Tarea 7

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+ Bay = 243 b £21) a fict ny) 1. Let flx,y) = a. f(.2) fe. fl2h, 34) e fixy + @) 2. Let g(x,y a g(-1,2) fe. glu, —v) fe glu + 0,0) 3. Let flxsyd = a. f(1.2.3) b. (0,2,—-1) © fen) d. flu, u tut 1) fe floss 2a) 4, Let g(r. 8.1) = re", Find a. 42,0, 3) © gel -L =) ey thst hint b. g(1,In 3,1) dain In Exercises $-\4, find the domain and the range of the function. 5. flyy) ex bay yr +3 Or uy 6 guy) = hoy In Exercises 1-12, show that the limit does not exist Ita Bay ay? 4 im, eno ey) 1 lim tos, 0) Be 2 lim + 00) lim cg, 37 6 lim 2 2 cho + y gash. Va 2xy = 2y im rao ty Deed ay" cos x 8 lim wasn. Be +9 at % lim Wo tim tendo y ey ee Py oy? 40. FOX. 9.2) AL. Let sin flay) = yoy lL ify=0 ifsy 40 fa, Determine all the points where fs continuous FEE b. Plot the graph of f: Does the graph give « visual contr mation of your conclusion in part (ay? 42. Let ——+y itx#0 flssy) = J sin lty itso fa, Determine all the points where fs continuous. b. Plot the graph of f Does the graph give a visual confr- ‘mation of your conclusion in pat (ay? In Exercises 43-48, find MCs, 9) = gLIU%.y)). and determine where h is continuous. O45. faye AA, fix.y) Os, ay + yg) = teos ¢ + sin t ayaa? ty gt = te" 142 1 (x, 9) = 2x yg M6, fix,y) =x 2y + 3,9) = VIF "© satisfies the (67. Show that the function = a8 equation x = + y= Vee tan ae Show that the function « = 20x? cos~ satisfies the equation a yy = oy ax ay 69. Acconding to the ideal gas law, the volume V (in liters) of an ideal gas is related to its pressure P (in pascals) and temperature T (in kelvins) by the formula aD P where kis a constant. Compute aV/aT and aV/aP if 8.314, T= 300, and P = 125, and interpret your results, Refer to Exercise 69, Show that av ar ap ar aP av 71. ‘The total resistance X (in ohms) of three resistors with resistances of Rj, Rz, and Ry ohms connected in parallel is given by the formula 9. gos.) = VE FF 10. ts, y) = Iney ~ 1) IL foo), = VO 12 96.9.2) => 13, f(a, v, ) = tan w + v 608 w @ 4 f= Vv: In Exercises 15-22, find and sketch the domain of the function, yy 18. fly) = V9 VE 6 at = y 18. hx, 9) = Vig 20. his, ») AL. fly. 2 gle, 17. tim 18, lim, x?sin xr + 9) bagi 2 De el) 19. im ~—=—— 20, im =O tapatven ety esta * ite y 21. lim 22. ime sin My ~ a) 6.3)H0.0 gos" = 25) eed 28 tim ins? ay) 2A ime” atta 25. him = Gyo.) pz 3 26, tim eM + Infoos mr ~ 21 In Exercises 27-30, use polar coordinates io find the limit, Hint: If = reas 0 and y = rin 8, then (x,) > (0, 0) ifand only if rao", vty 27. lim 900,047 28, tina 29, lim tan Jim (91 90,0) aM (a? + 7) in +2) By) 30, 51. Use the precise definition of a limit to prove that lim esisto e+ 52, Use the precise definition of a limit o prove that if Tim,» 4a.0) fot.y) = L and ¢ is a constant, then Timms») a.8) FU 9) = es In Exercises 53-58, determine whether the statement is true or file, If it is true, explain why iis true. If is false, give am ‘example to show why ivi false SB. Ilia, yeas flay) = Ly then Tima ya bokag ef) ~ E, where Cis any path leading (ab). $4, If lim, ya, n fly) = L and fis defined at (a, b), then fla,b) = 1 $5. 1 f(x,y) = g(a)h()), where g and hy ate continvous at « and +, respectively, then fis continuous at (a,b). 56. 1 f(1,3) = 4, then Hime, 5) 4,9 Sey) = 4 If fF is continuous at (3, —1) and fG,—D = Tim, aa. S069) = If Fis continuous at (a, b) and g is continuous at fla, b), then lim, 9-40.19 H/C 9) = glfla, b). 2, then ‘a. Compute (4,1), and interpret your result. by Find the rate of change of the temperature at the point (4,4) in the y-direction ~) F=50 [0 7 F Electric Potential A charge @ (in coulombs) located at the oi gin of a three~Jimensional coordinate system produces an electric potential V (in volts) given by kg Vena = Ve where & is a positive constant and a, y, and z are measured in meters, Find the rate of change of the potential at the point P(1, 2,3) in the xlirection 76. Surface Area of a Human ‘The formula

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