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22 Introduction to Plants Unity and Diversity of Life @: What are the five main groups of plants, and how have four ofthese groups adopted to life on land? COCO CONC ‘ane arswex: Plants are green ) { auree anne: Plants are because of chlorophyil, and | | eukaryotes with cell wails they have rots and stems. || made of cellulose and that use ‘hlorophyil in photosynthesis They have adaptations uum ane: Seedles plants) [ saune avr: Seedless plants ‘are plants that donot make || are the green algae and the mosis and ferns and thelr relatives. Some have tubes for transporting food and water. They require water to complete thelr ite cycler. ‘aureus: Flowering plants Ihave flowers with ovaries that develop into fruits that surround, protec, and help isperse the seeds. Some have woody stems and some have smooth, nomwoody stem noe 2 Via» ei by Pantha crn cle AG rd ‘3a 22.1 What Is a Plant? Lesson Objectives Describe what plants need to survive. Describe how the first plants evolved. plan th proces of eration of generations. Lesson Summary ‘Characteristics of Plants > Plants are eukaryotes that have cell walls containing cellulose. Mostly autotrophs, plants use chlorophyll a and b to carry out photosynthesis. > Without moving about, plants get what they need from the environment. + Sunlight gathered by leaves arranged in ways that maximize absorption + Gas exchange: brings in oxygen and catbon dioxide and releases excess oxygen + Water absorbed mostly from the sol and transported internally + Minerals: absozbed along with water from the soil The History and Evolution of Plants Ancestor of ada’ land plants were water dvelrs ilar to todays green algae. Over tine, the demands oflifonlnd favored the evolution of ‘lant more resistant tothe drying rays of the on, more capable of conserving water, and more ( {able of reproducing without we, > ‘The iat land plans were dependent on water and licked leaves and rool >> ive major groupe of plants are lasied based on four important features: + embryo formation + specialized water conducting tisues eds flowers ‘The Plant Life Cycle Thetife yee ofland plants has wo alternating phaser, adiplold {QN) phase and a haploid (N) pate. This shift between haplod and diploids known athe > Sporophiyte: the multicellular diploid phase, a spore-producing plant > Gametophiyte the multicellular haploid phase a gamete-producing plant Characteristics of Plants For Quesons 1-8, write Tre ifthe statement is nue Fthe sotement is false, change the underlined werd or words 0 make the scloment ve. __ True 1, Both gases and moses ae examples of plants, plants __ 2, Green algae ace now considered tobe pratits _Afew 3, Most plants re ether parasites or saprobes. Tre ___ 4, In plants, chlorophyll aand b are located in chloroplasts, len 22.1 Wabosk A+ Coit © by Peanen Ean eo ies Al gh Red ‘342 —tololt__5, Besides oxygen, plants need water and carbon dioxide for Photosynthesis. ——Zive__ 6, Plants require oxygen for clilar respiration. ——ttnlt__7, Land plants evolved with structures that promote water los, 12085, Plants usually take in water and minerals through their aves. The History and Evolution of Plants For Questions 9-12, complete each solement by wring the correc! word or words 9-The ancestors oflnd plants lived in —_water_ 10.The oldest fossils ofland plants are roughly — 425 milion _ years ld, The greatest challenge faced by eal land plants was obtaining tor ly land plants obtained enough water because they gfe close to the ground in 12.arly land pants ob gh water because they gre the ground i places, 13, Describe why biologists now classify green algae as plants Green algae have cell walls and| tl pigments Identical to those of plants also have tive cycles similar to those of plonts. Finally, studles of the yes of green that they are port ofthe plant kingdom. 14, Describe three characteristics of plants that helped them meet the demands of life on land. ‘more resistant to the drying rays of the sun, capable of conserving water, more capable ‘of reproducing without water 15. [dentifythe important features that separate the five major groups of plants by writing, ‘ach correct answer on the corresponding line provided, se B, True water conducting tee ancestor c Seeds 1p, Hower seeds enclosed tn fru lemon 221 + Wack A+ Copyright © by Peron Eon, aaa AlRighs Reseed ‘343 The Plant Life Cycle 16. Whats the shi beeen hpi and loi phases in the seule ye ofa fate ect ae 17. Complete the diagram below by writing the name ofeach phase in a plant’ lifecycle, Ako indicate whether the phase i haploid (N) or diploid (2N), 18. What evolutionary trend is observable inthe relative sies ofthe stages in the life cycles of plans, starting with green algae and ending with sed plants? ‘As plants evolved, the rolatve sizes ofthe two stages in the lifecycle changed. The te stage) got smaller as the: te (liplold stage ‘The only multicellular bodies of are tes. Mosses have @ relat te and smaller Fert have a smell te ond ‘Seed plants have an even smaller gametophyte, which is ‘contained within te tissues eee 19. Would a type of algae that has only chlorophyll abe considered a plant? Explain your ues: No, Plants are organisms that contain both chlorophyll a and b. tenon 72.1 Weck A+ Cope by Panon Ect he ara AURh Reseed 344 22.2 Seedless Plants Lesson Objectives dentify the chaactristis of green alae. Describe the adaptations of bryophytes. Bxpain the importance of vascular tissue. Lesson Summary Green Algae Green algae are mostly aquatic. They ate fund in fesh and saltwater and in some most areas ond. > Most donot contain the specialized tissues found in other plans > Some may not alternate between haploid and diploid stages with every generation, > Green algae frm colonies providing a hint about how multicelulr plants evolved Although most cellsina Volvx colony ae ident, a ew are specalized for reproduction ‘Moses and Other Bryophytes ‘The bryophytes have specialized reproductive organs. >> Bryophytes ae smal because they lack VaSCUAFISU, which is spcilied for conducting water. > Bryophytes display alternation of generations: + Gametophytes produce eggs in arehegonia and sperm in anthetidia. Sperm and cag cells fuse to produce a diploid 2ygote + The 2ygot isthe beginning ofthe sporophyte stage. The sporophyt grows out of the gametophyte and develops along stalk and spore-producingcapsie called a ‘porangium. Here, haploid spores are produced by meiosis. When the capsule opens, the haploid spores are scattered to stat the cyele again, Vascular Plants ‘These plant are also known as tracheophites. > Vascular plants have vascular issues that make it possible to move uids through their bodies against the force of gravity. + acheids are hollow tubelike water-conductng cll with thik cll walls strengthened by lignin. Tracheid ae found in xylem, tissue that carries water upward fom the roots to every part ofa plant. + Phloes iavascula sou that catiesnutticuts wd casbulydrates produced by photosynthesis. > Ina fern life eel, spores grow into haploid gametophytes that produce eggs in archegonia and sperm in antherdia, The dipoid zygote develops into asporophyte Haploid spores will develop on the undersides ofa fern’ fronds, actually the diploid sporophyte stage ofthe if eel, and the cycle continues, anno 22.2 + Wc A Copyright by Parent, es, igh Rear ‘345 Green Algae For Questions 1-7, complete each statement by writing the correct word or words. 1, Algo is the Latin word for seaweed _, 2. Large mats of green algae lived during the Cambrian period, more than S50 milion years ag. 3.Green algae are most aquatic but some livin "!8€ reason land 4, Chlamydomonas an example of single-celled green alga 5. The 200 of green alga ar abl to survive freezing or drying conditions 6, —_Spicoayra is colonial gran alga shaped lke lament. 7. Volos is colonial geen alg tha shows some cell_secilizaton Mosses and Other Bryophytes For Questions 8-14, rile Tue ifthe statement stv. Ifthe stoement is fake, change the Lndeined word or words to make the statement ue —brvophves 8, Mosse and their relatives belong to a group called sporophytes. water 9, The mos lifecycle is igh dependent on fertile sai Tie 10. Bryophytes stay small because they lack true vascular tsue —_Ti¢_11, The gametophyteisthe dominant stage of bryophytes. ser _ 12, Bryophiytes must ive in places where there is standing water frat east part ofthe year because, for fertilization to occur, eggs must swim, —arciegonla_ 13, ‘The egg producing organs of bryophytes are calle antheriia. _Sametophyte 14, When a mos spore germinats, it grows into a sporangium. 15, {UMIAUEWSUSY Label the gametophyte and sporophyte inthe illustration ofa moss plant below. ao 72.2 WabodkA= Capt © by Fern Edson a is AIR rd ‘346 Vascular Plants 16. Whats vascular tissue? Vascular tisue is plant dssue that ix specialized for carrying water and other ‘materials 17.Complete the compare and contrast table fo the two main types of vascular tissue Xylem and Phloem ‘Both contain long cells through which | Xylem carries water and minerals fluids can move. The tubular cells are | absorbed by the roots upward to all the stacked end to end. parts ofthe plant. The tubular cells of 2ylem are reinforced by lignin. Phioem carres solutions of carbohydrates pro: ‘duced by photosynthests and other nutri ents throughout the plant body. 18, What isthe dominant stage inthe lifecycle of ferns? The: e is the dominant stage in ferns. 19, {{EDSIRRTSUZLUNG tabel the parts of fen inthe ilustrations below, Then label each Ancestors of eed plants evolved with many adaptations that allow sted plants to reprodce without open water. These inciue a reproductive proces that takes place in cones or flowers, the transfer a sperm by pollination, and the protection of embryos in seeds. These adaptations coabled pants a survive on dryland, >> ‘The gametophytes of sed plants gow and mature within the sporophye + The aymmosperm are seed plants that bear ther seds directly onthe scales of cones. «The aiglospeemis ae sed plants that bear their seeds in flowers inside a layer of tissue that protects the seed. > In seed plants, the entire male gametophyte is contained ina tiny structure called a «The sperm are produced inside pollen grains and do not have to swim, + Pollen grains are carried to female reproductive structures by wind or animals «The transfer of pollen from the male reproductive structure othe female reproductive structure is called pollination, > After fertilization, the zygote in the seed grows into a tiny lant—the sporophyte embryo. ‘A tough sed coat surcounds and protects the embryo and keeps the contents ofthe seed from drying out. ‘The life Cycle of a Gymnosperm ‘The word gymnosperm means “naked seed” Gymno- sperms include cycads,pinkgoes, and conifers such as pines and fis. > Conifers produce two types of cones: pollen cones that produce the pollen grains and seed cones that produce female gametophytes > Near the base of each sal f the seed cones are two BYE, te structures in which the female gametophytes develop. > Wind carries pollen from pollen cones to new female cones 1» In gymnosperms, the direct transfer of pollen tothe female cone allows fertilization to take place without the need fr open water. >> Ifa pollen grain lands near an ovule, the grain begins to grow a structure called « POE, ‘which allows the pollen to travel without water and which contains two haploid sperm nucle > Once the pollen tube reaches the female gametophyte, one sperm nuceus disintegrates, and the other fertiizes the egg contained within the ametophyte > Fertilization produces zygote which grows into an embryo. The embryo is then encased in aaeed ands ready tobe dispersed an 723 «WerlbskA + Capt by Fear Edin, ilies. Al ih Reseed ‘348 The Importance of Seeds For Questions 14, complele each stotoment by writing the correct word or words. 1. Acoms, pine nuts, and beans are examples of __s#eds 2-Thellving pln within a sed represent ely developmental age he Sparel pac ofthe pat eye 3-In seed formation, frilization docs not req The gametophytes usally develop n reproductive structures known ass _ '5.Complete the Venn diagram by correctly placing terms inthe diagram, Use the terms that follow: cones, fertilization, flowers, pollen grain, pollination, seeds, and seed coats, Gymnosporms Both Angiosporms The Life Cycle of a Gymnosperm For Questions 6-10, write the letter of the correct answer on the line at the left. Hy a lacs pte pa ae ciate ees easieee erie ‘Which i one entire male gametophyte ofa gymnosperm? ‘A.adiplid ell 1B. ahaploid nucleus -apollen cone D.apollen grain lean 22.3 + Whrbock A Copy by Pann Geto no ie Al ih Revered ‘348 '. ‘The structures of gymnosperms in which the female gametophytes develop recalled A. neds. B. ovules . pollen grains D. pole tubes <9, How much time dacs the conifer eycle typically take to complete? A2days 3B. 2 months ©. 2 years D. 2 centuries ). In gymnosperm reproduction, which ofthese takes the place of wate inthe transfer of perm t0 eg? ‘A. haploid ells B. male cones small gametophytes D. pollen tubes Se 11. The dominant phase ofthe lifecycle of seed plants isthe sporophyte, or spore-producing plant. Like all plants, seed plants produce spores. However, the spores are never released from the body ofthe sporophyte. The spores remain inside of the cones of gymnosperms and the flowers of angiosperms, where they develop into the male and female ‘gametophytes. In what ways hs this change inthe plant lifecycle been an evolutionary sadvantage to seed plant as they adapted to life on land? ‘sure svn: Becouse the spores of seed plants are not released, the that from the spores are protected from drying out bythe tissues ofthe This enables seed plants to survive and in environments that have United ‘amounts of water. The ‘do not dry out and cam si: the {ve process without having to walt for an abundance of water forthe transfer of 10 -eggs Additionally since the zygote also remains within structures ofthe sporophyte in ‘and flowers in| the embryo that from it ‘protected from drying out. The embryo and thetesues thot surround and protect it become a seed, which is also able to survive In dey conditions for of time tenon 2.3 «Webs A+ Capri by Peer Edin ear tions. Al igh Rar ‘380 ( 22.4 Flowering Plants Lesson Objectives, ‘Identify the reproductive structures of angiosperms. "dentfy some ofthe ways angiosperms ca be categorize, Lesson Summary Flowers and Fruits Anglosperms reproduce sexually by means of lowers, >> Flowers contain avatle, which surround and protec the sed. Angiosperm means “enclosed seed.” >> lowers are an evolutionary advantage because they attract animals that carry pollen with them as they leave flowers > Alter fertilization, ovaries within lowers develop into fruit that surround, protect, and help disperse the seeds > A fit isa structure containing one or more matured ovaries, > For many years angiosperms were classified according tothe number of seed env + Monet have one seed leaf, + Dicots have two seed leaves, + Scientific lasifcation now places the monocots into a single group and dicots in @ variety of categories. Recent discoveries ae usd to place angiosperms in clades, Five of these clades ae Amborela, water Iles, magnolids, monocots, and eudicots. Angiosperm Diversity Scientific casification reflects evolutionary relationships Fat ers, gardeners, and other people who work wth plants group angiosperms according tothe ‘number oftheir seed leaves, the strength and composition of their stems, and the numberof rowing seasons they live. > Monocots and dicots, grouped according to the number of coyledons they produce, differ in several other characteristics, including: + the distribution of vascular tissue in stems, roots, and leaves + the numberof petals pee lower > Plants are also grouped by the characteristics oftheir stems + Woody plants have stems that are made primarily of cells with tick cell walls that support the plant body. + Herbaceous plants have smooth and nonwoody stems. > Plants are grouped acconding to life span as annual, biennial, or perennials, Anus live ‘one year biennial live two years; and perennials ca live for several years. Flowers and Fruits For Questions 1-4, complte each stotement by writing the corr! word or words 1, Anaiosperms are sed plans that produce flowers and ruts. an 2 Wstbok A+ Capit by Faron Eo nc, ei ila. Al ih Re ‘351 2. Flowering plants ist appeared during the —_CPeaceous Pee 3. The seeds of lowering plants are encased in fut The sucess of angiosperms on land it atuibuted to ther lowers, which trac animal pollinators snd to thee rls which diperse 20008 For Questions 5-6, write the late ofthe corret answer onthe line ot hel A 5, Which plants discovery caused botanists to rearrange the clasfcation ofplants? A Amborsla 1B. Archafructus ©. Gooksonia D. Magnolia 6, Which major group of angiosperms aby fr the largest? A. Anborela 1. Budicots 1. Magnalids D. Monocots Angiosperm Diversity 7. Complete the table about groups of angiosperms. ( Cee ere re Pers Group Number of Other Choractrisis Examples Seed Leaves Monocss | 7 Parallel leaf vein, oral | Corn, wheat, ies, ports often in multiples of 3, | orehids, palms, ‘asculor bundles scattered | grasses throughout stem, fibrous roots Dias r Branched feat veins, floral | Roses, cover, ports often in multiples of 4 | tomatoes, ooks, ‘or, vascular bundles in stem | daisies frranged in ring, taproot ( een 22.4 Welhesk A+ Cap by Foren Eatin ei fo. Al ih Reseed ‘352 For Questions 8-11, match each example wih the hype of plant iis. Each type may be used ‘more than once, Type of Plant Rose sheubs A Herbaceous 3. Oaks B. Woody . Sunflowers 411, Dandelions 12, Grape vines A 13, Petunia 14,Complete the table about plant life spans. Plant Types Based on ie Span ‘Category | Definition Examples ‘Anmuc ——_| Anglosperns that havea ite sp ‘Marigold, petunias, cone year pansies, wheat Benuch | Anpleqperns thet hove fe spam of | Parley ele, roalag tt yoors primrose, foxgloves Feremics | Angiosperms that ire more thon two | Peonies, asparagus, many | years and reproduce many times grasses, palm trees, L honeysuckle, mop tees ‘Apply the Big idea 15. Could the terms woody and herbacous be usd to describe oer types of plants besides angiosperms? Justify your answer. ‘ans sone: Ys. Most gymnosperms ae tres with woody trunks end, therefore, ‘ould be refered to as woody plants, A green algae, b and most fers do ‘ot produce wood and. therefore, could be refered to os herbaceous plants anon 724 Walbook A Coprigh by Femsn Eon, or aie Alig Revd 353 Chapter Vocabulary Review ( Crossword Puzzle Complete the puzzle by entering the term tha motches the description. Aeross Down Sa mostr ts relive 1.eag producing organ of seedless plants 8. plan with wo seed eaves in seeds 2. spore producing stage of plant ie yes 9. euarconductng velar iene Suvatercondoetng vascular tse 1o.siricture in which female gametophyte embryo plan fod suply, and develops protective covering 11.sperm producing organ of sees pants 6, gamete-prodiing tage of the plant fe 12 plant with vaca tet ede 13.spore-producing structure of seedless 7.the transfer of pollen ia 10.eq containing structure of howering pants a s|_ Px] fs R ‘e{e}vjolelalyirle ce} fe | [el fe} [a] [a | [el [ol [el fm | [a el] [e P o| [x w[efole[m] [w] [o fo ¥ 1] [e v r o| [w [al ele[e[o[e[u|m| fr ® in ¥ celelolrla Tyr le wlele [ulm hp 2+ Were A Cepyigh by onan ean ne, rie, A igh ered ‘354 Inthe Chopor Mystery, you eared about caman, who ded 5900 years ago. Mis body isthe edet nally preserved unary ever recovered, Many plot roars ware preserved along wih leamen, very unusal erplat motrle osu that ong, Iceman of the Future? ‘The environmental conditions where Iceman died were unique. The glacial ice he was found in helped to preserve him and many of his belongings fr thousands of yeas before hikers dliscovered him in 1991. Consider what might happen toa climber today who died on a ‘mountaintop and whose body became trapped in ie. The article below is fictional broadcast account ofthe discovery of leeman Iin the year 308, Afternoon Mindeas, January 8, 3008—Hikrs Pk Giacer tee stumbled upon = major anthropological

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