquiry / inquire, the free translation for this concept

is "students are asked to find and find themselves". In the context

of using inquiry as a teaching and learning method, students are

placed as subjects learning, which means that students have a big

share in determining the atmosphere and learning model. In this

method, every students are encouraged to be actively involved in

the teaching and learning process, one of which is by actively

asking good questions for each material presented and these

questions do not have to be answered by the teacher always,

because all students have equal opportunity to provide answers to

questions asked

According to Carin and Sund in Ahmadi (2005: 108) argues that :

The inquiry method is defined as a series of learning activities that

maximally involves all students' abilities seek and investigate

problems in a systematic, critical, logical, and analytical manner so

that they can formulate their own findings with confidence.

According to Gulo 2002, in Trianto (2014: 78) argues that : Inquiry

means a series of learning activities that maximally involves all

students' abilities to seek and investigate systematically, critically,

logically, and in analysis, so that they can formulate their own

findings confidently. The main objectives of inquiry learning

activities are:

a) Student involvement maximum in the process of learning


b) Directional activities logical and systematic on learning


c) Develop a confident attitude in students about what is found in

the process inquiry.

The steps with the inquiry model according to Suchman in

Arikunto (2014:84-85) are as follows :

a) Invite students to imagine as if in the same condition in fact.

b) Identify the components that are around these conditions.

c) Formulate problems and make hypotheses on these conditions.

d) Obtain data from these conditions by making questions and the

answer is "yes" or "no".

e) Make conclusions from the data obtained.

From some of the opinions of the experts above, we can conclude that

inquiry based learning means a series of learning activities that

maximally involves all students' abilities to search and investigate

systematically, critically, logically, analytically, so that they can

formulate their own his findings fully on the maximum student

involvement in learning activities, develop a confident attitude in

students about what is found in the inquiry process.

c). Graphic Organizer

Graphic Organizer is a visual communication tool that uses visual

symbols to express ideas and concepts, to convey meaning. Graphic

Organizer is a learning medium that coordinates ideas and concepts

into a visual form. Graphic Organizer made of lines, arrows and

circles that show the relationship between main ideas. According to

Steven Wills (2005:5), "The Graphic Organizer has its roots in

Schema Theory", meaning "Graphic Organizer is rooted in schema

theory" when students learn something new, they are expected to be

able to use what they learn for their next knowledge.

This clearly means that the knowledge that learners get, must be

stored in a systematic and hierarchical form in an effort to organize

the various knowledge they get. The same thing was stated by Slavin

(2005:19), people encode, store, and retrieve learned information

based on this hierarchy. This means "someone encodes, stores and

uses information or knowledge hierarchically again".

Graphic organizers are information with a visual display that is

designed to benefit students who are having difficulties in organizing

information from Fisher & Schumaker (1995:1-20). Graphic

organizers are also referred to as concepts, cognitive maps, or web

content, which have the same goal: Graphs the organizers are intended

to help students visualize clearly how ideas are organized in a text or

surround a concept. Through the use of graphic organizers, students

have a structure for abstract ideas. Graphic organizers can be

categorized in many ways according to how they organize

information: hierarchical, conceptual, sequential, or cyclical from

Bromley, Irwin-DeVitis &Modlo (1995:6).

Types of graphic organizer:

1) Concept map

2) Flow diagram or sequence chart

3) Compare/contrast or Vena diagram

4) Cause and Effect diagram

5) Main idea and details chart

6) Attribute chart

7) Story map

From the understanding of Graphic Organizer above, it can be

concluded that Graphic Organizer is one of the learning media that

can be used in the learning process. In the form of lines, circles,

arrows or pictures that serve to display the visual form of ideas or

ideas that students have. This is important as an effort to organize

the various knowledge they get in a hierarchical and systematic


4. Struggle and Strategies Faced by English Teachers Conducting E-

Learning During Covid-19

In the midst of the current pandemic condition, the government has

provided a policy to make it better at home and even the education

system has also been changed to a long distance system, so learning

cannot be done face-to-face in class. This condition leads educational

institutions, especially teachers to make innovations in the learning

process online (online).

The covid-19 virus pandemic in Indonesia and even the world has

impacted many schools to stop the face-to-face learning process from

becoming an online system by utilizing technology that has developed

today. Discussing technology in English learning is how this face-to-face

learning can answer problems that exist in English education in

particular. In which the role of the teacher as an educator, motivator, and

even as a facilitator remains in essence a teacher even without face-to-

face learning.Because learning is an activity that requires encouragement

from parents, teachers, friends and others in order to remain enthusiastic

in increasing student knowledge. Face-to-face learning is commonly

done by teachers with various strategies and methods in order to achieve

meaningful, enjoyable learning and achieve the expected goals.

However, with distance learning, of course, requires a special strategy so

that learning remains fun and does not cause boredom. That is what

teachers demand, especially English teachers, to always have a way of

teaching an online system so that learning remains active as usual.



A. Research Design

The design of this research is a descriptive analysis in the form of a qualitative

descriptive study of the Struggles and Strategies Faced by Vocational High

Schools During The Covid-19. Researcher see from Creswell's book that

descriptive research seeks to describe, explain and interpret current conditions.

The purpose of descriptive research is to study the phenomena that occur at a

certain place and time. In the same source this research is called analysis

because objectively the struggles and strategies faced by vocational high

schools during Covid-19 are called qualitative because researcher do not

provide anything additional, researcher are not involved in the learning

process. In accordance with the descriptions of descriptive qualitative data

design experts, qualitative descriptive research is research without additions

such as numbers.

B. Research Setting

This study was conducted in Vocational High School in Pringsewu. There are

3 Vocational High Schools: YPT Pringsewu Vocational High School,

KH.Ghalib Pringsewu Vocational High School, and Muhammadiyah 1

Pringsewu Vocational High School.

C. Research Informants

Research inrformants are people who are used to provide information needed

by researcher regarding the situation. Informants are people who really know

the problems to be studied. The researcher obtained information from the

teacher in the field of English studies. In this occasion the researcher asked for

information from an English teacher at Vocational High School YPT

Pringsewu named Ms. Pisca Suma Perari, Vocational High School

Muhhamadiyah 1 Pringsewu named Ms. Dewi Lestari and, Vocational High

School KH.Ghalib Pringsewu named Mr. Lengga Pradita

D. Data Collecting Technique

The researcher has some techniques to collect the data. The researcher used

qualitative data. Qualitative data consist of observation, questionnairs, and


1. Observation

Observations are made by the researcher to collect data in accordance with

the nature of the research because they make direct observations or are

called involved observations where the researcher is also an instrument or

tool in research so that the researcher must look for his own data by going

directly or observing and looking directly to some predetermined

informants as a data source.

2. Questionnaires

Questionnaires offer an alternative form of data collection technique.

Questionnaires have the advantage of being easier and less time

consuming to administer than interviews, and responses from a large

amount of information are gathered. A questionnaire will be given to the

teacher. Researcher used a structured observation form or closed

questionnaire to get information about the real conditions of the struggles

and strategies faced by vocational high schools during Covid-19.

3. Interview

Interviews in this study were held independently guided by using general

interview guidelines. In this case the interviewer First, outline and outline

questions that have been formulated, do not have to be asked sequentially.

Use interview instructions as an outline are intended so that the focus is

not too wide from the predetermined focus, so that all focus can be

revealed. In collecting data, researchers conducted direct interviews with

the necessary sources to collect the required data. In this technique, the

researcher comes face to face with the respondent or the subject under

study, then the researcher asks the respondent what has been planned in

the interview guide.

E. Data Analysis Technique

In qualitative research data is a source of theory or theory based on data. The

categories and concepts are developed by researcher in the field. Field data

can be used for verification of theories that arise in the field and are

continuously refined during the research process and are carried out

repeatedly. The data analysis is open-ended and inductive because it is open to

changes, improvements and refinements based on newly entered data. The

analysis used in this qualitative research is descriptive analysis, namely

linking one data with other data, then draw a common thread from these data

in order to obtain a complete picture of a phenomenon researched in depth.

The data analysis technique in this study refers to the analysis technique Miles

and Huberman's model which consists of three stages, namely :

1. Reduction Data

Reducing data means summarizing, choosing the main ones, focusing on

the things that matter, and looking for themes and patterns. Thus the

reduced data will provide a clearer view, and make it easier for researchers

to carry out further data collection, and look for it if necessary. Data

reduction can be assisted with equipment, such as computers, notebooks,

and so on. In reducing data, the researcher will be guided by the goals to

be achieved. In this stage, researchers obtained data from interviews with

teachers, which showed how the struggles and strategies faced by

vocational high schools during Covid-19. In this step, the required data is

entered while irrelevant data is not used.

2. Displaying the data

Displaying the data means describing the data form of description or

narration. This technique is used in arranging the information, description

or narration to draw the conclusion of presenting important data which led

conclusion. Each of those important data arranged in the research findings

was followed or completed by a code which refereed to the serial number

of field note and them followed by the number of event or sequence in it.

3. Drawing Conclusion

The conclusion is the final stage in data analysis. The conclusion in

qualitative research is new findings that have never before existed.

Findings can be in the form of description or description of an object

before still dim or even dark, so after being investigated becomes clear.

This conclusion can be either a casual relationship or an interactive, as

well as hypothesis or theories. In the conclusion stage, the researcher

began to see and examine all data then tell the story by making a

relationship between the story so that the researcher got the results and

conclusions from the study.



A. Description of Research Subjects

The research subjects in this study were a class XI teacher at YPT Pringsewu

Vocational High School named Pisca Suma Perari, S.Pd, Muhammadiyah 1

Pringsewu Vocational High School named Dewi Lestari, S.Pd. and the KH.

Ghalib Pringsewu Vocational High School named Lengga Pradita, S.Pd. In this

study, the researcher was 3 research subjects from each school.

B. Description of Research Findings

This research was conducted from March to May 2021 at Vocational High

Scool Pringsewu. The research was conducted through observation, interviews

and questionnaires with research subjects and several informants both online

and in person. Research results are analyzed by researcher using qualitative

descriptive techniques, which means that the researcher will describe, describe,

and interpret all the data collected so that they are able to obtain a general and

comprehensive picture.

1. Description of the Struggles faced by Teacher in Learning English

during the Covid-19 pandemic.

The teaching and learning was used at the YPT Pringsewu Vocational

School during the COVID-19 pandemic is online learning that has been

carried out from the middle of April 2020 until May. This online learning

was carried out in accordance with the recommendations that have been

determined by the government to break the chain of the spread of the

Covid-19 virus. Learning that is carried out after the arrival of the

pandemic is very different, unlike before the pandemic, students can study

at school and teachers can directly convey subject matter to students. For

this reason, schools change the face-to-face learning system in the

classroom into online learning that is carried out from home.

Table 4.1 The following is a transcript of the researcher's interview with

the XI class English teacher.

R : Researcher

T : Teacher

Researcher : How is the English learning process done online

during the covid-19 pandemic?

Teacher : Emm, the online learning process continues to run

smoothly, because we are scheduled for English,

right, we have a lot of lessons in Vocational High

School at YPT for our English, all lessons are actually

scheduled for what is called every 2 weeks because of

that there are many subjects really so for English

alone on Thursday.

Researcher : How did Struggle miss teaching English online?

Teacher : It's not an easy struggle, we lack a lot because we don't

meet with the children, so we're more focused on

motivating the children to see how atleast they record

the material, atleast they read what I share and

continue to understand what we share, sometimes

there are a lot of people who do not do their work.

Researcher : Anyone who doesn't collect their assignment, miss?

Teacher : Yes, it's true that you don't collect assignments, the

notes are the same, just keep motivating them so

you're excited to learn.

Researcher : For the collection of assignments, must it be on time or

not, miss?

Teacher : Oh no, sometimes some are ontime, but others are like

that. There are new ones in the next week or so, they

just collect, sometimes they pile up.

Researcher : But so far, everyone has a smartphone, right?

Teacher : Emm, if it's a smartphone. So there's a story in grade

12 that there are still people who don't have a

smartphone, because it's their family, sis, don't you

think what you want to do with a cellphone, yes, that's

just the term riding together and borrowing from a

friend, isn't it, that's a big problem, isn't it all? child

can accept.

Researcher : I think all students already have smartphones, miss?

Teacher : Still there, They are also supplied with something

specifically for online, maybe, but what about some

students who don't have it on a gadget?

Based on data from teacher interviews, researcher was found that the

teacher had problems in teaching English online during the Covid-19

pandemic. Teacher have limited ability to explain material to students

because learning is done online, some students do not understand the

material presented by the teacher online. Researcher found that there are

still students who do not have smartphones for learning, this is a separate

obstacle for teachers in providing learning materials through online. With

online learning, students become lazy in doing assignments, some even

don't collect assignments, they don't collect assignments on time, and

students also feel bored during online learning. And students also have

difficulty learning online because they do not meet face to face so the

material given by the teacher is difficult to understand, sometimes students

are also constrained by quotas and signals, especially if the network lights

go out it is difficult to send assignments.

The learning used at Vocational High School Muhammadiyah 1

Pringsewu during the COVID-19 pandemic was online learning. In the

learning process before the school decides to carry out the online learning

process, the school has held a meeting with parents/guardians to clarify

what online learning is and how it is technically implemented. Before

online learning is implemented, all teachers are given training in making

learning media using technology and bring in from the provincial

education office and managerial supervisors and from Muhammadiyah

leaders with the aim that teachers can learn to use electronic media well.

The following is a transcript of the researcher's interview with the XI class

English teacher.

Researcher : How is the English learning process done online

during the covid-19 pandemic?

Teacher : Actually, for the online process, children don't follow

it, because one problem is definitely the quota, the

two children don't follow it for foreign language

lessons, they don't think it's interesting, even offline,

sometimes they still don't know what it means,

especially when talking online. If online, it's limited to

sending videos, some are just skipping.

Researcher : So just look, miss?

Teacher : It's better if you look at it, it's not downloaded either.

Learning assignments are not collected.

Researcher : How does Struggle miss teaching English online?

Teacher : Up to now, what has to be improved is that from me,

from the children first, the children must be given an

understanding first, the approach is more important,

because for English, it is more difficult to understand,

they have to interpret it word by word, the approach is

indeed more It's important even though sometimes

someone is approached, he stays away, there must be

something, don't give up. No matter what the problem

is, you still have children, so maybe 10 children or 11

children who can understand 2 or 3 children, thank


Researcher : How to collect assignments, miss?

Teacher : If it's to collect assignments that actually take notes,

maybe they still want to. When it comes to doing

assignments, whether it's stuffing or whatever, it's

rarely done. So when they are absent, there is a full 1

class, maybe for 40 percent learning assignments.

Sometimes I wait for me to give time, for example, I

give an assignment at 8 in the morning at 8 at night

what is the limit at 9 pm for submitting assignments,

and even then there are new ones who collect

assignments the next day

Researcher : Not on time, miss?

Teacher : Yes, it's not really efficient online, it's really a pity for

the child, because for foreign languages, if we don't

meet face to face without us explaining the material in

detail, they will never mean it.

Based on data from teacher interviews, the researcher was found that the

struggles of teacher in teaching English online during the Covid-19

pandemic was not easy. Teacher have difficulty in delivering material

because they do not meet face to face, in delivering material not all

students understand the material presented by the teacher, while online

students are also not able to receive learning materials properly and for

English subjects students do not follow because English for they are less

attractive, sometimes the assignments given by the teacher are not done

and only seen by them, even the teacher's number is blocked because they

often ask for the final assignment the teacher calls the parents of students

to school. Online learning also makes students lazy, when they get

assignments from their teachers they just copy smart friends and copy and

paste from Google. And the researcher also found that during online

learning the students' ethics and manners became less. In online learning,

students are also sometimes constrained by quotas and signals, making it

difficult to submit assignments.

The learning used at the KH.Ghalib Pringsewu vocational high school

during the covid-19 pandemic was online learning. Based on the results of

the interviews from the teacher, the researcher was found that the teacher

struggles in teaching English online.

The following is a transcript of the researcher's interview with the XI class

English teacher.

Researcher : How is the process of learning English done online during the

covid-19 pandemic?

Teacher : For English, indeed from SMK Ghalib, those are all real subjects,

but for English, I use Google classroom and for grade 12 alone or

grade 11 I will enter some listening questions, so that they will

face the national exam later, even though this year there will be

none. it's ready.

Researcher : How is your Struggle in teaching English online?

Teacher : The struggle is that it is possible to directly contact parents because

some students who are not active are really difficult if they pass

through wa sometimes they read the answer yes but still not absent,

they still don't do assignments so inevitably have to call the parent's

number if someone old people are difficult to contact and cannot be

contacted, don't want to go directly to their house.

Researcher : Does every time there is an assignment, you must always collect it,


Teacher : No, there are only a few, for example difficult assignments are not

collected, I usually ask them to make sentences because I want the

details to write sentences, including the writing must be correct, rich

in capital letters, punctuation as well.

Researcher : Are students able to receive English lessons well while online?

Teacher : In my opinion, it depends on the department here, I think certain

majors accept it well, for certain other majors there are some that

are lacking, yes, there were also many tasks that didn't work, that

was the strategy, the struggle was to contact parents homeroom

teacher and home visit, that is.

Based on data from teacher interviews, the researcher was found that the

struggle of teacher in teaching English online during the Covid-19

pandemic was not easy. Teacher have difficulty explaining material online,

because they do not meet face-to-face and there are some students who are

unable to accept the material presented by the teacher because the teacher

delivers limited material. Teachers also don't know new students and what

their characters are like during this online learning and teacher also can't

interact directly. When implementing online learning, the teacher does not

know the real progress of students. Because in the process the teacher only

gives assignments, then students give feedback in the form of answers or

learning outcomes. So the teacher does not know whether the student

really understands or not. Sometimes there are some students who do not

collect the assignments given by the teacher and online learning makes

students bored quickly. The difficulty of students in online learning is that

sometimes they do not have a quota and a signal that is difficult to submit

assignments. In this learning, the teacher approaches students more and

provides motivation so that students are enthusiastic about learning online.

2. Description of the teacher strategies in learning English during the

Covid-19 pandemic.

Teacher strategies in teaching learning English during the Covid-19

pandemic Based on the results of interviews, observations and

questionnaires that have been conducted by researcher with English

teacher at the YPT Pringsewu Vocational High School.

The following is a transcript of the researcher's interview with the XI class

English teacher.

Researcher : What media do you use to teach English online?

Teacher : If we use several media, including using WhatsApp, of

course because for communication with students

every day, we use the google form which is very

easy for children to access, yes or google classroom,

if there are many problems with google classroom,

sis, it's not that we don't want to do it often. using it,

the problem is that sometimes students are

complicated in quotas, difficult to signal and

heavier. That's why we more often use google forms.

Researcher : Then what are the strategies used in teaching English


Teacher : If you say the strategy is a bit difficult, Ms. it's because

we don't meet children online. But still using the media

that we might give a little picture earlier.

Researcher : Does using youtube also miss for videos?

Teacher : Sometimes, for example, if it's needed, it's easier,


Researcher : Has the strategy you used is effective for students?

Teacher : Emm, if you say it's effective, I don't think it's

maximized yet, because again students meeting and

those who don't meet are different, but the problem is

there, so I say it's not effective yet, not maximized.

Based on data from teacher interviews, researcher was found that the

strategy used by teacher in teaching English was using WhatsApp and

Google Classroom applications in online learning. WhatsApp is used to

communicate with students and parents. Through WhatsApp the teacher

provides directions and information regarding the implementation of

online learning. WhatsApp is also used by students to ask the material

directly to the teacher if students do not understand the material presented

by the teacher. In addition, the teacher also uses Google Classroom to send

learning materials and usually students do the assignments given by the

teacher through the Google form. Teacher also use YouTube in providing

learning materials in the form of explanatory videos and pictures so that

students can more easily understand the material presented. However, the

teacher feels that the strategy used in online learning is not optimal,

because online learning is still very difficult to do because it does not meet

students directly. And this online learning teacher always works with

parents to monitor learning activities at home.

Teacher strategies in teaching learning English during Covid-19 pandemic

Based on the results of interviews, observations and questionnaires

conducted by researcher with English teacher at Muhammadiyah 1

Pringsewu Vocational High School.

The following is a transcript of the researcher's interview with the XI class

English teacher.

Researcher : What media are used in teaching English online?

Teacher : First, the media used is Youtube, secondly, we make live

videos, so I record, I explain the material, sometimes I

also give notes using classroom, but yes, from 100

percent maybe only 30/40 percent follow it.

Researcher : Then what strategies are used in teaching English


Teacher : Sometimes I go one by one when I'm free, what's the job

if it's the one who responds, thank God, we keep

responding until 11 pm. I use google classroom as well

to provide material.

Researcher : And is the strategy that I miss used has been effective

for students during online learning?

Teacher : Not yet, because out of that many students who

responded to me, there were only a maximum of 10

children who really responded to me and wanted to


Researcher : Even though you have used a strategy that is as creative

as possible, miss, right?

Teacher : Yes, sometimes I give interesting videos that are as

interesting as possible. We'll look for them anyway.

Based on the data from teacher interviews, the researcher found that the

strategies used by teacher in carrying out online learning were using the

Whatsapp, YouTube and Google classroom applications. The applications

used by the teacher certainly had their respective functions to support

online learning in class XI. Whatsapp is used to communicate with

students and is used to send assignments independently to teachers,

sometimes teachers chat with students one by one to ask assignments.

While Google forms are used to provide practice questions to students, and

Google Classroom is used to submit assignments and learning materials.

Teacher also use learning media in the form of learning videos that have

been recorded by themselves in explaining the material or, learning videos

used in learning are always adjusted to the learning material. The teacher

also makes videos as creative as possible so that students do not get bored

in learning and continue to follow the lesson well. However, the teacher

felt that the strategy given to students during online learning was not

optimal because of the large number of students only a few responded to

the material and assignments given by the teacher.

Teacher strategies in learning English during the Cocid-19 pandemic

Based on the results of interviews, observations and questionnaires

conducted by researcher with English teacher at KH.Ghalib Pringsewu

Vocational High School.

The following is a transcript of the researcher's interview with the XI class

English teacher.

Researcher : What media do you use to teach English online?

Teacher : As long as you're online, you only use your smartphone,

Android and later send the link to YouTube, maybe

later to the wa group you can also, everything is

possible, but if I serve students, you can text, telephone,

wa, telegram, everything is possible.

Researcher : What strategies do you use in teaching English online?

Teacher : If the strategy might be our provocation during the

pandemic because we are learning English, there is no

compulsion, just keep the material simple, maybe use

videos that are more like pictures because if the

writing is in the form of assignments, don't do too

much if it's too much. a lot of them are lazy, because

according to them English is a difficult lesson, if there

is no picture, there is no video they are lazy, then if

the task is too much they don't want to do it and will

continue to the next tasks, the first task is not finished

yet there is already a second task etc.

Researcher : And how to explain the material, sir?

Teacher : For the first material, I went through the Google

Classroom first, but I included my number, if

something is not clear, please go through the wa group

and ask directly, now when I go offline to submit

assignments to school, I ask what the difficulties are.

Based on teacher interview data, researcher was found that the strategy

used by teacher in carrying out online learning was by using the

WhatsApp application. Whatsapp is used by teacher to communicate with

students, is used to send learning videos, WhatsApp is also used by

students to send any assignments given by the teacher. Besides WhatsApp,

the teacher also uses Google Classroom. Google classroom is used to

submit learning materials and assignments. In addition, teachers also use

YouTube. After the video is uploaded to YouTube, the next step the

teacher shares the link via Google Classroom, and instructs students to

watch and understand the video for the next assignment. The learning

videos provided by the teacher are made as attractive as possible so that

students are interested in participating in this online learning process. The

teacher also uses simple and easy-to-understand language so that students

have no difficulty in understanding the material provided by the teacher.

However, teachers feel that the strategies given to students during online

learning are sometimes not optimal, because they cannot meet face to face.

C. Disccusions

Based on the findings of the data above, the researcher concludes that the

teacher struggles and strategies in teaching English online during the Covid-

19 pandemic to class XI students of YPT Pringsewu Vocational High School,

Muhammadiyah 1 Pringsewu Vocational High School, and Kh.Ghalib

Pringsewu Vocational High School are as follows.

1. Struggles faced by Teacher in Learning English during the Covid-19


Based on the analysis of the questionnaires and interviews, the researcher

concluded that online learning at the YPT Pringsewu Vocational High

School had been implemented quite well. In online learning, the teacher

always provides material and explanations using videos or pictures. In

addition, the teacher always prepares teaching materials by relearning the

material to be taught, this is done so that the teacher can master the

learning material perfectly. Learning planning is the most important

component in the learning process, with good planning the learning

process will become more focused and systematic. According to Majid

(2011:17) planning can be defined as the process of preparing teaching

materials, using media, using learning approaches and methods, and

evaluating within a certain period of time to achieve predetermined

learning objectives.

However, teacher at YPT Pringsewu Vocational High School also had a

struggle in teaching English online during the Covid-19 Pandemic.

Teacher have limited ability to explain material to students because

learning is done online and not face to face. With online learning the

teacher does not know how capable the child is. Some students do not

understand the material explained by the teacher when online learning is

carried out. Researcher found that there are still students who do not have

smartphones for learning, this is a separate obstacle for teacher in

providing learning materials through online. With online learning, students

become lazy in doing assignments, some even don't submit assignments,

and they don't collect assignments on time. Teacher can only remind them

continuously every week so that they immediately submit assignments.

This also shows the limitations of teachers in checking the level of

competence of students as a whole. In the end, the evaluation of learning

cannot be carried out optimally. Online learning makes students also get

bored quickly. For this reason, teacher need more struggle in making

students understand and enjoy learning English. During online learning the

teacher also always motivates students to be more enthusiastic in learning.

Based on the analysis of questionnaires and interviews, the researcher

concluded that online learning at Vocational High School Muhammadiyah

1 Pringsewu had been implemented quite well, but teacher still had

difficulties in teaching English online during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Teacher have difficulty in delivering material because they do not meet

face to face, while online students have not been able to receive learning

materials well, students do not follow English lessons, because English for

students is not interesting, students do not do the assignments given by the

teacher and to collect assignments were not on time, even the teacher's

number was blocked because they often asked for assignments. Online

learning also makes students lazy and ignores lessons, when they get

assignments from the teacher, students only cheat on their smart friends

and copy paste from Google. Online learning makes students' ethics less.

Furthermore, the availability of facilities and infrastructure in online

learning at the Muhammadiyah 1 Pringsewu Vocational High School has

been fulfilled, both in terms of teacher and students. The school has

provided facilities in the form of Wifi, internet quota for teacher and

students. However, in terms of students, sometimes students are

constrained by the internet network so that students have difficulty in

sending assignments. In the implementation of online learning, the

availability of facilities and infrastructure is the main thing to support the

successful implementation of online learning. According to Barnawi and

Arifin (2016:40) educational facilities are everything in the form of

equipment and supplies directly, while educational infrastructure includes

all equipment and supplies that indirectly support the educational process.

In the implementation of online learning the teacher also approaches

students and always provides motivation so that students are enthusiastic

about learning even though learning is done online.

Based on the analysis of questionnaires and interviews, the researcher

concluded that online learning at SMK KH.Ghalib Pringsewu has been

carried out well, but teacher also have struggles in teaching English online

during the Covid-19 pandemic, such as teachers having difficulty

explaining learning materials, because they do not meet face-to-face.

There are still some students who do not understand the material

presented, because the teacher conveys the material in a limited manner.

The teacher does not know the new students and their characters. Some

students still don't do assignments, online learning sometimes makes

students bored quickly. According to Hakim, T (2010:62) Study saturation

is a mental condition of a person when experiencing extreme boredom and

tiredness, resulting in a feeling of reluctance, lethargy, lack of enthusiasm,

or lack of enthusiasm for learning activities. Therefore, teacher always

approach students and work closely with parents so that teachers can

monitor student activities during online learning.

2. Teacher Strategies in learning English during the Covid-19 pandemic.

In the implementation of online learning at the YPT Pringsewu Vocational

High School, the teacher uses the Google classroom application, Youtube

and Whatsapp. Google classroom is used to provide lesson material, while

Whatsapp is used to communicate with students and parents regarding the

implementation of online learning, besides that the teacher also sends

information about online learning via Whatsapp. In the implementation of

online learning the teacher uses learning media in the form of learning

videos that are uploaded and shared via Whatsapp or Google Classroom,

the use of this learning media aims to make it easier for students to

understand the learning material presented. According to Majid (2011:19),

learning media is a tool used to make it easier for students to understand

learning materials.

In the implementation of online learning, the readiness of students is quite

good, they can use online learning devices well such as mobile phones,

learning applications or laptops, but there are still some students who do

not have smartphones for online learning. In the implementation of online

learning, the teacher also approaches learning in the form of providing

motivation so that students are enthusiastic about learning, so that students

remain active in the learning process even though it is done online. The

teacher feels that the strategy used in online learning is not optimal

because online learning is still very difficult to do because it does not meet

directly with students, and online learning is not yet effective for students,

and the teacher hopes that online learning is completed quickly so that

students can learn as usual, face to face. directly.

In the implementation of online learning at the Muhammadiyah 1

Pringsewu Vocational High School, the teacher uses Whatsapp and

Google Form. The applications used by the teacher certainly have their

respective functions to support online learning in class XI. Whatsapp is

used to communicate with students and to send learning videos made

through the kine master application and used to send assignments

independently to teachers, sometimes teachers chat one by one with

students to ask assignments. While Google forms are used to provide

practice questions to students, and Google Classroom is used to submit

assignments and learning materials. The teacher also uses learning media

in the form of learning videos that have been made or downloaded from

YouTube before the learning process takes place, the learning videos used

in learning are always adapted to the learning material.

Although learning is done online, learning media is still needed to make it

easier for students to understand the material presented and the teacher

also makes videos as creative as possible so that students don't get bored in

learning and continue to follow the lesson well. In line with A.

Kurniawati, et al (2013:14) explained that video media is able to attract

students' attention, increase students' imagination power, increase critical

thinking power and trigger students to participate more and be

enthusiastic, so that later students can be more active in the learning


However, the teacher felt that the strategies given to students during online

learning had not been effective because of the large number of students

only a few responded to the material and assignments given by the teacher.

And online learning has not been efficient for students, and teacher hope

that online learning will end soon and students can study as usual and can

get material properly and be able to receive English learning well.

In the implementation of online learning at the KH.Ghalib Pringsewu

Vocational High School, teacher have started to get used to carrying out

online learning. Teacher are used to using electronic media in learning,

although at first the teacher found it difficult as time went by the teacher

had started to get used to it. The teacher has implemented online learning

by implementing several online learning strategies, namely by using

WhatsApp. Whatsapp is used because teacher and students are used to

using this application in their daily lives. This convenience factor is the

reason why Whatsapp is used for the online teaching and learning process

at the KH.Ghalib Pringsewu Vocational High School. Whatsapp facilitates

communication between teachers and students during the learning process

such as discussions, sending learning videos, giving assignments and

online attendance. Besides WhatsApp, the teacher also uses Google

Classroom. Google classroom is used to submit learning materials and

assignments. In addition, teachers also use YouTube. After the video is

uploaded to YouTube, the next step the teacher shares the link via Google

Classroom, and instructs students to watch and understand the video for

the next assignment.

The learning videos provided by the teacher are made as attractive as

possible so that students are interested in participating in this online

learning process. The teacher also uses simple and easy-to-understand

language so that students have no difficulty in understanding the material

provided by the teacher. According to Sopian (2016:96) teachers in

carrying out their duties must have a set of abilities in the field to be

delivered and must have mastery of the material so that it is easily

accepted by students which includes the ability to supervise, train and have

professional and social skills. During online learning, teachers also always

work closely with parents so that teachers can easily monitor student

activities. And the strategies used by teacher for online learning during the

Covid-19 pandemic have been quite effective for students, the teacher

hopes that students will have their own creativity and innovation to learn

without waiting for the teacher to tell.



A. Conclusion

Based on the findings and discussion in the previous chapter, the researcher

concludes that the implementation of online learning at YPT Pringsewu

Vocational High School, Muhammadiyah 1 Pringsewu Vocational High

School and KH.Ghalib Pringsewu Vocational High School has been

implemented quite well. However, teacher also have struggles in teaching

English online during the Covid-19 Pandemic such as teachers having

difficulty explaining learning materials, because they do not meet face to

face, Teacher do not know new students and their characters, Students have

not been able to receive learning materials well while online The strategy

used by the teacher is not optimal, the teacher does not know the child's

abilities during online learning.

In the implementation of online learning the teacher uses media in the form

of WhatsApp, Google Classroom, Google Form and YouTube. Teachers use

Whatsapp more often to communicate with students and their parents,

besides that, teachers use Whatsapp to share information related to learning.

Teacher also use learning media in the form of videos that are made as

attractive as possible which aims to make it easier for students to understand

the material. In the implementation of online learning, the teacher also uses

an approach with students by providing motivation so that students remain

enthusiastic about learning during online learning.

B. Suggestion

Based on the conclusion above, the researcher gives suggestions as the

following below :

1. For the teachers, to always guide and accompany patiently, as well as

develop learning that can make learning conditions remain effective

even though it is done online and teachers must use appropriate learning

media so that students are more interested and motivated to take part in

online learning, especially English which is considered quite difficult for


2. For the students, to always be enthusiastic in participating in the

learning process even though it is done online and can follow the

learning process properly in accordance with the learning objectives to

be achieved in class.

3. For the another researcher, the researcher hopes that for future

researchers who are interested in conducting similar research, it will

contribute to understanding the struggles and strategies used by English

teachers during Covid-19, In addition, hopefully this research will

provide inspiration and guidelines for further researchers to be more

thorough in in conducting research, so that the results are better than



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Lesson Plan (Rpp)


Interview Transcripts
School Name : Vocational High School YPT Pringsewu

Headmaster’s Name : Mrs. Istiartika Kartika Renvari, SE, MM

Day/date of interview : April, 2021

Researcher : Sudah Berapa lama Ibu menjabat sebagai kepala sekolah di SMK

YPT Pringsewu? (How long have you served as a principal at

Vocational High Scool YPT Pringsewu?

Headmaster : Jadi itu mulai terhitung dari bulan januari kemarin pergantian

kepala sekolah, jadi baru hampir setengah tahun. (So it started from

last January that the headmaster changed, so it's only been almost

half a year).

Researcher : Bagaimana Pendapat Ibu terhadap pamdemi Covid-19 yang

mengharuskan pembelajaran dilakukan secara daring dari rumah?

(What is your opinion on the Covid-19 pandemic which requires

learning to be done online from home)?

Headmaster : Untuk pembelajaran daring dari rumah ya itu sebenarnya apa ya

membuat siswa dispilnya kurang, jadi ya mau tidak mau karena

pandemi itu ya jadi kita harus lakukan, lalu untuk absen dan

pembelajaran tetap dilakukan dengan sistem nanti guru melaporkan

ke guru atau wali kelasnya. (For online learning from home, what

does it actually mean that students lack discipline, so whether we

want it or not, because of the pandemic, we have to do it, then for

absences and learning will still be carried out with the system, the

teacher will report it to the teacher or homeroom teacher).

Researcher : Sejauh ini masih online ya bu? (So far it's still online, right)?

Headmaster : Masih ini masih ada luringnya juga mbak, jadi untuk yang praktek

kita lakukan disekolah, karena SMK ini memang apa ya memang

jiwanya ini di praktek, bagaimana kalau cuman teori-teori saja

makanya siswa akan kesulitan. (There are still offline ones, sis, so

for those who practice it at school, because this vocational school is

really what it is, the soul is in practice, what if it's just theories so

students will have trouble).

Researcher : Fasilitas apa saja yang disediakan oleh sekolah untuk mendukung

proses belajar mengajar selama daring? (What facilities do schools

provide to support the online teaching and learning process)?

Headmaster : Selama daring ya kita disekolah ada wifi nya, kalau memang guru

tidak punya smartphone bisa dilakukan dengan laptop. (As long as

we are online at school, we have wifi, if the teacher doesn't have a

smartphone, it can be done with a laptop).

Researcher : Ada kuota juga ya bu dari sekolah? (Is there a quota too, from


Headmaster : Kuota ada. Ini pembagian untuk siswanya, dan untuk gurunya juga

ada. (Quota is available. This is a distribution for the students, and

for the teacher as well).

Researcher : Bagaimana cara Ibu memantau kegiatan pembelajaran daring yang

dilakukan oleh guru dan siswa selama masa pandemi Covid-19?

(How do you monitor online learning activities carried out by

teachers and students during the Covid-19 pandemic)?

Headmaster : Dengan laporan itu, ada laporan apalagi menggunakan google

clasroom itu ya tetap ada absennya disitu tetap ada. (With that

report, there is a report, let alone using Google Classroom, yes, the

absence is still there).

Researcher : Bagaimana upaya yang Ibu lakukan untuk mengatasi masalah yang

dihadapi guru dalam pembelajaran daring? (What are your efforts to

overcome the problems faced by teachers in online learning)?

Headmaster : Pembelajaran daring, ya mungkin di tanyakan apa masalahnya

untuk guru, karena guru yang satu dengan lainnya berbeda nih, ada

guru yang memang usianya menjelang senja itu untuk melakukan

daring itu terpaut dengan tekhnologi, jadi tekhnologi mereka

mungkin hanya lewat wa, lewat apa gitu, jadi menggunakan

clasroom nya itu belum. Kemarin untuk bulan februari kita lakukan

untuk upgrading skill, jadi ada pembelajaran untuk guru untuk

melakukan inovasi, ini loh kita melakukan daring mengunakan cara

ini. (Online learning, maybe you should ask what the problem is for

the teacher, because each teacher is different from one another,

there are teachers who are really old enough to do online activities

that are related to technology, so their technology may only be

through wa, through what, so I haven't used the classroom yet.

Yesterday for February we did it for upgrading skills, so there is a

lesson for teachers to innovate, this is what we do online using this


Researcher : Mungkin itu saja Bu interview dari saya, terimakasih banyak untuk

bantuannya dan waktunya. (Maybe that's all for my interview, thank

you very much for your help and time.

School Name : Vocational High School YPT Pringsewu

Teacher’s Name : Ms. Pisca Suma Perari, S.Pd.

Day/date of interview : April, 2021

Researcher : Bagaimana Miss proses pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris yang

dilakukan secara daring selama pandemi covid-19? (How is

the English learning process done online during the covid-19


Teacher : Emm, untuk proses pembelajaran daring tetap berjalan lancar

ya karenakan kita memang terjadwal untuk Bahasa Inggris

kan kita banyak pelajarannya di Smk di Ypt untuk Bahasa

Inggris kita, semua pelajaran sih sebenernya jadi dijadwalkan

untuk apa namanya 2 minggu sekali karena itu mata

pelajarannya banyak banget jadi kalau untuk Bahasa Inggris

sendiri di hari kamis gitu. (Emm, the online learning process

continues to run smoothly, because we are scheduled for

English, right, we have a lot of lessons in SMK at Ypt for our

English, all lessons are actually scheduled for what is called

every 2 weeks because that's a lot of subjects so if it's for

English itself on Thursday, that's it).

Researcher : Media apa saja miss yang digunakan dalam mengajar Bahasa

Inggris selama daring? (What media do you use to teach

English online)?
Teacher : Kalau media kita pake beberapa media sih diantaranya pake

google form itu yang mudah banget anak-anak akses ya atau

google clasroom, kalau google clasroom banyak kendalanya

ya mbak bukannya kita enggak mau sering pake, kendalanya

tuh kadangan anak-anak ribet di kuota, susah sinyal lebih

berat. Makanya kita lebih sering menggunakan google form.

(If our media uses several media, including using the google

form, which is very easy for children to access, yes or google

classroom, if there are many problems with google

classroom, sis, it's not that we don't want to use it often, the

problem is that sometimes children are complicated in

quotas, harder signal heavier. That's why we more often use

google forms).

Researcher : Untuk whatssap miss?

(For whatssap miss)?

Teacher : Otomatis dong, kita ngesave pake nomer kita jadi kita tetap

bisa komunikasi sama anak-anak itu dan kalau mereka ada

pertamyaan bisa kita respon dengan cepat. (Automatically, we

save using our numbers so we can still communicate with the

children and if they have questions, we can respond quickly).

Researcher : Untuk pengumpulan tugasnya miss? (For the collection of

assignments, miss)?

Teacher : Untuk pengumpulan tugas kadangan saya langsung di form

tersebut, sometimes sih kalau butuh penjabaran yang agak

banyak saya minta mereka capture dan send ke wa saya

secara langsung. (Sometimes I collect assignments directly in

the form, sometimes if I need a bit more explanation I ask

them to capture and send it to my WhatsApp directly).

Researcher : Bagaimana Struggle miss dalam mengajar Bahasa Inggris

selama daring? (How does Struggle miss teaching English


Teacher : Memang gak mudah ya struggle nya, kita banyak banget

kurangnya ya karena kita enggak meet dengan anak-anak, jadi

kita lebih ke motivasiin anak aja sih untuk gimana atleast

mereka mencatat materinya, atleast mereka membaca yang

saya share terus to understand yang kita share, sometimes

banyak sekali yang tidak mengerjaka tugas ya. (It's not an

easy struggle, we lack a lot because we don't meet with the

children, so we're more focused on motivating the children to

see how atleast they record the material, atleast they read

what I share and continue to understand what we share ,

sometimes there are a lot of people who do not do their


Researcher : Ada yang tidak mengumpulkan tugasnya miss? (Anyone who

doesn't collect their assignment, miss)?

Teacher : Iya bener enggak ngumpul tugasnya, catatan juga sama sih
tetep kasih motivasi aja deh biar semangat belajar. (Yes, it's

true that you don't collect assignments, the notes are the

same, just keep motivating them so you're excited to learn).

Researcher : Strategi apa saja miss yang digunakan dalam mengajar

Bahasa Inggris selama daring? (What strategies do you use to

teach English online)?

Teacher : Kalau dibilang strategi agak susah ya mbak untuk

ngejelasinnya karena kita daring ini tidak meet dengan anak-

anak..eee tetep pake media yang tadi mungkin agak kita kasih

gambar. (If you say the strategy is a bit difficult, to explain it

because we are online, we don't meet with children).

Researcher : Untuk menjelaskan materinya Miss? (To explain the material,


Teacher : Untuk menjelaskan materi tetap di mix pakai bahasa

indonesia, karena kalau full Inggris mereka agak susah

nantinya malah repot sendiri banyak yang nanya miss tidak

mengerti segala macem, jadi memang saya mix ada yang

mungkin kalimatnya masih mudah saya pakai Bahasa Inggris,

tapi banyak juga penjelasannya, penjabarannya pakai bahasa

indonesia biar merekanya mudah mengerti sih. (To explain

the material, the material is still mixed using Indonesian,

because if it is full English, they will be a bit difficult later,

they will even be bothered by themselves. Many people ask

for miss understanding of all kinds, so I did mix some, maybe

the sentences are still easy for me to use in English, but there

are also many explanations, the explanation is in Indonesian

so that it is easy for them to understand).

Researcher : Apakah menggunakan youtube juga miss untuk video? (Do

you also miss using youtube for videos)?

Teacher : Sometimes sih mbak, kalau misalnya itu diperlukan soalnya

kan itu lebih mudah ya begitu. (Sometimes, for example, if it's

needed, it's easier, right)?

Researcher : Apakah Strategi yang miss gunakan sudah efektif untuk

siswa? (Has the strategy you used is effective for students)?

Teacher : Emmm, kalau untuk dibilang efektif saya rasa belum

maksimal ya mbak ya, karena lagi-lagi siswa ketemu sama

yang enggak ketemu itu beda gitu tetap kendalanya disitu jadi

saya bilang sih belum efektif ya mbak, belum maksimal.

(Emmm, if you say it's effective, I don't think it's optimal, sis,

because again, students meeting those who don't meet are

different, but the problem is there, so I say it's not effective,

sis, not optimal. Researcher : Are students able to receive

English lessons well while online)?

Researcher : Apakah siswa dan siswi mampu menerima pelajaran Bahasa

Inggris dengan baik selama daring? (Are students able to

receive English lessons well while online)?

Teacher : Maybe fifty-fifty kalau mau menerima itu mereka yang

interest terhadap Bahasa Inggris malah mereka yang aktiv ke

saya gitu, kaya misalnya saya kasih soal dan pasti ada

tanggepan dari mereka ada respon, miss kok ini salah kan

saya selalu kasih kunci disitu, ini salah bagian ini bagimana

ya miss ko salah pasti ada tanggepan. (Maybe fifty-fifty if you

want to accept it, those who are interested in English, even

those who are active with me, like for example, I give a

question and there must be a response from them with a

response, miss, why is this wrong, I always give the key there,

here What's wrong with this part, miss, I'm wrong, there must

be a response).

Researcher : Bagaimana cara miss memantau kegitan belajar daring siswa

selama pandemi ini? (How do you miss monitoring student

online learning activities during this pandemic)?

Teacher : Kalau absen pake google form itu, kalau tugas kadangan juga

langsung disitu atau di capture, tatap bisa kepantau sih anak-

anak yang ngerjain mana yang enggak. (If you are absent

using the google form, if you sometimes have assignments

directly there or captured, you can see which children are

doing what they are not).

Researcher : Untuk pengumpulan tugas itu pasti tepat waktu atau tidak

miss? (For the collection of assignments, must it be on time

or not, miss)?

Teacher : Ohh enggak sih, sometimes ada yang ontime, tapi yang

lainnya ya gitu deh. Ada yang baru seminggu kedepannya lagi

baru mengumpulkan kadang numpuk nih. (Oh no, sometimes

some are ontime, but others are like that. There are new ones

in the next week or so, they just collect, sometimes they pile


Researcher : Bahkan ada yang tidak mengerjakan miss? (There are even

those who don't do miss)?

Teacher : Pasti dong mbak, karena enggak semua anak aware yah sama

tugasnya apalagi anak kelas 11 sekarang sambil pkl tuh

waktunya mereka kebagi lebih ke anak 11 nya sih, kalau anak

kelas 10 insyaaloh bisa jalan. (Of course, because not all

children are aware of their duties, especially for 11th graders

now, when it's time for them to divide up to their 11th

graders, God willing, 10th graders can walk.

Researcher : Tapi sejauh ini semuanya sudah mempunyai smartphone kan

miss? (But so far, everyone has a smartphone, right)?

Teacher : Emm, kalau smartphone. Jadi ada cerita kelas 12 pun masih

ada yang belum punya smartphone, karena memang

keluarganya ya mbak ya, jangankan apa mau ngerjain pake

handphone gitu ya, itu aja istilahnya numpang bareng-bareng

minjem sama temennya gitu ya, itu kendala banget sih ya mba
enggak semua anak bisa nerima. (Emmm, smartphone. So

there's a story in grade 12 that there are still people who

don't have a smartphone, because it's their family, sis, don't

you think what you want to do with your cellphone? child can


Researcher : Saya fikir sudah pada punya handphone semua miss? (I think

you all have a cellphone, miss)?

Teacher : Masih ada mbak, kita kan enggak tau ya keadaan anak dan

keadaan keluarga mereka seperti apa, itu salah satu yang

memjadi kendala juga sih gitu karena enggak 100 persen

ternyata, ya kalau keluarganya yang mampu bisa-bisa aja gitu

jalan-jalan aja apalagi mereka di suplay juga gitu ada khusus

untuk daring mungkin kan, tapi kan some students yang ga

punya di gadget gimana. (Still there, madam, we don't know

what the condition of the children and their family is like,

that's one of the obstacles, too, because it's not 100 percent,

yes, if the family can afford it, they can just go for a walk, let

alone They are also supplied with something specifically for

online, maybe, but what about some students who don't have

it on a gadget)?

Researcher : Apakah ada fasilitas yang disediakan oleh sekolah miss untuk

mendukung guru dalam mengajar Bahasa Inggris secara

daring selama pandemi? (Are there any facilities provided by

the miss school to support teachers in teaching English

online during the pandemic)?

Teacher : Ada, kalau disekolah itu kita pakai wifi sekolah terus kalau

misalnya quota anak-anak dibagi dari pemerintah ada yang

dari sekolah juga dapet, kemarin kita baru ngasih kuota baru

juga gratis untuk anak-anak. (Yes, at school we use school

wifi and if for example the children's quota is divided from

the government, some from the school also get it, yesterday

we just gave a new quota free of charge to the children).

Researcher : Apa saja kelebihan dan kekuangan pembelajaran daring

menurut Miss? (What are the advantages and disadvantages

of online learning according to Miss)?

Teacher : Kelebihan, kalau bicara kelebihan daring susah banget sih

mbak ya kayanya tidak ada kelebihan, mungkin cuman 1 sih

mbak kita bisa handle semua kelas dalam satu waktu itu aja

kelebihannya, kalau kekurangannya banyak banget. 1 kita ga

bisa ketemu anak dan kalau kita enggak bisa ketemu anak

enggak bisa tau kemampuan anak tersebut gimana yang kedua

enggak bisa kontrol untuk tugasnya kita tidak tahu seberapa

efektifnya daring ini gitu, karena enggak semua anak punya

kemampuan yang sama kadang sudah ada yang dijelaskan

pun ketemu pun masih belum paham apalagi gini yang

mereka cuman membaca terus dipaksa untuk paham itu saya

kira banyak banget sih kelemahannya. (Advantages, when it

comes to the advantages of being online, it's really difficult,

sis, I guess there are no advantages, maybe there's only 1, sis,

we can handle all classes at one time, that's just the

advantages, if the disadvantages are many. 1 we can't meet

the child and if we can't meet the child we can't know what

the child's ability is, secondly we can't control the task, we

don't know how effective this online is, because not all

children have the same abilities, sometimes it's explained

Even meeting them, they still don't understand, especially like

this, they only read and are forced to understand, I think

there are so many weaknesses).

Researcher : Dan itu menjadi kesulitan guru ya miss? (And that becomes a

problem for the teacher, miss)?

Teacher : Iya saya rasa semua guru ngalamin ini enggak cuman saya

saja apalagi kita mata pelajarannya banyak dan Bahasa

Inggris enggak semua anak interest sama Bahasa Inggris gitu

kita butuh perjuangan untuk make the understand and happy

to learn about english kan itu susah loh apalagi anak SMK,

apalagi daring. (Yes, I think all teachers experience this, not

just me, especially since we have a lot of subjects in English

and not all children are interested in English, so we need to

struggle to make the understand and be happy to learn about

English, it's difficult, especially for SMK students. especially


Researcher : Dan yang terakhir miss, apakah harapan miss sebagai guru

Bahasa Ingris terhadap pembelajaran daring? (And lastly,

miss, what are your hopes as an English teacher for online


Teacher : Pembelajaran daring saya berharap cepat selesai will and soon

biar kita bisa tatap muka, itu harapan bener-bener harapan

saya dan mungkin semua guru-guru juga disini dan semua

diseluruh indonesia karena memang benar-benar pembodohan

gitu ya. (I hope that the online learning will be finished soon

so we can meet face to face, that's really my hope and maybe

all the teachers here and all over Indonesia because it's

really a fool, right).

Researcher : Baik miss mungkin itu saja yang dapat saya tanyakan,

terimaksih banyak atas bantuannya dan waktunya. (Okay miss

maybe that's all I can ask, thank you very much for your help

and time).

School Name : Vocational High School YPT Pringsewu

Student Name : Anita Sari class XI TKJ-3

Day/date of interview : April, 2021

Researcher : Berapa kali dalam seminggu pembelajaran Bahasa inggris? (How

many times a week do you learn English?

Student : Seminggu 2 kali. (2 times a week).

Researcher : Berapa lama jam pelajaran Bahasa inggris berlangsung? (How long

does the English lesson last).

Student : Jam 7 sampai jam 8. (7 until 8 o'clock).

Researcher : Media apa saja yang di gunakan dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris

selama daring? (What media are used in online learning English)?

Student : Smartphone, kamus Bahasa Inggris. (Smartphone, English


Researcher : Apakah adik dapat menggunakan perangkat pembelajaran online

dengan baik (laptop, HP, aplikasi belajar)? (Can you use online

learning tools well (laptops, cellphones, learning applications)?

Student : Iya. ( Yes)

Researcher : Biasanya yang digunakan untuk belajar apa aplikasi apa? What

applications do you usually use to study?

Student : Google clasroom dan Whatsapp. (Google classroom and


Researcher : Apakah ada fasilitas yang disediakan oleh sekolah untuk

mendukung proses pembelajaran bahasa Inggris secara daring

selama pandemi? ( Are there any facilities provided by the school to

support the online English learning process during the pandemic)?

Student : Iya ada kuota dari sekolah, tapi kadang tidak bisa di pakai. (Yes,

there is a quota from the school, but sometimes it cannot be used).

Researcher : Apakah ada wifi disekolah? (Is there wifi at school)?

Student : Ada tapi tidak tahu kata sandinya. (Yes, but don't know the


Researcher : Dan fasilitas kebutuhan belajar di rumah saat belajar online sudah

terpenuhi? (And the facilities for studying at home while studying

online have been met)?

Student : Iya sudah terpenuhi. (Yes, it has been fulfilled).

Researcher : Apakah guru menjelaskan materi Bahasa Inggris dengan baik

selama daring? (Does the teacher explain the English material well

while online?

Student : Iya guru menjelaskan sudah baik. (Yes, the teacher explained well).

Researcher : Apakah mudah dimengerti penjelasannya? (Is the explanation easy

to understand)?

Students : Tidak juga sih, terkadang bingung sama materinya. (Not really,

sometimes confused about the material).

Researcher : Apakah pembelajaran daring membuat adik semakin termotivasi

dan menjadi semangat belajar? (Does online learning make you

more motivated and enthusiastic about learning)?

Student : Kurang, karena tidak tatap muka jadi susah untuk memahami

pelajaran. (Less, because they are not face to face so it is difficult to

understand the lesson).

Researcher : Apakah kamu rajin mengerjakan tugas Bahasa Inggris yang

diberikan oleh guru melalui daring selama pandemi? (Are you

diligent in doing the English assignments given by the teacher

online during the pandemic)?

Student : Jarang mengerjakan tugas.( Rarely do assignments).

Researcher : Untuk pengumpulan tugas tepat waktu atau tidak? (For the

collection of assignments on time or not)?

Student : Tidak juga. ( Not really).

Researcher : Apakah pembelajaran online membuat adik mudah memahami

materi pelajaran? (Does online learning make it easier for you to

understand the subject matter

Student : Tidak juga, karena tidak tatap muka, kalau daring kan tinggal di

share sama guru jadi enggak mudah dipahami. (Not really, because

it's not face-to-face, if it's online, it's just shared with the teacher, so

it's not easy to understand).

Researcher : Apakah pembelajaran online membuat adik cepat bosan? (Does

online learning make you bored quickly)?

Student : Iya, terkadang pembelajaran online membuat bosan. (Yes,

sometimes online learning is boring

Researcher : Apa kesulitan yang adik hadapi selama pembelajaran daring? (What

difficulties did you face during online learning)?

Student : Kuota, sinyal kadang jaringannya susah buat mengirim tugas.

(Quota, sometimes the network signal is difficult to send


Researcher : Baik, mungkin itu saja. Terimakasih buat bantuannya. (Okay,

maybe that's it. Thanks for the help).

School Name : Vocational High School Muhammadiyah 1 Pringsewu

Headmaster’s Name : Mr. Zarrahudin, SE, MM.

Day/date of interview : April, 2021

Researcher : Sudah Berapa lama Bapak menjabat sebagai kepala sekolah di SMK

Muhammadiyah1 Pringsewu? (How long have you served as a principal

at Vocational High School Muhammadiyah 1 Pringsewu?

Headmaster : Menjabat menjadi kepala sekolah di SMK baru 11 bulan. (Served as

principal at SMK for only 11 months).

Researcher : Bagaimana Pendapat Bapak terhadap pamdemi Covid-19 yang

mengharuskan pembelajaran dilakukan secara daring dari rumah? (What

is your opinion on the Covid-19 pandemic which requires learning to be

done online from home)?

Headmaster : Jadi untuk pandemi covid kalau menurut kita ya luring masih terbatas,

jadi luring protokol kesehatan yang ketat kemudian dibatasi jumlah

siswa dan kalau disekolah kami menggunakan shift jadi shift-shiftan

misalkan hari ini kelas X, minggu ini kelaas X minggu depan kelas XI

kelas X nya daring jadi untuk menghindari kerumunan. (So for the covid
pandemic, if we think offline is still limited, so offline strict health

protocols are then limited to the number of students and if at school we

use shifts so shifts, for example today is class X, this week class X, next

week class XI class X its online so to avoid crowds).

Researcher : Jadi tidak sepenuhnya daring ya pak? (So it's not completely online, is it,


Headmaster : Enggak sepenuhnya daring, karena swasta kan kalau semua daring kan

kurang bagus ya dan orangtua juga akan sulit melengkapi administrasi

jadi kita pakai strategi shift-shiftan, kalau kelas X nya daring, kelas XI

nya luring, kalau kelas elas XI daring, kelas X luring gitu, kecuali yang

mau ujian kelas XII, kalau kelas XII itu dia luring terus sekaligus kalau

smk yang dipelajari kan praktek mereka ada UKK jadi harus datang

terus. (It's not completely online, because the private sector is not good

enough online, right and parents will find it difficult to complete the

administration, so we use a shift strategy, if class X is online, class XI is

offline, class XI is online, class X Offline, except for those who want to

take the XII class exam, if they are in class XII, they are offline all the

time. If they are studying in SMK, their practice has UKK, so they have

to come all the time).

Researcher : Fasilitas apa saja yang disediakan oleh sekolah untuk mendukung proses

belajar mengajar selama daring? (What facilities do schools provide to

support the online teaching and learning process?)

Headmaster : Jadi kalau daring ini kita memberikan anak-anak kan ada kuota dari
pemerintah, kemudian kita membantu sedikit beli kuota dengan cara

mengurangi pembayaran administrasi sekolah, pengurangan itulah untuk

biaya dia membeli kuota, selain dari pemerintah. (So if we give children

online, there is a quota from the government, then we help buy a little

quota by reducing school administration payments, that reduction is for

the cost of him buying quotas, apart from the government.

Researcher : Untuk disekolahan sendiri apakah ada wifi pak? (For the school itself, is

there wifi, sir?

Headmaster : Kita ada wifi kalau anak-anak ingin ke sekolahan ya wifi gratis, bisa

digunakan 24 jam. (We have wifi if the children want to go to school,

yes, free wifi, can be used 24 hours).

Researcher : Bagaimana cara Bapak memantau kegiatan pembelajaran daring yang

dilakukan oleh guru dan siswa selama masa pandemi Covid-19? (How

do you monitor online learning activities carried out by teachers and

students during the Covid-19 pandemic?)

Headmaster : Jadi kita memantaunya kita pakai apa namanya LMS tapi kalau sekarang

kan gangguan ya LMS, jadi ada ruang belajar disekolahan tapi untuk

saat ini ada masalah sedikit terganggu jadi akhirnya guru-guru yang

daring itu bersepakat dengan siswa itu menggunakan google clasroom.

(So we monitor it, we use what it's called LMS, but now it's an LMS, so

there's a study room at school, but for now there's a problem that's a bit

disrupted, so finally the online teachers agreed with the student using
the Google Classroom

Researcher : Bagaimana upaya yang Bapak lakukan untuk mengatasi masalah yang

dihadapi guru dalam pembelajaran daring? (What are your efforts to

overcome the problems faced by teachers in online learning?)

Headmaster : Jadi kita bagaimana cara mengatasinya, maka kita diawal-awal covid itu

masuk guru-guru diadakan pelatihan pembuatan media pembelajaran

menggunakan tekhnologi dan mendatangkan dari dinas pendidikan

provinsi dan pengawas managerial dan dari tokoh pendidikan

Muhammadiyah. (So how do we deal with it, so at the beginning of

Covid, the teachers were held training on making learning media using

technology and brought in from the provincial education office and

managerial supervisors and from Muhammadiyah education leaders).

Researcher : Mungkin itu saja pak interview dari saya, terimakasih banyak untuk

bantuannya dan waktunya. Maybe that's all for my interview, thank you

very much for your help and time.

Headmaster : Iya sama-sama (you're welcome).

School Name : Vocational High School Muhammadiyah 1 Pringsewu

Headmaster’s Name : Ms. Dewi Lestari, S.Pd.

Day/date of interview : April, 2021

Researcher : Bagaimana Miss proses pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris yang dilakukan

secara daring selama pandemi covid-19? (How is the English

learning process done online during the covid-19 pandemic?

Teacher : Sebenernya kalau untuk proses daring anak kurang mengikuti ya,

karena satu permasalahannya pasti karena kuota, kedua anak-anak

memang kalau untuk pelajaran bahasa asing kan kurang mengikuti,

kurang menarik lah menurut mereka gitu kan secara luring pun

kadang mereka masih belium maksud apalagi kalau bicara daring,

kalau secara daring kan terbatas untuk mengirim video pun ada yang

cuman di skip aja. (Actually, for the online process, children don't

follow well, because one problem is definitely the quota, the two

children don't follow foreign language lessons, they don't think it's

interesting, even offline, sometimes they still don't know what it

means, especially if talk online, if online it's limited to sending

videos, some just skip it).

Researcher : Jadi hanya dilihat saja miss? (So just look, miss?)

Teacher : Mending kalau dilihat, itu tidak di download juga. Tugas

pembelajaran tidak dikumpul. (It's better if you look at it, it's not

downloaded either. Learning assignments are not collected

Researcher : Media apa saja miss yang digunakan dalam mengajar Bahasa Inggris

selama daring? (What media do you use to teach English online?)

Teacher : Pertama media yang digunakan Youtube, kedua ada kita membuat

video langsung, jadi saya record, saya menjelaskan materi kadang

juga saya kasih catatan pakai clasroom juga tapi ya memang dari 100

persen mungkin hanya 30/40 persen yang mengikutinya. (First, the

media used is Youtube, secondly, we make live videos, so I record, I

explain the material, sometimes I also give notes using classroom,

but yes, from 100 percent maybe only 30/40 percent follow it).

Researcher : Menggunakan Wa terus ya miss? (Do you continue to use Wa, miss?)

Teacher : Pernah saya menggunakan email cuman yang mengumpulkan hanya

anak-anak tertentu saja karenakan mereka biasanya kuota terbatas

untuk sosial media jadi akhirnya saya alihkan ke wa, wa alhamdulilah

kalau untuk mengumpulkan tugas yang notabennya mencatat

mungkin mereka masih mau. Kalu untuk mengerjakan tugas ntah itu

isian atau apapun itu jarang banget dikerjakan, mungkin kan saya

absen itu kan saya alihkan ke wa akhirnya. Jadi waktu absen mereka

ada full 1 kelas ada full, mungkin untuk tugas pembelajaran 40

persen. Kadang saya tunggu saya kasih waktu, misal saya kasih tugas

jam 8 pagi nanti jam 8 malam apa jam 9 malam limit untuk

mengumpulkan tugas, itupun ada besoknya yang baru mengumpulkan

tugas. (Once I used an email that only collected certain children

because they usually have a limited quota for social media, so I

finally switched it to wa, thank God, if they want to collect

assignments that incidentally take notes, they might still want to. If

I'm doing an assignment, whether it's stuffing or whatever, it's rarely

done, maybe I'm absent, I'll switch it to wa in the end. So when they
are absent, there is a full class, there is a full class, maybe for 40

percent learning assignments. Sometimes I wait for me to give time,

for example, I give an assignment at 8 in the morning at 8 at night

what is the limit at 9 pm for submitting assignments, and even then

there are new ones who collect assignments tomorrow).

Researcher : Untuk Mengumpulkan tugasnya tidak tepat waktu ya miss? (To

collect the assignment is not on time, miss?

Teacher : Iya, memang kurang efisien daring ini, kasian anaknya sebenernya

karenakan untuk bahasa asing kalau tidak bertatap muka tanpa kita

menjelaskan materi secara langsung detailnya mereka tidak akan

pernah maksud, secara langsung saja hanya mungkin 1 atau 2 anak

saja yang langsung mengerti kita harus mengulang-ulang apalagi

kalau daring jadi kalau bisa daring ini segera berakhir, kasian

anaknya. (Yes, it is indeed less efficient online, it's a pity for the

child, actually because for foreign languages if we don't meet face to

face without us explaining the material directly, the details will never

mean it, directly, maybe only 1 or 2 children who understand

immediately we have to repeat -repeat especially if online so if you

can go online this will end soon, poor child).

Researcher : Bagaimana Struggle miss dalam mengajar Bahasa Inggris selama

daring? (How does Struggle miss teaching English online?

Teacher : Kalau sampai sekarang sih ya yang harus di perbaiki kalau dari saya

dari anak-anaknya dulu, anak-anaknya harus dikasih pengertian

dululebih pendekatan lagi intinya karena kalau untuk Bahasa Inggriss

kan lebih susah pengertiannya mereka harus mengartikan dari kata

perkata, pendekatan memang lebih penting walaupun kadang ada

yang dideketin dia menjauh pasti itu ada, ya jangan pantang

menyerah mau problemnya seperti apapun tetap punya anak-anak sih

ya jadi mungkin dari 10 anak atau 11 anak yang bisa memahami 2

atau 3 anak itu sudah alhamdulilah. (Up to now, what has to be

improved is that from me, from the children first, the children must

be given an understanding first, the approach is more important,

because for English, it is more difficult to understand, they have to

interpret it word by word, approach is more important. Even though

sometimes someone is approached, he stays away, there must be

something, don't give up. No matter what the problem is, you still

have children, so maybe out of 10 children or 11 children who can

understand 2 or 3 children, thank God ).

Researcher : Dan selalu diberi motivasi-motivasi seperti itu ya miss? (And always

given such motivations, miss?

Teacher : Iya selalu, apalagi saya wali kelas, kebetulan dapat kelas yang isinya

laki-laki semua, tidak ada cewenya sama sekali. Beberapa siswa

sangat malas untuk belajar bahasa inggris jadi mereka cuman mau

nyontek aja dari kawan yang pintar atau copypaste dari google udah.

(Yes, always, especially since I'm the homeroom teacher, I happen to

get a class that contains all boys, no girls at all. Some students are
very lazy to learn English so they just want to cheat from a smart

friend or copy paste from Google).

Researcher : Selama daring ketika ada siswa yang malas apakah ada perubahan

miss? (While online when there are students who are lazy, is there a

change in miss?)

Teacher : Perbahan yang signifikan sih enggak, cuman mungkin beberapa ada

dari luring yang sudah pendekatan nanti begitu dia daring lagi ada

yang mungkin mulai melenceng lagi dideketin lagi alhamdulilah ya

balik lagi tetap cuman ya satu dua lah enggak bisa semuanya. (There

are no significant changes, maybe there are some from offline who

will approach later when he is online again, some may start to stray

again, and be approached again, thank God, come back again, but

only one or two can't do all of them).

Researcher : Lalu Strategi apa saja miss yang digunakan dalam mengajar Bahasa

Inggris selama daring? ( So what strategies are used in teaching

English online?)

Teacher : Kadang saya wa one by one kalau lagi senggang saya wa gimana

tugasnya kalau yang merespon alhamdulilah kita respon terus sampai

jam 11 malam ada yang antusias kan memang satu dua lah pasti kalau

enggak yasudah ada saya diblokir wa nya karena sering saya tagihin

tugasnya akhirnya diblokir jadi saya cek dengan wa yang lain ada

foto dpnya ya di saya tidak ada, berati saya di blokir. Karena memang

selama daring ini etikanya kurang. (Sometimes I go one by one when

I'm free, what's the task, if those who respond, Thank God, we

continue to respond until 11 p.m. there are those who are

enthusiastic, one or two, I'm sure if I don't have one, I'm blocked

because I often charge for the task and it's finally blocked so I

checked with another wa there is a photo of the dp, yes I don't have

one, it means I'm blocked. Because there's been a lack of ethics


Researcher : Menyepelekan ya miss? (Underestimating, miss?)

Teacher : Iya menyepelekan mereka etika dan tata kramanya secara tidak

langsung diajarkan disekolah ya jadi mereka ya lepas memang jadi

lebih ya agak susah. (Yes, they underestimate their ethics and

manners, which are indirectly taught at school, so they let go, so it's

more difficult, it's a bit difficult).

Researcher : Dan apakah strategi yang miss guanakan sudah efektif untuk siswa

selama pembelajaran daring? (And is the strategy that I miss used has

been effective for students during online learning?)

Teacher : Belum, karena dari segitu banyaknya siswa yang merespon saya

paling hanya maksimal ya 10 anak yang benar-benar merespon saya

dan mau belajar, dan kalau sudabh luring dikasih semangat lagi

dikasih ayok kita bisa nih ngejer yang kemarin ya bisa gitu cuman

kalau udah balik lagi daring ya lepas. (Not yet, because out of that

many students who responded to me, at least 10 children really

responded to me and wanted to learn, and if you are offline, you will

be encouraged, let's give it a go, let's get together yesterday. it's

online again).

Researcher : Padahal sudah menggunakan strategi yang sekreatif mungkin ya miss

ya? (Even though you have used a strategy that is as creative as

possible, miss, right?

Teacher : Iya, kadang saya kasih video yang menarik semenarik mungkin kita

cari ya tetap saja. (Yes, sometimes I give interesting videos that are as

interesting as possible. We'll look for them anyway).

Researcher : Berati siswa dan siswi belum mampu menerima materi pelajaran

dengan baik ya miss selama daring? (It means that students have not

been able to receive the subject matter properly, miss while online?)

Teacher : Belum, susah untuk kaya kemarin hari senin karena memang untuk

anak TKR itu susah untuk mengikuti pelajaran jadi dari 11 anak yang

berangkat cuman 1 pas pelajaran saya. Jadi saya seperti privat

akhirnya karena yang lain enggak ada kan enggak berangkat. Karena

kalau daring ya itu mereka bangunnya kesiangan lah, yang mereka

alasannya tidak dibangunin lah, ada yang berangkat tapi tidak sampai

lah. (No, it was difficult to be rich yesterday, Monday because it was

difficult for TKR children to take lessons, so of the 11 children who

left, only 1 was in my class. So I was like private in the end because

the others weren't there, I didn't go. Because if it's online, they wake

up late, the reason they don't build it, some leave but don't arrive).
Researcher : Terus bagaimana miss menghadapinya? (Then how do you deal with

it? )

Teacher : Sudah saya wa kenapa ada yang cuman dread aja ada yang enggak

diread sampai sekarang juga ada, sampai diblokir juga akhirnya

panggilan orangtua. Baru panggilan orangtua mereka rajin, memang

harus ada peran serta dengan orangtua juga cumankan kadang

orangtua kerja juga, ada yang single parents biasanya jadi memang

lebih baik luring dari pada daring karena belum maksimal. ( I already

know why some people are just dreading some of them that have not

been read until now, until they were blocked, finally, their parents

called. It's just that their parents are called to be diligent, there must

be participation with parents too, but sometimes parents work too,

some are single parents, so it's usually better offline than online

because it's not optimal).

Researcher : Apa saja miss kelebihan dan kekurangan pembelajaran daring

menurut miss? (What are the advantages and disadvantages of online

learning according to Miss?

Teacher : Untuk kelebihannya sendiri jujur tidak ada kelebihannya sama sekali,

kekurangannya banyak, permasalahnnya banyak anak jadi malas,

anak jadi mengabaikan pelajaran bukan hanya Bahasa Inggris saja

bahkan sampai kejuruan pun mereka abaikankalau untuk Smk kan

yang paling penting kejuruan saja mereka abaikan apalagi ini Bahasa

Inggris materi seperti ini, mereka mkirnya apa sih Bahasa Inggris
enggak akan di pakai mikirnya gitu ya itu sudah di angan-angan

mereka, jadi untuk mantain otaknya lagi untuk yuk belajar benar-

benar itu susah kalau dikasih tau. (For its own advantages, honestly,

there are no advantages at all, the disadvantages are many, the

problem is that many children become lazy, children ignore lessons,

not only English, even vocational ones, they ignore it if for

Vocational School, the most important thing is that they ignore it,

especially English. material like this, they think that English won't be

used, they think so, it's already in their imagination, so to maintain

their brain again to learn, it's really difficult if you tell them).

Researcher : Apa harapam\n miss sebagai guru Bahasa Inggris terhadap

pembelajaran Daring? (What is your hope as an English teacher for

online learning?)

Teacher : Harapannya covid ini segera berakhir, sudah tidak ada daring lagi kita

bisa luring seperti biasa, anak-anak bisa mendapatkan materi dengan

sebagaimana harusnya dan lebih apa ya agar anak-anak ini lebih

menerima Bahasa Inggris ini dengan baik. (I hope that this covid will

end soon, there is no longer online, we can go offline as usual,

children can get material properly and what can be done so that

these children are more accepting of English).

Researcher : Baik miss mungkin itu saja Interview dengan miss, terimakasih

banyak atas bantuannya dan waktunya. (Okay, miss, maybe that's all.

Interview with miss, thank you very much for your help and time).
School Name : Vocational High School Muhammadiyah 1 Pringsewu

Student Name : Jason Alrarizi class X1 Akuntansi

Day/date of interview : April, 2021

Researcher : Berapa kali dalam seminggu pembelajaran Bahasa inggris?

(How many times a week do you learn English?)

Student : 1 kali pelajaran. (1 lesson)

Researcher : Berapa lama jam pelajaran Bahasa inggris berlangsung? (How

long does the English lesson last?)

Student : Kira-kira 2 jam pelajaran. ( Approximately 2 hours of lessons).

Researcher : Media apa saja yang di gunakan dalam pembelajaran Bahasa

Inggris selama daring? (What media are used in online

learning English?)

Student : Medianya dari yang utama dari buku cetak sendiri, terus

referensi lain smartphone, kamus-kamus dan lain-lainnya. (The

main medium is from the printed book itself, then other

references to smartphones, dictionaries and others).

Researcher : Menggunakan google clasroom juga ya? (Using google

classroom ?

Student : Iya menggunakan. (Yes using).

Researcher : Apakah adik dapat menggunakan perangkat pembelajaran

online dengan baik (laptop, HP, aplikasi belajar)? (Can you use

online learning tools well (laptops, cellphones, learning


Student : Iya . ( Yes).

Researcher : Apakah ada fasilitas yang disediakan oleh sekolah untuk

mendukung proses pembelajaran bahasa Inggris secara daring

selama pandemi? (Are there any facilities provided by the

school to support the online English learning process during

the pandemic?)

Student : Banyak sih kalau fasilitas yang disediakan dari sekolah seperti

kamus, buku paket disediakan juga diperpus, terus bagi yang

kesusahan sinyal mungkin bisa datang ke sekolah. (There are a

lot of facilities provided from schools such as dictionaries,

package books are also provided in the library, so for those

who have trouble signaling, maybe they can come to school).

Researcher : Free wifi ya, bisa digunakan kapanpun? (Free wifi, can it be

used anytime).

Student : Iya bisa digunakan kapanpun asal digunakan untuk belajar,

dapat kuota juga dari sekolah. (Yes, it can be used anytime as

long as it is used for studying, you can also get a quota from

the school).

Researcher : Dan fasilitas kebutuhan belajar di rumah saat belajar online

sudah terpenuhi? (And the facilities for studying at home while

studying online have been met?)

Student : Alhamdulilah sudah. (Thank God it's done).

Researcher : Apakah guru menjelaskan materi Bahasa Inggris dengan baik

selama daring? (Does the teacher explain the English material

well while online?)

Student : Iya bisa dibilang baik sih, cukup baik. (Yes, you can say it's

good, quite good).

Researcher : Materi yang diberikan guru mudah diterima? (The material

given by the teacher is easy to accept?)

Student : Iya mudah diterima. (Yes, it is easy to accept).

Researcher : Apakah pembelajaran daring membuat adik semakin

termotivasi dan menjadi semangat belajar?(Does online

learning make you more motivated and enthusiastic about


Student : Menurut saya sih lebih baik belajar luring dari pada belajar

daring, kalau daring itu kaya ada yang kurang gitu, susah

mencerna pelajarannya. (I think it's better to study offline than

study online, if it's online, there's something lacking, it's hard

to digest the lesson.

Researcher : Jadi kalau kamu tidak maksud dengan pembelajaran Bahasa

Inggris itu langsung ditanyakan sama guru atau tidak? (So, if

you don't mean learning English, then ask the teacher directly

or not?)

Students : Iya langsung ditanyakan, nanti dijawabnya pas luring. (Yes,

they were asked immediately, they will be answered when they

are offline).

Researcher : Apakah kamu rajin mengerjakan tugas Bahasa Inggris yang

diberikan oleh guru melalui daring selama pandemi? (Are you

diligent in doing the English assignments given by the teacher

online during the pandemic?)

Student : Oya terkadang langsung saya kerjakan, terkadang kalau masih

ada tugas yang harus dikumpulkan pada saat itu mengerjakan

tugas yang lain. (Well, sometimes I do it right away, sometimes

if there is still a task that must be collected at that time I do

another task).

Researcher : Tapi tugas-tugasnya selalu kamu kerjakan, walaupun

ngumpulnya nanti agak telat? (But you always do the

assignments, even though the collection will be a bit late?)

Student : Iya selalu dikerjakan, walaupun agak telat. (It's always done,

even though it's a bit late).

Researcher : Apakah pembelajaran online membuat kamu mudah

memahami materi pelajaran? (Does online learning make it

easy for you to understand the subject matter?)

Student : Agak susah sih kalau daring, kalau di daring itu guru hanya

menjelaskan dan tidak tahu kalau siswanya paham atau tidak,

setaunya guru semuanya paham. (It's a bit difficult going

online, when online the teacher only explains and doesn't know

if the students understand or not, I think all teachers


Researcher : Kalau tidak paham kenapa tidak ditanyakan? (If you don't

understand why don't you ask?)

Student : Iya ditanyakan, tapikan tidak langsung bisa mendapatkan

jawabannya, dijawabnya pas luring. (Yes, it was asked, but I

couldn't get the answer right away, it was answered offline).

Researcher : Apakah pembelajaran online membuat kamu cepat bosan?

(Does online learning make you bored quickly?)

Student : Terkadang sih bosan. (Sometimes I'm bored).

Researcher : Apa kesulitan yang kamu hadapi selama pembelajaran daring?

(What are the difficulties you face during online learning?)

Student : Kalau kesulitan sih enggak ada ya, paling terkendala pada

jaringan sinyal. untuk mengirim tugasnya agak lama ya. (If

there is no problem, yes, the most constraint is the signal

network. It's taking a long time to send the assignment).

Researcher : Baik kalau begitu, terimakasih banyak jason atas bantuannya.

(Okay then, thanks a lot Jason for the help).

Students : Iya kak sama-sama. (you're welcome).

School Name : Vocational High School KH.Ghalib Pringsewu

Headmaster’s Name : Mr. Lengga Pradita, S.Pd.

Day/date of interview : April, 2021

Researcher : Bagaimana pak proses pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris yang dilakukan

secara daring selama pandemi covid-19? (How is the process of

learning English done online during the covid-19 pandemic?)

Teacher : Untuk Bahasa Inggris memang dari SMK Ghalib itu semua mata

pelajaran sebenarnya, tapi untuk Bahasa Inggris menggunakan Google

clasroom dan kalau untuk kelas 12 sendiri atau kelas 11 saya masukan

beberapa soal listening, biar mereka ketika nanti menghadapi ujian

nasional, walaupun tahun in tidak ada sudah siap gitu. (For English,

indeed from SMK Ghalib, those are all real subjects, but for English, I

use Google classroom and for grade 12 alone or grade 11 I will enter

some listening questions, so that they will face the national exam later,

even though this year there will be none. it's ready. Researcher: Do

you use YouTube too, sir?)

Researcher : Menggunakan yotube juga pak? (Do you use YouTube too, sir?)

Teacher : Youtube iya nanti saya sampaikan di google clasroomnya link youtube

nya. (Youtube, yes, I'll tell you on the Google Classroom, the YouTube


Researcher : Media apa saja yang Bapak gunakan dalam mengajar Bahasa Inggris

selama daring? (What media do you use to teach English online?)

Teacher : Selama daring tetap hanya menggunakan smartphone, android nanti

ngirimn link nya ke youtube, mungkin nanti ke wa grup juga bisa,

semuanya bisa pokoknya kalau saya melayani siswa lah sms, telephon,

wa, telegram semuanyaa bisa. (As long as you are online, you only use

your smartphone, Android will send the link to YouTube, maybe later

on to the wa group you can also, everything is possible, basically if I

serve students, SMS, telephone, wa, telegram are all possible).

Researcher : Bagaimana Struggle bapak dalam mengajar Bahasa Inggris selama

daring? (How is your Struggle in teaching English online?).

Teacher : Strugglenya adalah mungkin bisa langsung menghubungi orang tua

karena beberapa siswa yang tidak aktiv itu benar-benar susah kalau

lewat wa mereka kadang-kadang baca jawabnya iya tapi tetap tidak

absen, tetap tidak mengerjakan tugas jadi mau tidak mau harus

menghubungi nomor orangtua kalau orang tua susah dihubungi dan

tidak bisa dihubungi ya mau gamau langsung visit kerumahnya. (The

struggle is that maybe they can directly contact their parents because

some students who are not active are really difficult if they go through

wa sometimes they read the answer is yes but still not absent, they still

don't do assignments so inevitably have to call their parents' number if

someone old people are difficult to contact and cannot be contacted,

don't want to go directly to their house).

Researcher : Oh jadi bapak punya kontaknya satu-satuya pak? (Oh, so you have the

only contact, sir?)

Teacher : Oh iya harus, yang punya kontak sebenernya perwali kelas, wali kelas

itu siap mendata setiap siswa itu menyerahkan nomer orangtua, jadi

guru mata pelajaran termasuk Bahasa Inggris nanti tinggal tanya sama

wali kelasnya masing-masing yang diajar gitu, nama orangtua atas

nama A berapa nanti dihubungi gitu, kalau memang tidak bisa nanti

home visit sama walikelasnya termasuk sama guru Bknya. (Oh yes,

you must, the person who has contact is actually the homeroom
teacher, the homeroom teacher is ready to record every student who

submits their parent's number, so the teacher of subjects including

English will just have to ask the homeroom teacher of each class who

is being taught, the name of the parent is on behalf of A How many

times will you be contacted, if you can't, then a home visit with the

homeroom teacher, including the Bk teacher).

Researcher : Strategi apa saja yang bapak gunakan dalam mengajar Bahasa Inggris

selama daring? (What strategies do you use in teaching English


Teacher : Kalau strateginya mungkin pancingan-pancingannya kita kalau pas

pandemi karena kita belajar Bahasa Inggris ya tidak ada paksaan terus

materinya yang simpel-simpel aja, mungkin pake vidio yang lebih

banyak sama gambar-gambar karena kalau bentuknya tulisan tugasnya

jangan terlalu banyak juga kalau terlalu banyak mereka malas, karena

menurut mereka bahasa inggris pelajaran yang susah, kalau enggak ada

gambarnya enggak ada videonya mereka malas, terus kalau tugasnya

terlalu banyak mereka gamau ngerjain dan nanti akan continue ke

tugas-tugas berikutnya, tugas pertama saja belum selesai sudah ada

tugas kediua dan seterusnya. (If the strategy might be our provocation

during the pandemic because we are learning English, there is no

compulsion, just keep the material simple, maybe use videos that are

more like pictures because if the writing is in the form of assignments,

don't do too much if it's too much. a lot of them are lazy, because
according to them English is a difficult lesson, if there is no picture,

there is no video they are lazy, then if the task is too much they don't

want to do it and will continue to the next tasks, the first task is not

finished yet there is already a second task etc).

Researcher : Dan untuk menjelaskan materinya pak? (And to explain the material,


Teacher : Untuk materi yang pertama lewat google clasroom dulu tapi saya

cantumkan dengan nomor saya kalau ada yang kurang jelas silahkan

lewat wa grup bertanya secara langsung, nah nanti pas ada luring

untuk mengumpul tugas ke sekolah saya tanya kesulitannya seperti

apa. (For the first material, I went through the Google Classroom first,

but I included my number, if something is not clear, please go through

the wa group and ask directly, now when I go offline to submit

assignments to school, I ask what the difficulties are).

Researcher : Apakah setiap ada tugas pasti selalu mengumpulkan pak? (Do you

always have a task to collect, sir?)

Teacher : Enggak, ada beberapa saja, tertentu misal tugas-tugas yang susah tidak

dikumpulkan, biasanya yang suruh saya buka suruh buat kalimat

karena saya pengenya detail untuk menulis kalimat ya termasuk

penulisannya harus benar kaya huruf kapital, tanda baca itu juga. (No,

there are only a few, certain for example difficult assignments are not

collected, usually those who tell me to open them are ordered to make

sentences because I want the details to write sentences, including the

writing must be in capital letters, punctuation as well).

Researcher : Apakah siswa dan siswi mampu menerima pelajaran Bahasa Inggris

dengan baik selama daring? (Are students able to receive English

lessons well while online?)

Teacher : Kalau menurut saya tergantung dari jurusan sih kalau disini, menurut

saya jurusan tertentu iya menerima dengan baik, untuk jurusan tertentu

yang lain ada yang kurang ya tadi dari absensi pun tugas-tugas banyak

yang mengerjakan, itu tadi strategi nya strugglenya menghubungi

orangtua, menghubungi walikelas dan home visit, gitu. (In my opinion,

it depends on the department, here, I think certain majors accept it

well, for certain other majors there are some that are lacking, yes,

there were a lot of tasks involved in attendance, that was the strategy,

the struggle was to contact parents, contact homeroom teacher and

home visit, that is).

Researcher : Bagaimana cara bapak memantau kegitan belajar daring siswa selama

pandemi ini? (How do you monitor students' online learning activities

during this pandemic?)

Teacher : Iya itu tadi, bekerja sama dengan walikelas tadi harus itu. (Yes, that

was it, working with the homeroom teacher was a must).

Researcher : Apakah ada fasilitas yang disediakan oleh sekolah untuk mendukung

guru dalam mengajar Bahasa Inggris secara daring selama pandemi?

(Are there any facilities provided by schools to support teachers in

teaching English online during the pandemic?

Teacher : Kalau dari sekolah... gini, kalau daring sebenernya guru sukanya untuk

pekerjannya WFO (work from office) jadi kita disediakan ruangan

khusus menggunakan pc satu-satu gurunya dan terjadwal dan ada wifi

khusus, jadi kita daringnya dari office (kantor) jadi kita dimaksimalkan

untuk daringnya disini guru-guru. (If you're from school... like this, if

you're online, actually teachers like WFO (work from office) so we are

provided with a special room using the teacher's PC one by one and

it's scheduled and there's special wifi, so we go online from the office

so we are maximized for online here teachers).

Researcher : Apa saja kelebihan dan kekuangan pembelajaran daring menurut

Bapak? (What are the advantages and disadvantages of online

learning in your opinion?)

Teacher : Kekurangannya dulu, kalau kekurangannya kita tidak bisa tatap muka

jadi pertanyan-pertanyan dari siswa pasti tidak bisa maksimal, guru-

guru juga kalau bertemu kelas 10 juga kita tidak mengenal secara

langsung siswanya seperti apa, karakternya enggak tau, kalau untuk

kelas 11 dan kelas 12 ya kita kurangnya adalah kalau dikelas kita bisa

diskusi, kalau di hp daring diskusinya lewat wa dan kurang maksimal

gitu, siswa menggunakan wa yang voice itu agak malu atau gimana,

tapi kalau mengetik punagak susah pertanyaan-pertanyaan kurang.

Kalau kelebihannya apa ya, sebenarnya kelebihan dari daring ini kalau

bisa dimanfaatkan siswa ya mereka rata-rata sudah mempunyai

smartphone dan itu untuk belajar Bahasa Inggris itu kalau sudah
menggunakan smartphone tanpa guru pun bisa..iya egngak? karena di

youtube banyak, facebook video banyak misal enggak punya kuota

yang banyak ya, facebook video kan pake kuota sosial bisa, google pun

banyak. Makanya sekarang saya terapkan cobalah kalian belajar dulu

jadi K13 banget, kalian belajar dulu dan saya sampaikan materinya dan

kalau ada yang tidak bisa coba kita gali bareng-bareng, jadi sebenarnya

secara tidak langsung daring ini mereka belajar K13 yang

sesungguhnya malah dari hp, ini kelebihannya jadi mereka mau belajar

sendiri dari youtube, dari video dari google gitu yang sebelumnya

enggak, yang sebelumnya mengandalkan guruuntuk belajar padahal

belajar Bahasa Inggris bisa ketemu seminggu sekali gimana pinternya

gitu kan. (The drawback is first, if the drawback is that we can't meet

face to face so the questions from students certainly can't be

maximized, the teachers also when we meet in 10th grade we also

don't know directly what the students are like, don't know the

character, if for 11th grade and In class 12, what we lack is that in

class we can discuss, if on online cellphones the discussion is via wa

and it's not optimal, students use wa whose voice is a bit shy or

something, but if typing is too difficult, the questions are lacking. What

are the advantages, what are the advantages of being online, if

students can use it, on average, they already have a smartphone and

that is to learn English, even if you use a smartphone without a

teacher... yes or no? because there are many on YouTube, there are
many Facebook videos, for example, you don't have a lot of quota,

right, Facebook videos can use social quotas, Google also has lots.

That's why now I'm trying to apply it, you try to learn first so you

really do K13, you study first and I convey the material and if there's

something we can't try to explore together, so actually indirectly

online they learn K13 which is actually from cellphones, this is the

advantage So they want to learn on their own from YouTube, from

videos from Google that didn't work before, previously relying on

teachers to learn even though learning English can meet once a week,

how smart is that, right?)

Researcher : Pertanyaan terakhir pak, apa harapan Bapak sebagai guru Bahasa

Inggris terhadap pembelajaran daring? (The last question, sir, what are

your hopes as an English teacher for online learning?

Teacher : Harapannya ya tercapai tadi K13 nya, bahkan mereka lebih punya

kreatifitas dan inovatif sendiri untuk belajar tanpa menunggu gurunya

menyuruh, paling gurunya...materinya hari ini simple past, mereka

langsung menyari sendiri ketika besok bertenu dikelas sudah bisa

semua, jalurnya berbeda-beda tapi punya inovasi tujuannya satu sama

gitu, hasilnya sama. (I hope that the K13 will be achieved, they will

even have their own creativity and innovation to learn without waiting

for the teacher to tell them, at least the teacher... today's material is

simple past, they will immediately find out by themselves when

tomorrow they can meet in class, everything is different, the path is

different- different but have the same goal of innovation, the result is

the same).

Researcher : Mungkin itu saja pak interview dari saya, terimakasih banyak atas

bantuannya dan waktunya. (Maybe that's all for my interview, thank

you very much for your help and time).

Teacher : Iya sama-sama. (You’re welcome).

School Name : Vocational High School KH.Ghalib Pringsewu

Student Name : Novan Riyan Dinata class XI TKJ-3

Day/date of interview : April, 2021

Researcher : Berapa kali dalam seminggu pembelajaran Bahasa inggris? (How

many times a week do you learn English?

Student : 1 kali pelajaran. (1 lesson).

Researcher : Berapa lama jam pelajaran Bahasa inggris berlangsung? ( How long

does the English lesson last?)

Student : Kurang lebih 3 jam. (Approximately 3 hours).

Researcher : Media apa saja yang di gunakan dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris

selama daring? (What media are used in online learning English?)

Student : WhatsApp, paling lihat youtube, google clasroom. (WhatsApp, most

watch youtube, google classroom).

Researcher : Apakah adik dapat menggunakan perangkat pembelajaran online

dengan baik (laptop, HP, aplikasi belajar)? (Can you use online

learning tools well (laptops, cellphones, learning applications?)

Student : Kalau hp iya. (If the cellphone is yes).

Researcher : Apakah ada fasilitas yang disediakan oleh sekolah untuk

mendukung proses pembelajaran. (Are there any facilities provided

by the school to support the learning process).

Student : Fasilitasnya sih mungkin dari kuotanya ya. (The facilities are

probably from the quota, right).

Researcher : Diberikan wifi juga tidak dari sekolah? (Was it given wifi also not

from school?)

Students : Terkadang iya diberikan. (Sometimes yes it is given).

Researcher : Apakah fasilitas kebutuhan belajar di rumah saat belajar online

sudah terpenuhi? (Are the facilities for studying at home when

studying online have been met?)

Student : Terpenuhi. (Fulfilled).

Researcher : Apakah guru menjelaskan materi Bahasa Inggris dengan baik

selama daring? (Does the teacher explain the English material well

while online?)

Student : Masih kurang sih kak, susah dipahami kalau pembelajaran online

ini. (It's still not enough, Sis, it's hard to understand this online


Researcher : Apakah pembelajaran daring membuat adik semakin termotivasi

dan menjadi semangat belajar? (Does online learning make you

more motivated and enthusiastic about learning?)

Student : Kurang. ( Less ).

Researcher : Apakah adik rajin mengerjakan tugas Bahasa Inggris yang diberikan

oleh guru melalui daring selama pandemi? (Is your sister diligent in

doing the English assignments given by the teacher online during

the pandemic?)

Student : Enggak terlalu. (Not really).

Researcher : Untuk mengumpulkan tugas apakah tepat waktu? (Do you collect

assignments on time?)

Student : Kalau untuk mengumpulkan tugas alhamdulilah tepat. (For

collecting assignments, thank God, it's right).

Researcher : Apakah pembelajaran online membuat adik mudah memahami materi

pelajaran? (What difficulties did you face during online learning?)

Student : Kurang memahami. (Lack of understanding).

Researcher : Apakah pembelajaran online membuat adik cepat bosan? (Does

online learning make you bored quickly?)

Student : Enggak sih, enggak terlalu. (No, not really).

Researcher : Apa kesulitan yang adik hadapi selama pembelajaran daring? (What

difficulties did you face during online learning?)

Student : Kurang memahami materi yang dikasih oleh guru. (Lack of

understanding of the material given by the teacher).

Researcher : Terimakasih banyak atas bantuannya Novan. (Thank you very much

for your hel).

Student : Iya kak sama-sama. (Yes, you're welcome).


Questionnaire Result

Research Permission letter



Interview With Teachers

Interview With Student

Sheet The Thesis Consultation Advisor and Co Advisor

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