10 Classe - Teste

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Name: ________________________________________________no__________

Date: ________________________________ Grade:10th class:____

English test

NOTA: o teste deve ser entregue na secretaria da escola ate as 09 horas da sexta-feira (dia 24 de
Abril de 2020), depois de feito, para avaliação.

Circle the option that best fills in each blank space

1- Dondo is a very big city_____ the province of Sofala.

a)in b)on c)at

2- we _______ students of 7 grade at El Shadai in Manica.
a) are b) is c) am
3- This a picture of________family.
a) My b)we c)table
4- This is my sister. _____ name is Jessica Vontade.
a) She b)her c)he
5- I have one brother. _____name is Fernando Mateus Rackson.
a) I b)she c)his

Vocabulary- Circle the option that best fills each sentence

1- On Saturday night I go_____the 4-He is going to_____ beans on
movies. Saturday.
a) For b) in c) to a) cook c)play d)run
2-She is a very_____ person; she has a 5- What time do you usually
lot of money. ______breakfast?

a) rich b) beautiful c) poor a) Eat b)take c)have

3-We always_____money before we 6-Do you ______ to the radio on
travel. Sundays?

a) Pay b) sell c) change a) Hear b)listen


“O temor do senhor é 0 principio da sabedoria, Mas

os loucos desprezam a sabedoria e o ensino.”
Provérbios 1:7
I. Grammar –choose between A and B the correct ones and circle them.
6- a) They isn’t American. 7- a) What is her name?
b) They aren’t American. b) What is she name?
8- a) I’m not drink alcohol. 9- a) She cans speak English.
b) I don’t drink alcohol. b) She can speak English.

Vocabulary- Match the words/sentences from the box to the appropriate verb

Geography at school Rice and pasta English an expensive car

Violin at night

10- Cook: ___________________________

11- Drive: ___________________________
12- Play: ____________________________
13- Speak: ___________________________
14- Study: __________________________

Reading- Read the about Keyla and her family and answer the questions below.
Hello. I’m Keyla. I’m twelve years old. I’m Mozambican, my house is in Sofala and I
have a very big family. My mother’s name is Zita and my father is mr. Nota. I have two
grandmothers and two grandfathers. I have four uncles and four aunts. I have seven
cousins. My brother’s name is Helton and I have two sisters, their names are Milva and
Sofia. I play to football when I am with my friends at school on Mondays. I like music
and arts.

Now answer questions 7-12 about Keyla and her family.

15-What is her name? ____________________________________________________
16-How old is Keyla? ____________________________________________________
17-Where is Keyla from? _________________________________________________
18-where does Keyla live? ________________________________________________
20- What is the name of Keyla’s mother? ____________________________________

“O temor do senhor é 0 principio da sabedoria, Mas

os loucos desprezam a sabedoria e o ensino.”
Provérbios 1:7
Write two sentences in the future simple.
21- __________________________________________________________________

NOTA: o teste deve ser entregue na secretaria da escola depois de feito para

“O temor do senhor é 0 principio da sabedoria, Mas

os loucos desprezam a sabedoria e o ensino.”
Provérbios 1:7

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