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Command you for your vision

2. Data measures up
a. Measure up to a standard= match the standard
b. If you do not measure up to his expectation/ standard= you are not good
enough to achieve the standard of expectation
3. Running for office
a. To campaign to be elected to an office (political)
4. Chastise
a. To rebuke/ reprimand/ censure severely (the coach chastised the players for
their mistake)
5. Collateral
a. Any asset or property that a consumer promises to a lender as backup in
exchange for a loan (people put up their homes as collateral in order to raise
the money to invest in the scheme.)
6. In file / column
a. A line of people of things one behind another
7. Through it all
a. Throughout all the difficulties/ through all the circumstances, good or bad
8. Mastermind
a. (n) a person with an outstanding intellect (an eminent musical mastermind)
b. (v) plan or direct an ingenious and complex scheme or enterprise (he was
accused of masterminding a gold-smuggling racket.)
9. Holding her stage
10. Beat the odds
11. Burn yourself out
12. Drop by
13. Composed
14. Stir trouble senselessly
15. Immersed in role playing
16. Danal
17. Hold out
18. Swoop in
19. Out of fine
20. Maintain order
21. Just go with it
22. Hands full with him
23. Light emanated from your face
24. You live up to your reputation
25. Makeshift
26. Goner
27. Crucial intel
28. Person of interest
29. Defector
30. By any chance
31. Neutralised it
32. Goddamnit
33. Toss him
34. Congressman
35. Tactless
36. Scooch over
37. Prudent
38. Flick
39. Animosity
40. Act hastily
41. I’ll do my utmost
42. Asleep
43. Get it working
44. Being pretty can’t cover
45. Fat chance
46. Reap what you sow
47. Ransomware
48. Stop buying a crap
49. Practically a relic
50. Bargain
51. Fess up
52. Dupe
53. Social justice
54. Tattle on
55. Pull this off
56. Chugging
57. Get in my way
58. Charade
59. Catch a sense
60. Tranquilizer
61. Pummeled
62. Remorseful
63. Probation sentence
64. Fond of reading
65. Complexion
66. Decipher
67. Nook and cranny
68. Slack off
69. Omnipotent
70. Tank (v)
71. Scuffle
72. Vital etiquette rule
73. What a spread
74. Noble pursuits to sustain life
75. Art is what we stay alive for
76. Contemplating about…
77. Scientific breakthrough
78. Market forces
79. Enriching
80. Utilitarian/ utility
81. Well-versed

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