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Media Information

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Media Information Literacy 12
Quarter 4, Week 3

Name: __________________________________ Grade/Section:________________

Learning Activity Sheet No. 3 Date Answered: ______________

With the help of this learning activity sheet you will learn to:
 Discuss the implication of media and information to an individual
and the society

Let’s kick it off!

Directions: Analyze and describe the image found below.

Are you taking it?

Directions: TRUE or FALSE. Analyze the following statements. Write T if the

statement is true and F if the statement is false.
________ 1. One of the positives of media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram is that
they provide young adults and teens a sense of acceptance and belonging, especially those
who feel marginalized or alone.
________ 2. Social media outlets provide students with a platform to share their creativity
and their ideas with a neutral audience and get an honest response.
________ 3. Students can use media technology to form study groups.
________ 4. Social media can be a platform to spread social awareness and kindness.
________ 5. While the media are often criticized for their harmful effects, media can also be
a positive avenue for learning and persuasion.

Here’s how it is!

Mass media and other forms of communication technology have an

enormous influence in helping to shape public opinion and underlying
sentiment. Newspapers, TV and radio are all important sources of basic
information about other people and other places and this can itself help to
engender understanding if presented in a fair, even-handed and non-
inflammatory way.

The media is also an important accountability mechanism: it raises

important issues, corruption for example, that might otherwise never be
publicly debated or addressed. The media also has an important role in
stimulating governments to take action on social issues. But the media can
also, in some cases, become an instrument for the dissemination of false
and inflammatory messages and values that do not promote respect or well-
tempered dialogue and discussion. Negative messages can divide
communities and can help perpetuate the stereotypes that nurture violence.

Implications of Media and Information to an Individual and Society

 Improve quality of life

There is no denying the extent of how the media and information age has
drastically improved the lives of people. Communication has been made
easier. Information has become widely accessible. Conducting research
has become more convenient. All these and more are enjoyed by media
literate individuals and prove just how much the quality of life has
improved thanks to media and information.

 Media and information for greater political participation

The media and the government have a long standing relationship in the
fields of public service. While the government serves the people by
leading the nation towards progress, the media serve them by informing
public about subjects they need or they want. Through the media reports
of government activities and issues, the publics are informed of the
political affairs in the country and are further encouraged to take a more
active role in the government

In a democracy, citizens use media as a tool to keep an eye on and see

the news and updates from the government. The media is an important
factor in promoting democracy and also allows politicians to address a
large audience. The media act as a medium of conversation between
people and government. The media not only act as a medium of
conversation but the media also helps the citizens like us to keep an eye
on the government, for example, government’s activities or government’s
mistakes and give us a free space for discussion about the government to
make greater good governance.

Good governance means that processes and institutions produce results

that meet the needs of society while making the best use of resources at
their disposal. All aspects of good governance are facilitated by a strong
and independent media within a society.

Democracy and good governance cannot exist without a free press

because democracy depends on public opinion. Public opinion is viewed
prevalent among the general public. Public opinion plays a special role in
a democratic society because it expands perspective and shares a
different opinion of people and that makes the government respond to the
popular. Role of media in a democracy is very big especially during the
election process in the country. Because media can reach the audience
and people within a short period of time, people can be able to share and
express their opinion anywhere and anytime during the election. At this
time, media becomes an arena for public debate and usually, people are
using social media as a tool to express their thoughts.

 Media and information promoting economic opportunities

The media industry has grown in number on today’s information age

both in content and in the workforce. The open content contribution
nature of the new media has made it possible for ordinary individuals to
offer their materials for consumption often for free, or at times for a cost.
Online content is free but has gained popularity and advertisers will offer
to buy digital ad-space on a web page.

Even YouTube, a free video host, pays video contributors if their videos
get enough views or of their channels have a high subscriber rate. Paid
content, on the other hand, creates direct revenue. Free or not, media
and information gives contributors platform for earning additional

It is true that the influx of media offerings has led to the creation of more
jobs in the media. The convergence of various media platforms has
created hybrid mediums that require experts to run. New jobs like social
media managers or multimedia specialists have been created because of
this growth. Even IT based jobs which were once rarities in the media are
now a necessity. As media and information grow, so does jobs that
require media and information literate individuals, and when jobs grow,
so does the economy. Employment or the lack thereof still persists as an
economic problem in most developing countries like the Philippines. The
media industry in the age of information plays a vital catalyst role to
address that.

 Media and information for improvement of learning environment

Many believe that media and information have made learning easy,
accessible, and inexpensive. While these are true, the improvement in the
learning environment brought by media and information goes beyond
convenience, availability, and cost.

Learning in schools meant understanding –or at least attempting to-

subjects for the sake of passing and getting good grades. One’s education
is given importance because it is pre-requisite to a good job which is then
equated to a good life. Traditional learning environments have caused
people in general to lose appetite for knowledge. Luckily, media and
information have cleansed society’s palate and have reinvented learning
as a whole.

Media does not force feed information to unwilling receivers instead

media has made information sought after. The media also made learning
a choice instead of a necessary evil. After all, no one is commanded
“google” a topic or enrol in a certain online course, people who do so
choose to do it. Since the media is source information and information
age is characterized by the abundance of data, media and information
have been closely linked to the improvement of the learning environment

in the present age. A media and information literate individual take
advantage of this further his or her lifelong learning process.

 Media and Information literate individuals as more cohesive

social units

The concept of unit cohesion stems from a military concept of bond

soldiers have that makes them more effective in working together to
complete a mission. Media and information literate individuals are said to
be more cohesive social units than those who are not.

By keeping them informed as well as connecting them in ways that

weren’t possible before, media and information literates become more
cohesive social units. This creates a bond that does not only have
relational implications but also creates social impacts.

The media is said to have the power to affect social change. While this is
true, it is not the media that does the heavy lifting to create change in
society, it is the individuals in the society who developed a clamoring
need for change because of media. The media may play a hand towards a
holistic development of the society, but without media and information
literate individuals sharing the same goal, development would not occur.

Now do it!

Activity 1. Discuss briefly the impact of media and information on the

 Education
 Politics and Good governance
 Economic opportunities

Ace it!

Activity 2. Write a short essay on the implication(s) of media and

information to yourself as an individual and as a student.



(5) (4) (3) (2) (1)

Media and Information Literacy Teaching Guide by DepEd

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