Lesson Plan

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LESSON PLAN- number 1

TEACHER/STUDENT: Farcaș Cristina-Mihaela

SCHOOL: Școala Gimnazială Buciumi

SUBJECT: English
CLASS: 6th grade
LEVEL: pre-intermediate
DATE: November, 24th 2020
LESSON: You shouldn’t move it!
GRAMMAR: the verbs “will/won’t” for predictions and decisions – Future Simple; the verbs “should/shouldn’t”
for advice
TYPE OF LESSON: Lesson of communication of new knowledge
Skills: read and complete a questionnaire on good manners/ write a Good Date Guide

Interaction: frontal, individual, pair work

Cognitive Objectives: by the end of the lesson the pupils will be able to:

 To talk about injuries

 Make decisions

 Give advice using “should”/”shouldn’t”

Affective Objectives: to create a pleasant atmosphere, in order to be able to work with the pupils properly.
Teaching Techniques:

 Conversation

 Dialogue

 exercise

Methods of Teaching: conversation, explanation, brainstorm, observation, reading.

Teaching Aids: Microsoft Word, textbook, worksheets, G-Suite instruments.

INTERACTION: Teacher – Students, individual work

Stages of Timin Interaction Skills Teacher does Students do Purpose

lesson g
Warm up 10 min T-Ss listening+ The teacher greets the Ss and The Ss answer the To establish
activities: asks them a few ordinary teacher’s questions contact
questions (Who is on duty The Ss read their between T
today?/Who is absent today?/ homework while the and Ss
What day is today?/How are you other classmates pay
today?) attention in order to
The teacher asks them what correct them, if
their homework ; she also share necessary; they tell to
her screen and makes a circle in the teacher the
a Word document and the Ss mistakes to fill the
must make connections related circle.
to it.
Lead- 4min T-Ss listening+ The teacher asks them if they One of the Student ask and
in/Introduction have ever broken or sprained a answers this question; answer
: part of the body. The teacher he/she explains what questions
tells them that they will learn a happened exactly and about the key-
new lesson in which they’ll find the way he/she felt. vocabulary
out about injuries and what to do
in these situations and about a The students listen to
new grammar tense: Future the teacher and pay
Simple. She writes the title on attention to her; they
the Word document. also write the title in
their notebooks from
the document.
Pre-grammar 10 min T-Ss The teacher asks them to open - The students act the to stimulate
stage their books at page 77 and read short text out; one of
Ss’ interest in
Speaking the main text of the lesson; them is Louise,
another is Sandra and the topic
- The teacher helps the children all the other
translate the text and gives them characters.
reading + the new words. - The Ss start
listening - She asks them to work an translating the
exercise on comprehension. passage.
- The Ss read the
questions and answer

Presentation of 20 min T- Ss The teacher writes in the Word The Ss write in their to improve
document the title of the new notebooks. reading and
the grammar
grammar lesson: Future Simple. speaking
structures - She enlarges upon this tense, abilities
explaining its form, use and - They pay attention
reading + giving examples. and write in their to stimulate
listening - The teacher asks the Students notebooks. Ss’ interest in
to work exercise 7 from Practice - The Students work the topic
at page 78, in which they have the exercise in their
to fill in the blanks with the notebooks and then,
proper form of the auxiliary read the sentences
“will” aloud.
- The teacher checks the
exercise given - The Students write
reading + - She also teaches the in their notebooks.
Speaking modals“should/shouldn’t” and - The students work
enlarges upon them, writing all exercise 12 at page 79
the necessary information in the and then check their
Word document. answers at page 121.
- The teacher asks them to work
an exercise on these modals;
they have to choose the best
answer for a few given They work the
situations worksheet.
- The teacher shares on
the screen some
worksheets which the Ss
Writing- will have to work.
Post-grammar 2 min T-Ss listening Teacher invites the Ss to revise Students answer the to facilitate
stage the main aspects of the lesson T questions.
noticing of the
using the digibook.
new grammar

Evaluation: 3 min T-Ss The teacher assures it at the end

of the lesson and make remarks
regarding the students’ activity
during the lesson.
1 min T-Ss The teacher asks the students to The students write To link
write a GOOD DATE GUIDE down the task for the knowledge
Homework for a boy or for a girl. next English lesson.

Complete the sentences using will or going to!

a) Look at those black clouds. It ………………… to rain

b) I ………………….. meet Mary on Saturday at 5 o’clock at the cinema. Would you like to come?

c) “It’s hot in here”. “I …………… open the window”.

d) “I’ve got a headache”. “Oh dear, I ……………….. give you an aspirin”.

e) I ……………………..visit Peru one day, that’s my dreamed holiday.

f) What ……………………. doing on Friday night?

g) I …………………… to a concert. I got the tickets this morning.

h) Probably I …………………. stay at home.

i) I ……………………. study Japanese next year, at least that’s my intention.

j) It …………………………. rain tomorrow according to the weather forecast.

k) Brazil 7 Finland 0 (minute 89) The Brazilians …………………….. win

l) The Brazilians ………………… win the world cup.

m) If I can …………………… go I skiing with them.

n) What ………….. the be like tomorrow?

o) (Reading the newspaper) According to your horoscope you ………… travel a lot next year.

p) I ……………… stay in a 4-star hotel. I booked it this morning.

q) We ………………… have a party on Saturday. I’ve invited all my friends

LESSON PLAN- number 2

TEACHER/STUDENT: Farcaș Cristina-Mihaela

SCHOOL: Școala Gimnazială Buciumi

SUBJECT: English
CLASS: 4th
LEVEL: beginner (young learners (A+))
DATE: December, 7th 2020
LESSON: Module 4, Unit 7, Lesson 7 c - Animal homes
TYPE OF LESSON: Lessons of reinforcement/consolidation of knowledge and of developing skills and abilities
TIMETABLE FIT: Students learnt, the previous two lessons in this unit, about
some wild animals and their habitats, (pupil’s book, pp. 8-
Learning four new wild animal words and their habitats will
be the next step.
MAIN RESOURCES: • Fairyland 4B, Pupil’s Book + Digital Book, Express
Publishing, Uniscan Grup Educational, Jenny Dooley,
Virginia Evans
MAIN LESSON AIMS: By the end of the lesson the students will be able
to: 1. use the new vocabulary correctly;
2. describe people, animals, places, etc. referring
to their characteristics using the superlative
form of the adjectives;
3. read and write correctly some words that
include the letter ”h”.
INTERACTION: Teacher – Students, individual work
TEACHING TECHNIQUES: presentation, demonstration (performing actions, the use of gestures and facial
expressions), choral drill, conversation, dialogue
TEACHING AIDS: worksheets, coursebook, laptop, G-Suite instruments, digital textbook, video lesson, Quizizz

1.2 – desprinderea sensului global al unui mesaj rostit în limbaj standard cu viteză normală ;
1.3-identificarea, extragerea şi înţelegerea informaţiilor specifice dintr-un mesaj audiat, pe teme de interes ;

2.1-exprimarea unor sentimente şi stări de spirit ;

2.3-exprimarea unei opinii/punct de vedere pe un subiect familiar ;

3.3 - extragerea unor informaţii de detaliu dintr-un text citit pentru a îndeplini o sarcină de lucru;

4.2-redactarea unor paragrafe în care să descrie persoane, sentimente şi reacţii

Stages of Timin Interaction Skills Teacher does Students do Purpose

lesson g
Warm up 5 min T-Ss listening+ T greets the Ss Students read their To establish
activities: -checking their homework, homework and contact
revising the most important answer the teacher’s between T and
contents of the previous lesson question Ss
using the pupil’s book and its
digi version.

Lead- 3min T-Ss listening+ T ask her students to look at Students open their ask and
in/Introduction the next lesson on pages 12-13 notebooks answer the answer
: in their book and shares her teacher’s question questions
screen. about the key-
T write the date on his
screen, the title of the
lesson and the number
of the page this lesson
starts on.
T will insist on the two words
that make up the title of the
lesson, i.e. animal and homes.
She will ask her students to
name some animals, either
domestic or wild, that they
know. The next question will
be related to the place they live
in. T will tell her students that
today’s lesson will be about
animals and their homes.
Presentation 20 min T-Ss T will overproject her Students will read
stage / While- Ss the title of the lesson listen to, repeat and
reading stage Speaking – Animal homes - write on their
(Fairyland 4, pp. 12-13) notebooks the new
and also the new vocabulary
vocabulary section.
reading + T will ask Ss to read,
listening listen to, repeat and put
down the new
vocabulary– grassland,
python, rainforest,
camel, desert, whale,
ocean, gorilla, jungle Ss will listen to the
Exercise 1/p. 12, reading + song while reading its
listening, individual work, lyrics in their book.
class work. They will also watch
T will put on her scren a video the video version of
version of this exercise. this exercise. Then, Ss
T will offer the right solutions. will write in their
notebook where those
four animals live.
Their solutions will be
checked by
Practice 16 min T- Ss T will give exercises Exercise 2/p. 12: Ss to improve
stage /Post- form book, and Ss will will make up dialogues reading and
reading stage have to resolve them: using the vocabulary speaking
Exercise 2/p. 12 - T studied in this unit. abilities
will hear the dialogues Exercise 3/p. 13,
reading + and correct the reading + listening. Ss
listening mistakes . will read and complete
Exercise 3/p. 13, the three texts in their
reading + listening notebook first. Then
T will hear the three they will listen to
texts and offer the check their solutions.
solutions. Then she will The next step will be to
put on her screen a see the video. In the
video. After this, she end, the four missing
will write on her screen words will be copieted
the four missing words in ther notebooks
Exercise 5/p. 13 - T Exercise 5/p. 13,
reading + will correct the students listening. Ss will listen,
listening mistakes. say and read the two
sentences that include
one verb and three
nouns that contain the
letter “h”.
Production 2 min T-Ss listening Teacher invites the Ss to revise Students answer the T
stage the main aspects of the lesson questions.
using the vocabulary section of
the digibook.
Evaluation: 5 min T-Ss T will give to the Ss a short Students complete the to reinforce
test on Quizz. short test and sent the the newly
resoults. learned
2 min T-Ss T eacher asks students to do Ss pay attention. To link
ex. exercise 4/p. 13 knowledge


TEACHER/STUDENT: Farcaș Cristina-Mihaela

SCHOOL: Școala Gimnazială Buciumi

Time: 50 min.

Grade: 7th grade

Level: Pre-intermediate

Date: December 8th 2020

Topic: “The United Kingdom”

Type of lesson: Lesson of communication of new knowledge

Teaching aids: video, PC, digital textbook, G-Suite instruments

Skills: Speaking, Listening, Reading, writing.

“England is the paradise of individuality, eccentricity, hobbies and humour”.

~ Spoken Interaction:
 identifying the main ideas of the text;

 -participating in simple oral communication (the teacher or colleagues) on familiar topics;

~ Reading competence:
 reading an unknown text with appropriate stress, fluency and intonation;

 acquiring new words on the topic;

~ Writing competence:
 matching the definitions to words;

- writing short logically structured and coherent texts about activities, people, and events;

 -finding the administrative structure of the UK.;

Methods and techniques:Brainstorming, Visual aids, Conversation, Matching, explanation, dialogue, warm
up activities; brainstorming; creative-work; matching; worksheet; visual aids; scanning; description;

Stages Teacher’s activity Students’activity Time Interactio Skills Methods Purpose

n and
Warm –up T greets the Ss. Ss greet the teacher. T-Ss Speakin Brainstorming; To establish
g contact
“Good morning!” “Good morning!” 2m between T
The teacher asks: What do you Ss brainstorm some facts Visual aids; and Ss
remember about the UK? about the UK and predict the
theme of the lesson.

Lead-in / The teacher presents the pupils Ss comment the quotation. 3m T-Ss Listenin Conversation maintaining
Pre- the quotation written on a g a
reading Power Point presentation and conversation
stage asks them to comment on it Speakin about
“England is the paradise of g England
individuality, eccentricity,
hobbies and humour”


Presentati Teacher presents the new Ss read the words and watch 7m T-Ss Reading Matching; Introducing
on stage / words through visual context the images, and try to give and learning
While- and definitions, also through synonyms and antonyms Make up the new
reading the Power Point presentation. where it is needed. After that sentences; vocabulary
stage (monarch, highland, lowland, they make some sentences words
royal, navigable, rock, area, orally. Matching words with
picturesque, narrow, dense, to their definitions helps Ss
surround, to appoint, to check the comprehension and
crown.) pronunciation of the new

Teacher directs the students to Ss watch the film very 5m T-Ss Listenin Watching a Reading
the screen to continue attentive and try to find the g short video aloud the
watching the Power Point answers. T-Ss text with
While Presentation about Great appropriate
Britain. Before watching the Students answer the fluency,
reading questions and write the
stage video, the teacher gives stress and
students some questions. answers in their notebooks. intonation.
reading Silent reading
~ What does the UK consist Ss read the text by
of? themselves. The teacher 5m
~ What separates Great Britain corrects them only when it’s
from Europe? needed.

~ Where was born W.


~How many people live in

Great Britain?

~What is the capital of the


~ What is the population of


~Who is the head of the state?

~ What are the names of the

famous cities?

Now the teacher asks students

to read the text from their
books: “The United Kingdom”

T-Ss reading

Post- Teacher asks students to find Students find sentences with 6m Reading;
reading in the text ,sentences with new the new words, they read
stage words learned at the beginning and translate them. Translating;
of the lesson.


The teacher presents on the Students scan the text once 6m writing Writing, Identifying
screen some worksheets in again and fulfill the task and the main
Word to complete a short reads the information loudly. ideas of the
passage with missing words text;
from the text they just read.
Teacher listens and corrects Selecting
where it is necessary. from the text

inf-n to
solve a
certain task.

Productio Teacher directs Students to Students try to summarize 10m T-Ss

n watch another presentation today’s lesson.
stage/feed about the places from England speaking
back and asks them to imagine that
they are guides in London, and
they have to present an
excursion around the city.

Homewor Teacher asks students to retell

k the text: “The United
Ss write down the
Kingdom” 1m
Anexa . Images of United Kingdom
Places of London

Let us go sightseeing in London and visit the main places of interest. We’ll start our tour from Trafalgar square, which is the
geographical centre of London. Trafalgar Square is also a historical place. In the middle of it is the famous Nelson Column, which was built in
memory of Admiral Nelson’s victory at Trafalgar. Here is also the National gallery with its collection of works from the British, French, Italian, Dutch
and Spanish schools.

Now we go down Whitehall, and turn to the right to a quit street. This is the famous Downing Street and house 10 is the residence of the Prime
Minister of Great Britain.

And now we are in Westminster. It is the most important part of London. Here you see the Houses of Parliament. It is a beautiful building with
two towers: the Clock Tower with Big Ben and the Victoria Tower with the national flag over it. Opposite the Houses of Parliament is
Westminster Abbey. Many English kings and queens were crowned and are buried there.

Another interesting sight in the West End is Hyde Park. It is the largest of London parks and is famous for its Speaker’ Corner which attracts a lot
of tourists. The West End full of museums, art galleries, the best theatres, cinema, expensive clubs and shops.

Now we take a bus and go to the City, which is a small area but is the business and commercial heart of London. Very few people live there. All
the main banks and offices are situated in the City. In the centre of the City is the Tower of London and St. Paul’s Cathedral. The Tower has a
very long history. It is used to be a fortress, a royal residence, then a prison, and now it is a museum.

A visit to London is full of surprise. If you are in Piccadilly Circus you can meet very strange - looking young people wearing all kinds of fancy
clothes, speaking different languages.

Welcome to England

England is the largest part of the ___________ ___________.

There are three parts in England: _____________________, ___________________, ________________________. They are very ____________________.
The capital of England is _________________.The most important _________________ in England are London, Liverpool, Plymouth…etc. Oxford and
Cambridge are famous for their ___________________. The birthplace of W. Shakespeare is ____________ _______ _________. He is a famous English poet
and _____________.

The longest river is _________________. London is situated on the river _________________.

Welcome to Wales

The capital of Wales is __________________. Wales is a __________________ country of old hard rocks. It is the _________ of song and poetry. It is
well-known for its musical festivals. The symbol of _____________ is the yellow daffodil. Welsh and English are both official _________________. The
__________________ is over 3 million people. Wales is _________ in coal mines and full of ruined ______________.

Welcome to Scotland

Scotland is the land of _________________ and ___________. The capital is _________________. Edinburgh is a cultural ____________. There are a lot of
valleys and _________ in Scotland. The best known _____________ is Loch Ness. The greater part of the country is surrounded by sea. The highest mountain is
______ ____________. Glasgow is an industrial ________ and an important ____________ in the United Kingdom. The symbol of _____________ is the

Welcome to Northern Ireland. Northern Ireland occupies one of the sixth of the territory of the ______________ _____________. The
capital of Northern Ireland is _______________. Ireland is the _____________ of stories. Storytelling is a part of the Irish tradition. The national
______________ is shamrock. The official ______________ is English. Northern Ireland is washed on the north by the ______________ ___________. On the
northeast by the North Channel, on the southeast by the Irish Sea and on the south and west is surrounded by the Republic of Ireland.


1. How many people live in Great Britain?

2. What is the capital of the United Kingdom?
3. What does the U.K. consist of?
4. Who is the head of state?
Where does the queen live?
5. How many islands are in Britain?
6. What are the colors of the flag ?
7. How many people live in England?
8. Who is the head of the government?
9. What are most famous towns in the United Kingdom?
Match the words with their definitions and make up sentences:
Monarch ; Monarchy; Highland; Lowland; Government ; To appoint; To surround; To crown; Picturesque; Royal; Rock; Navigable; Area; Dense; Extreme

- The king or queen who reigns over a country.

- A system of government by a monarch; a country governed by such a system.
- A region of high land, mountains.
- An area of land that is fairly flat and not very high above sea level.
- A group of people governing a country or state.
- To choose someone for a job or position of responsibility.
- To move into position all round sb/ sth; to circle.
- To give royal power to.
- Attractive, interesting, charmful and pretty place.
- A very small distance from one side to another.
- Belonging to a king, a queen or a member of their family.
- A piece of stone sticking out (a ieşi înafară) of the ground or the sea.
- Suitable for ships, boats to sail on.
- A region or part of the world, a country, a city; a particular surface.
- Crowed together in great numbers.
- As far away as possible, esp. from the centre or beginning.

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