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Review of present tenses @ rage 103 1. Match extracts avg from the recording in Listening with rules 1-7, ‘Hm standing here in Church Avenue Hive a fong way out in the suburbs. Whenever! can, | into the study The trafic into town is getting worse all the time. © Somebody is always pushing. f Asouth-facing room gets lots of sunshine, 9) This month Lm working particularly hard. ange We use the present simple to talk about: 1 a routine or habit 2 apermanent situation 3. something which is always true We use the present continuous to talk about 4 something happening right now a temporary situation a situation that is changing or developing something iritating or surprising, using always Note: verbs which describe states, eg. think, ‘own, have, understand, are normally used in simple tenses, but some can be continuous when they describe something we do, eg. I'm thinking of buying a bike ‘See Grammar reference page 103: stative verbs. © correct the mistakes in these sentences written by exam candidates. 1. I suppose that you are understanding my situation 2. This evening, people are playing music and have fun, 3. I know that you are liking your job, but in my opinion you are working too hard. 4 I wait for your answer to my letter. 5. Nowadays, I'm preferring to go to work by bicycle. 6 Insummer it’s nice to go on boat and having dinner on the lake. 7. Sara, can you hear me? I stand on your let, by the bridge! 3. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets 1. Katie's in, but she moment 2. Scientists believe that sea levels. global warming. 3. My brother Oliver Sundays. 4 My neighbours, ts really annoying. 5. That notebook on the table. (belong) to me. 6 {stay) with my friends this week while my family are away. In every continent on Earth, the sun (set) in the west. Listen! Ellie have) an argument with her boyfriend _ (write) an email to someone at the (se) because of (quite often / go) mountain biking on {always / shout) early in the morning 7 8 Present simple in time clauses © Poge 103 4 Look at these extracts from the recording in Listening, Do all the verbs refer to the future? What tense do we use after time expressions like when? {Hl move back into my place when they finish repainting it on Friday. ‘Next time I want things like that, Ill buy them online instead. Choose the correct option. 1. I get/'ll getsome more milk when | go/'li go shopping tomorrow. 2. | wait / ‘wait hore until you come /'ll come back later on. 3. Assoon as the film ends / will end tonight, I catch /’ll catch the bbus home. 4 I don't/ won't move house before | start "ll start my new job next month 5. By the time you arrive / Il arrive at 8.30, | am /‘Il be ready to go out 6 Italk /'Iltalk to my flatmates tonight once | get /'Il gethome, Complete the sentences about yourself. Then tell your partner. 1. {'llhave a meal as soon as ... 2 Illspend less money the next time 3. I'm going to buy a house when 4 I don't think Ill have children before 5 Iwon't stop studying English until & I think I'll watch TV after crawmar unr 1 [EE 1. Look at photos 1~4. What do you thinka typical day is like {for each person? Think about: * when they do things like having meals ‘© where thay go and how they tra + who they see. what they do to relax how they feel at various times of the day 2 Look at the exam task. Answer these questions, 1 How many people are there? 2 sit one text in sections, or is it several short toxts? 3. What's the topie? You are going to read an article about four people's daly Hives. 4 What must you find? (e.g. Which place ... For questions 1-10, choose from the people (A-D). The people 5 How many questions are there? may be chosen more than once. 6 Canyou use letters A, B, Cand D several times each? | — 3 Look quickly at the text and match parts A-D with photos Which person 1-4, Which person starts working earliest? Who finishes Soretimes sleeps in the early afternoon? aw ae thinks they ought to do more frequent exercise? [iB] | 4 Lookat this Part 7 example question and the underlined words in the text. There are references to this in parts A, ay they have their best ideas late in theic i Band D. Why is B right? Why are A and D wrong? working day? Exampl has to hurry to catch the train to work? a) Which person never has breakfast? B does not ahuays get up at the same time every Quick steps to Reading and Use of English Part 7 ay? - + Look at the instructions, ttle and layout, then read Auickly through the questions. Gistkes working later than they should do? a ‘ Remember that the information you need may not be in eeoneria eke eae believes exercise helps them prepare for the day a] * Be careful with words that only seem to say the same as head? 2 particular question, but in fact mean something quite erent ea is now more relaxod at work? chooses nat to fallow local tradition? a 5 Dothe exam task. Underline the words or sentences that tell you the right answers aq enjoys answering questions from customers? BED owrr 1 neapinc ano use oF eNaiisi [ieee Different lives University student Jake Harris is in his fist year. ‘Assuring | dent oversleep, which can happen, I'm out of bed by 7.45. [here's ime, [have some tea and toga, then set of. | used fo aim forthe 8.25 tain, but | kept missing i so nowadeys | do the uphill walk into town, which wakes me up and enables me to plan what {im going to do in the moming and eflernoon. From rine Ail one i lessons and o group oclivily, wih « quick break of eleven lo grab someting fo keep me going ill lunch, The afternoon is similar to the morning, relly. Alter that | sometimes head for the gym, but not as often as | should, Once | get home | work foro few hours and Ioter — if nol feeling too exhausted ~ | go cut with friends I've met some fascinating people herd! BX) For Assistant Soles Manoger Julia Anderson, each, day begins at 6.30 a.m. wih a quick shower, a few minutes fo get ready, ond then 0 dosh io the sition to catch the 7:15 into Menhatan. By eight clock shes ct her workstaton, need to be there then, befor he solespeople scart arriving. | spend the rest of he morning in meetings ond dealing wih client queries, which for me is one ofthe mest interesting, challenging end worthwhile aspects of the job. Then is out for c quick. = ist 1k ~~ and back to work ct | pm, followed by more of he some up to 5 pm. That's how ings are here: you hove to keep to @ tight schedule. At fis! I found working hece prety sess, but Jim used to # now and it doesnt bother me ‘Website Designer Oliver MeShane works ct home and, unsurprisingly, isa late ser: ‘oling out of bed os he pul ‘ot 9 a.m’ Switching on his laptop, his fist tock is to answer any early-morning emails, and hen he cartes ‘on fom where he ll off he previous evening. | hove @ creative peak, he says, thar when is, and ittokes ime o while to get going again the next day. Whenever Ihe stayed up working very late, | make up for it by hoving 0 20-minute le-down afte lunch. Then, when | woke up, | feel refreshed and ready for onothes long working session, Occosionally | pack my lapiop ond si in a.café for @ while, cthough | can get distacted from werk i un ino someone I know! DD) Anita Ramos is c Tourist Guide who works momings ‘ond evenings. ‘I's just ioo hot to walk around the city in the aliernoon’ she says, ‘0 | spend it at home. I's the custom here to have a sleep after lunch, but | hoven't got time for that. In ony case, lm not ied then because | don' get up pariulatly ealy. When | do, L vwolly skip breclfos, though sometimes Lhave cereal cr something. Then Ws of fo ihe office belore heading downtown to wherever Im meeting he fis! group. | oke four oF five groups out before lunch and I'm supposed to frih oround 2 pom, though hare always seems to be ‘someone in the last group who asks lots of questions, such can be o bir iritating fl end up doing unpaid ‘overtime. It also means | risk missing the 2.15 train home” When you have finished, make sure you have answered all ten questions. Adjectives ending in -ed and -ing 6 Find these words in the text and complete the rules with -ed and -ing. exhausted, fascinating (A) interesting, challenging @B) refreshed, distracted (C) _ tired, irritating (D) 1 We use adjectives with somebody feels about something. 2 Weuse adjectives with ‘te describe the thing fr person which causes the feeling, to describe how ‘Complete these sentences with -ing and -ed adjectives, formed from the verbs in brackets. Then answer the {questions about yourself. 1. Atwhat time of day do you feel mast. 2 What's the most 3 When do you sometimes feel alittle 4 What's the most heard recently? elax)? (amuse) film you've ever (worry? (depress) news item you've 5 When do you feel most (motivate) to study? 6 Are you (terrify of anything, such as spiders orheights? 7 What's the most {astonish) story you've ever heard? 8 What's the most —_ English language? (puzzle) thing about the ‘Compare a typical day in your life with those of the four people in the text. What are the different times in your day like, and how do you feel? Use words from Exercises 6 and 7, READING AND USE OF ENGLISH UNIT 1

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